# $Id$
#	55_weco.pm
#	Copyright: betateilchen ®
#	e-mail: fhem.development@betateilchen.de
#	Based on an idea from Frank S. in fhem forum.
#	This file is part of fhem.
#	Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#	the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
#	(at your option) any later version.
#	Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#	GNU General Public License for more details.
#	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#	along with fhem.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package main;

use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
use HttpUtils;

# Main routines

sub weco_Initialize($) {
	my ($hash) = @_;

	$hash->{DefFn}			= "weco_Define";
	$hash->{UndefFn}		= "weco_Undef";
	$hash->{AttrList}	=	"disable:1,0 ".
		"wecoInterval:600,1800,3600 wecotest:true,false ".
		"wecohu wecote wecodp wecopr wecopcv wecopcf wecowd wecows wecowsbft wecowg wecopa ".
		"wecopai wecopaest wecouv wecosd wecosc wecovi wecoch wecocm wecocl wecodc wecoww ".

sub weco_Define($$$) {
	my ($hash, $def) = @_;
	my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);

	return "syntax: define <name> weco <stationID> <password>" if(int(@a) != 4 ); 
	my $name = $hash->{NAME};

	$hash->{helper}{stationid}	= $a[2];
	$hash->{helper}{password}		= $a[3];
	$hash->{helper}{softwareid}	= 'fhem';
	$hash->{helper}{url}				= "http://interface.wetterarchiv.de/weather/";

	Log3($name, 4, "weco $name: created");
	readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "defined",1);

	return undef;

sub weco_Undef($$) {
	my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
	return undef;

sub weco_send($) {
	my ($hash, $local) = @_;
	my $name = $hash->{NAME};
	return if IsDisabled($name);

	$local = 0 unless(defined($local));
	my $url = $hash->{helper}{url};
	$url .= "?id=".		$hash->{helper}{stationid};
	$url .= "&pwd=".	$hash->{helper}{password};
	$url .= "&sid=".	$hash->{helper}{softwareid};
	$url .= "&dtutc=".strftime "%Y%m%d%H%M", gmtime;
	$url .= "&dt=".		strftime "%Y%m%d%H%M", localtime;

	$attr{$name}{wecoInterval} = 600 if(AttrVal($name,"wecoInterval",0) < 600);

	my ($data, $d, $r, $o);
	my $a = $attr{$name};
    while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%{$a}) ) {
		next if substr($key,0,4) ne 'weco';
		next if substr($key,4,1) ~~ ["I"];
		$key = substr($key,4,length($key)-4);
		($d, $r, $o) = split(":", $value);
		if(defined($r)) {
			$o     = (defined($o)) ? $o : 0;
			$value = ReadingsVal($d, $r, 0) + $o;
		$data .= "&$key=$value";

	if(defined($data)) {
		readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "data", $data);
		Log3 ($name, 4, "weco $name data sent: $data");
		$url .= $data;
		my $response = GetFileFromURL($url);
		readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "response", $response);
		Log3 ($name, 4, "weco $name server response: $response");
		readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", "active");
	} else {
		CommandDeleteReading(undef, "$name data");
		CommandDeleteReading(undef, "$name response");
		Log3 ($name, 4, "weco $name no data");
		readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", "defined");
		$attr{$name}{wecoInterval} = 60;
	readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);

	InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$attr{$name}{wecoInterval}, "weco_send", $hash, 0) unless($local == 1);



# Documentation 
#	Changelog:
# 2014-04-12 initial release

=item helper
=begin html

<a name="weco"></a>

	<a name="wecodefine"></a>

		<code>define &lt;name&gt; weco &lt;stationId&gt; &lt;password&gt;</code>
		This module provides connection to <a href="http://www.wetter.com">www.wetter.com</a></br>
		to send data from your own weather station.<br/>


	<a name="wecoset"></a>
		- not implemented -<br/>

	<a name="wecoget"></a>
		- not implemented -<br/>

	<a name="wecoattr"></a>
		<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
		<li><b>wecoInterval</b> - Interval (seconds) to send data to www.wetter.com 
				Will be adjusted to 600 if set to a value lower than 600.</li>
		<li><b>wecotest</b> - If set to "true" data will not be stored on server. Used for development and testing.</li>
		<li><b>weco....</b> - Attribute name corresponding to <a href="http://support.wetter.com/attachments/token/titkme05m63xv8e/?name=2013-06-01+-+WeatherReport-API.de.pdf">parameter name from api.</a> 
			Each of this attributes contains information about weather data to be sent in format 
			Example: <code>attr weco wecote outside:temperature</code> will define the attribut wecote and <br/>
			reading "temperature" from device "outside" will be sent to network as paramater "te" (which indicates current temperature)<br/>
			Optional Parameter "offset" will be added to the read value 
			(e.g. sometimes necessary to send dewpoint - use offset 273.15 if needed in Kelvin)

	<b>Generated Readings/Events:</b>
		<li><b>data</b> - data string transmitted to www.wetter.com</li>
		<li><b>response</b> - response string received from server</li>

	<b>Author's notes</b><br/><br/>
		<li>Find complete api description <a href="http://support.wetter.com/attachments/token/titkme05m63xv8e/?name=2013-06-01+-+WeatherReport-API.de.pdf">here</a></li>
		<li>Have fun!</li><br/>


=end html
=begin html_DE

<a name="weco"></a>
Sorry, keine deutsche Dokumentation vorhanden.<br/><br/>
Die englische Doku gibt es hier: <a href='http://fhem.de/commandref.html#weco'>weco</a><br/>
=end html_DE