# Display a CPU temperature log of the form
# 2008-02-29_09:48:30 CPU 39.0 SYS 39.0 CORE 57.0 CPU_FAN 1068 CASE_FAN 0 HD_TEMP 46
# We need a fake FileLog definition: 
# define cpulog FileLog test2/temperature-history cpufake

set terminal png transparent size <SIZE> crop
set output '<OUT>.png'
set xdata time
set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S"
set xlabel " "
set ytics nomirror
set y2tics
set title '<TL>'
set grid xtics y2tics

set ylabel "Temperature in C"

#FileLog 3:CPU:0:
#FileLog 5:SYS:0:
#FileLog 7:CORE:0:
#FileLog 13:HD_TEMP:0:

plot "<IN>" using 1:3 title 'CPU' with lines,\
     "<IN>" using 1:5 title 'SYS' with lines,\
     "<IN>" using 1:7 title 'CORE' with lines,\
     "<IN>" using 1:13 title 'HDTEMP' with lines