#!/usr/bin/perl # Usage: # if called with FHEM/XX.pm, than only this file will be checked # MAXWI # With pre: 1320, without 1020 (content only) # pre { white-space: pre-wrap; } : 900 use strict; use warnings; # $Id$ my $noWarnings = grep $_ eq '-noWarnings', @ARGV; my ($verify) = grep $_ =~ /\.pm$/ , @ARGV; use constant TAGS => qw{ul li code b i u table tr td div h4 h3}; sub generateModuleCommandref($$;$$); my %mods; my %modIdx; my @modDir = ("FHEM"); my @lang = ("EN", "DE"); if(!$verify) { foreach my $modDir (@modDir) { opendir(DH, $modDir) || die "Cant open $modDir: $!\n"; while(my $l = readdir DH) { next if($l !~ m/^\d\d_.*\.pm$/); my $of = $l; $l =~ s/.pm$//; $l =~ s/^[0-9][0-9]_//; $mods{$l} = "$modDir/$of"; $modIdx{$l} = "device"; my $modFh; open($modFh, "$modDir/$of") || die("Cant open $modDir/$l"); while(my $cl = <$modFh>) { if($cl =~ m/^=item\s+(helper|command|device)/) { $modIdx{$l} = $1; last; } } close($modFh); } } if(-f "configDB.pm") { $mods{configDB} = "configDB.pm"; $modIdx{configDB} = "helper"; } } else { # check for syntax only my $modname = $verify; $modname =~ s/^.*[\/\\](?:\d\d_)?(.+).pm$/$1/; $mods{$modname} = $verify; foreach my $lang (@lang) { generateModuleCommandref($modname, $lang); } exit; } sub printList($) { for my $i (sort { "\L$a" cmp "\L$b" } keys %modIdx) { print OUT " <a href=\"#$i\">$i</a> \n" if($modIdx{$i} eq $_[0]); } while(my $l = <IN>) { next if($l =~ m/href=/); print OUT $l; last; } } my $var; sub chkAndGenLangLinks($$$) { my ($l, $lang, $fh) = @_; $var = $1 if($l =~ m/<a name="(.*?)"(.*?)><\/a>/); if($fh && $l =~ m/(.*?)<\/h3>/ && $var) { print $fh "<div class='langLinks'>[".join(" ", map { $_ eq $lang ? $_ : "<a href='commandref".($_ eq "EN" ? "":"_$_").".html#$var'>$_</a>" } @lang) . "]</div>\n"; $var = undef; } } foreach my $lang (@lang) { my $suffix = ($lang eq "EN" ? "" : "_$lang"); my $docIn = "docs/commandref_frame$suffix.html"; my $docOut = "docs/commandref$suffix.html"; open(IN, "$docIn") || die "Cant open $docIn: $!\n"; open(OUT, ">$docOut") || die "Cant open $docOut: $!\n"; if(!$suffix) { # First run: remember commands/helper module my $modType; while(my $l = <IN>) { $modType = "command" if($l =~ m/>FHEM commands</); $modType = "device" if($l =~ m/>Device modules</); $modType = "helper" if($l =~ m/>Helper modules</); $modIdx{$1} = $modType if($modType && $l =~ m/href="#(.*?)">/ && $1 ne "global"); last if($l =~ m/<!-- header end -->/); } seek(IN,0,0); } # Second run: create the file while(my $l = <IN>) { # Header last if($l =~ m/name="perl"/); print OUT $l; chkAndGenLangLinks($l, $lang, \*OUT); printList($1) if($l =~ m/<!-- header:(.*) -->/); } # Copy the doc part from the module foreach my $mod (sort keys %mods) { generateModuleCommandref($mod,$lang, \*OUT); } # Copy the tail print OUT '<a name="perl"></a>',"\n"; $var = "perl"; while(my $l = <IN>) { print OUT $l; chkAndGenLangLinks($l, $lang, \*OUT); } close(OUT); } ############################# # read a module file and check/print the commandref sub generateModuleCommandref($$;$$) { my ($mod, $lang, $fh, $jsFile) = @_; my $fPath = $mods{$mod} ? $mods{$mod} : $mod; my $tag; my $suffix = ($lang eq "EN" ? "" : "_$lang"); my %tagcount= (); map { $tagcount{$_} = 0 } TAGS; my %llwct = (); # Last line with closed tag my $modFh; open($modFh, $fPath) || die("Cant open $fPath:$!\n"); my $skip = 1; my $line = 0; my $docCount = 0; my $hasLink = 0; my $dosMode = 0; while(my $l = <$modFh>) { $line++; $dosMode = 1 if($l =~ m/^=begin html$suffix.*\r/); if($l =~ m/^=begin html$suffix$/) { $l = <$modFh>; # skip one line, to be able to repeat join+split print "*** $lang $mod: nonempty line after =begin html ignored\n" if($l =~ m/^...*$/); $skip = 0; $line++; } elsif($l =~ m/^=end html$suffix$/) { $skip = 1; print $fh "<p>" if($fh); } elsif(!$skip) { print $fh $l if($fh); chkAndGenLangLinks($l, $lang, $fh); $docCount++; $hasLink = ($l =~ m/<a name="$mod"/) if(!$hasLink); foreach $tag (TAGS) { $tagcount{$tag} +=()= ($l =~ /<$tag>/gi); $tagcount{$tag} -=()= ($l =~ /<\/$tag>/gi); if($tagcount{$tag} < 0) { print "*** $lang $fPath: negative tagcount for $tag, line $line\n" if(!$noWarnings); $tagcount{$tag} = 0; } $llwct{$tag} = $line if(!$tagcount{$tag}); } if($l =~ m,INSERT_DOC_FROM: ([^ ]+)/([^ /]+) ,) { my ($dir, $re) = ($1, $2); if(opendir(DH, $dir)) { foreach my $file (grep { m/^$2$/ } readdir(DH)) { generateModuleCommandref("$dir/$file", $lang, $fh, 1); } closedir(DH); } } } } close($modFh); print "*** $lang $fPath: ignoring text due to DOS encoding\n" if($dosMode); # TODO: add doc to each $jsfile print "*** $lang $fPath: No document text found\n" if(!$jsFile && !$suffix && !$docCount && !$dosMode && $fPath !~ m,/99_,); if(!$jsFile && $suffix && !$docCount && !$dosMode) { if($lang eq "DE" && $fh) { print $fh <<EOF; <a name="$mod"></a> <h3>$mod</h3> <ul> Leider keine deutsche Dokumentation vorhanden. Die englische Version gibt es hier: <a href='commandref.html#$mod'>$mod</a><br/> </ul> EOF } } print "*** $lang $fPath: No a-tag with name=\"$mod\" \n" if(!$jsFile && !$suffix && $docCount && !$hasLink && !$noWarnings); foreach $tag (TAGS) { print("*** $lang $fPath: Unbalanced $tag ". "($tagcount{$tag}, last line ok: $llwct{$tag})\n") if($tagcount{$tag} && !$noWarnings); } }