# $Id$ ############################################################################## # # 59_Twilight.pm # Copyright by Sebastian Stuecker # based on Twilight.tcl http://www.homematic-wiki.info/mw/index.php/TCLScript:twilight # e-mail: omega at online dot de # # This file is part of fhem. # # Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with fhem. If not, see . # ############################################################################## package main; use strict; use warnings; use POSIX; use HttpUtils; sub Twilight_calc($$$$$$$); sub Twilight_getWeatherHorizon($); sub Twilight_GetUpdate($); sub Twilight_dayofyear($$$); sub Twilight_my_gmt_offset(); sub Twilight_midnight_seconds(); sub Twilight_dayofyear($$$) { my ($day1,$month,$year)=@_; my @cumul_d_in_m = (0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334,365); my $doy=$cumul_d_in_m[--$month]+$day1; return $doy if $month < 2; return $doy unless $year % 4 == 0; return ++$doy unless $year % 100 == 0; return $doy unless $year % 400 == 0; return ++$doy; } sub Twilight_my_gmt_offset() { # inspired by http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2143528/whats-the-best-way-to-get-the-utc-offset-in-perl # avoid use of any CPAN module and ensure system independent behavior my $t = time; my @a = localtime($t); my @b = gmtime($t); my $hh = $a[2] - $b[2]; my $mm = $a[1] - $b[1]; # in the unlikely event that localtime and gmtime are in different years if ($a[5]*366+$a[4]*31+$a[3] > $b[5]*366+$b[4]*31+$b[3]) { $hh += 24; } elsif ($a[5]*366+$a[4]*31+$a[3] < $b[5]*366+$b[4]*31+$b[3]) { $hh -= 24; } if ($hh < 0 && $mm > 0) { $hh++; $mm = 60-$mm; } return $hh+($mm/60); } ##################################### sub Twilight_Initialize($) { my ($hash) = @_; # Consumer $hash->{DefFn} = "Twilight_Define"; $hash->{UndefFn} = "Twilight_Undef"; $hash->{GetFn} = "Twilight_Get"; $hash->{AttrList}= "loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5 event-on-update-reading ". "event-on-change-reading"; } sub Twilight_Get($@) { my ($hash, @a) = @_; return "argument is missing" if(int(@a) != 2); $hash->{LOCAL} = 1; Twilight_GetUpdate($hash); delete $hash->{LOCAL}; my $reading= $a[1]; my $value; if(defined($hash->{READINGS}{$reading})) { $value= $hash->{READINGS}{$reading}{VAL}; } else { return "no such reading: $reading"; } return "$a[0] $reading => $value"; } sub Twilight_Define($$) { my ($hash, $def) = @_; # define Twilight [indoor_horizon [Weather_Position]] # define MyTwilight Twilight 48.47 11.92 Weather_Position my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def); return "syntax: define Twilight [indoor_horizon [Weather]]" if(int(@a) < 4 && int(@a) > 6); $hash->{STATE} = "0"; my $latitude; my $longitude; my $name = $a[0]; if ($a[2] =~ /^[\+-]*[0-9]*\.*[0-9]*$/ && $a[2] !~ /^[\. ]*$/ ) { $latitude = $a[2]; if($latitude>90){$latitude=90;} if($latitude<-90){$latitude=-90;} }else{return "Argument Latitude is not a valid number";} if ($a[3] =~ /^[\+-]*[0-9]*\.*[0-9]*$/ && $a[3] !~ /^[\. ]*$/ ) { $longitude = $a[3]; if($longitude>180){$longitude=180;} if($longitude<-180){$longitude=-180;} }else{return "Argument Longitude is not a valid number";} my $weather = ""; my $indoor_horizon="4"; if(int(@a)>5) { $weather=$a[5] } if(int(@a)>4) { if ($a[4] =~ /^[\+-]*[0-9]*\.*[0-9]*$/ && $a[4] !~ /^[\. ]*$/ ) { $indoor_horizon = $a[4]; if($indoor_horizon>20){ $indoor_horizon=20;} if($indoor_horizon<0){$indoor_horizon=0;} }else{return "Argument Indoor_Horizon is not a valid number";} } $hash->{LATITUDE} = $latitude; $hash->{LONGITUDE} = $longitude; $hash->{WEATHER} = $weather; $hash->{INDOOR_HORIZON} = $indoor_horizon; Twilight_GetUpdate($hash); return undef; } sub Twilight_Undef($$) { my ($hash, $arg) = @_; RemoveInternalTimer($hash); return undef; } sub Twilight_midnight_seconds() { my @time = localtime(); my $secs = ($time[2] * 3600) + ($time[1] * 60) + $time[0]; return $secs; } sub Twilight_GetUpdate($) { my ($hash) = @_; my @sunrise_set; readingsBeginUpdate($hash); my $latitude = $hash->{LATITUDE}; my $longitude = $hash->{LONGITUDE}; my $horizon = $hash->{HORIZON}; my $now = time(); my $midnight = Twilight_midnight_seconds(); my $midseconds = $now-$midnight; my $year = strftime("%Y",localtime); my $month = strftime("%m",localtime); my $day = strftime("%d",localtime); my $doy = Twilight_dayofyear($day,$month,$year)+(($year%4)/4); $doy+=($doy/365.0)/4.0; my $timezone=Twilight_my_gmt_offset(); my $timediff=-0.171*sin(0.0337*$doy+0.465) - 0.1299*sin(0.01787 * $doy - 0.168); my $declination=0.4095*sin(0.016906*($doy-80.086)); my $twilight_midnight=$now+(0-$timediff-$longitude/15+$timezone)*3600; my $yesterday_offset; if($now<$twilight_midnight){ $yesterday_offset=86400; }else{ $yesterday_offset=0; } Twilight_getWeatherHorizon($hash); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"condition",$hash->{CONDITION}); if($hash->{WEATHER_HORIZON} > (89-$hash->{LATITUDE}+$declination) ){ $hash->{WEATHER_HORIZON} = 89-$hash->{LATITUDE}+$declination; } my @names = ("_astro:-18", "_naut:-12", "_civil:-6", ":0", "_indoor:0", "_weather:0"); for(my $cnt = 0; $cnt < 6; $cnt++) { my ($name, $deg) = split(":", $names[$cnt]); $sunrise_set[$cnt]{SR_NAME} = "sr$name"; $sunrise_set[$cnt]{SS_NAME} = "ss$name"; $sunrise_set[$cnt]{DEGREE} = $deg; } $sunrise_set[4]{DEGREE}=$hash->{INDOOR_HORIZON}; $sunrise_set[5]{DEGREE}=$hash->{WEATHER_HORIZON}; for(my $i=0; $i<6; $i++) { ($sunrise_set[$i]{RISE}, $sunrise_set[$i]{SET})= Twilight_calc($latitude, $longitude, $sunrise_set[$i]{DEGREE}, $declination, $timezone, $midseconds, $timediff); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $sunrise_set[$i]{SR_NAME}, $sunrise_set[$i]{RISE} eq "nan" ? "undefined" : strftime("%H:%M:%S",localtime($sunrise_set[$i]{RISE}))); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $sunrise_set[$i]{SS_NAME}, $sunrise_set[$i]{SET} eq "nan" ? "undefined" : strftime("%H:%M:%S",localtime($sunrise_set[$i]{SET}))); } my $k=0; my $half="RISE"; my $sname="SR_NAME"; my $alarmOffset; for(my $i=0; $i < 12; $i++) { my $nexttime=$sunrise_set[6-abs($i-6)-$k]{$half}; if($nexttime ne "nan" && $nexttime > $now) { readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "light", 6-abs($i-6)); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "nextEvent", $sunrise_set[6-abs($i-6)-$k]{$sname}); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "nextEventTime", strftime("%H:%M:%S",localtime($nexttime))); if($i==5 || $i==6) { # Weather $alarmOffset = ($nexttime-$now)/2; $alarmOffset = 120 if($alarmOffset<120); $alarmOffset = 900 if($alarmOffset>900); } else { $alarmOffset = $nexttime-$now+10; } $hash->{STATE}=$i; last; } if($i == 5){ # Afternoon/evening $k=1; $half="SET"; $sname="SS_NAME"; } } if(!$alarmOffset) { $alarmOffset = 900; readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"light", 0); $hash->{STATE}=0; } if(!$hash->{LOCAL}) { InternalTimer($now+$alarmOffset, "Twilight_GetUpdate", $hash, 0); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"nextUpdate", strftime("%H:%M:%S",localtime($now+$alarmOffset))); } readingsEndUpdate($hash, defined($hash->{LOCAL} ? 0 : 1)); return 1; } sub Twilight_calc($$$$$$$) { my ($latitude, $longitude, $horizon, $declination, $timezone, $midseconds, $timediff) = @_; my $suntime=0; my $sunrise=0; my $sunset=0; eval { $suntime = 12*acos((sin($horizon/57.29578) - sin($latitude/57.29578) * sin($declination)) / (cos($latitude/57.29578)*cos($declination))) / 3.141592 ; $sunrise = $midseconds + (12-$timediff -$suntime -$longitude/15+$timezone) * 3600; $sunset = $midseconds + (12-$timediff +$suntime -$longitude/15+$timezone) * 3600; }; $sunrise = $sunset = "nan" if($@); return $sunrise, $sunset; } sub Twilight_getWeatherHorizon($) { my $hash=shift; my @a_current = (25,25,25,25,20,10,10,10,10,10,10, 7, 7, 7, 5,10,10, 6, 6, 6,10, 6 ,6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0,15,15,15, 9,15, 8, 5,12, 6, 8, 8); # condition codes are described in FHEM wiki and in the documentation of the # yahoo weather API my $location=$hash->{WEATHER}; my $xml = GetFileFromURL("http://weather.yahooapis.com/forecastrss?w=". $location."&u=c",4.0); my $current; if($xml=~/code="(.*)"(\ *)temp/){ if(defined($1)){ $current=$1; }else{ $current=-1; } if(($current>=0) && ($current <=47)) { $hash->{WEATHER_HORIZON}=$a_current[$current]+$hash->{INDOOR_HORIZON}; $hash->{CONDITION}=$current; return 1; } } Log 1, "[TWILIGHT] No Weather location found at yahoo weather ". "for location ID: $location"; $hash->{WEATHER_HORIZON}="0"; $hash->{CONDITION}="-1"; } 1; =pod =begin html


      define <name> Twilight <latitude> <longitude> [<indoor_horizon> [<Weather_Position>]]

      Defines a virtual device for Twilight calculations

      A Twilight device periodically calculates the times of different twilight phases throughout the day. It calculates a virtual "light" element, that gives an indicator about the amount of the current daylight. Besides the location on earth it is influenced by a so called "indoor horizon" (e.g. if there are high buildings, mountains) as well as by weather conditions. Very bad weather conditions lead to a reduced daylight for nearly the whole day. The light calculated spans between 0 and 6, where the values mean the following:

      0 - total night, sun is at least -18 degree below horizon
      1 - astronomical twilight, sun is between -12 and -18 degree below horizon
      2 - nautical twilight, sun is between -6 and -12 degree below horizon
      3 - civil twilight, sun is between 0 and -6 degree below horizon
      4 - indoor twilight, sun is between the indoor_horizon and 0 degree below horizon (not used if indoor_horizon=0)
      5 - weather twilight, sun is between indoor_horizon and a virtual weather horizon (the weather horizon depends on weather conditions (optional)
      6 - maximum daylight

      The parameters latitude and longitude are decimal numbers which give the position on earth for which the twilight states shall be calculated.
      The parameter indoor_horizon gives a virtual horizon higher than 0, that shall be used for calculation of indoor twilight (typical values are between 0 and 6)
      The parameter Weather_Position is the yahoo weather id used for getting the weather condition. Go to http://weather.yahoo.com/ and enter a city or zip code. In the upcoming webpage, the id is a the end of the URL. Example: Munich, Germany -> 676757
            define myTwilight Twilight 49.962529  10.324845 3 676757


      get <name> <reading>

      lightthe current virtual daylight value
      nextEventthe name of the next event
      nextEventTimethe time when the next event will probably happen (durint light phase 5 and 6 this is updated when weather conditions change
      sr_astrotime of astronomical sunrise
      sr_nauttime of nautical sunrise
      sr_civiltime of civil sunrise
      srtime of sunrise
      sr_indoortime of indoor sunrise
      sr_weathertime of weather sunrise
      ss_weathertime of weather sunset
      ss_indoortime of indoor sunset
      sstime of sunset
      ss_civiltime of civil sunset
      ss_nautictime of nautic sunset
      ss_astrotime of astro sunset

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