# $Id$ package main; use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; my $SYSSTAT_hasSysStatistics = 1; my $SYSSTAT_hasSNMP = 1; my %SYSSTAT_diskTypes = ( "." => 'Other', "." => 'Ram', "." => 'VirtualMemory', "." => 'FixedDisk', "." => 'RemovableDisk', "." => 'FloppyDisk', "." => 'CompactDisk', "." => 'RamDisk', "." => 'FlashMemory', "." => 'NetworkDisk', ); sub SYSSTAT_Initialize($) { my ($hash) = @_; eval "use Sys::Statistics::Linux::LoadAVG"; $SYSSTAT_hasSysStatistics = 0 if($@); eval "use Sys::Statistics::Linux::DiskUsage"; $SYSSTAT_hasSysStatistics = 0 if($@); eval "use Net::SNMP"; $SYSSTAT_hasSNMP = 0 if($@); $hash->{DefFn} = "SYSSTAT_Define"; $hash->{UndefFn} = "SYSSTAT_Undefine"; $hash->{GetFn} = "SYSSTAT_Get"; $hash->{AttrFn} = "SYSSTAT_Attr"; $hash->{AttrList} = "disable:1 disabledForIntervals raspberrycpufreq:1 raspberrytemperature:0,1,2 synologytemperature:0,1,2 stat:1 uptime:1,2 ssh_user "; $hash->{AttrList} .= " snmp:1 mibs:textField-long snmpVersion:1,2 snmpCommunity" if( $SYSSTAT_hasSNMP ); $hash->{AttrList} .= " filesystems showpercent"; $hash->{AttrList} .= " useregex:1" if( $SYSSTAT_hasSysStatistics ); $hash->{AttrList} .= " $readingFnAttributes"; } ##################################### sub SYSSTAT_Define($$) { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def); return "Usage: define SYSSTAT [interval [interval_fs [host]]]" if(@a < 2); my $interval = 60; if(int(@a)>=3) { $interval = $a[2]; } if( $interval < 60 ) { $interval = 60; } my $interval_fs = $interval * 60; if(int(@a)>=4) { $interval_fs = $a[3]; } if( $interval_fs < $interval ) { $interval_fs = $interval; } if( $interval_fs == $interval ) { $interval_fs = undef; } my $host = $a[4] if(int(@a)>=5);; delete( $hash->{INTERVAL_FS} ); delete( $hash->{HOST} ); $hash->{"HAS_Sys::Statistics"} = $SYSSTAT_hasSysStatistics; $hash->{"HAS_Net::SNMP"} = $SYSSTAT_hasSNMP; $hash->{STATE} = "Initialized"; $hash->{INTERVAL} = $interval; $hash->{INTERVAL_FS} = $interval_fs if( defined( $interval_fs ) ); $hash->{HOST} = $host if( defined( $host ) ); $hash->{interval_fs} = $interval_fs; SYSSTAT_InitSys( $hash ) if( $SYSSTAT_hasSysStatistics ); SYSSTAT_InitSNMP( $hash ) if( $SYSSTAT_hasSNMP ); RemoveInternalTimer($hash); InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVAL}, "SYSSTAT_GetUpdate", $hash, 0); return undef; } sub SYSSTAT_InitSys($) { my ($hash) = @_; return if( !$SYSSTAT_hasSysStatistics ); if( defined($hash->{HOST}) ) { my $cmd = qx(which ssh); chomp( $cmd ); my $user = AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "ssh_user", undef ); $cmd .= ' '; $cmd .= $user."\@" if( defined($user) ); $cmd .= $hash->{HOST}." df -kP 2>/dev/null"; $hash->{loadavg} = Sys::Statistics::Linux::LoadAVG->new; $hash->{diskusage} = Sys::Statistics::Linux::DiskUsage->new( cmd => { path => '', df => $cmd } ); } else { $hash->{loadavg} = Sys::Statistics::Linux::LoadAVG->new; $hash->{diskusage} = Sys::Statistics::Linux::DiskUsage->new; } } sub SYSSTAT_InitSNMP($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; delete( $hash->{session} ); return if( !$SYSSTAT_hasSNMP ); my $host = "localhost"; my $community = "public"; $host = $hash->{HOST} if( defined($hash->{HOST} ) ); my ( $session, $error ) = Net::SNMP->session( -hostname => $host, -community => AttrVal($name,"snmpCommunity","public"), -port => 161, -version => AttrVal($name,"snmpVersion",1), ); if( $error ) { Log3 $name, 2, "$name: $error"; } elsif ( !defined($session) ) { Log3 $name, 2, "$name: can't connect to host $host"; } else { $session->timeout(3); $hash->{session} = $session; } } sub SYSSTAT_Undefine($$) { my ($hash, $arg) = @_; RemoveInternalTimer($hash); return undef; } sub SYSSTAT_Get($@) { my ($hash, @a) = @_; my $name = $a[0]; return "$name: get needs at least one parameter" if(@a < 2); my $cmd= $a[1]; if($cmd eq "filesystems") { my $ret; if( $hash->{USE_SNMP} && defined($hash->{session}) ) { my $types = SYSSTAT_readOIDs($hash,"."); my $response = SYSSTAT_readOIDs($hash,"."); foreach my $oid ( sort { ($a =~/\.(\d+)$/)[0] <=> ($b =~/\.(\d+)$/)[0]} keys %$response ) { $ret .= "\n" if( $ret ); my $id = ($oid =~/\.(\d+)$/)[0]; $ret .= $id ." <= ". $response->{$oid} ." (". $SYSSTAT_diskTypes{$types->{".$id"}} .")"; } $ret = " => \n$ret" if( $ret ); } elsif(defined($hash->{diskusage})) { my $filesystems = $hash->{diskusage}->get; $ret = " <= "; foreach my $filesystem (keys %$filesystems ) { $ret .= "\n" if( $ret ); $ret .= $filesystem ." <= ". $filesystems->{$filesystem}->{mountpoint}; } } return $ret; } elsif( $cmd eq "update" ) { $hash->{LOCAL} = 1; SYSSTAT_GetUpdate( $hash ); delete $hash->{LOCAL}; return; } return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of update:noArg filesystems:noArg"; } sub SYSSTAT_Attr($$$) { my ($cmd, $name, $attrName, $attrVal) = @_; $attrVal= "" unless defined($attrVal); my $orig = $attrVal; $attrVal = "1" if($attrName eq "snmp"); $attrVal = "1" if($attrName eq "useregex"); $attrVal = "1" if($attrName eq "showpercent"); $attrVal = "1" if($attrName eq "raspberrycpufreq"); my $hash = $defs{$name}; if( $attrName eq "filesystems") { my @filesystems = split(",",$attrVal); @{$hash->{filesystems}} = @filesystems; } elsif( $attrName eq "ssh_user") { $attr{$name}{$attrName} = $attrVal; SYSSTAT_InitSys( $hash ) if( $SYSSTAT_hasSysStatistics ); } elsif( $attrName eq "snmpVersion" && $SYSSTAT_hasSNMP ) { $hash->{$attrName} = $attrVal; SYSSTAT_InitSNMP( $hash ); } elsif( $attrName eq "snmpCommunity" && $SYSSTAT_hasSNMP ) { $hash->{$attrName} = $attrVal; SYSSTAT_InitSNMP( $hash ); } elsif ($attrName eq "snmp" && $SYSSTAT_hasSNMP ) { if( $cmd eq "set" && $attrVal ne "0" ) { $hash->{USE_SNMP} = $attrVal; SYSSTAT_InitSNMP( $hash ); } else { delete $hash->{USE_SNMP}; } } if( $cmd eq "set" ) { if( $orig ne $attrVal ) { $attr{$name}{$attrName} = $attrVal; return $attrName ." set to ". $attrVal; } } return; } sub SYSSTAT_getLoadAVG($); sub SYSSTAT_getPiTemp($); sub SYSSTAT_getUptime($); sub SYSSTAT_GetUpdate($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; if(!$hash->{LOCAL}) { RemoveInternalTimer($hash); InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVAL}, "SYSSTAT_GetUpdate", $hash, 0); return if( IsDisabled($name) > 0 ); } my $load = SYSSTAT_getLoadAVG( $hash ); readingsBeginUpdate($hash); my $state = undef; $state = $load->{state} if( defined($load->{state}) ); $state = $load->{avg_1} . " " . $load->{avg_5} . " " . $load->{avg_15} if( !$state && defined($load->{avg_1}) ); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"state",$state); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"load",$load->{avg_1}); my $do_diskusage = 1; if( defined($hash->{INTERVAL_FS} ) ) { $do_diskusage = 0; $hash->{interval_fs} -= $hash->{INTERVAL}; if( $hash->{interval_fs} <= 0 ) { $do_diskusage = 1; $hash->{interval_fs} += $hash->{INTERVAL_FS}; } } if( $do_diskusage && $#{$hash->{filesystems}} >= 0 ) { if( $hash->{USE_SNMP} && defined($hash->{session}) ) { my $showpercent = AttrVal($name, "showpercent", "") ne ""; my @snmpoids = (); for my $id (@{$hash->{filesystems}}) { push @snmpoids, sprintf( ".", $id ); push @snmpoids, sprintf( ".", $id ) if( !$showpercent ); push @snmpoids, sprintf( ".", $id ); push @snmpoids, sprintf( ".", $id ); } my $response = SYSSTAT_readOIDs($hash,\@snmpoids); if( $response ) { for my $id (@{$hash->{filesystems}}) { my $unit = $response->{sprintf( ".", $id )}; my $free = $response->{sprintf( ".", $id )} - $response->{sprintf( ".", $id )}; if( $showpercent ) { $free = 100 * $response->{sprintf( ".", $id )} / $response->{sprintf( ".", $id )}; $free = sprintf( "%.1f", $free ); } else { $free *= $unit; } my $name = $response->{sprintf( ".", $id )}; if( $name =~ m/^([[:alpha:]]:\\)/ ) { $name = $1; $name =~ s.\\./.g; } else { $name =~ s/ //g; } readingsBulkUpdate($hash,$name,$free); } } } elsif( defined($hash->{diskusage} ) ) { my $usage = $hash->{diskusage}->get; my $type = 'free'; if( AttrVal($name, "showpercent", "") ne "" ) { $type = 'usageper'; } if( AttrVal($name, "useregex", "") eq "" ) { for my $filesystem (@{$hash->{filesystems}}) { my $fs = $usage->{$filesystem}; readingsBulkUpdate($hash,$fs->{mountpoint},$fs->{$type}); } } else { for my $filesystem (@{$hash->{filesystems}}) { foreach my $key (keys %$usage) { if( $key =~ /$filesystem/ ) { my $fs = $usage->{$key}; readingsBulkUpdate($hash,$fs->{mountpoint},$fs->{$type}); } } } } } } if( AttrVal($name, "raspberrytemperature", 0) > 0 ) { my $temp = SYSSTAT_getPiTemp($hash); if( $temp > 0 && $temp < 200 ) { if( AttrVal($name, "raspberrytemperature", 0) eq 2 ) { $temp = sprintf( "%.1f", (3 * ReadingsVal($name,"temperature",$temp) + $temp ) / 4 ); } readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"temperature",$temp); } } elsif( AttrVal($name, "synologytemperature", 0) > 0 ) { my $temp = SYSSTAT_getSynoTemp($hash); if( $temp && $temp > 0 && $temp < 200 ) { if( AttrVal($name, "synologytemperature", 0) eq 2 ) { $temp = sprintf( "%.1f", (3 * ReadingsVal($name,"temperature",$temp) + $temp ) / 4 ); } readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"temperature",$temp); } } if( $hash->{USE_SNMP} && defined($hash->{session}) ) { if( my $mibs = AttrVal($name, "mibs", undef) ) { my @snmpoids; foreach my $entry (split(/[ ,\n]/, $mibs)) { next if( !$entry ); my($mib,undef) = split(':', $entry ); next if( !$mib ); push @snmpoids, $mib; } my $response = SYSSTAT_readOIDs($hash,\@snmpoids); foreach my $entry (split(/[ ,\n]/, $mibs)) { next if( !$entry ); my($mib,$reading) = split(':', $entry ); next if( !$mib ); next if( !$reading ); my $result = $response->{$mib}; readingsBulkUpdate($hash,$reading,$result); } } } if( AttrVal($name, "raspberrycpufreq", 0) > 0 ) { my $freq = SYSSTAT_getPiFreq($hash); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"cpufreq",$freq); } if( AttrVal($name, "stat", 0) > 0 ) { my @percent = SYSSTAT_getStat($hash); if( @percent ) { #my($user,$nice,$system,$idle,$iowait,$irq,$softirq,$steal,$guest,$guest_nice) = @percent; readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"user", $percent[0]); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"system", $percent[2]); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"idle", $percent[3]); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"iowait", $percent[4]); } } if( AttrVal($name, "uptime", 0) > 0 ) { my $uptime = SYSSTAT_getUptime($hash); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"uptime",$uptime); } readingsEndUpdate($hash,defined($hash->{LOCAL} ? 0 : 1)); } sub SYSSTAT_getLoadAVG($ ) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; if( $hash->{USE_SNMP} && defined($hash->{session}) ) { my @snmpoids = ( ".", ".", "." ); my $response = SYSSTAT_readOIDs($hash,\@snmpoids); if( !$response ) { my $response = SYSSTAT_readOIDs($hash,"."); my $avg = ""; my %lavg = (); my $load = 0; foreach my $key (keys %$response) { $avg .= "," if( $avg ne "" ); $avg .= $response->{$key}; $load += $response->{$key} / 100; } $lavg{avg_1} = $load if( $avg ne "" ); $lavg{state} = $avg if( $avg ne "" ); return \%lavg; } my %lavg = (); $lavg{avg_1} = $response->{"."}; $lavg{avg_5} = $response->{"."}; $lavg{avg_15} = $response->{"."}; return \%lavg; } return undef if( !defined($hash->{loadavg}) ); if( defined($hash->{HOST}) ) { no strict; no warnings 'redefine'; local *Sys::Statistics::Linux::LoadAVG::get = sub { my $self = shift; my $class = ref $self; my $file = $self->{files}; my %lavg = (); my $cmd = qx(which ssh); chomp( $cmd ); my $user = AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "ssh_user", undef ); $cmd .= ' '; $cmd .= $user."\@" if( defined($user) ); $cmd .= $hash->{HOST}." cat /proc/loadavg 2>/dev/null"; my $fh; if( open($fh, "$cmd|" ) ) { ( $lavg{avg_1} , $lavg{avg_5} , $lavg{avg_15} ) = (split /\s+/, <$fh>)[0..2]; close($fh); } return \%lavg; }; return $hash->{loadavg}->get; } return $hash->{loadavg}->get; } sub SYSSTAT_readOIDs($$) { my ($hash,$snmpoids) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; return undef if( !defined($hash->{session}) ); my $response; if( ref($snmpoids) eq "ARRAY" ) { $response = $hash->{session}->get_request( @{$snmpoids} ); Log3 $name, 4, "$name: got empty result from snmp query ".$hash->{session}->error() if( !$response ); } else { $response = $hash->{session}->get_next_request($snmpoids); my @snmpoids = (); my @nextid = keys %$response; while ( @nextid && $nextid[0] && $nextid[0] =~ m/^$snmpoids/ ) { push( @snmpoids, $nextid[0] ); $response = $hash->{session}->get_next_request( $nextid[0] ); @nextid = keys %$response; } $response = $hash->{session}->get_request( @snmpoids ); #Log3 $name, 4, "$name: got empty result from snmp query ".$hash->{session}->error() if( !$response ); } return $response; } sub SYSSTAT_readCmd($$$) { my ($hash,$command,$default) = @_; my $value = $default; if( defined($hash->{HOST}) ) { my $cmd = qx(which ssh); chomp( $cmd ); my $user = AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "ssh_user", undef ); $cmd .= ' '; $cmd .= $user."\@" if( defined($user) ); $cmd .= $hash->{HOST}." $command 2>/dev/null"; if( open(my $fh, "$cmd|" ) ) { $value = <$fh>; close($fh); } } else { if( open( my $fh, "$command|" ) ) { $value = <$fh>; close($fh); } } return $value; } sub SYSSTAT_readFile($$$) { my ($hash,$filename,$default) = @_; my $value = $default; if( defined($hash->{HOST}) ) { my $cmd = qx(which ssh); chomp( $cmd ); my $user = AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "ssh_user", undef ); $cmd .= ' '; $cmd .= $user."\@" if( defined($user) ); $cmd .= $hash->{HOST}." cat ". $filename ." 2>/dev/null"; if( open(my $fh, "$cmd|" ) ) { $value = <$fh>; close($fh); } } else { if( open( my $fh, '<', $filename ) ) { $value = <$fh>; close($fh); } } return $value; } sub SYSSTAT_getPiTemp($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $temp = SYSSTAT_readFile($hash,"/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp",-1); return $temp / 1000; } sub SYSSTAT_getSynoTemp($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $temp = -1; if( $hash->{USE_SNMP} && defined($hash->{session}) ) { my @snmpoids = ( "." ); my $response = SYSSTAT_readOIDs($hash,\@snmpoids); $temp = $response->{"."}; } return $temp; } sub SYSSTAT_getPiFreq($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $freq = SYSSTAT_readFile($hash,"/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq",0); return $freq / 1000; } sub SYSSTAT_getUptime($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; if( $hash->{USE_SNMP} && defined($hash->{session}) ) { my @snmpoids = ( "." ); my $response = SYSSTAT_readOIDs($hash,\@snmpoids); my $uptime = $response->{"."}; if( AttrVal($name, "uptime", 0) == 2 ) { if( $uptime && $uptime =~ m/(\d+)\s\D+,\s(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/ ) { my $days = $1?$1:0; my $hours = $2; my $minutes = $3; my $seconds = $4; $uptime = $days * 24; $uptime += $hours; $uptime *= 60; $uptime += $minutes; $uptime *= 60; $uptime += $seconds; } } return $uptime; } my $uptime = SYSSTAT_readFile($hash,"/proc/uptime",""); if($uptime) { $uptime = $1 if ( $uptime && $uptime =~ /^\s*([0-9.]+)\s+([0-9.]+)/ ); if( AttrVal($name, "uptime", 0) != 2 ) { # cut off partial seconds $uptime = int( $uptime ); my $seconds = $uptime % 60; $uptime = int($uptime / 60); my $minutes = $uptime % 60; $uptime = int($uptime / 60); my $hours = $uptime % 24; my $days = int($uptime / 24); $uptime = sprintf( "%d days, %d:%.2d", $days, $hours, $minutes); Log3 $name, 4, "$name: uptime returned :$uptime: via proc-uptime file "; # JVI } # fallback if by any reason parsing /proc/uptime does not work } else { my $uptime = SYSSTAT_readCmd($hash,"uptime",0); ############# match uptime time statement with the different formats seen on linux # examples # 18:52:21 up 26 days, 21:08, 2 users, load average: 0.04, 0.03, 0.05 # 18:52:21 up 26 days, 55 min, 1 user, load average: 0.05, 0.05, 0.05 # 18:52:21 up 55 min, 1 user, load average: 0.05, 0.05, 0.05 # 18:52:21 up 21:08, 1 user, load average: 0.05, 0.05, 0.05 # # complex expression to match only the time parts of the uptime result # $1 is complete up time information of uptime result # $2 is # days part of the uptime # $3 just the # from the "# days"" part or nothing if no days are given # $4 is complete hour/minutes or # min information # $5 is hours part if hours:min are given # $6 is minutes part if hours:min are given # $7 is minutes if # min is given $uptime = $1 if ( $uptime && $uptime =~ m/[[:alpha:]]{2}\s*(((\d*)\s*[[:alnum:]]*,?)?\s+((\d+):(\d+)|(\d+)\s+[[:alpha:]]+in[[:alpha:]]*)),?/ ); $uptime = "0 days, $uptime" if( $uptime && !$2); if( AttrVal($name, "uptime", 0) == 2 ) { my $days = $3?$3:0; my $hours = $5?$5:0; my $minutes = $6?$6:$7; $uptime = $days * 24; $uptime += $hours; $uptime *= 60; $uptime += $minutes; $uptime *= 60; } Log3 $name, 4, "$name: uptime returned :$uptime: via cmdline "; # JVI } return $uptime; } sub SYSSTAT_getStat($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; if( $hash->{USE_SNMP} && defined($hash->{session}) ) { my @snmpoids = ( ".", ".", "." ); my $response = SYSSTAT_readOIDs($hash,\@snmpoids); my @percent = ( $response->{"."}, # user undef, $response->{"."}, # system $response->{"."} ); # idle return @percent; } my $line = SYSSTAT_readFile($hash,"/proc/stat",""); #my($user,$nice,$system,$idle,$iowait,$irq,$softirq,$steal,$guest,$guest_nice) = split( " ", $Line ); my($dummy,@values) = split( " ", $line ); if( !defined($hash->{values}) ) { $hash->{values} = \@values; return undef; } else { my @diff = map { $values[$_] - $hash->{values}->[$_] } 0 .. $#values; $hash->{values} = \@values; my $sum = 0; $sum += $_ for @diff; my @percent = map { int($diff[$_]*1000 / $sum)/10 } 0 .. $#values; return @percent; } } 1; =pod =item device =begin html


    Provides system statistics for the host FHEM runs on or a remote Linux system that is reachable by preconfigured passwordless ssh access.

    • This module needs Sys::Statistics::Linux on Linux.
      It can be installed with 'cpan install Sys::Statistics::Linux'
      or on debian with 'apt-get install libsys-statistics-linux-perl'
    • To monitor a target by snmp Net::SNMP hast to be installed.
    • To plot the load values the following code can be used:
        define sysstatlog FileLog /usr/local/FHEM/var/log/sysstat-%Y-%m.log sysstat
        attr sysstatlog nrarchive 1
        define svg_sysstat SVG sysstatlog:sysstat:CURRENT
        attr wl_sysstat label "Load Min: $data{min1}, Max: $data{max1}, Aktuell: $data{currval1}"
        attr wl_sysstat room System
    • to match the root filesystem (mount point '/') in diskusage plots use '#FileLog 4:/\x3a:0:' or '#FileLog 4:\s..\s:0:' and not '#FileLog 4:/:0:' as the later will match all mount points
    • .
      define <name> SYSSTAT [<interval> [<interval_fs>] [<host>]]

      Defines a SYSSTAT device.

      The load is updated every <interval> seconds. The default and minimum is 60.

      The diskusage is updated every <interval_fs> seconds. The default is <interval>*60 and the minimum is 60. <interval_fs> is only aproximated and works best if <interval_fs> is an integral multiple of <interval>.

      If <host> is given it has to be accessible by ssh without the need for a password. Examples:
        define sysstat SYSSTAT
        define sysstat SYSSTAT 300
        define sysstat SYSSTAT 60 600

    • load
      the 1 minute load average (for windows targets monitored by snmp aproximated value
    • state
      the 1, 5 and 15 minute load averages (or windows targets monitored by snmp the per cpu utilization)
    • user,system,idle,iowait
      respective percentage of systemutilization (linux targets only)
    • <mountpoint>
      free bytes for <mountpoint>

      get <name> <value>

      where value is one of

    • filesystems
      Lists the filesystems that can be monitored.

    • disable
      keep timers running but disable collection of statistics.
    • filesystems
      List of comma separated filesystems (not mountpoints) that should be monitored.
        attr sysstat filesystems /dev/md0,/dev/md2
        attr sysstat filesystems /dev/.*
        attr sysstat filesystems 1,3,5
    • disabledForIntervals HH:MM-HH:MM HH:MM-HH-MM...
    • mibs
      space separated list of <mib>:<reding> pairs that sould be polled.
    • showpercent
      If set the usage is shown in percent. If not set the remaining free space in bytes is shown.
    • snmp
      1 -> use snmp to monitor load, uptime and filesystems (including physical and virtual memory)
    • stat
      1 -> monitor user,system,idle and iowait percentage of system utilization (available only for linux targets)
    • raspberrytemperature
      If set and > 0 the raspberry pi on chip termal sensor is read.
      If set to 2 a geometric average over the last 4 values is created.
    • synologytemperature
      If set and > 0 the main temperaure of a synology diskstation is read. requires snmp.
      If set to 2 a geometric average over the last 4 values is created.
    • raspberrycpufreq
      If set and > 0 the raspberry pi on chip termal sensor is read.
    • uptime
      If set and > 0 the system uptime is read.
      If set to 2 the uptime is displayed in seconds.
    • useregex
      If set the entries of the filesystems list are treated as regex.
    • ssh_user
      The username for ssh remote access.
    • snmpVersion
    • snmpCommunity
    • readingFnAttributes
=end html =begin html_DE


    Das Modul stellt Systemstatistiken für den Rechner, auf dem FHEM läuft bzw. für ein entferntes Linux System, das per vorkonfiguriertem ssh Zugang ohne Passwort erreichbar ist, zur Vefügung.

    • Dieses Modul benötigt Sys::Statistics::Linux für Linux.
      Es kann mit 'cpan install Sys::Statistics::Linux'
      bzw. auf Debian mit 'apt-get install libsys-statistics-linux-perl' installiert werden.
    • Um einen Zielrechner mit snmp zu überwachen, muss Net::SNMP installiert sein.
    • Um die Lastwerte zu plotten, kann der folgende Code verwendet werden:
        define sysstatlog FileLog /usr/local/FHEM/var/log/sysstat-%Y-%m.log sysstat
        attr sysstatlog nrarchive 1
        define svg_sysstat SVG sysstatlog:sysstat:CURRENT
        attr wl_sysstat label "Load Min: $data{min1}, Max: $data{max1}, Aktuell: $data{currval1}"
        attr wl_sysstat room System
    • Um das Wurzel-Dateisystem (Mountpunkt '/') bei Plots der Plattennutzung zu erhalten, sollte dieser Code '#FileLog 4:/\x3a:0:' bzw. '#FileLog 4:\s..\s:0:' und nicht dieser Code '#FileLog 4:/:0:' verwendet werden, da der letztere alle Mountpunkte darstellt.
    • .
      define <name> SYSSTAT [<interval> [<interval_fs>] [<host>]]

      definiert ein SYSSTAT Device.

      Die (Prozessor)last wird alle <interval> Sekunden aktualisiert. Standard bzw. Minimum ist 60.

      Die Plattennutzung wird alle <interval_fs> Sekunden aktualisiert. Standardwert ist <interval>*60 und Minimum ist 60. <interval_fs> wird nur angenähert und funktioniert am Besten, wenn <interval_fs> ein ganzzahliges Vielfaches von <interval> ist.

      Wenn <host> angegeben wird, muss der Zugang per ssh ohne Passwort möglich sein.

        define sysstat SYSSTAT
        define sysstat SYSSTAT 300
        define sysstat SYSSTAT 60 600

    • load
      die durchschnittliche (Prozessor)last der letzten 1 Minute (für Windows Rechner mit snmp angenähertem Wert)
    • state
      die durchschnittliche (Prozessor)last der letzten 1, 5 und 15 Minuten (für Windows Rechner die Nutzung pro CPU via snmp ermittelt)
    • user, system, idle, iowait
      den Prozentsatz der entsprechenden Systemlast (nur für Linux Systeme)
    • <mountpoint>
      Anzahl der freien Bytes für <mountpoint>

      get <name> <value>

      Werte für value sind

    • filesystems
      zeigt die Dateisysteme an, die überwacht werden können.

    • disable
      lässt die Timer weiterlaufen, aber stoppt die Speicherung der Daten.
    • filesystems
      Liste mit Komma getrennten Dateisystemen (nicht Mountpunkten) die überwacht werden sollen.
        attr sysstat filesystems /dev/md0,/dev/md2
        attr sysstat filesystems /dev/.*
        attr sysstat filesystems 1,3,5
    • mibs
      Leerzeichen getrennte Liste aus <mib>:<reding> Paaren die abgefragt werden sollen.
    • showpercent
      Wenn gesetzt, wird die Nutzung in Prozent angegeben. Wenn nicht gesetzt, wird der verfübare Platz in Bytes angezeigt.
    • snmp
      1 -> snmp wird verwendet, um Last, Einschaltzeit und Dateisysteme (inkl. physikalischem und virtuellem Speicher) zu überwachen
    • stat
      1 -> überwacht Prozentsatz der user, system, idle und iowait Last (nur auf Linux Systemen verfügbar)
    • raspberrytemperature
      Wenn gesetzt und > 0 wird der Temperatursensor auf dem Raspberry Pi ausgelesen.
      Wenn Wert 2 ist, wird ein geometrischer Durchschnitt der letzten 4 Werte dargestellt.
    • synologytemperature
      Wenn gesetzt und > 0 wird die Temperatur einer Synology Diskstation ausgelesen (erfordert snmp).
      Wenn Wert 2 ist, wird ein geometrischer Durchschnitt der letzten 4 Werte dargestellt.
    • raspberrycpufreq
      Wenn gesetzt und > 0 wird die Raspberry Pi CPU Frequenz ausgelesen.
    • uptime
      Wenn gesetzt und > 0 wird die Betriebszeit (uptime) des Systems ausgelesen.
      Wenn Wert 2 ist, wird die Betriebszeit (uptime) in Sekunden angezeigt.
    • useregex
      Wenn Wert gesetzt, werden die Einträge der Dateisysteme als regex behandelt.
    • ssh_user
      Der Username für den ssh Zugang auf dem entfernten Rechner.
    • snmpVersion
    • snmpCommunity
    • readingFnAttributes
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