########################################################### # # HomeMatic XMLRPC API Device Provider # Written by Oliver Wagner <owagner@vapor.com> # # V0.5 # ########################################################### # # This module implements the documented XML-RPC based API # of the Homematic system software (currently offered as # part of the CCU1 and of the LAN config adapter software) # # This module operates a http server to receive incoming # xmlrpc event notifications from the HM software. # # Individual devices are then handled by 01_HMDEV.pm # package main; use strict; use warnings; use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday); use RPC::XML::Server; use RPC::XML::Client; use Dumpvalue; my $dumper=new Dumpvalue; $dumper->veryCompact(1); sub HMRPC_Initialize($) { my ($hash) = @_; $hash->{DefFn} = "HMRPC_Define"; $hash->{ShutdownFn} = "HMRPC_Shutdown"; $hash->{ReadFn} = "HMRPC_Read"; $hash->{SetFn} = "HMRPC_Set"; $hash->{GetFn} = "HMRPC_Get"; $hash->{Clients} = ":HMDEV:"; } ##################################### sub HMRPC_Shutdown($) { my ($hash) = @_; # Uninitialize again if($hash->{callbackurl}) { Log(2,"HMRPC unitializing callback ".$hash->{callbackurl}); $hash->{client}->send_request("init",$hash->{callbackurl}); } return undef; } ##################################### sub HMRPC_Define($$) { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def); if(@a != 4) { my $msg = "wrong syntax: define <name> HMRPC remote_host remote_port"; Log 2, $msg; return $msg; } $hash->{serveraddr}=$a[2]; $hash->{serverport}=$a[3]; $hash->{client}=RPC::XML::Client->new("http://$a[2]:$a[3]/"); my $callbackport=5400+$hash->{serverport}; $hash->{server}=RPC::XML::Server->new(port=>$callbackport); if(!ref($hash->{server})) { # Creating the server failed, perhaps because the port was # already in use. Just return the message Log 1,"Can't create HMRPC callback server on port $callbackport. Port in use?"; return $hash->{server}; } $hash->{server}->{fhemdef}=$hash; # Add the XMLRPC methods we do expose $hash->{server}->add_method( {name=>"event",signature=> ["string string string string int","string string string string double","string string string string boolean","string string string string i4"],code=>\&HMRPC_EventCB} ); $hash->{server}->add_method( {name=>"newDevices",signature=>["array string array"],code=>\&HMRPC_NewDevicesCB } ); # # Dummy implementation, always return an empty array # $hash->{server}->add_method( {name=>"listDevices",signature=>["array string"],code=>sub{return RPC::XML::array->new()} } ); $hash->{STATE} = "Initialized"; $hash->{SERVERSOCKET}=$hash->{server}->{__daemon}; $hash->{FD}=$hash->{SERVERSOCKET}->fileno(); $hash->{PORT}=$hash->{server}->{__daemon}->sockport(); # This will also register the callback HMRPC_CheckCallback($hash); $selectlist{"$hash->{serveraddr}.$hash->{serverport}"} = $hash; # # All is well # return 0; } sub HMRPC_CheckCallback($) { my ($hash) = @_; # We recheck the callback every 15 minutes. If we didn't receive anything # inbetween, we re-init just to make sure (CCU reboots etc.) InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+(15*60), "HMRPC_CheckCallback", $hash, 0); if(!$hash->{lastcallbackts}) { HMRPC_RegisterCallback($hash); return; } my $age=int(gettimeofday()-$hash->{lastcallbackts}); if($age>(15*60)) { Log 5,"HMRPC Last callback received more than $age seconds ago, re-init-ing"; HMRPC_RegisterCallback($hash); } } sub HMRPC_RegisterCallback($) { my ($hash) = @_; # # We need to find out our local address. In order to do so, # we establish a dummy connection to the remote xmlrpc server # and then look at the local socket address assigned to us. # my $dummysock=IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr=>$hash->{serveraddr},PeerPort=>$hash->{serverport}); if(!$dummysock) { Log(2,"HMRPC unable to connect to ".$hash->{serveraddr}.":".$hash->{serverport}." ($!), will retry later"); return; } $hash->{callbackurl}="http://".$dummysock->sockhost().":".$hash->{PORT}."/fh"; $dummysock->close(); Log(2, "HMRPC callback listening on $hash->{callbackurl}"); # We need to fork here, as the xmlrpc server will synchronously call us if(!fork()) { $hash->{client}->send_request("init",$hash->{callbackurl},"CB1"); Log(2, "HMRPC callback with URL ".$hash->{callbackurl}." initialized"); exit(0); } } ##################################### # Process device info sub HMRPC_NewDevicesCB($$$) { my ($server, $cb, $a) = @_; my $hash=$server->{fhemdef}; Log(2,"HMRPC received ".scalar(@$a)." device specifications"); # We receive an array of hashes with the device information. We # store those hashes again in a hash, keyed by address, for later # use by the individual devices for my $dev (@$a) { my $addr=$dev->{ADDRESS}; $hash->{devicespecs}{$addr}=$dev; } return RPC::XML::array->new(); } ##################################### sub HMRPC_EventCB($$$$$) { my ($server,$cb,$devid,$attr,$val)=@_; Log(5, "Processing event setting $devid->$attr=$val" ); Dispatch($server->{fhemdef},"HMDEV $devid $attr $val",undef); $server->{fhemdef}->{lastcallbackts}=gettimeofday(); } sub HMRPC_Read($) { my ($hash) = @_; # # Handle an incoming callback # my $conn=$hash->{server}->{__daemon}->accept(); $conn->timeout(20); $hash->{server}->process_request($conn); $conn->close; undef $conn; } ################################ # # sub HMRPC_Set($@) { my ($hash, @a) = @_; #return "invalid set specification @a" if(@a != 4 && @a != 5); my $cmd=$a[1]; if($cmd eq "req") { # Send a raw xmlrpc request and return the result in # text form. This is mainly useful for diagnostics. shift @a; shift @a; my $ret=$hash->{client}->simple_request(@a); # We convert using Dumpvalue. As this only prints, we need # to temporarily redirect STDOUT my $res=""; open(my $temp,"+>",\$res); my $oldout=select($temp); $dumper->dumpValue($ret); close(select($oldout)); return $res; } my $ret; if(@a==5) { my $paramset={$a[3]=>$a[4]}; $ret=$hash->{client}->simple_request("putParamset",$a[1],$a[2],$paramset); } else { $ret=$hash->{client}->simple_request("setValue",$a[1],$a[2],$a[3]); } if($ret) { return $ret->{faultCode}.": ".$ret->{faultString}; } else { return undef; } } ################################ # # sub HMRPC_Get($@) { my ($hash,@a) = @_; return "argument missing, usage is <id> <attribute> @a" if(@a!=3); my $ret=$hash->{client}->simple_request("getValue",$a[1],$a[2]); if(ref($ret)) { return $ret->{faultCode}.": ".$ret->{faultString}; } return $ret; } 1;