#!/usr/bin/perl ################################################################ # # Copyright notice # # (c) 2005-2023 # Copyright: Rudolf Koenig (rudolf dot koenig at fhem dot de) # All rights reserved # # This program free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License V2, which is also # distributed together with this program in the file GPL_V2.txt # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License V2 for more details. # # Homepage: http://fhem.de # # $Id$ use strict; use warnings; use lib '.'; use IO::Socket; use IO::Socket::INET; use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday time); use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number); use POSIX; use File::Copy qw(copy); use Encode; ################################################## # Forward declarations # sub AddDuplicate($$); sub AnalyzeCommand($$;$); sub AnalyzeCommandChain($$;$); sub AnalyzeInput($); sub AnalyzePerlCommand($$;$); sub AssignIoPort($;$); sub AttrVal($$$); sub AttrNum($$$;$); sub Authorized($$$;$); sub Authenticate($$); sub CallFn(@); sub CallInstanceFn(@); sub CheckDuplicate($$@); sub CheckRegexp($$); sub Debug($); sub DoSet(@); sub Dispatch($$;$$); sub DoTrigger($$@); sub EvalSpecials($%); sub Each($$;$); sub FileDelete($); sub FileRead($); sub FileWrite($@); sub FmtDateTime($); sub FmtTime($); sub GetDefAndAttr($;$); sub GetLogLevel(@); sub GetTimeSpec($); sub GetType($;$); sub GlobalAttr($$$$); sub HandleArchiving($;$); sub HandleTimeout(); sub IOWrite($@); sub InternalTimer($$$;$); sub InternalVal($$$); sub InternalNum($$$;$); sub IsDevice($;$); sub IsDisabled($); sub IsDummy($); sub IsIgnored($); sub IsIoDummy($); sub IsWe(;$$); sub LoadModule($;$); sub Log($$); sub Log3($$$); sub OldTimestamp($); sub OldValue($); sub OldReadingsAge($$$); sub OldReadingsNum($$$;$); sub OldReadingsTimestamp($$$); sub OldReadingsVal($$$); sub OpenLogfile($); sub PrintHash($$); sub ReadingsAge($$$); sub ReadingsNum($$$;$); sub ReadingsTimestamp($$$); sub ReadingsVal($$$); sub RefreshAuthList(); sub RemoveInternalTimer($;$); sub ReplaceEventMap($$$); sub ResolveDateWildcards($@); sub SecurityCheck(); sub SemicolonEscape($); sub SignalHandling(); sub TimeNow(); sub Value($); sub WriteStatefile(); sub XmlEscape($); sub addEvent($$;$); sub addToDevAttrList($$;$); sub applyGlobalAttrFromEnv(); sub delFromDevAttrList($$); sub addToAttrList($;$); sub delFromAttrList($); sub addToWritebuffer($$@); sub attrSplit($); sub computeClientArray($$); sub concatc($$$); sub configDBUsed(); sub createNtfyHash(); sub createUniqueId(); sub devspec2array($;$$); sub doGlobalDef($); sub escapeLogLine($); sub evalStateFormat($); sub execFhemTestFile(); sub fhem($@); sub fhemTimeGm($$$$$$); sub fhemTimeLocal($$$$$$); sub fhemTzOffset($); sub getAllAttr($;$$); sub getAllGets($;$); sub getAllSets($;$); sub getPawList($); sub getUniqueId(); sub hashKeyRename($$$); sub json2nameValue($;$$$$); sub json2reading($$;$$$$); sub latin1ToUtf8($); sub myrename($$$); sub notifyRegexpChanged($$;$); sub parseParams($;$$$); sub prepareFhemTestFile(); sub perlSyntaxCheck($%); sub readingsBeginUpdate($); sub readingsBulkUpdate($$$@); sub readingsEndUpdate($$); sub readingsSingleUpdate($$$$;$); sub readingsDelete($$); sub redirectStdinStdErr(); sub rejectDuplicate($$$); sub resolveAttrRename($$); sub restoreDir_init(;$); sub restoreDir_rmTree($); sub restoreDir_saveFile($$); sub restoreDir_mkDir($$$); sub setGlobalAttrBeforeFork($); sub setReadingsVal($$$$); sub setAttrList($$); sub setDevAttrList($;$); sub setDisableNotifyFn($$); sub setNotifyDev($$); sub toJSON($); sub utf8ToLatin1($); sub CommandAttr($$); sub CommandCancel($$); sub CommandDefaultAttr($$); sub CommandDefine($$); sub CommandDefMod($$); sub CommandDelete($$); sub CommandDeleteAttr($$); sub CommandDeleteReading($$); sub CommandDisplayAttr($$); sub CommandGet($$); sub CommandIOWrite($$); sub CommandInclude($$); sub CommandList($$); sub CommandModify($$); sub CommandQuit($$); sub CommandReload($$;$); sub CommandRename($$); sub CommandRereadCfg($$); sub CommandSave($$); sub CommandSet($$); sub CommandSetReading($$); sub CommandSetstate($$); sub CommandSetuuid($$); sub CommandShutdown($$;$$$); sub CommandSleep($$); sub CommandTrigger($$); # configDB special sub cfgDB_Init; sub cfgDB_ReadAll; sub cfgDB_SaveState; sub cfgDB_SaveCfg; sub cfgDB_AttrRead; sub cfgDB_FileRead; sub cfgDB_FileUpdate; sub cfgDB_FileWrite; ################################################## # Variables: # global, to be able to access them from modules #Special values in %modules (used if set): # AttrFn - called for attribute changes # DefFn - define a "device" of this type # DeleteFn - clean up (delete logfile), called by delete after UndefFn # ExceptFn - called if the global select reports an except field # FingerprintFn - convert messages for duplicate detection # GetFn - get some data from this device # NotifyFn - call this if some device changed its properties # ParseFn - Interpret a raw message # ReadFn - Reading from a Device (see FHZ/WS300) # ReadyFn - check for available data, if no FD # RenameFn - inform the device about its renaming # SetFn - set/activate this device # DelayedShutdownFn - used to delay shutdown for some seconds # ShutdownFn-called before shutdown, if DelayedShutdownFn is "over" # StateFn - set local info for this device, do not activate anything # UndefFn - clean up (delete timer, close fd), called by delete and rereadcfg # prioSave - save the definition at the start, for a small SubProcess #Special values in %defs: # TYPE - The name of the module it belongs to # STATE - Oneliner describing its state # NR - its "serial" number # DEF - its definition # READINGS- The readings. Each value has a "VAL" and a "TIME" component. # FD - FileDescriptor. Used by selectlist / readyfnlist # IODev - attached to io device # CHANGED - Currently changed attributes of this device. Used by NotifyFn # VOLATILE- Set if the definition should be saved to the "statefile" # NOTIFYDEV - if set, the NotifyFn will only be called for this device use vars qw($addTimerStacktrace);# set to 1 by fhemdebug use vars qw($auth_refresh); use vars qw($cmdFromAnalyze); # used by the warnings-sub use vars qw($devcount); # Maximum device number, used for storing use vars qw($devcountPrioSave); # Maximum prioSave device number use vars qw($unicodeEncoding); # internal encoding is unicode (wide character) use vars qw($featurelevel); use vars qw($fhemForked); # 1 in a fhemFork()'ed process, else undef use vars qw($fhemTestFile); # file to include if -t is specified use vars qw($fhem_started); # used for uptime calculation use vars qw($haveInet6); # Using INET6 use vars qw($init_done); # use vars qw($internal_data); # FileLog/DbLog -> SVG data transport use vars qw($lastDefChange); # number of last def/attr change use vars qw($lastWarningMsg); # set by the warnings-sub use vars qw($nextat); # Time when next timer will be triggered. use vars qw($numCPUs); # Number of CPUs on Linux, else 1 use vars qw($reread_active); use vars qw($selectTimestamp); # used to check last select exit timestamp use vars qw($winService); # the Windows Service object use vars qw(%attr); # Attributes use vars qw(%cmds); # Global command name hash. use vars qw(%data); # Hash for user data use vars qw(%defaultattr); # Default attributes, used by FHEM2FHEM use vars qw(%defs); # FHEM device/button definitions use vars qw(%inform); # Used by telnet_ActivateInform use vars qw(%intAt); # Internal timer hash, used by apptime use vars qw(%logInform); # Used by FHEMWEB/Event-Monitor use vars qw(%modules); # List of loaded modules (device/log/etc) use vars qw(%ntfyHash); # hash of devices needed to be notified. use vars qw(%prioQueues); # use vars qw(%readyfnlist); # devices which want a "readyfn" use vars qw(%selectlist); # devices which want a "select" use vars qw(%value); # Current values, see commandref.html use vars qw(@intAtA); # Internal timer array use vars qw(@structChangeHist); # Contains the last 10 structural changes use constant { DAYSECONDS => 86400, HOURSECONDS => 3600, MINUTESECONDS => 60 }; $selectTimestamp = gettimeofday(); my $cvsid = '$Id$'; my $AttrList = "alias comment:textField-long eventMap:textField-long ". "group room suppressReading userattr ". "userReadings:textField-long verbose:0,1,2,3,4,5 "; my @authenticate; # List of authentication devices my @authorize; # List of authorization devices my $currcfgfile=""; # current config/include file my $currlogfile; # logfile, without wildcards my $duplidx=0; # helper for the above pool my $evalSpecials; # Used by EvalSpecials->AnalyzeCommand my $intAtCnt=0; my $logopened = 0; # logfile opened or using stdout my $namedef = "where is a single device name, a list separated by comma (,) or a regexp. See the devspec section in the commandref.html for details.\n"; my $rcvdquit; # Used for quit handling in init files my $readingsUpdateDelayTrigger; # needed internally my $gotSig; # non-undef if got a signal my %oldvalue; # Old values, see commandref.html my $wbName = ".WRITEBUFFER"; # Buffer-name for delayed writing via select my %comments; # Comments from the include files my %duplicate; # Pool of received msg for multi-fhz/cul setups my @cmdList; # Remaining commands in a chain. Used by sleep my %sleepers; # list of sleepers my %delayedShutdowns; # definitions needing delayed shutdown my %fuuidHash; # for duplicate checking my $globalUniqueID; # cache it my $LOG; # Log file handle, formerly LOG my $readytimeout = ($^O eq "MSWin32") ? 0.1 : 5.0; $init_done = 0; $lastDefChange = 0; $featurelevel = 6.2; # see also GlobalAttr $numCPUs = `grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo 2>&1` if($^O eq "linux"); $numCPUs = ($numCPUs && $numCPUs =~ m/(\d+)/ ? $1 : 1); $modules{Global}{ORDER} = -1; $modules{Global}{LOADED} = 1; no warnings 'qw'; my @globalAttrList = qw( altitude apiversion archivecmd archivedir archivesort:timestamp,alphanum archiveCompress autoload_undefined_devices:0,1 autosave:1,0 backup_before_update backupcmd backupdir backupsymlink blockingCallMax commandref:modular,full configfile disableFeatures:multiple-strict,attrTemplate,securityCheck,saveuuid dnsHostsFile dnsServer dupTimeout exclude_from_update encoding:bytestream,unicode hideExcludedUpdates:1,0 featurelevel:6.1,6.0,5.9,5.8,5.7,5.6,5.5,99.99 genericDisplayType:switch,outlet,light,blind,speaker,thermostat holiday2we httpcompress:0,1 ignoreRegexp keyFileName language:EN,DE lastinclude latitude logdir logfile longitude maxChangeLog maxShutdownDelay modpath motd mseclog:1,0 nofork:1,0 nrarchive perlSyntaxCheck:0,1 pidfilename proxy proxyAuth proxyExclude restartDelay restoreDirs sendStatistics:onUpdate,manually,never showInternalValues:1,0 sslVersion stacktrace:1,0 statefile title updateInBackground:1,0 updateNoFileCheck:1,0 useInet6:1,0 version ); use warnings 'qw'; $modules{Global}{AttrList} = join(" ", @globalAttrList); $modules{Global}{AttrFn} = "GlobalAttr"; use vars qw($readingFnAttributes); no warnings 'qw'; my @attrList = qw( event-aggregator event-min-interval event-on-change-reading event-on-update-reading oldreadings stateFormat:textField-long timestamp-on-change-reading ); $readingFnAttributes = join(" ", @attrList); my %attrSource = map { s/:.*//; $_ => "framework" } @attrList; map { $attrSource{$_} = "framework" } qw( ignore disable disabledForIntervals ); my %ra = ( "suppressReading" => { s=>"\n" }, "event-aggregator" => { s=>",", c=>".attraggr" }, "event-on-update-reading" => { s=>",", c=>".attreour" }, "event-on-change-reading" => { s=>",", c=>".attreocr", r=>":.*" }, "timestamp-on-change-reading"=> { s=>",", c=>".attrtocr" }, "event-min-interval" => { s=>",", c=>".attrminint", r=>":.*", isNum=>1 }, "oldreadings" => { s=>",", c=>".or" }, "devStateIcon" => { s=>" ", r=>":.*", p=>"^{.*}\$", pv=>{"%name"=>1, "%state"=>1, "%type"=>1} }, ); %cmds = ( "?" => { ReplacedBy => "help" }, "attr" => { Fn=>"CommandAttr", Hlp=>"[-a] [-r] [-silent] [],". "set attribute for "}, "cancel" => { Fn=>"CommandCancel", Hlp=>"[ [quiet]],list sleepers, cancel sleeper with " }, "createlog"=> { ModuleName => "autocreate" }, "define" => { Fn=>"CommandDefine", Hlp=>"[option] ,define a device" }, "defmod" => { Fn=>"CommandDefMod", Hlp=>"[-temporary] ,". "define or modify a device" }, "deleteattr" => { Fn=>"CommandDeleteAttr", Hlp=>"[-silent] [],delete attribute for " }, "deletereading" => { Fn=>"CommandDeleteReading", Hlp=>" [older-than-seconds],". "delete user defined readings" }, "delete" => { Fn=>"CommandDelete", Hlp=>",delete the corresponding definition(s)"}, "displayattr"=> { Fn=>"CommandDisplayAttr", Hlp=>" [attrname],display attributes" }, "get" => { Fn=>"CommandGet", Hlp=>" ,request data from " }, "include" => { Fn=>"CommandInclude", Hlp=>",read the commands from " }, "iowrite" => { Fn=>"CommandIOWrite", Hlp=>" ,write raw data with iodev" }, "list" => { Fn=>"CommandList", Hlp=>"[-r] [devspec] [value],list definitions and status info" }, "modify" => { Fn=>"CommandModify", Hlp=>"device ,modify the definition" }, "quit" => { Fn=>"CommandQuit", ClientFilter => "telnet", Hlp=>",end the client session" }, "exit" => { Fn=>"CommandQuit", ClientFilter => "telnet", Hlp=>",end the client session" }, "reload" => { Fn=>"CommandReload", Hlp=>",reload the given module (e.g. 99_PRIV)" }, "rename" => { Fn=>"CommandRename", Hlp=>" ,rename a definition" }, "rereadcfg" => { Fn=>"CommandRereadCfg", Hlp=>"[configfile],read in the config after deleting everything" }, "restore" => { Hlp=>"[list] [],restore files saved by update"}, "save" => { Fn=>"CommandSave", Hlp=>"[configfile],write the configfile and the statefile" }, "set" => { Fn=>"CommandSet", Hlp=>" ,transmit code for " }, "setreading" => { Fn=>"CommandSetReading", Hlp=>" [YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS] ,". "set reading for " }, "setstate"=> { Fn=>"CommandSetstate", Hlp=>" ,set the state shown in the command list" }, "setuuid" => { Fn=>"CommandSetuuid", Hlp=>"" }, "setdefaultattr" => { Fn=>"CommandDefaultAttr", Hlp=>"[ []],". "set attr for following definitions" }, "shutdown"=> { Fn=>"CommandShutdown", Hlp=>"[restart|exitValue],terminate the server" }, "sleep" => { Fn=>"CommandSleep", Hlp=>" [] [quiet],". "sleep for sec, 3 decimal places" }, "trigger" => { Fn=>"CommandTrigger", Hlp=>" ,trigger notify command" }, "update" => { Hlp => "[|all|check|checktime|force] ". "[http://.../controlfile],update FHEM" }, "updatefhem" => { ReplacedBy => "update" }, "usb" => { ModuleName => "autocreate" } ); ################################################### # Start the program my $fhemdebug; $fhemdebug = shift @ARGV if($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq "-d"); prepareFhemTestFile(); if(int(@ARGV) < 1) { print "Usage:\n"; print "as server: perl fhem.pl [-d] {|configDB}\n"; print "as client: perl fhem.pl [host:]port cmd cmd cmd...\n"; print "testing: perl fhem.pl -t .t\n"; if($^O =~ m/Win/) { print "install as windows service: perl fhem.pl configfile -i\n"; print "uninstall the windows service: perl fhem.pl -u\n"; } exit(1); } # If started as root, and there is a fhem user in the /etc/passwd, su to it if($^O !~ m/Win/ && $< == 0) { my @pw = getpwnam("fhem"); if(@pw) { use POSIX qw(setuid setgid); # set primary group setgid($pw[3]); # read all secondary groups into an array: my @groups; while ( my ($name, $pw, $gid, $members) = getgrent() ) { push(@groups, $gid) if ( grep($_ eq $pw[0],split(/\s+/,$members)) ); } # set the secondary groups via $) if (@groups) { $) = "$pw[3] ".join(" ",@groups); } else { $) = "$pw[3] $pw[3]"; } setuid($pw[2]); } } ################################################### # Client code if(int(@ARGV) > 1 && $ARGV[$#ARGV] ne "-i") { my $buf; my $addr = shift @ARGV; $addr = "localhost:$addr" if($addr !~ m/:/); my $client = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $addr); die "Can't connect to $addr\n" if(!$client); for(my $i=0; $i < int(@ARGV); $i++) { syswrite($client, $ARGV[$i]."\n"); } shutdown($client, 1); alarm(30); #117226 while(sysread($client, $buf, 256) > 0) { $buf =~ s/\xff\xfb\x01Password: //; $buf =~ s/\xff\xfc\x01\r\n//; $buf =~ s/\xff\xfd\x00//; print($buf); } exit(0); } # End of client code ################################################### SignalHandling(); ################################################### # Windows Service Support: install/remove or start the fhem service if($^O =~ m/Win/) { (my $dir = $0) =~ s+[/\\][^/\\]*$++; # Find the FHEM directory chdir($dir); $winService = eval {require FHEM::WinService; FHEM::WinService->new(\@ARGV);}; if((!$winService || $@) && ($ARGV[$#ARGV] eq "-i" || $ARGV[$#ARGV] eq "-u")) { print "Cannot initialize FHEM::WinService: $@, exiting.\n"; exit 0; } } $winService ||= {}; ################################################### # Server initialization doGlobalDef($ARGV[0]); if(configDBUsed()) { eval "use configDB"; Log 1, $@ if($@); cfgDB_Init(); } # As newer Linux versions reset serial parameters after fork, we parse the # config file after the fork. But we need some global attr parameters before, # so we read them here. FHEM_GLOBALATTR is for docker, as it needs to overwrite # fhem.cfg my (undef, $globalAttrFromEnv) = parseParams($ENV{FHEM_GLOBALATTR}); setGlobalAttrBeforeFork($attr{global}{configfile}); applyGlobalAttrFromEnv(); Log 1, $_ for eval{@{$winService->{ServiceLog}};}; # Go to background if the logfile is a real file (not stdout) if($^O =~ m/Win/ && !$attr{global}{nofork}) { $attr{global}{nofork}=1; } if($attr{global}{logfile} ne "-" && !$attr{global}{nofork}) { defined(my $pid = fork) || die "Can't fork: $!"; exit(0) if $pid; } # FritzBox special: Wait until the time is set via NTP, # but not more than 2 hours if(gettimeofday() < 2*3600) { Log 1, "date/time not set, waiting up to 2 hours to be set."; while(gettimeofday() < 2*3600) { sleep(5); } } ################################################### # initialize the readings semantics meta information require RTypes; RTypes_Initialize(); $defs{global}{init_errors}=""; if(configDBUsed()) { my $ret = cfgDB_ReadAll(undef); $defs{global}{init_errors} .= "configDB: $ret\n" if($ret); } else { my $ret = CommandInclude(undef, $attr{global}{configfile}); $defs{global}{init_errors} .= "configfile: $ret\n" if($ret); my $stateFile = $attr{global}{statefile}; if($stateFile) { my @t = localtime(gettimeofday()); $stateFile = ResolveDateWildcards($stateFile, @t); if(-r $stateFile) { $ret = CommandInclude(undef, $stateFile); $defs{global}{init_errors} .= "$stateFile: $ret\n" if($ret); } } } applyGlobalAttrFromEnv(); my $pfn = $attr{global}{pidfilename}; if($pfn) { die "$pfn: $!\n" if(!open(PID, ">$pfn")); print PID $$ . "\n"; close(PID); } $init_done = 1; $lastDefChange = 1; sub finish_init() { foreach my $d (keys %defs) { my $hash = $defs{$d}; if($hash->{IODevMissing}) { if($hash->{IODevName} && $defs{$hash->{IODevName}}) { fhem_setIoDev($hash, $hash->{IODevName}); } else { AssignIoPort($hash); # For fhem.cfg editors? } delete $hash->{IODevMissing}; delete $hash->{IODevName}; } } my $init_errors_first = ($defs{global}{init_errors} ? 1 : 0); SecurityCheck(); if($defs{global}{init_errors}) { $attr{global}{autosave} = 0 if($init_errors_first); $defs{global}{init_errors} = "Messages collected while initializing FHEM:". "$defs{global}{init_errors}\n". ($init_errors_first ? "Autosave deactivated" : ""); Log 1, $defs{global}{init_errors} if(AttrVal("global","motd","") ne "none"); } } finish_init(); $fhem_started = int(gettimeofday()); DoTrigger("global", "INITIALIZED", 1); my $osuser = "os:$^O user:".(getlogin || getpwuid($<) || "unknown"); Log 0, "Featurelevel: $featurelevel"; Log 0, "Server started with ".int(keys %defs). " defined entities ($attr{global}{version} perl:$] $osuser pid:$$)"; execFhemTestFile(); ################################################ # Main Loop sub MAIN {MAIN:}; #Dummy my $errcount= 0; $gotSig = undef if($gotSig && $gotSig eq "HUP"); while (1) { my ($rout,$rin, $wout,$win, $eout,$ein) = ('','', '','', '',''); my $nfound = 0; my $timeout = HandleTimeout(); foreach my $p (keys %selectlist) { my $hash = $selectlist{$p}; if(defined($hash->{FD})) { vec($rin, $hash->{FD}, 1) = 1 if(!defined($hash->{directWriteFn}) && !$hash->{wantWrite} ); vec($win, $hash->{FD}, 1) = 1 if( (defined($hash->{directWriteFn}) || defined($hash->{$wbName}) || $hash->{wantWrite} ) && !$hash->{wantRead} ); } vec($ein, $hash->{EXCEPT_FD}, 1) = 1 if(defined($hash->{"EXCEPT_FD"})); if($hash->{SSL} && $hash->{CD} && $hash->{CD}->can('pending') && $hash->{CD}->pending()) { vec($rout, $hash->{FD}, 1) = 1; $nfound++; } } $timeout = $readytimeout if(keys(%readyfnlist) && (!defined($timeout) || $timeout > $readytimeout)); $timeout = 5 if $winService->{AsAService} && $timeout > 5; $nfound = select($rout=$rin, $wout=$win, $eout=$ein, $timeout) if(!$nfound); my $err = int($!); $winService->{serviceCheck}->() if($winService->{serviceCheck}); if($gotSig) { CommandShutdown(undef, undef) if($gotSig eq "TERM"); CommandRereadCfg(undef, "") if($gotSig eq "HUP"); $attr{global}{verbose} = 5 if($gotSig eq "USR1"); $gotSig = undef; } if($nfound < 0) { next if($err==0 || $err==4); # 4==EINTR Log 1, "ERROR: Select error $nfound ($err), error count= $errcount"; $errcount++; # Handling "Bad file descriptor". This is a programming error. # 9/10038 => BADF, 11=>EAGAIN. don't want to "use errno.ph" if($err == 11 || $err == 9 || $err == 10038) { my $nbad = 0; foreach my $p (keys %selectlist) { my ($tin, $tout) = ('', ''); vec($tin, $selectlist{$p}{FD}, 1) = 1; if(select($tout=$tin, undef, undef, 0) < 0) { Log 1, "Found and deleted bad fileno for $p"; delete($selectlist{$p}); $nbad++; } } next if($nbad > 0); next if($errcount <= 3); } die("Select error $nfound ($err)\n"); } else { $errcount= 0; } ############################### # Message from the hardware (FHZ1000/WS3000/etc) via select or the Ready # Function. The latter ist needed for Windows, where USB devices are not # reported by select, but is used by unix too, to check if the device is # attached again. foreach my $p (keys %selectlist) { next if(!$p); # Deleted in the loop my $hash = $selectlist{$p}; my $isDev = ($hash && $hash->{NAME} && $defs{$hash->{NAME}}); my $isDirect = ($hash && ($hash->{directReadFn} || $hash->{directWriteFn})); next if(!$isDev && !$isDirect); if(defined($hash->{FD}) && vec($rout, $hash->{FD}, 1)) { delete $hash->{wantRead}; if($hash->{directReadFn}) { $hash->{directReadFn}($hash); } else { CallFn($hash->{NAME}, "ReadFn", $hash); } } if( defined($hash->{FD}) && vec($wout, $hash->{FD}, 1)) { delete $hash->{wantWrite}; if($hash->{directWriteFn}) { $hash->{directWriteFn}($hash); } elsif(defined($hash->{$wbName})) { my $wb = $hash->{$wbName}; alarm($hash->{ALARMTIMEOUT}) if($hash->{ALARMTIMEOUT}); my $ret; eval { $ret = syswrite($hash->{CD}, $wb); }; if($@) { Log 4, "$hash->{NAME} syswrite: $@"; if($hash->{TEMPORARY}) { TcpServer_Close($hash); CommandDelete(undef, $hash->{NAME}); } next; } my $werr = int($!); alarm(0) if($hash->{ALARMTIMEOUT}); if(!defined($ret) && $werr == EWOULDBLOCK ) { $hash->{wantRead} = 1 if(TcpServer_WantRead($hash)); } elsif(!$ret) { # zero=EOF, undef=error Log 4, "$hash->{NAME} write error to $p"; if($hash->{TEMPORARY}) { TcpServer_Close($hash); CommandDelete(undef, $hash->{NAME}) } } else { if($ret >= length($wb)) { # for the > see Forum #29963 delete($hash->{$wbName}); if($hash->{WBCallback}) { no strict "refs"; my $ret = &{$hash->{WBCallback}}($hash); use strict "refs"; delete $hash->{WBCallback}; } } else { $hash->{$wbName} = substr($wb, $ret); } } } } if(defined($hash->{"EXCEPT_FD"}) && vec($eout, $hash->{EXCEPT_FD}, 1)) { CallFn($hash->{NAME}, "ExceptFn", $hash); } } foreach my $p (keys %readyfnlist) { my $h = $readyfnlist{$p}; next if(!$h); # due to rereadcfg / delete next if($h->{NEXT_OPEN} && gettimeofday() < $h->{NEXT_OPEN}); if(CallFn($h->{NAME}, "ReadyFn", $h)) { if($readyfnlist{$p}) { # delete itself inside ReadyFn CallFn($h->{NAME}, "ReadFn", $h); } } } } ################################################ #Functions ahead, no more "plain" code ################################################ sub IsDevice($;$) { my $devname = shift; my $devtype = shift; return 1 if ( defined($devname) && defined( $defs{$devname} ) && (!$devtype || $devtype eq "" ) ); return 1 if ( defined($devname) && defined( $defs{$devname} ) && defined( $defs{$devname}{TYPE} ) && $defs{$devname}{TYPE} =~ m/^$devtype$/ ); return 0; } sub IsDummy($) { my $devname = shift; return 1 if(defined($attr{$devname}) && $attr{$devname}{dummy}); return 0; } sub IsIgnored($) { my $devname = shift; if($devname && defined($attr{$devname}) && $attr{$devname}{ignore}) { Log 4, "Ignoring $devname"; return 1; } return 0; } sub IsDisabled($) { my $devname = shift; return 0 if(!$devname); # no check for $attr{$devname}, #92623 return 1 if($attr{$devname}{disable}); return 3 if($defs{$devname} && $defs{$devname}{STATE} && $defs{$devname}{STATE} eq "inactive"); return 3 if(ReadingsVal($devname, "state", "") eq "inactive"); my $dfi = $attr{$devname}{disabledForIntervals}; if(defined($dfi)) { $dfi =~ s/{([^\x7d]*)}/AnalyzePerlCommand(undef,$1)/ge; # Forum #69787 my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$month,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(gettimeofday()); my $dhms = sprintf("%s\@%02d:%02d:%02d", $wday, $hour, $min, $sec); foreach my $ft (split(" ", $dfi)) { my ($from, $to) = split("-", $ft); if(defined($from) && defined($to)) { $from = "$wday\@$from" if(index($from,"@") < 0); $to = "$wday\@$to" if(index($to, "@") < 0); return 2 if($from le $dhms && $dhms le $to); } } } return 0; } ################################################ sub IsIoDummy($) { my $name = shift; return IsDummy($defs{$name}{IODev}{NAME}) if($defs{$name} && $defs{$name}{IODev}); return 1; } ################################################ sub GetLogLevel(@) { my ($dev,$deflev) = @_; my $df = defined($deflev) ? $deflev : 2; return $df if(!defined($dev)); return $attr{$dev}{loglevel} if(defined($attr{$dev}) && defined($attr{$dev}{loglevel})); return $df; } sub GetVerbose($) { my ($dev) = @_; if(defined($dev) && defined($attr{$dev}) && defined (my $devlevel = $attr{$dev}{verbose})) { return $devlevel; } else { return $attr{global}{verbose}; } } sub GetType($;$) { my $devname = shift; my $default = shift; return $default unless ( IsDevice($devname) && $defs{$devname}{TYPE} ); return $defs{$devname}{TYPE}; } ################################################ # the new Log with integrated loglevel checking sub Log3($$$) { my ($dev, $loglevel, $text) = @_; $dev = $dev->{NAME} if(defined($dev) && ref($dev) eq "HASH"); if(defined($dev) && defined($attr{$dev}) && defined (my $devlevel = $attr{$dev}{verbose})) { return if($loglevel > $devlevel); } else { return if($loglevel > $attr{global}{verbose}); } return if(defined($defs{global}{ignoreRegexpObj}) && $text =~ $defs{global}{ignoreRegexpObj}); my ($seconds, $microseconds) = gettimeofday(); my @t = localtime($seconds); my $nfile = ResolveDateWildcards($attr{global}{logfile}, @t); OpenLogfile($nfile) if(!$currlogfile || $currlogfile ne $nfile); my $tim = sprintf("%04d.%02d.%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $t[5]+1900,$t[4]+1,$t[3], $t[2],$t[1],$t[0]); if($attr{global}{mseclog}) { $tim .= sprintf(".%03d", $microseconds/1000); } if($logopened) { print $LOG "$tim $loglevel: $text\n"; } else { print "$tim $loglevel: $text\n"; } no strict "refs"; foreach my $li (keys %logInform) { if($defs{$li}) { # Function wont be called for WARNING, don't know why &{$logInform{$li}}($li, "$tim $loglevel: $text"); } else { delete $logInform{$li}; } } use strict "refs"; return undef; } ################################################ sub Log($$) { my ($loglevel, $text) = @_; Log3(undef, $loglevel, $text); } ##################################### sub IOWrite($@) { my ($hash, @a) = @_; my $dev = $hash->{NAME}; return if(IsDummy($dev) || IsIgnored($dev)); my $iohash = $hash->{IODev}; if(!$iohash || !$iohash->{TYPE} || !$modules{$iohash->{TYPE}} || !$modules{$iohash->{TYPE}}{WriteFn}) { Log 5, "No IO device or WriteFn found for $dev"; return; } return if(IsDummy($iohash->{NAME})); no strict "refs"; my $ret = &{$modules{$iohash->{TYPE}}{WriteFn}}($iohash, @a); use strict "refs"; return $ret; } ##################################### sub CommandIOWrite($$) { my ($cl, $param) = @_; my @a = split(" ", $param); return "Usage: iowrite ..." if(int(@a) < 2); my $name = shift(@a); my $hash = $defs{$name}; return "$name not found" if(!$hash); return undef if(IsDummy($name) || IsIgnored($name)); if(!$hash->{TYPE} || !$modules{$hash->{TYPE}} || !$modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{WriteFn}) { Log 1, "No IO device or WriteFn found for $name"; return; } unshift(@a, "") if(int(@a) == 1); no strict "refs"; my $ret = &{$modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{WriteFn}}($hash, @a); use strict "refs"; return $ret; } ##################################### # i.e. split a line by ; (escape ;;), and execute each sub AnalyzeCommandChain($$;$) { my ($c, $cmd) = @_; my @ret; if($cmd =~ m/^[ \t]*(#.*)?$/) { # Save comments if(!$init_done) { if($currcfgfile ne AttrVal("global", "statefile", "")) { my $nr = $devcount++; $comments{$nr}{TEXT} = $cmd; $comments{$nr}{CFGFN} = $currcfgfile if($currcfgfile ne AttrVal("global", "configfile", "") && !configDBUsed()); } } return undef; } $cmd =~ s/^\s*#.*$//s; # Remove comments at the beginning of the line $cmd =~ s/;;/SeMiCoLoN/g; my @saveCmdList = @cmdList; # Needed for recursive calls @cmdList = split(";", $cmd); my $subcmd; my $localEvalSpecials = $evalSpecials; while(defined($subcmd = shift @cmdList)) { $subcmd =~ s/SeMiCoLoN/;/g; $evalSpecials = $localEvalSpecials; my $lret = AnalyzeCommand($c, $subcmd, "ACC"); push(@ret, $lret) if(defined($lret)); } @cmdList = @saveCmdList; $evalSpecials = undef; return join("\n", @ret) if(@ret); return undef; } ##################################### sub AnalyzePerlCommand($$;$) { my ($cl, $cmd, $calledFromChain) = @_; # third parmeter is deprecated return "Forbidden command $cmd." if($cl && !Authorized($cl, "cmd", "perl")); $cmd =~ s/\\ *\n/ /g; # Multi-line. Probably not needed anymore # Make life easier for oneliners: if($featurelevel <= 5.6) { %value = (); foreach my $d (keys %defs) { $value{$d} = $defs{$d}{STATE} } } my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$month,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(gettimeofday()); $month++; $year+=1900; my $today = sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', $year,$month,$mday); my $hms = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $hour, $min, $sec); my $we = IsWe(undef, $wday); if($evalSpecials) { $cmd = join("", map { my $n = substr($_,1); # ignore the legacy % my $ref = ref($evalSpecials->{$_}); $ref eq "ARRAY" ? "my \@$n=\@{\$evalSpecials->{'$_'}};" : $ref eq "HASH" ? "my \%$n=\%{\$evalSpecials->{'$_'}};" : "my \$$n= \$evalSpecials->{'$_'};"; } sort keys %{$evalSpecials}) . $cmd; } $cmdFromAnalyze = $cmd; my $ret = eval $cmd; if($@) { $ret = $@; Log 1, "ERROR evaluating $cmd: $ret"; } # Normally this is deleted in AnalyzeCommandChain, but ECMDDevice calls us # directly, and combining perl with something else isnt allowed anyway. $evalSpecials = undef if(!$calledFromChain); $cmdFromAnalyze = undef; return $ret; } sub AnalyzeCommand($$;$) { my ($cl, $cmd, $calledFromChain) = @_; $cmd = "" if(!defined($cmd)); # Forum #29963 $cmd =~ s/^(\n|[ \t])*//;# Strip space or \n at the begginning $cmd =~ s/[ \t]*$//; Log 5, "Cmd: >$cmd<"; if(!$cmd) { $evalSpecials = undef if(!$calledFromChain || $calledFromChain ne "ACC"); return undef; } if($cmd =~ m/^{.*}$/s) { # Perl code return AnalyzePerlCommand($cl, $cmd, 1); } if($cmd =~ m/^"(.*)"$/s) { # Shell code in bg, to be able to call us from it return "Forbidden command $cmd." if($cl && !Authorized($cl,"cmd","shell")); if($evalSpecials) { map { $ENV{substr($_,1)} = $evalSpecials->{$_}; } keys %{$evalSpecials}; $evalSpecials = undef if(!$calledFromChain || $calledFromChain ne "ACC"); } my $out = ""; $out = ">> $currlogfile 2>&1" if($currlogfile ne "-" && $^O ne "MSWin32"); system("$1 $out &"); return undef; } $cmd =~ s/^[ \t]*//; if($evalSpecials) { map { my $n = substr($_,1); my $v = $evalSpecials->{$_}; $cmd =~ s/\$$n/$v/g; } sort { $b cmp $a } keys %{$evalSpecials}; $evalSpecials = undef if(!$calledFromChain || $calledFromChain ne "ACC"); } my ($fn, $param) = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $cmd, 2); return undef if(!$fn); ############# # Search for abbreviation sub getAbbr($$;$) { my ($fn,$h,$isMod) = @_; my $lcfn = lc($fn); my $fnlen = length($fn); return $fn if(defined($h->{$fn}) && ($isMod || $h->{$fn}{Fn})); # speedup foreach my $f (sort keys %{$h}) { if(length($f) >= $fnlen && lc(substr($f,0,$fnlen)) eq $lcfn && ($isMod || $h->{$f}{Fn})) { Log 5, "AnalyzeCommand: trying $f for $fn"; return $f; } } return undef; } my $lfn = getAbbr($fn,\%cmds); $fn = $lfn if($lfn); $fn = $cmds{$fn}{ReplacedBy} if(defined($cmds{$fn}) && defined($cmds{$fn}{ReplacedBy})); ############# # autoload command with ModuleName if(!$cmds{$fn} || !defined($cmds{$fn}{Fn})) { my $modName; $modName = $cmds{$fn}{ModuleName} if($cmds{$fn} && $cmds{$fn}{ModuleName}); $modName = getAbbr($fn,\%modules,1) if(!$modName); LoadModule($modName) if($modName); my $lfn = getAbbr($fn,\%cmds); $fn = $lfn if($lfn); } return "Unknown command $fn, try help." if(!$cmds{$fn} || !$cmds{$fn}{Fn}); return "Forbidden command $fn." if($cl && $cmd !~ m/^(set|get|attr)\s+[^ ]+\s+\?$/ && !Authorized($cl, "cmd", $fn)); if($cl && $cmds{$fn}{ClientFilter} && $cl->{TYPE} !~ m/$cmds{$fn}{ClientFilter}/) { return "This command ($fn) is not valid for this input channel."; } $param = "" if(!defined($param)); no strict "refs"; my $ret = &{$cmds{$fn}{Fn} }($cl, $param, $fn); use strict "refs"; return undef if(defined($ret) && $ret eq ""); return $ret; } sub devspec2array($;$$) { my ($name, $cl, $initialList) = @_; return "" if(!defined($name)); if(defined($defs{$name})) { return "" if($cl && !Authorized($cl, "devicename", $name)); # FHEM2FHEM LOG mode fake device, avoid local set/attr/etc operations on it return "FHEM2FHEM_FAKE_$name" if($defs{$name}{FAKEDEVICE}); return $name; } my (@ret, $isAttr); foreach my $l (split(",", $name)) { # List of elements if(defined($defs{$l})) { push @ret, $l; next; } my @names = $initialList ? @{$initialList} : sort keys %defs; my @res; foreach my $dName (split(":FILTER=", $l)) { my ($n,$op,$re) = ("NAME","=",$dName); if($dName =~ m/^(.*?)(=|!=|~|!~|<=|>=|<|>)(.*)$/) { ($n,$op,$re) = ($1,$2,$3); $isAttr = 1; # Compatibility: return "" instead of $name } ($n,$op,$re) = ($1,"eval","") if($dName =~ m/^{(.*)}$/); my $fType=""; if($n =~ m/^(.:)(.*$)/) { $fType = $1; $n = $2; } @res=(); foreach my $d (@names) { next if($attr{$d} && $attr{$d}{ignore}); if($op eq "eval") { my $exec = EvalSpecials($n, %{{"%DEVICE"=>$d}}); push @res, $d if(AnalyzePerlCommand($cl, $exec)); next; } my $hash = $defs{$d}; if(!$hash->{TYPE}) { Log 1, "Error: >$d< has no TYPE, but following keys: >". join(",", sort keys %{$hash})."<"; delete($defs{$d}); next; } my $val; $val = $hash->{$n} if(!$fType || $fType eq "i:"); if(!defined($val) && (!$fType || $fType eq "r:")) { my $r = $hash->{READINGS}; $val = $r->{$n}{VAL} if($r && $r->{$n}); } if(!defined($val) && (!$fType || $fType eq "a:")) { $val = $attr{$d}{$n} if($attr{$d}); } $val="" if(!defined($val)); $val = $val->{NAME} if(ref($val) eq 'HASH' && $val->{NAME}); # IODev my $lre = ($n eq "room" || $n eq "group") ? "(^|,)($re)(,|\$)" : "^($re)\$"; my $valReNum =(looks_like_number($val) && looks_like_number($re) ? 1:0); eval { # a bad regexp is deadly if(($op eq "=" && $val =~ m/$lre/s) || ($op eq "!=" && $val !~ m/$lre/s) || ($op eq "~" && $val =~ m/$lre/is) || ($op eq "!~" && $val !~ m/$lre/is) || ($op eq "<" && $valReNum && $val < $re) || ($op eq ">" && $valReNum && $val > $re) || ($op eq "<=" && $valReNum && $val <= $re) || ($op eq ">=" && $valReNum && $val >= $re)) { push @res, $d } }; if($@) { warn "devspec2array $name: $@"; #128362 return $name; } } @names = @res; } push @ret,@res; } return $name if(!@ret && !$isAttr); @ret = grep { Authorized($cl, "devicename", $_, 1) } @ret if($cl); return @ret; } ##################################### sub CommandInclude($$) { my ($cl, $arg) = @_; my $fh; my @ret; my $oldcfgfile; my $type = ($unicodeEncoding ? "< :encoding(UTF-8)" : "<"); if(!open($fh, $type, $arg)) { return "Can't open $arg: $!"; } Log 1, "Including $arg"; my @t = localtime(gettimeofday()); my $gcfg = ResolveDateWildcards(AttrVal("global", "configfile", ""), @t); my $stf = ResolveDateWildcards(AttrVal("global", "statefile", ""), @t); if(!$init_done && $arg ne $stf && $arg ne $gcfg) { my $nr = $devcount++; $comments{$nr}{TEXT} = "include $arg"; $comments{$nr}{CFGFN} = $currcfgfile if($currcfgfile ne $gcfg); } $oldcfgfile = $currcfgfile; $currcfgfile = $arg; my $bigcmd = ""; my $lineno = 0; $rcvdquit = 0; while(my $l = <$fh>) { $lineno++; $l =~ s/[\r\n]//g; if($l =~ m/^(.*)\\ *$/) { # Multiline commands $bigcmd .= "$1\n"; } else { my $tret = AnalyzeCommandChain($cl, $bigcmd . $l); if(defined($tret)) { Log 5, "$arg line $lineno returned >$tret<"; push @ret, $tret; } $bigcmd = ""; } last if($rcvdquit); } $currcfgfile = $oldcfgfile; close($fh); return join("\n", @ret) if(@ret); return undef; } ##################################### sub OpenLogfile($) { my $param = shift; close($LOG) if($LOG); $logopened=0; $currlogfile = $param; # STDOUT is closed in windows services per default if(!$winService->{AsAService} && $currlogfile eq "-") { open($LOG, '>&STDOUT') || die "Can't dup stdout: $!"; } else { HandleArchiving($defs{global}) if($defs{global}{currentlogfile}); $defs{global}{currentlogfile} = $param; $defs{global}{logfile} = $attr{global}{logfile}; restoreDir_mkDir($currlogfile=~m,^/,? "":".", $currlogfile, 1); open($LOG, ">>$currlogfile") || return("Can't open $currlogfile: $!"); redirectStdinStdErr(); } binmode($LOG, ":encoding(UTF-8)") if($unicodeEncoding); $LOG->autoflush(1); $logopened = 1; $defs{global}{FD} = $LOG->fileno(); # ?? return undef; } sub redirectStdinStdErr() { # Redirect stdin/stderr return if(!$currlogfile || $currlogfile eq "-"); open STDIN, '>$currlogfile") or print "Can't append STDERR to log: $!\n"; STDERR->autoflush(1); close(STDOUT); open STDOUT, '>&STDERR' or print "Can't dup stdout: $!\n"; STDOUT->autoflush(1); } ##################################### sub CommandRereadCfg($$) { my ($cl, $param) = @_; my $name = ($cl ? $cl->{NAME} : "__anonymous__"); my $cfgfile = ($param ? $param : $attr{global}{configfile}); return "Cannot open $cfgfile: $!" if(! -f $cfgfile && !configDBUsed()); $attr{global}{configfile} = $cfgfile; WriteStatefile(); $reread_active=1; $init_done = 0; foreach my $d (sort { $defs{$b}{NR} <=> $defs{$a}{NR} } keys %defs) { my $ret = CallFn($d, "UndefFn", $defs{$d}, $d) if($name && $name ne $d); Log 1, "$d is against deletion ($ret), continuing with rereadcfg anyway" if($ret); delete $defs{$d}; } %comments = (); %defs = (); %attr = (); %selectlist = (); %readyfnlist = (); my $informMe = $inform{$name}; %inform = (); %fuuidHash = (); %intAt = (); @intAtA = (); %sleepers = (); %ntfyHash = (); doGlobalDef($cfgfile); my $ret; if(configDBUsed()) { $ret = cfgDB_ReadAll($cl); } else { setGlobalAttrBeforeFork($cfgfile); $ret = CommandInclude($cl, $cfgfile); if($attr{global}{statefile} && -r $attr{global}{statefile}) { my $ret2 = CommandInclude($cl, $attr{global}{statefile}); $ret = (defined($ret) ? "$ret\n$ret2" : $ret2) if(defined($ret2)); } } applyGlobalAttrFromEnv(); $defs{$name} = $selectlist{$name} = $cl if($name && $name ne "__anonymous__"); $inform{$name} = $informMe if($informMe); @structChangeHist = (); $lastDefChange++; finish_init(); DoTrigger("global", "REREADCFG", 1); $init_done = 1; $reread_active=0; return $ret; } ##################################### sub CommandQuit($$) { my ($cl, $param) = @_; if(!$cl) { $rcvdquit = 1; } else { $cl->{rcvdQuit} = 1; return "Bye..." if($cl->{prompt}); } return undef; } sub GetAllReadings($) { my ($d) = @_; my @ret; my $val = $defs{$d}{STATE}; if(defined($val) && $val ne "unknown" && $val ne "Initialized" && $val ne "" && $val ne "???") { $val =~ s/;/;;/g; $val =~ s/([ \t])/sprintf("\\%03o",ord($1))/eg if($val =~ m/^[ \t]*$/); $val =~ s/\n/\\\n/g; push @ret, "setstate $d $val"; } ############# # Now the detailed list my $r = $defs{$d}{READINGS}; if($r) { foreach my $c (sort keys %{$r}) { my $rd = $r->{$c}; if(!defined($rd->{TIME})) { Log 4, "WriteStatefile $d $c: Missing TIME, using current time"; $rd->{TIME} = TimeNow(); } if(!defined($rd->{VAL})) { Log 4, "WriteStatefile $d $c: Missing VAL, setting it to 0"; $rd->{VAL} = 0; } my $val = $rd->{VAL}; $val =~ s/;/;;/g; $val =~ s/\n/\\\n/g; push @ret,"setstate $d $rd->{TIME} $c $val"; } } return @ret; } ##################################### sub WriteStatefile() { if(configDBUsed()) { return cfgDB_SaveState(); } my $stateFile = AttrVal('global','statefile',undef); return "No statefile specified" if(!defined($stateFile)); my $now = gettimeofday(); my @t = localtime($now); $stateFile = ResolveDateWildcards($stateFile, @t); my $SFH; if(!open($SFH, ">$stateFile")) { my $msg = "WriteStatefile: Cannot open $stateFile: $!"; Log 1, $msg; return $msg; } binmode($SFH, ":encoding(UTF-8)") if($unicodeEncoding); my $t = localtime($now); print $SFH "#$t\n"; foreach my $d (sort keys %defs) { next if($defs{$d}{TEMPORARY}); if($defs{$d}{VOLATILE}) { my $def = $defs{$d}{DEF}; $def =~ s/;/;;/g; # follow-on-for-timer at $def =~ s/\n/\\\n/g; print $SFH "define $d $defs{$d}{TYPE} $def\n"; } my @arr = GetAllReadings($d); print $SFH join("\n", @arr)."\n" if(@arr); } return "$attr{global}{statefile}: $!" if(!close($SFH)); return ""; } sub CommandSetuuid($$) { my ($cl, $param) = @_; return "setuuid cannot be used after FHEM is initialized" if($init_done); my @a = split(" ", $param); return "setuuid: Please define $a[0] first" if(!defined($defs{$a[0]})); return "setuuid $a[0]: duplicate value, ignoring it" if($fuuidHash{$a[1]}); $fuuidHash{$a[1]} = $a[1]; $defs{$a[0]}{FUUID} = $a[1]; return undef; } sub GetDefAndAttr($;$) { my ($d, $dumpFUUID) = @_; my @ret; if($d ne "global") { my $def = $defs{$d}{DEF}; if(defined($def)) { $def =~ s/;/;;/g; $def =~ s/\n/\\\n/g; push @ret,"define $d $defs{$d}{TYPE} $def"; } else { push @ret,"define $d $defs{$d}{TYPE}"; } } push @ret, "setuuid $d $defs{$d}{FUUID}" if($dumpFUUID && defined($defs{$d}{FUUID}) && $defs{$d}{FUUID}); # exclude attributes, format :, space separated list my @dontSave = qw(configdb:rescue configdb:nostate configdb:loadversion global:configfile global:version); foreach my $a (sort { return -1 if($a eq "userattr"); # userattr must be first return 1 if($b eq "userattr"); return $a cmp $b; } keys %{$attr{$d}}) { next if (grep { $_ eq "$d:$a" } @dontSave); my $val = $attr{$d}{$a}; $val =~ s/;/;;/g; $val =~ s/\n/\\\n/g; push @ret,"attr $d $a $val"; } return @ret; } ##################################### sub CommandSave($$) { my ($cl, $param) = @_; if($param && $param eq "?") { return "No structural changes." if(!@structChangeHist); return "Last unsaved structural changes:\n ". join("\n ", @structChangeHist); } if(!$cl && !AttrVal("global", "autosave", 1)) { # Forum #78769 Log 4, "Skipping save, as autosave is disabled"; return; } my $restoreDir; $restoreDir = restoreDir_init("save") if(!configDBUsed()); @structChangeHist = (); DoTrigger("global", "SAVE", 1); if(!configDBUsed()) { my @t = localtime(gettimeofday()); my $stf = ResolveDateWildcards(AttrVal("global", "statefile", ""), @t); restoreDir_saveFile($restoreDir, $stf); } $data{saveID} = createUniqueId(); # for configDB, #126323 my $ret = WriteStatefile(); return $ret if($ret); $ret = ""; # cfgDB_SaveState may return undef if(configDBUsed()) { $ret = cfgDB_SaveCfg(); return ($ret ? $ret : "Saved configuration to the DB"); } $param = $attr{global}{configfile} if(!$param); return "No configfile attribute set and no argument specified" if(!$param); restoreDir_saveFile($restoreDir, $param); my $SFH; if(!open($SFH, ">$param")) { return "Cannot open $param: $!"; } binmode($SFH, ":encoding(UTF-8)") if($unicodeEncoding); my %fh = ("configfile" => $SFH); my %skip; my %devByNr; map { $devByNr{$defs{$_}{NR}} = $_ } keys %defs; my $dumpUuid = (AttrVal("global", "disableFeatures", "") !~ m/\bsaveuuid\b/i); for(my $i = 0; $i < $devcount; $i++) { my ($h, $d); if($comments{$i}) { $h = $comments{$i}; } else { $d = $devByNr{$i}; next if(!defined($d) || $defs{$d}{TEMPORARY} || # e.g. WEBPGM connections $defs{$d}{VOLATILE}); # e.g at, will be saved to the statefile $h = $defs{$d}; } my $cfgfile = $h->{CFGFN} ? $h->{CFGFN} : "configfile"; my $fh = $fh{$cfgfile}; if(!$fh) { restoreDir_saveFile($restoreDir, $cfgfile); if(!open($fh, ">$cfgfile")) { $ret .= "Cannot open $cfgfile: $!, ignoring its content\n"; $fh{$cfgfile} = 1; $skip{$cfgfile} = 1; } else { $fh{$cfgfile} = $fh; } binmode($fh, ":encoding(UTF-8)") if($unicodeEncoding); } next if($skip{$cfgfile}); if(!defined($d)) { print $fh $h->{TEXT},"\n"; next; } my @arr = GetDefAndAttr($d, $dumpUuid); print $fh join("\n", @arr)."\n" if(@arr); } print $SFH "include $attr{global}{lastinclude}\n" if($attr{global}{lastinclude} && $featurelevel <= 5.6); foreach my $key (keys %fh) { next if($fh{$key} eq "1"); ## R/O include files $ret .= "$key: $!" if(!close($fh{$key})); } return ($ret ? $ret : "Wrote configuration to $param"); } ##################################### sub CancelDelayedShutdown($) { my ($d) = @_; delete($delayedShutdowns{$d}); } sub DoDelayedShutdown($) { my ($hash) = @_; return CommandShutdown($hash->{cl},$hash->{param},undef,1,$hash->{exitValue}) if(!keys %delayedShutdowns || $hash->{waitingFor}++ >= $hash->{maxShutdownDelay}); InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+1, "DoDelayedShutdown", $hash, 0); } sub DelayedShutdown($$$) { my ($cl, $param, $exitValue) = @_; return 1 if(keys %delayedShutdowns); foreach my $d (sort keys %defs) { $delayedShutdowns{$d} = 1 if(CallFn($d, "DelayedShutdownFn", $defs{$d})); } return 0 if(!keys %delayedShutdowns); my $maxShutdownDelay = AttrVal("global", "maxShutdownDelay", 10); Log 1, "Server shutdown delayed due to ".join(",", keys %delayedShutdowns). " for max $maxShutdownDelay sec"; DoTrigger("global", "DELAYEDSHUTDOWN", 1); DoDelayedShutdown( { cl=>$cl, param=>$param, exitValue=>$exitValue, waitingFor=>0, maxShutdownDelay=>$maxShutdownDelay } ); return 1; } sub CommandShutdown($$;$$$) { my ($cl, $param, $cmdName, $final, $exitValue) = @_; if($param && $param =~ m/^(\d+)$/) { $exitValue = $1; $param = ""; } return "Usage: shutdown [restart|exitvalue]" if($param && $param ne "restart"); return if(!$final && DelayedShutdown($cl, $param, $exitValue)); DoTrigger("global", "SHUTDOWN", 1); Log 0, "Server shutdown"; foreach my $d (sort keys %defs) { CallFn($d, "ShutdownFn", $defs{$d}); } WriteStatefile(); unlink($attr{global}{pidfilename}) if($attr{global}{pidfilename}); # Avoid restarts in overoptimized browser #105729 doShutdown({p=>$param, e=>$exitValue}) if(!$cl); InternalTimer(time()+1, sub(){doShutdown(@_)}, {p=>$param,e=>$exitValue}, 0); } sub doShutdown($$) { my ($param, $exitValue) = ($_[0]->{p}, $_[0]->{e}); if($param && $param eq "restart") { if ($^O !~ m/Win/) { system("(sleep " . AttrVal("global", "restartDelay", 2) . "; exec $^X $0 $attr{global}{configfile})&"); } elsif ($winService->{AsAService}) { # use the OS SCM to stop and start the service exec('cmd.exe /C net stop fhem & net start fhem'); } } exit($exitValue ? $exitValue : 0); } ##################################### sub ReplaceSetMagic($$@) # Forum #38276 { my $hash = shift; my $nsplit = shift; my $a = join(" ", @_); my $oa = $a; sub rsmVal($$$$$) { my ($all, $t, $d, $n, $s, $val) = @_; my $hash = $defs{$d}; return $all if(!$hash); if(!$t || $t eq "r:") { my $r = $hash->{READINGS}; if($s && ($s eq ":t" || $s eq ":sec")) { return $all if (!$r || !$r->{$n}); $val = $r->{$n}{TIME}; $val = int(gettimeofday()) - time_str2num($val) if($s eq ":sec"); return $val; } $val = $r->{$n}{VAL} if($r && $r->{$n}); } $val = $hash->{$n} if(!defined($val) && (!$t || $t eq "i:")); $val = $attr{$d}{$n} if(!defined($val) && (!$t || $t eq "a:") && $attr{$d}); return $all if(!defined($val)); if($s && $s =~ /:d|:r|:i/ && $val =~ /(-?\d+(\.\d+)?)/) { $val = $1; $val = int($val) if($s eq ":i" ); $val = round($val, defined($1) ? $1 : 1) if($s =~ /^:r(\d)?/); $val = round($val, $1) if($s =~ /^:d(\d)/); #100753 } return $val; } $a =~s/(\[([ari]:)?([a-zA-Z\d._]+):([a-zA-Z\d._\/-]+)(:(t|sec|i|[dr]\d?))?\])/ rsmVal($1,$2,$3,$4,$5)/eg; my $esDef = ($evalSpecials ? 1 : 0); $evalSpecials->{'%DEV'} = $hash->{NAME}; $a =~ s/{\((.*?)\)}/AnalyzePerlCommand($hash->{CL},$1,1)/egs; $evalSpecials = undef if(!$esDef);; return (undef, @_) if($oa eq $a); return (undef, split(/ /, $a, $nsplit)); } ##################################### sub DoSet(@) { my @a = @_; my $dev = $a[0]; my $hash = $defs{$dev}; return "Please define $dev first" if(!$hash); return "Bogus entry $dev without TYPE" if(!$hash->{TYPE}); return "No set implemented for $dev" if(!$modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{SetFn}); # No special handling needed fo the Usage check return CallFn($dev, "SetFn", $hash, $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}->{parseParams} ? parseParams(\@a) : @a) if($a[1] && $a[1] eq "?"); @a = ReplaceEventMap($dev, \@a, 0) if($attr{$dev}{eventMap}); my $err; ($err, @a) = ReplaceSetMagic($hash, 0, @a) if($featurelevel >= 5.7); return $err if($err); $hash->{".triggerUsed"} = 0; my ($ret, $skipTrigger) = CallFn($dev, "SetFn", $hash, $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}->{parseParams} ? parseParams(\@a) : @a); return $ret if($ret); return undef if($skipTrigger); # Backward compatibility. Use readingsUpdate in SetFn now # case: DoSet is called from a notify triggered by DoSet with same dev if(defined($hash->{".triggerUsed"}) && $hash->{".triggerUsed"} == 0) { shift @a; # set arg if the module did not triggered events my $arg; $arg = join(" ", @a) if(!$hash->{CHANGED} || !int(@{$hash->{CHANGED}})); DoTrigger($dev, $arg, 0); } delete($hash->{".triggerUsed"}); return undef; } ##################################### sub CommandSet($$) { my ($cl, $param) = @_; my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $param); return "Usage: set \n$namedef" if(int(@a)<1); my @rets; foreach my $sdev (devspec2array($a[0], $a[1] && $a[1] eq "?" ? undef : $cl)) { $a[0] = $sdev; $defs{$sdev}->{CL} = $cl if($defs{$sdev}); my $ret = DoSet(@a); delete $defs{$sdev}->{CL} if($defs{$sdev}); push @rets, $ret if($ret); } return join("\n", @rets); } ##################################### sub CommandGet($$) { my ($cl, $param) = @_; my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $param); return "Usage: get \n$namedef" if(int(@a) < 1); my @rets; foreach my $sdev (devspec2array($a[0], $a[1] && $a[1] eq "?" ? undef : $cl)) { if(!defined($defs{$sdev})) { push @rets, "Please define $sdev first"; next; } if(!$modules{$defs{$sdev}{TYPE}}{GetFn}) { push @rets, "No get implemented for $sdev"; next; } $a[0] = $sdev; $defs{$sdev}->{CL} = $cl; my $ret = CallFn($sdev, "GetFn", $defs{$sdev}, $modules{$defs{$sdev}->{TYPE}}->{parseParams} ? parseParams(\@a) : @a); delete $defs{$sdev}->{CL}; push @rets, $ret if(defined($ret) && $ret ne ""); } return join("\n", @rets); } sub asyncOutput($$) { my ($cl, $ret) = @_; return undef if(!$cl || !$cl->{NAME}); my $temporary; if($defs{$cl->{NAME}}) { $cl = $defs{$cl->{NAME}}; # Compatibility } else { $defs{$cl->{NAME}} = $cl; # timeconsuming answer: get fd ist already closed $temporary = 1; } CallFn($cl->{NAME}, "AsyncOutputFn", $cl, $ret); delete $defs{$cl->{NAME}} if($temporary); return undef; } ##################################### sub LoadModule($;$) { my ($m, $ignoreErr) = @_; if($modules{$m} && !$modules{$m}{LOADED}) { # autoload my $o = $modules{$m}{ORDER}; my $ret = CommandReload(undef, "${o}_$m", $ignoreErr); if($ret) { Log 0, $ret if(!$ignoreErr); return "UNDEFINED"; } if(!$modules{$m}{LOADED}) { # Case corrected by reload? foreach my $i (keys %modules) { if(uc($m) eq uc($i) && $modules{$i}{LOADED}) { delete($modules{$m}); $m = $i; last; } } } } return $m; } ##################################### sub cmd_parseOpts($$$) { my ($def, $optRegexp, $res) = @_; while($def) { last if($def !~ m/^\s*($optRegexp)\s+/); my $o = $1; $def =~ s/^\s*$o\s+//; $o =~ s/^-//; $res->{$o} = 1; } return $def; } sub CommandDefine($$) { my ($cl, $def) = @_; # ignoreErr ist used by RSS in fhem.cfg.demo, with no GD installed # temporary #39610 #46640 # silent #57691 my %opt; my $optRegexp = '-ignoreErr|-temporary|-silent'; $def = cmd_parseOpts($def, $optRegexp, \%opt); my @a = split("[ \t]+", $def, 3); my $name = $a[0]; return "Usage: define [$optRegexp] " if(int(@a) < 2); return "$name already defined, delete it first" if(defined($defs{$name})); return "Invalid characters in name (not A-Za-z0-9._): $name" if(!goodDeviceName($name)); my $m = $a[1]; if(!$modules{$m}) { # Perhaps just wrong case? foreach my $i (keys %modules) { if(uc($m) eq uc($i)) { $m = $i; last; } } } my $newm = LoadModule($m, $opt{ignoreErr}); return "Cannot load module $m" if($newm eq "UNDEFINED"); $m = $newm; return "Unknown module $m" if(!$modules{$m} || !$modules{$m}{DefFn}); my %hash; $hash{NAME} = $name; $hash{FUUID} = genUUID(); $hash{TYPE} = $m; $hash{STATE} = "???"; $hash{DEF} = $a[2] if(int(@a) > 2); #130588: start early after next save, for a small SubProcess size $hash{NR} = ($modules{$m}{prioSave} && $devcountPrioSave < 30) ? $devcountPrioSave++ : $devcount++; $hash{CFGFN} = $currcfgfile if($currcfgfile ne AttrVal("global", "configfile", "") && !configDBUsed()); $hash{CL} = $cl; $hash{TEMPORARY} = 1 if($opt{temporary}); # If the device wants to issue initialization gets/sets, then it needs to be # in the global hash. $defs{$name} = \%hash; my $ret = CallFn($name, "DefFn", \%hash, $modules{$m}->{parseParams} ? parseParams($def) : $def); if($ret) { Log 1, "define $def: $ret" if(!$opt{ignoreErr}); delete $defs{$name}; # Veto delete $attr{$name}; } else { delete $hash{CL}; foreach my $da (sort keys (%defaultattr)) { # Default attributes CommandAttr($cl, "$name $da $defaultattr{$da}"); } if($modules{$m}{NotifyFn} && !$hash{NTFY_ORDER}) { $hash{NTFY_ORDER} = ($modules{$m}{NotifyOrderPrefix} ? $modules{$m}{NotifyOrderPrefix} : "50-") . $name; } %ntfyHash = (); if(!$opt{temporary} && $init_done) { addStructChange("define", $name, $def) if(!$opt{silent}); DoTrigger("global", "DEFINED $name", 1); } if($init_done && $modules{$m}{Match}) { # reset multiple IOdev, #127565 foreach my $an (keys %defs) { my $ah = $defs{$an}; my $cl = $ah->{Clients}; $cl = $modules{$ah->{TYPE}}{Clients} if(!$cl); next if(!$cl || !$ah->{'.clientArray'}); foreach my $cmRe ( split(/:/, $cl) ) { if($m =~ m/^$cmRe$/) { delete($ah->{'.clientArray'}); last; } } } } } return ($ret && $opt{ignoreErr} ? "Cannot define $name, remove -ignoreErr for details" : $ret); } ##################################### sub CommandModify($$) { my ($cl, $def) = @_; my %opt; $def = cmd_parseOpts($def, '-silent', \%opt); my @a = split("[ \t]+", $def, 2); return "Usage: modify " if(int(@a) < 1); # Return a list of modules return "Define $a[0] first" if(!defined($defs{$a[0]})); my $hash = $defs{$a[0]}; %ntfyHash = () if($hash->{NTFY_ORDER}); $hash->{OLDDEF} = $hash->{DEF}; $hash->{DEF} = $a[1]; $hash->{CL} = $cl; my $ret = CallFn($a[0], "DefFn", $hash, $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}->{parseParams} ? parseParams("$a[0] $hash->{TYPE}".(defined($a[1]) ? " $a[1]":"")): "$a[0] $hash->{TYPE}".(defined($a[1]) ? " $a[1]" : "")); delete $hash->{CL}; if($ret) { $hash->{DEF} = $hash->{OLDDEF}; } else { addStructChange("modify", $a[0], $def) if(!$opt{silent}); DoTrigger("global", "MODIFIED $a[0]", 1) if($init_done); } delete($hash->{OLDDEF}); return $ret; } ##################################### sub CommandDefMod($$) { my ($cl, $def) = @_; my %opt; my $optRegexp = '-ignoreErr|-temporary|-silent'; $def = cmd_parseOpts($def, $optRegexp, \%opt); my @a = split("[ \t]+", $def, 3); return "Usage: defmod [$optRegexp] " if(int(@a) < 2); if($defs{$a[0]}) { $def = $a[2] ? "$a[0] $a[2]" : $a[0]; return "defmod $a[0]: Cannot change the TYPE of an existing definition" if($a[1] ne $defs{$a[0]}{TYPE}); $def = "-".join(" -", keys %opt)." ".$def if(%opt); return CommandModify($cl, $def); } else { $def = "-".join(" -", keys %opt)." ".$def if(%opt); return CommandDefine($cl, $def); } } ############# # internal sub fhem_setIoDev($$) { my ($hash, $val) = @_; if(!$val || !defined($defs{$val})) { if(!$init_done) { $hash->{IODevMissing} = 1; $hash->{IODevName} = $val; } return "unknown IODev $val specified"; } my $av = AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "IODev", ""); return "$hash->{NAME}: not setting IODev to $val, as different attr exists" if($av && $av ne $val); $hash->{IODev} = $defs{$val}; setReadingsVal($hash, "IODev", $val, TimeNow()); # 120603 delete($defs{$val}{".clientArray"}); # Force a recompute delete($hash->{IODevMissing}); delete($hash->{IODevName}); return undef; } # Searches for a possible IODev, choosing the last defined compatible one. sub AssignIoPort($;$) { my ($hash, $proposed) = @_; my $ht = $hash->{TYPE}; my $hn = $hash->{NAME}; $proposed = AttrVal($hn, "IODev", undef) if(!$proposed); $proposed = ReadingsVal($hn, "IODev", undef) if(!$proposed); if($proposed && $defs{$proposed} && IsDisabled($proposed) != 1) { fhem_setIoDev($hash, $proposed); } else { # Set the I/O device, search for the last compatible one. for my $p (sort { $defs{$b}{NR} <=> $defs{$a}{NR} } keys %defs) { next if(IsDisabled($p) == 1); next if($defs{$p}{TEMPORARY}); # e.g. server clients my $cl = $defs{$p}{Clients}; $cl = $modules{$defs{$p}{TYPE}}{Clients} if(!$cl); if($cl && $defs{$p}{NAME} ne $hn) { # e.g. RFR my @fnd = grep { $hash->{TYPE} =~ m/^$_$/; } split(":", $cl); if(@fnd) { fhem_setIoDev($hash, $p); last; } } } } return if($hash->{IODev}); if($init_done) { Log 3, "No I/O device found for $hn"; } else { $hash->{IODevMissing} = 1; } return undef; } ############# sub CommandDelete($$) { my ($cl, $def) = @_; return "Usage: delete $namedef\n" if(!$def); my @rets; foreach my $sdev (devspec2array($def, $cl)) { if(!defined($defs{$sdev})) { push @rets, "Please define $sdev first"; next; } $defs{$sdev}->{CL} = $cl; my $ret = CallFn($sdev, "UndefFn", $defs{$sdev}, $sdev); if($ret) { push @rets, $ret; delete $defs{$sdev}->{CL}; next; } $ret = CallFn($sdev, "DeleteFn", $defs{$sdev}, $sdev); if($ret) { push @rets, $ret; delete $defs{$sdev}->{CL}; next; } delete $defs{$sdev}->{CL}; removeFromNtfyHash($sdev); # Delete releated hashes foreach my $p (keys %selectlist) { if($selectlist{$p} && $selectlist{$p}{NAME} eq $sdev) { delete $selectlist{$p}; } } foreach my $p (keys %readyfnlist) { delete $readyfnlist{$p} if($readyfnlist{$p} && $readyfnlist{$p}{NAME} eq $sdev); } my $temporary = $defs{$sdev}{TEMPORARY}; addStructChange("delete", $sdev, $sdev) if(!$temporary); delete($attr{$sdev}); delete($defs{$sdev}); DoTrigger("global", "DELETED $sdev", 1) if(!$temporary); } return join("\n", @rets); } ############# sub CommandDeleteAttr($$) { my ($cl, $def) = @_; my $optRegexp = '-silent'; my %opt; $def = cmd_parseOpts($def, $optRegexp, \%opt); my @a = split(" ", $def, 2); return "Usage: deleteattr []\n$namedef" if(@a < 1); my @rets; foreach my $sdev (devspec2array($a[0], $cl)) { if(!defined($defs{$sdev})) { push @rets, "Please define $sdev first"; next; } $a[0] = $sdev; if($a[1]) { if($a[1] eq "userReadings") { delete($defs{$sdev}{'.userReadings'}); } elsif($ra{$a[1]}) { my $cache = $ra{$a[1]}{c}; delete $defs{$sdev}{$cache} if( $cache ); } } my $ret = CallFn($sdev, "AttrFn", "del", @a); if($ret) { push @rets, $ret; next; } if(@a == 1) { # Delete all attributes of a device delete($attr{$sdev}); } else { # delete specified attribute(s) if(defined($attr{$sdev})) { map { delete($attr{$sdev}{$_}) if($_ =~ m/^$a[1]$/) } keys %{$attr{$sdev}}; } } addStructChange("deleteAttr", $sdev, join(" ", @a)) if(!$opt{silent}); DoTrigger("global", "DELETEATTR ".join(" ",@a), 1) if($init_done); } return join("\n", @rets); } ############# sub CommandDisplayAttr($$) { my ($cl, $def) = @_; my @a = split(" ", $def, 2); return "Usage: displayattr []\n$namedef" if(@a < 1); my @rets; my @devspec = devspec2array($a[0],$cl); foreach my $sdev (@devspec) { if(!defined($defs{$sdev})) { push @rets, "Please define $sdev first"; next; } my $ap = $attr{$sdev}; next if(!$ap); my $d = (@devspec > 1 ? "$sdev " : ""); if(defined($a[1])) { push @rets, "$d$ap->{$a[1]}" if(defined($ap->{$a[1]})); } else { push @rets, map { "$d$_ $ap->{$_}" } sort keys %{$ap}; } } return join("\n", @rets); } ############# sub CommandDeleteReading($$) { my ($cl, $def) = @_; my $quiet = undef; if($def =~ m/^\s*-q\s(.*)$/) { $quiet = 1; $def = $1; } my @a = split(" ", $def, 3); return "Usage: deletereading [-q] [older-than-seconds]\n". $namedef if(@a < 2); eval { "" =~ m/$a[1]/ }; return "Bad regexp $a[1]: $@" if($@); return "Bad older-than-seconds format $a[2]" if(defined($a[2]) && $a[2] !~ m/^\d+$/); my @rets; foreach my $sdev (devspec2array($a[0],$cl)) { if(!defined($defs{$sdev})) { push @rets, "Please define $sdev first"; next; } $a[0] = $sdev; my $readingspec= '^' . $a[1] . '$'; foreach my $reading (grep { /$readingspec/ } keys %{$defs{$sdev}{READINGS}} ) { next if(defined($a[2]) && ReadingsAge($sdev, $reading, 0) <= $a[2]); readingsDelete($defs{$sdev}, $reading); push @rets, "Deleted reading $reading for device $sdev"; } } return undef if($quiet); return join("\n", @rets); } sub CommandSetReading($$) { my ($cl, $def) = @_; my $timestamp; if($def =~ m/^([^ ]+) +(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d) +([^ ]+) +(.*)$/) { $def = "$1 $3 $4"; $timestamp = $2; } my @a = split(" ", $def, 3); return "Usage: setreading [YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS] \n". $namedef if(@a != 3); my $err; my @b = @a; my @rets; foreach my $sdev (devspec2array($a[0],$cl)) { if(!defined($defs{$sdev})) { push @rets, "Please define $sdev first"; next; } my $hash = $defs{$sdev}; if($featurelevel >= 5.7) { $hash->{CL} = $cl; ($err, @b) = ReplaceSetMagic($hash, 3, @a); delete $hash->{CL}; } my $b1 = $b[1]; return "$sdev: bad reading name '$b1' (allowed chars: A-Za-z/\\d_\\.-)" if(!goodReadingName($b1)); if($b1 eq "IODev") { next if(!fhem_devSupportsAttr($sdev, "IODev")); my $ret = fhem_setIoDev($hash, $b[2]); push @rets, $ret if($ret); next; } if($hash->{".updateTime"}) { # Called from userReadings, #110375 Log 1, "'setreading $def' called form userReadings is prohibited"; return; } else { readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $b1, $b[2], 1, $timestamp); } } return join("\n", @rets); } ############# sub PrintHash($$) { my ($h, $lev) = @_; my $si = AttrVal("global", "showInternalValues", 0); return "" if($h->{".visited"}); $h->{".visited"} = 1; my ($str,$sstr) = ("",""); foreach my $c (sort keys %{$h}) { next if(!$si && $c =~ m/^\./ || $c eq ".visited"); if(ref($h->{$c})) { if(ref($h->{$c}) eq "HASH") { if(defined($h->{$c}{TIME}) && defined($h->{$c}{VAL})) { $str .= sprintf("%*s %-19s %-15s %s\n", $lev," ", $h->{$c}{TIME},$c,$h->{$c}{VAL}); } elsif($c eq "IODev" || $c eq "HASH") { $str .= sprintf("%*s %-10s %s\n", $lev," ",$c, $h->{$c}{NAME}); } else { $sstr .= sprintf("%*s %s:\n", $lev, " ", $c); $sstr .= PrintHash($h->{$c}, $lev+2); } } elsif(ref($h->{$c}) eq "ARRAY") { $sstr .= sprintf("%*s %s:\n", $lev, " ", $c); foreach my $v (@{$h->{$c}}) { $sstr .= sprintf("%*s %s\n", $lev+2, " ", defined($v) ? $v:"undef"); } } } else { my $v = $h->{$c}; $str .= sprintf("%*s %-10s %s\n", $lev," ",$c, defined($v) ? $v : ""); } } delete $h->{".visited"}; return $str . $sstr; } ##################################### sub CommandList($$) { my ($cl, $param) = @_; my $str = ""; my %opt; my $optRegexp = '-r|-R|-i'; $param = cmd_parseOpts($param, $optRegexp, \%opt); if($opt{r} || $opt{R}) { my @list; if($opt{R}) { return "-R needs a valid device as argument" if(!$param); push @list, $param; push @list, getPawList($param); } else { @list = devspec2array($param ? $param : ".*", $cl); } foreach my $d (@list) { return "No device named $d found" if(!defined($defs{$d})); $str .= "\n" if($str); my @a = GetDefAndAttr($d); $str .= join("\n", @a)."\n" if(@a); if($opt{i}) { my $intHash = PrintHash($defs{$d}, 2); $intHash =~ s/\n/\n#/g; $str .= "#".$intHash; } } foreach my $d (sort @list) { $str .= "\n" if($str); my @a = GetAllReadings($d); $str .= join("\n", @a)."\n" if(@a); } return $str; } if(!$param) { # List of all devices $str = "\nType list for detailed info.\n"; my $lt = ""; # Sort first by type then by name for my $d (sort { my $x=$modules{$defs{$a}{TYPE}}{ORDER}.$defs{$a}{TYPE} cmp $modules{$defs{$b}{TYPE}}{ORDER}.$defs{$b}{TYPE}; $x=($a cmp $b) if($x == 0); $x; } keys %defs) { next if(IsIgnored($d) || ($cl && !Authorized($cl, "devicename", $d, 1))); my $t = $defs{$d}{TYPE}; $str .= "\n$t:\n" if($t ne $lt); $str .= sprintf(" %-20s (%s)\n", $d, $defs{$d}{STATE}); $lt = $t; } } else { # devspecArray my @arg = split(" ", $param); my @list = devspec2array($arg[0],$cl); if($arg[1]) { foreach my $sdev (@list) { # Show a Hash-Entry or Reading for each device next if(!$defs{$sdev}); my $first = 1; foreach my $n (@arg[1..@arg-1]) { my $n = $n; # Forum #53223, for some perl versions $n is a reference my $fType=""; if($n =~ m/^(.:)(.*$)/) { $fType = $1; $n = $2; } if(defined($defs{$sdev}{$n}) && (!$fType || $fType eq "i:")) { my $val = $defs{$sdev}{$n}; if(ref($val) eq 'HASH') { $val = ($val->{NAME} ? $val->{NAME} : # ??? join(" ", map { "$_=$val->{$_}" } sort keys %{$val})); } $str .= sprintf("%-20s %*s %*s %s\n", ($first++==1)?$sdev:'', $arg[2]?19:0, '', $arg[2]?-15:0, $arg[2]?$n:'', $val); } elsif($defs{$sdev}{READINGS} && defined($defs{$sdev}{READINGS}{$n}) && (!$fType || $fType eq "r:")) { $str .= sprintf("%-20s %s %*s %s\n", ($first++==1)?$sdev:'', $defs{$sdev}{READINGS}{$n}{TIME}, $arg[2]?-15:0, $arg[2]?$n:'', $defs{$sdev}{READINGS}{$n}{VAL}); } elsif($attr{$sdev} && defined($attr{$sdev}{$n}) && (!$fType || $fType eq "a:")) { $str .= sprintf("%-20s %*s %*s %s\n",($first++==1)?$sdev:'', $arg[2]?19:0, '', $arg[2]?-15:0, $arg[2]?$n:'', $attr{$sdev}{$n}); } } } } elsif(@list == 1) { # Details my $sdev = $list[0]; if(!defined($defs{$sdev})) { $str .= "No device named $param found"; } else { $str .= "Internals:\n"; $str .= PrintHash($defs{$sdev}, 2); $str .= "Attributes:\n"; $str .= PrintHash($attr{$sdev}, 2); } } else { foreach my $sdev (@list) { # List of devices $str .= "$sdev\n"; } } } return $str; } ##################################### sub CommandReload($$;$) { my ($cl, $param, $ignoreErr) = @_; my %hash; $param =~ s,/,,g; $param =~ s,\.pm$,,g; my $file = "$attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM/$param.pm"; my $cfgDB = '-'; if( ! -r "$file" ) { if(configDBUsed()) { # try to find the file in configDB my $r = _cfgDB_Fileexport($file); # create file temporarily return "Can't read $file from configDB." if ($r =~ m/^0/); $cfgDB = 'X'; } else { # configDB not used and file not found: it's a real error! return "Can't read $file"; } } my $m = $param; $m =~ s,^([0-9][0-9])_,,; my $order = (defined($1) ? $1 : "00"); Log 5, "Loading $file"; no strict "refs"; my $ret = eval { my $ret=do "$file"; unlink($file) if($cfgDB eq 'X'); # delete temp file if(!$ret) { Log 1, "reload: Error:Modul $param deactivated:\n $@" if(!$ignoreErr); return $@; } # Get the name of the initialize function. This may differ from the # filename as sometimes we live on a FAT fs with wrong case. my $fnname = $m; foreach my $i (keys %main::) { if($i =~ m/^(${m})_initialize$/i) { $fnname = $1; last; } } &{ "${fnname}_Initialize" }(\%hash); $m = $fnname; return undef; }; use strict "refs"; return "$@" if($@); return $ret if($ret); my ($defptr, $ldata); if($modules{$m}) { $defptr = $modules{$m}{defptr}; $ldata = $modules{$m}{ldata}; } $modules{$m} = \%hash; $modules{$m}{ORDER} = $order; $modules{$m}{LOADED} = 1; $modules{$m}{defptr} = $defptr if($defptr); $modules{$m}{ldata} = $ldata if($ldata); return undef; } ##################################### sub CommandRename($$) { my ($cl, $param) = @_; my ($old, $new) = split(" ", $param); return "old name is empty" if(!defined($old)); return "new name is empty" if(!defined($new)); return "Please define $old first" if(!defined($defs{$old})); return "$new already defined" if(defined($defs{$new})); return "Invalid characters in name (not A-Za-z0-9._): $new" if(!goodDeviceName($new)); return "Cannot rename global" if($old eq "global"); return "Cannot rename $old from itself" if($cl && $cl->{SNAME} && $cl->{SNAME} eq $old); %ntfyHash = (); $defs{$new} = $defs{$old}; $defs{$new}{NAME} = $new; delete($defs{$old}); # The new pointer will preserve the hash $attr{$new} = $attr{$old} if(defined($attr{$old})); delete($attr{$old}); $oldvalue{$new} = $oldvalue{$old} if(defined($oldvalue{$old})); delete($oldvalue{$old}); CallFn($new, "RenameFn", $new,$old);# ignore replies for my $d (keys %defs) { my $aw = ReadingsVal($d, "associatedWith", ""); next if($aw !~ m/\b$old\b/); $aw =~ s/\b$old\b/$new/; setReadingsVal($defs{$d}, "associatedWith", $aw, TimeNow()) if($defs{$d}); } addStructChange("rename", $new, $param); DoTrigger("global", "RENAMED $old $new", 1); return undef; } ##################################### sub getAllAttr($;$$) { my ($d, $cl, $typeHash) = @_; return "" if(!$defs{$d}); my $list = ""; my $add = sub($$) { my ($v,$type) = @_; return if(!defined($v)); $list .= " " if($list); $list .= $v; map { s/:.*//; $typeHash->{$_} = $attrSource{$_} ? $attrSource{$_} : $type } split(" ",$v) if($typeHash); }; &$add($AttrList, "framework"); if($defs{$d}{".AttrList"}) { &$add($defs{$d}{".AttrList"}, "#".$defs{$d}{TYPE}); #124538 } else { &$add($modules{$defs{$d}{TYPE}}{AttrList}, "#".$defs{$d}{TYPE}); } my $nl2space = sub($$) { my ($v,$type) = @_; return if(!defined($v)); $v =~ s/\n/ /g; &$add($v, $type); }; $nl2space->($attr{global}{userattr}, "global userattr"); $nl2space->($attr{$d}{userattr}, "device userattr") if($attr{$d}); return $list; } ##################################### sub getAllGets($;$) { my ($d, $cl) = @_; my $a2 = CommandGet($cl, "$d ?"); return "" if($a2 !~ m/unknown.*choose one of /i); $a2 =~ s/.*choose one of //; return $a2; } ##################################### sub getAllSets($;$) { my ($d, $cl) = @_; return "" if(!$defs{$d}); # Just safeguarding if(AttrVal("global", "apiversion", 1)> 1) { my @setters= getSetters($defs{$d}); return join(" ", @setters); } my $a2 = CommandSet($cl, "$d ?"); $a2 =~ s/.*choose one of //; $a2 = "" if($a2 =~ /^No set implemented for/); return "" if($a2 eq ""); $a2 = $defs{$d}{".eventMapCmd"}." $a2" if(defined($defs{$d}{".eventMapCmd"})); return $a2; } sub GlobalAttr($$$$) { my ($type, $me, $name, $val) = @_; if($type eq "del") { my %noDel = ( modpath=>1, verbose=>1, logfile=>1, configfile=>1, encoding=>1 ); return "The global attribute $name cannot be deleted" if($noDel{$name}); $featurelevel = 6.2 if($name eq "featurelevel"); $haveInet6 = 0 if($name eq "useInet6"); # IPv6 delete($defs{global}{ignoreRegexpObj}) if($name eq "ignoreRegexp"); return undef; } my $ev = $globalAttrFromEnv->{$name}; return "$name is readonly, it is set in the FHEM_GLOBALATTR environment" if(defined($ev) && defined($val) && $ev ne $val); ################ if($name eq "logfile") { my @t = localtime(gettimeofday()); my $ret = OpenLogfile(ResolveDateWildcards($val, @t)); if($ret) { return $ret if($init_done); die($ret); } } if($name eq "encoding") { # Should be called from fhem.cfg/configDB return "bad encoding parameter $val, good values are bytestream or unicode" if($val ne "unicode" && $val ne "bytestream"); if($init_done) { InternalTimer(0, sub { CommandSave(undef, undef); CommandShutdown(undef, "restart"); }, undef); return; } $unicodeEncoding = ($val eq "unicode"); $currlogfile = ""; } ################ elsif($name eq "verbose") { if($val =~ m/^[0-5]$/) { return undef; } else { $attr{global}{verbose} = 3; return "Valid value for verbose are 0,1,2,3,4,5"; } } elsif($name eq "modpath") { return "modpath must point to a directory where the FHEM subdir is" if(! -d "$val/FHEM"); my $modpath = $val; my $modpath_FHEM = "$modpath/FHEM"; my $modpath_lib = "$modpath/lib"; opendir(DH, $modpath_FHEM) || return "Can't read $modpath_FHEM: $!"; unshift @INC, $modpath_FHEM if(!grep(/^\Q$modpath_FHEM\E$/,@INC)); unshift @INC, $modpath_lib if(!grep(/^\Q$modpath_lib\E$/, @INC)); unshift @INC, $modpath if(!grep(/^\Q$modpath\E$/, @INC)); #configDb $cvsid =~ m/(fhem.pl) (\d+) (\d+-\d+-\d+)/; $attr{global}{version} = "$1:$2/$3"; my $counter = 0; my $oldVal = $attr{global}{modpath}; $attr{global}{modpath} = $modpath; if(configDBUsed()) { my $list = cfgDB_Read99(); # retrieve filelist from configDB if($list) { foreach my $m (split(/,/,$list)) { $m =~ m/^([0-9][0-9])_(.*)\.pm$/; CommandReload(undef, $m) if(!$modules{$2}{LOADED}); $counter++; } } } foreach my $m (sort readdir(DH)) { next if($m !~ m/^([0-9][0-9])_(.*)\.pm$/); $modules{$2}{ORDER} = $1; CommandReload(undef, $m) # Always load utility modules if($1 eq "99" && !$modules{$2}{LOADED}); $counter++; } closedir(DH); if(!$counter) { $attr{global}{modpath} = $oldVal; return "No modules found, set modpath to a directory in which a " . "subdirectory called \"FHEM\" exists wich in turn contains " . "the fhem module files <*>.pm"; } } elsif($name eq "featurelevel") { return "$val is not in the form N.N" if($val !~ m/^\d+\.\d+$/); $featurelevel = $val; } elsif($name eq "commandref" && $init_done) { my $root = $attr{global}{modpath}; my $out = ""; $out = ">> $currlogfile 2>&1" if($currlogfile ne "-" && $^O ne "MSWin32"); if($val eq "full") { system("$^X $root/contrib/commandref_join.pl -noWarnings $out") } else { system("$^X $root/contrib/commandref_modular.pl $out"); } } elsif($name eq "useInet6") { if($val || !defined($val)) { eval { require IO::Socket::INET6; require Socket6; }; return $@ if($@); $haveInet6 = 1; } else { $haveInet6 = 0; } } elsif($name eq "ignoreRegexp") { return "Incorrect regexp (starts with *)" if($val =~ m/^\*/); my $reObj; eval { $reObj = qr/^$val$/; "Hallo" =~ $reObj ; }; return $@ if($@); $defs{global}{ignoreRegexpObj} = $reObj; } return undef; } sub CommandAttr($$) { my ($cl, $param) = @_; my ($ret, $append, $remove, @a); my %opt; my $optRegexp = '-a|-r|-silent'; $param = cmd_parseOpts($param, $optRegexp, \%opt); @a = split(" ", $param, 3) if($param); return "Usage: attr [$optRegexp] []\n$namedef" if(@a < 2 || ($opt{a} && $opt{r})); my $a1 = $a[1]; return "$a[0]: bad attribute name '$a1' (allowed chars: A-Za-z/\\d_\\.-)" if($featurelevel > 5.9 && !goodReadingName($a1) && $a1 ne "?"); return "attr $param: attribute value is missing" if($#a < 2 && $a1 ne "?"); my @rets; foreach my $sdev (devspec2array($a[0], $a1 && $a1 eq "?" ? undef : $cl)) { my $hash = $defs{$sdev}; my $attrName = $a1; my $attrVal = $a[2]; if(!defined($hash)) { push @rets, "Please define $sdev first" if($init_done);#define -ignoreErr next; } my $list = getAllAttr($sdev); if($attrName eq "?") { push @rets, "$sdev: unknown attribute $attrName, choose one of $list"; next; } $attrName = resolveAttrRename($sdev,$attrName); if(" $list " !~ m/ ${attrName}[ :;]/) { my $found = 0; foreach my $atr (split("[ \t]", $list)) { # is it a regexp? $atr =~ /^([^;:]+)(:.*)?$/; my $base = $1; if(${attrName} =~ m/^$base$/) { $found++; last; } } if(!$found) { push @rets, "$sdev: unknown attribute $attrName. ". "Type 'attr $sdev ?' for a detailed list."; next; } } if($opt{a} && $attr{$sdev} && $attr{$sdev}{$attrName}) { $attrVal = $attr{$sdev}{$attrName} . ($attrVal =~ m/^,/ ? $attrVal : " $attrVal"); } if($opt{r} && $attr{$sdev} && $attr{$sdev}{$attrName}) { my $v = $attr{$sdev}{$attrName}; $v =~ s/\b$attrVal\b//; $attrVal = $v; } if($attrName eq 'disable' && $attrVal eq 'toggle') { $attrVal = IsDisabled($sdev) ? 0 : 1; } if($attrName eq "userReadings") { my @userReadings; # myReading1[:trigger1] [modifier1] { codecodecode1 }, ... my $arg= $attrVal; # matches myReading1[:trigger2] { codecode1 } my $regexi= '\s*([\w.-]+)(:\S*)?\s+((\w+)\s+)?(\{.*?\})\s*'; my $regexo= '^(' . $regexi . ')(,\s*(.*))*$'; my $rNo=0; while($arg =~ /$regexo/s) { my $reading= $2; my $trigger= $3 ? $3 : undef; my $modifier= $5 ? $5 : "none"; my $perlCode= $6; #Log 1, sprintf("userReading %s has perlCode %s with modifier %s%s", # $userReading,$perlCode,$modifier,$trigger?" and trigger $trigger":""); if(grep { /$modifier/ } qw(none difference differential offset monotonic integral)) { $trigger =~ s/^:// if($trigger); my %userReading = ( reading => $reading, trigger => $trigger, modifier => $modifier, perlCode => $perlCode ); push @userReadings, \%userReading; } else { push @rets, "$sdev: unknown modifier $modifier for ". "userReading $reading, this userReading will be ignored"; } $arg= defined($8) ? $8 : ""; } $hash->{'.userReadings'}= \@userReadings; } my $oVal = ($attr{$sdev} ? $attr{$sdev}{$attrName} : ""); if($attrName eq "eventMap") { delete $hash->{".eventMapHash"}; delete $hash->{".eventMapCmd"}; $attr{$sdev}{eventMap} = $attrVal; my $r = ReplaceEventMap($sdev, "test", 1); # refresh eventMapCmd if($r =~ m/^ERROR in eventMap for /) { delete($attr{$sdev}{eventMap}); return $r; } } if($ra{$attrName}) { my ($lval,$rp,$cache) = ($attrVal, $ra{$attrName}{p}, $ra{$attrName}{c}); if($rp && $lval =~ m/$rp/s) { my $err = perlSyntaxCheck($attrVal, %{$ra{$attrName}{pv}}); return "attr $sdev $attrName: $err" if($err); } else { delete $hash->{$cache} if( $cache ); my @a = split($ra{$attrName}{s}, $lval) ; for my $v (@a) { my $v = $v; # resolve the reference to avoid changing @a itself if($ra{$attrName}{isNum}) { my @va = split(":", $v); return "attr $sdev $attrName $v: argument is not a number" if(!defined($va[1]) || !looks_like_number($va[1])); } $v =~ s/$ra{$attrName}{r}// if($ra{$attrName}{r}); my $err ="Argument $v for attr $sdev $attrName is not a valid regexp"; return "$err: use .* instead of *" if($v =~ /^\*/); # no err in eval!? eval { "Hallo" =~ m/^$v$/ }; return "$err: $@" if($@); } $hash->{$cache} = \@a if( $cache ); } } if($fhemdebug && $sdev eq "global") { $attrVal = "-" if($attrName eq "logfile"); $attrVal = 5 if($attrName eq "verbose"); } $defs{$sdev}->{CL} = $cl; $ret = CallFn($sdev, "AttrFn", "set", $sdev, $attrName, $attrVal); delete($defs{$sdev}->{CL}); if($ret) { push @rets, $ret; next; } $attr{$sdev}{$attrName} = $attrVal; if($attrName eq "IODev") { my $ret = fhem_setIoDev($hash, $attrVal); if($ret) { push @rets, $ret if($init_done); next; } } if($attrName eq "stateFormat" && $init_done) { my $err = perlSyntaxCheck($attrVal, ("%name"=>"")); return $err if($err); evalStateFormat($hash); } addStructChange("attr", $sdev, "$sdev $attrName $attrVal") if(!$opt{silent} && (!defined($oVal) || $oVal ne $attrVal)); DoTrigger("global", "ATTR $sdev $attrName $attrVal", 1) if($init_done); } Log 3, join(" ", @rets) if(!$cl && @rets); return join("\n", @rets); } ##################################### # Default Attr sub CommandDefaultAttr($$) { my ($cl, $param) = @_; my @a = split(" ", $param, 2); if(int(@a) == 0) { %defaultattr = (); } elsif(int(@a) == 1) { $defaultattr{$a[0]} = 1; } else { $defaultattr{$a[0]} = $a[1]; } return undef; } ##################################### sub CommandSetstate($$) { my ($cl, $param) = @_; my @a = split(" ", $param, 2); my $addMsg = ($init_done ? "" : "Bogus command was: setstate $param"); return "Usage: setstate \n${namedef}$addMsg" if(@a != 2); my @rets; foreach my $sdev (devspec2array($a[0],$cl)) { if(!defined($defs{$sdev})) { push @rets, "Please define $sdev first" if($init_done); # 115934 next; } my $d = $defs{$sdev}; # Detailed state with timestamp if($a[1] =~ m/^(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}) +([^ ].*)$/s) { my ($tim, $nameval) = ($1, $2); my ($sname, $sval) = split(" ", $nameval, 2); $sval = "" if(!defined($sval)); my $ret = CallFn($sdev, "StateFn", $d, $tim, $sname, $sval); if($ret) { push @rets, $ret; next; } if($sname eq "IODev") { next if(!fhem_devSupportsAttr($sdev, "IODev")); my $ret = fhem_setIoDev($d, $sval); if($ret) { push @rets, $ret if($init_done); next; } } Log3 $d, 3, "$sdev: bad reading name '$sname' (allowed chars: A-Za-z/\\d_\\.-)" if(!goodReadingName($sname)); if(!defined($d->{READINGS}{$sname}) || !defined($d->{READINGS}{$sname}{TIME}) || $d->{READINGS}{$sname}{TIME} lt $tim) { setReadingsVal($d, $sname, $sval, $tim); } } else { # The timestamp is not the correct one, but we do not store a timestamp # for this reading. my $tn = TimeNow(); $a[1] =~ s/\\(...)/chr(oct($1))/ge if($a[1] =~ m/^(\\011|\\040)+$/); $oldvalue{$sdev}{TIME} = $tn; $oldvalue{$sdev}{VAL} = ($init_done ? $d->{STATE} : $a[1]); # Do not overwrite state like "opened" or "initialized" $d->{STATE} = $a[1] if($init_done || $d->{STATE} eq "???"); my $ret = CallFn($sdev, "StateFn", $d, $tn, "STATE", $a[1]); if($ret) { push @rets, $ret; next; } } } return join("\n", @rets); } ##################################### sub CommandTrigger($$) { my ($cl, $param) = @_; my ($dev, $state) = split(" ", $param, 2); return "Usage: trigger \n$namedef" if(!$dev); $state = "" if(!defined($state)); my @rets; foreach my $sdev (devspec2array($dev,$cl)) { if(!defined($defs{$sdev})) { push @rets, "Please define $sdev first"; next; } my $ret = DoTrigger($sdev, $state); if($ret) { push @rets, $ret; next; } } return join("\n", @rets); } ##################################### sub sleep_WakeUpFn($) { my $id = shift; my $h = $sleepers{$id}; return if(!$h); delete $sleepers{$id}; CommandDelete($h->{cl}, $h->{name}) if(!defined($h->{sec})); $evalSpecials = $h->{evalSpecials}; my $ret = AnalyzeCommandChain($h->{cl}, $h->{cmd}); Log 2, "After sleep: $ret" if($ret && !$h->{quiet}); } sub CommandCancel($$) { my ($cl, $param) = @_; my ($id, $quiet) = split(" ", $param, 3); return "Last parameter must be quiet" if($quiet && $quiet ne "quiet"); if( !$id ) { my $ret; foreach $id (sort keys %sleepers) { my $h = $sleepers{$id}; $ret .= "\n" if( $ret ); $ret .= sprintf( "%-12s %-19s %s", $id, $h->{till}, $h->{cmd} ); } $ret = "no pending sleeps" if(!$ret); return $ret; } elsif( my $h = $sleepers{$id} ) { RemoveInternalTimer($id, "sleep_WakeUpFn") if(defined($h->{sec})); CommandDelete($cl, $h->{name}) if(!defined($h->{sec})); delete $sleepers{$id}; } else { return "no such id: $id" if( !$quiet ); } return undef; } sub CommandSleep($$) { my ($cl, $param) = @_; my ($sec, $id, $quiet) = split(" ", $param, 3); if( $id && $id eq 'quiet' ) { $quiet = $id; $id = undef; } return "Argument missing" if(!defined($sec)); return "Last parameter must be quiet" if($quiet && $quiet ne "quiet"); my $name = ".sleep_".(++$intAtCnt); $id = $name if(!$id); my $till; if($sec !~ m/^[0-9\.]+$/) { my ($err, $hr,$min,$s, $fn) = GetTimeSpec($sec); if($err) { # not a valid timespec => treat as regex if(@cmdList && $init_done) { CommandDelete($cl, $sleepers{$id}{name}) if($sleepers{$id}); $err = CommandDefine($cl, "-temporary $name notify $sec {sleep_WakeUpFn('$id')}"); $attr{$name}{ignore} = 1; return $err if($err); } $till = $sec; $sec = undef; } else { $sec = 3600*$hr+60*$min+$s; } } $till = gettimeofday()+$sec if(defined($sec)); if(@cmdList && $init_done) { my %h = (cmd => join(";", @cmdList), evalSpecials => $evalSpecials, quiet => $quiet, till => defined($sec) ? FmtDateTime($till) : $till, sec => $sec, name => $name, cl => $cl, id => $id); if(defined($sec)) { RemoveInternalTimer($id, "sleep_WakeUpFn"); InternalTimer($till, "sleep_WakeUpFn", $id, 0); } $sleepers{$id} = \%h; @cmdList=(); } else { Log 1, "WARNING: sleep without additional commands is deprecated and blocks FHEM"; select(undef, undef, undef, $sec); } return undef; } ##################################### # Add a function to be executed after select returns. Only one function is # executed after select returns. # fn: a function reference # arg: function argument # nice: a number like in unix "nice". Smaller numbers mean higher priority. # limited to [-20,19], default 0 # returns the number of elements in the corrsponding queue sub PrioQueue_add($$;$) { my ($fn, $arg, $nice) = @_; $nice = 0 if(!defined($nice) || !looks_like_number($nice)); $nice = -20 if($nice <-20); $nice = 19 if($nice > 19); $nextat = 1; $prioQueues{$nice} = [] if(!defined $prioQueues{$nice}); push(@{$prioQueues{$nice}},{fn=>$fn, arg=>$arg}); }; ##################################### # Return the time to the next event (or undef if there is none) # and call each function which was scheduled for this time sub HandleTimeout() { return undef if(!$nextat); my $now = gettimeofday(); if($now < $nextat) { $selectTimestamp = $now; return ($nextat-$now); } $nextat = 0; while(@intAtA) { my $at = $intAtA[0]; my $tim = $at->{TRIGGERTIME}; if($tim && $tim > $now) { $nextat = $tim; last; } delete $intAt{$at->{atNr}} if($at->{atNr}); shift(@intAtA); if($tim && $at->{FN}) { no strict "refs"; &{$at->{FN}}($at->{ARG}); use strict "refs"; } } if(%prioQueues) { my $nice = minNum(keys %prioQueues); my $entry = shift(@{$prioQueues{$nice}}); delete $prioQueues{$nice} if(!@{$prioQueues{$nice}}); &{$entry->{fn}}($entry->{arg}); $nextat = 1 if(%prioQueues); } if(!$nextat) { $selectTimestamp = $now; return undef; } $now = gettimeofday(); # if some callbacks took longer $selectTimestamp = $now; return ($now < $nextat) ? ($nextat-$now) : 0; } ##################################### sub InternalTimer($$$;$) { my ($tim, $fn, $arg, $waitIfInitNotDone) = @_; $tim = 1 if(!$tim); if(!$init_done && $waitIfInitNotDone) { select(undef, undef, undef, $tim-gettimeofday()); no strict "refs"; &{$fn}($arg); use strict "refs"; return; } $nextat = $tim if(!$nextat || $nextat > $tim); my %h = (TRIGGERTIME=>$tim, FN=>$fn, ARG=>$arg, atNr=>++$intAtCnt); $h{STACKTRACE} = stacktraceAsString(1) if($addTimerStacktrace); $intAt{$h{atNr}} = \%h; if(!@intAtA) { push @intAtA, \%h; return; } my $idx = $#intAtA; # binary insert my ($lowerIdx,$upperIdx) = (0, $idx); while($lowerIdx <= $upperIdx) { $idx = int(($upperIdx-$lowerIdx)/2)+$lowerIdx; if($tim >= $intAtA[$idx]->{TRIGGERTIME}) { $lowerIdx = ++$idx; } else { $upperIdx = $idx-1; } } splice(@intAtA, $idx, 0, \%h); } sub RemoveInternalTimer($;$) { my ($arg, $fn) = @_; return if(!$arg && !$fn); for(my $i=0; $i<@intAtA; $i++) { my ($ia, $if) = ($intAtA[$i]->{ARG}, $intAtA[$i]->{FN}); if((!$arg || ($ia && $ia eq $arg)) && (!$fn || ($if && $if eq $fn))) { my $t = $intAtA[$i]->{atNr}; delete $intAt{$t} if($intAt{$t}); splice @intAtA, $i, 1; $i--; } } } ##################################### sub stacktrace() { my $i = 1; my $max_depth = 50; # Forum #59831 Log 1, "eval: $cmdFromAnalyze" if($cmdFromAnalyze && $attr{global}{verbose} < 3); Log 1, "stacktrace:"; while( (my @call_details = (caller($i++))) && ($i<$max_depth) ) { Log 1, sprintf (" %-35s called by %s (%s)", $call_details[3], $call_details[1], $call_details[2]); } } sub stacktraceAsString($) { my ($offset) = @_; $offset = 1 if (!$offset); my ($max_depth,$ret) = (50,""); while( (my @call_details = (caller($offset++))) && ($offset<$max_depth) ) { $call_details[3] =~ s/main:://; $ret .= sprintf(" %s:%s", $call_details[3], $call_details[2]); } return $ret; } my $inWarnSub; sub SignalHandling() { if($^O ne "MSWin32") { $SIG{TERM} = sub { $gotSig = "TERM"; }; $SIG{USR1} = sub { $gotSig = "USR1"; }; $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; $SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE'; $SIG{HUP} = sub { $gotSig = "HUP"; }; $SIG{ALRM} = sub { Log 1, "ALARM signal, blocking write?" }; #$SIG{'XFSZ'} = sub { Log 1, "XFSZ signal" }; # to test with limit filesize } $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { my ($msg) = @_; return if($inWarnSub); $lastWarningMsg = $msg; if(!$attr{global}{stacktrace} && $data{WARNING}{$msg}) { $data{WARNING}{$msg}++; return; } $inWarnSub = 1; $data{WARNING}{$msg}++; chomp($msg); Log 1, "PERL WARNING: $msg"; Log 3, "eval: $cmdFromAnalyze" if($cmdFromAnalyze); stacktrace() if($attr{global}{stacktrace} && $msg !~ m/ redefined at /); $inWarnSub = 0; }; # $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {...} #Removed. Forum #35796 } ##################################### sub TimeNow() { return FmtDateTime(gettimeofday()); } ##################################### sub FmtDateTime($) { my @t = localtime(shift); return sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $t[5]+1900, $t[4]+1, $t[3], $t[2], $t[1], $t[0]); } sub FmtTime($) { my @t = localtime(shift); return sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $t[2], $t[1], $t[0]); } sub FmtDateTimeRFC1123($) { my $t = gmtime(shift); if($t =~ m/^(...) (...) (..) (..:..:..) (....)$/) { return sprintf("$1, %02d $2 $5 $4 GMT", $3); } return $t; } sub Logdir() { return AttrVal("global","logdir", AttrVal("global","modpath","")."/log"); } ##################################### sub ResolveDateWildcards($@) { use POSIX qw(strftime); my ($f, @t) = @_; return $f if(!$f); return $f if($f !~ m/%/); # Be fast if there is no wildcard my $logdir = Logdir(); $f =~ s/%L/$logdir/g; my $ret = strftime($f,@t); # converts from UTF-8 to WideChar $ret = Encode::encode("UTF-8", $ret) if(!$unicodeEncoding); return $ret; } sub SemicolonEscape($) { my $cmd = shift; $cmd =~ s/^[ \t]*//; $cmd =~ s/[ \t]*$//; if($cmd =~ m/^{.*}$/s || $cmd =~ m/^".*"$/s) { $cmd =~ s/;/;;/g } return $cmd; } sub EvalSpecials($%) { # $NAME will be replaced with the device name which generated the event # $EVENT will be replaced with the whole event string # $EVTPART will be replaced with single words of an event my ($exec, %specials)= @_; if($specials{__UNIQUECMD__}) { delete $specials{__UNIQUECMD__}; } else { $exec = SemicolonEscape($exec); } my $idx = 0; if(defined($specials{"%EVENT"})) { foreach my $part (split(" ", $specials{"%EVENT"})) { $specials{"%EVTPART$idx"} = $part; last if($idx >= 20); $idx++; } } if($featurelevel > 5.6) { $evalSpecials = \%specials; return $exec; } # featurelevel <= 5.6 only: # The character % will be replaced with the received event, # e.g. with on or off or measured-temp: 21.7 (Celsius) # The character @ will be replaced with the device name. # To use % or @ in the text itself, use the double mode (%% or @@). my $re = join("|", keys %specials); # Found the $syntax, skip the rest $re =~ s/%//g; if($exec =~ m/\$($re)\b/) { $evalSpecials = \%specials; return $exec; } $exec =~ s/%%/____/g; # perform macro substitution my $extsyntax= 0; foreach my $special (keys %specials) { $extsyntax+= ($exec =~ s/$special/$specials{$special}/g); } if(!$extsyntax) { $exec =~ s/%/$specials{"%EVENT"}/g; } $exec =~ s/____/%/g; $exec =~ s/@@/____/g; $exec =~ s/@/$specials{"%NAME"}/g; $exec =~ s/____/@/g; return $exec; } ##################################### # Parse a timespec: HH:MM:SS, HH:MM or { perfunc() } sub GetTimeSpec($) { my ($tspec) = @_; my ($hr, $min, $sec, $fn); if($tspec =~ m/^([0-9]+):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9])$/) { # HH:MM:SS ($hr, $min, $sec) = ($1, $2, $3); } elsif($tspec =~ m/^([0-9]+):([0-5][0-9])$/) { # HH:MM ($hr, $min, $sec) = ($1, $2, 0); } elsif($tspec =~ m/^{(.*)}$/) { # {function} $fn = $1; $tspec = AnalyzeCommand(undef, "{$fn}"); $tspec = "" if(!$tspec); my ($err, $fn2); ($err, $hr, $min, $sec, $fn2) = GetTimeSpec($tspec); return ("the function \"$fn\" must return a timespec and not $tspec.", undef, undef, undef, $tspec) if($err); } else { return ("Wrong timespec $tspec: either HH:MM:SS or {perlcode}", undef, undef, undef, undef); } return (undef, $hr, $min, $sec, $fn); } sub deviceEvents($$) { my ($hash, $withState) = @_; # withState returns stateEvent as state:event return undef if(!$hash || !$hash->{CHANGED}); if($withState) { my $cws = $hash->{CHANGEDWITHSTATE}; if(defined($cws)){ if(int(@{$cws}) == 0) { if($hash->{READINGS} && $hash->{READINGS}{state}) { my $ostate = $hash->{READINGS}{state}{VAL}; my $mstate = ReplaceEventMap($hash->{NAME}, $ostate, 1); @{$cws} = map { $_ eq $mstate ? "state: $ostate" : $_ } @{$hash->{CHANGED}}; } else { @{$cws} = @{$hash->{CHANGED}}; } } return $cws; } } return $hash->{CHANGED}; } ##################################### # Do the notification sub DoTrigger($$@) { my ($dev, $newState, $noreplace) = @_; my $ret = ""; my $hash = $defs{$dev}; return "" if(!defined($hash)); $hash->{".triggerUsed"} = 1 if(defined($hash->{".triggerUsed"})); if(defined($newState)) { if($hash->{CHANGED}) { push @{$hash->{CHANGED}}, $newState; } else { $hash->{CHANGED}[0] = $newState; } } elsif(!defined($hash->{CHANGED})) { return ""; } if(!$noreplace) { # Backward compatibility for code without readingsUpdate if($attr{$dev}{eventMap}) { my $c = $hash->{CHANGED}; for(my $i = 0; $i < @{$c}; $i++) { $c->[$i] = ReplaceEventMap($dev, $c->[$i], 1); } $hash->{STATE} = ReplaceEventMap($dev, $hash->{STATE}, 1); } } my $max = int(@{$hash->{CHANGED}}); if(AttrVal($dev, "do_not_notify", 0)) { delete($hash->{CHANGED}); delete($hash->{CHANGETIME}); delete($hash->{CHANGEDWITHSTATE}); return ""; } my $now = TimeNow(); ################ # Log/notify modules # If modifying a device in its own trigger, do not call the triggers from # the inner loop. if($max && !defined($hash->{INTRIGGER})) { $hash->{INTRIGGER}=1; $hash->{eventCount}++; if($attr{global}{verbose} >= 5) { Log 5, "Starting notify loop for $dev, " . scalar(@{$hash->{CHANGED}}) . " event(s), first is " . escapeLogLine($hash->{CHANGED}->[0]); } createNtfyHash() if(!%ntfyHash); $hash->{NTFY_TRIGGERTIME} = $now; # Optimize FileLog my $ntfyLst = (defined($ntfyHash{$dev}) ? $ntfyHash{$dev} : $ntfyHash{"*"}); foreach my $n (@{$ntfyLst}) { next if(!defined($defs{$n})); # Was deleted in a previous notify my $r = CallFn($n, "NotifyFn", $defs{$n}, $hash); $ret .= " $n:$r" if($r); } delete($hash->{NTFY_TRIGGERTIME}); Log 5, "End notify loop for $dev"; ################ # Inform if($hash->{CHANGED}) { # It gets deleted sometimes (?) my $tn = $now; if($attr{global}{mseclog}) { my ($seconds, $microseconds) = gettimeofday(); $tn .= sprintf(".%03d", $microseconds/1000); } my $ct = $hash->{CHANGETIME}; foreach my $c (keys %inform) { my $dc = $defs{$c}; if(!$dc || $dc->{NR} != $inform{$c}{NR}) { delete($inform{$c}); next; } next if($inform{$c}{type} eq "raw"); my $re = $inform{$c}{regexp}; my $events = deviceEvents($hash, $inform{$c}{type} =~ m/WithState/); $max = int(@{$events}); for(my $i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) { my $event = $events->[$i]; my $t = (($ct && $ct->[$i]) ? $ct->[$i] : $tn); next if($re && !($dev =~ m/$re/ || "$dev:$event" =~ m/$re/)); my $txt = ($inform{$c}{type} eq "timer" ? "$t " : ""). "$hash->{TYPE} $dev $event\n"; my $enc = $dc->{encoding} && $dc->{encoding} eq "latin1" ? "Latin1":"UTF-8"; $txt = Encode::encode($enc, $txt) if($unicodeEncoding); addToWritebuffer($dc, $txt); } } } delete($hash->{INTRIGGER}); } #################### # Used by triggered perl programs to check the old value # Not suited for multi-valued devices (KS300, etc) $oldvalue{$dev}{TIME} = $now; $oldvalue{$dev}{VAL} = $hash->{STATE}; if(!defined($hash->{INTRIGGER})) { delete($hash->{CHANGED}); delete($hash->{CHANGETIME}); delete($hash->{CHANGEDWITHSTATE}); } Log 3, "NTFY return: $ret" if($ret); return $ret; } ##################################### # Wrapper for calling a module function sub CallFn(@) { my $d = shift; my $n = shift; if(!$d || !$defs{$d}) { $d = "" if(!defined($d)); Log 0, "Strange call for nonexistent $d: $n"; stacktrace(); return undef; } if(!$defs{$d}{TYPE}) { Log 0, "Strange call for typeless $d: $n"; return undef; } my $fn = $modules{$defs{$d}{TYPE}}{$n}; return "" if(!$fn); if(wantarray) { no strict "refs"; my @ret = &{$fn}(@_); use strict "refs"; return @ret; } else { no strict "refs"; my $ret = &{$fn}(@_); use strict "refs"; return $ret; } } ##################################### # Alternative to CallFn with optional functions in $defs, Forum #64741 sub CallInstanceFn(@) { my $d = shift; my $n = shift; if(!$d || !$defs{$d}) { $d = "" if(!defined($d)); Log 0, "Strange call for nonexistent $d: $n"; return undef; } my $fn = $defs{$d}{$n} ? $defs{$d}{$n} : $defs{$d}{".$n"}; return CallFn($d, $n, @_) if(!$fn); if(wantarray) { no strict "refs"; my @ret = &{$fn}(@_); use strict "refs"; return @ret; } else { no strict "refs"; my $ret = &{$fn}(@_); use strict "refs"; return $ret; } } ##################################### # Used from perl oneliners inside of scripts sub fhem($@) { my ($param, $silent) = @_; my $ret = AnalyzeCommandChain(undef, $param); Log 3, "$param : $ret" if($ret && !$silent); return $ret; } ##################################### # initialize the global device sub doGlobalDef($) { my ($arg) = @_; $devcount = 1; $defs{global}{NR} = $devcount++; $defs{global}{TYPE} = "Global"; $defs{global}{STATE} = "no definition"; $defs{global}{DEF} = "no definition"; $defs{global}{NAME} = "global"; CommandAttr(undef, "global verbose 3"); CommandAttr(undef, "global configfile $arg"); CommandAttr(undef, "global logfile -"); $devcountPrioSave = 2; $devcount = 30; } ##################################### # rename does not work over Filesystems: lets copy it sub myrename($$$) { my ($name, $from, $to) = @_; my $ca = AttrVal($name, "archiveCompress", 0); if($ca) { eval { require Compress::Zlib; }; if($@) { $ca = 0; Log 1, $@; } } $to .= ".gz" if($ca); if(!open(F, $from)) { Log(1, "Rename: Cannot open $from: $!"); return; } if(!open(T, ">$to")) { Log(1, "Rename: Cannot open $to: $!"); return; } if($ca) { my $d = Compress::Zlib::deflateInit(-WindowBits=>31); my $buf; while(sysread(F,$buf,32768) > 0) { syswrite(T, $d->deflate($buf)); } syswrite(T, $d->flush()); } else { while(my $l = ) { print T $l; } } close(F); close(T); unlink($from); } ##################################### # Make a directory and its parent directories if needed. sub HandleArchiving($;$) { my ($log,$flogInitial) = @_; my $ln = $log->{NAME}; return if(!$attr{$ln}); # If there is a command, call that my $cmd = $attr{$ln}{archivecmd}; if($cmd) { return if($flogInitial); # Forum #41245 $cmd =~ s/%/$log->{currentlogfile}/g; Log 2, "Archive: calling $cmd"; system($cmd); return; } my $nra = $attr{$ln}{nrarchive}; my $ard = $attr{$ln}{archivedir}; return if(!defined($nra)); $nra++ if($ln eq "global"); # Forum #61450 # If nrarchive is set, then check the last files: # Get a list of files: my ($dir, $file); if($log->{logfile} =~ m,^(.+)/([^/]+)$,) { ($dir, $file) = ($1, $2); } else { ($dir, $file) = (".", $log->{logfile}); } $file =~ s/%./.+/g; my @t = localtime(gettimeofday()); $dir = ResolveDateWildcards($dir, @t); return if(!opendir(DH, $dir)); my @files = sort grep {/^$file$/} readdir(DH); @files = sort { (stat("$dir/$a"))[9] <=> (stat("$dir/$b"))[9] } @files if(AttrVal("global", "archivesort", "alphanum") eq "timestamp"); closedir(DH); my $max = int(@files)-$nra; $max-- if($flogInitial); for(my $i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) { if($ard) { Log 2, "Moving $files[$i] to $ard"; myrename($ln, "$dir/$files[$i]", "$ard/$files[$i]"); } else { Log 2, "Deleting $files[$i]"; unlink("$dir/$files[$i]"); } } } ##################################### # Call a logical device (FS20) ParseMessage with data from a physical device # (FHZ). Note: $hash may be dummy, used by FHEM2FHEM sub Dispatch($$;$$) { my ($hash, $dmsg, $addvals, $nounknown) = @_; my $module = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; if(GetVerbose($name) == 5) { Log3 $hash, 5, escapeLogLine("$name: dispatch $dmsg"); } my ($isdup, $idx) = CheckDuplicate($name, $dmsg, $module->{FingerprintFn}); return rejectDuplicate($name,$idx,$addvals) if($isdup); my @found; my $parserMod=""; my $clientArray = $hash->{".clientArray"}; $clientArray = computeClientArray($hash, $module) if(!$clientArray); foreach my $m (@{$clientArray}) { # The message is not for this module next if($dmsg !~ m/$modules{$m}{Match}/s); if( my $ffn = $modules{$m}{FingerprintFn} ) { ($isdup, $idx) = CheckDuplicate($name, $dmsg, $ffn); return rejectDuplicate($name,$idx,$addvals) if($isdup); } no strict "refs"; $readingsUpdateDelayTrigger = 1; my @tfound = &{$modules{$m}{ParseFn}}($hash,$dmsg); use strict "refs"; $readingsUpdateDelayTrigger = 0; $parserMod = $m; if(int(@tfound) && defined($tfound[0])) { if($tfound[0] && $tfound[0] eq "[NEXT]") { # not a goodDeviceName, #95446 shift(@tfound); push @found, @tfound; # continue feeding other modules } else { push @found, @tfound; last; } } } if((!int(@found) || !defined($found[0])) && !$nounknown) { my $h = $hash->{MatchList}; $h = $module->{MatchList} if(!$h); if(defined($h)) { foreach my $m (sort keys %{$h}) { my ($order, $mname) = split(":", $m); next if(!$modules{$mname} || # #130952 / FS20V $modules{$mname}{LOADED}); # checked in the loop above, #125292 if($dmsg =~ m/$h->{$m}/s) { if(AttrVal("global", "autoload_undefined_devices", 1)) { my $newm = LoadModule($mname); $mname = $newm if($newm ne "UNDEFINED"); if($modules{$mname} && $modules{$mname}{ParseFn}) { no strict "refs"; $readingsUpdateDelayTrigger = 1; my @tfound = &{$modules{$mname}{ParseFn}}($hash,$dmsg); use strict "refs"; $readingsUpdateDelayTrigger = 0; $parserMod = $mname; delete($hash->{".clientArray"}); if(int(@tfound) && defined($tfound[0])) { if($tfound[0] && $tfound[0] eq "[NEXT]") { shift(@tfound); push @found, @tfound; } else { push @found, @tfound; last; } } } else { Log 0, "ERROR: Cannot autoload $mname"; } } else { Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Unknown $mname device detected, " . "define one to get detailed information."; return undef; } } } } if((!int(@found) || !defined($found[0])) && !$nounknown) { DoTrigger($name, "UNKNOWNCODE $dmsg"); Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Unknown code $dmsg, help me!"; return undef; } } ################ # Inform raw if(!$module->{noRawInform}) { foreach my $c (keys %inform) { if(!$defs{$c} || $defs{$c}{NR} != $inform{$c}{NR}) { delete($inform{$c}); next; } next if($inform{$c}{type} ne "raw"); syswrite($defs{$c}{CD}, "$hash->{TYPE} $name $dmsg\n"); } } # Special return: Do not notify return undef if(!defined($found[0]) || $found[0] eq ""); foreach my $found (@found) { if($found =~ m/^(UNDEFINED.*)/) { DoTrigger("global", $1); return undef; } else { if($defs{$found}) { if(!$defs{$found}{".noDispatchVars"}) { # CUL_HM special $defs{$found}{MSGCNT}++; my $avtrigger = ($attr{$name} && $attr{$name}{addvaltrigger}); if($addvals) { foreach my $av (keys %{$addvals}) { $defs{$found}{"${name}_$av"} = $addvals->{$av}; push(@{$defs{$found}{CHANGED}}, "$av: $addvals->{$av}") if($avtrigger); } } $defs{$found}{"${name}_MSGCNT"}++; $defs{$found}{"${name}_TIME"} = TimeNow(); $defs{$found}{LASTInputDev} = $name; } delete($defs{$found}{".noDispatchVars"}); DoTrigger($found, undef); } elsif(defined($found) && ($found eq "" || $found eq "[NEXT]")) { return undef; } else { Log 1, "ERROR: >$found< returned by the $parserMod ParseFn is invalid,". " notify the module maintainer"; return undef; } } } $duplicate{$idx}{FND} = \@found if(defined($idx) && defined($duplicate{$idx})); return \@found; } sub CheckDuplicate($$@) { my ($ioname, $msg, $ffn) = @_; if($ffn) { no strict "refs"; ($ioname,$msg) = &{$ffn}($ioname,$msg); use strict "refs"; return (0, undef) if( !defined($msg) ); #Debug "got $ffn ". $ioname .":". $msg; } my $now = gettimeofday(); my $lim = $now-AttrVal("global","dupTimeout", 0.5); foreach my $oidx (keys %duplicate) { if($duplicate{$oidx}{TIM} < $lim) { delete($duplicate{$oidx}); } elsif($duplicate{$oidx}{MSG} eq $msg && $duplicate{$oidx}{ION} eq "") { return (1, $oidx); } elsif($duplicate{$oidx}{MSG} eq $msg && $duplicate{$oidx}{ION} ne $ioname) { return (1, $oidx); } } #Debug "is unique"; $duplicate{$duplidx}{ION} = $ioname; $duplicate{$duplidx}{MSG} = $msg; $duplicate{$duplidx}{TIM} = $now; $duplidx++; return (0, $duplidx-1); } sub rejectDuplicate($$$) { #Debug "is duplicate"; my ($name,$idx,$addvals) = @_; my $found = $duplicate{$idx}{FND}; foreach my $found (@{$found}) { if($addvals) { foreach my $av (keys %{$addvals}) { $defs{$found}{"${name}_$av"} = $addvals->{$av}; } } $defs{$found}{"${name}_MSGCNT"}++; $defs{$found}{"${name}_TIME"} = TimeNow(); } return $duplicate{$idx}{FND}; } sub AddDuplicate($$) { $duplicate{$duplidx}{ION} = shift; $duplicate{$duplidx}{MSG} = shift; $duplicate{$duplidx}{TIM} = gettimeofday(); $duplidx++; } # Add an attribute to the userattr list, if not yet present # module is the source, needed when searching for help sub addToDevAttrList($$;$) { my ($dev,$arg,$module) = @_; my $ua = $attr{$dev}{userattr}; $ua = "" if(!$ua); my %hash = map { ($_ => 1) } grep { " $AttrList " !~ m/ $_ / } split(" ", "$ua $arg"); $attr{$dev}{userattr} = join(" ", sort keys %hash); map { s/:.*//; $attrSource{$_} = $module; } split(" ", $arg) if($module); } # The counterpart: delete it. sub delFromDevAttrList($$) { my ($dev,$arg) = @_; my $ua = $attr{$dev}{userattr}; $ua = "" if(!$ua); my %hash = map { ($_ => 1) } grep { $_ !~ m/^$arg(:.+)?$/ } split(" ", $ua); $attr{$dev}{userattr} = join(" ", sort keys %hash); delete $attr{$dev}{userattr} if(!keys %hash && defined($attr{$dev}{userattr})); map { delete $attr{$dev}{$_} } split(" ", (split(":", $arg))[0]); } sub addToAttrList($;$) { my ($arg,$module) = @_; addToDevAttrList("global", $arg, $module); } sub delFromAttrList($) { delFromDevAttrList("global", shift); } # device specific attrList, overwrites module AttrList, user undef for $argList # to delete it sub setDevAttrList($;$) { my ($dev,$argList) = @_; return if(!$defs{$dev}); if(defined($argList)) { $defs{$dev}{".AttrList"} = $argList; } else { delete($defs{$dev}{".AttrList"}); } } sub attrSplit($) { my ($em) = @_; my $sc = " "; # Split character my $fc = substr($em, 0, 1); # First character of the eventMap if($fc eq "," || $fc eq "/") { $sc = $fc; $em = substr($em, 1); } return split($sc, $em); } ####################### # $dir: 0: User to Device (i.e. set), $str is an array pointer # $dir: 1: Device to Usr (i.e trigger), $str is a a string sub ReplaceEventMap($$$) { my ($dev, $str, $dir) = @_; my $em = AttrVal($dev, "eventMap", undef); return $str if($dir && !$em); return @{$str} if(!$dir && (!$em || int(@{$str}) < 2 || !defined($str->[1]) || $str->[1] eq "?")); return ReplaceEventMap2($dev, $str, $dir, $em) if($em =~ m/^{.*}$/s); my @emList = attrSplit($em); if(!defined $defs{$dev}{".eventMapCmd"}) { # Delete the first word of the translation (.*:), else it will be # interpreted as the single possible value for a dropdown # Why is the .*= deleted? $defs{$dev}{".eventMapCmd"} = join(" ", grep { !/ / } map { $_ =~ s/.*?=//s; $_ =~ s/.*?://s; $_ =~ m/:/ ? $_ : "$_:noArg" } @emList); } my ($dname, $nstr); $dname = shift @{$str} if(!$dir); $nstr = join(" ", @{$str}) if(!$dir); my $changed; foreach my $rv (@emList) { # Real-Event-Regexp:GivenName[:modifier] my ($re, $val, $modifier) = split(":", $rv, 3); next if(!defined($val)); if($dir) { # dev -> usr my $reIsWord = ($re =~ m/^\w*$/); # dim100% is not \w only, cant use \b if($reIsWord) { if($str =~ m/\b$re\b/) { $str =~ s/\b$re\b/$val/; $changed = 1; } } else { if($str =~ m/$re/) { $str =~ s/$re/$val/; $changed = 1; } } } else { # usr -> dev if($nstr eq $val) { # for special translations like <> and << $nstr = $re; $changed = 1; } else { my $reIsWord = ($val =~ m/^\w*$/); if($reIsWord) { if($nstr =~ m/\b$val\b/) { $nstr =~ s/\b$val\b/$re/; $changed = 1; } } elsif($nstr =~ m/$val/) { $nstr =~ s/$val/$re/; $changed = 1; } } } last if($changed); } return $str if($dir); if($changed) { my @arr = split(" ",$nstr); unshift @arr, $dname; return @arr; } else { unshift @{$str}, $dname; return @{$str}; } } # $dir: 0:usr,$str is array pointer, 1:dev, $str is string # perl notation: { dev=>{"re1"=>"Evt1",...}, fw=>{"re1"=>"Set 1",...}} sub ReplaceEventMap2($$$) { my ($dev, $str, $dir) = @_; my $hash = $defs{$dev}; my $emh = $hash->{".eventMapHash"}; if(!$emh) { eval "\$emh = $attr{$dev}{eventMap}"; if($@) { my $msg = "ERROR in eventMap for $dev: $@"; Log 1, $msg; return $msg; } $hash->{".eventMapHash"} = $emh; $defs{$dev}{".eventMapCmd"} = ""; if($emh->{usr}) { my @cmd; my $fw = $emh->{fw}; $defs{$dev}{".eventMapCmd"} = join(" ", map { ($fw && $fw->{$_}) ? $fw->{$_}:$_} sort keys %{$emh->{usr} }); } } if($dir == 1) { $emh = $emh->{dev}; if($emh) { foreach my $k (keys %{$emh}) { return $emh->{$k} if($str eq $k); return eval '"'.$emh->{$k}.'"' if($str =~ m/$k/); } } return $str; } $emh = $emh->{usr}; return @{$str} if(!$emh); my $dname = shift @{$str}; my $nstr = join(" ", @{$str}); foreach my $k (keys %{$emh}) { my $nv; if($nstr eq $k) { $nv = $emh->{$k}; } elsif($nstr =~ m/$k/) { my $NAME = $dev; # Compatibility, Forum #43023 $nv = eval '"'.$emh->{$k}.'"'; } if(defined($nv)) { my @arr = split(" ",$nv); unshift @arr, $dname; return @arr; } } unshift @{$str}, $dname; return @{$str}; } # Needed for logfile/pid/nofork sub setGlobalAttrBeforeFork($) { my ($f) = @_; my ($err, @rows); if($f eq 'configDB') { @rows = cfgDB_AttrRead('global'); } else { ($err, @rows) = FileRead($f); die("$err\n") if($err); } foreach my $l (@rows) { $l =~ s/[\r\n]//g; next if($l !~ m/^attr\s+global\s+([^\s]+)\s+(.*)$/); AnalyzeCommand(undef, $l); } CommandAttr(undef, "global modpath .") if(!AttrVal("global","modpath","")); } sub resolveAttrRename($$) { my ($d,$n) = @_; return $n if(!$d || !$defs{$d}); my $m = $modules{$defs{$d}{TYPE}}; if($m->{AttrRenameMap} && defined($m->{AttrRenameMap}{$n})) { Log 3, "WARNING: $d attribute $n was renamed to ".$m->{AttrRenameMap}{$n}; return $m->{AttrRenameMap}{$n}; } return $n; } ########################################### # Functions used to make fhem-oneliners more readable, # but also recommended to be used by modules sub InternalVal($$$) { my ($d,$n,$default) = @_; if(defined($defs{$d}) && defined($defs{$d}{$n})) { return $defs{$d}{$n}; } return $default; } sub InternalNum($$$;$) { my ($d,$n,$default,$round) = @_; my $val = InternalVal($d,$n,$default); $val = ($val =~ /(-?\d+(\.\d+)?)/ ? $1 : ""); $val = round($val,$round) if($round); return $val; } sub OldReadingsVal($$$) { my ($d,$n,$default) = @_; if(defined($defs{$d}) && defined($defs{$d}{OLDREADINGS}) && defined($defs{$d}{OLDREADINGS}{$n}) && defined($defs{$d}{OLDREADINGS}{$n}{VAL})) { return $defs{$d}{OLDREADINGS}{$n}{VAL}; } return $default; } sub OldReadingsNum($$$;$) { my ($d,$n,$default,$round) = @_; my $val = OldReadingsVal($d,$n,$default); return undef if(!defined($val)); $val = ($val =~ /(-?\d+(\.\d+)?)/ ? $1 : ""); return $default if($val eq ""); $val = round($val,$round) if(defined $round); return $val; } sub OldReadingsTimestamp($$$) { my ($d,$n,$default) = @_; if(defined($defs{$d}) && defined($defs{$d}{OLDREADINGS}) && defined($defs{$d}{OLDREADINGS}{$n}) && defined($defs{$d}{OLDREADINGS}{$n}{TIME})) { return $defs{$d}{OLDREADINGS}{$n}{TIME}; } return $default; } sub OldReadingsAge($$$) { my ($device,$reading,$default) = @_; my $ts = OldReadingsTimestamp($device,$reading,undef); return int(gettimeofday() - time_str2num($ts)) if(defined($ts)); return $default; } sub ReadingsVal($$$) { my ($d,$n,$default) = @_; if(defined($defs{$d}) && defined($defs{$d}{READINGS}) && defined($defs{$d}{READINGS}{$n}) && defined($defs{$d}{READINGS}{$n}{VAL})) { return $defs{$d}{READINGS}{$n}{VAL}; } return $default; } sub ReadingsNum($$$;$) { my ($d,$n,$default,$round) = @_; my $val = ReadingsVal($d,$n,$default); return undef if(!defined($val)); $val = ($val =~ /(-?\d+(\.\d+)?)/ ? $1 : ""); return $default if($val eq ""); $val = round($val,$round) if(defined $round); return $val; } sub ReadingsTimestamp($$$) { my ($d,$n,$default) = @_; if(defined($defs{$d}) && defined($defs{$d}{READINGS}) && defined($defs{$d}{READINGS}{$n}) && defined($defs{$d}{READINGS}{$n}{TIME})) { return $defs{$d}{READINGS}{$n}{TIME}; } return $default; } sub ReadingsAge($$$) { my ($device,$reading,$default) = @_; my $ts = ReadingsTimestamp($device,$reading,undef); return int(gettimeofday() - time_str2num($ts)) if(defined($ts)); return $default; } sub Value($) { my ($d) = @_; if(defined($defs{$d}) && defined($defs{$d}{STATE})) { return $defs{$d}{STATE}; } return ""; } sub OldValue($) { my ($d) = @_; return $oldvalue{$d}{VAL} if(defined($oldvalue{$d})) ; return ""; } sub OldTimestamp($) { my ($d) = @_; return $oldvalue{$d}{TIME} if(defined($oldvalue{$d})) ; return ""; } sub AttrVal($$$) { my ($d,$n,$default) = @_; $n = resolveAttrRename($d, $n); return $attr{$d}{$n} if(defined($attr{$d}) && defined($attr{$d}{$n})); return $default; } sub AttrNum($$$;$) { my ($d,$n,$default,$round) = @_; my $val = AttrVal($d,$n,$default); return undef if(!defined($val)); $val = ($val =~ /(-?\d+(\.\d+)?)/ ? $1 : ""); $val = round($val,$round) if($round); return $val; } sub fhem_devSupportsAttr($$) { my ($devName,$attrName) = @_; my $attrList = getAllAttr($devName); return (" $attrList " =~ m/ $attrName[ :;]/); } ################################################################ # Functions used by modules. sub setReadingsVal($$$$) { my ($hash,$rname,$val,$ts) = @_; return if($rname eq "IODev" && !fhem_devSupportsAttr($hash->{NAME}, "IODev")); my $or = $hash->{".or"}; if($or && grep($rname =~ m/^$_$/, @{$or}) ) { my $rd = $hash->{READINGS}; if(defined($rd->{$rname}) && defined($rd->{$rname}{VAL}) && ($or->[@{$or}-1] eq "oldreadingsAlways" || $rd->{$rname}{VAL} ne $val) ) { $hash->{OLDREADINGS}{$rname}{VAL} = $rd->{$rname}{VAL}; $hash->{OLDREADINGS}{$rname}{TIME} = $rd->{$rname}{TIME}; } } $hash->{READINGS}{$rname}{VAL} = $val; $hash->{READINGS}{$rname}{TIME} = $ts; } sub addEvent($$;$) { my ($hash,$event,$timestamp) = @_; push(@{$hash->{CHANGED}}, $event); if($timestamp) { $hash->{CHANGETIME} = [] if(!defined($hash->{CHANGETIME})); $hash->{CHANGETIME}->[@{$hash->{CHANGED}}-1] = $timestamp; } } sub concatc($$$) { my ($separator,$a,$b)= @_;; return($a && $b ? $a . $separator . $b : $a . $b); } ################################################################ # # Wrappers for commonly used core functions in device-specific modules. # ################################################################ # # Call readingsBeginUpdate before you start updating readings. # The updated readings will all get the same timestamp, # which is the time when you called this subroutine. # sub readingsBeginUpdate($) { my ($hash)= @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; if(!$name) { Log 1, "ERROR: empty name in readingsBeginUpdate"; stacktrace(); return; } # get timestamp my $now = gettimeofday(); my $fmtDateTime = FmtDateTime($now); $hash->{".updateTime"} = $now; # in seconds since the epoch $hash->{".updateTimestamp"} = $fmtDateTime; $hash->{CHANGED}= [] if(!defined($hash->{CHANGED})); return $fmtDateTime; } sub evalStateFormat($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; ########################### # Set STATE my $st = $hash->{READINGS}{state}; if($hash->{skipStateFormat} && defined($st)) { $hash->{STATE} = ReplaceEventMap($name, $st->{VAL}, 1); return; } my $sr = AttrVal($name, "stateFormat", undef); if(!$sr) { $st = $st->{VAL} if(defined($st)); } elsif($sr =~ m/^{(.*)}$/s) { $cmdFromAnalyze = $1; $st = eval $1; if($@) { $st = "Error evaluating $name stateFormat: $@"; Log 1, $st; } $cmdFromAnalyze = undef; } else { # Substitute reading names with their values, leave the rest untouched. $st = $sr; my $r = $hash->{READINGS}; $st =~ s/\$name/$name/g; (undef, $st) = ReplaceSetMagic($hash, 1, $st); $st =~ s/\b([A-Za-z\d_\.-]+)\b/($r->{$1} ? $r->{$1}{VAL} : $1)/ge if($st eq $sr); } $hash->{STATE} = ReplaceEventMap($name, $st, 1) if(defined($st)); } # # Call readingsEndUpdate when you are done updating readings. # This optionally calls DoTrigger to propagate the changes. # sub readingsEndUpdate($$) { my ($hash,$dotrigger)= @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; $hash->{".triggerUsed"} = 1 if(defined($hash->{".triggerUsed"})); # process user readings if(defined($hash->{'.userReadings'})) { foreach my $userReading (@{$hash->{'.userReadings'}}) { my $trigger = $userReading->{trigger}; my $reading= $userReading->{reading}; my ($event, $eventName, $eventValue, $ownRead); if(defined($trigger)) { map { $event = $_ if(defined($_) && $_ =~ m/^$trigger$/); $ownRead = 1 if(defined($_) && $_ =~ m/^$reading:/); } @{$hash->{CHANGED}}; next if(!defined($event) || $ownRead); ($eventName, $eventValue) = ($1, $2) if($event =~ m/^([^:]*): (.*)$/); } my $modifier= $userReading->{modifier}; my $perlCode= $userReading->{perlCode}; my $oldvalue= $userReading->{value}; my $oldt= $userReading->{t}; #Debug "Evaluating " . $reading; $cmdFromAnalyze = $perlCode; # For the __WARN__ sub my $NAME = $name; # no exceptions, #53069 my $value= eval $perlCode; $cmdFromAnalyze = undef; my $result; # store result if($@) { $value = "Error evaluating $name userReading $reading: $@"; Log 1, $value; $result= $value; } elsif(!defined($value)) { if(AttrVal("global", "verbose", 3) >= 5) { #102868 $cmdFromAnalyze = $perlCode; # For the __WARN__ sub warn("$name userReadings $reading evaluated to undef"); } next; } elsif($modifier eq "none") { $result= $value; } elsif($modifier eq "difference") { $result= $value - $oldvalue if(defined($oldvalue)); } elsif($modifier eq "differential") { my ($deltav, $deltat); $deltav = $value - $oldvalue if(defined($oldvalue)); $deltat = $hash->{".updateTime"} - $oldt if(defined($oldt)); if(defined($deltav) && defined($deltat) && ($deltat>= 1.0)) { $result= $deltav/$deltat; } } elsif($modifier eq "integral") { if(defined($oldt) && defined($oldvalue)) { my $deltat; $deltat = $hash->{".updateTime"} - $oldt if(defined($oldt)); my $avgval= ($value + $oldvalue) / 2; $result = ReadingsVal($name,$reading,$value); if(defined($deltat) && $deltat>= 1.0) { $result+= $avgval*$deltat; } } } elsif($modifier eq "offset") { $oldvalue = $value if( !defined($oldvalue) ); $result = ReadingsVal($name,$reading,0); $result += $oldvalue if( $value < $oldvalue ); } elsif($modifier eq "monotonic") { $oldvalue = $value if( !defined($oldvalue) ); $result = ReadingsVal($name,$reading,$value); $result += $value - $oldvalue if( $value > $oldvalue ); } readingsBulkUpdate($hash,$reading,$result,1) if(defined($result)); # store value $userReading->{TIME}= $hash->{".updateTimestamp"}; $userReading->{t}= $hash->{".updateTime"}; $userReading->{value}= $value; } } evalStateFormat($hash); # turn off updating mode delete $hash->{".updateTimestamp"}; delete $hash->{".updateTime"}; # propagate changes if($dotrigger && $init_done) { DoTrigger($name, undef, 0) if(!$readingsUpdateDelayTrigger); } else { if(!defined($hash->{INTRIGGER})) { delete($hash->{CHANGED}); delete($hash->{CHANGEDWITHSTATE}) } } return undef; } sub readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($$$@) # Forum #58797 { my ($hash,$reading,$value,$changed)= @_; return undef if($value eq ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME},$reading,"")); return readingsBulkUpdate($hash,$reading,$value,$changed); } # Call readingsBulkUpdate to update the reading. # Example: readingsUpdate($hash,"temperature",$value); # Optional parameter $changed: if defined, and is 0, do not trigger events. If # 1, trigger. If not defined, the name of the reading decides (starting with . # is 0, else 1). The event-on-* filtering is done additionally. # sub readingsBulkUpdate($$$@) { my ($hash,$reading,$value,$changed,$timestamp)= @_; my $name= $hash->{NAME}; return if(!defined($reading) || !defined($value)); # sanity check if(!defined($hash->{".updateTimestamp"})) { Log 1, "readingsUpdate($name,$reading,$value) missed to call ". "readingsBeginUpdate first."; stacktrace(); return; } my $sp = AttrVal($name, "suppressReading", undef); return if($sp && $reading =~ m/^$sp$/); # shorthand my $readings = $hash->{READINGS}{$reading}; if(!defined($changed)) { $changed = (substr($reading,0,1) ne "."); # Dont trigger dot-readings } $changed = 0 if($hash->{".ignoreEvent"}); # if reading does not exist yet: fake entry to allow filtering $readings = { VAL => "" } if( !defined($readings) ); my $update_timestamp = 1; if($changed) { # these flags determine if any of the "event-on" attributes are set my $attreocr = $hash->{".attreocr"}; my $attreour = $hash->{".attreour"}; # determine whether the reading is listed in any of the attributes my $eocr = $attreocr && ( my @eocrv = grep { my $l = $_; $l =~ s/:.*//; ($reading=~ m/^$l$/) ? $_ : undef} @{$attreocr}); my $eour = $attreour && grep($reading =~ m/^$_$/, @{$attreour}); # check if threshold is given my $eocrExists = $eocr; if( $eocr && $eocrv[0] =~ m/.*:(.*)/ ) { my $threshold = $1; if($value =~ m/([\d\.\-eE]+)/ && looks_like_number($1)) { #41083, #62190 my $mv = $1; my $last_value = $hash->{".attreocr-threshold$reading"}; if( !defined($last_value) ) { $hash->{".attreocr-threshold$reading"} = $mv; } elsif( abs($mv - $last_value) < $threshold ) { $eocr = 0; } else { $hash->{".attreocr-threshold$reading"} = $mv; } } } # determine if an event should be created: # always create event if no attribute is set # or if the reading is listed in event-on-update-reading # or if the reading is listed in event-on-change-reading... # ...and its value has changed... # ...and the change greater then the threshold $changed= !($attreocr || $attreour) || $eour || ($eocr && ($value ne $readings->{VAL})); #Log 1, "EOCR:$eocr EOUR:$eour CHANGED:$changed"; my @v = grep { my $l = $_; $l =~ s/:.*//; ($reading=~ m/^$l$/) ? $_ : undef} @{$hash->{".attrminint"}}; if(@v) { my (undef, $minInt) = split(":", $v[0]); my $now = $hash->{".updateTime"}; my $le = $hash->{".lastTime$reading"}; if($le && $now-$le < $minInt) { if(!$eocr || ($eocr && $value eq $readings->{VAL})){ $changed = 0; } else { $hash->{".lastTime$reading"} = $now; } } else { $hash->{".lastTime$reading"} = $now; $changed = 1 if($eocrExists); } } if( $attreocr ) { if( my $attrtocr = $hash->{".attrtocr"} ) { $update_timestamp = $changed if( $attrtocr && grep($reading =~ m/^$_$/, @{$attrtocr}) ); } } } if($changed) { #Debug "Processing $reading: $value"; my @v = grep { my $l = $_; $l =~ s/:.*//; ($reading=~ m/^$l$/) ? $_ : undef} @{$hash->{".attraggr"}}; if(@v) { # e.g. power:20:linear:avg my (undef,$duration,$method,$function,$holdTime) = split(":", $v[0], 5); my $ts; if(defined($readings->{".ts"})) { $ts= $readings->{".ts"}; } else { require "TimeSeries.pm"; $ts = TimeSeries->new( { method => $method, autoreset => $duration, holdTime => $holdTime } ); $readings->{".ts"}= $ts; # access from command line: # { $defs{"myClient"}{READINGS}{"myValue"}{".ts"}{max} } #Debug "TimeSeries created."; } my $now = $hash->{".updateTime"}; my $val = $value; # save value $changed = $ts->elapsed($now); $value = $ts->{$function} if($changed); $ts->add($now, $val); } else { # If no event-aggregator attribute, then remove stale series if any. delete $readings->{".ts"}; } } setReadingsVal($hash, $reading, $value, $timestamp ? $timestamp : $hash->{".updateTimestamp"}) if($update_timestamp); my $rv = "$reading: $value"; if($changed) { if($reading eq "state") { $rv = $value; $hash->{CHANGEDWITHSTATE} = []; } addEvent($hash, $rv, $timestamp); } return $rv; } # # this is a shorthand call # sub readingsSingleUpdate($$$$;$) { my ($hash,$reading,$value,$dotrigger,$timestamp)= @_; readingsBeginUpdate($hash); my $rv = readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $reading, $value, undef, $timestamp); readingsEndUpdate($hash,$dotrigger); return $rv; } sub readingsDelete($$) { my ($hash,$reading) = @_; delete $hash->{READINGS}{$reading}; delete $hash->{OLDREADINGS}{$reading}; } ############################################################################## # # date and time routines # ############################################################################## sub fhemTzOffset($) { # see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2143528/whats-the-best-way-to-get-the-utc-offset-in-perl my $t = shift; my @l = localtime($t); my @g = gmtime($t); # the offset is positive if the local timezone is ahead of GMT, e.g. we get # 2*3600 seconds for CET DST vs GMT return 60*(($l[2] - $g[2] + ((($l[5] << 9)|$l[7]) <=> (($g[5] << 9)|$g[7])) * 24)*60 + $l[1] - $g[1]); } sub fhemTimeGm($$$$$$) { # see http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unixzeit my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$month,$year) = @_; # $mday= 1.. # $month= 0..11 # $year is year-1900 $year += 1900; my $isleapyear= $year % 4 ? 0 : $year % 100 ? 1 : $year % 400 ? 0 : 1; # Forum #38610 my $leapyears_date = int(($year-1)/4) -int(($year-1)/100) +int(($year-1)/400); my $leapyears_1970 = int((1970 -1)/4) -int((1970 -1)/100) +int((1970 -1)/400); my $leapyears = $leapyears_date - $leapyears_1970; if ( $^O eq 'MacOS' ) { $year -= 1904; } else { $year -= 1970; # the Unix Epoch } my @d = (0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334); # no leap day # add one day in leap years if month is later than February $mday++ if($month>1 && $isleapyear); return $sec+60*($min+60*($hour+24* ($d[$month]+$mday-1+365*$year+$leapyears))); } sub fhemTimeLocal($$$$$$) { my $t= fhemTimeGm($_[0],$_[1],$_[2],$_[3],$_[4],$_[5]); return $t-fhemTzOffset($t); } # compute the list of defined logical modules for a physical module sub computeClientArray($$) { my ($hash, $module) = @_; my @a = (); my @mRe = split(":", $hash->{Clients} ? $hash->{Clients}:$module->{Clients}); if($hash->{ClientsKeepOrder}) { @a = grep { $modules{$_} && $modules{$_}{Match} } @mRe; } else { my @cmRe = map { qr/^$_$/ } @mRe; # 125292, precompile, speedup 5x for CUL foreach my $m (sort { $modules{$a}{ORDER}.$a cmp $modules{$b}{ORDER}.$b } grep { defined($modules{$_}{ORDER}) } keys %modules) { foreach my $re (@cmRe) { if($m =~ $re) { push @a, $m if($modules{$m}{Match}); last; } } } } $hash->{".clientArray"} = \@a; return \@a; } # http://perldoc.perl.org/perluniintro.html, UNICODE IN OLDER PERLS sub latin1ToUtf8($) { my ($s)= @_; $s =~ s/([\x80-\xFF])/chr(0xC0|ord($1)>>6).chr(0x80|ord($1)&0x3F)/eg; return $s; } sub utf8ToLatin1($) { my ($s)= @_; $s =~ s/([\xC2\xC3])([\x80-\xBF])/chr(ord($1)<<6&0xC0|ord($2)&0x3F)/eg; return $s; } # replaces some common control chars by escape sequences # in order to make logs more readable sub escapeLogLine($) { my ($s)= @_; # http://perldoc.perl.org/perlrebackslash.html my %escSequences = ( '\a' => "\\a", '\e' => "\\e", '\f' => "\\f", '\n' => "\\n", '\r' => "\\r", '\t' => "\\t", ); $s =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; foreach my $regex (keys %escSequences) { $s =~ s/$regex/$escSequences{$regex}/g; } $s =~ s/([\000-\037])/sprintf("\\%03o", ord($1))/eg; return $s; } sub toJSON($) { my $val = shift; if(not defined $val) { return "null"; } elsif (length( do { no warnings "numeric"; $val & "" } )) { return $val; } elsif (not ref $val) { $val =~ s/([\x00-\x1f\x22\x5c\x7f])/sprintf '\u%04x', ord($1)/ge; return '"' . $val . '"'; } elsif (ref $val eq 'ARRAY') { return '[' . join(',', map toJSON($_), @$val) . ']'; } elsif (ref $val eq 'HASH') { return '{' . join(',', map { toJSON($_).":".toJSON($val->{$_}) } sort keys %$val) . '}'; } else { return toJSON("toJSON: Cannot encode $val"); } } ############################# # will return a hash of name:value pairs. in is a json_string, prefix will be # prepended to each name, map is a hash for mapping the names sub json2nameValue($;$$$$) { my ($in, $prefix, $map, $filter, $negFilter) = @_; return if(!$in); # 122048 $prefix = "" if(!defined($prefix)); my %ret; sub lStr($) # extract a string { my ($t) = @_; my $esc; for(my $off = 1; $off < length($t); $off++){ my $s = substr($t,$off,1); if($s eq '\\') { $esc = !$esc; } elsif($s eq '"' && !$esc) { my $val = substr($t,1,$off-1); if($val =~ m/\\u([0-9A-F]{4})/i) { $val =~ s/\\u([0-9A-F]{4})/chr(hex($1))/gsie; # toJSON reverse $val = Encode::encode("UTF-8", $val) if(!$unicodeEncoding); #128932 } my %t = ( n =>"\n", '"'=>'"', '\\'=>'\\' ); $val =~ s/\\([n"\\])/$t{$1}/ge; return (undef, $val, substr($t,$off+1)); } else { $esc = 0; } } return ('json2nameValue: no closing " found', "",""); } sub lObj($$$) # extract one object: {} or [] { my ($t, $oc, $cc) = @_; my $depth=1; my ($esc, $inquote); $inquote = 0; for(my $off = 1; $off < length($t); $off++){ my $s = substr($t,$off,1); if($s eq $cc && !$inquote) { # close character $depth--; return ("", substr($t,1,$off-1), substr($t,$off+1)) if(!$depth); } elsif($s eq $oc && !$inquote) { # open character $depth++; } elsif($s eq '"' && !$esc) { $inquote = !$inquote; } elsif($s eq '\\') { $esc = !$esc; } else { $esc = 0; } } return ("json2nameValue: no closing $cc found", "", ""); } sub setVal($$$$) { my ($ret,$prefix,$name,$val) = @_; $name = "$prefix$name"; $ret->{$name} = $val; }; sub eObj($$$$$;$); sub eObj($$$$$;$) { my ($ret,$name,$val,$in,$prefix,$firstLevel) = @_; my $err; $prefix="" if(!$firstLevel); if($val =~ m/^"/) { ($err, $val, $in) = lStr($val); return ($err,undef) if($err); setVal($ret, $prefix, $name, $val); } elsif($val =~ m/^{/) { # } ($err, $val, $in) = lObj($val, '{', '}'); return ($err,undef) if($err); my %r2; my $in2 = $val; while($in2 =~ m/^\s*"([^"]*)"\s*:\s*(.*)$/s) { # 125340 my ($name,$val) = ($1,$2); $name =~ s/[^a-z0-9._\-\/]/_/gsi; ($err,$in2) = eObj(\%r2, $name, $val, $in2, $prefix); return ($err,undef) if($err); $in2 =~ s/^\s*,\s*//; } foreach my $k (keys %r2) { setVal($ret, $prefix, $firstLevel ? $k : "${name}_$k", $r2{$k}); } return ("error parsing (#1) '$in2'", undef) if($in2 !~ m/^\s*$/); } elsif($val =~ m/^\[/) { ($err, $val, $in) = lObj($val, '[', ']'); return ($err,undef) if($err); my $idx = 1; $val =~ s/^\s*//; while(defined($val) && $val ne "") { ($err,$val) = eObj($ret, $firstLevel ? "$prefix$idx" : $name."_$idx", $val, $val, $prefix); return ($err,undef) if($err); $val =~ s/^\s*,\s*//; $val =~ s/\s*$//; $idx++; } } elsif($val =~ m/^((-?[0-9.]+)([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?)(.*)$/s && # 125340 looks_like_number($1)) { setVal($ret, $prefix, $name, $1); $in = $4; } elsif($val =~ m/^(true|false)(.*)$/s) { setVal($ret, $prefix, $name, $1); $in = $2; } elsif($val =~ m/^(null)(.*)$/s) { setVal($ret, $prefix, $name, undef); $in = $2; } else { return ("error parsing (#2) '$val'", undef); } return (undef, $in); } $in =~ s/^\s+//; my ($err, undef) = eObj(\%ret, "", $in, "", $prefix, 1); return { json2nameValueErrorText=>$err, json2nameValueInput=>$in } if($err); return \%ret if(!defined($map) && !defined($filter)); $map = eval $map if($map && !ref($map)); # passing hash through AnalyzeCommand my %ret2; for my $name (keys %ret) { next if($negFilter && $name =~ m/$negFilter/); my $oname = $name; if(defined($map->{$name})) { next if(!$map->{$name}); $name = $map->{$name}; } next if($filter && $name !~ m/$filter/); $ret2{$name} = $ret{$oname}; } return \%ret2; } # add certain values to the key. Used to postprocess json2nameValue, where # the input is of the form [{"name":"NAME","value":"Value"}], with # hashKeyRename(json2nameValue($in), "^([0-9]+)_name:(.*)","^([0-9]+)"); sub hashKeyRename($$$) { my ($hash, $r1, $r2) = @_; my (%repl, %ret); for my $k (keys %{$hash}) { $repl{$1} = $2 if(defined($hash->{$k}) && "$k:$hash->{$k}" =~ m/$r1/ && defined($1) && defined($2)); } for my $k (keys %{$hash}) { my $val = $hash->{$k}; next if($k !~ m/$r2/ || !defined($repl{$1})); $k =~ s/$r2/$repl{$1}/; $ret{$k} = $val; } return \%ret; } # generate readings from the json string (parsed by json2reading) for $hash sub json2reading($$;$$$$) { my ($hash, $json, $prefix, $map, $postProcess, $filter) = @_; $hash = $defs{$hash} if(ref($hash) ne "HASH"); return "json2reading: first arg is not a FHEM device" if(!$hash || ref $hash ne "HASH" || !$hash->{TYPE}); my $ret = json2nameValue($json, $prefix, $map, $filter); if($postProcess) { $ret = eval($postProcess); Log 1, $@ if($@); } if($ret && ref $ret eq "HASH") { readingsBeginUpdate($hash); foreach my $k (keys %{$ret}) { readingsBulkUpdate($hash, makeReadingName($k), $ret->{$k}); } readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1); } return undef; } sub Debug($) { my $msg= shift; Log 1, "DEBUG>" . $msg; } sub addToWritebuffer($$@) { my ($hash, $txt, $callback, $nolimit) = @_; if(!defined($hash->{FD})) { my $n = $hash->{NAME}; Log 1, "ERROR: addToWritebuffer for $n without FD"; Log 1, "callstack:".stacktraceAsString(1); Log 1, "FD closed in ".$hash->{stacktrace} if($hash->{stacktrace}); delete($defs{$n}); delete($attr{$n}); return; } if($hash->{isChild}) { # Wont go to the main select in a forked process TcpServer_WriteBlocking( $hash, $txt ); if($callback) { no strict "refs"; my $ret = &{$callback}($hash); use strict "refs"; } return; } $hash->{WBCallback} = $callback; if(!defined($hash->{$wbName})) { $hash->{$wbName} = $txt; } elsif($nolimit || length($hash->{$wbName}) < 1024000) { $hash->{$wbName} .= $txt; } else { return 0; } return 1; # success } # Faster than createNtfyHash sub removeFromNtfyHash($) { my ($toDel) = @_; return if(!$defs{$toDel} || !$defs{$toDel}{TYPE} || !$modules{$defs{$toDel}{TYPE}}{NotifyFn}); foreach my $d ( keys %ntfyHash) { my @a = grep { $_ !~ m/^$toDel$/ } @{$ntfyHash{$d}}; $ntfyHash{$d} = \@a; } } # Note: always executed after ntfyHash = (); slow for large installations! sub createNtfyHash() { Log 5, "createNotifyHash"; my @ntfyList = sort { $defs{$a}{NTFY_ORDER} cmp $defs{$b}{NTFY_ORDER} } grep { $defs{$_}{NTFY_ORDER} && $defs{$_}{TYPE} && !$defs{$_}{disableNotifyFn} && $modules{$defs{$_}{TYPE}}{NotifyFn} } keys %defs; my %d2a_cache; %ntfyHash = ("*" => []); foreach my $d (@ntfyList) { my $ndl = $defs{$d}{NOTIFYDEV}; next if(!$ndl); my @ndlarr; if($d2a_cache{$ndl}) { @ndlarr = @{$d2a_cache{$ndl}}; } else { @ndlarr = devspec2array($ndl); if(@ndlarr > 1) { my %h = map { $_ => 1 } @ndlarr; @ndlarr = keys %h; } $d2a_cache{$ndl} = \@ndlarr; } map { $ntfyHash{$_} = [] } @ndlarr; } my @nhk = keys %ntfyHash; foreach my $d (@ntfyList) { my $ndl = $defs{$d}{NOTIFYDEV}; my $arr = ($ndl ? $d2a_cache{$ndl} : \@nhk); map { push @{$ntfyHash{$_}}, $d } @{$arr}; } } # Used for debugging sub notifyRegexpCheck($) { join("\n", map { if($_ !~ m/^\(?([A-Za-z0-9\.\_]+(?:\.[\+\*])?)(?::.*)?\)?$/) { "$_: no match (ignored)" } elsif($defs{$1}) { "$_: device $1 (OK)"; } else { my @ds = devspec2array($1); if($ds[0] ne $1) { "$_: devspec ".join(",",@ds)." (OK)"; } else { "$_: unknown (ignored)"; } } } split(/\|/, $_[0])); } sub notifyRegexpChanged($$;$) { my ($hash, $re, $disableNotifyFn) = @_; %ntfyHash = (); if($disableNotifyFn) { delete($hash->{NOTIFYDEV}); $hash->{disableNotifyFn}=1; return; } delete($hash->{disableNotifyFn}); my @list2 = split(/\|/, $re); my @list = grep { m/./ } # Forum #62369 map { (m/^\(?([A-Za-z0-9\.\_]+(?:\.[\+\*])?)(?::.*)?\)?$/ && ($defs{$1} || devspec2array($1) ne $1)) ? $1 : ""} @list2; if(@list && int(@list) == int(@list2)) { my %h = map { $_ => 1 } @list; @list = keys %h; # remove duplicates $hash->{NOTIFYDEV} = join(",", @list); } else { delete($hash->{NOTIFYDEV}); } } sub setDisableNotifyFn($$) { my ($hash, $doit) = @_; if($doit) { delete($hash->{NOTIFYDEV}); $hash->{disableNotifyFn} = 1 } else { delete($hash->{disableNotifyFn}); } %ntfyHash = (); } sub setNotifyDev($$) { my ($hash, $ntfydev) = @_; if($ntfydev) { $hash->{NOTIFYDEV} = $ntfydev; } else { delete($hash->{NOTIFYDEV}); } %ntfyHash = (); } sub configDBUsed() { return ($attr{global}{configfile} eq 'configDB'); } sub FileRead($) { my ($param) = @_; my ($err, @ret, $fileName, $forceType); $forceType = "" if(!defined($forceType)); if(ref($param) eq "HASH") { $fileName = $param->{FileName}; $forceType = lc($param->{ForceType}) if($param->{ForceType}); } else { $fileName = $param; } if(configDBUsed() && $forceType ne "file") { ($err, @ret) = cfgDB_FileRead($fileName); } else { my $FH; if(open($FH, $fileName)) { binmode($FH, ":encoding(UTF-8)") if($unicodeEncoding); @ret = <$FH>; close($FH); chomp(@ret); } else { $err = "Can't open $fileName: $!"; } } return ($err, @ret); } sub FileWrite($@) { my ($param, @rows) = @_; my ($err, @ret, $fileName, $forceType, $nl); if(ref($param) eq "HASH") { $fileName = $param->{FileName}; $forceType = $param->{ForceType}; $nl = $param->{NoNL} ? "" : "\n"; } else { $fileName = $param; $nl = "\n"; } $forceType = "" if(!defined($forceType)); if(configDBUsed() && $forceType ne "file") { return cfgDB_FileWrite($fileName, @rows); } else { my $FH; if(open($FH, ">$fileName")) { binmode($FH); binmode($FH, ":encoding(UTF-8)") if($unicodeEncoding); foreach my $l (@rows) { print $FH $l,$nl; } close($FH); return undef; } else { return "Can't open $fileName: $!"; } } } sub FileDelete($) { my ($param) = @_; my ($fileName, $forceType); if(ref($param) eq "HASH") { $fileName = $param->{FileName}; $forceType = $param->{ForceType}; } else { $fileName = $param; } $forceType //= ''; if(configDBUsed() && lc($forceType) ne "file") { my $ret = _cfgDB_Filedelete($fileName); return ($ret ? undef : "$fileName: _cfgDB_Filedelete failed"); } else { my $ret = unlink($fileName); return ($ret ? undef : "$fileName: $!"); } } sub getUniqueId() { return $globalUniqueID if($globalUniqueID); my ($err, $uniqueID) = getKeyValue("uniqueID"); if(defined($uniqueID)) { $uniqueID =~ s/[^0-9a-f]//g; if($uniqueID && length($uniqueID) == 32) { $globalUniqueID = $uniqueID; return $uniqueID; } } $uniqueID = createUniqueId(); setKeyValue("uniqueID", $uniqueID); $globalUniqueID = $uniqueID; return $uniqueID; } my $srandUsed; sub createUniqueId() { my $uniqueID; srand(gettimeofday()) if(!$srandUsed); $srandUsed = 1; $uniqueID = join "",map { unpack "H*", chr(rand(256)) } 1..16; return $uniqueID; } sub getKeyValue($) { my ($key) = @_; my $fName = AttrVal("global", "keyFileName", "uniqueID"); $fName =~ s/\.\.//g; $fName = $attr{global}{modpath}."/FHEM/FhemUtils/$fName"; my ($err, @l) = FileRead($fName); return ($err, undef) if($err); for my $l (@l) { return (undef, $1) if($l =~ m/^$key:(.*)/); } return (undef, undef); } # Use an undefined value to delete the key sub setKeyValue($$) { my ($key,$value) = @_; my $fName = AttrVal("global", "keyFileName", "uniqueID"); $fName =~ s/\.\.//g; $fName = $attr{global}{modpath}."/FHEM/FhemUtils/$fName"; my ($err, @old) = FileRead($fName); my @new; if($err) { push(@new, "# This file is auto generated.", "# Please do not modify, move or delete it.", ""); @old = (); } my $fnd; foreach my $l (@old) { if($l =~ m/^$key:/) { $fnd = 1; push @new, "$key:$value" if(defined($value)); } else { push @new, $l; } } push @new, "$key:$value" if(!$fnd && defined($value)); return FileWrite($fName, @new); } sub addStructChange($$$) { my ($cmd, $dev, $param) = @_; return if(!$init_done); return if(defined($dev) && (!$defs{$dev} || $defs{$dev}{TEMPORARY} || $defs{$dev}{VOLATILE})); $lastDefChange++; shift @structChangeHist if(@structChangeHist > AttrVal('global', 'maxChangeLog', 10) - 1); $param = substr($param, 0, 40)."..." if(length($param) > 40); push @structChangeHist, "$cmd $param"; } sub fhemFork() { my $pid = fork; if(!defined($pid)) { Log 1, "Cannot fork: $!"; stacktrace() if($attr{global}{stacktrace}); return undef; } return $pid if($pid); # Child here # Close FDs as we cannot restart FHEM if child keeps TCP Serverports open foreach my $d (sort keys %defs) { my $h = $defs{$d}; $h->{DBH}->{InactiveDestroy} = 1 if($h->{DBH} && $h->{TYPE} eq 'DbLog'); #Forum #43271 TcpServer_Close($h) if($h->{SERVERSOCKET}); if($h->{DeviceName}) { require "DevIo.pm"; DevIo_CloseDev($h,1); } } $SIG{CHLD} = 'DEFAULT'; # Forum #50898 $fhemForked = 1; return 0; } # Return the next element from the string (list) for each consecutive call. # The index for the next call is stored in the device hash sub Each($$;$) # can be used e.g. in at, Forum #40022 { my ($dev, $string, $sep) = @_; return "" if(!$defs{$dev}); my $idx = ($defs{$dev}{EACH_INDEX} ? $defs{$dev}{EACH_INDEX} : 0); $sep = "," if(!$sep); my @arr = split($sep, $string); $idx = 0 if(@arr <= $idx); $defs{$dev}{EACH_INDEX} = $idx+1; return $arr[$idx]; } ################## # Return 1 if Authorized, else 0 # Note: AuthorizeFn's returning 1 are not stackable. sub Authorized($$$;$) { my ($cl, $type, $arg, $silent) = @_; return 1 if(!$init_done || !$cl || !$cl->{SNAME}); # Safeguarding RefreshAuthList() if($auth_refresh); my $sname = $cl->{SNAME}; my $verbose = AttrVal($sname, "verbose", 1); # Speedup? foreach my $a (@authorize) { my $r = CallFn($a, "AuthorizeFn", $defs{$a}, $cl, $type, $arg, $silent); if($verbose >= 4 && !$silent) { Log3 $sname, 4, "authorize $sname/$type/$arg: $a returned ". ($r == 0 ? "dont care" : $r == 1 ? "allowed" : "prohibited"); } return 1 if($r == 1); return 0 if($r == 2); } return 1; } ################## # Return 0 if not needed, 1 if authenticated, 2 if authentication failed # Loop until one Authenticate is ok sub Authenticate($$) { my ($cl, $arg) = @_; return 1 if(!$init_done || !$cl || !$cl->{SNAME}); # Safeguarding RefreshAuthList() if($auth_refresh); my $needed = 0; foreach my $a (@authenticate) { my $r = CallFn($a, "AuthenticateFn", $defs{$a}, $cl, $arg); $needed = $r if($r); last if($r == 1); } if($needed == 2 && $cl->{NAME} ne "SecurityCheck") { my $adb = $cl->{AuthenticationDeniedBy}; if($adb) { my $au = $cl->{AuthenticatedUser}; Log3 $adb, 3, "Login denied ". ($au ? "for user >$au< ":"")."via $cl->{NAME}"; } } else { delete $cl->{AuthenticationDeniedBy}; } return $needed; } ##################################### sub RefreshAuthList() { @authorize = (); @authenticate = (); foreach my $d (sort keys %defs) { my $h = $defs{$d}; next if(!$h->{TYPE} || !$modules{$h->{TYPE}}); push @authorize, $d if($modules{$h->{TYPE}}{AuthorizeFn}); push @authenticate, $d if($modules{$h->{TYPE}}{AuthenticateFn}); } $auth_refresh = 0; } ##################################### sub perlSyntaxCheck($%) { my ($exec, %specials)= @_; my $psc = AttrVal("global", "perlSyntaxCheck", ($featurelevel>5.7) ? 1 : 0); return undef if(!$psc || !$init_done); my ($arr, $hash) = parseParams($exec, ';'); $arr = [ $exec ] if(!@$arr); # temporary bugfix for my $cmd (@{$arr}) { next if($cmd !~ m/^\s*{/); # } for match $specials{__UNIQUECMD__}=1; $cmd = EvalSpecials("{return undef; $cmd}", %specials); my $r = AnalyzePerlCommand(undef, $cmd); return $r if($r); } return undef; } ##################################### sub parseParams($;$$$) { my($cmd, $separator, $joiner, $keyvalueseparator) = @_; $separator = ' ' if(!$separator); $joiner = $separator if(!$joiner); # needed if separator is a regexp $keyvalueseparator = '=' if(!$keyvalueseparator); my(@a, %h); return(\@a, \%h) if(!defined($cmd)); my @params; if( ref($cmd) eq 'ARRAY' ) { @params = @{$cmd}; } else { @params = split($separator, $cmd); } while (@params) { my $param = shift(@params); next if($param eq ""); my ($key, $value) = split( $keyvalueseparator, $param, 2 ); if( !defined( $value ) ) { $value = $key; $key = undef; # the key can not start with a { -> it must be a perl expression # vim:} } elsif( $key =~ m/^\s*{/ ) { # for vim: } $value = $param; $key = undef; } #collect all parts until the closing ' or " while( $param && $value =~ m/^('|")/ && $value !~ m/$1$/ ) { my $next = shift(@params); last if( !defined($next) ); $value .= $joiner . $next; } #remove matching ' or " from the start and end if( $value =~ m/^('|")/ && $value =~ m/$1$/ ) { $value =~ s/^.(.*).$/$1/; } #collect all parts until opening { and closing } are matched if( $value =~ m/^\s*{/ ) { # } for match my $count = 0; for my $i (0..length($value)-1) { my $c = substr($value, $i, 1); ++$count if( $c eq '{' ); --$count if( $c eq '}' ); } while( $param && $count != 0 ) { my $next = shift(@params); last if( !defined($next) ); $value .= $joiner . $next; for my $i (0..length($next)-1) { my $c = substr($next, $i, 1); ++$count if( $c eq '{' ); --$count if( $c eq '}' ); } } } if( defined($key) ) { $h{$key} = $value; } else { push @a, $value; } } return(\@a, \%h); } # get "Porbably Associated With" list for a devicename sub getPawList($) { my ($d) = @_; my $h = $defs{$d}; my @dob; my $daw = ReadingsVal($d, ".associatedWith", ""); # 103095 foreach my $dn (sort keys %defs) { next if(!$dn || $dn eq $d); my $dh = $defs{$dn}; if(($dh->{DEF} && $dh->{DEF} =~ m/\b$d\b/) || (ReadingsVal($dn, ".associatedWith", "") =~ m/\b$d\b/) || ($h->{DEF} && $h->{DEF} =~ m/\b$dn\b/) || $daw =~ m/\b$dn\b/) { push(@dob, $dn); } } my $aw = ReadingsVal($d, "associatedWith", ""); # Explicit link push(@dob, grep { $defs{$_} } split("[ ,]",$aw)) if($aw); return @dob; } sub goodDeviceName($) { my ($name) = @_; return ($name && $name =~ m/^[a-z0-9._]*$/i); } sub makeDeviceName($) # Convert non-valid characters to _ { my ($name) = @_; $name = "UNDEFINED" if(!defined($name)); $name =~ s/[^a-z0-9._]/_/gi; return $name; } sub goodReadingName($) { my ($name) = @_; return undef if(!$name); return ($name =~ m/^[a-z0-9._\-\/]+$/i || $name =~ m/^\.[^\s]*$/); } sub makeReadingName($) # Convert non-valid characters to _ { my ($name) = @_; $name = "UNDEFINED" if(!defined($name)); if($name =~ m/^\./) { $name =~ s/\s/_/g; return $name; } my %umlaut = ( '\xc3\xa4'=>'ae', '\xc3\xb6'=>'oe', '\xc3\xbc'=>'ue', '\xc3\x9f'=>'ss'); map { $name =~ s/$_/$umlaut{$_}/g } keys %umlaut; $name =~ s/[^a-z0-9._\-\/]/_/gi; return $name; } sub computeAlignTime($$@) { my ($timeSpec, $alignSpec, $triggertime) = @_; # triggertime is now if absent my ($alErr, $alHr, $alMin, $alSec, undef) = GetTimeSpec($alignSpec); return ("alignTime: $alErr", undef) if($alErr); my ($tmErr, $hr, $min, $sec, undef) = GetTimeSpec($timeSpec); return ("timeSpec: $tmErr", undef) if($alErr); my $now = int(gettimeofday()); my $alTime = ($alHr*60+$alMin)*60+$alSec; my $step = ($hr*60+$min)*60+$sec; my $ttime = ($triggertime ? int($triggertime) : $now); my $off = (($ttime+fhemTzOffset($now)) % 86400) - 86400; while($off < $alTime) { $off += $step; } $ttime += ($alTime-$off); $ttime += $step if($ttime < $now); return (undef, $ttime); } ############################ my %restoreDir_dirs; sub restoreDir_mkDir($$$) { my ($root, $dir, $isFile) = @_; if($isFile) { # Delete the file Component $dir =~ m,^(.*)/([^/]*)$,; $dir = $1; $dir = "" if(!defined($dir)); # file in . } return if($restoreDir_dirs{$dir}); $restoreDir_dirs{$dir} = 1; my @p = split("/", $dir); for(my $i = 0; $i < int(@p); $i++) { my $path = "$root/".join("/", @p[0..$i]); if(!-d $path) { mkdir $path; Log 4, "MKDIR $root/".join("/", @p[0..$i]); } } } sub restoreDir_rmTree($) { my ($dir) = @_; my $dh; if(!opendir($dh, $dir)) { Log 1, "opendir $dir: $!"; return; } my @files = grep { $_ ne "." && $_ ne ".." } readdir($dh); closedir($dh); foreach my $f (@files) { if(-d "$dir/$f") { restoreDir_rmTree("$dir/$f"); } else { Log 4, "rm $dir/$f"; if(!unlink("$dir/$f")) { Log 1, "rm $dir/$f failed: $!"; } } } Log 4, "rmdir $dir"; if(!rmdir($dir)) { Log 1, "rmdir $dir failed: $!"; } } sub restoreDir_init(;$) { my ($subDir) = @_; my $root = $attr{global}{modpath}; my $nDirs = AttrVal("global","restoreDirs", 3); if($nDirs !~ m/^\d+$/ || $nDirs < 0) { Log 1, "invalid restoreDirs value $nDirs, setting it to 3"; $nDirs = 3; } return "" if($nDirs == 0); my $rdName = "restoreDir"; $rdName .= "/$subDir" if($subDir); my @t = localtime(gettimeofday()); my $restoreDir = sprintf("$rdName/%04d-%02d-%02d", $t[5]+1900, $t[4]+1, $t[3]); Log 1, "MKDIR $restoreDir" if(! -d "$root/restoreDir"); restoreDir_mkDir($root, $restoreDir, 0); if(!opendir(DH, "$root/$rdName")) { Log 1, "opendir $root/$rdName: $!"; return ""; } my @oldDirs = sort grep { $_ =~ m/^20\d\d-\d\d-\d\d/ } readdir(DH); closedir(DH); while(int(@oldDirs) > $nDirs) { my $dir = "$root/$rdName/". shift(@oldDirs); next if($dir =~ m/$restoreDir/); # Just in case Log 1, "RMDIR: $dir"; restoreDir_rmTree($dir); } return $restoreDir; } sub restoreDir_saveFile($$) { my($restoreDir, $fName) = @_; return if(!$restoreDir || !$fName); if($^O eq "MSWin32") { # Forum #110071 $fName =~ s,^.:,,g; $fName =~ s,\\,/,g; } my $root = $attr{global}{modpath}; restoreDir_mkDir($root, "$restoreDir/$fName", 1); if(!copy($fName, "$root/$restoreDir/$fName")) { Log 1, "copy $fName $root/$restoreDir/$fName failed:$!"; } } sub SecurityCheck() { my @fnd; return if(AttrVal("global", "disableFeatures", "") =~ m/\bsecurityCheck\b/i); foreach my $sdev (keys %defs) { next if($defs{$sdev}{TEMPORARY}); my $type = $defs{$sdev}{TYPE}; next if(!$modules{$type}{CanAuthenticate}); my $hash = { SNAME=>$sdev, TYPE=>$type, NAME=>"SecurityCheck"}; push(@fnd, " $sdev is not password protected") if(!Authenticate($hash, undef)); } if(@fnd) { push @fnd, ""; my @l = devspec2array("TYPE=allowed"); if(@l) { push @fnd, "Protect this FHEM installation by ". "configuring the allowed device $l[0]"; } else { push @fnd, "Protect this FHEM installation by ". "defining an allowed device with define allowed allowed"; } } if($^O !~ m/Win/ && $<==0) { push(@fnd, "Running with root privileges is discouraged.") } if(@fnd) { unshift(@fnd, "SecurityCheck:"); push(@fnd, "You can disable this message with attr global motd none"); $defs{global}{init_errors} =~ s/SecurityCheck:.*motd none//s; $defs{global}{init_errors} .= join("\n", @fnd); } } # sub genUUID() { srand(gettimeofday()) if(!$srandUsed); $srandUsed = 1; my $uuid = sprintf("%08x-f33f-%s-%s-%s", time(), substr(getUniqueId(),-4), join("",map { unpack "H*", chr(rand(256)) } 1..2), join("",map { unpack "H*", chr(rand(256)) } 1..8)); $fuuidHash{$uuid} = 1; return $uuid; } sub IsWe(;$$) { my ($when, $wday) = @_; my $dt = ($when && $when =~ m/^((\d{4})-)?([01]\d)-([0-3]\d)$/); $when = "state" if(!$when || ($when !~ m/^(yesterday|today|tomorrow)$/ && !$dt)); if(!defined($wday)) { if($dt) { my ($y,$m,$d) = ($2 ? $2-1900 : (localtime())[5], $3-1, $4); $wday = (localtime(mktime(1,1,1,$d,$m,$y,0,0,-1)))[6]; } else { $wday = (localtime(gettimeofday()))[6]; } } my ($we, $wf); foreach my $h2we (split(",", AttrVal("global", "holiday2we", ""))) { my $b = $dt ? CommandGet(undef,"$h2we $when") : ReadingsVal($h2we,$when,0); if($b && $b ne "none") { return 0 if($h2we eq "noWeekEnd"); $we = 1 if($b && $b ne "none"); } $wf = 1 if($h2we eq "weekEnd"); } if(!$wf && !$we) { $we = ($when eq "yesterday" ? ($wday==0 || $wday==1) : ($when ne "tomorrow" ? ($wday==6 || $wday==0) : ($wday==5 || $wday==6))); # tomorrow } return $we ? 1 : 0; } sub applyGlobalAttrFromEnv() { while(my ($k,$v)= each %{$globalAttrFromEnv}) { Log 3, "From the FHEM_GLOBALATTR environment: attr global $k $v"; CommandAttr(undef, "global $k $v"); } } # set the test config file: either the corresponding X.cfg, or fhem.cfg sub prepareFhemTestFile() { return if($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] ne "-t" || @ARGV < 2); shift @ARGV; if($ARGV[0] !~ m,^(.*?)([^/]+)\.t$, || !-r $ARGV[0]) { print STDERR "Need a .t file as argument for -t\n"; exit(1); } my ($dir, $fileBase) = ($1, $2); $fhemTestFile = $ARGV[0]; $ARGV[0] = "${dir}fhem.cfg" if(-r "${dir}fhem.cfg"); $ARGV[0] = "$dir$fileBase.cfg" if(-r "$dir$fileBase.cfg"); } sub execFhemTestFile() { return if(!$fhemTestFile); $attr{global}{autosave} = 0; AnalyzeCommand(undef, "define .ftu FhemTestUtils") if(!grep { $defs{$_}{TYPE} eq "FhemTestUtils" } keys %defs); InternalTimer(1, sub { require $fhemTestFile }, 0 ) if($fhemTestFile); } # return undef if ok or error. Prameter: regexp, error context sub CheckRegexp($$) { my ($re,$context) = @_; return "Empty regexp in $context" if(!defined($re)); return "Bad regexp >$re< in $context" if($re =~ m/^[*+]/); my $warn; my $osig = $SIG{__WARN__}; $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warn = $_[0]}; eval { "Hallo" =~ m/^$re$/ }; $SIG{__WARN__} = $osig; return "Bad regexp >$re< in $context: $@" if($@); return "Bad regexp >$re< in $context: $warn" if($warn); return undef; } 1;