Fhem on the Fritzbox 7390
FHEM on the Fritz!Box 7390
(as of 2011-06-18)
Description for the Fritzbox 7390
AVM released after the CeBIT 2011 an image for the Fritz!Box7390 containing
fhem, see this
link. This image is to be installed in addition to the normal firmware. In
order to use the image, you have to install a Lab version of the
normal firmware first, because fhem needs the USB-Serial kernel modules in
order to talk to the CUL and the "Lab" firmware also contains a hook in
order to start fhem.
Version 19798 of this fhem-image configures 2 CUL devices, the first one
talking FS20, the second preconfigured for HomeMatic. Autoconfigure is not
enabled by default, so you'll either have to enable it or to enter the
devices by hand.
The bad news with this fhem-image is, that it will start fhem in a chroot
environment, i.e. you will not be able to trigger arbitrary FritzBox
functions out of fhem, e.g. sending mail, enabling WLAN, etc.
This fhem-image contains a stripped
down version of the perl package from the AVM fhem-image, a CVS version of
fhem, and a modified installation script. The main difference is starting
fhem in a normal (non-chroot) environment, and enabling autocreate.
When installing it, you have to confirm with an extra click that it does
not have a valid AVM signature. It will reuse your old logfiles and
configuration, unlike the "original" AVM firmware. Autocreate is on, and
there are NO CUL devices defined in the initial configuration, you'll have
to do this manually, e.g. by following the HOWTO or the command reference.
Further bad news for both versions: Currently the only working serial
kernel driver is the cdc_acm, which means only the CUL can be attached
directly to the FritzBox. The FHZ1x00 needs the ftdi_sio driver, which
currently panics the FritzBox.
Alternatively you can use devices
attached via network, like the CUN.