package Geo::Mirror; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = '1.01'; use constant PI => 3.14159265358979323846; our (%lat, %lon, $geo_ip_pkg); BEGIN { if (eval { require Geo::IP }) { $geo_ip_pkg = "Geo::IP"; } else { require Geo::IP::PurePerl; $geo_ip_pkg = "Geo::IP::PurePerl"; } $geo_ip_pkg->import('GEOIP_STANDARD'); } { local $_; while () { my ($country, $lat, $lon) = split(':'); $lat{$country} = $lat; $lon{$country} = $lon; } } sub new { my ($class, %h) = @_; my $self = \%h; bless $self, $class; $self->_init; return $self; } sub _init { my $self = shift; my $mirror_file = $self->{mirror_file}; local $_; open MIRROR, "$mirror_file" or die $!; while() { my ($url, $country, $fresh) = split(' '); push @{$self->{mirror}->{$country}}, $url; $self->{fresh}{$url} = $fresh || 0; } close MIRROR; } sub _random_mirror { my ($self, $country, $fresh) = @_; my @mirror = grep { $self->{fresh}{$_} >= $fresh } @{$self->{mirror}->{$country}}; my $num = scalar @mirror or return; return $mirror[ rand($num) ]; } sub find_mirror_by_country { my ($self, $country, $fresh) = @_; my $url; $fresh ||= 0; if (exists $self->{mirror}->{$country}) { $url = $self->_random_mirror($country, $fresh); } if (!$url) { my $nearby = $self->{nearby_cache}->{$country} ||= $self->_find_nearby_countries($country); foreach my $new_country (@$nearby) { $url = $self->_random_mirror($new_country, $fresh) and last; } } return $url; } sub find_mirror_by_addr { my ($self, $addr, $fresh) = @_; unless($self->{gi}) { if ($self->{database_file}) { $self->{gi} = $geo_ip_pkg->open($self->{database_file}, GEOIP_STANDARD); } else { $self->{gi} = $geo_ip_pkg->new(GEOIP_STANDARD); } } # default to US if country not found my $country = lc($self->{gi}->country_code_by_addr($addr)) || 'us'; $country = 'us' if $country eq '--'; return $self->find_mirror_by_country($country, $fresh); } sub _find_nearby_countries { my ($self, $country) = @_; my %distance = map { ($_, $self->_calculate_distance($country, $_)) } keys %{$self->{mirror}}; delete $distance{$country}; [ sort { $distance{$a} <=> $distance{$b} } keys %distance ]; } sub _calculate_distance { my ($self, $country1, $country2) = @_; my $lat_1 = $lat{$country1}; my $lat_2 = $lat{$country2}; my $lon_1 = $lon{$country1}; my $lon_2 = $lon{$country2}; # Convert all the degrees to radians $lat_1 *= PI/180; $lon_1 *= PI/180; $lat_2 *= PI/180; $lon_2 *= PI/180; # Find the deltas my $delta_lat = $lat_2 - $lat_1; my $delta_lon = $lon_2 - $lon_1; # Find the Great Circle distance my $temp = sin($delta_lat/2.0)**2 + cos($lat_1) * cos($lat_2) * sin($delta_lon/2.0)**2; return atan2(sqrt($temp),sqrt(1-$temp)); } 1; =head1 NAME Geo::Mirror - Find closest Mirror =head1 SYNOPSIS use Geo::Mirror; my $gm = Geo::Mirror->new(mirror_file => '/path/to/mirrors.txt'); my $mirror = $gm->closest_mirror_by_country('us', $freshness); # $freshness optional, see description below my $mirror = $gm->closest_mirror_by_addr('', $freshness); # $freshness optional, see description below =head1 DESCRIPTION This module finds the closest mirror for an IP address. It uses L to identify the country that the IP address originated from. If the country is not represented in the mirror list, then it finds the closest country using a latitude/longitude table. The mirror file should be a space separate list of URL, Country, and mirror freshness. The mirror freshness is optional and can be used by user request a mirror with a minimum freshness. =head1 AUTHOR Copyright (c) 2004, MaxMind LLC, All rights reserved. This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut __DATA__ af:33:65 al:41:20 dz:28:3 as:-14:-170 ad:42:1 ao:-12:18 ai:18:-63 aq:-90:0 ag:17:-61 ar:-34:-64 am:40:45 aw:12:-69 au:-27:133 at:47:13 az:40:47 bs:24:-76 bh:26:50 bd:24:90 bb:13:-59 by:53:28 be:50:4 bz:17:-88 bj:9:2 bm:32:-64 bt:27:90 bo:-17:-65 ba:44:18 bw:-22:24 bv:-54:3 br:-10:-55 io:-6:71 vg:18:-64 bg:43:25 bf:13:-2 bi:-3:30 kh:13:105 cm:6:12 ca:60:-95 cv:16:-24 ky:19:-80 cf:7:21 td:15:19 cl:-30:-71 cn:35:105 cx:-10:105 cc:-12:96 co:4:-72 km:-12:44 cd:0:25 cg:-1:15 ck:-21:-159 cr:10:-84 ci:8:-5 hr:45:15 cu:21:-80 cy:35:33 cz:49:15 dk:56:10 dj:11:43 dm:15:-61 do:19:-70 ec:-2:-77 eg:27:30 sv:13:-88 gq:2:10 er:15:39 ee:59:26 et:8:38 fk:-51:-59 fo:62:-7 fj:-18:175 fi:64:26 fr:46:2 gf:4:-53 pf:-15:-140 ga:-1:11 gm:13:-16 ge:42:43 de:51:9 eu:48:10 gh:8:-2 gi:36:-5 gr:39:22 gl:72:-40 gd:12:-61 gp:16:-61 gu:13:144 gt:15:-90 gn:11:-10 gw:12:-15 gy:5:-59 ht:19:-72 hm:-53:72 va:41:12 hn:15:-86 hk:22:114 hu:47:20 is:65:-18 in:20:77 id:-5:120 ir:32:53 iq:33:44 ie:53:-8 il:31:34 it:42:12 jm:18:-77 sj:71:-8 jp:36:138 jo:31:36 ke:1:38 ki:1:173 kp:40:127 kr:37:127 kw:29:45 kg:41:75 lv:57:25 lb:33:35 ls:-29:28 lr:6:-9 ly:25:17 li:47:9 lt:56:24 lu:49:6 mo:22:113 mk:41:22 mg:-20:47 mw:-13:34 my:2:112 mv:3:73 ml:17:-4 mt:35:14 mh:9:168 mq:14:-61 mr:20:-12 mu:-20:57 yt:-12:45 mx:23:-102 fm:6:158 mc:43:7 mn:46:105 ms:16:-62 ma:32:-5 mz:-18:35 na:-22:17 nr:-0:166 np:28:84 nl:52:5 an:12:-68 nc:-21:165 nz:-41:174 ni:13:-85 ne:16:8 ng:10:8 nu:-19:-169 nf:-29:167 mp:15:145 no:62:10 om:21:57 pk:30:70 pw:7:134 pa:9:-80 pg:-6:147 py:-23:-58 pe:-10:-76 ph:13:122 pn:-25:-130 pl:52:20 pt:39:-8 pr:18:-66 qa:25:51 re:-21:55 ro:46:25 ru:60:100 rw:-2:30 sh:-15:-5 kn:17:-62 lc:13:-60 pm:46:-56 vc:13:-61 ws:-13:-172 sm:43:12 st:1:7 sa:25:45 sn:14:-14 sc:-4:55 sl:8:-11 sg:1:103 sk:48:19 si:46:15 sb:-8:159 so:10:49 za:-29:24 gs:-54:-37 es:40:-4 lk:7:81 sd:15:30 sr:4:-56 sj:78:20 sz:-26:31 se:62:15 ch:47:8 sy:35:38 tj:39:71 tz:-6:35 th:15:100 tg:8:1 tk:-9:-172 to:-20:-175 tt:11:-61 tn:34:9 tr:39:35 tm:40:60 tc:21:-71 tv:-8:178 ug:1:32 ua:49:32 ae:24:54 gb:54:-2 us:38:-97 uy:-33:-56 uz:41:64 vu:-16:167 ve:8:-66 vn:16:106 vi:18:-64 wf:-13:-176 eh:24:-13 ye:15:48 yu:44:21 zm:-15:30 zw:-20:30 tw:23:121