###################LoTT Uniroll################### # UNIRoll:no synchronisation, the message protocoll begins directly with datas # group address 16 Bit like an housecode # channel address 4 Bit up to 16 devices # command 4 Bit up: E(1110),stop: D(1101), down: B(1011) # end off 1 Bit, zero or one it doesnot matter # whole length 25 Bit #time intervall: #Bit-digit 0 high ca. 1,6 ms equal 100(h64) 16us steps # low ca. 0,576 ms 36(h24) #Bit-digit 1 high ca. 0,576 ms 36(h24) # low ca. 1,6 ms 100(h64) #timespace ca. 100 ms #binary : 1010 1011 1100 1101 0110 1110 1 #hexa: a b c d 6 e 8 (an additional one bit) #the message is sent with the general cul-command: G #G0031A364242464abcd6e8 : 00 synchbits 3 databytes, 1 databit, HHLLLLHH, data package main; use strict; use warnings; my %codes = ( "e" => "up", #1110 e "d" => "stop", #1101 d "b" => "down", #1011 b ); my %readonly = ( "thermo-on" => 1, "thermo-off" => 1, ); use vars qw(%UNIRoll_c2b); # Peter would like to access it from outside my $UNIRoll_simple ="off off-for-timer on on-for-timer on-till reset timer toggle"; my %models = ( R_23700 => 'simple', dummySimple => 'simple', ); sub hex2fouru($); sub four2hexu($$); sub UNIRoll_Initialize($) { my ($hash) = @_; foreach my $k (keys %codes) { $UNIRoll_c2b{$codes{$k}} = $k; # c2b liest das allgmeine Array der Gerätegruppe } # print "UNIRoll_Initialize \n"; $hash->{Match} = "^G.*"; $hash->{SetFn} = "UNIRoll_Set"; $hash->{StateFn} = "UNIRoll_SetState"; $hash->{DefFn} = "UNIRoll_Define"; $hash->{UndefFn} = "UNIRoll_Undef"; $hash->{ParseFn} = "UNIRoll_Parse"; $hash->{AttrList} = "IODev do_not_notify:1,0 ". "ignore:1,0 showtime:1,0 ". "loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5,6 " . "model:".join(",", sort keys %models); } ##################################### sub UNIRoll_SetState($$$$) # 4 Skalare Parameter { my ($hash, $tim, $vt, $val) = @_; #@_ Array # print "UNIRoll_SetState \n"; $val = $1 if($val =~ m/^(.*) \d+$/); # m match Funktion my $name = $hash->{NAME}; (undef, $val) = ReplaceEventMap($name, [$name, $val], 0) if($attr{$name}{eventMap}); return "setstate $name: undefined value $val" if(!defined($UNIRoll_c2b{$val})); return undef; } ################################### sub UNIRoll_Set($@) { my ($hash, @a) = @_; # Eingabewerte nach define name typ devicecode channelcode my $ret = undef; my $na = int(@a); #na Anzahl Felder in a # print "UNIRoll_Set \n"; return "no set value specified" if($na < 2 || $na > 3); return "Readonly value $a[1]" if(defined($readonly{$a[1]})); my $c = $UNIRoll_c2b{$a[1]}; # Wert des Kommandos: up stop down my $name = $a[0]; # Gerätename if(!defined($c)) { # Model specific set arguments if(defined($attr{$name}) && defined($attr{$name}{"model"})) { my $mt = $models{$attr{$name}{"model"}}; return "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of " if($mt && $mt eq "sender"); return "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of $UNIRoll_simple" if($mt && $mt eq "simple"); } return "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of " . join(" ", sort keys %UNIRoll_c2b); } my $v = join(" ", @a); Log GetLogLevel($name,2), "UNIRoll set $v"; (undef, $v) = split(" ", $v, 2); # Not interested in the name... my $val; # G0030A364242464abcd6e8 : 00 Synchbits 3 Datenbytes, 1 Datenbit, HHLLLLHH, Daten # Damit kein Befehl einen zufälligen Betrieb stoppt # vorher ein gezielter Stopp Befehl my $stop = "d"; IOWrite($hash, "","G0030A364242464".$hash->{XMIT}.$hash->{BTN}.$stop); # print "$hash XMIT:$hash->{XMIT} BTN: $hash->{BTN} c: $c \n"; IOWrite($hash, "","G0030A364242464".$hash->{XMIT}.$hash->{BTN}.$c); # XMIT: Gerätegruppe, BTN: Kanalnummer, c: Commando ########################################### # Set the state of a device to off if on-for-timer is called if($modules{UNIRoll}{ldata}{$name}) { CommandDelete(undef, $name . "_timer"); delete $modules{UNIRoll}{ldata}{$name}; } if($a[1] =~ m/for-timer/ && $na == 3 && defined($attr{$name}) && defined($attr{$name}{"follow-on-for-timer"})) { my $to = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $val/3600, ($val%3600)/60, $val%60); $modules{UNIRoll}{ldata}{$name} = $to; Log 4, "Follow: +$to setstate $name off"; CommandDefine(undef, $name."_timer at +$to setstate $name off; trigger $name off"); } ########################## # Look for all devices with the same code, and set state, timestamp my $code = "$hash->{XMIT} $hash->{BTN}"; my $tn = TimeNow(); my $defptr = $modules{UNIRoll}{defptr}; foreach my $n (keys %{ $defptr->{$code} }) { my $lh = $defptr->{$code}{$n}; $lh->{CHANGED}[0] = $v; $lh->{STATE} = $v; $lh->{READINGS}{state}{TIME} = $tn; $lh->{READINGS}{state}{VAL} = $v; my $lhname = $lh->{NAME}; if($name ne $lhname) { DoTrigger($lhname, undef); } } return $ret; } ############################# sub UNIRoll_Define($$) # Gerät anmelden hash: Hash-adresse, def: Eingabe bei define ..... # Hauscode, Kanalnummer aufbereiten prüfen { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def); my $u = "wrong syntax: define UNIRoll device adress " . "addr [fg addr] [lm addr] [gm FF]"; # print "UNIRoll_Define \n"; return $u if(int(@a) < 4); return "Define $a[0]: wrong device address format: specify a 4 digit hex value ". "or an 8 digit quad value" if( ($a[2] !~ m/^[a-f0-9]{4}$/i) && ($a[2] !~ m/^[1-4]{8}$/i) ); return "Define $a[0]: wrong chanal format: specify a 1 digit hex value " . "or a 2 digit quad value" if( ($a[3] !~ m/^[a-f0-9]{1}$/i) && ($a[3] !~ m/^[1-4]{2}$/i) ); my $devcode = $a[2]; $devcode = four2hexu($devcode,4) if (length($devcode) == 8); my $chacode = $a[3]; $chacode = four2hexu($chacode,2) if (length($chacode) == 4); $hash->{XMIT} = lc($devcode); # hex Kleinschreibung ? $hash->{BTN} = lc($chacode); # Gerätedaten aufbauen, # defptr: device pointer global my $code = lc("$devcode $chacode"); #lc lowercase Kleinschreibung my $ncode = 1; #? my $name = $a[0]; #Gerätename $hash->{CODE}{$ncode++} = $code; $modules{UNIRoll}{defptr}{$code}{$name} = $hash; # print "Test IoPort $hash def $def code $code.\n"; AssignIoPort($hash); # Gerät anmelden } ############################# sub UNIRoll_Undef($$) { my ($hash, $name) = @_; foreach my $c (keys %{ $hash->{CODE} } ) { $c = $hash->{CODE}{$c}; # print "UNIRoll_Undef \n"; # As after a rename the $name my be different from the $defptr{$c}{$n} # we look for the hash. foreach my $dname (keys %{ $modules{UNIRoll}{defptr}{$c} }) { delete($modules{UNIRoll}{defptr}{$c}{$dname}) if($modules{UNIRoll}{defptr}{$c}{$dname} == $hash); } } return undef; } sub UNIRoll_Parse($$) { # print "UNIRoll_Parse \n"; } ############################# sub hex2fouru($) { my $v = shift; my $r = ""; foreach my $x (split("", $v)) { $r .= sprintf("%d%d", (hex($x)/4)+1, (hex($x)%4)+1); } # print "UNIRoll_hex2fouru $r \n"; return $r; } ############################# sub four2hexu($$) { my ($v,$len) = @_; my $r = 0; foreach my $x (split("", $v)) { $r = $r*4+($x-1); } # print "UNIRoll_fourhex r:$r len: $len\n"; return sprintf("%0*x", $len,$r); } 1; =pod =begin html