#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use CGI; sub collectSubmitted($$@); sub printChapter($$@); my @hw = qw( ALL3076 ALL4000T ALL4027 BS CM11 CUL CUL_EM CUL_FHTTK CUL_HM CUL_HOERMANN CUL_IR CUL_RFR CUL_TX CUL_WS ECMD ECMDDevice EIB EM EMEM EMGZ EMWZ ESA2000 EnOcean FHT FHT8V FHZ FS20 HMLAN HMS IPCAM IPWE IT Itach_Relay KM271 KS300 LGTV LIRC M232 M232Counter M232Voltage NetIO230B OREGON OWFS OWTEMP POKEYS RFXCOM RFXMETER RFXX10REC SCIVT SISPM SIS_PMS SML STV TCM TRX TRX_ELSE TRX_LIGHT TRX_SECURITY TRX_WEATHER TUL TellStick USBWX USF1000 VantagePro2 WEBCOUNT WEBIO WEBIO_12DIGITAL WEBTHERM WOL WS2000 WS300 WS3600 X10 ZWDongle ZWave xxLG7000 ); my @help = qw( CULflash Calendar FHEM2FHEM FileLog HTTPSRV JsonList MSG MSGFile MSGMail PID PachLog RSS SUNRISE_EL Weather Twilight XmlList at autocreate average backup dewpoint dummy holiday notify sequence structure telnet updatefhem watchdog ); my @fe = ( "FHEMRENDERER", "HomeMini", "android: andFHEM", "fheME", "iPhone: dhs-computertechnik", "iPhone: fhemgw", "iPhone: fhemobile", "iPhone: phyfhem", "myHCE", "pgm2/FHEMWEB with SVG", "pgm2/FHEMWEB with gnuplot", "pgm3", "pgm5", ); my @platform = ( "Fritz!Box 7170", "Fritz!Box 7270", "Fritz!Box 7390", "NSLU2", "OSX", "PC: BSD", "PC: Linux", "PC: Windows", "Plug Computer", "Raspberry PI", "Synology", "TuxRadio", ); my $title = "Used FHEM Modules & Components"; my $q = new CGI; print $q->header, $q->start_html( -title => $title, -style=>{-src=>"style.css"}), "\n"; print '
', "\n", 'fhem-logo', "\n", '

FHEM survey

', "\n", '
', "\n"; print '\n"; print $q->end_html; exit(0); } print "This is a survey to get a feeling which fhem modules are used.
"; print "
"; print $q->start_form; ############################################## print $q->h4("User (optional):"); print $q->textfield(-name=>'user', -size=>18, -maxsize=>36); ############################################## sub printChapter($$@) { my @arr = @_; my $name = shift @arr; my $cols = shift @arr; @arr = sort(@arr); print $q->h4("$name:"); print "
"; print ""; foreach(my $i=0; $i < @arr; $i++) { print ""; print "\n" if($i % $cols == ($cols-1)); } print "
"; print "
"; } sub collectSubmitted($$@) { my ($name, $flags, @arr) = @_; my $ret = ""; my @set; foreach my $f (@arr) { #print "Testing $f ", ($q->param($f) ? $q->param($f) : "UNDEF"), "
\n"; push @set, $f if($q->param($f) && $flags); push @set, $q->param($f) if($q->param($f) && !$flags); } $ret .= join(", ' '", @set) if(@set); return "$name\n '$ret'\n"; } printChapter("Hardware devices", 4, @hw); printChapter("Helper modules", 6, @help); printChapter("Frontends", 3, @fe); printChapter("Platform", 5, @platform); ############################################## print $q->h4("Other modules:"); print $q->textfield(-name=>'other', -size=>80, -maxsize=>80); print "

\n"; print $q->submit('Submit'); print "

\n"; print $q->end_form; print "\n"; print $q->end_html;