count ($resultreverse) ) { $_SESSION["maxdata"] = count ($resultreverse); } else { $_SESSION["maxdata"] = $imgmaxxhms; }; ################### ### min/max $mintemp=100; $maxtemp=-100; for ($x = 0; $x <= $_SESSION["maxdata"]; $x++) { if ( $resultreverse[$x][1] > $maxtemp ) $maxtemp=$resultreverse[$x][1]; if ( ($resultreverse[$x][1] < $mintemp) and ($resultreverse[$x][1]>-100) ) $mintemp=$resultreverse[$x][1]; } $tempdiff=$maxtemp-$mintemp; if ($tempdiff==0) $tempdiff=1; $fac=$imgmaxyhms/$tempdiff; $yold=round($imgmaxyhms-(($resultreverse[0][1]-$mintemp)*$fac)); ################### if ($maxcountHMS < $_SESSION["maxdata"]) {$anzlines=$maxcountHMS;} else {$anzlines= $_SESSION["maxdata"];} for ($x = 0; $x < $anzlines; $x++) { $parts = explode("_", $resultreverse[$x][0]); if ( ($parts[0] != $olddate) ) { $olddate=$parts[0]; ImageLine($im, $imgmaxxhms-$x, 0,$imgmaxxhms-$x , $imgmaxyhms, $bg1p); } $y = round($imgmaxyhms-(($resultreverse[$x][1]-$mintemp)*$fac)); ImageLine($im, $imgmaxxhms-$x, $y, $xold, $yold, $red); $xold=$imgmaxxhms-$x; $yold=$y; }; ImageLine($im, $imgmaxxhms-$x, 0,$imgmaxxhms-$x , $imgmaxyhms, $yellow); ImageLine($im, $imgmaxxhms-$maxcountHMS, 0,$imgmaxxhms-$maxcountHMS , $imgmaxyhms, $white); $tempTEMP=$temp; }; #HMS100T if ( $type == "HMS100TF") ## hms100tf-Device. { #Humidity... #$oldmin=0; //only the data from every 10min $min=100; $max=-100; if ($maxcountHMS < $_SESSION["maxdata"]) {$anzlines=$maxcountHMS;} else {$anzlines= $_SESSION["maxdata"];} for ($x = 0; $x < $anzlines; $x++) { $temp=$resultreverse[$x][2]; if ( $temp > $max ) $max=$temp; if ( $temp < $min ) $min=$temp; } $temp=$resultreverse[0][2]; $tempdiff=$max-$min; $fac=$imgmaxyhms/$tempdiff; $xold=$imgmaxxhms; $yold=round($imgmaxyhms-(($resultreverse[0][2]-$min)*$fac)); if ($maxcountHMS < $_SESSION["maxdata"]) {$anzlines=$maxcountHMS;} else {$anzlines= $_SESSION["maxdata"];} for ($x = 0; $x < $anzlines; $x++) #for ($x = 0; $x < count($resultreverse); $x++) { $y = round($imgmaxyhms-(($resultreverse[$x][2]-$min)*$fac)); ImageLine($im, $imgmaxxhms-$x, $y, $xold, $yold, $white); $xold=$imgmaxxhms-$x; $yold=$y; }; $text="Humidity"; $fontsize=7; $txtcolor=$white; ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, 5, 23, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text); $txtcolor=$white; $fontsize=9; $text=$temp." %"; $hvalue=$temp; ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, 210, 35, $txtcolor, $fontttfb, $text); $txtcolor=$white; $fontsize=7; $text="min= $min max= $max"; ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, 182, 47, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text); # Taupunkt # $tp = Taupunkt($tvalue,$hvalue); # $fontsize=9; # $text=$tp." °C"; # ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, 350, 35, $bg1p, $fontttfb, $text); # $txtcolor=$orange; # $fontsize=7; # $text="Taupunkt"; # ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, 350, 47, $bg1p, $fontttf, $text); }; ############################################################################# if ( $type == "HMS100T" or $type == "HMS100TF" ) { $text="Temperature"; $fontsize=7; $txtcolor=$bg3p; ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, 3, 10, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text); $txtcolor=$bg3p; $fontsize=9; $text=$tempTEMP." °C"; $tvalue=$tempTEMP; ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, 90-$XcorrectMainTextHMS, 37, $txtcolor, $fontttfb, $text); $txtcolor=$bg3p; $fontsize=7; $text="min= $mintemp max= $maxtemp"; ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, 67-$XcorrectMainTextHMS, 49, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text); $text=$resultreverse[0][0]; ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, $imgmaxxhms-127, 13, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text); }; ############################################################################# ## general $txtcolor=$bg3p; $fontsize=9; $text= $drawhms; ImageTTFText ($im, 8, 0,90-$XcorrectMainTextHMS, 22, $txtcolor, $fontttfb, $text); $fontsize=7; $text=$txtroom.$room; ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, 3, $imgmaxyhms-7, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text); $text=$type; ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, 5, $imgmaxyhms-17, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text); ############################################################################# if ( $type == "HMS100WD" or $type == "HMS100MG" or $type == "HMS100W" or $type == "HMS100TFK" or $type=="RM100-2") { for ($x = 0; $x < $counter; $x++) { if ( $type=="RM100-2" ) {list ($date,$hms,$detect,$onoff) = preg_split("/[\s,]+/", $array[$x]);} else {list ($date,$hms,$kind,$detect,$onoff) = preg_split("/[\s,]+/", $array[$x]);}; if ($x!=$counter-1 and $date !="NEWLOGS") { array_push( $_SESSION["arraydata"],array($date,$onoff)); } } $resultreverse = array_reverse($_SESSION["arraydata"]); $xold=$imgmaxxhms; if ( $imgmaxxhms > count ($resultreverse) ) { $_SESSION["maxdata"] = count ($resultreverse); } else { $_SESSION["maxdata"] = $imgmaxxhms; }; if ($maxcountHMS < $_SESSION["maxdata"]) {$anzlines=$maxcountHMS;} else {$anzlines= $_SESSION["maxdata"];} for ($x = 0; $x < $anzlines; $x++) { $parts = explode("_", $resultreverse[$x][0]); if ( ($parts[0] != $olddate) ) { $olddate=$parts[0]; ImageLine($im, $imgmaxxhms-$x, 0,$imgmaxxhms-$x , $imgmaxyhms, $bg1p); } $y = round($imgmaxyhms/2); $isonoff=rtrim($resultreverse[$x][1]); if ( $isonoff == "off" ) { ImageLine($im, $imgmaxxhms-$x, $y, $imgmaxxhms-$x,$y, $white);} else { ImageLine($im, $imgmaxxhms-$x, $y-1, $imgmaxxhms-$x,$y+1, $red); }; $xold=$imgmaxxhms-$x; $yold=$y; }; ImageLine($im, $imgmaxxhms-$x, 0,$imgmaxxhms-$x , $imgmaxyhms, $yellow); if ($type=='HMS100WD' or $type=='HMS100W'){$text="Water detected:";} elseif ($type=='HMS100MG'){$text="Gas detected:";} elseif ($type=='RM100-2'){$text="Smoke detected:";} else {$text="Switch open:";} $fontsize=7; $txtcolor=$bg3p; ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, 180, 18, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text); if ($isonoff == "off" ) {ImageTTFText ($im, 9, 0, 265, 18, $white, $fontttf,'no');} else {ImageTTFText ($im, 9, 0, 265, 18, $red, $fontttfb,'YES');} $txtcolor=$bg3p; $fontsize=7; $text=$resultreverse[0][0]; ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, $imgmaxxhms-127, 13, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text); }; #ok. let's draw header("Content-type: image/png"); imagePng($im); ############################################################### ## first start: shows the required logfiles function show_error($file,$drawhms,$imgmaxx,$imgmaxy,$type) { $im = ImageCreateTrueColor($imgmaxx,$imgmaxy); $black = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 0, 0); $bg2p = ImageColorAllocate($im, 175,198,219); $white = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 255, 255); $red = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 0, 0); ImageFill($im, 0, 0, $bg2p); ImageRectangle($im, 0, 0, $imgmaxx-1, $imgmaxy-1, $white); include "../config.php"; $bg3p = ImageColorAllocate($im, $fontcol_grap_R,$fontcol_grap_G,$fontcol_grap_B); $text="There is a new supported $type-Device but no Logfile $file"; $fontsize=9; $txtcolor=$bg3p; ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, 5, 17, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text); $text="Please add the following to your fhz1000.cfg and restart"; $fontsize=7; ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, 5, 30, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text); $logname=$drawhms."log"; $fontsize=9; if ($type=='HMS100WD') { $text="define $logname FileLog $file $drawhms:.*Water.*"; } elseif ($type=='RM100-2') { $text="define $logname FileLog $file $drawhms:.*smoke*"; } elseif ($type=='HMS100W') { $text="define $logname FileLog $file $drawhms:.*Water.*"; } elseif ($type=='HMS100MG') { $text="define $logname FileLog $file $drawhms:.*Gas.*"; } elseif ($type=='HMS100TFK') { $text="define $logname FileLog $file $drawhms:.*Switch.*"; } else { $text="define $logname FileLog $file $drawhms:.*T:.*"; } ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, 5, 45, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text); header("Content-type: image/png"); imagePng($im); exit; } ############################################################### ## supported HMS?? function show_error_type($imgmaxx,$imgmaxy,$type) { $im = ImageCreateTrueColor($imgmaxx,$imgmaxy); $black = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 0, 0); $bg2p = ImageColorAllocate($im, 175,198,219); $white = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 255, 255); $red = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 0, 0); ImageFill($im, 0, 0, $bg2p); ImageRectangle($im, 0, 0, $imgmaxx-1, $imgmaxy-1, $white); include "../config.php"; $bg3p = ImageColorAllocate($im, $fontcol_grap_R,$fontcol_grap_G,$fontcol_grap_B); $text="HMS-Device $type is not supported"; if ($type=="HMS_LIST") $text="Waiting for the first message from the HMS-Device..."; $fontsize=7; $txtcolor=$bg3p; ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, 5, 12, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text); ImageFill($im, 0, 0, $bg2p); ImageRectangle($im, 0, 0, $imgmaxx-1, $imgmaxy-1, $white); header("Content-type: image/png"); imagePng($im); exit; } ?>