<?php ################# Creates graphics for pgm3 ################ include "../config.php"; $drawfs20=$_GET['drawfs20']; $statefs20=$_GET['statefs20']; $datefs20=$_GET['datefs20']; $icon=$_GET['icon']; $emap=$_GET['emap']; $subType=$_GET['subType']; $room=$_GET['room']; $img_path=$AbsolutPath."/include/img/"; ## do we really need a new graphic?? #$execorder=$tailpath.' -1 '.$file; #exec($execorder,$tail1); #$parts = explode(" ", $tail1[0]); #$date=$parts[0]; $savefile=$AbsolutPath."/tmp/FS20.".$drawfs20.".log.".$datefs20.".png"; if ((file_exists($savefile)) and (substr($statefs20,0,3) != 'MIS')) { $im2 = @ImageCreateFromPNG($savefile); header("Content-type: image/png"); imagePng($im2); exit; # ;-))) } else #delete old pngs { $delfile=$AbsolutPath."/tmp/FS20.".$drawfs20.".log.*.png"; foreach (glob($delfile) as $filename) { unlink($filename); } } $im = ImageCreateTrueColor($imgmaxxfs20,$imgmaxyfs20); $black = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 0, 0); $bg1p = ImageColorAllocate($im, $bg1_R,$bg1_G,$bg1_B); $bg2p = ImageColorAllocate($im, $buttonBg_R,$buttonBg_G,$buttonBg_B); $bg3p = ImageColorAllocate($im, $fontcol_grap_R,$fontcol_grap_G,$fontcol_grap_B); $white = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 255, 255); $gray= ImageColorAllocate($im, 133, 133, 133); $red = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 0, 0); $green = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 255, 0); $yellow= ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 255, 0); $orange= ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 230, 25); ImageFill($im, 0, 0, $bg2p); ImageRectangle($im, 0, 0, $imgmaxxfs20-1, $imgmaxyfs20-1, $white); $datefs20sep=explode(" ",$datefs20); $statefs20sep=explode(" ",$statefs20); #echo (substr($statefs20sep[0],0,3)); #exit; if (($icon!='')) { if ((substr($statefs20sep[0],0,3)=='dim')) { $statefs20tmp = 'on'; } else if ((substr($statefs20sep[0],0,3)=='MIS')) { $statefs20tmp = 'missing'; } else { $statefs20tmp = $statefs20sep[0]; } $im2 = ImageCreateFromPNG($img_path.$icon.".".$statefs20tmp.".png"); } else { $im2 = ImageCreateFromPNG($img_path.$statefs20sep[0].".png"); } $w = imagesx($im2); $h = imagesy($im2); if ($roomname=='0') { $roomc=$roomcorr; } else { $roomc='0'; } Imagecopy($im,$im2,($imgmaxxfs20/2)-20,($imgmaxyfs20/2)-7-$roomc,0,0,$w,$h); $datefs20sep_1=explode(" ",$datefs20); if (($dategerman == '1')) { $datefs20_tmp_1 = $datefs20sep_1[0]; $datefs20sep_2=explode("-",$datefs20_tmp_1); $date_button = $datefs20sep_2[2].".".$datefs20sep_2[1].".".$datefs20sep_2[0]; } else { $date_button = $datefs20sep_1[0]; } $time_button = $datefs20sep_1[1]; if ($namesortbutton == '1') { $pos_1 = strpos($drawfs20,$namesortbuttonsign); if ($pos_1 > 0) { $drawfs20=substr($drawfs20,$pos_1+1); } } if ($namereplacebutton == '1') { $drawfs20=str_replace($namereplacebuttonsign, " ", $drawfs20); } ###ttf if ($emap=='') { $text=$statefs20; } else { $text=$emap; } #echo $text; #exit; $txtcolor=$bg3p; $fontsize=7; $box = @imageTTFBbox($fontsize,0, $fontttfb,$text); $textwidth = abs($box[4] - $box[0]); $textheight = abs($box[5] - $box[1]); $xcord = ($imgmaxxfs20/2)-($textwidth/2)-2; $ycord = ($imgmaxyfs20/2)+23; ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, $xcord, $ycord, $txtcolor, $fontttfb, $text); $text=$date_button; $box = @imageTTFBbox($fontsize,0, $fontttf,$text); $textwidth = abs($box[4] - $box[0]); $textheight = abs($box[5] - $box[1]); #$xcord = ($imgmaxxfs20/2)-($textwidth/2)+53; $xcord = ($imgmaxxfs20)-($textwidth)-2; $ycord = ($imgmaxyfs20/2)+33; ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, $xcord, $ycord, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text); $text=$time_button; $box = @imageTTFBbox($fontsize,0, $fontttf,$text); $textwidth = abs($box[4] - $box[0]); $textheight = abs($box[5] - $box[1]); #$xcord = ($imgmaxxfs20/2)-($textwidth/2)-58; $xcord = 3; $ycord = ($imgmaxyfs20/2)+33; ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, $xcord, $ycord, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text); $txtcolor=$bg3p; ImageTTFText ($im, $fs20fontsizetitel, 0, 5, 15, $txtcolor, $fontttfb, $drawfs20); if ($room != '' and $roomname=='1') { ImageTTFText ($im, 7, 0, 5, 26, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $txtroom.$room); }; imagePng($im,$savefile); header("Content-type: image/png"); imagePng($im); ?>