userattr fp_<name> <top>,<left>[,<style>[,<description>]]
A userattr fp_<name> will be created automatically if it does not exist yet.
- top = screen-position, pixels from top of screen
- left = screen-position, pixels from left of screen
- style =
- 0 icon/state only
- 1 devicename and icon/state
- 2 devicename, icon/state and commands
- 3 device-reading and optional description
- 4 S300TH-specific, displays temperature above humidity
- description will be displayed instead of the original devicename
attr lamp1 fp_Groundfloor 100,100 #display lamp1 with icon only at screenposition 100,100
attr lamp2 fp_Groundfloor 100,140,1,Art-Deco #display lamp2 with description 'Art-Deco-Light' at 100,140
attr lamp3 fp_FirstFloor 130,100,1 #if you define other floorplans, you can display the same device at different positions
attr myFHT fp_Groundfloor 300,20,10,Temperature #display given Text + FHT-temperature