
#### pgm3 -- a PHP-webfrontend for fhem.pl 

### Look at http://www.fhemwiki.de for more information

###### required settings
	#$fhem="fritz.box"; 			# only php5 is supported! On which machine is fhem runnning??
	$fhem="localhost"; 			# only php5 is supported! On which machine is fhem runnning??
						# it needs not to be on the same machine as fhem
						# if it is not localhost then the fhem.cfg must
						# run global: "attr global port <nr> global"
	$fhemport="7072";			# port of fhem.pl
	#$logpath="/mnt/fritzbox/";		# where are your logs? Use a writabel nfs-share if pgm3 and fhem are not on the same machine
	#mount your fritzbox with something like this in the /etc/fstab: //fritz.box/fritz.nas /mnt/fritzbox cifs guest 0 0
	$logpath="/var/tmp/";		# where are your logs? Use a writabel nfs-share if pgm3 and fhem are not on the same machine
	$AbsolutPath="/var/www/"; 		# where ist your pgm3?

###### DBlog instead of Filelogs -- only for experienced Users!
## Look at contrib/dblog and http://fhemwiki.de for further information
       $DBUse="0"; # Wanna use DB-Logging instead of File-Logging? Use 1 for ye s and 0 for no.                                                                 
        $DBNode="localhost";    # On which machine is your db running?          
        $DBName="fhem"; # Whats the name of your DB for fhem?                   
        $DBUser="USER";     # Enter the username to connect to the DB.              
        $DBPass="PASSWD";     # Enter the password which is needed to connect to the DB

###### nice to have

#####	logrotate of hms, ks300, fht
	# this is only possible, if the webserver (e.g.wwwrun) has the rights ro write the
	# files from fhem.pl. If you want that then run fhem.pl as wwwrun too.
	# if 'yes' then only the needed lines are in the logfiles, the rest will be deleted.
	$logrotate='yes';					# yes/no default='yes'

## Kioskmode. Only show but don't switch anything. Values: on/off

## Webcams
        $showwebcam=0;                  			#shows webcam-Urls or other pictures (0/1)
        $webcamwidth='150';             			# the width of the shown picture
	 $wgetpath="/usr/bin/wget";      			# you need the package wget for http, ftp...
	 $webcamroom='donthide';				# existing room. Otherwise it will either
								# be in ALL or wiht 'donthide' not hided
       #$webcam[1]='IMAGE.PNG';        			# Supported are Webcams with http:// ftp:// ....
                                       			# and Images wich must be copied to <pgm3>/tmp/

#       $webcam[2]='http://...';
#       ...

# Weather							# Google-Api. It requires an Internet Connection
	$enableweather=1;					# show the google-weather?
	$weatherroom='donthide';				# existing room. Otherwise it will either
#	$weatherroom='(19)Garten';				# existing room. Otherwise it will either
								# be in ALL or with 'donthide' not hided

	$show_general=1; 					#field to type FHZ1000-orders 0/1 Default:1
	$show_fs20pulldown=1; 				#Pull-Down for the FS20 Devices 0/1 Default:1
	$show_hmpulldown=1; 					#Pull-Down for the HomeMatic Devices 0/1 Default:1
	$show_fhtpulldown=1; 				#Pull-Down for the FHT-Devices 0/1 Default:1
	$show_logpulldown=1; 				#Pull-Down for Log-files and FS20 (grep fhem.log)
	$logsort='| sort -r';				#sort the Log-Output how you want;

# ATTENTION: the changes of sizes only affects after the next build of pictures!           
# or delete the old pictures: rm <pgm>/tmp/*                                    
## FS20-Device, adjust it if you have e.g. long titles

	#$imgmaxxfs20=166;  					# Size of the pictures, default=85
	$imgmaxxfs20=115;  					# Size of the pictures, default=115
	$imgmaxyfs20=75; 					# default=75 
	$fs20fontsizetitel=10;  				# default=10 
	$fs20maxiconperline=7; 				# default=r79

	# look at http://fhemwiki.de for explanations
	$roomname='0';					# Show Roomname on Button  [1|0]
	$roomcorr='5';					# Correction for Iconposition if roomname = 0  [n]
	$dategerman='1';					# Date in German Format (25.03.2012)  [1|0]
	$umlaute='1';						# Changes "ue" in "�"...  [1|0]
	$namesortbutton='1';					#  [1|0]
	$namesortbuttonsign='_';				# If $namesortbutton = 1 the Sign "_" will replace with " "  [x]
	$namereplacebutton='1';				# Changes "This_is_a_Test" in "This is a Test"  [1|0]
	$namereplacebuttonsign='_';				# If $namereplaceroom = 1 the Sign "_" will replace with " "  [x]

								# room. Write e.g. "attr rolowz room wzo" 
								# into your fhem.cfg and restart fhem.pl
								# this will be marked on the FS20-Button. 
	$txtroom=""; 						# default=""; example: $txtroom="room: ";
								# room hidden will not be shown

## ROOMS adjust it if you have e.g. long titles

	$showroombuttons=1; 					# default 1  Values 0/1
	$imgmaxxroom=$imgmaxxfs20; 				# Size of the pictures, default=$imgmaxxfs20
        $imgmaxyroom=22; 					# default=30 
	$roomfontsizetitel=10;  				# default=9
	$roommaxiconperline=$fs20maxiconperline-1; 		# default=$fs20maxiconperline

	$namesortroom='1';					# [1|0]
	$namesortroomsign=')';				# If $namesortroom = 1 the Sign ")" will replace with " "  [x]
	$namereplaceroom='1';				# Changes "This_is_a_Test" in "This is a Test"  [1|0]
	$namereplaceroomsign='_';				# If $namereplaceroom = 1 the Sign "_" will replace with " "  [x]


## FHT-Devices
        $imgmaxxfht=725;  					#Size of the pictures Default: 725
        $show_desiredtemp=1;                    	# show the desired_temp as a graphic (0/1)
        $desR='255'; $desG='255'; $desB='255';  	# Color of desired-temp-line Red/Green/Blue (Default: 255/255/255) 
        $show_actuator=1;                       	# show the actuator-value as a graphic (0/1)
        $actR='255'; $actG='247'; $actB='200';  	# Color of Actuator-line Red/Green/Blue (Default: 255/247/200)
        $FHTyrange='14:31';                     	# Temperature in gnuplot. Default 14 to 31 (Celsius)
        $FHTy2range='0:70';                     	# Actuator in gnuplot. Default 0 to 70 (Percent)
        $maxcount='510';                        	# Maximum count of pixel (from right to left) (Default:460)
        $XcorrectDate=380;                      	# Text of e.g. Date from the right side (Default:380)
        $XcorrectMainText=32;                   	# Text of main text from the right side (Default: 32)
        $logrotateFHTlines=8200;                	# automatic Logrotate; $logrotate must be 'yes'.
                                                	# Default:8200
                                                	# read docs/logrotate if you want adjust it manually!
                                                	# otherwise the system will slow down
                                                	# pgm3 (user www-data) needs the rights to write the logs
                                                	# from fhem.pl (user = ???)

## HMS-Devices
        $imgmaxxhms=725;  #Size of the pictures. Default:  725
        $maxcountHMS='575';                     	# Maximum count of pixel (from right to left) (Default:575)
        $XcorrectMainTextHMS=25;                	# Text of main text from the right side (Default:)
	$showdewpoint='yes';                    		# Dewpoint (german: taupunkt)
        $logrotateHMSlines=1500;                	# automatic Logrotate; $logrotate must be 'yes'.
                                                	# Default:1500
                                                	# read docs/logrotate if you want adjust it manually!
                                                	# otherwise the system will slow down
                                                	# pgm3 (user www-data) needs the rights to write the logs
                                                	# from fhem.pl (user = ???)

## KS300-Device
        $imgmaxxks=725;                 			#Size of the pictures  Default: 725

        $showbft=1;                     			# Display values additionaly in Beafort. Values: 0 /1 Default:1
        $maxcountKS='575';              			# Maximum count of pixel (from right to left) (Default:575)
        $showdewpointks300='yes';       			# Dewpoint (german: taupunkt)
        $XcorrectMainTextKS=45;         			# Text of main text from the right side (Default: 35)

        $logrotateKS300lines=13000;      			# automatic Logrotate; $logrotate must be 'yes'.
                                        			# Default: 13000
                                        			# read docs/logrotate if you want adjust it manually
                                        			# otherwise the system will slow down
                                        			# pgm3 (user www-data) needs the rights to write the logs
                                        			# from fhem.pl (user = ???)

# Create your own graphics! If you have separate Programs (e.g. wired devices) then create your own 
# logfile and tell pgm3  to use it.
# We only need a data/time-field in the form <date>_<time>, e.g. 2007-10-13_13:45:14
# and a field with a numeric value e.g. 0.0

# 2007-10-13_13:45:14 solarI Is: 0.0 Vs: 4.5 T: 22
# Field1: 2007-10-13_13:45:14
# Field2: solarI
# Field3: Is:
# Field4: 0.0
# Field1 must be the date/time-field. Then tell pgm3 with $userdef[x]['valuefield'] (see below)
# the field with the needed value. It is possible to create several graphics with one logfile.

# Do you want user defined graphics? 1/0 Default: 0	

## Userdef: 0

# the sortnumbers must be complete. eg. 0 1 2 3 or 2 0 3 1 and so on

# No blanks or other special signs!!

#In which field are the values?? See the example above

#Type of Device [temperature | piri | fs20] pgm3 will try to generate a gnuplot picture

# example, path to the logfile with the entrys like above


# Semantic eg. Voltage

# Semantic short e.g. V

#Size of the pictures. Default:  725

# Maximum count of pixel (from right to left) (Default:575)

 # Text of main text from the right side (Default:)

# automatic Logrotate; $logrotate must be 'yes'.
# Default:2200
# read docs/logrotate if you want adjust it manually!
# otherwise the system will slow down
# pgm3 (user www-data) needs the rights to write the logs
# of fhem.pl (user = ???)

# example: 
#define solarpumpe.log FileLog /var/tmp/solarpumpe.log solarpumpe:.*(on|off).*
$userdef[$sortnumber]['semlong']='Piri unten';


###### showgnuplot 
	# Gnuplot will automatically show the pictures.
	# There is no reason any more to deactivate Gnuplot. Values: 0/1
	$gnuplot='/usr/bin/gnuplot';		# location of gnuplot

## misc
	$taillog=1; 						#make shure to have the correct rights. Values: 0/1
	$tailcount=30; 					#make shure to have the correct rights. Values: 0/1
	#$taillogorder=$tailpath." -$tailcount $logpath/fhem.log ";
	$taillogorder=$tailpath." -$tailcount $logpath/fhem-" . date("Y") . "-" .  date("m") . ".log "; #if you have e.g. fhem-2009-02.log  

## show Information at STARTUP. 
	$showLOGS='no';					#show the entrys of the LOGS in the 
								#fhem.cfg at startup. Default: no Values: yes/no
	$showAT='no';						#show the AT_JOBS at startup. Default: yes Values: yes/no
	$showNOTI='no';		 			#show the NOTIFICATIONS at startup. Default: no Values: yes/no
	$showHIST='yes';					#show the HISTORY (if taillog=1) at startup. Default: yes Values: yes/no
        #$showPICS='no';                			#if shwowebcam=1 then initial the Pics will be shown. Default: yes 
        $showPICS='yes';                			#if shwowebcam=1 then initial the Pics will be shown. Default: yes 
	$showWeath='yes';					# Show weather on startup? $enableweather must 1 


	$urlreload=60;					# Automatic reloading page [sec]. Default fast: 60 slow:90
	$titel="PHP-Webmachine for fhem :-)"; 				# feel free to create an own title
	#$timeformat="Y-m-d H:i:s"; 			# English
	$timeformat="d.m.Y H:i:s"; 				# German
	$winsize=800;					# width of the pgm3
	#$winsize="100%";					# width of the pgm3

##### SKINS - change your colors                                                
# Look at http://www.farb-tabelle.de/de/farbtabelle.htm for colors
## DEFAULT                                                                      
        $bg1="bgcolor='#6E94B7'"; # e.g. Header  
        $bg2="bgcolor='#AFC6DB'";  # e.g. behind the buttons
        $bg4="bgcolor='#6394BD'";  # border around all
        $bg5="bgcolor='#FFFFFF'"; # between the tables
        # The Button needs decimal Code Instead Hex.
        # Use the column left from the HEX.
        # You must delete the old graphics after the change. "rm <pgm3>/tmp/*"

	# The Button needs decimal Code Instead Hex.
	# Use the column left from the HEX on 
	# http://www.farb-tabelle.de/de/farbtabelle.htm
	# You must delete the old graphics after the change. "rm <pgm3>/tmp/*"
	#Dec-Code from $bg1:

	$fontttfb="VeraBd"; 					##copyright of the fonts: docs/copyright_font
	   ## if there is now graphic try the following:
	    #	$fontttf="Vera.ttf";
	    #	$fontttfb="VeraBd.ttf";
	    # or absolut:
	    #	$fontttf="/srv/www/htdocs/fhz/include/Vera.ttf";
	    #	$fontttfb="/srv/www/htdocs/fhz/include/VeraBd.ttf";

###############################   end of settings
	putenv('GDFONTPATH=' . realpath('.')); 

### If DB-query is used, this is the only point of connect. ###                 
if ($DBUse=="1") {      
  @mysql_connect($DBNode, $DBUser, $DBPass) or die("Can't connect"); 
  @mysql_select_db($DBName) or die("No database found");  
