#!/usr/bin/perl # Compute Daily and monthly avarage temp/hum/wind and cumulative rain values # from the "standard" KS300 logs. # Best to concatenate all KS300-logs into one big file (cat out*.log > big.log) # and then start the program with ks300avg.pl big.log # Note: the program assumes that there are no "holes" in the logs. use strict; use warnings; if(@ARGV != 1) { print "Usage: ks300avg.pl KS300-logfile\n"; exit(1); } open(FH, $ARGV[0]) || die("$ARGV[0]: $!\n"); my ($mt, $mh, $mw, $md) = (0,0,0,0); my ($t, $h, $w) = (0,0,0); my (@ld, $lsec, $lr, $mr, $ldsec); my ($dt, $dev, $sec, @a); while(my $l = <FH>) { next if($l =~ m/avg/); chomp $l; @a = split(" ", $l); $dev = $a[1]; $dt = $a[0]; my @d = split("[_:-]", $a[0]); $sec = $d[3]*3600+$d[4]*60+$d[5]; if(!$lsec) { @ld = @d; $lr = $a[9]; $mr = $a[9]; $lsec = $ldsec = $sec; next; } my $difft = $sec - $lsec; $difft += 86400 if($d[2] != $ld[2]); $lsec = $sec; $t += $difft * $a[3]; $h += $difft * $a[5]; $w += $difft * $a[7]; $l = <FH>; if($d[2] != $ld[2]) { # Day changed my $diff = ($sec - $ldsec) + 86400; $t /= $diff; $h /= $diff; $w /= $diff; printf("$dt $dev avg_day T: %.1f H: %d W: %0.1f R: %.1f\n", $t, $h, $w, $a[9]-$lr); $lr = $a[9]; $md++; $mt += $t; $mh += $h; $mw += $w; $t = $h = $w = 0; $ldsec = $sec; } if($d[1] != $ld[1]) { # Month changed printf("$dt $dev avg_month T: %.1f H: %d W: %0.1f R: %.1f\n", $mt/$md, $mh/$md, $mw/$md, $a[9]-$mr); $mr = $a[9]; $mt = $mh = $mw = $md = 0; } @ld = @d; } printf("$dt $dev avg_day T: %.1f H: %d W: %0.1f R: %.1f\n", $t/$sec, $h/$sec, $w/$sec, $a[9]-$lr); printf("$dt $dev avg_month T: %.1f H: %d W: %0.1f R: %.1f\n", $mt/$md, $mh/$md, $mw/$md, $a[9]-$mr);