# $Id$ [Unit] Description=FHEM Home Automation Wants=network.target After=network.target # In case of suspicious reconnect problems after reboot # you can try to replace the above lines for # network target by the below lines with # network-online.target # # network-online.target will only work if # "modern" network management tools (e.g. NetworkManager) # are used. # # Wants=network-online.target # After=network-online.target #Requires=postgresql.service #After=postgresql.service #Requires=mysql.service #After=mysql.service [Service] Type=forking User=fhem Group=dialout WorkingDirectory=/opt/fhem ExecStart=/usr/bin/perl fhem.pl fhem.cfg #ExecStart=/usr/bin/perl fhem.pl configDB Restart=always [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target