############################################################################## # # 88_HMCCURPCPROC.pm # # $Id$ # # Version 1.0.006 # # Subprocess based RPC Server module for HMCCU. # # (c) 2018 by zap (zap01 t-online de) # ############################################################################## # # Required perl modules: # # RPC::XML::Client # RPC::XML::Server # ############################################################################## package main; use strict; use warnings; use RPC::XML::Client; use RPC::XML::Server; use SetExtensions; ###################################################################### # Constants ###################################################################### # HMCCURPC version my $HMCCURPCPROC_VERSION = '1.0.006'; # Maximum number of events processed per call of Read() my $HMCCURPCPROC_MAX_EVENTS = 100; # Maximum number of errors during socket write before log message is written my $HMCCURPCPROC_MAX_IOERRORS = 100; # Maximum number of elements in queue my $HMCCURPCPROC_MAX_QUEUESIZE = 500; # Maximum number of events to be send to FHEM within one function call my $HMCCURPCPROC_MAX_QUEUESEND = 70; # Time to wait after data processing loop in microseconds my $HMCCURPCPROC_TIME_WAIT = 100000; # Timeout for established CCU connection my $HMCCURPCPROC_TIMEOUT_CONNECTION = 1; # Timeout for TriggerIO() my $HMCCURPCPROC_TIMEOUT_WRITE = 0.001; # Timeout for accepting incoming connections (0 = default) my $HMCCURPCPROC_TIMEOUT_ACCEPT = 1; # Timeout for incoming CCU events my $HMCCURPCPROC_TIMEOUT_EVENT = 600; # Send statistic information after specified amount of events my $HMCCURPCPROC_STATISTICS = 500; # Default RPC Port = BidCos-RF my $HMCCURPCPROC_RPC_PORT_DEFAULT = 2001; # Default RPC server base port my $HMCCURPCPROC_SERVER_PORT = 5400; # Delay for RPC server start after FHEM is initialized my $HMCCURPCPROC_INIT_INTERVAL0 = 12; # Delay for RPC server cleanup after stop my $HMCCURPCPROC_INIT_INTERVAL2 = 30; # Delay for RPC server functionality check after start my $HMCCURPCPROC_INIT_INTERVAL3 = 25; # BinRPC data types my $BINRPC_INTEGER = 1; my $BINRPC_BOOL = 2; my $BINRPC_STRING = 3; my $BINRPC_DOUBLE = 4; my $BINRPC_BASE64 = 17; my $BINRPC_ARRAY = 256; my $BINRPC_STRUCT = 257; # BinRPC message types my $BINRPC_REQUEST = 0x42696E00; my $BINRPC_RESPONSE = 0x42696E01; my $BINRPC_REQUEST_HEADER = 0x42696E40; my $BINRPC_ERROR = 0x42696EFF; ###################################################################### # Functions ###################################################################### # Standard functions sub HMCCURPCPROC_Initialize ($); sub HMCCURPCPROC_Define ($$); sub HMCCURPCPROC_Undef ($$); sub HMCCURPCPROC_Shutdown ($); sub HMCCURPCPROC_Attr ($@); sub HMCCURPCPROC_Set ($@); sub HMCCURPCPROC_Get ($@); sub HMCCURPCPROC_Read ($); sub HMCCURPCPROC_SetError ($$$); sub HMCCURPCPROC_SetState ($$); sub HMCCURPCPROC_ProcessEvent ($$); # RPC server functions sub HMCCURPCPROC_GetRPCServerID ($$); sub HMCCURPCPROC_RegisterCallback ($$); sub HMCCURPCPROC_DeRegisterCallback ($$); sub HMCCURPCPROC_InitRPCServer ($$$$); sub HMCCURPCPROC_StartRPCServer ($); sub HMCCURPCPROC_RPCServerStarted ($); sub HMCCURPCPROC_RPCServerStopped ($); sub HMCCURPCPROC_CleanupProcess ($); sub HMCCURPCPROC_CleanupIO ($); sub HMCCURPCPROC_TerminateProcess ($); sub HMCCURPCPROC_CheckProcessState ($$); sub HMCCURPCPROC_IsRPCServerRunning ($); sub HMCCURPCPROC_Housekeeping ($); sub HMCCURPCPROC_StopRPCServer ($); sub HMCCURPCPROC_SendRequest ($@); sub HMCCURPCPROC_SetRPCState ($$$$); sub HMCCURPCPROC_ResetRPCState ($); sub HMCCURPCPROC_IsRPCStateBlocking ($); # Helper functions sub HMCCURPCPROC_GetAttribute ($$$$); sub HMCCURPCPROC_HexDump ($$); # RPC server functions sub HMCCURPCPROC_ProcessRequest ($$); sub HMCCURPCPROC_HandleConnection ($$$$); sub HMCCURPCPROC_SendQueue ($$$$); sub HMCCURPCPROC_SendData ($$); sub HMCCURPCPROC_Write ($$$$); sub HMCCURPCPROC_WriteStats ($$); sub HMCCURPCPROC_NewDevicesCB ($$$); sub HMCCURPCPROC_DeleteDevicesCB ($$$); sub HMCCURPCPROC_UpdateDeviceCB ($$$$); sub HMCCURPCPROC_ReplaceDeviceCB ($$$$); sub HMCCURPCPROC_ReaddDevicesCB ($$$); sub HMCCURPCPROC_EventCB ($$$$$); sub HMCCURPCPROC_ListDevicesCB ($$); # Binary RPC encoding functions sub HMCCURPCPROC_EncInteger ($); sub HMCCURPCPROC_EncBool ($); sub HMCCURPCPROC_EncString ($); sub HMCCURPCPROC_EncName ($); sub HMCCURPCPROC_EncDouble ($); sub HMCCURPCPROC_EncBase64 ($); sub HMCCURPCPROC_EncArray ($); sub HMCCURPCPROC_EncStruct ($); sub HMCCURPCPROC_EncType ($$); sub HMCCURPCPROC_EncodeRequest ($$); sub HMCCURPCPROC_EncodeResponse ($$); # Binary RPC decoding functions sub HMCCURPCPROC_DecInteger ($$$); sub HMCCURPCPROC_DecBool ($$); sub HMCCURPCPROC_DecString ($$); sub HMCCURPCPROC_DecDouble ($$); sub HMCCURPCPROC_DecBase64 ($$); sub HMCCURPCPROC_DecArray ($$); sub HMCCURPCPROC_DecStruct ($$); sub HMCCURPCPROC_DecType ($$); sub HMCCURPCPROC_DecodeRequest ($); sub HMCCURPCPROC_DecodeResponse ($); ###################################################################### # Initialize module ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_Initialize ($) { my ($hash) = @_; $hash->{DefFn} = "HMCCURPCPROC_Define"; $hash->{UndefFn} = "HMCCURPCPROC_Undef"; $hash->{SetFn} = "HMCCURPCPROC_Set"; $hash->{GetFn} = "HMCCURPCPROC_Get"; $hash->{ReadFn} = "HMCCURPCPROC_Read"; $hash->{AttrFn} = "HMCCURPCPROC_Attr"; $hash->{ShutdownFn} = "HMCCURPCPROC_Shutdown"; $hash->{parseParams} = 1; $hash->{AttrList} = "ccuflags:multiple-strict,expert,reconnect,logEvents,ccuInit,queueEvents". " rpcMaxEvents rpcQueueSend rpcQueueSize rpcMaxIOErrors". " rpcServerAddr rpcServerPort rpcWriteTimeout rpcAcceptTimeout". " rpcConnTimeout rpcStatistics rpcEventTimeout ". $readingFnAttributes; } ###################################################################### # Define device ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_Define ($$) { my ($hash, $a, $h) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $hmccu_hash; my $ioname = ''; my $rpcip = ''; my $iface; my $usage = "Usage: define $name HMCCURPCPROC { CCUHost } { RPCPort | RPCInterface } [iodev={device}]"; if (exists ($h->{iodev})) { $ioname = $h->{iodev}; return $usage if (scalar (@$a) < 3); return "HMCCU I/O device $ioname not found" if (!exists ($defs{$ioname})); return "Device $ioname is not a HMCCU device" if ($defs{$ioname}->{TYPE} ne 'HMCCU'); $hmccu_hash = $defs{$ioname}; if (scalar (@$a) < 4) { $hash->{host} = $hmccu_hash->{host}; $iface = $$a[2]; } else { $hash->{host} = $$a[2]; $iface = $$a[3]; } $rpcip = HMCCU_ResolveName ($hash->{host}, 'N/A'); } else { return $usage if (scalar (@$a) < 4); $hash->{host} = $$a[2]; $iface = $$a[3]; $rpcip = HMCCU_ResolveName ($hash->{host}, 'N/A'); # Find IO device for my $d (keys %defs) { my $dh = $defs{$d}; next if (!exists ($dh->{TYPE}) || !exists ($dh->{NAME})); next if ($dh->{TYPE} ne 'HMCCU'); my $ifhost = HMCCU_GetRPCServerInfo ($dh, $iface, 'host'); next if (!defined ($ifhost)); if ($dh->{host} eq $hash->{host} || $ifhost eq $hash->{host} || $ifhost eq $rpcip) { $hmccu_hash = $dh; last; } } return "Can't find HMCCU I/O device" if (!defined ($hmccu_hash)); $ioname = $hmccu_hash->{NAME}; } # Check if interface is valid my $ifname = HMCCU_GetRPCServerInfo ($hmccu_hash, $iface, 'name'); my $ifport = HMCCU_GetRPCServerInfo ($hmccu_hash, $iface, 'port'); return "Invalid port or interface $iface" if (!defined ($ifname) || !defined ($ifport)); # Check if RPC device with same interface already exists for my $d (keys %defs) { my $dh = $defs{$d}; next if (!exists ($dh->{TYPE}) || !exists ($dh->{NAME})); if ($dh->{TYPE} eq 'HMCCURPCPROC' && $dh->{NAME} ne $name) { return "RPC device for CCU/port already exists" if ($hash->{host} eq $dh->{host} && $dh->{rpcport} == $ifport); } } # Detect local IP address and check if CCU is reachable my $localaddr = HMCCU_TCPConnect ($hash->{host}, $ifport); return "Can't connect to CCU ".$hash->{host}." port $ifport" if ($localaddr eq ''); $hash->{hmccu}{localaddr} = $localaddr; $hash->{hmccu}{defaultaddr} = $hash->{hmccu}{localaddr}; # Get unique ID for RPC server: last 2 segments of local IP address # Do not append random digits because of https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,83544.msg797146.html#msg797146 my @ipseg = split (/\./, $hash->{hmccu}{localaddr}); return "Invalid local IP address ".$hash->{hmccu}{localaddr} if (scalar (@ipseg) != 4); $hash->{rpcid} = sprintf ("%03d%03d", $ipseg[2], $ipseg[3]); # Set I/O device and store reference for RPC device in I/O device AssignIoPort ($hash, $hmccu_hash->{NAME}); $hmccu_hash->{hmccu}{interfaces}{$ifname}{device} = $name; # Store internals $hash->{rpcip} = $rpcip; $hash->{rpcport} = $ifport; $hash->{rpcinterface} = $ifname; $hash->{ccuip} = $hmccu_hash->{ccuip}; $hash->{ccutype} = $hmccu_hash->{ccutype}; $hash->{CCUNum} = $hmccu_hash->{CCUNum}; $hash->{ccustate} = $hmccu_hash->{ccustate}; $hash->{version} = $HMCCURPCPROC_VERSION; Log3 $name, 1, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Initialized version $HMCCURPCPROC_VERSION for interface $ifname with I/O device $ioname"; # Set some attributes $attr{$name}{stateFormat} = "rpcstate/state"; $attr{$name}{verbose} = 2; HMCCURPCPROC_ResetRPCState ($hash); HMCCURPCPROC_SetState ($hash, 'Initialized'); return undef; } ###################################################################### # Delete device ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_Undef ($$) { my ($hash, $arg) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $hmccu_hash = $hash->{IODev}; my $ifname = $hash->{rpcinterface}; # Shutdown RPC server HMCCURPCPROC_Shutdown ($hash); # Delete RPC device name in I/O device if (exists ($hmccu_hash->{hmccu}{interfaces}{$ifname}{device}) && $hmccu_hash->{hmccu}{interfaces}{$ifname}{device} eq $name) { delete $hmccu_hash->{hmccu}{interfaces}{$ifname}{device}; } return undef; } ###################################################################### # Shutdown FHEM ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_Shutdown ($) { my ($hash) = @_; # Shutdown RPC server HMCCURPCPROC_StopRPCServer ($hash); RemoveInternalTimer ($hash); return undef; } ###################################################################### # Set attribute ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_Attr ($@) { my ($cmd, $name, $attrname, $attrval) = @_; my $hash = $defs{$name}; if ($cmd eq 'set') { if (($attrname eq 'rpcAcceptTimeout' || $attrname eq 'rpcMaxEvents') && $attrval == 0) { return "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Value for attribute $attrname must be greater than 0"; } elsif ($attrname eq 'rpcServerAddr') { $hash->{hmccu}{localaddr} = $attrval; } } elsif ($cmd eq 'del') { if ($attrname eq 'rpcServerAddr') { $hash->{hmccu}{localaddr} = $hash->{hmccu}{defaultaddr}; } } return undef; } ###################################################################### # Set commands ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_Set ($@) { my ($hash, $a, $h) = @_; my $hmccu_hash = $hash->{IODev}; my $name = shift @$a; my $opt = shift @$a; my $ccuflags = AttrVal ($name, 'ccuflags', 'null'); my $options = $ccuflags =~ /expert/ ? "cleanup:noArg deregister:noArg rpcrequest rpcserver:on,off" : ""; my $busyoptions = $ccuflags =~ /expert/ ? "rpcserver:off" : ""; return "HMCCURPCPROC: CCU busy, choose one of $busyoptions" if ($opt ne 'rpcserver' && HMCCURPCPROC_IsRPCStateBlocking ($hash)); if ($opt eq 'cleanup') { HMCCURPCPROC_Housekeeping ($hash); return undef; } elsif ($opt eq 'deregister') { my ($rc, $err) = HMCCURPCPROC_DeRegisterCallback ($hash, 1); return HMCCURPCPROC_SetError ($hash, $err, 2) if (!$rc); return HMCCURPCPROC_SetState ($hash, "OK"); } elsif ($opt eq 'rpcrequest') { my $request = shift @$a; return HMCCURPCPROC_SetError ($hash, "Usage: set $name rpcrequest {request} [{parameter} ...]", 2) if (!defined ($request)); my $response = HMCCURPCPROC_SendRequest ($hash, $request, @$a); return HMCCURPCPROC_SetError ($hash, "RPC request failed", 2) if (!defined ($response)); return HMCCU_RefToString ($response); } elsif ($opt eq 'rpcserver') { my $action = shift @$a; return HMCCURPCPROC_SetError ($hash, "Usage: set $name rpcserver {on|off}", 2) if (!defined ($action) || $action !~ /^(on|off)$/); if ($action eq 'on') { return HMCCURPCPROC_SetError ($hash, "RPC server already running", 2) if ($hash->{RPCState} ne 'inactive' && $hash->{RPCState} ne 'error'); $hmccu_hash->{hmccu}{interfaces}{$hash->{rpcinterface}}{manager} = 'HMCCURPCPROC'; my ($rc, $info) = HMCCURPCPROC_StartRPCServer ($hash); if (!$rc) { HMCCURPCPROC_SetRPCState ($hash, 'error', undef, undef); return HMCCURPCPROC_SetError ($hash, $info, 1); } } elsif ($action eq 'off') { $hmccu_hash->{hmccu}{interfaces}{$hash->{rpcinterface}}{manager} = 'HMCCURPCPROC'; HMCCURPCPROC_StopRPCServer ($hash); } return undef; } else { return "HMCCURPCPROC: Unknown argument $opt, choose one of ".$options; } } ###################################################################### # Get commands ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_Get ($@) { my ($hash, $a, $h) = @_; my $name = shift @$a; my $opt = shift @$a; my $ccuflags = AttrVal ($name, 'ccuflags', 'null'); my $options = "rpcevents:noArg rpcstate:noArg"; return "HMCCURPCPROC: CCU busy, choose one of rpcstate:noArg" if ($opt ne 'rpcstate' && HMCCURPCPROC_IsRPCStateBlocking ($hash)); my $result = 'Command not implemented'; my $rc; if ($opt eq 'rpcevents') { my @eventtypes = ("EV", "ND", "DD", "RD", "RA", "UD", "IN", "EX", "SL", "TO"); my $clkey = 'CB'.$hash->{rpcport}.$hash->{rpcid}; $result = "Event statistics for server $clkey\n"; $result .= "Average event delay = ".$hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{avgdelay}."\n" if (defined ($hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{avgdelay})); $result .= "========================================\n"; $result .= "ET Sent by RPC server Received by FHEM\n"; $result .= "----------------------------------------\n"; foreach my $et (@eventtypes) { my $snd = exists ($hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{snd}{$et}) ? sprintf ("%7d", $hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{snd}{$et}) : " n/a"; my $rec = exists ($hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{rec}{$et}) ? sprintf ("%7d", $hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{rec}{$et}) : " n/a"; $result .= "$et $snd $rec\n\n"; } return $result eq '' ? "No event statistics found" : $result; } elsif ($opt eq 'rpcstate') { my $clkey = 'CB'.$hash->{rpcport}.$hash->{rpcid}; $result = "PID RPC-Process State \n"; $result .= "--------------------------\n"; my $sid = defined ($hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{pid}) ? sprintf ("%5d", $hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{pid}) : "N/A "; my $sname = sprintf ("%-10s", $clkey); $result .= $sid." ".$sname." ".$hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{state}."\n"; return $result; } else { return "HMCCURPCPROC: Unknown argument $opt, choose one of ".$options; } } ###################################################################### # Read data from processes ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_Read ($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $hmccu_hash = $hash->{IODev}; my $eventcount = 0; # Total number of events my $devcount = 0; # Number of DD, ND or RD events my $evcount = 0; # Number of EV events my %events = (); my %devices = (); Log3 $name, 4, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Read called"; # Check if child socket exists if (!defined ($hash->{hmccu}{sockchild})) { Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Child socket does not exist"; return; } # Get attributes my $rpcmaxevents = AttrVal ($name, 'rpcMaxEvents', $HMCCURPCPROC_MAX_EVENTS); my $ccuflags = AttrVal ($name, 'ccuflags', 'null'); my $socktimeout = AttrVal ($name, 'rpcWriteTimeout', $HMCCURPCPROC_TIMEOUT_WRITE); # Read events from queue while (1) { my ($item, $err) = HMCCURPCPROC_ReceiveData ($hash->{hmccu}{sockchild}, $socktimeout); if (!defined ($item)) { Log3 $name, 4, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Read stopped after $eventcount events $err"; last; } Log3 $name, 4, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] read $item from queue" if ($ccuflags =~ /logEvents/); my ($et, $clkey, @par) = HMCCURPCPROC_ProcessEvent ($hash, $item); next if (!defined ($et)); if ($et eq 'EV') { $events{$par[0]}{$par[1]}{$par[2]} = $par[3]; $evcount++; $hash->{ccustate} = 'active' if ($hash->{ccustate} ne 'active'); } elsif ($et eq 'EX') { # I/O already cleaned up. Leave Read() last; } elsif ($et eq 'ND') { $devices{$par[0]}{flag} = 'N'; $devices{$par[0]}{version} = $par[3]; if ($par[1] eq 'D') { $devices{$par[0]}{addtype} = 'dev'; $devices{$par[0]}{type} = $par[2]; $devices{$par[0]}{firmware} = $par[4]; $devices{$par[0]}{rxmode} = $par[5]; } else { $devices{$par[0]}{addtype} = 'chn'; $devices{$par[0]}{usetype} = $par[2]; } $devcount++; } elsif ($et eq 'DD') { $devices{$par[0]}{flag} = 'D'; $devcount++; } elsif ($et eq 'RD') { $devices{$par[0]}{flag} = 'R'; $devices{$par[0]}{newaddr} = $par[1]; $devcount++; } $eventcount++; if ($eventcount > $rpcmaxevents) { Log3 $name, 4, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Read stopped after $rpcmaxevents events"; last; } } # Update device table and client device readings HMCCU_UpdateDeviceTable ($hmccu_hash, \%devices) if ($devcount > 0); HMCCU_UpdateMultipleDevices ($hmccu_hash, \%events) if ($evcount > 0); Log3 $name, 4, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Read finished"; } ###################################################################### # Set error state and write log file message # Parameter level is optional. Default value for level is 1. ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_SetError ($$$) { my ($hash, $text, $level) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $type = $hash->{TYPE}; my $msg; $msg = defined ($text) ? $text : "unknown error"; $msg = $type.": [".$name."] ". $msg; HMCCURPCPROC_SetState ($hash, "error"); Log3 $name, (defined($level) ? $level : 1), $msg; return $msg; } ###################################################################### # Set state of device ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_SetState ($$) { my ($hash, $state) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; if (defined ($state)) { readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "state", $state, 1); Log3 $name, 4, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Set state to $state"; } return undef; } ###################################################################### # Set state of RPC server # Parameters msg and level are optional. Default for level is 1. ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_SetRPCState ($$$$) { my ($hash, $state, $msg, $level) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $hmccu_hash = $hash->{IODev}; return undef if (exists ($hash->{RPCState}) && $hash->{RPCState} eq $state); $hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{state} = $state; $hash->{RPCState} = $state; readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "rpcstate", $state, 1); HMCCURPCPROC_SetState ($hash, 'busy') if ($state ne 'running' && $state ne 'inactive' && $state ne 'error' && ReadingsVal ($name, 'state', '') ne 'busy'); Log3 $name, (defined($level) ? $level : 1), "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] $msg" if (defined ($msg)); Log3 $name, 4, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Set rpcstate to $state"; # Set state of interface in I/O device HMCCU_SetRPCState ($hmccu_hash, $state, $hash->{rpcinterface}); return undef; } ###################################################################### # Reset RPC State ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_ResetRPCState ($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; Log3 $name, 4, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Reset RPC state"; $hash->{RPCPID} = "0"; $hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{pid} = undef; $hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{clkey} = undef; $hash->{hmccu}{evtime} = 0; $hash->{hmccu}{rpcstarttime} = 0; return HMCCURPCPROC_SetRPCState ($hash, 'inactive', undef, undef); } ###################################################################### # Check if CCU is busy due to RPC start or stop ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_IsRPCStateBlocking ($) { my ($hash) = @_; return ($hash->{RPCState} eq "running" || $hash->{RPCState} eq "inactive") ? 0 : 1; } ###################################################################### # Process RPC server event ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_ProcessEvent ($$) { my ($hash, $event) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $rpcname = 'CB'.$hash->{rpcport}.$hash->{rpcid}; my $rh = \%{$hash->{hmccu}{rpc}}; # Just for code simplification my $hmccu_hash = $hash->{IODev}; # Number of arguments in RPC events (without event type and clkey) my %rpceventargs = ( "EV", 4, "ND", 6, "DD", 1, "RD", 2, "RA", 1, "UD", 2, "IN", 2, "EX", 2, "SL", 1, "TO", 1, "ST", 11 ); my $ccuflags = AttrVal ($name, 'ccuflags', 'null'); my $evttimeout = HMCCURPCPROC_GetAttribute ($hash, 'rpcEventTimeout', 'rpcevtimeout', $HMCCURPCPROC_TIMEOUT_EVENT); # Parse event return undef if (!defined ($event) || $event eq ''); my @t = split (/\|/, $event); my $et = shift @t; my $clkey = shift @t; my $tc = scalar (@t); # Log event Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] CCUEvent = $event" if ($ccuflags =~ /logEvents/); # Check event data if (!defined ($clkey)) { Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Syntax error in RPC event data"; return undef; } # Check for valid server if ($clkey ne $rpcname) { Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Received $et event for unknown RPC server $clkey"; return undef; } # Check event type if (!exists ($rpceventargs{$et})) { $et =~ s/([\x00-\xFF])/sprintf("0x%X ",ord($1))/eg; Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Received unknown event from CCU: ".$et; return undef; } # Check event parameters if ($tc != $rpceventargs{$et}) { Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Wrong number of parameters in event $event. Expected ". $rpceventargs{$et}; return undef; } # Update statistic counters $rh->{rec}{$et}++; $rh->{evtime} = time (); if ($et eq 'EV') { # # Update of datapoint # Input: EV|clkey|Time|Address|Datapoint|Value # Output: EV, clkey, DevAdd, ChnNo, Datapoint, Value # my $delay = $rh->{evtime}-$t[0]; $rh->{sumdelay} += $delay; $rh->{avgdelay} = $rh->{sumdelay}/$rh->{rec}{$et}; $hash->{ccustate} = 'active' if ($hash->{ccustate} ne 'active'); Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Received CENTRAL event. ".$t[2]."=".$t[3] if ($t[1] eq 'CENTRAL'); my ($add, $chn) = split (/:/, $t[1]); return defined ($chn) ? ($et, $clkey, $add, $chn, $t[2], $t[3]) : undef; } elsif ($et eq 'SL') { # # RPC server enters server loop # Input: SL|clkey|Pid # Output: SL, clkey, countWorking # if ($t[0] == $rh->{pid}) { HMCCURPCPROC_SetRPCState ($hash, 'working', "RPC server $clkey enters server loop", 2); my ($rc, $rcmsg) = HMCCURPCPROC_RegisterCallback ($hash, 0); if (!$rc) { HMCCURPCPROC_SetRPCState ($hash, 'error', $rcmsg, 1); return ($et, $clkey, 1, 0, 0, 0); } else { HMCCURPCPROC_SetRPCState ($hash, $rcmsg, "RPC server $clkey $rcmsg", 1); } my $srun = HMCCURPCPROC_RPCServerStarted ($hash); return ($et, $clkey, ($srun == 0 ? 1 : 0), $srun); } else { Log3 $name, 0, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Received SL event. Wrong PID=".$t[0]." for RPC server $clkey"; return undef; } } elsif ($et eq 'IN') { # # RPC server initialized # Input: IN|clkey|INIT|State # Output: IN, clkey, Running, ClientsUpdated, UpdateErrors # return ($et, $clkey, 0, 0, 0) if ($rh->{state} eq 'running'); HMCCURPCPROC_SetRPCState ($hash, 'running', "RPC server $clkey running.", 1); my $run = HMCCURPCPROC_RPCServerStarted ($hash); return ($et, $clkey, $run); } elsif ($et eq 'EX') { # # Process stopped # Input: EX|clkey|SHUTDOWN|Pid # Output: EX, clkey, Pid, Stopped, All # HMCCURPCPROC_SetRPCState ($hash, 'inactive', "RPC server process $clkey terminated.", 1); HMCCURPCPROC_RPCServerStopped ($hash); return ($et, $clkey, $t[1], 1, 1); } elsif ($et eq 'ND') { # # CCU device added # Input: ND|clkey|C/D|Address|Type|Version|Firmware|RxMode # Output: ND, clkey, DevAdd, C/D, Type, Version, Firmware, RxMode # return ($et, $clkey, $t[1], $t[0], $t[2], $t[3], $t[4], $t[5]); } elsif ($et eq 'DD' || $et eq 'RA') { # # CCU device deleted or readded # Input: {DD,RA}|clkey|Address # Output: {DD,RA}, clkey, DevAdd # return ($et, $clkey, $t[0]); } elsif ($et eq 'UD') { # # CCU device updated # Input: UD|clkey|Address|Hint # Output: UD, clkey, DevAdd, Hint # return ($et, $clkey, $t[0], $t[1]); } elsif ($et eq 'RD') { # # CCU device replaced # Input: RD|clkey|Address1|Address2 # Output: RD, clkey, Address1, Address2 # return ($et, $clkey, $t[0], $t[1]); } elsif ($et eq 'ST') { # # Statistic data. Store snapshots of sent events. # Input: ST|clkey|nTotal|nEV|nND|nDD|nRD|nRA|nUD|nIN|nEX|nSL # Output: ST, clkey, ... # my @res = ($et, $clkey); push (@res, @t); my $total = shift @t; my @eventtypes = ("EV", "ND", "DD", "RD", "RA", "UD", "IN", "EX", "SL", "TO"); for (my $i=0; $i{hmccu}{rpc}{snd}{$eventtypes[$i]} += $t[$i]; } return @res; } elsif ($et eq 'TO') { # # Event timeout # Input: TO|clkey|Time # Output: TO, clkey, Port, Time # if ($evttimeout > 0 && $evttimeout >= $t[0]) { Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Received no events from interface $clkey for ".$t[0]." seconds"; $hash->{ccustate} = 'timeout'; if ($hash->{RPCState} eq 'running' && $ccuflags =~ /reconnect/) { Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Reconnecting to CCU interface ".$hash->{rpcinterface}; my ($rc, $rcmsg) = HMCCURPCPROC_RegisterCallback ($hash, 2); if ($rc) { $hash->{ccustate} = 'active'; } else { Log3 $name, 1, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] $rcmsg"; } } DoTrigger ($name, "No events from interface $clkey for ".$t[0]." seconds"); } return ($et, $clkey, $hash->{rpcport}, $t[0]); } return undef; } ###################################################################### # Get attribute with fallback to I/O device attribute ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_GetAttribute ($$$$) { my ($hash, $attr, $ioattr, $default) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $hmccu_hash = $hash->{IODev}; my $value = 'null'; if (defined ($attr)) { $value = AttrVal ($name, $attr, 'null'); return $value if ($value ne 'null'); } if (defined ($ioattr)) { $value = AttrVal ($hmccu_hash->{NAME}, $ioattr, 'null'); return $value if ($value ne 'null'); } return $default; } ###################################################################### # Register callback for specified CCU interface port. # Parameter force: # 1: callback will be registered even if state is "running". State # will not be modified. # 2: CCU connectivity is checked before registering RPC server. # Return (1, new state) on success. New state is 'running' if flag # ccuInit is not set. Otherwise 'registered'. # Return (0, errormessage) on error. ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_RegisterCallback ($$) { my ($hash, $force) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $hmccu_hash = $hash->{IODev}; my $ccuflags = AttrVal ($name, 'ccuflags', 'null'); my $port = $hash->{rpcport}; my $serveraddr = $hash->{host}; my $localaddr = $hash->{hmccu}{localaddr}; my $clkey = 'CB'.$port.$hash->{rpcid}; return (0, "RPC server $clkey not in state working") if ($hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{state} ne 'working' && $force == 0); if ($force == 2) { return (0, "CCU port $port not reachable") if (!HMCCU_TCPConnect ($hash->{host}, $port)); } my $cburl = HMCCU_GetRPCCallbackURL ($hmccu_hash, $localaddr, $hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{cbport}, $clkey, $port); my $clurl = HMCCU_GetRPCServerInfo ($hmccu_hash, $port, 'url'); my $rpctype = HMCCU_GetRPCServerInfo ($hmccu_hash, $port, 'type'); return (0, "Can't get RPC parameters for ID $clkey") if (!defined ($cburl) || !defined ($clurl) || !defined ($rpctype)); $hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{port} = $port; $hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{clurl} = $clurl; $hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{cburl} = $cburl; Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Registering callback $cburl of type $rpctype with ID $clkey at $clurl"; my $rc; if ($rpctype eq 'A') { $rc = HMCCURPCPROC_SendRequest ($hash, "init", $cburl, $clkey); } else { $rc = HMCCURPCPROC_SendRequest ($hash, "init", $BINRPC_STRING, $cburl, $BINRPC_STRING, $clkey); } if (defined ($rc)) { return (1, $ccuflags !~ /ccuInit/ ? 'running' : 'registered'); } else { return (0, "Failed to register callback for ID $clkey"); } } ###################################################################### # Deregister RPC callbacks at CCU ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_DeRegisterCallback ($$) { my ($hash, $force) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $hmccu_hash = $hash->{IODev}; my $port = $hash->{rpcport}; my $clkey = 'CB'.$port.$hash->{rpcid}; my $localaddr = $hash->{hmccu}{localaddr}; my $cburl = ''; my $clurl = ''; my $rpchash = \%{$hash->{hmccu}{rpc}}; return (0, "RPC server $clkey not in state registered or running") if ($rpchash->{state} ne 'registered' && $rpchash->{state} ne 'running' && $force == 0); $cburl = $rpchash->{cburl} if (exists ($rpchash->{cburl})); $clurl = $rpchash->{clurl} if (exists ($rpchash->{clurl})); $cburl = HMCCU_GetRPCCallbackURL ($hmccu_hash, $localaddr, $rpchash->{cbport}, $clkey, $port) if ($cburl eq ''); $clurl = HMCCU_GetRPCServerInfo ($hmccu_hash, $port, 'url') if ($clurl eq ''); return (0, "Can't get RPC parameters for ID $clkey") if ($cburl eq '' || $clurl eq ''); Log3 $name, 1, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Deregistering RPC server $cburl with ID $clkey at $clurl"; # Deregister up to 2 times for (my $i=0; $i<2; $i++) { my $rc; if (HMCCU_IsRPCType ($hmccu_hash, $port, 'A')) { $rc = HMCCURPCPROC_SendRequest ($hash, "init", $cburl); } else { $rc = HMCCURPCPROC_SendRequest ($hash, "init", $BINRPC_STRING, $cburl); } if (defined ($rc)) { HMCCURPCPROC_SetRPCState ($hash, $force == 0 ? 'deregistered' : $rpchash->{state}, "Callback for RPC server $clkey deregistered", 1); $rpchash->{cburl} = ''; $rpchash->{clurl} = ''; $rpchash->{cbport} = 0; return (1, 'working'); } } return (0, "Failed to deregister RPC server $clkey"); } ###################################################################### # Initialize RPC server for specified CCU port # Return server object or undef on error ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_InitRPCServer ($$$$) { my ($name, $clkey, $callbackport, $prot) = @_; my $server; # Create binary RPC server if ($prot eq 'B') { $server->{__daemon} = IO::Socket::INET->new (LocalPort => $callbackport, Type => SOCK_STREAM, Reuse => 1, Listen => SOMAXCONN); if (!($server->{__daemon})) { Log3 $name, 1, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Can't create RPC callback server $clkey on port $callbackport. Port in use?"; return undef; } return $server; } # Create XML RPC server $server = RPC::XML::Server->new (port => $callbackport); if (!ref($server)) { Log3 $name, 1, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Can't create RPC callback server $clkey on port $callbackport. Port in use?"; return undef; } Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Callback server $clkey created. Listening on port $callbackport"; # Callback for events Log3 $name, 4, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Adding callback for events for server $clkey"; $server->add_method ( { name=>"event", signature=> ["string string string string string","string string string string int", "string string string string double","string string string string boolean", "string string string string i4"], code=>\&HMCCURPCPROC_EventCB } ); # Callback for new devices Log3 $name, 4, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Adding callback for new devices for server $clkey"; $server->add_method ( { name=>"newDevices", signature=>["string string array"], code=>\&HMCCURPCPROC_NewDevicesCB } ); # Callback for deleted devices Log3 $name, 4, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Adding callback for deleted devices for server $clkey"; $server->add_method ( { name=>"deleteDevices", signature=>["string string array"], code=>\&HMCCURPCPROC_DeleteDevicesCB } ); # Callback for modified devices Log3 $name, 4, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Adding callback for modified devices for server $clkey"; $server->add_method ( { name=>"updateDevice", signature=>["string string string int"], code=>\&HMCCURPCPROC_UpdateDeviceCB } ); # Callback for replaced devices Log3 $name, 4, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Adding callback for replaced devices for server $clkey"; $server->add_method ( { name=>"replaceDevice", signature=>["string string string string"], code=>\&HMCCURPCPROC_ReplaceDeviceCB } ); # Callback for readded devices Log3 $name, 4, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Adding callback for readded devices for server $clkey"; $server->add_method ( { name=>"replaceDevice", signature=>["string string array"], code=>\&HMCCURPCPROC_ReaddDeviceCB } ); # Dummy implementation, always return an empty array Log3 $name, 4, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Adding callback for list devices for server $clkey"; $server->add_method ( { name=>"listDevices", signature=>["array string"], code=>\&HMCCURPCPROC_ListDevicesCB } ); return $server; } ###################################################################### # Start RPC server process # Return (State, Msg) ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_StartRPCServer ($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $hmccu_hash = $hash->{IODev}; # Local IP address and callback ID should be set during device definition return (0, "Local address and/or callback ID not defined") if (!exists ($hash->{hmccu}{localaddr}) || !exists ($hash->{rpcid})); # Check if RPC server is already running return (0, "RPC server already running") if (HMCCURPCPROC_CheckProcessState ($hash, 'running')); # Get parameters and attributes my %procpar; my $localaddr = HMCCURPCPROC_GetAttribute ($hash, undef, 'rpcserveraddr', $hash->{hmccu}{localaddr}); my $rpcserverport = HMCCURPCPROC_GetAttribute ($hash, 'rpcServerPort', 'rpcserverport', $HMCCURPCPROC_SERVER_PORT); my $evttimeout = HMCCURPCPROC_GetAttribute ($hash, 'rpcEventTimeout', 'rpcevtimeout', $HMCCURPCPROC_TIMEOUT_EVENT); my $ccunum = $hash->{CCUNum}; my $rpcport = $hash->{rpcport}; my $serveraddr = HMCCU_GetRPCServerInfo ($hmccu_hash, $rpcport, 'host'); my $interface = HMCCU_GetRPCServerInfo ($hmccu_hash, $rpcport, 'name'); my $clkey = 'CB'.$rpcport.$hash->{rpcid}; $hash->{hmccu}{localaddr} = $localaddr; # Store parameters for child process $procpar{socktimeout} = AttrVal ($name, 'rpcWriteTimeout', $HMCCURPCPROC_TIMEOUT_WRITE); $procpar{conntimeout} = AttrVal ($name, 'rpcConnTimeout', $HMCCURPCPROC_TIMEOUT_CONNECTION); $procpar{acctimeout} = AttrVal ($name, 'rpcAcceptTimeout', $HMCCURPCPROC_TIMEOUT_ACCEPT); $procpar{evttimeout} = AttrVal ($name, 'rpcEventTimeout', $HMCCURPCPROC_TIMEOUT_EVENT); $procpar{queuesize} = AttrVal ($name, 'rpcQueueSize', $HMCCURPCPROC_MAX_QUEUESIZE); $procpar{queuesend} = AttrVal ($name, 'rpcQueueSend', $HMCCURPCPROC_MAX_QUEUESEND); $procpar{statistics} = AttrVal ($name, 'rpcStatistics', $HMCCURPCPROC_STATISTICS); $procpar{maxioerrors} = AttrVal ($name, 'rpcMaxIOErrors', $HMCCURPCPROC_MAX_IOERRORS); $procpar{evttimeout} = AttrVal ($name, 'rpcEventTimeout', $HMCCURPCPROC_TIMEOUT_EVENT); $procpar{ccuflags} = AttrVal ($name, 'ccuflags', 'null'); $procpar{interface} = $interface; $procpar{flags} = HMCCU_GetRPCServerInfo ($hmccu_hash, $rpcport, 'flags'); $procpar{type} = HMCCU_GetRPCServerInfo ($hmccu_hash, $rpcport, 'type'); $procpar{name} = $name; $procpar{clkey} = $clkey; my @eventtypes = ("EV", "ND", "DD", "RD", "RA", "UD", "IN", "EX", "SL", "TO"); # Reset state of server processes $hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{state} = 'inactive'; # Create socket pair for communication between RPC server process and FHEM process my ($sockchild, $sockparent); return (0, "Can't create I/O socket pair") if (!socketpair ($sockchild, $sockparent, AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, PF_UNSPEC)); $sockchild->autoflush (1); $sockparent->autoflush (1); $hash->{hmccu}{sockparent} = $sockparent; $hash->{hmccu}{sockchild} = $sockchild; # Enable FHEM I/O my $pid = $$; $hash->{FD} = fileno $sockchild; $selectlist{"RPC.$name.$pid"} = $hash; # Initialize RPC server my $err = ''; my %srvprocpar; my $callbackport = $rpcserverport+$rpcport+($ccunum*10); # Start RPC server process my $rpcpid = fhemFork (); if (!defined ($rpcpid)) { close ($sockparent); close ($sockchild); return (0, "Can't create RPC server process for interface $interface"); } if (!$rpcpid) { # Child process, only needs parent socket HMCCURPCPROC_HandleConnection ($rpcport, $callbackport, $sockparent, \%procpar); # Exit child process close ($sockparent); close ($sockchild); exit (0); } # Parent process Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] RPC server process started for interface $interface with PID=$rpcpid"; # Store process parameters $hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{clkey} = $clkey; $hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{cbport} = $callbackport; $hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{pid} = $rpcpid; $hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{state} = 'initialized'; # Reset statistic counter foreach my $et (@eventtypes) { $hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{rec}{$et} = 0; $hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{snd}{$et} = 0; } $hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{sumdelay} = 0; $hash->{RPCPID} = $rpcpid; # Trigger Timer function for checking successful RPC start # Timer will be removed before execution if event 'IN' is reveived InternalTimer (gettimeofday()+$HMCCURPCPROC_INIT_INTERVAL3, "HMCCURPCPROC_IsRPCServerRunning", $hash, 0); HMCCURPCPROC_SetRPCState ($hash, "starting", "RPC server starting", 1); DoTrigger ($name, "RPC server starting"); return (1, undef); } ###################################################################### # Set overall status if all RPC servers are running and update all # FHEM devices. # Return (State, updated devices, failed updates) ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_RPCServerStarted ($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $hmccu_hash = $hash->{IODev}; my $clkey = 'CB'.$hash->{rpcport}.$hash->{rpcid}; my $ifname = $hash->{rpcinterface}; # Check if RPC servers are running. Set overall status if (HMCCURPCPROC_CheckProcessState ($hash, 'running')) { $hash->{hmccu}{rpcstarttime} = time (); HMCCURPCPROC_SetState ($hash, "OK"); if ($hmccu_hash->{hmccu}{interfaces}{$ifname}{manager} eq 'HMCCURPCPROC') { my ($c_ok, $c_err) = HMCCU_UpdateClients ($hmccu_hash, '.*', 'Attr', 0, $ifname); Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Updated devices. Success=$c_ok Failed=$c_err"; } RemoveInternalTimer ($hash); DoTrigger ($name, "RPC server $clkey running"); return 1; } return 0; } ###################################################################### # Cleanup if RPC server stopped ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_RPCServerStopped ($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $clkey = 'CB'.$hash->{rpcport}.$hash->{rpcid}; HMCCURPCPROC_CleanupProcess ($hash); HMCCURPCPROC_CleanupIO ($hash); HMCCURPCPROC_ResetRPCState ($hash); HMCCURPCPROC_SetState ($hash, "OK"); RemoveInternalTimer ($hash); DoTrigger ($name, "RPC server $clkey stopped"); } ###################################################################### # Stop I/O Handling ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_CleanupIO ($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $pid = $$; if (exists ($selectlist{"RPC.$name.$pid"})) { Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Stop I/O handling"; delete $selectlist{"RPC.$name.$pid"}; delete $hash->{FD} if (defined ($hash->{FD})); } if (defined ($hash->{hmccu}{sockchild})) { Log3 $name, 3, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Close child socket"; $hash->{hmccu}{sockchild}->close (); delete $hash->{hmccu}{sockchild}; } if (defined ($hash->{hmccu}{sockparent})) { Log3 $name, 3, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Close parent socket"; $hash->{hmccu}{sockparent}->close (); delete $hash->{hmccu}{sockparent}; } } ###################################################################### # Terminate RPC server process by sending an INT signal. # Return 0 if RPC server not running. ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_TerminateProcess ($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $clkey = 'CB'.$hash->{rpcport}.$hash->{rpcid}; # return 0 if ($hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{state} eq 'inactive'); my $pid = $hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{pid}; if (defined ($pid) && kill (0, $pid)) { HMCCURPCPROC_SetRPCState ($hash, 'stopping', "Sending signal INT to RPC server process $clkey with PID=$pid", 2); kill ('INT', $pid); return 1; } else { HMCCURPCPROC_SetRPCState ($hash, 'inactive', "RPC server process $clkey not runnning", 1); return 0; } } ###################################################################### # Cleanup inactive RPC server process. # Return 0 if process is running. ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_CleanupProcess ($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $clkey = 'CB'.$hash->{rpcport}.$hash->{rpcid}; # return 1 if ($hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{state} eq 'inactive'); my $pid = $hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{pid}; if (defined ($pid) && kill (0, $pid)) { Log3 $name, 1, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Process $clkey with PID=$pid". " still running. Killing it."; kill ('KILL', $pid); sleep (1); if (kill (0, $pid)) { Log3 $name, 1, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Can't kill process $clkey with PID=$pid"; return 0; } } HMCCURPCPROC_SetRPCState ($hash, 'inactive', "RPC server process $clkey deleted", 2); $hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{pid} = undef; return 1; } ###################################################################### # Check if RPC server process is in specified state. # Parameter state is a regular expression. Valid states are: # inactive # starting # working # registered # running # stopping # If state is 'running' the process is checked by calling kill() with # signal 0. ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_CheckProcessState ($$) { my ($hash, $state) = @_; my $prcname = 'CB'.$hash->{rpcport}.$hash->{rpcid}; my $pstate = $hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{state}; if ($state eq 'running' || $state eq '.*') { my $pid = $hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{pid}; return (defined ($pid) && $pid != 0 && kill (0, $pid) && $pstate =~ /$state/) ? $pid : 0 } else { return ($pstate =~ /$state/) ? 1 : 0; } } ###################################################################### # Timer function to check if RPC server process is running. # Call Housekeeping() if process is not running. ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_IsRPCServerRunning ($) { my ($hash, $cleanup) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Checking if RPC server process is running"; if (!HMCCURPCPROC_CheckProcessState ($hash, 'running')) { Log3 $name, 1, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] RPC server process not running. Cleaning up"; HMCCURPCPROC_Housekeeping ($hash); return 0; } Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] RPC server process running"; return 1; } ###################################################################### # Cleanup RPC server environment. ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_Housekeeping ($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; Log3 $name, 1, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Housekeeping called. Cleaning up RPC environment"; # Deregister callback URLs in CCU HMCCURPCPROC_DeRegisterCallback ($hash, 0); # Terminate process by sending signal INT sleep (2) if (HMCCURPCPROC_TerminateProcess ($hash)); # Next call will cleanup IO, processes and reset RPC state HMCCURPCPROC_RPCServerStopped ($hash); } ###################################################################### # Stop RPC server processes. ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_StopRPCServer ($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $clkey = 'CB'.$hash->{rpcport}.$hash->{rpcid}; if (HMCCURPCPROC_CheckProcessState ($hash, 'running')) { Log3 $name, 1, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Stopping RPC server $clkey"; HMCCURPCPROC_SetState ($hash, "busy"); # Deregister callback URLs in CCU my ($rc, $err) = HMCCURPCPROC_DeRegisterCallback ($hash, 0); Log3 $name, 1, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] $err" if (!$rc); # Stop RPC server process HMCCURPCPROC_TerminateProcess ($hash); # Trigger timer function for checking successful RPC stop # Timer will be removed wenn receiving EX event from RPC server process InternalTimer (gettimeofday()+$HMCCURPCPROC_INIT_INTERVAL2, "HMCCURPCPROC_Housekeeping", $hash, 0); # Give process the chance to terminate sleep (1); return 1; } else { Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Found no running processes. Cleaning up ..."; HMCCURPCPROC_Housekeeping ($hash); return 0; } } ###################################################################### # Send RPC request to CCU. # Supports XML and BINRPC requests. # Return response or undef on error. ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_SendRequest ($@) { my ($hash, $request, @param) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $hmccu_hash = $hash->{IODev}; my $port = $hash->{rpcport}; my $rc; if (HMCCU_IsRPCType ($hmccu_hash, $port, 'A')) { my $clurl = HMCCU_GetRPCServerInfo ($hmccu_hash, $port, 'url'); return HMCCU_Log ($hash, 2, "Can't get client URL for port $port", undef) if (!defined ($clurl)); Log3 $name, 4, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Send ASCII RPC request $request to $clurl"; my $rpcclient = RPC::XML::Client->new ($clurl); $rc = $rpcclient->simple_request ($request, @param); Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] RPC request error ".$RPC::XML::ERROR if (!defined ($rc)); } elsif (HMCCU_IsRPCType ($hmccu_hash, $port, 'B')) { my $serveraddr = HMCCU_GetRPCServerInfo ($hmccu_hash, $port, 'host'); return HMCCU_Log ($hash, 2, "Can't get server address for port $port", undef) if (!defined ($serveraddr)); my $ccuflags = AttrVal ($name, 'ccuflags', 'null'); my $verbose = GetVerbose ($name); Log3 $name, 4, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Send binary RPC request $request to $serveraddr:$port"; my $encreq = HMCCURPCPROC_EncodeRequest ($request, \@param); return HMCCU_Log ($hash, 2, "Error encoding binary request", undef) if ($encreq eq ''); # auto-flush on socket $| = 1; # create a connecting socket my $socket = new IO::Socket::INET (PeerHost => $serveraddr, PeerPort => $port, Proto => 'tcp'); return HMCCU_Log ($hash, 2, "Can't create socket for $serveraddr:$port", undef) if (!$socket); my $size = $socket->send ($encreq); if (defined ($size)) { my $encresp = <$socket>; $socket->close (); if (defined ($encresp)) { if ($ccuflags =~ /logEvents/ && $verbose >= 4) { Log3 $name, 4, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Response"; HMCCURPCPROC_HexDump ($name, $encresp); } my ($response, $err) = HMCCURPCPROC_DecodeResponse ($encresp); return $response; } else { return ''; } } $socket->close (); } else { Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPCPROC: [$name] Unknown RPC server type"; } return $rc; } ###################################################################### # Process binary RPC request ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_ProcessRequest ($$) { my ($server, $connection) = @_; my $name = $server->{hmccu}{name}; my $clkey = $server->{hmccu}{clkey}; my @methodlist = ('listDevices', 'listMethods', 'system.multicall'); my $verbose = GetVerbose ($name); # Read request my $request = ''; while (my $packet = <$connection>) { $request .= $packet; } return if (!defined ($request) || $request eq ''); if ($server->{hmccu}{ccuflags} =~ /logEvents/ && $verbose >= 4) { Log3 $name, 4, "CCURPC: [$name] $clkey raw request:"; HMCCURPCPROC_HexDump ($name, $request); } # Decode request my ($method, $params) = HMCCURPCPROC_DecodeRequest ($request); return if (!defined ($method)); Log3 $name, 4, "CCURPC: [$name] request method = $method"; if ($method eq 'listmethods') { $connection->send (HMCCURPCPROC_EncodeResponse ($BINRPC_ARRAY, \@methodlist)); } elsif ($method eq 'listdevices') { HMCCURPCPROC_ListDevicesCB ($server, $clkey); $connection->send (HMCCURPCPROC_EncodeResponse ($BINRPC_ARRAY, undef)); } elsif ($method eq 'system.multicall') { return if (ref ($params) ne 'ARRAY'); my $a = $$params[0]; foreach my $s (@$a) { next if (!exists ($s->{methodName}) || !exists ($s->{params})); next if ($s->{methodName} ne 'event'); next if (scalar (@{$s->{params}}) < 4); HMCCURPCPROC_EventCB ($server, $clkey, ${$s->{params}}[1], ${$s->{params}}[2], ${$s->{params}}[3]); Log3 $name, 4, "CCURPC: [$name] Event ".${$s->{params}}[1]." ".${$s->{params}}[2]." " .${$s->{params}}[3]; } } } ###################################################################### # Subprocess function for handling incoming RPC requests ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_HandleConnection ($$$$) { my ($port, $callbackport, $sockparent, $procpar) = @_; my $name = $procpar->{name}; my $iface = $procpar->{interface}; my $prot = $procpar->{type}; my $evttimeout = $procpar->{evttimeout}; my $conntimeout = $procpar->{conntimeout}; my $acctimeout = $procpar->{acctimeout}; my $socktimeout = $procpar->{socktimeout}; my $maxsnd = $procpar->{queuesend}; my $maxioerrors = $procpar->{maxioerrors}; my $clkey = $procpar->{clkey}; my $ioerrors = 0; my $sioerrors = 0; my $run = 1; my $pid = $$; my @eventtypes = ("EV", "ND", "DD", "RD", "RA", "UD", "IN", "EX", "SL", "TO"); # Initialize RPC server Log3 $name, 2, "CCURPC: [$name] Initializing RPC server $clkey for interface $iface"; my $rpcsrv = HMCCURPCPROC_InitRPCServer ($name, $clkey, $callbackport, $prot); if (!defined ($rpcsrv)) { Log3 $name, 1, "CCURPC: [$name] Can't initialize RPC server $clkey for interface $iface"; return; } if (!($rpcsrv->{__daemon})) { Log3 $name, 1, "CCURPC: [$name] Server socket not found for port $port"; return; } # Event queue my @queue = (); # Store RPC server parameters $rpcsrv->{hmccu}{name} = $name; $rpcsrv->{hmccu}{clkey} = $clkey; $rpcsrv->{hmccu}{eventqueue} = \@queue; $rpcsrv->{hmccu}{queuesize} = $procpar->{queuesize}; $rpcsrv->{hmccu}{sockparent} = $sockparent; $rpcsrv->{hmccu}{statistics} = $procpar->{statistics}; $rpcsrv->{hmccu}{ccuflags} = $procpar->{ccuflags}; $rpcsrv->{hmccu}{flags} = $procpar->{flags}; $rpcsrv->{hmccu}{evttime} = time (); # Initialize statistic counters foreach my $et (@eventtypes) { $rpcsrv->{hmccu}{rec}{$et} = 0; $rpcsrv->{hmccu}{snd}{$et} = 0; } $rpcsrv->{hmccu}{rec}{total} = 0; $rpcsrv->{hmccu}{snd}{total} = 0; # Signal handler $SIG{INT} = sub { $run = 0; Log3 $name, 2, "CCURPC: [$name] $clkey received signal INT"; }; HMCCURPCPROC_Write ($rpcsrv, "SL", $clkey, $pid); Log3 $name, 2, "CCURPC: [$name] $clkey accepting connections. PID=$pid"; $rpcsrv->{__daemon}->timeout ($acctimeout) if ($acctimeout > 0.0); while ($run) { if ($evttimeout > 0) { my $difftime = time()-$rpcsrv->{hmccu}{evttime}; HMCCURPCPROC_Write ($rpcsrv, "TO", $clkey, $difftime) if ($difftime >= $evttimeout); } # Send queue entries to parent process if (scalar (@queue) > 0) { Log3 $name, 4, "CCURPC: [$name] RPC server $clkey sending data to FHEM"; my ($c, $m) = HMCCURPCPROC_SendQueue ($sockparent, $socktimeout, \@queue, $maxsnd); if ($c < 0) { $ioerrors++; $sioerrors++; if ($ioerrors >= $maxioerrors || $maxioerrors == 0) { Log3 $name, 2, "CCURPC: [$name] Sending data to FHEM failed $ioerrors times. $m"; $ioerrors = 0; } } } # Next statement blocks for rpcAcceptTimeout seconds Log3 $name, 5, "CCURPC: [$name] RPC server $clkey accepting connections"; my $connection = $rpcsrv->{__daemon}->accept (); next if (! $connection); last if (! $run); $connection->timeout ($conntimeout) if ($conntimeout > 0.0); Log3 $name, 4, "CCURPC: [$name] RPC server $clkey processing request"; if ($prot eq 'A') { $rpcsrv->process_request ($connection); } else { HMCCURPCPROC_ProcessRequest ($rpcsrv, $connection); } shutdown ($connection, 2); close ($connection); undef $connection; } Log3 $name, 1, "CCURPC: [$name] RPC server $clkey stopped handling connections. PID=$pid"; close ($rpcsrv->{__daemon}) if ($prot eq 'B'); # Send statistic info HMCCURPCPROC_WriteStats ($rpcsrv, $clkey); # Send exit information HMCCURPCPROC_Write ($rpcsrv, "EX", $clkey, "SHUTDOWN|$pid"); # Send queue entries to parent process. Resend on error to ensure that EX event is sent my ($c, $m) = HMCCURPCPROC_SendQueue ($sockparent, $socktimeout, \@queue, 0); if ($c < 0) { Log3 $name, 4, "CCURPC: [$name] Sending data to FHEM failed. $m"; # Wait 1 second and try again sleep (1); HMCCURPCPROC_SendQueue ($sockparent, $socktimeout, \@queue, 0); } # Log statistic counters foreach my $et (@eventtypes) { Log3 $name, 4, "CCURPC: [$name] $clkey event type = $et: ".$rpcsrv->{hmccu}{rec}{$et}; } Log3 $name, 2, "CCURPC: [$name] Number of I/O errors = $sioerrors"; return; } ###################################################################### # Send queue data to parent process. # Return number of queue elements sent to parent process or # (-1, errormessage) on error. ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_SendQueue ($$$$) { my ($sockparent, $socktimeout, $queue, $maxsnd) = @_; my $fd = fileno ($sockparent); my $msg = ''; my $win = ''; vec ($win, $fd, 1) = 1; my $nf = select (undef, $win, undef, $socktimeout); if ($nf <= 0) { $msg = $nf == 0 ? "select found no reader" : $!; return (-1, $msg); } my $sndcnt = 0; while (my $snddata = shift @{$queue}) { my ($bytes, $err) = HMCCURPCPROC_SendData ($sockparent, $snddata); if ($bytes == 0) { # Put item back in queue unshift @{$queue}, $snddata; $msg = $err; $sndcnt = -1; last; } $sndcnt++; last if ($sndcnt == $maxsnd && $maxsnd > 0); } return ($sndcnt, $msg); } ###################################################################### # Check if file descriptor is writeable and write data. # Return number of bytes written and error message. ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_SendData ($$) { my ($sockparent, $data) = @_; my $bytes = 0; my $err = ''; my $size = pack ("N", length ($data)); my $msg = $size . $data; $bytes = syswrite ($sockparent, $msg); if (!defined ($bytes)) { $err = $!; $bytes = 0; } elsif ($bytes != length ($msg)) { $err = "Sent incomplete data"; } return ($bytes, $err); } ###################################################################### # Check if file descriptor is readable and read data. # Return data and error message. ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_ReceiveData ($$) { my ($fh, $socktimeout) = @_; my $header; my $data; my $err = ''; # Check if data is available my $fd = fileno ($fh); my $rin = ''; vec ($rin, $fd, 1) = 1; my $nfound = select ($rin, undef, undef, $socktimeout); if ($nfound < 0) { return (undef, $!); } elsif ($nfound == 0) { return (undef, "read: no data"); } # Read datagram size my $sbytes = sysread ($fh, $header, 4); if (!defined ($sbytes)) { return (undef, $!); } elsif ($sbytes != 4) { return (undef, "read: short header"); } # Read datagram my $size = unpack ('N', $header); my $bytes = sysread ($fh, $data, $size); if (!defined ($bytes)) { return (undef, $!); } elsif ($bytes != $size) { return (undef, "read: incomplete data"); } return ($data, $err); } ###################################################################### # Write event into queue. ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_Write ($$$$) { my ($server, $et, $cb, $msg) = @_; my $name = $server->{hmccu}{name}; if (defined ($server->{hmccu}{eventqueue})) { my $queue = $server->{hmccu}{eventqueue}; my $ev = $et."|".$cb."|".$msg; $server->{hmccu}{evttime} = time (); if (defined ($server->{hmccu}{queuesize}) && scalar (@{$queue}) >= $server->{hmccu}{queuesize}) { Log3 $name, 1, "CCURPC: [$name] $cb maximum queue size reached. Dropping event."; return; } Log3 $name, 2, "CCURPC: [$name] event = $ev" if ($server->{hmccu}{ccuflags} =~ /logEvents/); # Try to send events immediately. Put them in queue if send fails my $rc = 0; my $err = ''; if ($et ne 'ND' && $server->{hmccu}{ccuflags} !~ /queueEvents/) { ($rc, $err) = HMCCURPCPROC_SendData ($server->{hmccu}{sockparent}, $ev); Log3 $name, 3, "CCURPC: [$name] SendData $ev $err" if ($rc == 0); } push (@{$queue}, $ev) if ($rc == 0); # Event statistics $server->{hmccu}{rec}{$et}++; $server->{hmccu}{rec}{total}++; $server->{hmccu}{snd}{$et}++; $server->{hmccu}{snd}{total}++; HMCCURPCPROC_WriteStats ($server, $cb) if ($server->{hmccu}{snd}{total} % $server->{hmccu}{statistics} == 0); } } ###################################################################### # Write statistics ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_WriteStats ($$) { my ($server, $clkey) = @_; my $name = $server->{hmccu}{name}; my @eventtypes = ("EV", "ND", "DD", "RD", "RA", "UD", "IN", "EX", "SL", "TO"); if (defined ($server->{hmccu}{eventqueue})) { my $queue = $server->{hmccu}{eventqueue}; # Send statistic info my $st = $server->{hmccu}{snd}{total}; foreach my $et (@eventtypes) { $st .= '|'.$server->{hmccu}{snd}{$et}; $server->{hmccu}{snd}{$et} = 0; } Log3 $name, 4, "CCURPC: [$name] Event statistics = $st"; push (@{$queue}, "ST|$clkey|$st"); } } ###################################################################### # Helper functions ###################################################################### ###################################################################### # Dump variable content as hex/ascii combination ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_HexDump ($$) { my ($name, $data) = @_; my $offset = 0; foreach my $chunk (unpack "(a16)*", $data) { my $hex = unpack "H*", $chunk; # hexadecimal magic $chunk =~ tr/ -~/./c; # replace unprintables $hex =~ s/(.{1,8})/$1 /gs; # insert spaces Log3 $name, 4, sprintf "0x%08x (%05u) %-*s %s", $offset, $offset, 36, $hex, $chunk; $offset += 16; } } ###################################################################### # Callback functions ###################################################################### ###################################################################### # Callback for new devices ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_NewDevicesCB ($$$) { my ($server, $cb, $a) = @_; my $name = $server->{hmccu}{name}; my $devcount = scalar (@$a); Log3 $name, 2, "CCURPC: [$name] $cb NewDevice received $devcount device and channel specifications"; foreach my $dev (@$a) { my $msg = ''; if ($dev->{ADDRESS} =~ /:[0-9]{1,2}$/) { $msg = "C|".$dev->{ADDRESS}."|".$dev->{TYPE}."|".$dev->{VERSION}."|null|null"; } else { # Wired devices do not have a RX_MODE attribute my $rx = exists ($dev->{RX_MODE}) ? $dev->{RX_MODE} : 'null'; $msg = "D|".$dev->{ADDRESS}."|".$dev->{TYPE}."|".$dev->{VERSION}."|". $dev->{FIRMWARE}."|".$rx; } HMCCURPCPROC_Write ($server, "ND", $cb, $msg); } return; } ################################################## # Callback for deleted devices ################################################## sub HMCCURPCPROC_DeleteDevicesCB ($$$) { my ($server, $cb, $a) = @_; my $name = $server->{hmccu}{name}; my $devcount = scalar (@$a); Log3 $name, 2, "CCURPC: [$name] $cb DeleteDevice received $devcount device addresses"; foreach my $dev (@$a) { HMCCURPCPROC_Write ($server, "DD", $cb, $dev); } return; } ################################################## # Callback for modified devices ################################################## sub HMCCURPCPROC_UpdateDeviceCB ($$$$) { my ($server, $cb, $devid, $hint) = @_; my $name = $server->{hmccu}{name}; Log3 $name, 2, "CCURPC: [$name] $cb updated device $devid with hint $hint"; HMCCURPCPROC_Write ($server, "UD", $cb, $devid."|".$hint); return; } ################################################## # Callback for replaced devices ################################################## sub HMCCURPCPROC_ReplaceDeviceCB ($$$$) { my ($server, $cb, $devid1, $devid2) = @_; my $name = $server->{hmccu}{name}; Log3 $name, 2, "CCURPC: [$name] $cb device $devid1 replaced by $devid2"; HMCCURPCPROC_Write ($server, "RD", $cb, $devid1."|".$devid2); return; } ################################################## # Callback for readded devices ################################################## sub HMCCURPCPROC_ReaddDevicesCB ($$$) { my ($server, $cb, $a) = @_; my $name = $server->{hmccu}{name}; my $devcount = scalar (@$a); Log3 $name, 2, "CCURPC: [$name] $cb ReaddDevice received $devcount device addresses"; foreach my $dev (@$a) { HMCCURPCPROC_Write ($server, "RA", $cb, $dev); } return; } ################################################## # Callback for handling CCU events ################################################## sub HMCCURPCPROC_EventCB ($$$$$) { my ($server, $cb, $devid, $attr, $val) = @_; my $name = $server->{hmccu}{name}; my $etime = time (); HMCCURPCPROC_Write ($server, "EV", $cb, $etime."|".$devid."|".$attr."|".$val); # Never remove this statement! return; } ################################################## # Callback for list devices ################################################## sub HMCCURPCPROC_ListDevicesCB ($$) { my ($server, $cb) = @_; my $name = $server->{hmccu}{name}; if ($server->{hmccu}{ccuflags} =~ /ccuInit/) { $cb = "unknown" if (!defined ($cb)); Log3 $name, 1, "CCURPC: [$name] $cb ListDevices. Sending init to HMCCU"; HMCCURPCPROC_Write ($server, "IN", $cb, "INIT|1"); } return RPC::XML::array->new (); } ###################################################################### # Binary RPC encoding functions ###################################################################### ###################################################################### # Encode integer (type = 1) ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_EncInteger ($) { my ($v) = @_; return pack ('Nl', $BINRPC_INTEGER, $v); } ###################################################################### # Encode bool (type = 2) ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_EncBool ($) { my ($v) = @_; return pack ('NC', $BINRPC_BOOL, $v); } ###################################################################### # Encode string (type = 3) # Input is string. Empty string = void ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_EncString ($) { my ($v) = @_; return pack ('NN', $BINRPC_STRING, length ($v)).$v; } ###################################################################### # Encode name ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_EncName ($) { my ($v) = @_; return pack ('N', length ($v)).$v; } ###################################################################### # Encode double (type = 4) ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_EncDouble ($) { my ($v) = @_; # my $s = $v < 0 ? -1.0 : 1.0; # my $l = $v != 0.0 ? log (abs($v))/log (2) : 0.0; # my $f = $l; # # if ($l-int ($l) > 0) { # $f = ($l < 0) ? -int (abs ($l)+1.0) : int ($l); # } # my $e = $f+1; # my $m = int ($v*2**-$e*0x40000000); my $m = 0; my $e = 0; if ($v != 0.0) { $e = int(log(abs($v))/log(2.0))+1; $m = int($v/(2**$e)*0x40000000); } return pack ('NNN', $BINRPC_DOUBLE, $m, $e); } ###################################################################### # Encode base64 (type = 17) # Input is base64 encoded string ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_EncBase64 ($) { my ($v) = @_; return pack ('NN', $BINRPC_DOUBLE, length ($v)).$v; } ###################################################################### # Encode array (type = 256) # Input is array reference. Array must contain (type, value) pairs ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_EncArray ($) { my ($a) = @_; my $r = ''; my $s = 0; if (defined ($a)) { while (my $t = shift @$a) { my $e = shift @$a; if ($e) { $r .= HMCCURPCPROC_EncType ($t, $e); $s++; } } } return pack ('NN', $BINRPC_ARRAY, $s).$r; } ###################################################################### # Encode struct (type = 257) # Input is hash reference. Hash elements: # hash->{$element}{T} = Type # hash->{$element}{V} = Value ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_EncStruct ($) { my ($h) = @_; my $r = ''; my $s = 0; foreach my $k (keys %{$h}) { $r .= HMCCURPCPROC_EncName ($k); $r .= HMCCURPCPROC_EncType ($h->{$k}{T}, $h->{$k}{V}); $s++; } return pack ('NN', $BINRPC_STRUCT, $s).$r; } ###################################################################### # Encode any type # Input is type and value # Return encoded data or empty string on error ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_EncType ($$) { my ($t, $v) = @_; if ($t == $BINRPC_INTEGER) { return HMCCURPCPROC_EncInteger ($v); } elsif ($t == $BINRPC_BOOL) { return HMCCURPCPROC_EncBool ($v); } elsif ($t == $BINRPC_STRING) { return HMCCURPCPROC_EncString ($v); } elsif ($t == $BINRPC_DOUBLE) { return HMCCURPCPROC_EncDouble ($v); } elsif ($t == $BINRPC_BASE64) { return HMCCURPCPROC_EncBase64 ($v); } elsif ($t == $BINRPC_ARRAY) { return HMCCURPCPROC_EncArray ($v); } elsif ($t == $BINRPC_STRUCT) { return HMCCURPCPROC_EncStruct ($v); } else { return ''; } } ###################################################################### # Encode RPC request with method and optional parameters. # Headers are not supported. # Input is method name and reference to parameter array. # Array must contain (type, value) pairs # Return encoded data or empty string on error ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_EncodeRequest ($$) { my ($method, $args) = @_; # Encode method my $m = HMCCURPCPROC_EncName ($method); # Encode parameters my $r = ''; my $s = 0; if (defined ($args)) { while (my $t = shift @$args) { my $e = shift @$args; last if (!defined ($e)); $r .= HMCCURPCPROC_EncType ($t, $e); $s++; } } # Method, ParameterCount, Parameters $r = $m.pack ('N', $s).$r; # Identifier, ContentLength, Content # Ggf. +8 $r = pack ('NN', $BINRPC_REQUEST, length ($r)+8).$r; return $r; } ###################################################################### # Encode RPC response # Input is type and value ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_EncodeResponse ($$) { my ($t, $v) = @_; if (defined ($t) && defined ($v)) { my $r = HMCCURPCPROC_EncType ($t, $v); # Ggf. +8 return pack ('NN', $BINRPC_RESPONSE, length ($r)+8).$r; } else { return pack ('NN', $BINRPC_RESPONSE); } } ###################################################################### # Binary RPC decoding functions ###################################################################### ###################################################################### # Decode integer (type = 1) # Return (value, packetsize) or (undef, undef) ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_DecInteger ($$$) { my ($d, $i, $u) = @_; return ($i+4 <= length ($d)) ? (unpack ($u, substr ($d, $i, 4)), 4) : (undef, undef); } ###################################################################### # Decode bool (type = 2) # Return (value, packetsize) or (undef, undef) ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_DecBool ($$) { my ($d, $i) = @_; return ($i+1 <= length ($d)) ? (unpack ('C', substr ($d, $i, 1)), 1) : (undef, undef); } ###################################################################### # Decode string or void (type = 3) # Return (string, packet size) or (undef, undef) # Return ('', 4) for special type 'void' ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_DecString ($$) { my ($d, $i) = @_; my ($s, $o) = HMCCURPCPROC_DecInteger ($d, $i, 'N'); if (defined ($s) && $i+$s+4 <= length ($d)) { return $s > 0 ? (substr ($d, $i+4, $s), $s+4) : ('', 4); } return (undef, undef); } ###################################################################### # Decode double (type = 4) # Return (value, packetsize) or (undef, undef) ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_DecDouble ($$) { my ($d, $i) = @_; return (undef, undef) if ($i+8 > length ($d)); my $m = unpack ('l', reverse (substr ($d, $i, 4))); my $e = unpack ('l', reverse (substr ($d, $i+4, 4))); $m = $m/(1<<30); my $v = $m*(2**$e); return (sprintf ("%.6f",$v), 8); } ###################################################################### # Decode base64 encoded string (type = 17) # Return (string, packetsize) or (undef, undef) ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_DecBase64 ($$) { my ($d, $i) = @_; return HMCCURPCPROC_DecString ($d, $i); } ###################################################################### # Decode array (type = 256) # Return (arrayref, packetsize) or (undef, undef) ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_DecArray ($$) { my ($d, $i) = @_; my @r = (); my ($s, $x) = HMCCURPCPROC_DecInteger ($d, $i, 'N'); if (defined ($s)) { my $j = $x; for (my $n=0; $n<$s; $n++) { my ($v, $o) = HMCCURPCPROC_DecType ($d, $i+$j); return (undef, undef) if (!defined ($o)); push (@r, $v); $j += $o; } return (\@r, $j); } return (undef, undef); } ###################################################################### # Decode struct (type = 257) # Return (hashref, packetsize) or (undef, undef) ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_DecStruct ($$) { my ($d, $i) = @_; my %r; my ($s, $x) = HMCCURPCPROC_DecInteger ($d, $i, 'N'); if (defined ($s)) { my $j = $x; for (my $n=0; $n<$s; $n++) { my ($k, $o1) = HMCCURPCPROC_DecString ($d, $i+$j); return (undef, undef) if (!defined ($o1)); my ($v, $o2) = HMCCURPCPROC_DecType ($d, $i+$j+$o1); return (undef, undef) if (!defined ($o2)); $r{$k} = $v; $j += $o1+$o2; } return (\%r, $j); } return (undef, undef); } ###################################################################### # Decode any type # Return (element, packetsize) or (undef, undef) ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_DecType ($$) { my ($d, $i) = @_; return (undef, undef) if ($i+4 > length ($d)); my @r = (); my $t = unpack ('N', substr ($d, $i, 4)); $i += 4; if ($t == $BINRPC_INTEGER) { # Integer @r = HMCCURPCPROC_DecInteger ($d, $i, 'N'); } elsif ($t == $BINRPC_BOOL) { # Bool @r = HMCCURPCPROC_DecBool ($d, $i); } elsif ($t == $BINRPC_STRING || $t == $BINRPC_BASE64) { # String / Base64 @r = HMCCURPCPROC_DecString ($d, $i); } elsif ($t == $BINRPC_DOUBLE) { # Double @r = HMCCURPCPROC_DecDouble ($d, $i); } elsif ($t == $BINRPC_ARRAY) { # Array @r = HMCCURPCPROC_DecArray ($d, $i); } elsif ($t == $BINRPC_STRUCT) { # Struct @r = HMCCURPCPROC_DecStruct ($d, $i); } $r[1] += 4; return @r; } ###################################################################### # Decode request. # Return method, arguments. Arguments are returned as array. ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_DecodeRequest ($) { my ($data) = @_; my @r = (); my $i = 8; return (undef, undef) if (length ($data) < 8); # Decode method my ($method, $o) = HMCCURPCPROC_DecString ($data, $i); return (undef, undef) if (!defined ($method)); $i += $o; my $c = unpack ('N', substr ($data, $i, 4)); $i += 4; for (my $n=0; $n<$c; $n++) { my ($d, $s) = HMCCURPCPROC_DecType ($data, $i); return (undef, undef) if (!defined ($d) || !defined ($s)); push (@r, $d); $i += $s; } return (lc ($method), \@r); } ###################################################################### # Decode response. # Return (ref, type) or (undef, undef) # type: 1=ok, 0=error ###################################################################### sub HMCCURPCPROC_DecodeResponse ($) { my ($data) = @_; return (undef, undef) if (length ($data) < 8); my $id = unpack ('N', substr ($data, 0, 4)); if ($id == $BINRPC_RESPONSE) { # Data my ($result, $offset) = HMCCURPCPROC_DecType ($data, 8); return ($result, 1); } elsif ($id == $BINRPC_ERROR) { # Error my ($result, $offset) = HMCCURPCPROC_DecType ($data, 8); return ($result, 0); } # Response with header not supported # elsif ($id == 0x42696E41) { # } return (undef, undef); } 1; =pod =item device =item summary provides RPC server for connection between FHEM and Homematic CCU2 =begin html


    The module provides a subprocess based RPC server for receiving events from HomeMatic CCU2. A HMCCURPCPROC device acts as a client device for a HMCCU I/O device. Normally RPC servers of type HMCCURPCPROC are started or stopped from HMCCU I/O device via command 'set rpcserver on,off'. HMCCURPCPROC devices will be created automatically by I/O device when RPC server is started. There should be no need for creating HMCCURPCPROC devices manually.


      define <name> HMCCURPCPROC {<HostOrIP>|iodev=<DeviceName>} {<port>|<interface>}

      define myccurpc HMCCURPCPROC 2001
      define myccurpc HMCCURPCPROC iodev=myccudev BidCos-RF

      The parameter HostOrIP is the hostname or IP address of a Homematic CCU2. The I/O device can also be specified with parameter iodev. Supported interfaces or ports are:


    • set <name> rpcrequest <method> [<parameters>]
      Send RPC request to CCU. The result is displayed in FHEM browser window. See EQ-3 RPC XML documentation for mor information about valid methods and requests.

    • set <name> rpcserver { on | off }
      Start or stop RPC server. This command is only available if expert mode is activated.


    • get <name> rpcevent
      Show RPC server events statistics.

    • get <name> rpcstate
      Show RPC process state.


    • ccuflags { flag-list }
      Set flags for controlling device behaviour. Meaning of flags is:
      ccuInit - RPC server initialization depends on ListDevice RPC call issued by CCU. This flag is not supported by interfaces CUxD and HVL.
      expert - Activate expert mode
      logEvents - Events are written into FHEM logfile if verbose is 4
      queueEvents - Always write events into queue and send them asynchronously to FHEM. Frequency of event transmission to FHEM depends on attribute rpcConnTimeout.
      reconnect - Try to re-register at CCU if no events received for rpcEventTimeout seconds

    • rpcAcceptTimeout <seconds>
      Specify timeout for accepting incoming connections. Default is 1 second. Increase this value by 1 or 2 seconds on slow systems.

    • rpcConnTimeout <seconds>
      Specify timeout of incoming CCU connections. Default is 1 second. Value must be greater than 0.

    • rpcEventTimeout <seconds>
      Specify timeout for CCU events. Default is 600 seconds. If timeout occurs an event is triggered. If set to 0 the timeout is ignored. If ccuflag reconnect is set the RPC device tries to establish a new connection to the CCU.

    • rpcMaxEvents <count>
      Specify maximum number of events read by FHEM during one I/O loop. If FHEM performance slows down decrease this value and increase attribute rpcQueueSize. Default value is 100. Value must be greater than 0.

    • rpcMaxIOErrors <count>
      Specifiy maximum number of I/O errors allowed when sending events to FHEM before a message is written into FHEM log file. Default value is 100. Set this attribute to 0 to disable error counting.

    • rpcQueueSend <events>
      Maximum number of events sent to FHEM per accept loop. Default is 70. If set to 0 all events in queue are sent to FHEM. Transmission is stopped when an I/O error occurrs or specified number of events has been sent.

    • rpcQueueSize <count>
      Specify maximum size of event queue. When this limit is reached no more CCU events are forwarded to FHEM. In this case increase this value or increase attribute rpcMaxEvents. Default value is 500.

    • rpcServerAddr <ip-address>
      Set local IP address of RPC servers on FHEM system. If attribute is missing the corresponding attribute of I/O device (HMCCU device) is used or IP address is detected automatically. This attribute should be set if FHEM is running on a system with multiple network interfaces.

    • rpcServerPort <port>
      Specify TCP port number used for calculation of real RPC server ports. If attribute is missing the corresponding attribute of I/O device (HMCCU device) is used. Default value is 5400.

    • rpcStatistics <count>
      Specify amount of events after which statistic data is sent to FHEM. Default value is 500.

    • rpcWriteTimeout <seconds>
      Wait the specified time for socket to become readable or writeable. Default value is 0.001 seconds.
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