# $Id$ ############################################################################## # # 99_msg.pm # Dynamic message and notification routing for FHEM # # Copyright by Julian Pawlowski # e-mail: julian.pawlowski at gmail.com # # This file is part of fhem. # # Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with fhem. If not, see . # # # Version: 1.0.0 # # Major Version History: # # - 1.0.0 - 2015-09-23 # -- First release # ############################################################################## package main; use strict; use warnings; use Time::HiRes qw(time); no if $] >= 5.017011, warnings => 'experimental::smartmatch'; sub CommandMsg($$;$$); ######################################## sub msg_Initialize($$) { my %hash = ( Fn => "CommandMsg", Hlp => "[] [<\@device>|] [] [||] <message>", ); $cmds{msg} = \%hash; # add attributes for configuration no warnings 'qw'; my @attrList = qw( msgCmdAudio msgCmdAudioShort msgCmdAudioShortPrio msgCmdLight msgCmdLightHigh msgCmdLightLow msgCmdMail msgCmdMailHigh msgCmdMailLow msgCmdPush msgCmdPushHigh msgCmdPushLow msgCmdScreen msgCmdScreenHigh msgCmdScreenLow msgFwPrioAbsentAudio msgFwPrioAbsentLight msgFwPrioAbsentScreen msgFwPrioEmergencyAudio msgFwPrioEmergencyLight msgFwPrioEmergencyPush msgFwPrioEmergencyScreen msgFwPrioGoneAudio msgFwPrioGoneLight msgFwPrioGoneScreen msgLocationDevs msgPriorityAudio:-2,-1,0,1,2 msgPriorityLight:-2,-1,0,1,2 msgPriorityMail:-2,-1,0,1,2 msgPriorityPush:-2,-1,0,1,2 msgPriorityScreen:-2,-1,0,1,2 msgPriorityText:-2,-1,0,1,2 msgResidentsDev msgSwitcherDev msgTitleAudio msgTitleAudioShort msgTitleAudioShortPrio msgTitleLight msgTitleLightHigh msgTitleLightLow msgTitleMail msgTitleMailHigh msgTitleMailLow msgTitlePush msgTitlePushHigh msgTitlePushLow msgTitleScreen msgTitleScreenHigh msgTitleScreenLow msgTitleText msgTitleTextHigh msgTitleTextLow ); use warnings 'qw'; $modules{Global}{AttrList} .= " " . join( " ", @attrList ); # add global attributes foreach ( "msgContactAudio", "msgContactMail", "msgContactPush", "msgContactScreen", "msgContactLight", "msgRecipient", "msgRecipientAudio", "msgRecipientMail", "msgRecipientPush", "msgRecipientScreen", "msgRecipientText", "msgRecipientLight", ) { addToAttrList($_); } } ######################################## sub CommandMsg($$;$$) { my ( $cl, $msg, $testMode ) = @_; my $return = ""; if ( $msg eq "" || $msg =~ /^\?[\s\t]*$/ || $msg eq "help" ) { return "Usage: msg [<type>] [<\@device>|<e-mail address>] [<priority>] [|<title>|] <message>"; } # default commands my %defaults; $defaults{audio}{Normal} = "set \$DEVICE Speak 40 de |\$TITLE| \$MSG"; $defaults{audio}{ShortPrio} = "set \$DEVICE Speak 30 de |\$TITLE| Achtung!"; $defaults{audio}{Short} = "set \$DEVICE Speak 30 de |\$TITLE|"; $defaults{light}{Normal} = "{my \$state=ReadingsVal(\"\$DEVICE\",\"state\",\"off\"); fhem \"set \$DEVICE blink 2 1\"; fhem \"sleep 4;set \$DEVICE:FILTER=state!=\$state \$state\"}"; $defaults{light}{High} = "{my \$state=ReadingsVal(\"\$DEVICE\",\"state\",\"off\"); fhem \"set \$DEVICE blink 10 1\"; fhem \"sleep 20;set \$DEVICE:FILTER=state!=\$state \$state\"}"; $defaults{light}{Low} = "set \$DEVICE alert select"; $defaults{mail}{Normal} = "{system(\"echo '\$MSG' | /usr/bin/mail -s '\$TITLE' -t '\$RECIPIENT'\")}"; $defaults{mail}{High} = "{system(\"/bin/echo '\$MSG' | /usr/bin/mail -s '\$TITLE' -t '\$RECIPIENT' -a 'MIME-Version: 1.0' -a 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8' -a 'X-Priority: 1 (Highest)' -a 'X-MSMail-Priority: High' -a 'Importance: high'\")}"; $defaults{mail}{Low} = "{system(\"/bin/echo '\$MSG' | /usr/bin/mail -s '\$TITLE' -t '\$RECIPIENT' -a 'MIME-Version: 1.0' -a 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8' -a 'X-Priority: 5 (Lowest)' -a 'X-MSMail-Priority: Low' -a 'Importance: low'\")}"; $defaults{push}{Normal} = "set \$DEVICE msg '\$TITLE' '\$MSG' '' \$PRIORITY ''"; $defaults{push}{High} = "set \$DEVICE msg '\$TITLE' '\$MSG' '' \$PRIORITY '' 120 600"; $defaults{push}{Low} = "set \$DEVICE msg '\$TITLE' '\$MSG' '' \$PRIORITY ''"; $defaults{screen}{Normal} = "set \$DEVICE msg info 8 \$MSG"; $defaults{screen}{High} = "set \$DEVICE msg attention 12 \$MSG"; $defaults{screen}{Low} = "set \$DEVICE msg message 8 \$MSG"; # default forwards my %forwards; $forwards{screen}{gwUnavailable} = "light"; $forwards{light}{gwUnavailable} = "audio"; $forwards{audio}{gwUnavailable} = "text"; $forwards{push}{gwUnavailable} = "mail"; $forwards{screen}{emergency} = "light"; $forwards{light}{emergency} = "audio"; $forwards{audio}{emergency} = "text"; $forwards{push}{emergency} = "mail"; $forwards{screen}{highPrio}{residentGone} = "light"; $forwards{light}{highPrio}{residentGone} = "audio"; $forwards{audio}{highPrio}{residentGone} = "text"; $forwards{screen}{highPrio}{residentAbsent} = "light"; $forwards{light}{highPrio}{residentAbsent} = "audio"; $forwards{audio}{highPrio}{residentAbsent} = "text"; ################################################################ ### extract message details ### my $types = ""; my $recipients = ""; my $priority = ""; my $title = ""; my $priorityCat = ""; # check for message types if ( $msg =~ s/^[\s\t]*([a-z,]*!?(screen|light|audio|text|push|mail)[a-z,!|]*)[\s\t]+// ) { $types = $1; } # check for given recipients if ( $msg =~ s/^[\s\t]*([!]?(([A-Za-z0-9%+._-])*@([%+a-z0-9A-Z.-]+))[\w,@.!|]*)[\s\t]+// ) { $recipients = $1; } # check for given priority if ( $msg =~ s/^[\s\t]*([-+]{0,1}\d+[.\d]*)[\s\t]*// ) { $priority = $1; } # check for given message title if ( $msg =~ s/^[\s\t]*\|([\w\süöäß^°!"§$%&\/\\()<>=?´`"+\[\]#*@€]+)\|[\s\t]+// ) { $title = $1; } ################################################################ ### command queue ### $types = "text" if ( $types eq "" ); my $messageSent = 0; my $forwarded = ""; my %sentTypesPerDevice; my $sentCounter = 0; my $messageID = time(); my $isTypeOr = 1; my $isRecipientOr = 1; my $hasTypeOr = 0; my $hasRecipientOr = 0; $recipients = "\@global" if ( $recipients eq "" ); my @typesOr = split( /\|/, $types ); $hasTypeOr = 1 if ( scalar( grep { defined $_ } @typesOr ) > 1 ); Log3 "global", 5, "msg: typeOr total is " . scalar( grep { defined $_ } @typesOr ) if ( $testMode ne "1" ); for ( my $iTypesOr = 0 ; $iTypesOr < scalar( grep { defined $_ } @typesOr ) ; $iTypesOr++ ) { Log3 "global", 5, "msg: start typeOr loop for type(s) $typesOr[$iTypesOr]" if ( $testMode ne "1" ); my @type = split( /,/, $typesOr[$iTypesOr] ); for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < scalar( grep { defined $_ } @type ) ; $i++ ) { Log3 "global", 5, "msg: running loop for type $type[$i]" if ( $testMode ne "1" ); last if ( !defined( $type[$i] ) ); my $forceType = 0; if ( $type[$i] =~ s/^!(.*)// ) { $type[$i] = $1; $forceType = 1; } # check for correct type my @msgCmds = ( "screen", "light", "audio", "text", "push", "mail" ); if ( !( $type[$i] ~~ @msgCmds ) ) { $return .= "Unknown message type $type[$i]\n"; next; } ################################################################ ### recipient loop ### my @recipientsOr = split( /\|/, $recipients ); $hasRecipientOr = 1 if ( scalar( grep { defined $_ } @recipientsOr ) > 1 ); Log3 "global", 5, "msg: recipientOr total is " . scalar( grep { defined $_ } @recipientsOr ) if ( $testMode ne "1" ); for ( my $iRecipOr = 0 ; $iRecipOr < scalar( grep { defined $_ } @recipientsOr ) ; $iRecipOr++ ) { Log3 "global", 5, "msg: start recipientsOr loop for recipient(s) $recipientsOr[$iRecipOr]" if ( $testMode ne "1" ); my @recipient = split( /,/, $recipientsOr[$iRecipOr] ); foreach my $device (@recipient) { Log3 "global", 5, "msg: running loop for device $device" if ( $testMode ne "1" ); my $messageSentDev = 0; my $gatewayDevs = ""; my $forceDevice = 0; # for device type my $deviceType = "device"; if ( $device =~ /^(([A-Za-z0-9%+._-])+[@]+([%+a-z0-9A-Z.-]*))$/ ) { $gatewayDevs = $1; $deviceType = "email"; } elsif ( $device =~ s/^!@?(.*)// ) { $device = $1; $forceDevice = 1; } elsif ( $device =~ s/^@(.*)// ) { $device = $1; } # FATAL ERROR: device does not exist if ( !defined( $defs{$device} ) && $deviceType eq "device" ) { $return .= "Device $device does not exist\n"; Log3 "global", 5, "msg $device: Device does not exist" if ( $testMode ne "1" ); my $regex1 = "\s*!?@?" . $device . "[,|]"; # at the beginning my $regex2 = "[,|]!?@?" . $device . "\s*"; # at the end my $regex3 = ",!?@?" . $device . ","; # in the middle with comma my $regex4 = "[\|,]!?@?" . $device . "[\|,]"; # in the middle with pipe and/or comma $recipients =~ s/^$regex1//; $recipients =~ s/$regex2$/|/g; $recipients =~ s/$regex3/,/g; $recipients =~ s/$regex4/|/g; next; } my $typeUc = ucfirst( $type[$i] ); my $catchall = 0; my $useLocation = 0; my $logDevice; $logDevice = "global"; $logDevice = $device if ( # look for direct AttrVal( $device, "verbose", #look for indirect AttrVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient$typeUc", "" ), "verbose", #look for indirect general AttrVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient", "" ), "verbose", # no verbose found "" ) ) ) ne "" ); ################################################################ ### get target information from device location ### # search for location references my @locationDevs; @locationDevs = split( /,/, # look for direct AttrVal( $device, "msgLocationDevs", #look for indirect AttrVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient$typeUc", "" ), "msgLocationDevs", # look for indirect general AttrVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient", "" ), "msgLocationDevs", # look for global direct AttrVal( "global", "msgLocationDevs", #look for global indirect AttrVal( AttrVal( "global", "msgRecipient$typeUc", "" ), "msgLocationDevs", # look for global indirect general AttrVal( AttrVal( "global", "msgRecipient", "" ), "msgLocationDevs", # no locations defined "" ) ) ) ) ) ) ); if ( $deviceType eq "device" ) { # get device location my $deviceLocation = # look for direct ReadingsVal( $device, "location", # look for indirect ReadingsVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient$typeUc", "" ), "location", # look for indirect general ReadingsVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient", "" ), "location", # no location found "" ) ) ); my $locationDev = ""; if ( $deviceLocation ne "" ) { # lookup matching location foreach (@locationDevs) { my $lName = AttrVal( $_, "msgLocationName", "" ); if ( $lName ne "" && $lName eq $deviceLocation ) { $locationDev = $_; last; } } # look for gateway device $gatewayDevs = # look for direct AttrVal( $locationDev, "msgContact$typeUc", # look for indirect AttrVal( AttrVal( $locationDev, "msgRecipient$typeUc", "" ), "msgContact$typeUc", # look for indirect general AttrVal( AttrVal( $locationDev, "msgRecipient", "" ), "msgContact$typeUc", # no contact found "" ) ) ); # at least one of the location gateways needs to # be available. Otherwise we fall back to # non-location contacts if ( $gatewayDevs ne "" ) { foreach my $gatewayDevOr ( split /\|/, $gatewayDevs ) { foreach my $gatewayDev ( split /,/, $gatewayDevOr ) { if ( $type[$i] ne "mail" && !defined( $defs{$gatewayDev} ) && $deviceType eq "device" ) { $useLocation = 2 if ( $useLocation == 0 ); } elsif ( $type[$i] ne "mail" && AttrVal( $gatewayDev, "disable", "0" ) eq "1" ) { $useLocation = 2 if ( $useLocation == 0 ); } elsif ( $type[$i] ne "mail" && ( AttrVal( $gatewayDev, "disable", "0" ) eq "1" || ReadingsVal( $gatewayDev, "power", "on" ) eq "off" || ReadingsVal( $gatewayDev, "presence", "present" ) eq "absent" || ReadingsVal( $gatewayDev, "presence", "appeared" ) eq "disappeared" || ReadingsVal( $gatewayDev, "state", "present" ) eq "absent" || ReadingsVal( $gatewayDev, "state", "connected" ) eq "unauthorized" || ReadingsVal( $gatewayDev, "state", "connected" ) eq "disconnected" || ReadingsVal( $gatewayDev, "state", "reachable" ) eq "unreachable" || ReadingsVal( $gatewayDev, "available", "1" ) eq "0" || ReadingsVal( $gatewayDev, "available", "yes" ) eq "no" || ReadingsVal( $gatewayDev, "reachable", "1" ) eq "0" || ReadingsVal( $gatewayDev, "reachable", "yes" ) eq "no" ) ) { $useLocation = 2 if ( $useLocation == 0 ); } else { $useLocation = 1; } } } # use gatewayDevs from location only # if it has been confirmed to be available if ( $useLocation == 1 ) { Log3 $logDevice, 4, "msg $device: Matching location definition found."; } else { $gatewayDevs = ""; } } } } ################################################################ ### given device name is already a gateway device itself ### if ( $gatewayDevs eq "" && defined( $defs{$device} ) && ( $type[$i] eq "screen" && ( $defs{$device}{TYPE} eq "ENIGMA2" || $defs{$device}{TYPE} eq "STV" ) || ( $type[$i] eq "light" && $defs{$device}{TYPE} eq "HUEDevice" ) || ( $type[$i] eq "audio" && ( $defs{$device}{TYPE} eq "SONOSPLAYER" || $defs{$device}{TYPE} eq "SB_PLAYER" || $defs{$device}{TYPE} eq "Text2Speech" || ( $defs{$device}{TYPE} eq "CUL_HM" && AttrVal( $device, "model", "" ) eq "HM-OU-CFM-PI" ) ) ) || ( $type[$i] eq "push" && ( $defs{$device}{TYPE} eq "PushNotifier" || $defs{$device}{TYPE} eq "Pushalot" || $defs{$device}{TYPE} eq "Pushbullet" || $defs{$device}{TYPE} eq "Pushover" || $defs{$device}{TYPE} eq "yowsup" || $defs{$device}{TYPE} eq "Jabber" ) ) ) ) { Log3 $logDevice, 4, "msg $device: This recipient seems to be a gateway device itself. Still checking for any delegates ..."; $gatewayDevs = # look for direct AttrVal( $device, "msgContact$typeUc", # look for indirect AttrVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient$typeUc", "" ), "msgContact$typeUc", # look for indirect general AttrVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient", "" ), "msgContact$typeUc", # self $device ) ) ); } ################################################################ ### get target information from device ### elsif ( $deviceType eq "device" && $gatewayDevs eq "" ) { # look for gateway device $gatewayDevs = # look for direct AttrVal( $device, "msgContact$typeUc", #look for indirect AttrVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient$typeUc", "" ), "msgContact$typeUc", #look for indirect general AttrVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient", "" ), "msgContact$typeUc", # no contact found "" ) ) ); # fallback/catchall if ( $gatewayDevs eq "" ) { $catchall = 1 if ( $device ne "global" ); Log3 $logDevice, 5, "msg $device: (No $typeUc contact defined, trying global instead)" if ( $catchall == 1 ); $gatewayDevs = # look for direct AttrVal( "global", "msgContact$typeUc", #look for indirect AttrVal( AttrVal( "global", "msgRecipient$typeUc", "" ), "msgContact$typeUc", #look for indirect general AttrVal( AttrVal( "global", "msgRecipient", "" ), "msgContact$typeUc", # no contact found "" ) ) ); } } # Find priority if none was explicitly specified my $loopPriority = $priority; $loopPriority = # look for direct AttrVal( $device, "msgPriority$typeUc", #look for indirect AttrVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient$typeUc", "" ), "msgPriority$typeUc", #look for indirect general AttrVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient", "" ), "msgPriority$typeUc", # look for global direct AttrVal( "global", "msgPriority$typeUc", #look for global indirect AttrVal( AttrVal( "global", "msgRecipient$typeUc", "" ), "msgPriority$typeUc", #look for global indirect general AttrVal( AttrVal( "global", "msgRecipient", "" ), "msgPriority$typeUc", # default 0 ) ) ) ) ) ) if ( !$priority ); # check for available routes # my %routes; $routes{screen} = 0; $routes{light} = 0; $routes{audio} = 0; $routes{text} = 0; $routes{push} = 0; $routes{mail} = 0; if ( !defined($testMode) || ( $testMode ne "1" && $testMode ne "2" ) ) { Log3 $logDevice, 5, "msg $device: Checking for available routes (triggered by type $type[$i])"; $routes{screen} = 1 if ( $deviceType eq "device" && CommandMsg( "screen", "screen \@$device $priority Routing Test", 1 ) eq "ROUTE_AVAILABLE" ); $routes{light} = 1 if ( $deviceType eq "device" && CommandMsg( "light", "light \@$device $priority Routing Test", 1 ) eq "ROUTE_AVAILABLE" ); $routes{audio} = 1 if ( $deviceType eq "device" && CommandMsg( "audio", "audio \@$device $priority Routing Test", 1 ) eq "ROUTE_AVAILABLE" ); if ( $deviceType eq "device" && CommandMsg( "push", "push \@$device $priority Routing Test", 1 ) eq "ROUTE_AVAILABLE" ) { $routes{push} = 1; $routes{text} = 1; } if ( CommandMsg( "mail", "mail \@$device $priority Routing Test", 1 ) eq "ROUTE_AVAILABLE" ) { $routes{mail} = 1; $routes{text} = 1; } Log3 $logDevice, 4, "msg $device: Available routes: screen=" . $routes{screen} . " light=" . $routes{light} . " audio=" . $routes{audio} . " text=" . $routes{text} . " push=" . $routes{push} . " mail=" . $routes{mail}; } ################################################## ### dynamic routing for text (->push, ->mail) ### if ( $type[$i] eq "text" ) { # Decide push and/or e-mail destination based on priorities if ( $loopPriority >= 2 && $routes{push} == 1 && $routes{mail} == 1 ) { Log3 $logDevice, 4, "msg $device: Text routing decision: push+mail(1)"; $forwarded .= "," if ( $forwarded ne "" ); $forwarded .= "text>push+mail"; push @type, "push" if !( "push" ~~ @type ); push @type, "mail" if !( "mail" ~~ @type ); } elsif ($loopPriority >= 2 && $routes{push} == 1 && $routes{mail} == 0 ) { Log3 $logDevice, 4, "msg $device: Text routing decision: push(2)"; $forwarded .= "," if ( $forwarded ne "" ); $forwarded .= "text>push"; push @type, "push" if !( "push" ~~ @type ); } elsif ($loopPriority >= 2 && $routes{push} == 0 && $routes{mail} == 1 ) { Log3 $logDevice, 4, "msg $device: Text routing decision: mail(3)"; $forwarded .= "," if ( $forwarded ne "" ); $forwarded .= "text>mail"; push @type, "mail" if !( "mail" ~~ @type ); } elsif ( $loopPriority >= -2 && $routes{push} == 1 ) { Log3 $logDevice, 4, "msg $device: Text routing decision: push(4)"; $forwarded .= "," if ( $forwarded ne "" ); $forwarded .= "text>push"; push @type, "push" if !( "push" ~~ @type ); } elsif ( $loopPriority >= -2 && $routes{mail} == 1 ) { Log3 $logDevice, 4, "msg $device: Text routing decision: mail(5)"; $forwarded .= "," if ( $forwarded ne "" ); $forwarded .= "text>mail"; push @type, "mail" if !( "mail" ~~ @type ); } elsif ( $routes{mail} == 1 ) { Log3 $logDevice, 4, "msg $device: Text routing decision: mail(6)"; $forwarded .= "," if ( $forwarded ne "" ); $forwarded .= "text>mail"; push @type, "mail" if !( "mail" ~~ @type ); } elsif ( $routes{push} == 1 ) { Log3 $logDevice, 4, "msg $device: Text routing decision: push(7)"; $forwarded .= "," if ( $forwarded ne "" ); $forwarded .= "text>push"; push @type, "push" if !( "push" ~~ @type ); } # FATAL ERROR: routing decision failed else { Log3 $logDevice, 4, "msg $device: Text routing FAILED - priority=$loopPriority push=" . $routes{push} . " mail=" . $routes{mail}; $return .= "ERROR: Could not find any Push or Mail contact for device $device - set attributes: msgContactPush | msgContactMail | msgContactText | msgRecipientPush | msgRecipientMail | msgRecipientText | msgRecipient\n"; } next; } # FATAL ERROR: we could not find any targets for # user specified device... if ( $gatewayDevs eq "" && $device ne "global" ) { $return .= "ERROR: Could not find any $typeUc contact for device $device - set attributes: msgContact$typeUc | msgRecipient$typeUc | msgRecipient\n"; } # FATAL ERROR: we could not find any targets at all elsif ( $gatewayDevs eq "" ) { $return .= "ERROR: No global $typeUc contact defined. Please specify a destination device or set global attributes: msgContact$typeUc | msgRecipient$typeUc | msgRecipient\n"; } ##################### # return if we are in routing target test mode # if ( defined($testMode) && $testMode eq "1" ) { Log3 $logDevice, 5, "msg $device: $type[$i] route check result: ROUTE_AVAILABLE" if ( $return eq "" ); Log3 $logDevice, 5, "msg $device: $type[$i] route check result: ROUTE_UNAVAILABLE" if ( $return ne "" ); return "ROUTE_AVAILABLE" if ( $return eq "" ); return "ROUTE_UNAVAILABLE" if ( $return ne "" ); } # user selected announcement state my $annState = ReadingsVal( # look for direct AttrVal( $device, "msgSwitcherDev", #look for indirect audio AttrVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient$typeUc", "" ), "msgSwitcherDev", #look for indirect general AttrVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient", "" ), "msgSwitcherDev", # look for global direct AttrVal( "global", "msgSwitcherDev", #look for global indirect audio AttrVal( AttrVal( "global", "msgRecipient$typeUc", "" ), "msgSwitcherDev", #look for global indirect general AttrVal( AttrVal( "global", "msgRecipient", "" ), "msgSwitcherDev", # default "" ) ) ) ) ) ), "state", "long" ); if ( $type[$i] eq "audio" ) { if ( $annState eq "long" || $forceType == 1 || $forceDevice == 1 || $loopPriority >= 2 ) { $priorityCat = ""; } elsif ( $loopPriority >= 1 ) { $priorityCat = "ShortPrio"; } else { $priorityCat = "Short"; } } else { if ( $loopPriority >= 2 ) { $priorityCat = "High"; } elsif ( $loopPriority >= 0 ) { $priorityCat = ""; } else { $priorityCat = "Low"; } } my $defTitle = "System Message"; $defTitle = "Announcement" if ( $type[$i] eq "audio" ); $defTitle = "Announcement" if ( $type[$i] eq "light" ); $defTitle = "Info" if ( $type[$i] eq "screen" ); # use title from device, global or internal default my $loopTitle; $loopTitle = $title if ( $title ne "" ); $loopTitle = # look for direct high AttrVal( $device, "msgTitle$typeUc$priorityCat", # look for indirect high AttrVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient$typeUc", "" ), "msgTitle$typeUc$priorityCat", #look for indirect general high AttrVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient", "" ), "msgTitle$typeUc$priorityCat", # look for global direct high AttrVal( "global", "msgTitle$typeUc$priorityCat", # look for global indirect high AttrVal( AttrVal( "global", "msgRecipient$typeUc", "" ), "msgTitle$typeUc$priorityCat", #look for global indirect general high AttrVal( AttrVal( "global", "msgRecipient", "" ), "msgTitle$typeUc$priorityCat", # default $defTitle ) ) ) ) ) ) if ( $title eq "" ); my $loopMsg = $msg; if ( $catchall == 1 ) { $loopTitle = "Fw: $loopTitle"; if ( $type[$i] eq "mail" ) { $loopMsg .= "\n\n-- \nMail forwarded from device $device due to catchall"; } else { $loopMsg .= " ### (from device $device)"; } } # correct message format # $loopMsg =~ s/((|(\d+)| )\|\w+\|( |))/\n\n/g if ( $type[$i] ne "audio" ); # Remove Sonos Speak commands if ( $type[$i] eq "mail" && $priorityCat ne "" ) { $loopTitle = "[$priorityCat] $loopTitle"; $loopMsg =~ s/\n/<br \/>/g; } # get resident presence information # my $residentDevState = ""; my $residentDevPresence = ""; # device if ( ReadingsVal( $device, "presence", "-" ) ne "-" ) { $residentDevState = ReadingsVal( $device, "state", "" ); $residentDevPresence = ReadingsVal( $device, "presence", "" ); } # device indirect if ( ( $residentDevState eq "" || $residentDevPresence eq "" ) && ReadingsVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient$typeUc", "" ), "presence", "-" ) ne "-" ) { $residentDevState = ReadingsVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient$typeUc", "" ), "state", "" ) if ( $residentDevState eq "" ); $residentDevPresence = ReadingsVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient$typeUc", "" ), "presence", "" ) if ( $residentDevPresence eq "" ); } # device indirect general if ( ( $residentDevState eq "" || $residentDevPresence eq "" ) && ReadingsVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient", "" ), "presence", "-" ) ne "-" ) { $residentDevState = ReadingsVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient", "" ), "state", "" ) if ( $residentDevState eq "" ); $residentDevPresence = ReadingsVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient", "" ), "presence", "" ) if ( $residentDevPresence eq "" ); } # device explicit if ( ( $residentDevState eq "" || $residentDevPresence eq "" ) && ReadingsVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgResidentsDev", "" ), "presence", "-" ) ne "-" ) { $residentDevState = ReadingsVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgResidentsDev", "" ), "state", "" ) if ( $residentDevState eq "" ); $residentDevPresence = ReadingsVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgResidentsDev", "" ), "presence", "" ) if ( $residentDevPresence eq "" ); } # global indirect if ( ( $residentDevState eq "" || $residentDevPresence eq "" ) && ReadingsVal( AttrVal( "global", "msgRecipient$typeUc", "" ), "presence", "-" ) ne "-" ) { $residentDevState = ReadingsVal( AttrVal( "global", "msgRecipient$typeUc", "" ), "state", "" ) if ( $residentDevState eq "" ); $residentDevPresence = ReadingsVal( AttrVal( "global", "msgRecipient$typeUc", "" ), "presence", "" ) if ( $residentDevPresence eq "" ); } # global indirect general if ( ( $residentDevState eq "" || $residentDevPresence eq "" ) && ReadingsVal( AttrVal( "global", "msgRecipient", "" ), "presence", "-" ) ne "-" ) { $residentDevState = ReadingsVal( AttrVal( "global", "msgRecipient", "" ), "state", "" ) if ( $residentDevState eq "" ); $residentDevPresence = ReadingsVal( AttrVal( "global", "msgRecipient", "" ), "presence", "" ) if ( $residentDevPresence eq "" ); } # global explicit if ( ( $residentDevState eq "" || $residentDevPresence eq "" ) && ReadingsVal( AttrVal( "global", "msgResidentsDev", "" ), "presence", "-" ) ne "-" ) { $residentDevState = ReadingsVal( AttrVal( "global", "msgResidentsDev", "" ), "state", "" ) if ( $residentDevState eq "" ); $residentDevPresence = ReadingsVal( AttrVal( "global", "msgResidentsDev", "" ), "presence", "" ) if ( $residentDevPresence eq "" ); } ################################################################ ### Send message ### my %gatewaysStatus; foreach my $gatewayDevOr ( split /\|/, $gatewayDevs ) { foreach my $gatewayDev ( split /,/, $gatewayDevOr ) { Log3 $logDevice, 5, "msg $device: Trying to send message via gateway $gatewayDev"; # restricted priority scope for Pushover if ( $type[$i] eq "push" && $defs{$gatewayDev}{TYPE} eq "Pushover" ) { $loopPriority = 2 if ( $loopPriority > 2 ); $loopPriority = -2 if ( $loopPriority < -2 ); } ############## # check for gateway availability and set route status # my $routeStatus = "OK"; if ( $type[$i] ne "mail" && !defined( $defs{$gatewayDev} ) && $deviceType eq "device" ) { $routeStatus = "UNDEFINED"; } elsif ( $type[$i] ne "mail" && AttrVal( $gatewayDev, "disable", "0" ) eq "1" ) { $routeStatus = "DISABLED"; } elsif ( $type[$i] ne "mail" && ( AttrVal( $gatewayDev, "disable", "0" ) eq "1" || ReadingsVal( $gatewayDev, "power", "on" ) eq "off" || ReadingsVal( $gatewayDev, "presence", "present" ) eq "absent" || ReadingsVal( $gatewayDev, "presence", "appeared" ) eq "disappeared" || ReadingsVal( $gatewayDev, "state", "present" ) eq "absent" || ReadingsVal( $gatewayDev, "state", "reachable" ) eq "unreachable" || ReadingsVal( $gatewayDev, "reachable", "1" ) eq "0" || ReadingsVal( $gatewayDev, "reachable", "yes" ) eq "no" ) ) { $routeStatus = "UNAVAILABLE"; } elsif ($type[$i] eq "audio" && $annState ne "long" && $annState ne "short" ) { $routeStatus = "USER_DISABLED"; } elsif ( $type[$i] eq "light" && $annState eq "off" ) { $routeStatus = "USER_DISABLED"; } elsif ($type[$i] ne "push" && $type[$i] ne "mail" && $residentDevPresence eq "absent" ) { $routeStatus = "USER_ABSENT"; } # enforce by user request if ( ( $routeStatus eq "USER_DISABLED" || $routeStatus eq "USER_ABSENT" ) && ( $forceType == 1 || $forceDevice == 1 ) ) { $routeStatus = "OK_ENFORCED"; } # enforce by priority if ( ( $routeStatus eq "USER_DISABLED" || $routeStatus eq "USER_ABSENT" ) && $loopPriority >= 2 ) { $routeStatus = "OK_EMERGENCY"; } # add location status if ( $useLocation == 2 ) { $routeStatus .= "+LOCATION-UNAVAILABLE"; } elsif ( $useLocation == 1 ) { $routeStatus .= "+LOCATION"; } # use command from device, global or internal default my $defCmd; $defCmd = $defaults{ $type[$i] }{$priorityCat} if ( $priorityCat ne "" ); $defCmd = $defaults{ $type[$i] }{Normal} if ( $priorityCat eq "" ); my $cmd = # gateway device AttrVal( $gatewayDev, "msgCmd$typeUc$priorityCat", # look for direct AttrVal( $device, "msgCmd$typeUc$priorityCat", # look for indirect AttrVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient$typeUc", "" ), "msgCmd$typeUc$priorityCat", #look for indirect general AttrVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient", "" ), "msgCmd$typeUc$priorityCat", # look for global direct AttrVal( "global", "msgCmd$typeUc$priorityCat", # look for global indirect AttrVal( AttrVal( "global", "msgRecipient$typeUc", "" ), "msgCmd$typeUc$priorityCat", #look for global indirect general AttrVal( AttrVal( "global", "msgRecipient", "" ), "msgCmd$typeUc$priorityCat", # internal $defCmd ) ) ) ) ) ) ); $cmd =~ s/\$RECIPIENT/$gatewayDev/g; $cmd =~ s/\$DEVICE/$gatewayDev/g; $cmd =~ s/\$PRIORITY/$loopPriority/g; $cmd =~ s/\$TITLE/$loopTitle/g; $cmd =~ s/\$MSG/$loopMsg/g; $sentCounter++; if ( $routeStatus =~ /^OK\w*/ ) { Log3 $logDevice, 3, "msg $device: ID=$messageID.$sentCounter TYPE=$type[$i] ROUTE=$gatewayDev STATUS=$routeStatus PRIORITY=$loopPriority($priorityCat) TITLE='$loopTitle' MSG='$msg'" if ( $priorityCat ne "" ); Log3 $logDevice, 3, "msg $device: ID=$messageID.$sentCounter TYPE=$type[$i] ROUTE=$gatewayDev STATUS=$routeStatus PRIORITY=$loopPriority TITLE='$loopTitle' MSG='$msg'" if ( $priorityCat eq "" ); # run command if ( $cmd =~ s/^[ \t]*\{|\}[ \t]*$//g ) { $cmd =~ s/@\w+/\\$&/g; Log3 $logDevice, 5, "msg $device: $type[$i] route command (Perl): $cmd"; eval $cmd; } else { Log3 $logDevice, 5, "msg $device: $type[$i] route command (fhem): $cmd"; fhem $cmd; } $messageSent = 1; $messageSentDev = 1; $gatewaysStatus{$gatewayDev} = $routeStatus; } elsif ($routeStatus eq "UNAVAILABLE" || $routeStatus eq "UNDEFINED" ) { Log3 $logDevice, 3, "msg $device: ID=$messageID.$sentCounter TYPE=$type[$i] ROUTE=$gatewayDev STATUS=$routeStatus PRIORITY=$loopPriority TITLE='$loopTitle' '$msg'"; $gatewaysStatus{$gatewayDev} = $routeStatus; } else { Log3 $logDevice, 3, "msg $device: ID=$messageID.$sentCounter TYPE=$type[$i] ROUTE=$gatewayDev STATUS=$routeStatus PRIORITY=$loopPriority TITLE='$loopTitle' '$msg'"; $messageSent = 2 if ( $messageSent != 1 ); $messageSentDev = 2 if ( $messageSentDev != 1 ); $gatewaysStatus{$gatewayDev} = $routeStatus; } } last if ( $messageSentDev == 1 ); } if ( $catchall == 0 ) { if ( !defined( $sentTypesPerDevice{$device} ) ) { $sentTypesPerDevice{$device} = ""; } else { $sentTypesPerDevice{$device} .= " "; } $sentTypesPerDevice{$device} .= $type[$i] . ":" . $messageSentDev; } else { if ( !defined( $sentTypesPerDevice{$device} ) ) { $sentTypesPerDevice{"global"} = ""; } else { $sentTypesPerDevice{"global"} .= " "; } $sentTypesPerDevice{"global"} .= $type[$i] . ":" . $messageSentDev; } # update device readings my $readingsDev = $defs{$device}; $readingsDev = $defs{"global"} if ( $catchall == 1 ); readingsBeginUpdate($readingsDev); readingsBulkUpdate( $readingsDev, "fhemMsg" . $typeUc, $loopMsg ); readingsBulkUpdate( $readingsDev, "fhemMsg" . $typeUc . "Title", $loopTitle ); readingsBulkUpdate( $readingsDev, "fhemMsg" . $typeUc . "Prio", $loopPriority ); my $gwStates = ""; while ( ( my $gwName, my $gwState ) = each %gatewaysStatus ) { $gwStates .= " " if $gwStates ne ""; $gwStates .= "$gwName:$gwState"; } readingsBulkUpdate( $readingsDev, "fhemMsg" . $typeUc . "Gw", $gwStates ); readingsBulkUpdate( $readingsDev, "fhemMsg" . $typeUc . "State", $messageSentDev ); ################################################################ ### Implicit forwards based on priority or presence ### # no implicit escalations for type mail next if ( $type[$i] eq "mail" ); # Skip if typeOr is defined # and this is not the last type entry # TODO: bei mehreren gleichzeitigen Typen (and-Definition)? if ( $messageSentDev != 1 && $hasTypeOr == 1 && $isTypeOr < scalar( grep { defined $_ } @typesOr ) ) { Log3 $logDevice, 4, "msg $device: Skipping implicit forward due to typesOr definition"; # remove recipient from list to avoid # other interaction when using recipientOr in parallel if ( $hasRecipientOr == 1 && $isRecipientOr < scalar( grep { defined $_ } @recipientsOr ) ) { my $regex1 = "\s*!?@?" . $device . "[,|]"; # at the beginning my $regex2 = "[,|]!?@?" . $device . "\s*"; # at the end my $regex3 = ",!?@?" . $device . ","; # in the middle with comma my $regex4 = "[\|,]!?@?" . $device . "[\|,]"; # in the middle with pipe and/or comma $recipients =~ s/^$regex1//; $recipients =~ s/$regex2$/|/g; $recipients =~ s/$regex3/,/g; $recipients =~ s/$regex4/|/g; } next; } # Skip if recipientOr is defined # and this is not the last device entry # TODO: bei mehreren gleichzeitigen Empfängern # (and-Definition)? if ( $messageSentDev != 1 && $hasRecipientOr == 1 && $isRecipientOr < scalar( grep { defined $_ } @recipientsOr ) ) { Log3 $logDevice, 4, "msg $device: Skipping implicit forward due to recipientOr definition"; next; } # priority forward thresholds # ### emergency my $msgFwPrioEmergency = # look for direct AttrVal( $device, "msgFwPrioEmergency$typeUc", #look for indirect AttrVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient$typeUc", "" ), "msgFwPrioEmergency$typeUc", #look for indirect general AttrVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient", "" ), "msgFwPrioEmergency$typeUc", # default 2 ) ) ); ### absent my $msgFwPrioAbsent = # look for direct AttrVal( $device, "msgFwPrioAbsent$typeUc", #look for indirect AttrVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient$typeUc", "" ), "msgFwPrioAbsent$typeUc", #look for indirect general AttrVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient", "" ), "msgFwPrioAbsent$typeUc", # default 0 ) ) ); ### gone my $msgFwPrioGone = # look for direct AttrVal( $device, "msgFwPrioGone$typeUc", #look for indirect AttrVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient$typeUc", "" ), "msgFwPrioGone$typeUc", #look for indirect general AttrVal( AttrVal( $device, "msgRecipient", "" ), "msgFwPrioGone$typeUc", # default 1 ) ) ); Log3 $logDevice, 5, "msg $device: Implicit forwards: recipient presence=$residentDevPresence state=$residentDevState" if ( $residentDevPresence ne "" || $residentDevState ne "" ); my $fw_gwUnavailable = $forwards{ $type[$i] }{gwUnavailable}; my $fw_emergency = $forwards{ $type[$i] }{emergency}; my $fw_residentAbsent = $forwards{ $type[$i] }{highPrio}{residentAbsent}; my $fw_residentGone = $forwards{ $type[$i] }{highPrio}{residentGone}; # Forward message # if no gateway device for this type was available if ( $messageSentDev == 0 && defined($fw_gwUnavailable) && !( $fw_gwUnavailable ~~ @type ) && $routes{$fw_gwUnavailable} == 1 ) { Log3 $logDevice, 4, "msg $device: Implicit forwards: No $type[$i] gateway device available for recipient $device ($gatewayDevs). Trying alternative message type " . $fw_gwUnavailable; push @type, $fw_gwUnavailable; $forwarded .= "," . $type[$i] . ">" . $fw_gwUnavailable if ( $forwarded ne "" ); $forwarded .= $type[$i] . ">" . $fw_gwUnavailable if ( $forwarded eq "" ); } # Forward message # if emergency priority if ( $loopPriority >= $msgFwPrioEmergency && defined($fw_emergency) && !( $fw_emergency ~~ @type ) && $routes{$fw_emergency} == 1 ) { Log3 $logDevice, 4, "msg $device: Implicit forwards: Escalating high priority $type[$i] message via " . $fw_emergency; push @type, $fw_emergency; $forwarded .= "," . $type[$i] . ">" . $fw_emergency if ( $forwarded ne "" ); $forwarded .= $type[$i] . ">" . $fw_emergency if ( $forwarded eq "" ); } # Forward message # if high priority and residents are constantly not at home if ( $residentDevPresence eq "absent" && $loopPriority >= $msgFwPrioGone && defined($fw_residentGone) && !( $fw_residentGone ~~ @type ) && $routes{$fw_residentGone} == 1 ) { Log3 $logDevice, 4, "msg $device: Implicit forwards: Escalating high priority $type[$i] message via " . $fw_residentGone; push @type, $fw_residentGone; $forwarded .= "," . $type[$i] . ">" . $fw_residentGone if ( $forwarded ne "" ); $forwarded .= $type[$i] . ">" . $fw_residentGone if ( $forwarded eq "" ); } # Forward message # if priority is normal or higher and residents # are not at home but nearby if ( $residentDevState eq "absent" && $loopPriority >= $msgFwPrioAbsent && defined($fw_residentAbsent) && !( $fw_residentAbsent ~~ @type ) && $routes{$fw_residentAbsent} == 1 ) { Log3 $logDevice, 4, "msg $device: Implicit forwards: Escalating $type[$i] message via " . $fw_residentAbsent . " due to absence"; push @type, $fw_residentAbsent; $forwarded .= "," . $type[$i] . ">" . $fw_residentAbsent if ( $forwarded ne "" ); $forwarded .= $type[$i] . ">" . $fw_residentAbsent if ( $forwarded eq "" ); } } last if ( $messageSent == 1 ); $isRecipientOr++; } } last if ( $messageSent == 1 ); $isTypeOr++; } # finalize device readings while ( ( my $device, my $types ) = each %sentTypesPerDevice ) { readingsBulkUpdate( $defs{$device}, "fhemMsgStateTypes", $types ) if ( $forwarded eq "" ); readingsBulkUpdate( $defs{$device}, "fhemMsgStateTypes", $types . " forwards:" . $forwarded ) if ( $forwarded ne "" ); readingsBulkUpdate( $defs{$device}, "fhemMsgState", $messageSent ); readingsEndUpdate( $defs{$device}, 1 ); } if ( $messageSent == 1 && $return ne "" ) { $return .= "However, message was still sent to some recipients!"; } if ( $messageSent == 2 ) { $return .= "FATAL ERROR: Message NOT sent. No gateway device was available."; } return $return; } 1; =pod =begin html <a name="msg"></a> <h3>mail</h3> <ul> <code>msg [<type>] [<@device>|<e-mail address>] [<priority>] [|<title>|] <message></code> <br> <br> No documentation yet, sorry.<br> <a href="http://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,39983.0.html">FHEM Forum</a> </ul> =end html =begin html_DE <a name="mail"></a> <h3>mail</h3> <ul> <code>msg [<type>] [<@device>|<e-mail address>] [<priority>] [|<title>|] <message></code> <br> <br> Bisher keine Dokumentation, sorry.<br> <a href="http://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,39983.0.html">FHEM Forum</a> </ul> =end html_DE =cut