################################################################################# # Copyright notice # # (c) 2008-2012 # Copyright: Dr. Olaf Droegehorn # o.droegehorn@dhs-computertechnik.de # www.dhs-computertechnik.de # All rights reserved # # This script free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # The GNU General Public License can be found at # http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. # A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license # from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts. # # This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script! ################################################################################# package main; use strict; use warnings; use IO::Socket; ################### # Config use vars qw($__ME); my $FHEMRENDERERdir = "$attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM"; # use vars qw(%defs); use vars qw(%attr); # Nothing to config below ######################### ######################### # Forward declaration sub FHEMRENDERER_getAttr($$); sub FHEMRENDERER_setAttr($$); sub FHEMRENDERER_parseXmlList($); sub FHEMRENDERER_render($); sub FHEMRENDERER_fatal($); sub FHEMRENDERER_pF($@); sub FHEMRENDERER_pO(@); #sub FHEMRENDERER_zoomLink($$$$); sub FHEMRENDERER_calcWeblink($$); ######################### # As we are _not_ multithreaded, it is safe to use global variables. my %__icons; # List of icons my $__iconsread; # Timestamp of last icondir check my %__rooms; # hash of all rooms my %__devs; # hash of all devices ant their attributes my %__types; # device types, for sorting my $__room; # currently selected room my $__detail; # durrently selected device for detail view my $__title; # Page title my $__cmdret; # Returned data by the fhem call my $__scrolledweblinkcount; # Number of scrolled weblinks my %__pos; # scroll position my $__RET; # Returned data (html) my $__RETTYPE; # image/png or the like my $__SF; # Short for submit form my $__ti; # Tabindex for all input fields my @__zoom; # "qday", "day","week","month","year" my %__zoom; # the same as @__zoom my $__wname; # instance name my $__plotmode; # Current plotmode my $__plotsize; # Size for a plot my $__timeinterval; # Time-Intervall for Renderer my $__data; # Filecontent from browser when editing a file my $__svgloaded; # Do not load the SVG twice my $__lastxmllist; # last time xmllist was parsed my $FHEMRENDERER_tmpfile; # TempDir & File for the rendered graphics my $__mp; ##################################### sub FHEMRENDERER_Initialize($) { my ($hash) = @_; # $hash->{ReadFn} = "FHEMRENDERER_Read"; $hash->{DefFn} = "FHEMRENDERER_Define"; $hash->{UndefFn} = "FHEMRENDERER_Undef"; $hash->{AttrList}= "loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5,6 plotmode:gnuplot,gnuplot-scroll plotsize refresh tmpfile status multiprocess"; $hash->{SetFn} = "FHEMRENDERER_Set"; $hash->{GetFn} = "FHEMRENDERER_Get"; } ##################################### sub FHEMRENDERER_Define($$) { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my ($name, $type, $global) = split("[ \t]+", $def); return "Usage: define FHEMRENDERER [global]" if($global && $global ne "global"); $hash->{STATE} = "Initialized"; Log(2, "FHEMRENDERER defined"); ############### # Initialize internal structures my $n = 0; @__zoom = ("qday", "day","week","month","year"); %__zoom = map { $_, $n++ } @__zoom; $__wname = $hash->{NAME}; $__timeinterval = FHEMRENDERER_getAttr("refresh", "00:10:00"); $__plotmode = FHEMRENDERER_getAttr("plotmode", "gnuplot"); $__plotsize = FHEMRENDERER_getAttr("plotsize", "800,200"); $__mp = FHEMRENDERER_getAttr("multiprocess", "off"); $FHEMRENDERER_tmpfile = FHEMRENDERER_getAttr("tmpfile", "/tmp/"); FHEMRENDERER_setAttr("status", "off"); return undef; } ##################################### sub FHEMRENDERER_Undef($$) { my ($hash, $arg) = @_; return undef; } ################################### sub FHEMRENDERER_Set($@) { my ($hash, @a) = @_; my $ret = undef; my $na = int(@a); $__wname = $hash->{NAME}; return "no set value specified" if($na < 2 || $na > 3); # if($__plotmode eq "SVG" && !$modules{SVG}{LOADED}) { # my $ret = CommandReload(undef, "98_SVG"); # Log 0, $ret if($ret); # } if($a[1] eq "on") { $__timeinterval = FHEMRENDERER_getAttr("refresh", "00:10:00"); CommandDefine(undef, $hash->{NAME} . "_trigger at +*$__timeinterval get $a[0]"); FHEMRENDERER_setAttr("status", "on"); } elsif($a[1] eq "off") { CommandDelete(undef, $__wname . "_trigger"); FHEMRENDERER_setAttr("status", "off"); } return $ret; } ##################################### sub FHEMRENDERER_Get($@) { my ($hash, @a) = @_; my $ret = undef; my $v; my $t; my $pid; FHEMRENDERER_parseXmlList(0); $__wname = ""; $__wname = $hash->{NAME}; $__plotmode = FHEMRENDERER_getAttr("plotmode", "gnuplot"); $__plotsize = FHEMRENDERER_getAttr("plotsize", "800,200"); $FHEMRENDERER_tmpfile = FHEMRENDERER_getAttr("tmpfile", "/tmp/"); $__mp = FHEMRENDERER_getAttr("multiprocess", "off"); if (@a <= 2) { if (@a == 2) { my ($p,$v) = split("=",$a[1], 2); # Multiline: escape the NL for fhem $v =~ s/[\r]\n/\\\n/g if($v && $p && $p ne "data"); Log(2, "P: $p, V: $v"); if($p eq "pos") { %__pos = split(/[=&]/, $v); } } if ($__mp ne "off") { $pid = fork(); if (not defined $pid) { return ("ERROR: No MultiProcessing possible"); } if ($pid > 0) { return $ret; } } foreach my $type (sort keys %__types) { if($type eq "weblink") { foreach my $d (sort keys %__devs ) { next if($__devs{$d}{type} ne $type); $v = $__devs{$d}{INT}{LINK}{VAL}; $t = $__devs{$d}{INT}{WLTYPE}{VAL}; if($t eq "fileplot") { my @va = split(":", $v, 3); if(@va != 3 || !$__devs{$va[0]}{INT}{currentlogfile}) { FHEMRENDERER_pO "Broken definition: $v"; } else { if($va[2] eq "CURRENT") { $__devs{$va[0]}{INT}{currentlogfile}{VAL} =~ m,([^/]*)$,; $va[2] = $1; } FHEMRENDERER_render ("undef $d $va[0] $va[1] $va[2]"); } } } } } } elsif (@a == 4 ) { FHEMRENDERER_render ("undef $a[3] $a[1] $a[2] $a[3]"); } elsif (@a == 5 ) { my ($p,$v) = split("=",$a[4], 2); # Multiline: escape the NL for fhem $v =~ s/[\r]\n/\\\n/g if($v && $p && $p ne "data"); Log(2, "P: $p, V: $v"); if($p eq "pos") { %__pos = split(/[=&]/, $v); FHEMRENDERER_render ("undef $a[3] $a[1] $a[2] $a[3]"); } else { FHEMRENDERER_render ("undef $a[1] $a[2] $a[3] $a[4]"); } } elsif (@a == 6 ) { my ($p,$v) = split("=",$a[5], 2); # Multiline: escape the NL for fhem $v =~ s/[\r]\n/\\\n/g if($v && $p && $p ne "data"); Log(2, "P: $p, V: $v"); if($p eq "pos") { %__pos = split(/[=&]/, $v); FHEMRENDERER_render ("undef $a[1] $a[2] $a[3] $a[4]"); } else { return "\"get FHEMRENDERER\" needs either none, 1(pos) or 3-5 arguments ([file-name] device type logfile [pos=zoom=XX&off=YYY])"; } } else { return "\"get FHEMRENDERER\" needs either none, 1(pos) or 3-5 arguments ([file-name] device type logfile [pos=zoom=XX&off=YYY])"; } if (not defined $pid) { return $ret; } else { exit(0); } } ##################### # Get the data and parse it. We are parsing XML in a non-scientific way :-) sub FHEMRENDERER_parseXmlList($) { my $docmd = shift; my $name; if(!$docmd && $__lastxmllist && (time() - $__lastxmllist) < 2) { $__room = $__devs{$__detail}{ATTR}{room}{VAL} if($__detail); return; } $__lastxmllist = time(); %__rooms = (); %__devs = (); %__types = (); $__title = ""; foreach my $l (split("\n", FHEMRENDERER_fC("xmllist"))) { ####### Device if($l =~ m/^\t\t<(.*) name="(.*)" state="(.*)" sets="(.*)" attrs="(.*)">/){ $name = $2; $__devs{$name}{type} = ($1 eq "HMS" ? "KS300" : $1); $__devs{$name}{state} = $3; $__devs{$name}{sets} = $4; $__devs{$name}{attrs} = $5; next; } ####### INT, ATTR & STATE if($l =~ m,^\t\t\t<(.*) key="(.*)" value="([^"]*)"(.*)/>,) { my ($t, $n, $v, $m) = ($1, $2, $3, $4); $v =~ s,<br>,
,g; $__devs{$name}{$t}{$n}{VAL} = $v; if($m) { $m =~ m/measured="(.*)"/; $__devs{$name}{$t}{$n}{TIM} = $1; } if($t eq "ATTR" && $n eq "room") { $__rooms{$v}{$name} = 1; if($name eq "global") { $__rooms{$v}{LogFile} = 1; $__devs{LogFile}{ATTR}{room}{VAL} = $v; } } if($name eq "global" && $n eq "logfile") { my $ln = "LogFile"; $__devs{$ln}{type} = "FileLog"; $__devs{$ln}{INT}{logfile}{VAL} = $v; $__devs{$ln}{state} = "active"; } } } if(defined($__devs{global}{ATTR}{archivedir})) { $__devs{LogFile}{ATTR}{archivedir}{VAL} = $__devs{global}{ATTR}{archivedir}{VAL}; } ################# #Tag the gadgets without room with "Unsorted" if(%__rooms) { foreach my $name (keys %__devs ) { if(!$__devs{$name}{ATTR}{room}) { $__devs{$name}{ATTR}{room}{VAL} = "Unsorted"; $__rooms{Unsorted}{$name} = 1; } } } ############### # Needed for type sorting foreach my $d (sort keys %__devs ) { $__types{$__devs{$d}{type}} = 1; } $__title = $__devs{global}{ATTR}{title}{VAL} ? $__devs{global}{ATTR}{title}{VAL} : "First page"; $__room = $__devs{$__detail}{ATTR}{room}{VAL} if($__detail); } ###################### # Generate an image from the log via gnuplot sub FHEMRENDERER_render($) { my ($cmd) = @_; my (undef, $wl, $d, $type, $file) = split(" ", $cmd, 5); my $gplot_pgm = "$FHEMRENDERERdir/$type.gplot"; return FHEMRENDERER_fatal("Cannot read $gplot_pgm") if(!-r $gplot_pgm); FHEMRENDERER_calcWeblink($d,$wl); if($__plotmode =~ m/gnuplot/) { if($__plotmode eq "gnuplot" || !$__devs{$d}{from}) { # Looking for the logfile.... $__devs{$d}{INT}{logfile}{VAL} =~ m,^(.*)/([^/]*)$,; # Dir and File my $path = "$1/$file"; $path = $__devs{$d}{ATTR}{archivedir}{VAL} . "/$file" if(!-f $path); return FHEMRENDERER_fatal("Cannot read $path") if(!-r $path); open(FH, $gplot_pgm) || return FHEMRENDERER_fatal("$gplot_pgm: $!"); my $gplot_script = join("", ); close(FH); $gplot_script =~ s//$FHEMRENDERER_tmpfile$wl/g; $gplot_script =~ s//$__plotsize/g; $gplot_script =~ s//$path/g; $gplot_script =~ s//$file/g; if($__devs{$wl} && $__devs{$wl}{ATTR}{fixedrange}) { my $fr = $__devs{$wl}{ATTR}{fixedrange}{VAL}; $fr =~ s/ /\":\"/; $fr = "set xrange [\"$fr\"]\n"; $gplot_script =~ s/(set timefmt ".*")/$1\n$fr/; } open(FH, "|gnuplot > /dev/null");# feed it to gnuplot print FH $gplot_script; close(FH); } elsif($__plotmode eq "gnuplot-scroll") { ############################ # Read in the template gnuplot file. Digest the #FileLog lines. Replace # the plot directive with our own, as we offer a file for each line my (@filelog, @data, $plot); open(FH, $gplot_pgm) || return FHEMRENDERER_fatal("$gplot_pgm: $!"); while(my $l = ) { if($l =~ m/^#FileLog (.*)$/) { push(@filelog, $1); } elsif($l =~ "^plot" || $plot) { $plot .= $l; } else { push(@data, $l); } } close(FH); my $gplot_script = join("", @data); $gplot_script =~ s//$FHEMRENDERER_tmpfile$wl/g; $gplot_script =~ s//$__plotsize/g; $gplot_script =~ s//$file/g; my ($f,$t)=($__devs{$d}{from}, $__devs{$d}{to}); my @path = split(" ", FHEMRENDERER_fC("get $d $file $FHEMRENDERER_tmpfile$wl $f $t " . join(" ", @filelog))); my $i = 0; $plot =~ s/\".*?using 1:[^ ]+ /"\"$path[$i++]\" using 1:2 "/gse; my $xrange = "set xrange [\"$f\":\"$t\"]\n"; foreach my $p (@path) { # If the file is empty, write a 0 line next if(!-z $p); open(FH, ">$p"); print FH "$f 0\n"; close(FH); } open(FH, "|gnuplot > /dev/null");# feed it to gnuplot print FH $gplot_script, $xrange, $plot; close(FH); foreach my $p (@path) { unlink($p); } } } #elsif($__plotmode eq "SVG") { # my (@filelog, @data, $plot); # open(FH, $gplot_pgm) || return FHEMRENDERER_fatal("$gplot_pgm: $!"); # while(my $l = ) { # if($l =~ m/^#FileLog (.*)$/) { # push(@filelog, $1); # } elsif($l =~ "^plot" || $plot) { # $plot .= $l; # } else { # push(@data, $l); # } # } # close(FH); # my ($f,$t)=($__devs{$d}{from}, $__devs{$d}{to}); # $f = 0 if(!$f); # From the beginning of time... # $t = 9 if(!$t); # till the end # # my $ret = FHEMRENDERER_fC("get $d $file INT $f $t " . join(" ", @filelog)); # SVG_render($file, $__plotsize, $f, $t, \@data, $internal_data, $plot); # # open (FH, ">$FHEMRENDERER_tmpfile$wl.svg"); # print FH $__RET; # close (FH); # } } ################## sub FHEMRENDERER_fatal($) { my ($msg) = @_; FHEMRENDERER_pO "$msg"; } ################## # print formatted sub FHEMRENDERER_pF($@) { my $fmt = shift; $__RET .= sprintf $fmt, @_; } ################## # print output sub FHEMRENDERER_pO(@) { $__RET .= shift; } ################## # fhem command sub FHEMRENDERER_fC($) { my ($cmd) = @_; #Log 0, "Calling $cmd"; my $oll = $attr{global}{verbose}; $attr{global}{verbose} = 0 if($cmd ne "save"); my $ret = AnalyzeCommand(undef, $cmd); $attr{global}{verbose} = $oll if($cmd !~ m/attr.*global.*verbose/); return $ret; } ################## sub FHEMRENDERER_getAttr($$) { my ($aname, $def) = @_; if($attr{$__wname} && defined($attr{$__wname}{$aname})) { return $attr{$__wname}{$aname}; } else { CommandAttr (undef, $__wname . " $aname $def"); } return $def; } ################## sub FHEMRENDERER_setAttr($$) { my ($aname, $def) = @_; CommandAttr (undef, $__wname . " $aname $def"); } ################## # Calculate either the number of scrollable weblinks (for $d = undef) or # for the device the valid from and to dates for the given zoom and offset sub FHEMRENDERER_calcWeblink($$) { my ($d,$wl) = @_; return if($__plotmode eq "gnuplot"); my $now = time(); my $zoom = $__pos{zoom}; $zoom = "day" if(!$zoom); if(!$d) { foreach my $d (sort keys %__devs ) { next if($__devs{$d}{type} ne "weblink"); next if(!$__room || ($__room ne "all" && !$__rooms{$__room}{$d})); next if($__devs{$d}{ATTR} && $__devs{$d}{ATTR}{noscroll}); next if($__devs{$d}{ATTR} && $__devs{$d}{ATTR}{fixedrange}); $__scrolledweblinkcount++; } return; } # return if(!$__devs{$wl}); return if($__devs{$wl} && $__devs{$wl}{ATTR}{noscroll}); if($__devs{$wl} && $__devs{$wl}{ATTR}{fixedrange}) { my @range = split(" ", $__devs{$wl}{ATTR}{fixedrange}{VAL}); $__devs{$d}{from} = $range[0]; $__devs{$d}{to} = $range[1]; return; } my $off = $__pos{$d}; $off = 0 if(!$off); $off += $__pos{off} if($__pos{off}); if($zoom eq "qday") { my $t = $now + $off*21600; my @l = localtime($t); $l[2] = int($l[2]/6)*6; $__devs{$d}{from} = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d_%02d",$l[5]+1900,$l[4]+1,$l[3],$l[2]); $__devs{$d}{to} = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d_%02d",$l[5]+1900,$l[4]+1,$l[3],$l[2]+6); } elsif($zoom eq "day") { my $t = $now + $off*86400; my @l = localtime($t); $__devs{$d}{from} = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d",$l[5]+1900,$l[4]+1,$l[3]); $__devs{$d}{to} = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d",$l[5]+1900,$l[4]+1,$l[3]+1); } elsif($zoom eq "week") { my @l = localtime($now); my $t = $now - ($l[6]*86400) + ($off*86400)*7; @l = localtime($t); $__devs{$d}{from} = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d",$l[5]+1900,$l[4]+1,$l[3]); @l = localtime($t+7*86400); $__devs{$d}{to} = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d",$l[5]+1900,$l[4]+1,$l[3]); } elsif($zoom eq "month") { my @l = localtime($now); while($off < -12) { $off += 12; $l[5]--; } $l[4] += $off; $l[4] += 12, $l[5]-- if($l[4] < 0); $__devs{$d}{from} = sprintf("%04d-%02d", $l[5]+1900, $l[4]+1); $l[4]++; $l[4] = 0, $l[5]++ if($l[4] == 12); $__devs{$d}{to} = sprintf("%04d-%02d", $l[5]+1900, $l[4]+1); } elsif($zoom eq "year") { my @l = localtime($now); $l[5] += $off; $__devs{$d}{from} = sprintf("%04d", $l[5]+1900); $__devs{$d}{to} = sprintf("%04d", $l[5]+1901); } } 1; =pod =begin html


    The FHEMRENDERER module is intended to render (draw) graphics based on the FHEM Log-Files. This can be done either based on a timer (used in the module) or based on a direct call of GET. The rendered graphics will be stored in a pre-defined directory with a predefined prefix of the files. The renderer can also work in a multi-process mode, which doesn't block the main FHEM-Loop.

      define <name> FHEMRENDERER [global]

      This defines a new "device", that is of type FHEMRENDERER. The option 'global' can be used if needed for sorting reasons. Otherwise this option has no real meaning for FHEMRENDERER.

      As a side-effect of defining this "device" the following attributes will be set for this "device":
        plotmode gnuplot
        plotsize 800,200
        refresh 00:10:00
        room Unsorted
        status off
        tmpfile /tmp/
        multiprocess off

      NOTE: The Logfile will report (with LogLevel 2) that the FHEMRENDERER has been defined.

      set <name> <value>
      Set either on or off.

      This switches the timer-based rendering on/off. The attribute 'status' will be modified accordingly.
      NOTE: only WebLink based graphics will be rendered.

      get <name> <[[file-name] device type logfile [pos=zoom=XX&off=YY]]>

      The get function supports different sets of arguments:
         NONE: all WebLink based FilePlots will be rerendered
           The resulting filename will be '.png'
         THREE: device type logfile
           In this case only one specific graphic will be rendered:
           A graphic will be rendered for 'device', where device is a FileLog, based on the type 'type' based on the given 'logfile'
           The resulting filename will be 'attr-tmpfile logfile.png'
         FOUR: file-name device type logfile
           In this case only one specific graphic will be rendered:
           A graphic will be rendered for 'device', where device is a FileLog, based on the type 'type' based on the given 'logfile'
           The resulting filename will be 'attr-tmpfile file-name.png'
         FIVE: file-name device type logfile pos=zoom=XX&off=YYY
           In this case only one specific graphic will be rendered assuming that plotmode is 'gnuplot-scroll':
           A graphic will be rendered for 'device', where device is a FileLog, based on the type 'type' based on the given 'logfile'
           The 'zoom' will be either qday/day/week/month/year (same as used in FHEMWEB).
           The offset 'off' is either 0 (then the second part can be omitted), or -1/-2.... to jump back in time.
           The resulting filename will be 'attr-tmpfile file-name.png'

      NOTE: If you want to use zoom AND offset then you have to concatenate via '&' !!

      NOTE: combinations are possible in limited ranges:
      meaning: you can add the 'pos=zoom=XX&off=YY' to any of the first three sets.
      This may e.g. result in rendering all WebLinks with a specific zoom or offset
      (if you just pass the 'pos=zoom=xx&off=yy' parameter);

      Any rendered image (one or all WebLinks) will be stored in 'attr-tmpfile' followed by a 'filename.png'. The filename will be either derived (from weblink-name or logfile-name) or, for single files, can be assigend.

    • plotmode
      Specifies how to generate the plots:
      • gnuplot
        Call the gnuplot script with each logfile. The filename specification of the FileLog device will determine what is in the plot. The data is converted into an image on the backend with gnuplot.
      • gnuplot-scroll
        FHEMRENDERER will offer zoom and offset possibilities in order to navigate in the current logfile, i.e. you can select just a part of the data to be displayed. The more data is contained in a single logfile, the easier you can navigate. The recommendation is to store the data for a whole year in one logfile. The data is converted into an image on the backend with gnuplot.

    • plotsize
      the default size of the plot, in pixels, separated by comma: width,height. You can set individual sizes by setting the plotsize of the weblink.

    • status
      Reflects the status, if the renderer timer has been set to ON or OFF. By reading the status, you can detect, if the timer is running, or not.

    • refresh
      This defines the time-interval in which a new rendering of the defined WebLinks will be done.

    • tmpfile
      This gives the path and a possible prefix for the rendered filenames.
      You can specify a path to which the files will be rendered. If you also specify a prefix, this will be used to build the resulting filename.

    • multiprocess
      This defines if the Renderer works in a multiprocessing mode.
      You can set multiprocessing either to on / off and the renderer will draw the time-scheduled tasks either in multiprocessing mode, or not. NOTE: Direct GET calls, except for a general GET (for all weblinks) will be renderer in an interactive mode, meaning that the FHEM-Loop will be block as long as the graphics are rendered. If you want to use multiprocessing, set the RENDERER and multiprocessing to on and the weblink-graphics will be rendered in the background.

=end html =cut