#/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; # Creates the FHEM file from the raw data # Usage: zwavealliance.images.parse downloaddir # Downloaddir is filled with the following script: # i=1 # while test $i -lt 4034 # do # echo $i # wget -O $i -q http://products.z-wavealliance.org/products/$i/XML # i=`expr $i + 1` # done die("Usage: zwavealliance.images.parse downloaddir\n") if(int(@ARGV) != 1); open(OF, ">zwave_alliancelinks.csv"); opendir(DIRH, $ARGV[0]) || die("Cant open $ARGV[0]\n"); my @files; while(my $fn = readdir(DIRH)) { push @files, $fn; } for my $fn (sort { $a <=> $b } @files) { my $path = "$ARGV[0]/$fn"; next if (! -f $path); print("$fn\n"); open(FH, $path) || die("Cant open $path\n"); my ($bn,$mi,$pti,$pi,$pic,$em,$ppi) = ('','','','','','',''); while(my $l = <FH>) { chomp($l); $em = 'empty' if($l =~ m,<h2>Oh no ... we encountered an error!</h2>,); $bn = $1 if($l =~ m,<Brand>(.*)</Brand>,); $mi = $1 if($l =~ m,<ManufacturerId>0x(....)</ManufacturerId>,); $pti = $1 if($l =~ m,<ProductTypeId>0x(....)</ProductTypeId>,); $pi = $1 if($l =~ m,<ProductId>0x(....)</ProductId>,); $pic = $1 if($l =~ m,<CertificationNumber>(.*)</CertificationNumber>,); $ppi = $1 if($l =~ m,<value>product_pictures/(.*)\.(.*)</value>,); } close(FH); if($pic ne $ppi) { printf "Problem: $pic vs. $ppi\n"; # just to see new problems with pictures } if($em eq 'empty') { printf "No data for $fn, deleting the file\n"; # in the hope that somebody will fix the file unlink("$ARGV[0]/$fn"); next; } if($mi eq '' || $pti eq '' || $pi eq '') { printf "Missing parameters for $fn: Brand:$bn, ManufId:$mi, ProductType:$pti, ProductId:$pi, deleting the file\n"; # in the hope that somebody will fix the file unlink("$ARGV[0]/$fn"); next; } # There is sometimes 0x0x in the XML, see # https://products.z-wavealliance.org/products/1694 $mi =~s/0x/00/; $pti=~s/0x/00/; $pi =~s/0x/00/; printf OF "%s-%s-%s,%s,%s,%s\n", $mi,$pti,$pi,$fn,$pic,$bn; } closedir(DIRH); close(OF);