############################################## # # fhem bridge to mqtt (see http://mqtt.org) # # Copyright (C) 2018 Alexander Schulz # Copyright (C) 2017 Stephan Eisler # Copyright (C) 2014 - 2016 Norbert Truchsess # # This file is part of fhem. # # Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with fhem. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # $Id: 10_MQTT_BRIDGE.pm 23658 2021-02-01 20:58:53Z hexenmeister $ # ############################################## use strict; use warnings; my %sets = ( ); my %gets = ( "version" => "", "readings" => "" ); sub MQTT_BRIDGE_Initialize($) { my $hash = shift @_; require "$main::attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM/00_MQTT.pm"; # Consumer $hash->{DefFn} = "MQTT::Client_Define"; $hash->{UndefFn} = "MQTT::Client_Undefine"; $hash->{GetFn} = "MQTT::BRIDGE::Get"; $hash->{NotifyFn} = "MQTT::BRIDGE::Notify"; $hash->{AttrFn} = "MQTT::BRIDGE::Attr"; $hash->{AttrList} = "IODev ". #"qos:".join(",",keys %MQTT::qos)." ". "qos ". "retain ". "publish-topic-base ". "publishState ". "publishReading_.* ". "subscribeSet ". "subscribeSet_.* ". $main::readingFnAttributes; main::LoadModule("MQTT"); } package MQTT::BRIDGE; use strict; use warnings; use GPUtils qw(:all); use Net::MQTT::Constants; BEGIN { MQTT->import(qw(:all)); GP_Import(qw( AttrVal CommandAttr readingsSingleUpdate Log3 DoSet fhem defs AttrVal ReadingsVal )) }; sub Get($$@) { my ($hash, $name, $command) = @_; return "Need at least one parameters" unless (defined $command); return "Unknown argument $command, choose one of " . join(" ", sort keys %gets) unless (defined($gets{$command})); COMMAND_HANDLER: { # populate dynamically from keys %{$defs{$sdev}{READINGS}} $command eq "readings" and do { my $base = AttrVal($name,"publish-topic-base","/$hash->{DEF}/"); foreach my $reading (keys %{$main::defs{$hash->{DEF}}{READINGS}}) { unless (defined AttrVal($name,"publishReading_$reading",undef)) { CommandAttr($hash,"$name publishReading_$reading $base$reading"); } }; last; }; }; } #use Data::Dumper; sub Notify() { my ($hash,$dev) = @_; Log3($hash->{NAME},5,"Notify for $dev->{NAME}"); #Log3($hash->{NAME},5,">>>>=====".Dumper($dev->{CHANGED})); foreach my $event (@{$dev->{CHANGED}}) { $event =~ /^([^:]+)(: )?(.*)$/; #Log3($hash->{NAME},5,">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"); Log3($hash->{NAME},5,"$event, '".((defined $1) ? $1 : "-undef-")."', '".((defined $3) ? $3 : "-undef-")."'"); my $msgid; if (defined $3 and $3 ne "") { if (defined $hash->{publishReadings}->{$1}) { my $retain = $hash->{".retain"}->{$1}; $retain = $hash->{".retain"}->{'*'} unless defined($retain); my $qos = $hash->{".qos"}->{$1}; $qos = $hash->{".qos"}->{'*'} unless defined($qos); #Log3($hash->{NAME},1,">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RETAIN: ".$retain); $retain=0; ### TEST $msgid = send_publish($hash->{IODev}, topic => $hash->{publishReadings}->{$1}, message => $3, qos => $qos, retain => $retain); readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"transmission-state","outgoing publish sent",1); } } else { if (defined $hash->{publishState}) { my $retain = $hash->{".retain"}->{""}; $retain = $hash->{".retain"}->{'*'} unless defined($retain); my $qos = $hash->{".qos"}->{""}; $qos = $hash->{".qos"}->{'*'} unless defined($qos); #Log3($hash->{NAME},1,">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RETAIN: ".$retain); $retain=0; ### TEST $msgid = send_publish($hash->{IODev}, topic => $hash->{publishState}, message => $1, qos => $qos, retain => $retain); readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"transmission-state","outgoing publish sent",1); } } $hash->{message_ids}->{$msgid}++ if defined $msgid; } } sub Attr($$$$) { my ($command,$name,$attribute,$value) = @_; my $hash = $main::defs{$name}; ATTRIBUTE_HANDLER: { $attribute =~ /^subscribeSet(_?)(.*)/ and do { if ($command eq "set") { my ($mqos, $mretain,$mtopic, $mvalue, $mcmd)=MQTT::parsePublishCmdStr($value); if(!defined($mtopic)) { return "topic may not be empty";} unless (defined $hash->{subscribeSets}->{$mtopic}->{name} and $hash->{subscribeSets}->{$mtopic}->{name} eq $2) { unless (defined $hash->{subscribeSets}->{$mtopic}->{name}) { client_subscribe_topic($hash,$mtopic,$mqos,$mretain); } $hash->{subscribeSets}->{$mtopic}->{name} = $2; $hash->{subscribeSets}->{$mtopic}->{cmd} = $mcmd; } } else { foreach my $topic (keys %{$hash->{subscribeSets}}) { if ($hash->{subscribeSets}->{$topic}->{name} eq $2) { client_unsubscribe_topic($hash,$topic); delete $hash->{subscribeSets}->{$topic}; last; } } } last; }; $attribute eq "publishState" and do { if ($command eq "set") { $hash->{publishState} = $value; } else { delete $hash->{publishState}; } last; }; $attribute =~ /^publishReading_(.+)$/ and do { if ($command eq "set") { $hash->{publishReadings}->{$1} = $value; } else { delete $hash->{publishReadings}->{$1}; } last; }; return client_attr($hash,$command,$name,$attribute,$value); } } sub onmessage($$$) { my ($hash,$topic,$message) = @_; if (defined (my $command = $hash->{subscribeSets}->{$topic}->{name})) { my $do=1; if(defined (my $cmd = $hash->{subscribeSets}->{$topic}->{cmd})) { Log3($hash->{NAME},5,"evaluating cmd: $cmd"); my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $device = $hash->{DEF}; $do=eval($cmd); Log3($hash->{NAME},1,"ERROR evaluating $cmd: $@") if($@); $do=1 if (!defined($do)); } if($do) { my @args = split ("[ \t]+",$message); if ($command eq "") { Log3($hash->{NAME},5,"calling DoSet($hash->{DEF}".(@args ? ",".join(",",@args) : "")); DoSet($hash->{DEF},@args); } else { Log3($hash->{NAME},5,"calling DoSet($hash->{DEF},$command".(@args ? ",".join(",",@args) : "")); DoSet($hash->{DEF},$command,@args); } } } } 1; __END__ =pod =item [device] =item summary MQTT_BRIDGE is outdated, consider using MQTT_GENERIC_BRIDGE instead! =begin html <a name="MQTT_BRIDGE"></a> <h3>MQTT_BRIDGE</h3> <ul> <p>acts as a bridge in between a single fhem-device and <a href="http://mqtt.org/">mqtt</a>-topics.</p> <p><b>As newer module <a href="#MQTT_GENERIC_BRIDGE">MQTT_GENERIC_BRIDGE</a> offers options to bridge multiple fhem-device to <a href="http://mqtt.org/">mqtt</a>-topics, it's highly recommended to use the generic variant!</b><br> Additionally, MQTT_GENERIC_BRIDGE is also compatible with MQTT2_.*-TYPE of interfaces and thus requires less prerequisites on the Perl side!</p> <p>requires a <a href="#MQTT">MQTT</a>-device as IODev<br/> Note: this module is based on <a href="https://metacpan.org/pod/distribution/Net-MQTT/lib/Net/MQTT.pod">Net::MQTT</a> which needs to be installed from CPAN first.</p> <a name="MQTT_BRIDGEdefine"></a> <p><b>Define</b></p> <ul> <p><code>define <name> MQTT_BRIDGE <fhem-device-name></code></p> <p>Specifies the MQTT device.<br/> <fhem-device-name> is the fhem-device this MQTT_BRIDGE is linked to.</p> </ul> <a name="MQTT_BRIDGEget"></a> <p><b>Get</b></p> <ul> <li> <p><code>get <name> readings</code><br/> retrieves all existing readings from fhem-device and configures (default-)topics for them.<br/> attribute 'publish-topic-base' is prepended if set.</p> </li> </ul> <a name="MQTT_BRIDGEattr"></a> <p><b>Attributes</b></p> <ul> <li> <p><code>attr <name> subscribeSet [{Perl-expression}] [qos:?] [retain:?] <topic></code><br/> configures a topic that will issue a 'set <message> whenever a message is received<br/> QOS and ratain can be optionally defined for this topic. <br/> Furthermore, a Perl statement can be provided which is executed when the message is received. The following variables are available for the expression: $hash, $name, $topic, $message, $device (linked device). Return value decides whether reading is set (true (e.g., 1) or undef) or discarded (false (e.g., 0)). </p> <p>Example:<br/> <code>attr mqttest subscribeSet {fhem("do somethin")} /topic/cmd</code> </p> </li> <li> <p><code>attr <name> subscribeSet_<reading> [{Perl-expression}] [qos:?] [retain:?] <topic></code><br/> configures a topic that will issue a 'set <reading> <message> whenever a message is received. see above for Perl-Expression/QOS/retain</p> <p>Example:<br/> <code>attr mqttest subscribeSet_cmd {if ($message eq "config") fhem("set $device getconfig");; 0} /topic/cmd</code> </p> </li> <li> <p><code>attr <name> publishState <topic></code><br/> configures a topic such that a message is sent to topic whenever the device state changes.</p> </li> <li> <p><code>attr <name> publishReading_<reading> <topic></code><br/> configures a topic such that a message is sent to topic whenever the device readings value changes.</p> </li> <li> <p><code>attr <name> publish-topic-base <topic></code><br/> this is used as base path when issueing 'get <device> readings' to construct topics to publish to based on the devices existing readings</p> </li> <li> <p><code>attr <name> retain <flags> ...</code><br/> Specifies the retain flag for all or specific readings. Possible values are 0, 1</p> <p>Examples:<br/> <code>attr mqttest retain 0</code><br/> defines retain 0 for all readings/topics (due to downward compatibility)<br> <code> retain *:0 1 test:1</code><br/> defines retain 0 for all readings/topics except the reading 'test'. Retain for 'test' is 1<br> </p> </li> <li> <p><code>attr <name> qos <flags> ...</code><br/> Specifies the QOS flag for all or specific readings. Possible values are 0, 1 or 2. Constants may be also used: at-most-once = 0, at-least-once = 1, exactly-once = 2</p> <p>Examples:<br/> <code>attr mqttest qos 0</code><br/> defines QOS 0 for all readings/topics (due to downward compatibility)<br> <code> retain *:0 1 test:1</code><br/> defines QOS 0 for all readings/topics except the reading 'test'. Retain for 'test' is 1<br> </p> </li> </ul> </ul> =end html =cut