"use strict"; // $Id$ var fd_loadedHash={}, fd_loadedList=[], fd_all={}, fd_allCnt, fd_progress=0, fd_lang, fd_offsets=[], fd_scrolled=0, fd_modLinks={}, csrfToken="X", fd_modLangs={}, fd_mode = "FHEM", fd_style; var fd_otherSrc = { "usb":"autocreate", "createlog":"autocreate" }; function fd_status(txt) { var errmsg = $("#errmsg"); if(!$(errmsg).length) { $('#menu').append(''); errmsg = $("#errmsg"); } if(txt == "") $(errmsg).remove(); else $(errmsg).html(txt); } function fd_fC(fn, callback) { console.log("fd_fC:"+fn); if(fd_mode == "FHEM") { var p = location.pathname; var cmd = p.substr(0,p.indexOf('/doc'))+'?cmd='+fn+csrfToken+'&XHR=1'; $.ajax({ url:cmd, method:'POST', cache:false, success:callback, error:function(xhr, status, err) { if(xhr.status == 400 && csrfToken) { csrfToken = ""; fd_csrfRefresh(function(){fd_fC(fn, callback)}); } else { console.log("FAIL ERR:"+xhr.status+" STAT:"+status); } } }); } else { // static $.ajax({ url:fn, method:'GET', success:function(ret) { callback(''+ret+''); }, error:function(xhr, status, err) { callback(""); console.log("FAIL ERR:"+xhr.status+" STAT:"+status); fd_status("Cannot load "+fn); setTimeout(function(){ fd_status("") }, 5000); } }); } } // Dynamically load the codumentation of one module. var inLoadOneDoc = false; function loadOneDoc(mname, lang) { var origLink = mname; if(inLoadOneDoc) return; function done(err, calc) { if(fd_progress) { fd_status(fd_progress+" / "+fd_allCnt); if(++fd_progress > fd_allCnt) { fd_progress = 0; setTimeout(calcOffsets,100); // Firefox returns wrong offsets fd_status(""); } } else { if(calc) setTimeout(calcOffsets,100); inLoadOneDoc = true; // avoid the hashchange callback setTimeout(function(){ location.href = "#"+origLink; }, 100); // takes long if the complete doc is loaded setTimeout(function(){ inLoadOneDoc = false; }, 2000); } } if(fd_modLinks[mname]) mname = fd_modLinks[mname]; if(fd_loadedHash[mname] && fd_loadedHash[mname] == lang) return done(false, false); fd_fC(fd_mode=="FHEM" ? "help "+mname+" "+lang : "/cref"+(lang=="EN" ? "":"_"+lang)+"/"+mname+".cref", function(ret){ if(ret.indexOf("") != 0 || ret.indexOf("No help found") == 0) return done(true, false); ret = ret.replace(/<\/?html>/g,''); ret = ret.replace(/Keine deutsche Hilfe gefunden!/,''); ret = '
'; ret = ret.replace(/target="_blank"/g, ''); // revert help URL rewrite ret = ret.replace(/href="[^"]*commandref[^"]*.html#/g, 'href="#'); if(fd_loadedHash[mname]) $("div#FD_"+mname).remove(); if(!fd_loadedHash[mname]) fd_loadedList.push(mname); fd_loadedHash[mname] = lang; fd_loadedList.sort(); var idx=0; while(fd_loadedList[idx] != mname) idx++; var toIns = "perl"; if(idx < fd_loadedList.length-1) toIns = fd_loadedList[idx+1]; console.log("insert "+mname+" before "+toIns); $(ret).insertBefore("a[name="+toIns+"]"); addAHooks("div#FD_"+mname); return done(false, true); }); } // Add a hook for each tag to load & scroll to the corresponding item function addAHooks(el) { $(el).find("a[href]").each(function(){ var href = $(this).attr("href"); if(!href || href.indexOf("#") != 0) return; href = href.substr(1); if(fd_modLinks[href] && !fd_loadedHash[href]) { $(this).click(function(){ $("a[href=#"+href+"]").unbind('click'); loadOneDoc(href, fd_lang); }); } }); } // remember the offset of all loaded elements, to be able to dynamically show // the correct "load in other language" link function calcOffsets() { fd_offsets=[]; for(var i1=0; i1= viewTop && viewBottom > fd_offsets[idx]+30) break; idx++; } if(idx >= fd_offsets.length) { $("a#otherLang").hide(); } else { var mname = fd_loadedList[idx]; var l1 = fd_loadedHash[mname], l2 = (l1=="EN" ? "DE" : "EN"); $("a#otherLang span.mod").html(mname); $("a#otherLang span[lang="+l1+"]").hide(); $("a#otherLang span[lang="+l2+"]").show(); if(fd_modLangs[mname] && fd_modLangs[mname][l2]) { $("a#otherLang").show(); } else { $("a#otherLang").hide(); } } } // Load the current entry in the other langueage function loadOtherLang() { var mname = $("a#otherLang span.mod").html(); loadOneDoc(mname, fd_loadedHash[mname]=="EN" ? "DE" : "EN"); } // get the current csrf from FHEMWEB function fd_csrfRefresh(callback) { if(fd_mode != "FHEM") return; $.ajax({ url:location.pathname.replace(/docs.*/,'')+"?XHR=1", success: function(data, textStatus, request){ csrfToken = request.getResponseHeader('x-fhem-csrftoken'); csrfToken = csrfToken ? ("&fwcsrf="+csrfToken) : ""; if(callback) callback(); } }); } $(document).ready(function(){ if(fd_style) { $("head style#f18_css").remove(); $("head").append(""); } var p = location.pathname.split(/[_.]/); fd_lang = (p[1] == "modular" ? p[2] : p[1]); if(fd_lang == "html") fd_lang = "EN"; $("div#modLinks").each(function(){ var a1 = $(this).html().split(" "); for(var i1=0; i1 1) { var h = location.hash.substr(1); var m = h.match(/(.*)(&fwcsrf=.*)$/); if(m) { h = m[1]; csrfToken = m[2]; } loadOneDoc(h, fd_lang); } $(window).bind('hashchange', function() { if(location.hash.length > 1) loadOneDoc(location.hash.substr(1), fd_lang); }); $("a[name=loadAll]").show().click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $("a[name=loadAll]").hide(); location.href = "#doctop"; fd_allCnt = 0; for(var m in fd_all) fd_allCnt++ fd_progress = 1; for(var mname in fd_all) loadOneDoc(mname, fd_lang); }); $("a#otherLang").click(loadOtherLang); addAHooks("body"); window.onscroll = function(){ if(!fd_scrolled++) setTimeout(checkScroll, 500); }; calcOffsets(); fd_csrfRefresh(); }); $(window).resize(calcOffsets); if(location.host == "fhem.de" || location.host == "commandref.fhem.de") fd_mode = "static"; // Set f18 style from the localStorage var sdAsString = localStorage.getItem("styleData"), sd = {}; if(sdAsString) try { sd = JSON.parse(sdAsString) } catch(e) { console.log(e) } if(sd["cols.bg"]) { fd_style = ` body.commandref { background-color: #${sd["cols.bg"]}; color: #${sd["cols.fg"]}; } a,h2,h3,h4 { color:#${sd["cols.link"]}; } tr.odd { background-color:#${sd["cols.oddrow"]}; } table.block { border:0; } `; }