############################################## # $Id$ # package FHEM::attrT_z2m_thermostat_Utils; ## no critic 'Package declaration' use strict; use warnings; use JSON qw(decode_json); use Carp qw(carp); use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number); #use POSIX qw(strftime); #use List::Util qw( min max ); #use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number); #use Time::HiRes qw( gettimeofday ); use GPUtils qw(GP_Import); ## Import der FHEM Funktionen #-- Run before package compilation BEGIN { # Import from main context GP_Import( qw( AttrVal InternalVal ReadingsVal ReadingsNum ReadingsAge CommandGet CommandSet readingsSingleUpdate json2nameValue defs Log3 IsWe ) ); } sub ::attrT_z2m_thermostat_Utils_Initialize { goto &Initialize } # initialize ################################################################## sub Initialize { my $hash = shift; return; } # Enter you functions below _this_ line. my %jsonmap = ( ); sub z2t_send_weekprofile { my $name = shift // carp q[No device name provided!] && return; my $wp_name = shift // carp q[No weekprofile device name provided!] && return; my $wp_profile = shift // AttrVal($name, 'weekprofile', undef) // carp q[No weekprofile profile name provided!] && return; my $model = shift // ReadingsVal($name,'week','5+2'); my $topic = shift // AttrVal($name,'devicetopic','') . '/set'; my $hash = $defs{$name}; $topic .= ' '; my $wp_profile_data = CommandGet(undef,"$wp_name profile_data $wp_profile 0"); if ($wp_profile_data =~ m{(profile.*not.found|usage..profile_data..name)}xms ) { Log3( $hash, 3, "[$name] weekprofile $wp_name: no profile named \"$wp_profile\" available" ); return; } my @D = qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat); # eqals to my @D = ("Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"); my $payload; my @days = (0..6); my $decoded; if ( !eval { $decoded = decode_json($wp_profile_data) ; 1 } ) { Log3($name, 1, "JSON decoding error in $wp_profile provided by $wp_name: $@"); return; } if ( $model eq '5+2' || $model eq '6+1') { @days = (0,1); } elsif ($model eq '7') { @days = (1); } for my $i (@days) { $payload = '{'; for my $j (0..7) { if (defined $decoded->{$D[$i]}{'time'}[$j]) { my $time = $decoded->{$D[$i]}{'time'}[$j-1] // "00:00"; my ($hour,$minute) = split m{:}xms, $time; $hour = 0 if $hour == 24; $payload .= '"hour":' . abs($hour) .',"minute":'. abs($minute) .',"temperature":'.$decoded->{$D[$i]}{'temp'}[$j]; $payload .= '},{' if defined $decoded->{$D[$i]}{'time'}[$j+1]; } } $payload .='}'; if ( $i == 0 && ( $model eq '5+2' || $model eq '6+1') ) { CommandSet($hash,"$name holidays $payload"); $payload = '{'; } CommandSet($hash,"$name workdays $payload") if $model eq '5+2' || $model eq '6+1' || $model eq '7'; } readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'weekprofile', "$wp_name $wp_profile",1); return; } sub z2t_send_Beca_weekprofile { my $name = shift // carp q[No device name provided!] && return; my $wp_name = shift // carp q[No weekprofile device name provided!] && return; my $wp_profile = shift // AttrVal($name, 'weekprofile', undef) // carp q[No weekprofile profile name provided!] && return; my $topic = shift // carp q[No topic to send to provided!] && return; my $hash = $defs{$name}; my $wp_profile_data = CommandGet(undef,"$wp_name profile_data $wp_profile 0"); if ($wp_profile_data =~ m{(profile.*not.found|usage..profile_data..name)}xms ) { Log3( $hash, 3, "[$name] weekprofile $wp_name: no profile named \"$wp_profile\" available" ); return; } my @D = qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat); # eqals to my @D = ("Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"); my $payload; my @days = (0,1,6); my $decoded; if ( !eval { $decoded = decode_json($wp_profile_data) ; 1 } ) { Log3($name, 1, "JSON decoding error in $wp_profile provided by $wp_name: $@"); return; } for my $i (@days) { my $sd = $i == 0 ? 'u' : $i == 6 ? 'a' : 'w'; for my $j (0..5) { my $time = $decoded->{$D[$i]}{'time'}[$j]; last if !defined $time; my $tmp = $decoded->{$D[$i]}{'temp'}[$j]; my $k = $j+1; next if !looks_like_number($tmp); $payload .= defined $payload ? ',' : '{'; $payload .= qq("${sd}${k}h":"$time","${sd}${k}t":$tmp); } } Log3($hash,3,"$payload"); return if !defined $payload; $payload .='}'; readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'weekprofile', "$wp_name $wp_profile",1); return qq{$topic $payload}; } sub z2t_send_BHT { my $name = shift // carp q[No device name provided!] && return; my $wp_name = shift // carp q[No weekprofile device name provided!] && return; my $wp_profile = shift // AttrVal($name, 'weekprofile', undef) // carp q[No weekprofile profile name provided!] && return; my $topic = shift // AttrVal($name,'devicetopic','') . '/set'; my $hash = $defs{$name}; my $wp_profile_data = CommandGet(undef,"$wp_name profile_data $wp_profile 0"); if ($wp_profile_data =~ m{(profile.*not.found|usage..profile_data..name)}xms ) { Log3( $hash, 3, "[$name] weekprofile $wp_name: no profile named \"$wp_profile\" available" ); return; } my @D = qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat); # eqals to my @D = ("Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"); my $today = (localtime(time))[6]; # if ( !($today ~~ [1..5]) ) {$today = 1}; if ( !(0 < $today < 6) ) {$today = 1}; Log3($hash, 3, "Fetching weekprofile for ${name} day ${today} / $D[${today}] from ${wp_name}/${wp_profile}"); my @days = ($today,6,0); my $payload; my $decoded; if ( !eval { $decoded = decode_json($wp_profile_data) ; 1 } ) { Log3($name, 1, "JSON decoding error in $wp_profile provided by $wp_name: $@"); return; } for my $i (@days) { my $sd = $i == 0 ? 'sunday' : $i == 6 ? 'saturday' : 'weekdays'; for my $j (0..3) { my $time = $decoded->{$D[$i]}{'time'}[$j]; last if !defined $time; my ($hour,$minute) = split m{:}xms, $time; $hour += 0; $minute += 0; my $tmp = $decoded->{$D[$i]}{'temp'}[$j]+0; my $k = $j+1; next if !looks_like_number($tmp); $payload .= defined $payload ? ',' : '{'; $payload .= qq("${sd}_p${k}_hour":$hour,"${sd}_p${k}_minute":$minute,"${sd}_p${k}_temperature":$tmp); } } return if !defined $payload; $payload = '{"program":'.$payload; $payload .='}}'; #Log3($hash,3,"Setting $name to new weekprofile: $payload"); readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'weekprofile', "$wp_name $wp_profile",1); return qq{$topic $payload}; } 1; __END__ =pod =item summary helper functions needed for zigbee2mqtt thermostats in MQTT2_DEVICE =item summary_DE Hilfsfunktionen für zigbee2mqtt MQTT2_DEVICE-Thermostate =begin html There may be room for improvement, please adress any issues in https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,116535.0.html.


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