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      <h3>FHEM Howto</h3>
      Version: <b>EN</b>&nbsp;<a href="HOWTO_DE.html">DE</a>
      <table class="room">
        <tr><td><a href="#Description">Description</a></td></tr>
        <tr><td><a href="#starting">Starting</a></td></tr>
        <tr><td><a href="#attaching">USB device</a></td></tr>
        <tr><td><a href="#sensors">Sensors</a></td></tr>
        <tr><td><a href="#actors">Actors</a></td></tr>
        <tr><td><a href="#at">At / Notify</a></td></tr>
        <tr><td><a href="#logging">Logging data</a></td></tr>
        <tr><td><a href="#plotting">Plotting</a></td></tr>
        <tr><td><a href="#security">Security</a></td></tr>
        <tr><td><a href="#fhemweb">Look &amp; Feel</a></td></tr>
        <tr><td><a href="#structure">Structures</a></td></tr>

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    <a name="starting"></a>
    <h3>Starting fhem</h3>

      Skip this section if you installed fhem via the Debian <a
      href="http://fhem.de/fhem-=VERS=.deb">package</a>, the Fritz!Box 7390
      <a href="http://fhem.de/fhem-=VERS=-fb7390.image">image</a>, or the FB
      7170/7270 <a href="http://fhem.de/fhem-=VERS=-fb7270.zip">zip file</a>.

      Many fhem installations access the "outer world" via a USB device
      connected to the fhem computer (CUL, FHZ1x00, TUL, EUL, etc), these
      installations most probably need the perl serial module. See the
      commandref section of your USB device, if this module is needed. You can
      avoid this module by using a device which connects via Ethernet, e.g. a
      HMLAN or a CUNO.  <br><br>

      If you need this module, you can install it e.g. with <code>"sudo cpan
      Device::SerialPort"</code>. There are also precompiled debian packages
      (libdevice-serialport-perl), and this module is already installed on OSX
      10.6. If you cannot install it, you then take a look at the @directio
      option in the commandref.html as a last resort.<br><br>

      The default configuration will install fhem into /opt/fhem, edit the
      Makefile to change this. You can also start fhem directly from where you
      unpacked it, installation is optional.

      To install & start fhem type:<pre>
      cd /opt/fhem
      perl fhem.pl fhem.cfg</pre>

      After starting, the fhem logfile in the log directory should look like:<pre>
      2012.10.27 17:14:28 1: Including fhem.cfg
      2012.10.27 17:14:28 3: WEB: port 8083 opened
      2012.10.27 17:14:28 3: WEBphone: port 8084 opened
      2012.10.27 17:14:28 3: WEBtablet: port 8085 opened
      2012.10.27 17:14:28 1: Including /tmp/fhem.save
      2012.10.27 17:14:28 3: telnetPort: port 7072 opened
      2012.10.27 17:14:28 1: usb create starting
      2012.10.27 17:14:28 1: usb create end
      2012.10.27 17:14:28 2: SecurityCheck:  ...
      2012.10.27 17:14:28 0: Server started (version Fhem 5.3 ...</pre>

      The SecurityCheck warning tells you, that some of the fhem interfaces are
      opened without a passwort. You should either set a password for each
      device (see below), or set a global attribute to disable this message if
      you are sure passwords are not needed.


    <a name="attaching"></a>
    <h3>Attaching the USB device to the PC (CUL / FHZ1x00PC / etc)</h3>
      Connect to fhem with an internet browser:
      <a href="http://localhost:8083/fhem">http://fhem-host:8083/fhem</a>
      if you are using a normal desktop,
      <a href="http://localhost:8084/fhem">http://fhem-host:8084/fhem</a> if
      you are using a smartphone, or
      <a href="http://localhost:8084/fhem">http://fhem-host:8085/fhem</a> if
      you are using a tablet like the iPad.<br><br>

      <b>Note:</b> On the FritzBox the default configuration enables password
      checking on all interfaces: The username is ignored, and the passwort is
      checked against the FritzBox password.<br><br>

      In the default configuration, fhem will look for USB attached FHZ, CUL,
      COC, ZWave and TCM devices on startup (unix/OSX only) and will create
      appropriate fhem devices. Make your life easier by attaching the device
      before starting fhem.<br><br>

      On linux (esp. FB7390) fhem will try to flash an unflashed CUL, if it is
      attached at startup. See the <a href="commandref.html#usb">usb</a> and <a
      href="commandref.html#CULflash">CULflash</a> commands for details, and
      check the "unsorted" room in FHEMWEB for the newly created devices. Note
      that switching a CUL to HomeMatic mode is still has to be done manually.

      For defining USB Input devices manually (or if fhem failed to discover
      your device): Attach the USB device (CUL, FHZ1000PC/FHZ1300, TUL, EUL,
      etc) to your computer, and look for the corresponding device in the /dev
      directory. For <a href="commandref.html#CUL">CUL</a> a file named
      /dev/ttyACM* will be created under Linux and /dev/cu.usbmodem* under OS
      X. Note the exact name of the device.  Define it for fhem (by typing it
      in the "Fhem cmd" input field in the browser):<pre>

      define CUL1 CUL /dev/ttyACM0@9600 1234</pre>

      You can find details about CUL define parameters <a

      The same is to be done for the <a href="commandref.html#FHZ">FHZ</a> with
      slightly different parameters:<pre>
      define FHZ1 FHZ /dev/ttyUSB0</pre>
        <li>Don't forget to type "save" in the "Fhem cmd" input field of the
        browser after defining a device or setting its attribute.  Otherwise
        the changes will disappear after the next start.
        <li>Execute commands by typing enter in the FHEMWEB input line.
        Clicking on the save button won't execute your command.
        <li>The CUL is arriving without a firmware. You can flash it via the
        <a href="commandref.html#CULflash">CULflash</a> command, if the
        dfu-programmer is installed. dfu-programmer is part of the FB7390 image.

    <a name="sensors"></a>
    <h3>Configuring transmitter devices (i.e. sensors)</h3>
      Many Radio devices will be created automatically in the default
      configuration, due to the enabled <a href="commandref.html#autocreate">
      autocreate</a> instance. This will automatically create fhem devices upon
      reception of a message from this device (typically a sensor like S300 or
      FHT). Just wait for a while, watch the log and re-check your browser for newly
      appeared devices. You can use <a href="commandref.html#rename">
      rename</a> to rename the automatically created device, e.g. type in the
      input field of the web frontend:
      rename FHT_1234 fht.kitchen</pre> 
      <b>Note</b>: if you rename the device itself, the attached FileLog and
      weblink will be renamed automatically. The other way round (renaming the
      FileLog or weblink) will not rename the associated devices

      If you want to do the same manually:<br>
      Wait a while, until the transmitter sent some data. In the logfile
      (browser window: "Unsorted -> Logs / Fhemlog / text) a line
      will  appear:
      FS20 Unknown device &lt;HOUSECODE&gt;, Button &lt;BTN&gt; Code
      &lt;CDE&gt;, please define it

      Now define the fhem device:
      define piri1 FS20 &lt;HOUSECODE&gt; &lt;BTN&gt;

      Set the model attribute of the device:
      attr piri1 model fs20piri

      to get only the commands available for this device.
      <a href="commandref.html#model">Here</a> is a complete list of FS20
      models.<br> For other device types similar messages should appear.<br><br>

      HomeMatic sensors do not need to be paired with fhem, on the other side
      fhem will only autocreate such a device, when it receives a pairing
      request. You still need to "set CUL hmPairForSec 600" to respond
      to this request. The same is valid vor ZWave devices.

    <a name="actors"></a>
    <h3>Configuring receivers (actors)</h3>
      Configure the <a href="commandref.html#FS20">FS20</a> device in
      fhem first with:<pre>
      define lamp1 FS20 1234 56</pre>

      Now press the button on the real device for a while until its LED starts to
      blink. Click on the "on" link in the fhem window to send a command. The
      LED should terminate blinking, the device is programmed to housecode
      1234, device code 56. You can also use the 4-base ELV notation.
      Now set the model attribute of the device:<pre>
      attr lamp1 model fs20st</pre>

      to get only the commands available for this device.<br><br>

      Other systems (EnOcean/HomeMatic/ZWave) require a more elaborate
      procedure, and the corresponding USB device is to be set into a pairing
      mode first. See the commandref entry for your device.

      Creating a fhem FHT / HomeMatic / EnOcean device automatically or
      manually does not imply that the CUL or the FHZ is paired with it. 
        Set the FHT to accept new devices (Prog:Cent:N/A), and send a command
        to it (e.g.  set fht.kitchen desired-temp 20).  If there is no signal
        for a while, then check <a href="faq.html#faq6"> this</a> FAQ entry.
        first set the CUL/HMLAN into pairing mode with
        set CUL hmPairForSec 600
        and then push the learning button on the HomeMatic device. If pairing was
        successful, you'll see "CommandAccepted: yes" in the details window of the

    <a name="at"></a>
    <h3>Timed commands (at) / Notification (notify,watchdog)</h3>
      To execute commands at a given time / periodically, you have to define
      devices of the type <b>at</b>. See the definition and the examples
      <a href="commandref.html#at">here</a>.

      To execute commands if a device sent a message you have to define
      devices of the type <a href="commandref.html#notify">notify</a> or
      <a href="commandref.html#watchdog">watchdog</a>. In order to understand
      the fhem events better you should open a telnet session to your fhem
      telnet &lt;fhemhost&gt; 7072

      and type
      inform timer

      Now you will receive in this telnet session all events, e.g.
        2011-12-16 21:51:55 FS20 myPiri on-for-timer 120
      so you can define an action like:
        define lampNotify notify myPiri set myLamp on
        define lampNotify notify myPiri:on.* set myLamp on
      To test your notify you can simulate events by using the 
      <a href="commandref.html#trigger">trigger</a> command:
      trigger myPiri on-for-timer 120

      at, notify and watchdog take either simple fhem commands, shell scripts
      or "perl oneliners" as argument. For details and tips on the perl
      oneliners read the <a href="commandref.html#perl">Perl specials</a>
      section in the commandref.html</ul>

    <a name="logging"></a>
    <h3>Logging data</h3>
      To log messages into files, define devices of the type <a
      href="commandref.html#FileLog">FileLog</a>. Autocreate will create
      logfiles for newly detected devices, or you can use <a
      href="commandref.html#createlog">createlog</a> in order to add a FileLog

      To log messages into a
      database, see the contrib/dblog directory in the fhem

      FHEMWEB has builtin support for displaying FileLog type logs as plots,
      see the <a href="#plot">plot</a> section below.<br><br>

      The size of each logfile will be determined by its wildcard characters
      (year/month/week/day), look at the <a href="commandref.html#FileLog">
      FileLog</a> definition.
      You can enable archiving with the <a
      href="commandref.html#nrarchive">nrarchive</a> or <a
      href="commandref.html#archivedir">archivecmd</a> attributes.

    <a name="plotting"></a>
    <h3>Plotting logs</h3>
      Autocreate will create weblinks (i.e. plots) for newly detected devices.
      The following section describes how to do it manually, e.g. if you want
      to plot data from different sensors together.<br><br>

      The data for a plot always comes from a single FileLog, change its regexp
      so that it will collect all events you want to plot.  As the next step
      set the <a href="commandref.html#logtype">logtype</a> attribute of the
      FileLog, this will define which .gplot files to use.
      Take a look at the available gnuplot files in the "Edit files" section,
      they contain the corresponding FileLog definition examples.<br>
      Note that the .gplot files are also used if you use SVG output and
      not the gnuplot backend!<br>
      The gnuplot files must have #FileLog entries in order to be useable
      with gnuplot-scroll or SVG (these lines are treated as comment by
      gnuplot, but not by fhem!), as the filtering happens with the FileLog get
      function, see the supplied gnuplot files or the column_spec paragraph <a
      href="commandref.html#FileLogget">here</a> for the syntax.<br><br>

        attr em1000log logtype power8:Power,text
        attr fs20_log logtype fs20:Plot,text
        attr hms100th_log logtype temp4hum6:Plot,text

      Display the plot by clicking on it, and create a <a
      href="commandref.html#weblink">weblink</a>, which has its own attributes
      (room, etc).
      If the weblink refers to the current logfile, then it will be stored as a
      CURRENT weblink, and it will always display the most recent log (you do
      not have to redefine it if the logfile changes due to year/month/date
      parameters in its name).


      The logs can be converted to a plot either with gnuplot (which must be
      installed and in your PATH), or via the builtin SVG module, in this case
      your browser must support SVG. All browsers support SVG, the notable
      exception is Internet Explorer prior to version 9 and Android prior to
      version 3.0. For such Android devices try Opera or Firefox.<br><br>

      SVG mode is the default, to change it set the <a
      href="commandref.html#plotmode">plotmode</a> attribute to gnuplot or

      In order to look at historic data, create another weblink and set its
      fixedrange attribute, e.g.:
        attr weblink_1 fixedrange 2006-01-01 2007-01-01

      To display "foreign" (non fhem) files as a plot or just as plain text,
      configure a fake logfile with the correct filename and an unused regexp,
      define messages FileLog /var/log/messages fakelog</pre>

    <a name="security"></a>
      <li>Both default TCP/IP interfaces in fhem (telnet and FHEMWEB) can be
          secured by a password and additionally with encryption (HTTPS/SSL):
            <li>for <a href="commandref.html#FHEMWEB">FHEMWEB</a> see the 
                <a href="commandref.html#basicAuth">basicAuth</a> and 
                <a href="commandref.html#HTTPS">HTTPS</a> attributes
            <li>for <a href="commandref.html#telnet">telnet</a> (which is more
                or less a TCP/IP port) see the 
                <a href="commandref.html#password">password</a> and 
                <a href="commandref.html#SSL">SSL</a> attributes
          This is however not the default for most default configurations, and
          this is the reason why you receive a SecurityCheck warning after

      <li>Another way of secure access from the outside is to use a VPN connection.
          Connecting e.g. to a FritzBox by VPN works both for iOS and Android
          devices, although the latter is more complicated to set up.

      <li>You can secure FHEMWEB also by using apache to implement basicAuth /
          HTTPS by redirect a certain prefix to your FHEMWEB instance.
          Add the following lines to your httpd.conf:<pre>
      &lt;Proxy *&gt;
        AuthType Basic
        AuthName "Password Required"
        AuthUserFile /home/httpd/etc/passwd
        Require valid-user
        Allow from
      ProxyPass        /fhem  http://localhost:8083/fhem
      ProxyPassReverse /fhem  http://localhost:8083/fhem</pre>

        and then restart httpd with apachectl graceful. To create the password
        file, execute<br>
        htpasswd -c /home/httpd/etc/passwd &lt;username&gt;
        See also <a href="http://fhemwiki.de/wiki/Apache_Authentication_Proxy">
        this</a> fhemwiki entry for a more detailed description, or 
        <a href="https://gist.github.com/gbirke/8608543">this</a> for the
        perfect solution with server and client certificates.

        To enable HTTPS, please check the web. In essence:<br>
        <li>Edit httpd.conf, add:<pre>
    LoadModule ssl_module lib/apache/mod_ssl.so
    Include /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.conf</pre></li>
        <li>Create a server certificate</li>
        <li>Start httpd with the startssl option (SSL or the like must be set in
        one of your system files, look at /etc/init.d/httpd).</li>

    <a name="fhemweb"></a>
    <h3>FHEMWEB (pgm2) look and feel</h3>
      It makes sense to group your devices into rooms by setting the room or
      group attribute. FHEMWEB puts devices without a room attribute into the
      "Unsorted" room. Devices in the room "hidden" will not be shown.

      You can also define a stripped down FHEMWEB instance, by defining the
      Menu entries to be hidden in the <a
      href="commandref.html#hiddenroom">hiddenroom</a> FHEMWEB attribute.

      Edit the colors / fonts by changing the style.css ("Edit files" ->
      style.css), or create you own style (see <a
      href="commandref.html#stylesheetPrefix">stylesheetPrefix</a> , so it
      won't be overwritten by the next <a
      href="commandref.html#updatefhem">updatefhem</a> command.

    <a name="structure"></a>
    <h3>Complex structures</h3>
      Put your devices in different rooms. You can now use the
      room=&lt;roomname&gt; specification to set different devices at once.
      See the <a href="commandref.html#devspec">devspec</a> paragraph for details.<br>
      For more complex scenarios consider the <a href="commandref.html#structure">
      structure</a> module. You can define different structure levels like
      floors, buildings, etc. and set all elements of a given structure at once.
