#!/usr/bin/perl # vim: set softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab : ############################################################################## # $Id$ ############################################################################## # # ble2mqttd # # checks for one or multiple bluetooth *low energy* devices for their # presence state and reports it to an mqtt server. # # Copyright (C) 2015-2018 P. Reinhardt, pr-fhem (at) reinhardtweb (dot) de # Contributions by (in chronological order): decaflo # # This script free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # The GNU General Public License can be found at # http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. # A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the # license from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these # scripts. # # This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # ############################################################################## # cpan Net::MQTT::Simple # apt-get install bluez libexpect-perl libnet-server-perl libreadonly-perl use strict; use warnings; no warnings 'redefine'; use Readonly; use Expect; use Digest::MD5; use Net::MQTT::Simple; use Net::MQTT::Simple::SSL; use IO::Socket::SSL; use Fcntl 'LOCK_EX', 'LOCK_NB'; use Sys::Syslog qw(:standard :macros); use Sys::Hostname; use Time::HiRes qw(usleep); use POSIX qw(strftime); use Getopt::Long; use Net::Server::Daemonize qw(daemonize); use Data::Dumper; Readonly my $EXPECT_TIMEOUT => 10; Readonly my $BLUETOOTHCTL_RESTART_SLEEP => 1; Readonly my $MAINLOOP_SLEEP_US => 250 * 1000; Readonly my $HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL => 60; Readonly my $DUMP_INTERVAL => 15; Readonly my $EVALUATION_INTERVAL => 5; Readonly my $PUBLISH_FILTER_INTERVAL => 15; Readonly my $CLEANUP_INTERVAL => 15 * 60; Readonly my $CLEANUP_MAX_AGE => 30 * 60; Readonly my $QUERY_INTERVAL => 2; Readonly my $BATTERY_INTERVAL => 1 * 60 * 60; Readonly my $INITIAL_BATTERY_INTERVAL => 2 * 60; Readonly my $MQTT_MAX_CLIENTID_LENGTH => 23; Readonly my $BATTERY_LEVEL_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID => '00002a19-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'; Readonly my $DEFAULT_BATTERY_MAX_AGE => 48; Readonly my $DEFAULT_RSSI_THRESHOLD => 10; Readonly my $DEFAULT_ABSENT_INTERVAL => 60; Readonly my $ME => 'ble2mqttd'; Readonly my $VERSION => '0.15'; Readonly my $PIDFILE => "/var/run/$ME.pid"; my ($mqtt, $bluetoothctl, $loglevel, $logtarget, $debug); my ($nextheartbeat, $nextdump, $nextevaluation, $nextcleanup, $nextbattery, $lastquery, $lastevent, $lastconnect); my %devices; *Net::MQTT::Simple::_client_identifier = sub { return( substr(sprintf("%s-%s", $ME, hostname()), 0, $MQTT_MAX_CLIENTID_LENGTH) ); }; sub tsprefix { return(sprintf('[%s] ', strftime('%F %H:%M:%S', localtime()))); } sub syslogw { my ($priority, @args) = @_; return if (scalar(@args) < 1); my $logmessage; if (scalar(@args)==1) { my ($message) = @args; $logmessage = sprintf("%s: $message", (caller(1))[3] // 'main'); } else { my ($format, @args) = @args; $logmessage = sprintf("%s: $format", (caller(1))[3] // 'main', @args); } if ($loglevel >= $priority) { if ($logtarget eq 'syslog') { syslog($priority, $logmessage) if ($loglevel >= $priority); } elsif ($logtarget eq 'stdout' && !$debug) { printf("%s%s\n", tsprefix(),$logmessage); } } printf("%s%s\n", tsprefix(),$logmessage) if ($debug); return(); } sub error_exit { my ($exit_code, @args) = @_; syslogw(LOG_ERR, @args); $bluetoothctl->hard_close() if ($bluetoothctl); closelog(); exit ($exit_code); } sub usage_exit { printf("%s --mqttserver --mqttfingerprint --mqttuser --mqttpass --loglevel --logtarget --daemon --mac \n", $ME); print("valid log levels:\n"); print("\tLOG_CRIT, LOG_ERR, LOG_WARNING, LOG_NOTICE, LOG_INFO, LOG_DEBUG. Default: LOG_INFO\n"); print("valid log targets:\n"); print("\tsyslog, stdout. Default: syslog\n"); print("optional arguments:\n"); print("\t--mqtttopic - Set custom mqtt topic, especially necessary if more than one instance is used.\n"); print("\t--daemonize - Run as daemon.\n"); printf("\t--absentinterval - Seconds after which device is considered absent. Minimum value: 30, default: %i.\n", $DEFAULT_ABSENT_INTERVAL); printf("\t--rssithreshold - rssi deviation to trigger an update. Minimum value: 5, default: %i.\n", $DEFAULT_RSSI_THRESHOLD); print("\t--watchdogthreshold - if (any) last beacon was received before the set watchdog threshold, bluetoothctl is restarted. Minimum value: 30 seconds, default: disabled.\n"); print("\t--debug - print extensive debug output to stdout (mutually exclusive with --daemon). A higher number results in more debug output.\n"); print("\t--mac - filter handled MAC Adresses with regular expression.\n"); printf("\t--batterymaxage - Maximum time (in hours) after which the battery reading is considered outdated and updated, default: %i. A value of 0 disables all battery checks.\n", $DEFAULT_BATTERY_MAX_AGE); print("\t--forcebattery - Forces the battery check on known devices even though the battery service is not recognized. Requires setting --mac.\n"); print("\t--retain - Publishes the topics present, lastseen as retained.\n"); print("examples:\n"); printf("\t%s --mqttserver mqtt.domain:1883\n", $ME); printf("\t%s --mqttserver mqtt.domain:1883 --mqtttopic ble2mqtt/livingroom\n", $ME); printf("\t%s --mqttserver mqtt.domain:1883 --mqttuser azurediamond --mqttpass hunter2\n", $ME); printf("\t%s --mqttserver mqtt.domain:8883 --getmqttfingerprint -> Displays the mqtt fingerprint of the server.\n", $ME); printf("\t%s --mqttserver mqtt.domain:8883 --mqttfingerprint 'sha256\$11e20bbb668da517a0ae8536f3c79887d06ddec945fab60401deab92dc7e7c1f'\n", $ME); printf("\t%s --mqttserver mqtt.domain:8883 --mqttfingerprint 'sha256\$11e20bbb668da517a0ae8536f3c79887d06ddec945fab60401deab92dc7e7c1f' --mqttuser user --mqttpass pass\n", $ME); printf("\t%s --mqttserver mqtt.domain:8883 --mqttfingerprint 'sha256\$11e20bbb668da517a0ae8536f3c79887d06ddec945fab60401deab92dc7e7c1f' --mqttuser user --mqttpass pass --mac 'AB:CD:EF:.*'\n", $ME); closelog(); exit(1); } sub parse_loglevel { my ($loglevel_str) = @_; $loglevel_str = uc($loglevel_str); return ( $loglevel_str eq 'LOG_EMERG' ? LOG_EMERG : $loglevel_str eq 'LOG_ALERT' ? LOG_ALERT : $loglevel_str eq 'LOG_CRIT' ? LOG_CRIT : $loglevel_str eq 'LOG_ERR' ? LOG_ERR : $loglevel_str eq 'LOG_WARNING' ? LOG_WARNING : $loglevel_str eq 'LOG_NOTICE' ? LOG_NOTICE : $loglevel_str eq 'LOG_INFO' ? LOG_INFO : $loglevel_str eq 'LOG_DEBUG' ? LOG_DEBUG : usage_exit() ); } sub parse_options { my $device = "hci0"; my $mqttserver; my $mqttfingerprint; my $mqttuser; my $mqttpass; my $mqtttopic = "ble2mqtt"; my $daemonize = 0; my $logtarget = "syslog"; my $loglevel = "LOG_INFO"; my $absentinterval = $DEFAULT_ABSENT_INTERVAL; my $rssithreshold = $DEFAULT_RSSI_THRESHOLD; my $watchdogthreshold = 0; my $debug = 0; my $debugbluetoothctl = 0; my $help = 0; my $getmqttfingerprint = 0; my $macregex; my $forcebattery = 0; my $retain = 0; my $batterymaxage = $DEFAULT_BATTERY_MAX_AGE; GetOptions( #'bluetoothdevice|device|b=s' => \$device, 'mqttserver|m=s' => \$mqttserver, 'mqttfingerprint|f=s' => \$mqttfingerprint, 'mqttuser|u=s' => \$mqttuser, 'mqttpass|p=s' => \$mqttpass, 'mqtttopic|t=s' => \$mqtttopic, 'getmqttfingerprint|g' => \$getmqttfingerprint, 'daemon|daemonize|d!' => \$daemonize, 'loglevel|l=s' => \$loglevel, 'logtarget|t=s' => \$logtarget, 'absentinterval|a=i' => \$absentinterval, 'rssithreshold=i' => \$rssithreshold, 'watchdogthreshold|w=i' => \$watchdogthreshold, 'debug=i' => \$debug, 'debugbluetoothctl!' => \$debugbluetoothctl, 'help|h' => \$help, 'forcebattery!' => \$forcebattery, 'retain!' => \$retain, 'batterymaxage=i' => \$batterymaxage, 'mac=s' => \$macregex, ) or usage_exit(); usage_exit() if ($help); usage_exit() unless ($mqttserver); usage_exit() unless ($absentinterval >= 30); usage_exit() unless ($rssithreshold >= 5); usage_exit() unless ($batterymaxage >= 0); usage_exit() if ($watchdogthreshold && $watchdogthreshold < 30); usage_exit() if ($forcebattery && !$macregex); $logtarget =~ m/^(syslog|stdout)$/ or usage_exit(); $loglevel = parse_loglevel($loglevel); $daemonize = 0 if ($debug); return ($device, $mqttserver, $mqttuser, $mqttpass, $mqttfingerprint, $getmqttfingerprint, $mqtttopic, $daemonize, $loglevel, $logtarget, $absentinterval, $rssithreshold, $watchdogthreshold, $debug, $debugbluetoothctl, $macregex, $forcebattery, $retain, $batterymaxage); } sub sanity_check { my ($batterymaxage) = @_; error_exit(3, "ERROR: $ME is already running. Exiting.") if (!flock DATA, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB); # log md5 digest open (my $me, '<', $0); binmode ($me); syslogw(LOG_INFO, "md5 digest of '%s' is: '%s'.", $0, Digest::MD5->new->addfile($me)->hexdigest()); close($me); # check if necessary external binaries exist my $ok = 1; foreach my $binary ($batterymaxage > 0 ? qw/bluetoothctl gatttool/ : qw/bluetoothctl/) { my $binpath = `which $binary 2>/dev/null`; chomp($binpath); if ($? == 0) { syslogw(LOG_INFO, "%s found at '%s'.", $binary, $binpath); } else { syslogw(LOG_ERR, "ERROR: %s not found!", $binary); $ok = 0; } } error_exit(4, "ERROR: Exiting due to missing binaries.") if (!$ok); return(); } sub mqtt_check_reconnect { my ($mqtt, $mqtttopic) = @_; if (!defined($lastconnect) || $lastconnect != $mqtt->{last_connect}) { syslogw(LOG_INFO, '(Re-)connect detected, handling...'); $mqtt->retain($mqtttopic . '/state', 'connected'); $lastconnect = $mqtt->{last_connect}; } } sub mqtt_connect { my ($mqttserver, $mqttuser, $mqttpass, $mqttfingerprint, $mqtttopic) = @_; my $mqtt; if (!defined($mqttfingerprint)) { if ($mqttuser && $mqttpass) { $ENV{MQTT_SIMPLE_ALLOW_INSECURE_LOGIN} = 1; $mqtt = Net::MQTT::Simple->new($mqttserver); $mqtt->login($mqttuser,$mqttpass); } else { $mqtt = Net::MQTT::Simple->new($mqttserver); } } else { $mqtt = Net::MQTT::Simple::SSL->new($mqttserver, {SSL_fingerprint => $mqttfingerprint}); if ($mqttuser && $mqttpass) { $mqtt->login($mqttuser, $mqttpass); } } $mqtt->last_will($mqtttopic . '/state', 'disconnected', 1); mqtt_check_reconnect($mqtt, $mqtttopic); return($mqtt); } sub dump_task { syslogw(LOG_INFO, 'Executing dump task.'); printf("%sKnown devices (%i):\n", tsprefix(), scalar(keys(%devices))); foreach my $mac (sort keys(%devices)) { printf("\tmac: %s, present: %i, name: %s, address type: %s, first seen: %i, last seen: %i, last published: %i, rssi: %s, published rssi: %s, query count: %s, battery service: %i, battery: %s (%s)\n", $mac, $devices{$mac}{'present'} // 'unknown', $devices{$mac}{'name'} // 'unknown', $devices{$mac}{'address_type'} // 'unknown', time() - $devices{$mac}{'firstseen'}, time() - $devices{$mac}{'lastseen'}, time() - $devices{$mac}{'lastpublished'}, $devices{$mac}{'rssi'} // 'unknown', $devices{$mac}{'rssipublished'} // 'unknown', $devices{$mac}{'query_count'} // '%', $devices{$mac}{'batteryservice'} // 0, $devices{$mac}{'battery'} // 'unknown', $devices{$mac}{'batterytime'} // 'never' ); } return(); } sub evaluation_task { my ($absentinterval, $mqtttopic, $retain) = @_; syslogw(LOG_DEBUG, 'Executing evaluation task.'); foreach my $mac (sort keys(%devices)) { if ($devices{$mac}{'present'} && time() - $devices{$mac}{'lastseen'} > $absentinterval) { syslogw(LOG_INFO, 'Device %s is now absent.', $mac); if ($retain) { $mqtt->retain($mqtttopic . '/' . $mac . '/present', 0); } else { $mqtt->publish($mqtttopic . '/' . $mac . '/present', 0); } $devices{$mac}{'present'} = 0; } } } sub cleanup_task { my $start_time = time(); my $deleted_items = 0; foreach my $mac (keys(%devices)) { next if ($devices{$mac}{'present'}); my $age = time() - $devices{$mac}{'lastseen'}; if ($age > $CLEANUP_MAX_AGE) { $deleted_items++; syslogw(LOG_DEBUG, "Deleting device %s.", $mac); delete($devices{$mac}); } } syslogw(LOG_INFO, "Cleanup finished, deleted %i devices in %i seconds.", $deleted_items, time() - $start_time); return(); } sub get_battery_level { my ($mac) = @_; my $address_type = $devices{$mac}{'address_type'} // 'public'; #-i $device open(my $gatttool, "-|", "gatttool -b $mac -t $address_type --char-read --uuid=$BATTERY_LEVEL_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID 2>&1") || die('Error executing gatttool!'); my $result = 'unknown'; while (<$gatttool>) { chomp($_); syslogw(LOG_DEBUG, "gatttool (mac: %s, address type: '%s'): '%s'", $mac, $address_type, $_); if ($_ =~ m/^handle:\s[0-9A-Fa-fx]+\s+value:\s([0-9a-f]+)\s*$/) { # Success: 'handle: 0x0028 value: 64' $result = hex($1); } elsif ($_ =~ m/^Read characteristics by UUID failed: No attribute found within the given range$/) { # Unsupported: 'Read characteristics by UUID failed: No attribute found within the given range' $result = 'unknown (unsupported)'; } elsif ($_ =~ m/^connect error: Connection refused \(111\)$/) { # Unreachable (after 40s): 'connect error: Connection refused (111)' # Shouldn't happen very often because we try to query only reachable clients that offer battery service $result = 'unknown (timeout)'; } } close($gatttool); return($result); } sub battery_task { my ($mqtttopic, $forcebattery, $batterymaxage) = @_; syslogw(LOG_INFO, 'Executing battery task.'); foreach my $mac (sort keys(%devices)) { if ( $devices{$mac}{'present'} && ($devices{$mac}{'batteryservice'} || $forcebattery) && (!$devices{$mac}{'batterytime'} || (time()-$devices{$mac}{'batterytime'}) >= $batterymaxage * 60 * 60) ) { my $battery = get_battery_level($mac); if ($battery !~ m/^unknown/) { syslogw(LOG_INFO, 'Battery level of device %s is %s, updating reading...', $mac, $battery); $devices{$mac}{'battery'} = $battery; $devices{$mac}{'batterytime'} = time(); $mqtt->publish($mqtttopic . '/' . $mac . '/battery', $devices{$mac}{'battery'}); $mqtt->publish($mqtttopic . '/' . $mac . '/batterytime', $devices{$mac}{'batterytime'}); } else { syslogw(LOG_INFO, 'Battery level of device %s is %s, skipping reading update...', $mac, $battery); } } } $nextbattery = time() + $BATTERY_INTERVAL; return(); } sub query_task { my ($bluetoothctl) = @_; foreach my $mac (sort keys(%devices)) { if ( $devices{$mac}{'present'} && !$devices{$mac}{'address_type'} && (!$devices{$mac}{'next_query_time'} || time() > $devices{$mac}{'next_query_time'}) ) { $devices{$mac}{'query_count'}++; my $backoff = 2**$devices{$mac}{'query_count'}; # exponential backoff $devices{$mac}{'next_query_time'} = time() + $backoff; $bluetoothctl->send(sprintf("info %s\n", $mac)); syslogw(LOG_DEBUG, 'Executing query task. Querying %s (count: %i, backoff: %i)...', $mac, $devices{$mac}{'query_count'}, $backoff); return(); # only one query per interval } } } sub handle_match { my ($mqtttopic, $rssithreshold, $type, $mac, $info, $bluetoothctl, $macregex, $retain) = @_; $info =~ s/\s+$//; $mac = uc($mac); if($macregex && $mac!~/$macregex/i) { printf("%s### Match (filtered): [%s] %s (%s)\n", tsprefix(), $type, $mac, $info) if ($debug >= 2); return(); } $lastevent = time(); if (my ($rssi) = ($info =~ m/^RSSI: (-?[0-9]+)$/)) { printf("%s### Match RSSI: [%s] %s -> %s\n", tsprefix(), $type, $mac, $rssi) if ($debug >= 2); $devices{$mac}{'rssi'}=$rssi; if (!$devices{$mac}{'rssipublished'} || abs($devices{$mac}{'rssipublished'} - $rssi) > $rssithreshold) { $mqtt->publish($mqtttopic . '/' . $mac . '/rssi', $rssi); $devices{$mac}{'rssipublished'} = $rssi; } } if($devices{$mac}{'firstseen'}) { printf("%s### Match: [%s] %s (%s)\n", tsprefix(), $type, $mac, $info) if ($debug >= 2); } else { printf("%s### Match (new): [%s] %s (%s)\n", tsprefix(), $type, $mac, $info) if ($debug >= 2); $devices{$mac}{'firstseen'} = time(); $devices{$mac}{'query_count'} = 0; } $devices{$mac}{'lastseen'} = time(); $devices{$mac}{'present'} = 1; if (!$devices{$mac}{'present'} || !$devices{$mac}{'lastpublished'} || time() - $devices{$mac}{'lastpublished'} > $PUBLISH_FILTER_INTERVAL) { if ($retain) { $mqtt->retain($mqtttopic . '/' . $mac . '/lastseen', time()); $mqtt->retain($mqtttopic . '/' . $mac . '/present', 1); } else { $mqtt->publish($mqtttopic . '/' . $mac . '/lastseen', time()); $mqtt->publish($mqtttopic . '/' . $mac . '/present', 1); } $devices{$mac}{'lastpublished'} = time(); syslogw(LOG_INFO, 'Device %s is now present.', $mac) unless ($devices{$mac}{'present'}); } } (my $device, my $mqttserver, my $mqttuser, my $mqttpass, my $mqttfingerprint, my $getmqttfingerprint, my $mqtttopic, my $daemonize, $loglevel, $logtarget, my $absentinterval, my $rssithreshold, my $watchdogthreshold, $debug, my $debugbluetoothctl, my $macregex, my $forcebattery, my $retain, my $batterymaxage) = parse_options(); syslogw(LOG_NOTICE, "Version %s started (device: %s, mqtt server: %s, mqtt user: %s, mqtt fingerprint: %s, get mqtt fingerprint: %s, mqtt topic: %s, daemonize: %i, log level: %i, log target: %s, absent interval: %s, rssi threshold: %s, watchdog threshold: %s, mac regex: %s, debug: %i, debug bluetoothctl: %i, force battery: %i, battery max age: %i).", $VERSION, $device, $mqttserver, $mqttuser // '-none-', $mqttfingerprint // '-none-', $getmqttfingerprint, $mqtttopic // '-none-', $daemonize, $loglevel, $logtarget, $absentinterval, $rssithreshold, $watchdogthreshold, $macregex // '-none-', $debug, $debugbluetoothctl, $forcebattery, $batterymaxage); sanity_check($batterymaxage); daemonize('root', 'root', $PIDFILE) if $daemonize; local $SIG{INT} = local $SIG{TERM} = local $SIG{HUP} = sub { syslogw(LOG_NOTICE, "Caught signal, cleaning up and exiting..."); unlink($PIDFILE) if (-e $PIDFILE); if ($mqtt) { $mqtt->retain($mqtttopic . '/state', 'disconnected'); $mqtt->disconnect(); } $bluetoothctl->hard_close() if ($bluetoothctl); closelog(); exit(1); }; if ($getmqttfingerprint) { printf("Fingerprint for server '%s': '%s'.\n", $mqttserver, IO::Socket::SSL->new(PeerHost => $mqttserver, SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_NONE)->get_fingerprint); exit(0); } $mqtt = mqtt_connect($mqttserver, $mqttuser, $mqttpass, $mqttfingerprint, $mqtttopic); $lastquery = 0; $nextheartbeat = 0; $nextdump = time() + $DUMP_INTERVAL; $nextevaluation = time() + $EVALUATION_INTERVAL; $nextbattery = time() + $INITIAL_BATTERY_INTERVAL; $nextcleanup = time() + $CLEANUP_INTERVAL; for(;;) { $bluetoothctl=Expect->new(); $bluetoothctl->spawn('bluetoothctl') or error_exit(10, "Cannot spawn bluetoothctl: $!"); $bluetoothctl->log_stdout(0); $bluetoothctl->log_file("/tmp/$ME.log", "w") if ($debugbluetoothctl); # Requires bluez >=~5.50 for my $cmd ( "menu scan", "clear", "duplicate-data on", "transport le", "back", "scan on", "version" ) { $bluetoothctl->expect($EXPECT_TIMEOUT, '#') or error_exit(11, "ERROR expecting bluetoothctl prompt while waiting to send '$cmd'."); syslogw(LOG_DEBUG, "Sending '%s'...", $cmd); $bluetoothctl->send($cmd."\n"); } $bluetoothctl->expect($EXPECT_TIMEOUT, '#') or error_exit(12, "ERROR expecting bluetoothctl prompt."); syslogw(LOG_INFO, "Scan started."); my $current_mac; $lastevent = time(); do { $bluetoothctl->expect(0, # [NEW|CHG] Device 63:A7:11:06:7D:8B 63-A7-11-06-7D-8B [qr/\[.*(NEW|CHG).*\] Device ([0-9A-Fa-f:]+) (.*)/ => sub { handle_match($mqtttopic, $rssithreshold, $bluetoothctl->matchlist(), $bluetoothctl, $macregex, $retain); exp_continue(); }], [qr/Device ([0-9a-fA-F]{2}:[0-9a-fA-F]{2}:[0-9a-fA-F]{2}:[0-9a-fA-F]{2}:[0-9a-fA-F]{2}:[0-9a-fA-F]{2}) not available/ => sub { printf("%s+++ Device info: %s not available\n", tsprefix(), $bluetoothctl->matchlist()) if ($debug >= 2); $current_mac=''; exp_continue(); }], [qr/Device ([0-9a-fA-F]{2}:[0-9a-fA-F]{2}:[0-9a-fA-F]{2}:[0-9a-fA-F]{2}:[0-9a-fA-F]{2}:[0-9a-fA-F]{2}) \((random|public)\)/ => sub { my ($mac, $type) = $bluetoothctl->matchlist(); printf("%s+++ Device info: %s %s\n", tsprefix(), $mac, $type) if ($debug >= 2); $current_mac = $mac; $devices{$mac}{'address_type'} = $type; delete($devices{$current_mac}{'query_count'}); delete($devices{$current_mac}{'next_query_time'}); exp_continue(); }], [qr/\s+Name:\s*([\w -]+)/ => sub { printf("%s+++ Device name: %s '%s'\n", tsprefix(), $current_mac // 'NONE', $bluetoothctl->matchlist()) if ($debug >= 2); if ($current_mac) { $devices{$current_mac}{'name'}=$bluetoothctl->matchlist()->[0]; } else { syslogw(LOG_INFO, "WARNING: Current mac is not set, ignoring!\n") if ($debug >= 2); } exp_continue(); }], [qr/\s+UUID:\s*Battery Service/ => sub { printf("%s+++ Device battery %s\n", tsprefix(), $current_mac // 'NONE') if ($debug >= 2); if ($current_mac) { $devices{$current_mac}{'batteryservice'}=1; } else { syslogw(LOG_INFO, "WARNING: Current mac is not set, ignoring!\n") if ($debug >= 2); } exp_continue(); }], [qr/Version\s*([\w\.]+)/ => sub { chomp($bluetoothctl->matchlist()->[0]); syslogw(LOG_INFO, "Found bluetoothctl version %s.", $bluetoothctl->matchlist()->[0]); exp_continue(); }], ); mqtt_check_reconnect($mqtt, $mqtttopic); # For performance reasons, a maximum of one task is performed per loop if (time() >= $nextheartbeat) { $mqtt->publish($mqtttopic . '/heartbeat', time()); $nextheartbeat = time() + $HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL; } elsif (time() > $nextevaluation) { evaluation_task($absentinterval, $mqtttopic, $retain); $nextevaluation = time() + $EVALUATION_INTERVAL; } elsif ((time() - $lastquery > $QUERY_INTERVAL)) { query_task($bluetoothctl); $lastquery=time(); } elsif (time() > $nextcleanup) { cleanup_task(); $nextcleanup = time() + $CLEANUP_INTERVAL; } elsif ($debug >= 1 && time() >= $nextdump) { dump_task(); $nextdump = time() + $DUMP_INTERVAL; } usleep($MAINLOOP_SLEEP_US); } while ((!$watchdogthreshold || (time() - $lastevent < $watchdogthreshold)) && ($batterymaxage == 0 || time() < $nextbattery)); $bluetoothctl->send("exit\n"); $bluetoothctl->hard_close(); if ($batterymaxage > 0 && time() >= $nextbattery) { battery_task($mqtttopic, $forcebattery); } else { syslogw(LOG_INFO, "Watchdog timeout! Didn't receive any beacon for %i seconds. Restarting bluetoothctl handling in %i second(s).", $watchdogthreshold, $BLUETOOTHCTL_RESTART_SLEEP); sleep($BLUETOOTHCTL_RESTART_SLEEP); } } __DATA__ This exists to allow the locking code at the beginning of the file to work and to praise adamk's wisdom.