#!/usr/bin/perl ############################### # Server-Side script to check out the fhem SVN repository, and upload the # changed files to the server # $Id$ use strict; use warnings; my $debug = 0; print "\n\n"; print "fhemupdate.pl START: ".localtime()."\n"; my $homedir="/home/rko/fhemupdate"; my $destdir="/var/www/html/fhem.de"; chdir("$homedir/culfw"); system("svn update .") if(!$debug); chdir("$homedir/fhem"); system("svn update .") if(!$debug); die "SVN failed, exiting\n" if($?); `../copyfiles.sh` if(!$debug); ################################# # new Style chdir("$homedir/fhem"); system("mkdir -p fhemupdate"); my @filelist2 = ( "./fhem.pl.txt", "./CHANGED", "./GPL_V2.txt", "./MAINTAINER.txt", "./configDB.pm", "FHEM/.*.pm", "FHEM/.*.layout", "FHEM/FhemUtils/.*.pm", "FHEM/FhemUtils/update-.*", "FHEM/lib/.*.pm", "FHEM/lib/.*.xml", "FHEM/lib/.*.csv", "FHEM/firmware/.*", "FHEM/lib/SWAP/.*.xml", "FHEM/lib/SWAP/panStamp/.*", "FHEM/lib/SWAP/justme/.*", "FHEM/lib/Device/.*.pm", "FHEM/lib/Device/Firmata/.*.pm", "FHEM/lib/MP3/.*.pm", "FHEM/lib/MP3/Tag/.*", "FHEM/lib/UPnP/.*", "FHEM/lib/AttrTemplate/.*.template", "FHEM/holiday/.*.holiday", "contrib/commandref_join.pl.txt", "contrib/commandref_modular.pl.txt", "www/pgm2/.*", "www/pgm2/images/.*.png", "www/jscolor/.*", "www/codemirror/.*", "www/gplot/.*.gplot", "www/images/fhemSVG/.*.svg", "www/images/openautomation/.*.svg", "www/images/openautomation/.*.txt", "www/images/default/.*", "www/images/default/remotecontrol/.*", "www/images/sscam/.*.png", "docs/commandref.*.html", "docs/faq(_..)?.html", "docs/HOWTO(_..)?.html", "docs/fhem.*.png", "docs/.*.jpg", "docs/fhemdoc.js", "demolog/.*", "./fhem.cfg.demo", ); # Collect file timestamp and size my %filetime2; my %filesize2; sub statDir { my ($fspec, $recursive) = @_; $fspec =~ m,^(.+)/([^/]+)$,; my ($dir,$pattern) = ($1, $2); opendir DH, $dir || die("Can't open $dir: $!\n"); my @files = readdir(DH); closedir(DH); foreach my $file (@files) { my $fPath = "$dir/$file"; if(-d $fPath) { statDir("$fPath/$pattern", 1) if($recursive && $file !~ m/^\./); } else { next if($file !~ m/$pattern/); my @st = stat($fPath); my @mt = localtime($st[9]); $filetime2{$fPath} = sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d_%02d:%02d:%02d", $mt[5]+1900, $mt[4]+1, $mt[3], $mt[2], $mt[1], $mt[0]; $filesize2{$fPath} = $st[7]; } } } foreach my $fspec (@filelist2) { statDir($fspec); } statDir("lib/.*.pm",1) if(-d "lib"); ####################### # read in the old times chdir("$homedir/fhem/fhemupdate"); my %oldtime; my $fname = "controls_fhem.txt"; if(open FH, $fname) { while(my $l = <FH>) { chomp($l); next if($l !~ m/^UPD ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) (.*)$/); my ($ts, $fs, $file) = ($1, $2, $3); $oldtime{"$file.txt"} = $ts if($file =~ m/\.pl$/); $oldtime{$file} = $ts; } close(FH); } # Create the new controls_fhem.txt and copy the changed files open(FH, ">$fname") || die "Can't open $fname: $!\n"; `svn info ..` =~ m/Revision: (\d+)/m; print FH "REV $1\n"; if(open(ADD, "../../fhemupdate.control.fhem")) { print FH join("",<ADD>); close ADD; } my $cnt; foreach my $f (sort keys %filetime2) { my $fn = $f; $fn =~ s/.txt$// if($fn =~ m/.pl.txt$/); print FH "UPD $filetime2{$f} $filesize2{$f} $fn\n"; my $newfname = $f; if(!$oldtime{$f} || $oldtime{$f} ne $filetime2{$f}) { $f =~ m,^(.*)/([^/]*)$,; my ($dir, $file) = ($1, $2); system("mkdir -p $dir") unless(-d $dir); system("cp ../$dir/$file $dir/$file"); $cnt++; } } close(FH); exit(0) if($debug); # copy and check in the controls file if it was changed. chdir("$homedir/fhem"); my $diff=`diff -I '^REV' fhemupdate/$fname $fname`; if($diff) { system("cp fhemupdate/$fname $fname"); system("svn commit -m '$fname: fhemupdate checkin'"); } system("cp -p ../culfw/Devices/CUL/*.hex fhemupdate/FHEM"); system("cp -p ../culfw/Devices/CUL/*.hex fhemupdate/FHEM/firmware"); system("cp -p FHEM/firmware/*.hex fhemupdate/FHEM/firmware"); # copy the stuff to the external dir my $rsyncopts="-a --delete --verbose"; print "rsync $rsyncopts fhemupdate/. $destdir/fhemupdate/.\n"; system("rsync $rsyncopts fhemupdate/. $destdir/fhemupdate/."); if(-f "commandref_changed") { system("cp docs/commandref.html docs/commandref_DE.html $destdir"); system("cp docs/commandref_modular*.html $destdir"); } system("cp CHANGED MAINTAINER.txt $destdir"); system("cp $destdir/stats/data/fhem_statistics_db.sqlite .."); chdir("$homedir"); print "generating SVNLOG\n"; system("sh mksvnlog.sh > SVNLOG"); system("cp SVNLOG $destdir"); print "fhemupdate.pl END: ".localtime()."\n";