- Rudi, Thu Feb 1 13:27:15 MET 2007 Created the file HISTORY and the file README.DEV - Pest, Thu Feb 1 20:45 MET 2007 Added description for attribute "model" in commandref.html - Rudi, Sun Feb 11 18:56:05 MET 2007 - showtime added for pgm2 (useful for FS20 piri display) - defattr command added, it makes easier to assign room, type, etc for a group of devices. - em1010.pl added to the contrib directory. It seems that we are able to read out the EM1010PC. Not verified with multiple devices. - Pest, Thu Feb 11 23:35 MET 2007 - Added doc/linux.html (multiple USDB devices, udev links) - Linked fhem.html and commandref.html to linux.html - Martin Haas, Fri Feb 23 10:18 MET 2007 - ARM-Section (NSLU2) added to doc/linux.html - Pest, Sat Feb 24 18:30 MET 2007 - doc/linux.html: Module build re-written. - Rudi, Sun Mar 4 11:18:10 MET 2007 Reorganization. Goal: making attribute adding/deleting more uniform ("at/notify" and other device differences), and making web-configuration possible (i.e. saving the configfile, list of possible devices etc). Internal changes: - %logmods,%devmods moved to %modules. Makes things more uniform - %logs merged into %defs - local state info (%readings) changed to global ($defs{$d}{READINGS}) -> No need for the listfn function in each module -> User written scripts can more easily analyze device states User visible changes: - at/notify "renamed" to "define at/notify", both moved to external modules. Now it is possible - to have a further "at" or "notify" modules (notify & filelog use the same interface) - to have more than one notify for the same event - to delete at commands without strange escapes. The delete syntax changed (no more def/at/ntfy needed) - at/notify can have attributes Drawback: each at and notify must have a name, which is strange first. - logfile/modpath/pidfile/port/verbose "renamed" to "attr global xxx" Dumping and extending these attributes is easier, no special handling required in the web-frontend. - savefile renamed to "attr global statefile" - configfile global attribute added. - save command added, it writes the statefile and then the configfile. - delattr added to delete single attributes - list/xmllist format changed, they contain more information. - "define/set/get/attr name ?" returns a list of possible arguments in the same format. This data is contained in the xmllist. - disable attribute for at/notify/filelog - rename added - Rudi, Tue Mar 27 20:43:15 MEST 2007 fhemweb.pl (webpgm2) changes: - adopted to the new syntax - better commandline support (return
  - FileLog attribute logtype added, and 4 logtypes (== gnuplot files)
    defined: fs20, fht, ks300_1, ks300_2
  - links in the commandref.html file added
  - device dependent attribute and set support

- Pest, Sun Apr 08 17:55:15 MEST 2007
  - Make difference between sensors 1..4 and 5..
  - Checked values for sensor 5 (cur.energy + cur.power) - ok
  - Checked values for sensor 5 cur.energy is ok, cur.power still off.
    Correction factor needs to be determined.
  - setTime: Without argument, now the current time of the PC is used.
  - setRperKW: Factor of 10 required, 75 U/kWh -> 750.

- Pest, Tue Apr 10 20:31:22 MEST 2007
  - Introduced new double-word function (dw)
  - getDevStatus: energy values kWh/h, kWh/d, total.

- Rudi Sat Apr 14 10:34:36 MEST 2007
  final documentations, release 4.0. Tagged as FHEM_4_0

- Pest, Sat Apr 14 14:21:00 MEST 2007
  - doc: linux.html (private udev-rules, not 50-..., ATTRS)

- Pest, Sun Apr 15 14:54:30 MEST 2007
  - doc: fhem.pl and commandref.html (notifyon -> notify, correction of examples)

- Rudi, Tue Apr 24 08:10:43 MEST 2007
  - feature: modify command added. It helps change e.g. only the time component
    for an at command, without deleting and creating it again and then
    reapplying all the attributes.
  - feature: the "-" character is disallowed in defined names. Use dot (.) or _
    instead.  The - is used to separate ranges in the set command.

- Rudi, Sun May 27 12:51:52 MEST 2007
  - Archiving FileLogs. Added fhemweb.pl (pgm2) code, to show logs from the
    archive directory. See the attributes archivedir/archivecmd.
  - Added EM1010PC suppoort (right now only with EM1000WZ). Support added
    for displaying logs in the fhemweb.pl (webfrontends/pgm2)