############################################## # $Id$ package main; =pod ### Usage: Define the following in your 99_myUtils.pm sub TestBlocking($){ BlockingCall("DoSleep", shift, "SleepDone", 5, "AbortFn", "AbortArg"); } sub DoSleep($) { sleep(shift); return "I'm done"; } sub SleepDone($) { Log 1, "SleepDone: " . shift; } sub AbortFn($) { Log 1, "Aborted: " . shift; } Then call from the fhem prompt { TestBlocking(3) } { TestBlocking(6) } and watch the fhem log. =cut use strict; use warnings; use IO::Socket::INET; sub BlockingCall($$@); sub BlockingExit(); sub BlockingKill($); sub BlockingInformParent($;$$$); sub BlockingStart(;$); our $BC_telnetDevice; our %BC_hash; my $telnetClient; my $bc_pid = 0; use vars qw($BC_telnet); # set optionally by the user, Forum #68477 sub BC_searchTelnet($) { my ($blockingFn) = @_; if($BC_telnet) { $BC_telnetDevice = $BC_telnet; return; } $BC_telnetDevice = undef; foreach my $d (sort keys %defs) { # my $h = $defs{$d}; next if(!$h->{TYPE} || $h->{TYPE} ne "telnet" || $h->{SNAME}); next if(AttrVal($d, "SSL", undef) || AttrVal($d, "allowfrom", "") ne ""); next if($h->{DEF} !~ m/^\d+( global)?$/); next if($h->{DEF} =~ m/IPV6/); my %cDev = ( SNAME=>$d, TYPE=>$h->{TYPE}, NAME=>$d.time() ); next if(Authenticate(\%cDev, undef) == 2); # Needs password $BC_telnetDevice = $d; last; } # If not suitable telnet device found, create a temporary one if(!$BC_telnetDevice) { $BC_telnetDevice = "telnetForBlockingFn_".time(); my $ret = CommandDefine(undef, "-temporary $BC_telnetDevice telnet 0"); if($ret) { $ret = "BlockingCall ($blockingFn): ". "No telnet port found and cannot create one: $ret"; Log 1, $ret; return undef; } $attr{$BC_telnetDevice}{room} = "hidden"; # no red ?, Forum #46640 $attr{$BC_telnetDevice}{allowfrom} = ""; } } sub BlockingInfo($$@) { my @ret; foreach my $h (values %BC_hash) { next if($h->{terminated} || !$h->{pid}); my $fn = (ref($h->{fn}) ? ref($h->{fn}) : $h->{fn}); my $arg = (ref($h->{arg}) ? ref($h->{arg}) : $h->{arg}); my $to = ($h->{timeout} ? $h->{timeout} : "N/A"); my $conn= ($h->{telnet} ? $h->{telnet} : "N/A"); push @ret, "Pid:$h->{pid} Fn:$fn Arg:$arg Timeout:$to ConnectedVia:$conn"; } push @ret, "No BlockingCall processes running currently" if(!@ret); return join("\n", @ret); } sub BlockingCall($$@) { my %hash = ( Fn => "BlockingInfo", Hlp => ",show info about processes started by BlockingCall" ); $cmds{blockinginfo} = \%hash; my ($blockingFn, $arg, $finishFn, $timeout, $abortFn, $abortArg) = @_; my %h = ( pid=>'WAITING:', fn=>$blockingFn, arg=>$arg, finishFn=>$finishFn, timeout=>$timeout, abortFn=>$abortFn, abortArg=>$abortArg ); $BC_hash{++$bc_pid} = \%h; $h{bc_pid} = $bc_pid; return BlockingStart(\%h); } sub BlockingStart(;$) { my ($curr) = @_; if($curr && $curr =~ m/^\d+$/) { $BC_hash{$curr}{terminated} = 1 if($BC_hash{$curr}); $curr = undef; } # Look for the telnetport. Must be done before forking to be able to create a # temporary device. Do it each time, as the old telnet may got a password BC_searchTelnet($curr && $curr->{fn} ? $curr->{fn}: "BlockingStart"); my $chld_alive = 0; my $max = AttrVal('global', 'blockingCallMax', 32); for my $bpid (sort { $a <=> $b} keys %BC_hash) { my $h = $BC_hash{$bpid}; if($h->{pid} && $h->{pid} =~ m/^-?\d+$/) { # Windows threads are negative if($^O =~ m/Win/) { # MaxNr of concurrent forked processes @Win is 64, and must use wait as # $SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE' does not work. wait if($h->{terminated}); } else { use POSIX ":sys_wait_h"; waitpid(-1, WNOHANG); # Forum #58867 } if(!kill(0, $h->{pid}) && (!$h->{telnet} || !$defs{$h->{telnet}})) { $h->{pid} = "DEAD:$h->{pid}"; if(!$h->{terminated} && $h->{abortFn}) { no strict "refs"; my $ret = &{$h->{abortFn}}($h->{abortArg},"Process died prematurely"); use strict "refs"; } delete($BC_hash{$bpid}); RemoveInternalTimer($h) if($h->{timeout}); } else { $chld_alive++; } next; } if(!$h->{fn}) { # Deleted by the module in finishFn? delete($BC_hash{$bpid}); RemoveInternalTimer($h) if($h->{timeout}); next; } if($max && $chld_alive >= $max) { if($curr && $curr->{fn}) { Log 4, "BlockingCall ($curr->{fn}) enqueue: ". "limit (blockingCallMax=$max) reached"; } RemoveInternalTimer(\%BC_hash); InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+5, "BlockingStart", \%BC_hash, 0); return $curr; } # do fork my $pid = fhemFork; if(!defined($pid)) { Log 1, "Cannot fork: $!"; stacktrace() if(AttrVal("global", "stracktrace", 0)); DoTrigger("global", "CANNOT_FORK", 1); return $curr; } if($pid) { Log 4, "BlockingCall ($h->{fn}): created child ($pid), ". "uses $BC_telnetDevice to connect back"; $h->{pid} = $pid; InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$h->{timeout}, "BlockingKill", $h, 0) if($h->{timeout}); $chld_alive++; next; } # Child here BlockingInformParent("BlockingRegisterTelnet", "\$cl,$h->{bc_pid}", 1, 1) if($h->{abortFn} && $^O !~ m/Win/); no strict "refs"; my $ret = &{$h->{fn}}($h->{arg}); use strict "refs"; BlockingInformParent("BlockingStart", $h->{bc_pid}, 0); BlockingExit() if(!$h->{finishFn}); # Write the data back, calling the function BlockingInformParent($h->{finishFn}, $ret, 0); BlockingExit(); } return $curr; } sub BlockingRegisterTelnet($$) { my ($cl,$idx) = @_; return 0 if(ref($cl) ne "HASH" || !$cl->{NAME} || !$defs{$cl->{NAME}} || !$BC_hash{$idx}); $BC_hash{$idx}{telnet} = $cl->{NAME}; $defs{$cl->{NAME}}{BlockingCall} = $BC_hash{$idx}{fn}; return 1; } sub BlockingInformParent($;$$$) { my ($informFn, $param, $waitForRead, $noEscape) = @_; my $ret = undef; $waitForRead = 1 if (!defined($waitForRead)); # Write the data back, calling the function if(!$telnetClient) { my $addr = "$defs{$BC_telnetDevice}{PORT}"; $telnetClient = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $addr); if(!$telnetClient) { Log 1, "BlockingInformParent ($informFn): Can't connect to $addr: $@"; return; } } if(defined($param)) { if(!$noEscape) { if(ref($param) eq "ARRAY") { $param = join(",", map { $_ =~ s/'/\\'/g; "'$_'" } @{$param}); } else { $param =~ s/'/\\'/g; $param = "'$param'" } } } else { $param = ""; } $param =~ s/;/;;/g; syswrite($telnetClient, "{$informFn($param)}\n"); if ($waitForRead) { my $len = sysread($telnetClient, $ret, 4096); chop($ret); $ret = undef if(!defined($len)); } else { # if data is available read anyway to keep input stream clear my $rin = ''; vec($rin, $telnetClient->fileno(), 1) = 1; if (select($rin, undef, undef, 0) > 0) { sysread($telnetClient, $ret, 4096); $ret = undef; } } return $ret; } # Parent sub BlockingKill($) { my $h = shift; return if($h->{terminated}); # if($^O !~ m/Win/) { if($h->{pid} && $h->{pid} !~ m/:/ && kill(9, $h->{pid})) { my $ll = (defined($h->{loglevel}) ? $h->{loglevel} : 1); # Forum #77057 Log $ll, "Timeout for $h->{fn} reached, terminated process $h->{pid}"; $h->{terminated} = 1; if($h->{abortFn}) { no strict "refs"; my $ret = &{$h->{abortFn}}($h->{abortArg}, "Timeout: process terminated"); use strict "refs"; } elsif($h->{finishFn}) { no strict "refs"; my $ret = &{$h->{finishFn}}(); use strict "refs"; } delete($BC_hash{$h->{bc_pid}}); InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+1, "BlockingStart", \%BC_hash, 0) if(looks_like_number($h->{pid}) && kill(0, $h->{pid})); # Forum #58867 } # } BlockingStart(); } # Child sub BlockingExit() { close($telnetClient) if($telnetClient); if($^O =~ m/Win/) { eval "require threads;"; threads->exit(); } else { POSIX::_exit(0); } } 1;