############################################## # $Id$ package main; use strict; use warnings; use DevIo; sub MQTT2_CLIENT_Read($@); sub MQTT2_CLIENT_Write($$$); sub MQTT2_CLIENT_Undef($@); sub MQTT2_CLIENT_doPublish($@); sub MQTT2_CLIENT_Disco($;$$); use vars qw($FW_chash); # client fhem hash use vars qw(%FW_id2inform); # See also: # http://docs.oasis-open.org/mqtt/mqtt/v3.1.1/os/mqtt-v3.1.1-os.html sub MQTT2_CLIENT_Initialize($) { my ($hash) = @_; $hash->{ReadFn} = "MQTT2_CLIENT_Read"; $hash->{DefFn} = "MQTT2_CLIENT_Define"; $hash->{AttrFn} = "MQTT2_CLIENT_Attr"; $hash->{SetFn} = "MQTT2_CLIENT_Set"; $hash->{UndefFn} = "MQTT2_CLIENT_Undef"; $hash->{ShutdownFn} = "MQTT2_CLIENT_Undef"; $hash->{DeleteFn} = "MQTT2_CLIENT_Delete"; $hash->{WriteFn} = "MQTT2_CLIENT_Write"; $hash->{ReadyFn} = "MQTT2_CLIENT_connect"; no warnings 'qw'; my @attrList = qw( autocreate:no,simple,complex binaryTopicRegexp clientId clientOrder connectTimeout disable:1,0 disabledForIntervals disconnectAfter ignoreRegexp lwt lwtRetain keepaliveTimeout msgAfterConnect msgBeforeDisconnect mqttVersion:3.1.1,3.1 privacy:0,1 qosMaxQueueLength rawEvents subscriptions SSL sslargs username ); use warnings 'qw'; $hash->{AttrList} = join(" ", @attrList)." ".$readingFnAttributes; $hash->{FW_detailFn} = "MQTT2_CLIENT_fhemwebFn"; } sub MQTT2_CLIENT_resetClients($) { my ($hash) = @_; $hash->{ClientsKeepOrder} = 1; $hash->{Clients} = ":MQTT2_DEVICE:MQTT_GENERIC_BRIDGE:"; $hash->{MatchList}= { "1:MQTT2_DEVICE" => "^.", "2:MQTT_GENERIC_BRIDGE" => "^." }; delete($hash->{".clientArray"}); } ##################################### sub MQTT2_CLIENT_Define($$) { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my ($name, $type, $host) = split("[ \t]+", $def); return "Usage: define MQTT2_CLIENT :" if(!$host); MQTT2_CLIENT_resetClients($hash); MQTT2_CLIENT_Undef($hash, undef) if($hash->{OLDDEF}); # modify $hash->{DeviceName} = $host; $hash->{clientId} = AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "clientId", $hash->{NAME}); $hash->{connecting} = 1; InternalTimer(1, "MQTT2_CLIENT_connect", $hash, 0); # need attributes return undef; } sub MQTT2_CLIENT_connect($) { my ($hash) = @_; return if($hash->{authError} || AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "disable", 0)); my $disco = (DevIo_getState($hash) eq "disconnected"); $hash->{connecting} = 1 if($disco && !$hash->{connecting}); $hash->{nextOpenDelay} = 5; $hash->{BUF}=""; return DevIo_OpenDev($hash, $disco, "MQTT2_CLIENT_doinit", sub(){}) if($hash->{connecting}); } sub MQTT2_CLIENT_doinit($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; ############################## CONNECT if($hash->{connecting} == 1) { my $usr = AttrVal($name, "username", ""); my ($err, $pwd) = getKeyValue($name); $pwd = undef if($usr eq ""); if($err) { Log 1, "ERROR: $err"; return; } my ($lwtt, $lwtm) = split(" ",AttrVal($name, "lwt", ""),2); my $lwtr = AttrVal($name, "lwtRetain", 0); my $m31 = (AttrVal($name, "mqttVersion", "3.1") eq "3.1"); my $keepalive = AttrVal($name, "keepaliveTimeout", 30); $keepalive = 30 if($keepalive !~ m/^[0-9]+$/); my $msg = ($m31 ? pack("n",6)."MQIsdp".pack("C",3): pack("n",4)."MQTT" .pack("C",4)). pack("C", ($usr ? 0x80 : 0)+ ($pwd ? 0x40 : 0)+ ($lwtr ? 0x20 : 0)+ ($lwtt ? 0x04 : 0)+2). # clean session pack("n", $keepalive). pack("n", length($hash->{clientId})).$hash->{clientId}. ($lwtt ? (pack("n", length($lwtt)).$lwtt). (pack("n", length($lwtm)).$lwtm) : ""). ($usr ? (pack("n", length($usr)).$usr) : ""). ($pwd ? (pack("n", length($pwd)).$pwd) : ""); $hash->{connecting} = 2; MQTT2_CLIENT_send($hash, pack("C",0x10). MQTT2_CLIENT_calcRemainingLength(length($msg)).$msg, 1, 1); # Forum #92946 RemoveInternalTimer($hash); $hash->{waitingForConnack} = 1; if($keepalive) { InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$keepalive,"MQTT2_CLIENT_keepalive",$hash,0); } ############################## SUBSCRIBE & RESEND Non-Acked } elsif($hash->{connecting} == 2) { my $s = AttrVal($name, "subscriptions", "#"); if($s eq "setByTheProgram") { $s = ($hash->{".subscriptions"} ? $hash->{".subscriptions"} : "#"); } my $msg = pack("n", $hash->{FD}). # packed Identifier join("", map { pack("n", length($_)).$_.pack("C",0) } # QOS:0 split(" ", $s)); MQTT2_CLIENT_send($hash, pack("C",0x82). MQTT2_CLIENT_calcRemainingLength(length($msg)).$msg, 0, 1); $hash->{connecting} = 3; } elsif($hash->{connecting} == 3) { my $onc = AttrVal($name, "msgAfterConnect", ""); delete($hash->{connecting}); MQTT2_CLIENT_doPublish($hash, $2, $3, $1, 1) if($onc && $onc =~ m/^(-r\s)?([^\s]*)\s*(.*)$/); if($hash->{qosQueue} && @{$hash->{qosQueue}}) { my $pa = $hash->{qosQueue}; $hash->{qosQueue} = []; for(my $i1=0; $i1<@{$pa}; $i1++) { my $r = $pa->[$i1]; MQTT2_CLIENT_doPublish($hash, $r->[0], $r->[1], $r->[2], 0); } } if($hash->{sendHash}) { map { MQTT2_CLIENT_doPublish($hash,$_->[1],$_->[2],$_->[3]) } @{$hash->{sendHash}}; delete($hash->{sendHash}); } MQTT2_CLIENT_updateDisconnectTimer($hash); } return undef; } sub MQTT2_CLIENT_keepalive($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; if($hash->{waitingForConnack}) { Log3 $name, 2, "$hash->{NAME}: No CONNACK, disconnecting"; return MQTT2_CLIENT_Disco($hash); } if($hash->{waitingForPingRespSince}) { Log3 $name, 2, "$hash->{NAME}: No PINGRESP for last PINGREQ (". "at $hash->{waitingForPingRespSince}), disconnecting"; return MQTT2_CLIENT_Disco($hash); } my $keepalive = AttrVal($name, "keepaliveTimeout", 30); $keepalive = 30 if($keepalive !~ m/^[0-9]+$/); return if(ReadingsVal($name, "state", "") ne "opened" || $hash->{connecting}); MQTT2_CLIENT_send($hash, pack("C",0xC0).pack("C",0)); # PINGREQ $hash->{waitingForPingRespSince} = TimeNow(); InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$keepalive, "MQTT2_CLIENT_keepalive", $hash, 0); } sub MQTT2_CLIENT_Undef($@) { my ($hash, $arg) = @_; MQTT2_CLIENT_Disco($hash, 1); return undef; } sub MQTT2_CLIENT_Disco($;$$) { my ($hash, $isUndef, $noMsg) = @_; RemoveInternalTimer($hash); $hash->{connecting} = 1 if(!$isUndef); if(!$noMsg) { my $ond = AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "msgBeforeDisconnect", ""); MQTT2_CLIENT_doPublish($hash, $2, $3, $1, 1) if($ond && $ond =~ m/^(-r\s)?([^\s]*)\s*(.*)$/); MQTT2_CLIENT_send($hash, pack("C",0xE0).pack("C",0), 1); # DISCONNECT } $isUndef ? DevIo_CloseDev($hash) : DevIo_Disconnected($hash); delete($hash->{BUF}); if($hash->{disconnectTimerHash}) { RemoveInternalTimer($hash->{disconnectTimerHash}); delete($hash->{disconnectTimerHash}); } delete $hash->{waitingForConnack}; delete $hash->{waitingForPingRespSince}; readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "disconnected", 1); } sub MQTT2_CLIENT_updateDisconnectTimer($) { my ($hash) = @_; return if(!$hash->{FD} || $hash->{connecting}); if($hash->{disconnectTimerHash}) { RemoveInternalTimer($hash->{disconnectTimerHash}); delete($hash->{disconnectTimerHash}); delete($hash->{disconnectAt}); } my $to = AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "disconnectAfter", 0); return if(!$to); $to += time(); $hash->{disconnectAt} = FmtDateTime($to); $hash->{disconnectTimerHash} = { h=>$hash }; InternalTimer($to, sub{ MQTT2_CLIENT_Disco($_[0]->{h},1) }, $hash->{disconnectTimerHash}, 0); } sub MQTT2_CLIENT_Delete($@) { my ($hash, $arg) = @_; setKeyValue($hash->{NAME}, undef); return undef; } sub MQTT2_CLIENT_Attr(@) { my ($type, $devName, $attrName, @param) = @_; my $hash = $defs{$devName}; if($type eq "set" && $attrName eq "SSL") { $hash->{SSL} = $param[0] ? $param[0] : 1; } if($type eq "set" && $attrName eq "ignoreRegexp") { my $re = join(" ",@param); return "bad $devName ignoreRegexp: $re" if($re eq "1" || $re =~ m/^\*/); eval { "Hallo" =~ m/$re/ }; return "bad $devName ignoreRegexp: $re: $@" if($@); } if($attrName eq "clientId") { delete($hash->{clientId}); $hash->{clientId} = $param[0] if($type eq "set"); } if($attrName eq "connectTimeout") { delete($hash->{TIMEOUT}); $hash->{TIMEOUT} = $param[0] if($type eq "set"); } if($attrName eq "sslargs") { $hash->{sslargs} = {}; for my $kv (split(" ",$param[0])) { my ($k, $v) = split(":", $kv, 2); $hash->{sslargs}{$k} = $v; } } my %h = (clientId=>1,lwt=>1,lwtRetain=>1,subscriptions=>1,SSL=>1,username=>1); if($init_done && $h{$attrName}) { delete($hash->{authError}); MQTT2_CLIENT_Disco($hash); } if($attrName eq "qosMaxQueueLength") { if($type eq "set" && $param[0] ne "0") { return "qosMaxQueueLength must be an integer" if($param[0] !~ m/^\d+$/); $hash->{qosMaxQueueLength} = $param[0]; $hash->{qosQueue} = []; $hash->{qosCnt} = 0; } else { delete $hash->{qosQueue}; delete $hash->{qosMaxQueueLength}; } } if($attrName eq "disconnectAfter") { $hash->{devioLoglevel} = ($type eq "set" ? 5 : 0); return undef if(!$init_done); InternalTimer(0, sub { MQTT2_CLIENT_updateDisconnectTimer($hash); MQTT2_CLIENT_connect($hash) if(!$hash->{FD} && ($type ne "set" || $param[0] eq "0")); }, undef, 0); } if($attrName eq "clientOrder") { if($type eq "set") { my @p = split(" ", $param[0]); $hash->{Clients} = ":".join(":",@p).":"; my $cnt = 1; my %h = map { ($cnt++.":$_", "^.") } @p; $hash->{MatchList} = \%h; delete($hash->{".clientArray"}); # Force a recompute } else { MQTT2_CLIENT_resetClients($hash); } } if($attrName eq "disable") { if($type eq "set" && $param[0]) { MQTT2_CLIENT_Disco($hash,1) if(DevIo_getState($hash) ne "disconnected"); } else { InternalTimer(0, \&MQTT2_CLIENT_connect, $hash, 1) if(DevIo_getState($hash) ne "opened"); } } if($attrName eq "binaryTopicRegexp") { if($type eq "set") { return "Bad regexp $param[0]: starting with *" if($param[0] =~ m/^\*/); eval { "hallo" =~ m/^$param[0]$/ }; return "Bad regexp $param[0]: $@" if($@); $hash->{binaryTopicRegexp} = $param[0]; } else { delete($hash->{binaryTopicRegexp}); } } return undef; } sub MQTT2_CLIENT_Set($@) { my ($hash, @a) = @_; my %sets = ( password=>2, publish=>2, connect=>0, disconnect=>0 ); my $name = $hash->{NAME}; shift(@a); return "Unknown argument ?, choose one of ". join(" ", map { $sets{$_} ? $_ : "$_:noArg" } keys %sets) if(!$a[0] || !defined($sets{$a[0]})); if($a[0] eq "publish") { shift(@a); my $retain; if(@a>2 && $a[0] eq "-r") { $retain = 1; shift(@a); } return "Usage: set $name publish -r topic [value]" if(@a < 1); my $tp = shift(@a); my $val = join(" ", @a); readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "lastPublish", "$tp:$val", 1); MQTT2_CLIENT_doPublish($hash, $tp, $val, $retain); } elsif($a[0] eq "password") { return "Usage: set $name password " if(@a < 1); delete($hash->{authError}); setKeyValue($name, $a[1]); # will delete, if argument is empty MQTT2_CLIENT_Disco($hash) if($init_done); } elsif($a[0] eq "connect") { MQTT2_CLIENT_connect($hash) if(!$hash->{FD}); } elsif($a[0] eq "disconnect") { MQTT2_CLIENT_Disco($hash, 1) if($hash->{FD}); } return undef; } my %cptype = ( 0 => "RESERVED_0", 1 => "CONNECT", 2 => "CONNACK", # 3 => "PUBLISH", # 4 => "PUBACK", # 5 => "PUBREC", 6 => "PUBREL", 7 => "PUBCOMP", 8 => "SUBSCRIBE", 9 => "SUBACK", # 10 => "UNSUBSCRIBE", 11 => "UNSUBACK", 12 => "PINGREQ", 13 => "PINGRESP", # 14 => "DISCONNECT",# 15 => "RESERVED_15", ); ##################################### sub MQTT2_CLIENT_Read($@) { my ($hash, $reread) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $fd = $hash->{FD}; if(!$reread) { my $buf = DevIo_SimpleRead($hash); if(!defined($buf)) { MQTT2_CLIENT_Disco($hash,0,1); return ""; } $hash->{BUF} .= $buf; } my ($tlen, $off) = MQTT2_CLIENT_getRemainingLength($hash); if($tlen < 0 || $tlen+$off<=0) { Log3 $name, 1, "Bogus data from $name, closing connection"; MQTT2_CLIENT_Disco($hash,0,1); return; } return if(length($hash->{BUF}) < $tlen+$off); my $fb = substr($hash->{BUF}, 0, 1); my $pl = substr($hash->{BUF}, $off, $tlen); # payload $hash->{BUF} = substr($hash->{BUF}, $tlen+$off); my $cp = ord(substr($fb,0,1)) >> 4; my $cpt = $cptype{$cp}; $hash->{lastMsgTime} = gettimeofday(); # Lowlevel debugging if(AttrVal($name, "verbose", 1) >= 5) { my $pltxt = $pl; $pltxt =~ s/([^ -~])/"(".ord($1).")"/ge; Log3 $name, 5, "$name: received $cpt $pltxt"; } #################################### if($cpt eq "CONNACK") { delete($hash->{waitingForConnack}); my $rc = ord(substr($pl,1,1)); if($rc == 0) { MQTT2_CLIENT_doinit($hash); } else { my @txt = ("Accepted", "bad proto", "bad id", "server unavailable", "bad user name or password", "not authorized"); Log3 $name, 1, "$name: Connection refused, ". ($rc <= int(@txt) ? $txt[$rc] : "unknown error $rc"); $hash->{authError} = $rc; MQTT2_CLIENT_Disco($hash); return; } } elsif($cpt eq "PUBACK") { shift(@{$hash->{qosQueue}}) if($hash->{qosQueue}); } elsif($cpt eq "SUBACK") { MQTT2_CLIENT_doinit($hash) if($hash->{connecting}); } elsif($cpt eq "PINGRESP") { delete($hash->{waitingForPingRespSince}); } elsif($cpt eq "PUBLISH") { my $cf = ord(substr($fb,0,1)) & 0xf; my $qos = ($cf & 0x06) >> 1; my ($tp, $val, $pid); ($tp, $off) = MQTT2_CLIENT_getStr($pl, 0); if($qos) { $pid = unpack('n', substr($pl, $off, 2)); $off += 2; } $val = substr($pl, $off); if($unicodeEncoding) { if(!$hash->{binaryTopicRegexp} || $tp !~ m/^$hash->{binaryTopicRegexp}$/) { $val = Encode::decode('UTF-8', $val); } } MQTT2_CLIENT_send($hash, pack("CCnC*", 0x40, 2, $pid)) if($qos); # PUBACK MQTT2_CLIENT_updateDisconnectTimer($hash); if(!IsDisabled($name)) { $val = "" if(!defined($val)); my $ir = AttrVal($name, "ignoreRegexp", undef); if(!defined($ir) || "$tp:$val" !~ m/$ir/) { my $ac = AttrVal($name, "autocreate", "no"); $ac = $ac eq "1" ? "simple" : ($ac eq "0" ? "no" : $ac); # backward comp. my $cid = makeDeviceName($hash->{clientId}); $tp =~ s/:/_/g; # 96608 Dispatch($hash, "autocreate=$ac\0$cid\0$tp\0$val", undef, $ac eq "no"); my $re = AttrVal($name, "rawEvents", undef); DoTrigger($name, "$tp:$val") if($re && $tp =~ m/$re/); } } MQTT2_CLIENT_feedTheList($hash, $tp, $val, 1); } else { Log 1, "M2: Unhandled packet $cpt, disconneting $name"; MQTT2_CLIENT_Disco($hash); return; } # Allow some IO inbetween, for overloaded systems InternalTimer(0, sub{ MQTT2_CLIENT_Read($_[0],1)}, $hash,0) if(length($hash->{BUF}) > 0); } ###################################### # send topic to client if its subscriptions matches the topic sub MQTT2_CLIENT_doPublish($@) { my ($hash, $topic, $val, $retain, $immediate) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; return if(IsDisabled($name)); $val = "" if(!defined($val)); if((!$hash->{FD} || $hash->{connecting}) && AttrVal($name, "disconnectAfter", undef)) { $hash->{sendHash} = [] if(!defined($hash->{sendHash})); push(@{$hash->{sendHash}}, \@_); MQTT2_CLIENT_connect($hash) if(!$hash->{connecting}); return; } MQTT2_CLIENT_updateDisconnectTimer($hash); if(!$hash->{FD}) { Log3 $name, 4, "$name: publish to $topic while not connected"; return; } my $hdr = 0x30; my $pi = ""; $hdr += 1 if($retain); if(defined($hash->{qosQueue}) && @{$hash->{qosQueue}} < $hash->{qosMaxQueueLength}) { $hdr += 2; # QoS:1 push(@{$hash->{qosQueue}}, [$topic,$val,$retain]); $pi = pack("n",1+($hash->{qosCnt}++%65535)); # Packet Identifier, if QoS > 0 } if($unicodeEncoding) { $topic = Encode::encode('UTF-8', $topic); $val = Encode::encode('UTF-8', $val); } my $msg = pack("C", $hdr). MQTT2_CLIENT_calcRemainingLength(2+length($topic)+length($val)+ length($pi)). pack("n", length($topic)). $topic.$pi.$val; MQTT2_CLIENT_send($hash, $msg, $immediate); MQTT2_CLIENT_feedTheList($hash, $topic, $val); } sub MQTT2_CLIENT_send($$;$$) { my ($hash, $msg, $immediate, $doSend) = @_; # Lowlevel debugging my $name = $hash->{NAME}; $doSend = 1 if(!$doSend && !$hash->{connecting}); # ignore msgs before CONNECT if(AttrVal($name, "verbose", 1) >= 5) { my $cmd = $cptype{ord($msg)>>4}; my $msgTxt = $msg; $msgTxt =~ s/([^ -~])/"(".ord($1).")"/ge; Log3 $name, 5, "$name: ".($doSend ? "sending":"discarding")." $cmd $msgTxt"; } return if(!$doSend); if($immediate) { DevIo_SimpleWrite($hash, $msg, 0); } else { addToWritebuffer($hash, $msg, undef, 1); # nolimit } } sub MQTT2_CLIENT_Write($$$) { my ($hash, $function, $topicMsg) = @_; return "Ignoring the message as $hash->{NAME} is not yet connected" if($hash->{connecting}); if($function eq "publish") { my ($topic, $msg) = split(" ", $topicMsg, 2); my $retain; if($topic =~ m/^(.*):r$/) { $topic = $1; $retain = 1; } MQTT2_CLIENT_doPublish($hash, $topic, $msg, $retain); } elsif($function eq "subscriptions") { $hash->{".subscriptions"} = $topicMsg; MQTT2_CLIENT_Disco($hash); } else { my $name = $hash->{NAME}; Log3 $name, 1, "$name: ERROR: Ignoring function $function"; } return undef; } sub MQTT2_CLIENT_calcRemainingLength($) { my ($l) = @_; my @r; while($l > 0) { my $eb = $l % 128; $l = int($l/128); $eb += 128 if($l); push(@r, $eb); } return pack("C*", @r); } sub MQTT2_CLIENT_getRemainingLength($) { my ($hash) = @_; return (2,2) if(length($hash->{BUF}) < 2); my $ret = 0; my $mul = 1; for(my $off = 1; $off <= 4; $off++) { my $b = ord(substr($hash->{BUF},$off,1)); $ret += ($b & 0x7f)*$mul; return ($ret, $off+1) if(($b & 0x80) == 0); $mul *= 128; } return -1; } sub MQTT2_CLIENT_getStr($$) { my ($in, $off) = @_; my $l = unpack("n", substr($in, $off, 2)); my $r = substr($in, $off+2, $l); $r = Encode::decode('UTF-8', $r) if($unicodeEncoding); return ($r, $off+2+$l); } sub MQTT2_CLIENT_fhemwebFn() { my ($FW_wname, $d, $room, $pageHash) = @_; # pageHash is set for summaryFn. return '' if($pageHash); return << "JSEND" JSEND } sub MQTT2_CLIENT_addToFeedList($$) { my ($name, $turnOn) = @_; my $hash = $defs{$name}; return if(!$hash); my $fwid = $FW_chash->{FW_ID}; $hash->{".feedList"} = () if(!$hash->{".feedList"}); if($turnOn) { $hash->{".feedList"}{$fwid} = 1; } else { delete($hash->{".feedList"}{$fwid}); delete($hash->{".feedList"}) if(!keys %{$hash->{".feedList"}}); } return undef; } sub MQTT2_CLIENT_feedTheList($$$) { my ($server, $tp, $val, $cid) = @_; my $fl = $server->{".feedList"}; if($fl) { foreach my $fwid (keys %{$fl}) { my $cl = $FW_id2inform{$fwid}; if(!$cl || !$cl->{inform}{filter} || $cl->{inform}{filter} ne '^$') { delete($fl->{$fwid}); next; } FW_AsyncOutput($cl, "", defined($cid) ? "RCVD: $tp $val
" : "SENT: $tp $val
"); } delete($server->{".feedList"}) if(!keys %{$fl}); } } 1; =pod =item summary Connection to an external MQTT server =item summary_DE Verbindung zu einem externen MQTT Server =begin html


    MQTT2_CLIENT is a cleanroom implementation of an MQTT client (which connects to an external server, like mosquitto) using no perl libraries. It serves as an IODev to MQTT2_DEVICES.

      define <name> MQTT2_CLIENT <host>:<port>

      Connect to the server on <host> and <port>. <port> 1883 is default for mosquitto.
      • only QOS 0 and 1 is implemented

    • publish -r topic value
      publish a message, -r denotes setting the retain flag.

    • password <password> value
      set the password, which is stored in the FHEM/FhemUtils/uniqueID file. If the argument is empty, the password will be deleted.

    • connect
      manually connect or disconnect to the MQTT server. Needed for some strange embedded server.


    • autocreate [no|simple|complex]
      if set to simple/complex, at least one MQTT2_DEVICE will be created, and its readingsList will be expanded upon reception of published messages. Note: this is slightly different from MQTT2_SERVER, where each connection has its own clientId. This parameter is sadly not transferred via the MQTT protocol, so the clientId of this MQTT2_CLIENT instance will be used.
      With simple the one-argument version of json2nameValue is added: json2nameValue($EVENT), with complex the full version: json2nameValue($EVENT, 'SENSOR_', $JSONMAP). Which one is better depends on the attached devices and on the personal taste, and it is only relevant for json payload. For non-json payload there is no difference between simple and complex.
      Default is no, as in absence of an MQTT2_DEVICE with a bridgeRegexp attribute it is not really useful.

    • binaryTopicRegexp <regular-expression>
      this attribute is only relevant, if the global attribute "encoding unicode" is set.
      In this case the MQTT payload is automatically assumed to be UTF-8, which may cause conversion-problems if the payload is binary. This conversion wont take place, if the topic matches the regular expression specified. Note: as is the case with other modules, ^ and $ is added to the regular expression.

    • clientId <name>
      set the MQTT clientId. If not set, the name of the MQTT2_CLIENT instance is used, after deleting everything outside 0-9a-zA-Z

      set the notification order for client modules. This is relevant when autocreate is active, and the default order (MQTT2_DEVICE MQTT_GENERIC_BRIDGE) is not adequate. Note: Changing the attribute affects _all_ MQTT2_CLIENT instances.

    • connectTimeout <seconds>
      change the HTTP connect timeout, default is 4 seconds. This seems to be necessary for some MQTT servers in robotic vacuum cleaners.

    • disable
      disable the connection to the server.

    • disabledForIntervals
      disable sending or dispatching of messages but not the connection to the server.

    • disconnectAfter <seconds>
      if set, the connection will be closed after <seconds> of inactivity, and will be automatically reopened when sending a command.
    • ignoreRegexp
      if $topic:$message matches ignoreRegexp, then it will be silently ignored.
    • lwt <topic> <message>
      set the LWT (last will and testament) topic and message, default is empty.

    • keepaliveTimeout <seconds;>
      number of seconds for sending keepalive messages, 0 disables it. The broker will disconnect, if there were no messages for 1.5 * keepaliveTimeout seconds.

    • lwtRetain
      if set, the lwt retain flag is set

    • mqttVersion 3.1,3.1.1
      set the MQTT protocol version in the CONNECT header, default is 3.1

    • msgAfterConnect [-r] topic message
      publish the topic after each connect or reconnect.
      If the optional -r is specified, then the publish sets the retain flag.

    • msgBeforeDisconnect [-r] topic message
      publish the topic bofore each disconnect.
      If the optional -r is specified, then the publish sets the retain flag.

    • qosMaxQueueLength <number>
      if set to a nonzero value, messages are published with QoS=1, and are kept in a memory-only buffer until acknowledged by the server. If there is no connection to the server, up to <number> messages are queued, and resent when the connection is esablished.

    • rawEvents <topic-regexp>
      send all messages as events attributed to this MQTT2_CLIENT instance. Should only be used, if there is no MQTT2_DEVICE to process the topic.

    • subscriptions <subscriptions>
      space separated list of MQTT subscriptions, default is #
      Note: if the value is the literal setByTheProgram, then the value sent by the client (e.g. MQTT_GENERIC_BRIDGE) is used.

    • SSL
      Enable SSL (i.e. TLS)

    • sslargs
      a list of space separated tuples of key:value, where key is one of the possible options documented in perldoc IO::Socket::SSL

    • username <username>
      set the username. The password is set via the set command, and is stored separately, see above.

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