############################################################### # $Id$ # # 59_OPENWEATHER.pm # # (c) 2014 Torsten Poitzsch < torsten . poitzsch at gmx . de > # # This module reads weather forecast data via the openweather-api of www.wetter.com # # Copyright notice # # This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # The GNU General Public License can be found at # http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. # A copy is found in the text file GPL.txt and important notices to the license # from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts. # # This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script! # ############################################################################## # # define OPENWEATHER # ############################################################################## ############################################### # parser for the weather data package MyOPENWEATHERParser; use base qw(HTML::Parser); our %fcReadings = (); my $curTag = ""; our $day = -2; our $time = ""; # here HTML::text/start/end are overridden %knownTags = ( tn => "tempMin" , tx => "tempMax" , w => "weatherCode" , w_txt => "weather" , ws => "wind" , wd => "windDir" , wd_txt => "windDirTxt" , pc => "chOfRain" , p => "valHours" , title => "error" , message => "errorMsg" , name => "city" , post_code => "postcode" , url => "url" ); sub get_wday($) { my ($date) = @_; my @wday_txt = qw(So Mo Di Mi Do Fr Sa); my @th=localtime $date; return $wday_txt [$th[6]]; } sub text { my ( $self, $text ) = @_; my $rName = $knownTags{$curTag}; if (defined $rName) { if ($day == -2) { $fcReadings{$rName} = $text ; } elsif ( $day >= 0 ) { #Umlaute entfernen if ($curTag eq "w_txt") {$text =~ s/ö/oe/; $text =~ s/ä/ae/; $text =~ s/ü/ue/; $text =~ s/ß/ss/;} $fcReadings{"fc".$day."_".$rName.$time} = $text ; # icon erzeugen # if ($curTag eq "w") # { # if ($time != "23") # { # $fcReadings{"fc".$day."_".$rName.$time} = "d_".$text."_L.png" ; # } # else # { # $fcReadings{"fc".$day."_".$rName.$time} = "n_".$text."_L.png" ; # } # } } } elsif ($curTag eq "d" && $time eq "") { $fcReadings{"fc".$day."_wday"} = get_wday $text ; } } sub start { my ( $self, $tagname, $attr, $attrseq, $origtext ) = @_; $curTag = $tagname; if ($tagname eq "forecast") { $day = -1; } elsif ( $tagname eq "date" && $day >= -1 ) { $day++; $time = ""; } elsif ($tagname eq "time") { $time = substr($attr->{value}, 0, 2); } } sub end { my ( $self, $tagname, $attr, $attrseq, $origtext ) = @_; $curTag = ""; if ($tagname eq "time") { $time = ""; } } ####################################################################### package main; use strict; use warnings; use Blocking; my $missingModul; eval "use MIME::Base64;1" or $missingModul .= "MIME::Base64 "; eval "use Digest::MD5 'md5_hex';1" or $missingModul .= "Digest::MD5 "; eval "use LWP::UserAgent;1" or $missingModul .= "LWP::UserAgent "; eval "use HTTP::Request;1" or $missingModul .= "HTTP::Request "; eval "use HTML::Parser;1" or $missingModul .= "HTML::Parser "; my $MODUL = "OPENWEATHER"; sub OPENWEATHER_Log($$$); sub OPENWEATHER_Start($); sub OPENWEATHER_Run($); sub OPENWEATHER_Done($); sub OPENWEATHER_UpdateAborted($); sub ########################################## OPENWEATHER_Log($$$) { my ( $hash, $loglevel, $text ) = @_; my $xline = ( caller(0) )[2]; my $xsubroutine = ( caller(1) )[3]; my $sub = ( split( ':', $xsubroutine ) )[2]; $sub =~ s/OPENWEATHER_//; my $instName = ( ref($hash) eq "HASH" ) ? $hash->{NAME} : $hash; Log3 $hash, $loglevel, "$MODUL $instName: $sub.$xline " . $text; } sub ########################################## OPENWEATHER_Initialize($) { my ($hash) = @_; $hash->{DefFn} = "OPENWEATHER_Define"; $hash->{UndefFn} = "OPENWEATHER_Undefine"; $hash->{SetFn} = "OPENWEATHER_Set"; $hash->{GetFn} = "OPENWEATHER_Get"; $hash->{AttrFn} = "OPENWEATHER_Attr"; $hash->{AttrList} = "disable:0,1 " ."INTERVAL " .$readingFnAttributes; } # end OPENWEATHER_Initialize sub ########################################## OPENWEATHER_Define($$) { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my @args = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def); return "Error: Perl moduls ".$missingModul."are missing on this system" if $missingModul; return "Usage: define OPENWEATHER [language]" if(@args <5 || @args >6); my $name = $args[0]; $hash->{NAME} = $name; $hash->{STATE} = "Initializing"; $hash->{INTERVAL} = 3600; $hash->{PROJECT} = $args[2]; $hash->{CITYCODE} = $args[3]; $hash->{APIKEY} = $args[4]; $hash->{LANGUAGE} = $args[5] if defined $args[5]; $hash->{CREDIT} = "Powered by wetter.com"; my $checkSum = md5_hex( $args[2] . $args[4] . $args[3] ); my $URL = 'http://api.wetter.com/forecast/weather'; $URL .= '/city/' . $args[3]; $URL .= '/project/' . $args[2]; $URL .= '/cs/' . $checkSum; $URL .= '/language/'. $args[5] if defined $args[5]; $hash->{URL} = $URL; $hash->{fhem}{LOCAL} = 0; $hash->{fhem}{modulVersion} = '$Date$'; RemoveInternalTimer($hash); # Get first data after 7 seconds InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 7, "OPENWEATHER_Start", $hash, 0); return undef; } #end OPENWEATHER_Define sub ########################################## OPENWEATHER_Undefine($$) { my ($hash, $args) = @_; RemoveInternalTimer($hash); BlockingKill($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}) if(defined($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID})); return undef; } # end OPENWEATHER_Undefine sub ########################################## OPENWEATHER_Attr($@) { my ($cmd,$name,$aName,$aVal) = @_; # $cmd can be "del" or "set" # $name is device name # aName and aVal are Attribute name and value my $hash = $defs{$name}; if ($cmd eq "set") { if ($aName eq "INTERVAL") { if ($aVal < 3600 && $aVal != 0) { OPENWEATHER_Log $name, 3, "Error: Minimum of attribute INTERVAL is 3600 or 0"; return "Minimum of attribute INTERVAL is 3600 or 0"; } else { # Internal Timer neu starten RemoveInternalTimer($hash); if ($aVal >0) { InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+7, "OPENWEATHER_Start", $hash, 0); } } } } elsif ($cmd eq "del") { if ($aName eq "INTERVAL") { # Internal Timer neu starten RemoveInternalTimer($hash); InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+1, "OPENWEATHER_Start", $hash, 0); } } return undef; } # OPENWEATHER_Attr ende sub ########################################## OPENWEATHER_Set($$@) { my ($hash, $name, $cmd, $val) = @_; my $resultStr = ""; if(lc $cmd eq 'update') { $hash->{fhem}{LOCAL} = 1; OPENWEATHER_Start($hash); $hash->{fhem}{LOCAL} = 0; return undef; } my $list = "update:noArg"; return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $list"; } # end OPENWEATHER_Set sub ########################################## OPENWEATHER_Get($@) { my ($hash, $name, $cmd) = @_; my $result; my $message; if (lc $cmd eq "apiresponse") { my $time = gettimeofday(); $result = OPENWEATHER_Run $name; my @a = split /\|/, $result; if ($a[1]==0) { $message = $a[2]; } else { $message = decode_base64($a[2]); } $time = gettimeofday() - $time; if ($time > AttrVal($name, "timeOut", 10)) { $message = sprintf( "Runtime: %.2f s (!!! Increase attribute 'timeOut' !!!)\n_________________\n\n", $time) . $message; } else { $message = sprintf( "Response of %s\nRuntime: %.2f s\n_________________\n\n %s", $hash->{URL}, $time, $message); } return $message; } my $list = "apiResponse:noArg"; return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $list"; } # end OPENWEATHER_Get # Starts the data capturing and sets the new timer sub ########################################## OPENWEATHER_Start($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; $hash->{INTERVAL} = AttrVal( $name, "INTERVAL", 3600 ); if( $hash->{fhem}{LOCAL} != 1 && $hash->{INTERVAL} > 0 ) { RemoveInternalTimer($hash); InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVAL}, "OPENWEATHER_Start", $hash, 1); return undef if( AttrVal($name, "disable", 0 ) == 1 ); } my $timeOut = AttrVal($name, "timeOut", 10); $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("OPENWEATHER_Run", $name, "OPENWEATHER_Done", $timeOut, "OPENWEATHER_UpdateAborted", $hash) unless(exists($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID})); } sub ########################################## OPENWEATHER_Run ($) { my ($name) = @_; my $returnStr; my $hash = $defs{$name}; return $name."|0|Error: URL not created. Please re-define device." unless defined $hash->{URL}; my $URL = $hash->{URL}; OPENWEATHER_Log $hash, 5, "Start capturing data from $URL"; my $err_log = ""; my $agent = LWP::UserAgent->new( env_proxy => 1, keep_alive => 1, protocols_allowed => ['http'], timeout => 10 , agent => "Mozilla/5.0 (FHEM)" ); my $request = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $URL ); my $response = $agent->request($request); $err_log = "Can't get $URL -- " . $response->status_line unless $response->is_success; if ( $err_log ne "" ) { return "$name|0|" . $response->status_line; } OPENWEATHER_Log $hash, 5, length($response->content)." characters captured"; my $message = encode_base64($response->content,""); return "$name|1|$message" ; } # end OPENWEATHER_Run sub ########################### OPENWEATHER_Done($) { my ($string) = @_; return unless defined $string; my ($name, $success, $result) = split("\\|", $string); my $hash = $defs{$name}; delete($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}); readingsBeginUpdate($hash); if ( $success == 1 ){ my $message = decode_base64($result); OPENWEATHER_Log $hash, 5, "Start parsing of XML data."; my $parser = MyOPENWEATHERParser->new; %MyOPENWEATHERParser::fcReadings = (); $MyOPENWEATHERParser::day = -2; $MyOPENWEATHERParser::time = ""; $parser->parse($message); OPENWEATHER_Log $hash, 4, "Captured values: " . keys (%MyOPENWEATHERParser::fcReadings); if (defined $MyOPENWEATHERParser::fcReadings{error} ) { readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "lastConnection", $MyOPENWEATHERParser::fcReadings{error}); OPENWEATHER_Log $hash, 1, $MyOPENWEATHERParser::fcReadings{error}." - ".$MyOPENWEATHERParser::fcReadings{errorMsg}; } else { readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "lastConnection", keys (%MyOPENWEATHERParser::fcReadings) . " values captured"); while (my ($rName, $rValue) = each(%MyOPENWEATHERParser::fcReadings) ) { readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, $rName, $rValue ); OPENWEATHER_Log $hash, 5, "reading:$rName value:$rValue"; } my $state = "Tmin: ".$MyOPENWEATHERParser::fcReadings{fc0_tempMin}; $state .= " Tmax: ".$MyOPENWEATHERParser::fcReadings{fc0_tempMax}; readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "state", $state); } } else { readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "lastConnection", $result); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", $result); OPENWEATHER_Log $hash, 1, $result; } readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 ); } # end OPENWEATHER_Done sub ############################ OPENWEATHER_UpdateAborted($) { my ($hash) = @_; delete($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}); OPENWEATHER_Log $hash, 1, "Timeout when connecting to wetter.com"; } # end OPENWEATHER_UpdateAborted ##### noch nicht fertig ########### sub ##################################### OPENWEATHER_Html($@) { my %fhemicons = ( 0 => "sunny.png", 1 => "partly_cloudy.png", 2 => "cloudy.png", 3 => "overcast.png" , 4 => "fog.png", 5 => "drizzle.png", 6 => "rain.png", 7 => "snow.png" , 8 => "shower.png", 9 => "thunderstorm.png", 10 => "partly_cloudy.png", 20 => "cloudy.png" , 30 => "overcast.png", 40 => "fog.png", 45 => "fog.png", 48 => "fog.png" , 49 => "fog.png", 50 => "drizzle.png", 51 => "drizzle.png", 53 => "drizzle.png" , 55 => "drizzle.png", 56 => "drizzle.png", 57 => "icy.png", 60 => "rain.png" , 61 => "rain.png", 63 => "rain.png", 65 => "heavyrain.png", 66 => "rain.png" , 67 => "icy.png", 68 => "sleet.png", 69 => "sleet.png", 70 => "snow.png" , 71 => "snow.png", 73 => "snow.png", 75 => "snow.png", 80 => "scatteredshowers.png" , 81 => "showers.png", 82 => "showers.png", 83 => "chance_of_sleet.png", 84 => "sleet.png" , 85 => "chance_of_snow.png", 86 => "sleet.png", 90 => "thunderstorm.png", 95 => "scatteredthunderstorm.png" , 96 => "thunderstorm.png", 999 => "na.png" ); my ($d, $icons) = @_; $d = "" if(!$d); return "$d is not a OPENWEATHER instance
" if(!$defs{$d} || $defs{$d}{TYPE} ne "OPENWEATHER"); my $uselocal= 0; #AttrVal($d,"localicons",0); my $isday; if ( exists &isday) { $isday = isday(); } else { $isday = 1; #($hour>6 && $hour<19); } my $ret = ""; $ret .= sprintf '', ReadingsVal($d, "city", ""); for(my $i=0; $i<=2; $i++) { $ret .= sprintf('', $i==0 ? "heute" : ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$i."_wday", "") , ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$i."_weather", "") , ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$i."_tempMin", ""), ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$i."_tempMax", "") , ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$i."_chOfRain", "") , ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$i."_wind", ""), ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$i."_windDirTxt", "") ); } $ret .= sprintf ('', ReadingsVal($d, "url", "") ); $ret .= "
Vorhersage %s
min. %s °C max. %s °C
Nieders.risiko: %s %%
Wind: %s km/h aus %s
powered by wetter.com
"; return $ret; } ##################################### 1; =pod =begin html


    The module extracts weather data via the openweather API of www.wetter.com.
    It requires a registration on this website to obtain the necessary parameters.
    It uses the perl moduls HTTP::Request, LWP::UserAgent, HTML::Parse and Digest::MD5.


      define <name> OPENWEATHER <project> <cityCode> <apiKey> [language]
      define wetter OPENWEATHER projectx DE0001020 3c551bc20819c19ee88d

      To obtain the below parameter you have to create a new project on www.wetter.com.

    • <project>
      Name of the 'openweather' project (create with a user account on wetter.com).

    • <cityCode>
      Code of the location for which the forecast is requested. The code is part of the URL of the weather forecast page. For example DE0009042 in:

    • <apiKey>
      Secret key that is provided when the user creates a 'openweather' project on wetter.com.

    • [language]
      Optional. Default language of weather description is German. Change with en to English or es to Spanish.

    • The function OPENWEATHER_Html creates a HTML code for a vertically arranged weather forecast.
      define MyForecast weblink htmlCode { OPENWEATHER_Html("MyWeather") }


    • set <name> update
      The weather data are immediately polled from the website.


    • get <name> apiResponse
      Shows the response of the web site.


    • disable <0 | 1>
      Automatic update is stopped if set to 1.

    • INTERVAL <seconds>
      Polling interval for weather data in seconds (default and smallest value is 3600 = 1 hour). 0 will stop automatic updates.

    • readingFnAttributes

    Forecast readings
      Note! The forecast values (in brackets) have first to be selected on the project setup page on wetter.com.
    • fc0|1|2_... - forecast values for today|tommorrow|in 2 days
    • fc0_...06|11|17|23 - forecast values for today at 06|11|17|23 o'clock
    • fc1_tempMin|Max - minimal|maximal temperature for tommorrow in °C (tn,tx)
    • fc0_tempMin06 - minimal temperatur today at 06:00 o'clock in °C
    • fc0_chOfRain - chance of rain today in % (pc)
    • fc0_valHours06 - validity period in hours of the forecast values starting at 06:00 o'clock (p)
    • fc0_weather - weather situation today in German (w_txt)
    • fc0_weatherCode - code of weather situation today (w)
    • fc0_wday - German abbreviation of week day of today (d)
    • fc0_wind - wind speed today in km/h (ws)
    • fc0_windDir - wind direction today in ° (degree) (wd)
    • fc0_windDirTxt - wind direction today in text form (wd_txt
    • etc.

=end html =begin html_DE


    Das Modul extrahiert Wetterdaten über die "openweather"-Schnittstelle (API) von www.wetter.com.
    Zuvor ist eine Registrierung auf der Webseite notwendig.
    Das Modul nutzt die Perlmodule HTTP::Request, LWP::UserAgent, HTML::Parse und Digest::MD5.


      define <name> OPENWEATHER <Projekt> <Ortscode> <apiSchlüssel> [Sprache]
      define wetter OPENWEATHER projectx DE0001020 3c551bc20819c19ee88d

      Um die unteren Parameter zu erhalten, ist die Registrierung eines neuen Projektes auf www.wetter.com notwendig.

    • <Projekt>
      Name des benutzerspezifischen 'openweather'-Projektes (erzeugt über ein Konto auf wetter.com).

    • <Ortscode>
      Code des Ortes, für den die Wettervorhersage benötigt wird. Er kann direkt aus der Adresszeile der jeweiligen Vorhersageseite genommen werden. Zum Beispiel DE0009042 aus:

    • <apiSchlüssel>
      Geheimer Schlüssel, den man erhält, nachdem man ein neues 'Openweather'-Projekt auf der Website registriert hat.

    • [Sprache]
      Optional. Standardsprache für die Wettersituation ist Deutsch. Mit en kann man zu Englisch und mit es zu Spanisch wechseln.

    • Über die Funktion OPENWEATHER_Html wird ein HTML-Code für ein vertikal arrangierte Wettervorhersage erzeugt.
      define MyForecast weblink htmlCode { OPENWEATHER_Html("MyWeather") }


    • set <name> update
      Startet sofort ein neues Auslesen der Wetterdaten.


    • get <name> apiResponse
      Zeigt die Rückgabewerte der Website an.


    • disable <0 | 1>
      Automatische Aktuallisierung ist angehalten, wenn der Wert auf 1 gesetzt wird.

    • INTERVAL <Abfrageinterval>
      Abfrageinterval in Sekunden (Standard und kleinster Wert ist 3600 = 1 Stunde). 0 stoppt die automatische Aktualisierung

    • readingFnAttributes

      Wichtig! Die Vorhersagewerte (in Klammern) müssen zuerst in den Vorhersageeinstellungen des Projektes auf wetter.com ausgewählt werden.
    • fc0|1|2_... - Vorhersagewerte für heute|morgen|übermorgen
    • fc0_...06|11|17|23 - Vorhersagewerte für heute um 06|11|17|23 Uhr
    • fc0_chOfRain - heutige Niederschlagswahrscheinlichkeit in % (pc)
    • fc0_tempMin|Max - Mindest|Maximaltemperatur heute in °C (tn, tx)
    • fc0_tempMin06 - Mindesttemperatur heute um 06:00 Uhr in °C
    • fc0_valHours06 - Gültigkeitszeitraum der Prognose von heute ab 6:00 Uhr in Stunden (p)
    • fc0_weather - Wetterzustand heute (w_txt)
    • fc0_weatherCode - Code des Wetterzustand heute (w)
    • fc0_wday - Abkürzung des Wochentags von heute (d)
    • fc0_wind - Windgeschwindigkeit heute in km/h (ws)
    • fc0_windDir - Windrichtung heute in ° (Grad) (wd)
    • fc0_windDirTxt - Windrichtung heute in Textform (wd_txt)
    • etc.

=end html_DE =cut