# $Id$ # "Hue Personal Wireless Lighting" is a trademark owned by Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V., # see www.meethue.com for more information. # I am in no way affiliated with the Philips organization. package main; use strict; use warnings; use Color; use POSIX; use JSON; use SetExtensions; use vars qw(%FW_webArgs); # all arguments specified in the GET my %hueModels = ( LCT001 => {name => 'Hue Bulb' ,type => 'Extended Color light' ,subType => 'extcolordimmer',}, LCT002 => {name => 'Hue Bulb BR30' ,type => 'Extended Color light' ,subType => 'extcolordimmer',}, LCT003 => {name => 'Hue Bulb GU10' ,type => 'Extended Color light' ,subType => 'extcolordimmer',}, LLC001 => {name => 'Living Colors G2' ,type => 'Color Light' ,subType => 'colordimmer',}, LLC005 => {name => 'Living Colors Bloom' ,type => 'Color Light' ,subType => 'colordimmer',}, LLC006 => {name => 'Living Colors Gen3 Iris' ,type => 'Color Light' ,subType => 'colordimmer',}, LLC007 => {name => 'Living Colors Gen3 Bloom' ,type => 'Color Light' ,subType => 'colordimmer',}, LLC010 => {name => 'Hue Living Colors Iris' ,type => 'Color Light' ,subType => 'colordimmer',}, LLC011 => {name => 'Hue Living Colors Bloom' ,type => 'Color Light' ,subType => 'colordimmer',}, LLC012 => {name => 'Hue Living Colors Bloom' ,type => 'Color Light' ,subType => 'colordimmer',}, LLC013 => {name => 'Disney Living Colors' ,type => 'Color Light' ,subType => 'colordimmer',}, LLC014 => {name => 'Living Colors Aura' ,type => 'Color Light' ,subType => 'colordimmer',}, LLM001 => {name => 'Color Light Module' ,type => 'Extended Color Light' ,subType => 'extcolordimmer',}, LLM010 => {name => 'Color Temperature Module' ,type => 'Extended Temperature Light' ,subType => 'ctdimmer',}, LLM011 => {name => 'Color Temperature Module' ,type => 'Extended Temperature Light' ,subType => 'ctdimmer',}, LLM012 => {name => 'Color Temperature Module' ,type => 'Extended Temperature Light' ,subType => 'ctdimmer',}, LST001 => {name => 'Hue LightStrips' ,type => 'Color Light' ,subType => 'colordimmer',}, LWB001 => {name => 'Living Whites Bulb' ,type => 'Dimmable light' ,subType => 'dimmer',}, LWB003 => {name => 'Living Whites Bulb' ,type => 'Dimmable light' ,subType => 'dimmer',}, LWB004 => {name => 'Hue Lux' ,type => 'Dimmable light' ,subType => 'dimmer',}, LWL001 => {name => 'LivingWhites Outlet' ,type => 'Dimmable plug-in unit' ,subType => 'dimmer',}, 'FLS-H3' => {name => 'dresden elektronik FLS-H lp' ,type => 'Color Temperature Light' ,subType => 'ctdimmer',}, 'FLS-PP3' => {name => 'dresden elektronik FLS-PP lp' ,type => 'Extended Color Light' ,subType => 'extcolordimmer',}, 'Flex RGBW' => {name => 'LIGHTIFY Flex RGBW' ,type => 'Extended Color Light' ,subType => 'extcolordimmer',}, 'Classic A60 RGBW' => {name => 'LIGHTIFY Classic A60 RGBW' ,type => 'Extended Color Light' ,subType => 'extcolordimmer',}, 'Gardenspot RGB' => {name => 'LIGHTIFY Gardenspot Mini RGB' ,type => 'Color Light' ,subType => 'colordimmer',}, 'Surface Light TW' => {name => 'LIGHTIFY Surface light tunable white' ,type => 'Color Temperature Light' ,subType => 'ctdimmer',}, 'Classic A60 TW' => {name => 'LIGHTIFY Classic A60 tunable white' ,type => 'Color Temperature Light' ,subType => 'ctdimmer',}, 'PAR16 50 TW' => {name => 'LIGHTIFY PAR16 50 tunable white' ,type => 'Color Temperature Light' ,subType => 'ctdimmer',}, ); my %dim_values = ( 0 => "dim06%", 1 => "dim12%", 2 => "dim18%", 3 => "dim25%", 4 => "dim31%", 5 => "dim37%", 6 => "dim43%", 7 => "dim50%", 8 => "dim56%", 9 => "dim62%", 10 => "dim68%", 11 => "dim75%", 12 => "dim81%", 13 => "dim87%", 14 => "dim93%", ); sub HUEDevice_Initialize($) { my ($hash) = @_; # Provide #Consumer $hash->{DefFn} = "HUEDevice_Define"; $hash->{UndefFn} = "HUEDevice_Undefine"; $hash->{SetFn} = "HUEDevice_Set"; $hash->{GetFn} = "HUEDevice_Get"; $hash->{AttrList} = "IODev ". "delayedUpdate:1 ". "realtimePicker:1 ". "color-icons:1,2 ". "transitiontime ". "model:".join(",", sort map { $_ =~ s/ /#/g ;$_} keys %hueModels)." ". "subType:extcolordimmer,colordimmer,ctdimmer,dimmer,switch ". $readingFnAttributes; #$hash->{FW_summaryFn} = "HUEDevice_summaryFn"; FHEM_colorpickerInit(); } sub HUEDevice_devStateIcon($) { my($hash) = @_; $hash = $defs{$hash} if( ref($hash) ne 'HASH' ); return undef if( !$hash ); return undef if( $hash->{helper}->{devtype} ); my $name = $hash->{NAME}; return ".*:light_question" if( !$hash->{helper}{reachable} ); return ".*:off:toggle" if( ReadingsVal($name,"state","off") eq "off" ); my $percent = ReadingsVal($name,"pct","100"); my $s = $dim_values{int($percent/7)}; $s="on" if( $percent eq "100" ); return ".*:$s:toggle" if( $attr{$name}{subType} eq "dimmer" ); return ".*:$s:toggle" if( AttrVal($name, "model", "") eq "LWL001" ); #return ".*:$s:toggle" if( AttrVal($name, "model", "") eq "LWB001" ); #return ".*:$s:toggle" if( AttrVal($name, "model", "") eq "LWB003" ); #return ".*:$s:toggle" if( AttrVal($name, "model", "") eq "LWB004" ); return ".*:$s@#".CommandGet("","$name RGB").":ct:hue:pct" if( $percent < 100 && AttrVal($name, "color-icons", 0) == 2 ); return ".*:on@#".CommandGet("","$name rgb").":ct:hue:pct" if( AttrVal($name, "color-icons", 0) != 0 ); return '
'; } sub HUEDevice_summaryFn($$$$) { my ($FW_wname, $d, $room, $pageHash) = @_; # pageHash is set for summaryFn. my $hash = $defs{$d}; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; return HUEDevice_devStateIcon($hash); } sub HUEDevice_Define($$) { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my @args = split("[ \t]+", $def); $hash->{helper}->{devtype} = ""; if( $args[2] eq "group" ) { $hash->{helper}->{devtype} = "G"; splice( @args, 2, 1 ); } elsif( $args[2] eq "sensor" ) { $hash->{helper}->{devtype} = "S"; splice( @args, 2, 1 ); } my $iodev; my $i = 0; foreach my $param ( @args ) { if( $param =~ m/IODev=(.*)/ ) { $iodev = $1; splice( @args, $i, 1 ); last; } $i++; } return "Usage: define HUEDevice [group|sensor] [interval]" if(@args < 3); my ($name, $type, $id, $interval) = @args; $hash->{STATE} = 'Initialized'; $hash->{ID} = $hash->{helper}->{devtype}.$id; AssignIoPort($hash,$iodev) if( !$hash->{IODev} ); if(defined($hash->{IODev}->{NAME})) { Log3 $name, 3, "$name: I/O device is " . $hash->{IODev}->{NAME}; } else { Log3 $name, 1, "$name: no I/O device"; } my $code = $hash->{ID}; $code = $hash->{IODev}->{NAME} ."-". $code if( defined($hash->{IODev}->{NAME}) ); my $d = $modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code}; return "HUEDevice device $hash->{ID} on HUEBridge $d->{IODev}->{NAME} already defined as $d->{NAME}." if( defined($d) && $d->{IODev} == $hash->{IODev} && $d->{NAME} ne $name ); $modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code} = $hash; if( AttrVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME}, "pollDevices", undef) ) { $interval = 0 unless defined($interval); } else { $interval = 60 unless defined($interval); } $interval = 60 if( $interval && $interval < 10 ); $args[3] = "" if( !defined( $args[3] ) ); if( !$hash->{helper}->{devtype} ) { $hash->{DEF} = "$id $args[3]"; $hash->{INTERVAL} = $interval; $hash->{helper}{on} = -1; $hash->{helper}{reachable} = undef; $hash->{helper}{colormode} = ''; $hash->{helper}{bri} = -1; $hash->{helper}{ct} = -1; $hash->{helper}{hue} = -1; $hash->{helper}{sat} = -1; $hash->{helper}{xy} = ''; $hash->{helper}{alert} = ''; $hash->{helper}{effect} = ''; $hash->{helper}{percent} = -1; $hash->{helper}{rgb} = ""; $attr{$name}{devStateIcon} = '{(HUEDevice_devStateIcon($name),"toggle")}' if( !defined( $attr{$name}{devStateIcon} ) ); my $icon_path = AttrVal("WEB", "iconPath", "default:fhemSVG:openautomation" ); $attr{$name}{'color-icons'} = 2 if( !defined( $attr{$name}{'color-icons'} ) && $icon_path =~ m/openautomation/ ); } elsif( $hash->{helper}->{devtype} eq 'G' ) { $hash->{DEF} = "group $id $args[3]"; $attr{$name}{delayedUpdate} = 1 if( !defined( $attr{$name}{delayedUpdate} ) ); } elsif( $hash->{helper}->{devtype} eq 'S' ) { $hash->{DEF} = "sensor $id $args[3]"; $hash->{INTERVAL} = $interval; } RemoveInternalTimer($hash); if( $init_done ) { HUEDevice_GetUpdate($hash); } else { InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+10, "HUEDevice_GetUpdate", $hash, 0); } return undef; } sub HUEDevice_Undefine($$) { my ($hash,$arg) = @_; RemoveInternalTimer($hash); my $code = $hash->{ID}; $code = $hash->{IODev}->{NAME} ."-". $code if( defined($hash->{IODev}->{NAME}) ); delete($modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code}); return undef; } sub HUEDevice_SetParam($$@) { my ($name, $obj, $cmd, $value, $value2) = @_; if( $cmd eq "color" ) { $value = int(1000000/$value); $cmd = 'ct'; } elsif( $cmd eq "toggle" ) { $cmd = ReadingsVal($name,"state","on") eq "off" ? "on" :"off"; } elsif( $cmd =~ m/^dim(\d+)/ ) { $value2 = $value; $value = $1; $value = 0 if( $value < 0 ); $value = 100 if( $value > 100 ); $cmd = 'pct'; } elsif( !defined($value) && $cmd =~ m/^(\d+)/) { $value2 = $value; $value = $1; $value = 0 if( $value < 0 ); $value = 254 if( $value > 254 ); $cmd = 'bri'; } $cmd = "off" if($cmd eq "pct" && $value == 0 ); if($cmd eq 'on') { $obj->{'on'} = JSON::true; $obj->{'bri'} = 254 if( ReadingsVal($name,"bri","0") eq 0 ); $obj->{'transitiontime'} = $value * 10 if( defined($value) ); } elsif($cmd eq 'off') { $obj->{'on'} = JSON::false; $obj->{'transitiontime'} = $value * 10 if( defined($value) ); } elsif($cmd eq "pct") { my $bri; if( $value > 50 ) { $bri = 2.57 * ($value-50) + 128; } else { $bri = 2.59 * ($value-50) + 128; } $bri = 0 if( $bri < 0 ); $bri = 254 if( $bri > 254 ); #$value = 3.5 if( $value < 3.5 && AttrVal($name, "model", "") eq "LWL001" ); $obj->{'on'} = JSON::true; #$obj->{'bri'} = int(2.55 * $value); $obj->{'bri'} = int($bri); $obj->{'transitiontime'} = $value2 * 10 if( defined($value2) ); } elsif($cmd eq "bri") { #$value = 8 if( $value < 8 && AttrVal($name, "model", "") eq "LWL001" ); $obj->{'on'} = JSON::true; $obj->{'bri'} = 0+$value; $obj->{'transitiontime'} = $value2 * 10 if( defined($value2) ); } elsif($cmd eq "dimUp") { my $bri = ReadingsVal($name,"bri","0"); $bri += 25; $bri = 254 if( $bri > 254 ); $obj->{'on'} = JSON::true; $obj->{'bri'} = 0+$bri; $obj->{'transitiontime'} = 1; #$obj->{'transitiontime'} = $value * 10 if( defined($value) ); $defs{$name}->{helper}->{update_timeout} = 0; } elsif($cmd eq "dimDown") { my $bri = ReadingsVal($name,"bri","0"); $bri -= 25; $bri = 0 if( $bri < 0 ); $obj->{'on'} = JSON::true; $obj->{'bri'} = 0+$bri; $obj->{'transitiontime'} = 1; #$obj->{'transitiontime'} = $value * 10 if( defined($value) ); $defs{$name}->{helper}->{update_timeout} = 0; } elsif($cmd eq "ct") { $obj->{'on'} = JSON::true; $value = int(1000000/$value) if( $value > 1000 ); $obj->{'ct'} = 0+$value; $obj->{'transitiontime'} = $value2 * 10 if( defined($value2) ); } elsif($cmd eq "hue") { $obj->{'on'} = JSON::true; $obj->{'hue'} = 0+$value; $obj->{'transitiontime'} = $value2 * 10 if( defined($value2) ); } elsif($cmd eq "sat") { $obj->{'on'} = JSON::true; $obj->{'sat'} = 0+$value; $obj->{'transitiontime'} = $value2 * 10 if( defined($value2) ); } elsif($cmd eq "xy" && $value =~ m/^(.+),(.+)/) { my ($x,$y) = ($1, $2); $obj->{'on'} = JSON::true; $obj->{'xy'} = [0+$x, 0+$y]; $obj->{'transitiontime'} = $value2 * 10 if( defined($value2) ); } elsif( $cmd eq "rgb" && $value =~ m/^(..)(..)(..)/) { my( $r, $g, $b ) = (hex($1)/255.0, hex($2)/255.0, hex($3)/255.0); if( !defined( AttrVal($name, "model", undef) ) ) { my( $h, $s, $v ) = Color::rgb2hsv($r,$g,$b); $obj->{'on'} = JSON::true; $obj->{'hue'} = int( $h * 65535 ); $obj->{'sat'} = int( $s * 254 ); $obj->{'bri'} = int( $v * 254 ); } else { # calculation from http://www.everyhue.com/vanilla/discussion/94/rgb-to-xy-or-hue-sat-values/p1 my $X = 1.076450 * $r - 0.237662 * $g + 0.161212 * $b; my $Y = 0.410964 * $r + 0.554342 * $g + 0.034694 * $b; my $Z = -0.010954 * $r - 0.013389 * $g + 1.024343 * $b; #Log3 $name, 3, "rgb: ". $r . " " . $g ." ". $b; #Log3 $name, 3, "XYZ: ". $X . " " . $Y ." ". $Y; if( $X != 0 || $Y != 0 || $Z != 0 ) { my $x = $X / ($X + $Y + $Z); my $y = $Y / ($X + $Y + $Z); #Log3 $name, 3, "xyY:". $x . " " . $y ." ". $Y; $Y = 1 if( $Y > 1 ); my $bri = maxNum($r,$g,$b); #my $bri = $Y; $obj->{'on'} = JSON::true; $obj->{'xy'} = [0+$x, 0+$y]; $obj->{'bri'} = int(254*$bri); } else { $obj->{'on'} = JSON::false; } } } elsif( $cmd eq "hsv" && $value =~ m/^(..)(..)(..)/) { my( $h, $s, $v ) = (hex($1), hex($2), hex($3)); $s = 254 if( $s > 254 ); $v = 254 if( $v > 254 ); $obj->{'on'} = JSON::true; $obj->{'hue'} = int($h*256); $obj->{'sat'} = 0+$s; $obj->{'bri'} = 0+$v; } elsif( $cmd eq "alert" ) { $obj->{'alert'} = $value; } elsif( $cmd eq "effect" ) { $obj->{'effect'} = $value; } elsif( $cmd eq "transitiontime" ) { $obj->{'transitiontime'} = 0+$value; } elsif( $cmd eq "delayedUpdate" ) { $defs{$name}->{helper}->{update_timeout} = 1; } elsif( $cmd eq "immediateUpdate" ) { $defs{$name}->{helper}->{update_timeout} = 0; } elsif( $cmd eq "noUpdate" ) { $defs{$name}->{helper}->{update_timeout} = -1; } else { return 0; } return 1; } sub HUEDevice_Set($@); sub HUEDevice_Set($@) { my ($hash, $name, @aa) = @_; my %obj; $hash->{helper}->{update_timeout} = AttrVal($name, "delayedUpdate", 0); if( $hash->{helper}->{devtype} eq 'G' ) { if( $aa[0] eq 'lights' ) { my @lights = (); for my $param (@aa[1..@aa-1]) { $param = $defs{$param}{ID} if( defined $defs{$param} && $defs{$param}{TYPE} eq 'HUEDevice' ); push( @lights, $param ); } my $obj = { 'lights' => \@lights, }; my $result = HUEDevice_ReadFromServer($hash,$hash->{ID},$obj); if( $result->{success} ) { RemoveInternalTimer($hash); HUEDevice_GetUpdate($hash); } return $result->{error}{description} if( $result->{error} ); } } elsif( $hash->{helper}->{devtype} eq 'S' ) { if( $aa[0] eq "statusRequest" ) { RemoveInternalTimer($hash); HUEDevice_GetUpdate($hash); return undef; } return "Unknown argument $aa[0], choose one of statusRequest:noArg"; } if( $aa[0] eq 'rename' ) { my $new_name = join( ' ', @aa[1..@aa-1]); my $obj = { 'name' => $new_name, }; my $result = HUEDevice_ReadFromServer($hash,$hash->{ID},$obj); if( $result->{success} ) { RemoveInternalTimer($hash); HUEDevice_GetUpdate($hash); CommandAttr(undef,"$name alias $new_name"); CommandSave(undef,undef) if( AttrVal( "autocreate", "autosave", 1 ) ); } return $result->{error}{description} if( $result->{error} ); return undef; } if( (my $joined = join(" ", @aa)) =~ /:/ ) { my @cmds = split(":", $joined); for( my $i = 0; $i <= $#cmds; ++$i ) { HUEDevice_SetParam($name, \%obj, split(" ", $cmds[$i]) ); } } else { my ($cmd, $value, $value2, @a) = @aa; if( $cmd eq "statusRequest" ) { RemoveInternalTimer($hash); HUEDevice_GetUpdate($hash); return undef; } HUEDevice_SetParam($name, \%obj, $cmd, $value, $value2); } if( %obj && !defined($obj{transitiontime} ) ) { my $transitiontime = AttrVal($name, "transitiontime", undef); $obj{transitiontime} = 0 + $transitiontime if( defined( $transitiontime ) ); } # if( $hash->{helper}->{update_timeout} == -1 ) { # my $diff; # my ($seconds, $microseconds) = gettimeofday(); # if( $hash->{helper}->{timestamp} ) { # my ($seconds2, $microseconds2) = @{$hash->{helper}->{timestamp}}; # # $diff = (($seconds-$seconds2)*1000000 + $microseconds-$microseconds2)/1000; # } # $hash->{helper}->{timestamp} = [$seconds, $microseconds]; # # return undef if( $diff < 100 ); # } if( scalar keys %obj ) { my $result; if( $hash->{helper}->{devtype} eq 'G' ) { $hash->{helper}->{update} = 1; $result = HUEDevice_ReadFromServer($hash,$hash->{ID}."/action",\%obj); } else { $result = HUEDevice_ReadFromServer($hash,$hash->{ID}."/state",\%obj); } if( defined($result) && $result->{'error'} ) { $hash->{STATE} = $result->{'error'}->{'description'}; return undef; } return undef if( !defined($result) ); if( $hash->{helper}->{update_timeout} == -1 ) { } elsif( $hash->{helper}->{update_timeout} ) { RemoveInternalTimer($hash); InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{helper}->{update_timeout}, "HUEDevice_GetUpdate", $hash, 0); } else { RemoveInternalTimer($hash); HUEDevice_GetUpdate( $hash ); } return undef; } my $subtype = AttrVal($name, "subType", "extcolordimmer"); my $list = "off:noArg on:noArg toggle:noArg statusRequest:noArg"; $list .= " pct:slider,0,1,100 bri:slider,0,1,254" if( $subtype =~ m/dimmer/ ); $list .= " dimUp:noArg dimDown:noArg" if( !$hash->{helper}->{devtype} && $subtype =~ m/dimmer/ ); $list .= " rgb:colorpicker,RGB" if( $subtype =~ m/color/ ); $list .= " color:colorpicker,CT,2000,1,6500 ct:colorpicker,CT,154,1,500" if( $subtype =~ m/ct|ext/ ); $list .= " hue:colorpicker,HUE,0,1,65535 sat:slider,0,1,254 xy effect:none,colorloop" if( $subtype =~ m/color/ ); $list .= " alert:none,select,lselect"; #$list .= " dim06% dim12% dim18% dim25% dim31% dim37% dim43% dim50% dim56% dim62% dim68% dim75% dim81% dim87% dim93% dim100%" if( $subtype =~ m/dimmer/ ); $list .= " lights" if( $hash->{helper}->{devtype} eq 'G' ); $list .= " rename"; return SetExtensions($hash, $list, $name, @aa); } sub cttorgb($) { my ($ct) = @_; # calculation from http://www.tannerhelland.com/4435/convert-temperature-rgb-algorithm-code # adjusted by 1000K my $temp = (1000000/$ct)/100 + 10; my $r = 0; my $g = 0; my $b = 0; $r = 255; $r = 329.698727446 * ($temp - 60) ** -0.1332047592 if( $temp > 66 ); $r = 0 if( $r < 0 ); $r = 255 if( $r > 255 ); if( $temp <= 66 ) { $g = 99.4708025861 * log($temp) - 161.1195681661; } else { $g = 288.1221695283 * ($temp - 60) ** -0.0755148492; } $g = 0 if( $g < 0 ); $g = 255 if( $g > 255 ); $b = 255; $b = 0 if( $temp <= 19 ); if( $temp < 66 ) { $b = 138.5177312231 * log($temp-10) - 305.0447927307; } $b = 0 if( $b < 0 ); $b = 255 if( $b > 255 ); return( $r, $g, $b ); } sub xyYtorgb($$$) { # calculation from http://www.brucelindbloom.com/index.html my ($x,$y,$Y) = @_; #Log 3, "xyY:". $x . " " . $y ." ". $Y; my $r = 0; my $g = 0; my $b = 0; if( $y > 0 ) { my $X = $x * $Y / $y; my $Z = (1 - $x - $y)*$Y / $y; if( $X > 1 || $Y > 1 || $Z > 1 ) { my $f = maxNum($X,$Y,$Z); $X /= $f; $Y /= $f; $Z /= $f; } #Log 3, "XYZ: ". $X . " " . $Y ." ". $Y; $r = 0.7982 * $X + 0.3389 * $Y - 0.1371 * $Z; $g = -0.5918 * $X + 1.5512 * $Y + 0.0406 * $Z; $b = 0.0008 * $X + 0.0239 * $Y + 0.9753 * $Z; if( $r > 1 || $g > 1 || $b > 1 ) { my $f = maxNum($r,$g,$b); $r /= $f; $g /= $f; $b /= $f; } #Log 3, "rgb: ". $r . " " . $g ." ". $b; $r *= 255; $g *= 255; $b *= 255; } return( $r, $g, $b ); } sub HUEDevice_Get($@) { my ($hash, @a) = @_; my $name = $a[0]; return "$name: get needs at least one parameter" if(@a < 2); my $cmd= $a[1]; if($cmd eq "rgb") { my $r = 0; my $g = 0; my $b = 0; my $cm = ReadingsVal($name,"colormode",""); if( $cm eq "ct" ) { if( ReadingsVal($name,"ct","") =~ m/(\d+) .*/ ) { ($r,$g,$b) = cttorgb($1); } } elsif( $cm eq "hs" ) { my $h = ReadingsVal($name,"hue",0) / 65535.0; my $s = ReadingsVal($name,"sat",0) / 254.0; my $v = ReadingsVal($name,"bri",0) / 254.0; ($r,$g,$b) = Color::hsv2rgb($h,$s,$v); $r *= 255; $g *= 255; $b *= 255; } elsif( ReadingsVal($name,"xy","") =~ m/(.+),(.+)/ ) { my ($x,$y) = ($1, $2); my $Y = ReadingsVal($name,"bri","") / 254.0; ($r,$g,$b) = xyYtorgb($x,$y,$Y); } return sprintf( "%02x%02x%02x", $r+0.5, $g+0.5, $b+0.5 ); } elsif($cmd eq "RGB") { my $r = 0; my $g = 0; my $b = 0; my $cm = ReadingsVal($name,"colormode",""); if( $cm eq "ct" ) { if( ReadingsVal($name,"ct","") =~ m/(\d+) .*/ ) { ($r,$g,$b) = cttorgb($1); } } elsif( $cm eq "hs" ) { my $h = ReadingsVal($name,"hue",0) / 65535.0; my $s = ReadingsVal($name,"sat",0) / 254.0; my $v = 1; ($r,$g,$b) = Color::hsv2rgb($h,$s,$v); $r *= 255; $g *= 255; $b *= 255; } elsif( ReadingsVal($name,"xy","") =~ m/(.+),(.+)/ ) { my ($x,$y) = ($1, $2); my $Y = 1; ($r,$g,$b) = xyYtorgb($x,$y,$Y); } return sprintf( "%02x%02x%02x", $r+0.5, $g+0.5, $b+0.5 ); } elsif ( $cmd eq "devStateIcon" ) { return HUEDevice_devStateIcon($hash); } return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of rgb:noArg RGB:noArg devStateIcon:noArg"; } ################################### # This could be IORead in fhem, But there is none. # Read http://forum.fhem.de/index.php?t=tree&goto=54027&rid=10#msg_54027 # to find out why. sub HUEDevice_ReadFromServer($@) { my ($hash,@a) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; no strict "refs"; my $ret; unshift(@a,$name); #$ret = IOWrite($hash, @a); $ret = IOWrite($hash,$hash,@a); use strict "refs"; return $ret; return if(IsDummy($name) || IsIgnored($name)); my $iohash = $hash->{IODev}; if(!$iohash || !$iohash->{TYPE} || !$modules{$iohash->{TYPE}} || !$modules{$iohash->{TYPE}}{ReadFn}) { Log3 $name, 5, "No I/O device or ReadFn found for $name"; return; } no strict "refs"; #my $ret; unshift(@a,$name); $ret = &{$modules{$iohash->{TYPE}}{ReadFn}}($iohash, @a); use strict "refs"; return $ret; } sub HUEDevice_GetUpdate($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; if( $hash->{helper}->{devtype} eq 'G' ) { my $result = HUEDevice_ReadFromServer($hash,$hash->{ID}); if( !defined($result) ) { $hash->{STATE} = "unknown"; return; } elsif( $result->{'error'} ) { $hash->{STATE} = $result->{'error'}->{'description'}; return; } HUEDevice_Parse($hash,$result); return undef; } elsif( $hash->{helper}->{devtype} eq 'S' ) { } if(!$hash->{LOCAL}) { RemoveInternalTimer($hash); InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVAL}, "HUEDevice_GetUpdate", $hash, 0) if( $hash->{INTERVAL} ); } my $result = HUEDevice_ReadFromServer($hash,$hash->{ID}); if( !defined($result) ) { $hash->{helper}{reachable} = 0; $hash->{STATE} = "unknown"; return; } elsif( $result->{'error'} ) { $hash->{helper}{reachable} = 0; $hash->{STATE} = $result->{'error'}->{'description'}; return; } HUEDevice_Parse($hash,$result); } sub HUEDevice_Parse($$) { my($hash,$result) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; if( ref($result) ne "HASH" ) { Log3 $name, 2, "$name: got wrong status message for $name: $result"; return undef; } Log3 $name, 4, "parse status message for $name"; #Log3 $name, 5, Dumper $result; $hash->{name} = $result->{'name'}; $hash->{type} = $result->{'type'}; if( $hash->{helper}->{devtype} eq 'G' ) { $hash->{lights} = join( ",", @{$result->{lights}} ) if( $result->{lights} ); foreach my $id ( @{$result->{lights}} ) { my $code = $hash->{IODev}->{NAME} ."-". $id; my $chash = $modules{HUEDevice}{defptr}{$code}; HUEDevice_GetUpdate($chash) if( defined($chash) && defined($hash->{helper}->{update}) ); } delete $hash->{helper}->{update}; return undef; } $hash->{modelid} = $result->{modelid}; $hash->{uniqueid} = $result->{uniqueid}; $hash->{manufacturername} = $result->{manufacturername}; $hash->{swversion} = $result->{swversion}; if( $hash->{helper}->{devtype} eq 'S' ) { if( $result->{state} ) { substr( $result->{state}{lastupdated}, 10, 1, ' ' ); if( $result->{state}{lastupdated} ne 'none' ) { if( $result->{state}{buttonevent} && ReadingsTimestamp($name,"state","") ne $result->{state}{lastupdated} ) { readingsBeginUpdate($hash); $hash->{".updateTimestamp"} = $result->{state}{lastupdated}; $hash->{CHANGETIME}[0] = $result->{state}{lastupdated}; readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", $result->{state}{buttonevent}, 1); readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); delete $hash->{CHANGETIME}; } } } return undef; } $attr{$name}{model} = $result->{modelid} if( !defined($attr{$name}{model}) && $result->{modelid} ); if( !defined($attr{$name}{subType}) ) { if( defined($attr{$name}{model}) ) { if( defined($hueModels{$attr{$name}{model}}{subType}) ) { $attr{$name}{subType} = $hueModels{$attr{$name}{model}}{subType}; } elsif( $attr{$name}{model} =~ m/TW$/ ) { $attr{$name}{subType} = 'ctdimmer'; } elsif( $attr{$name}{model} =~ m/RGB$/ ) { $attr{$name}{subType} = 'colordimmer'; } elsif( $attr{$name}{model} =~ m/RGBW$/ ) { $attr{$name}{subType} = 'extcolordimmer'; } } elsif( $hash->{type} ) { if( $hash->{type} eq "Extended color light" ) { $attr{$name}{subType} = 'extcolordimmer'; } elsif( $hash->{type} eq "Color light" ) { $attr{$name}{subType} = 'colordimmer'; } elsif( $hash->{type} eq "Color Temperature Light" ) { $attr{$name}{subType} = 'ctdimmer'; } elsif( $hash->{type} eq "Dimmable light" ) { $attr{$name}{subType} = 'dimmer'; } elsif( $hash->{type} eq "Dimmable plug-in unit" ) { $attr{$name}{subType} = 'dimmer'; } } } elsif( $attr{$name}{subType} eq "colordimmer" && defined($attr{$name}{model}) ) { $attr{$name}{subType} = $hueModels{$attr{$name}{model}}{subType} if( defined($hueModels{$attr{$name}{model}}{subType}) ); } $attr{$name}{devStateIcon} = '{(HUEDevice_devStateIcon($name),"toggle")}' if( !defined( $attr{$name}{devStateIcon} ) ); if( !defined($attr{$name}{webCmd}) && defined($attr{$name}{subType}) ) { my $subtype = $attr{$name}{subType}; if( !$hash->{helper}->{devtype} ) { $attr{$name}{webCmd} = 'rgb:rgb ff0000:rgb DEFF26:rgb 0000ff:ct 490:ct 380:ct 270:ct 160:toggle:on:off' if( $subtype eq "extcolordimmer" ); $attr{$name}{webCmd} = 'hue:rgb:rgb ff0000:rgb 98FF23:rgb 0000ff:toggle:on:off' if( $subtype eq "colordimmer" ); $attr{$name}{webCmd} = 'ct:ct 490:ct 380:ct 270:ct 160:toggle:on:off' if( $subtype eq "ctdimmer" ); $attr{$name}{webCmd} = 'pct:toggle:on:off' if( $subtype eq "dimmer" ); $attr{$name}{webCmd} = 'toggle:on:off' if( $subtype eq "switch" ); } elsif( $hash->{helper}->{devtype} eq 'G' ) { $attr{$name}{webCmd} = 'on:off'; } } readingsBeginUpdate($hash); my $state = $result->{'state'}; my $on = $state->{on}; my $reachable = $state->{reachable}?1:0; my $colormode = $state->{'colormode'}; my $bri = $state->{'bri'}; my $ct = $state->{'ct'}; my $hue = $state->{'hue'}; my $sat = $state->{'sat'}; my $xy = undef; $xy = $state->{'xy'}->[0] .",". $state->{'xy'}->[1] if( defined($state->{'xy'}) ); my $alert = $state->{alert}; my $effect = $state->{effect}; if( defined($colormode) && $colormode ne $hash->{helper}{colormode} ) {readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"colormode",$colormode);} if( defined($bri) && $bri != $hash->{helper}{bri} ) {readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"bri",$bri);} if( defined($ct) && $ct != $hash->{helper}{ct} ) { if( $ct == 0 ) { readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"ct",$ct); } else { readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"ct",$ct . " (".int(1000000/$ct)."K)"); } } if( defined($hue) && $hue != $hash->{helper}{hue} ) {readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"hue",$hue);} if( defined($sat) && $sat != $hash->{helper}{sat} ) {readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"sat",$sat);} if( defined($xy) && $xy ne $hash->{helper}{xy} ) {readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"xy",$xy);} if( !defined($hash->{helper}{reachable}) || $reachable != $hash->{helper}{reachable} ) {readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"reachable",$reachable);} if( defined($alert) && $alert ne $hash->{helper}{alert} ) {readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"alert",$alert);} if( defined($effect) && $effect ne $hash->{helper}{effect} ) {readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"effect",$effect);} my $s = ''; my $percent; if( $on ) { $s = 'on'; if( $on != $hash->{helper}{on} ) {readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"onoff",1);} $percent = int($bri * 99 / 254 + 1); if( $percent > 0 && $percent < 100 ) { $s = $dim_values{int($percent/7)}; } $s = 'off' if( $percent == 0 ); } else { $on = 0; $s = 'off'; $percent = 0; if( $on != $hash->{helper}{on} ) {readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"onoff",0);} } if( $percent != $hash->{helper}{percent} ) {readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"pct", $percent);} #if( $percent != $hash->{helper}{percent} ) {readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"level", $percent . ' %');} $s = 'unreachable' if( !$reachable ); $hash->{helper}{on} = $on; $hash->{helper}{reachable} = $reachable; $hash->{helper}{colormode} = $colormode; $hash->{helper}{bri} = $bri; $hash->{helper}{ct} = $ct; $hash->{helper}{hue} = $hue; $hash->{helper}{sat} = $sat; $hash->{helper}{xy} = $xy; $hash->{helper}{alert} = $alert; $hash->{helper}{effect} = $effect; $hash->{helper}{percent} = $percent; if( $s ne $hash->{STATE} ) {readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"state",$s);} readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); my $rgb = CommandGet("","$name rgb"); if( $rgb ne $hash->{helper}{rgb} ) { readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"rgb", $rgb,1); }; $hash->{helper}{rgb} = $rgb; } 1; =pod =begin html


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