############################################################### # $Id$ # # Copyright notice # # (c) 2016 Copyright: Volker Kettenbach (volker at kettenbach minus it dot de) # # Credits: # - based on an Idea by SpenZerX and HDO # - Waldmensch for various improvements # - sbfspot (https://sbfspot.codeplex.com/) # # Description: # This is an FHEM-Module for the SMA Sunny Tripower Inverter. # Tested on Sunny Tripower 6000TL-20, 10000-TL20 and 10000TL-10 with # Speedwire/Webconnect Piggyback # # Requirements: # This module requires: # - Perl Module: IO::Socket::INET # - Perl Module: Datime # # Origin: # https://github.com/kettenbach-it/FHEM-SMA-Speedwire # ############################################################### package main; use strict; use warnings; use IO::Socket::INET; use DateTime; # Global vars my $cmd_login = "534d4100000402a000000001003a001060650ea0ffffffffffff00017800C8E8033800010000000004800c04fdff07000000840300004c20cb5100000000encpw00000000"; my $cmd_logout = "534d4100000402a00000000100220010606508a0ffffffffffff00037800C8E80338000300000000d7840e01fdffffffffff00000000"; my $cmd_query_total_today = "534d4100000402a00000000100260010606509e0ffffffffffff00007800C8E80338000000000000f1b10002005400002600ffff260000000000"; my $cmd_query_spot_ac_power = "534d4100000402a00000000100260010606509e0ffffffffffff00007800C8E8033800000000000081f00002005100002600ffff260000000000"; my $cmd_query_spot_dc_power = "534d4100000402a00000000100260010606509e0ffffffffffff00007800C8E8033800000000000081f00002805300002500ffff260000000000"; my $averagebuf = "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"; my $code_login = "0d04fdff"; #0xfffd040d; my $code_total_today = "01020054"; #0x54000201; my $code_spot_ac_power = "01020051"; #0x51000201; my $code_spot_dc_power = "01028053"; #0x53800201; my $default_starthour = "05:00"; my $starthour = 5; my $startminute = 0; my $default_endhour = "22:00"; my $endhour = 22; my $endminute = 0; my $force_sleep = 0; my $sleep_forced = 0; my $suppress_night_mode = 0; my $suppress_inactivity_mode = 0; my $modulstate_enabled = 0; my ($alarm_value1,$alarm_value2,$alarm_value3); ################################### sub SMASTP_Initialize($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $hval; my $mval; $hash->{DefFn} = "SMASTP_Define"; $hash->{UndefFn} = "SMASTP_Undef"; $hash->{AttrList} = "suppress-night-mode:0,1 " . "suppress-inactivity-mode:0,1 " . "starttime " . "endtime " . "force-sleepmode:0,1 " . "enable-modulstate:0,1 " . "alarm1-value " . "alarm2-value " . "alarm3-value " . "interval " . $readingFnAttributes; $hash->{AttrFn} = "SMASTP_Attr"; if ($attr{$name}{"starttime"}) { ($hval, $mval) = split(/:/,$attr{$name}{"starttime"}); } else { ($hval, $mval) = split(/:/,$default_starthour); } $starthour = int($hval); $startminute = int($mval); if ($attr{$name}{"endtime"}) { ($hval, $mval) = split(/:/,$attr{$name}{"endtime"}); } else { ($hval, $mval) = split(/:/,$default_endhour); } $endhour = int($hval); $endminute = int($mval); $suppress_night_mode = ($attr{$name}{"suppress-night-mode"}) ? $attr{$name}{"suppress-night-mode"} : 0; $suppress_inactivity_mode = ($attr{$name}{"suppress-inactivity-mode"}) ? $attr{$name}{"suppress-inactivity-mode"} : 0; $force_sleep = ($attr{$name}{"force-sleepmode"}) ? $attr{$name}{"force-sleepmode"} : 0; $modulstate_enabled = ($attr{$name}{"enable-modulstate"}) ? $attr{$name}{"enable-modulstate"} : 0; $alarm_value1 = ($attr{$name}{"alarm1-value"}) ? $attr{$name}{"alarm1-value"} : 0; $alarm_value2 = ($attr{$name}{"alarm2-value"}) ? $attr{$name}{"alarm2-value"} : 0; $alarm_value3 = ($attr{$name}{"alarm3-value"}) ? $attr{$name}{"alarm3-value"} : 0; Log3 $name, 0, "$name: Started with sleepmode from $endhour:$endminute - $starthour:$startminute"; } ################################### sub is_Sleepmode() { # Build 3 DateTime Objects to make the comparison more robust my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(); my $dt_startdate = DateTime->new(year=>$year+1900,month=>$mon+1,day=>$mday,hour=>$starthour,minute=>$startminute,second=>0,time_zone=>'local'); my $dt_enddate = DateTime->new(year=>$year+1900,month=>$mon+1,day=>$mday,hour=>$endhour,minute=>$endminute,second=>0,time_zone=>'local'); my $dt_now = DateTime->now(time_zone=>'local'); # Return of any value != 0 means "sleeping" if ($dt_now >= $dt_enddate || $dt_now <= $dt_startdate) { # switch forced sleepmode off because we have reached normal sleepmode now $sleep_forced = 0; return 1; } elsif ($sleep_forced == 1) { # 2 = forced sleep return 2; } else { return 0; } } ################################### sub SMASTP_Define($$) { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def); return "Wrong syntax: use define SMASTP " if ((int(@a) < 4) and (int(@a) > 5)); my $name = $a[0]; $hash->{NAME} = $name; $hash->{LASTUPDATE}=0; $hash->{INTERVAL} = 60; # SMASTP = $a[1]; my ($IP,$Host,$Caps); my $Pass = $a[2]; # to do: check 1-12 Chars # extract IP or Hostname from $a[4] if ( $a[3] ~~ m/^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})$/ ) { if ( $1 <= 255 && $2 <= 255 && $3 <= 255 && $4 <= 255 ) { $Host = int($1).".".int($2).".".int($3).".".int($4); } } if (!defined $Host) { if ( $a[3] =~ /^([A-Za-z0-9_.])/ ) { $Host = $a[3]; } } if (!defined $Host) { return "Argument:{$a[3]} not accepted as Host or IP. Read device specific help file."; } $hash->{Pass} = $Pass; $hash->{Host} = $Host; # Use C8E80338, but NOT the number of the Inverter! # my $src_serial = 939780296; my $encpw = "888888888888888888888888"; # unencoded pw for my $index (0..length $Pass ) # encode password { substr($encpw,($index*2),2) = substr(sprintf ("%lX", (hex(substr($encpw,($index*2),2)) + ord(substr($Pass,$index,1)))),0,2); } $cmd_login =~ s/encpw/$encpw/g; #replace the placeholder with password InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+5, "SMASTP_GetStatus", $hash, 0); # refresh timer start return undef; } ##################################### sub SMASTP_Undef($$) { my ($hash, $name) = @_; RemoveInternalTimer($hash); Log3 $hash, 0, "$name: Undefined!"; return undef; } ################################### sub SMASTP_Attr(@) { my ($cmd,$name,$aName,$aVal) = @_; # $cmd can be "del" or "set" # $name is device name # aName and aVal are Attribute name and value my $hash = $defs{$name}; my $hval; my $mval; if (($aName eq "starttime" || $aName eq "endtime") && not ($aVal =~ /^([0-1]?[0-9]|[2][0-3]):([0-5][0-9])$/)) { return "value $aVal invalid"; # no correct time format hh:mm } if ($aName eq "enable-modulstate") { $modulstate_enabled = ($cmd eq "set") ? int($aVal) : 0; Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Set $aName to $aVal"; } if ($aName eq "alarm1-value") { $alarm_value1 = ($cmd eq "set") ? int($aVal) : 0; Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Set $aName to $aVal"; } if ($aName eq "alarm2-value") { $alarm_value2 = ($cmd eq "set") ? int($aVal) : 0; Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Set $aName to $aVal"; } if ($aName eq "alarm3-value") { $alarm_value3 = ($cmd eq "set") ? int($aVal) : 0; Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Set $aName to $aVal"; } if ($aName eq "starttime") { if ($cmd eq "set") { ($hval, $mval) = split(/:/,$aVal); } else { ($hval, $mval) = split(/:/,$default_starthour); } if (int($hval) < 12) { $starthour = int($hval); $startminute = int($mval); } else { return "$name: Attr starttime must be set smaller than 12:00! Not set to $starthour:$startminute"; } Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Attr starttime is set to " . sprintf("%02d:%02d",$starthour,$startminute); } if ($aName eq "endtime") { if ($cmd eq "set") { ($hval, $mval) = split(/:/,$aVal); } else { ($hval, $mval) = split(/:/,$default_endhour); } if (int($hval) > 12) { $endhour = int($hval); $endminute = int($mval); } else { return "$name: Attr endtime must be set larger than 12:00! Not set to $endhour:$endminute"; } Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Attr endtime is set to " . sprintf("%02d:%02d",$endhour,$endminute); } if ($aName eq "suppress-night-mode") { $suppress_night_mode = ($cmd eq "set") ? $aVal : 0; Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Set $aName to $aVal"; } if ($aName eq "suppress-inactivity-mode") { $suppress_inactivity_mode = ($cmd eq "set") ? $aVal : 0; Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Set $aName to $aVal"; } if ($aName eq "force-sleepmode") { if ($cmd eq "set") { $force_sleep = $aVal; $sleep_forced = ($aVal == 0) ? 0 : $sleep_forced; Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Set $aName to $aVal"; } else { $force_sleep = 0; $sleep_forced = 0; } } if ($aName eq "interval") { if ($cmd eq "set") { $hash->{INTERVAL} = $aVal; Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Set $aName to $aVal"; } } else { $hash->{INTERVAL} = "60"; Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Set $aName to $aVal"; } return undef; } ##################################### sub SMASTP_GetStatus($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; if (defined($attr{$name}{"interval"})) { $hash->{INTERVAL} = $attr{$name}{"interval"}; } else { $hash->{INTERVAL} = 60; } my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(); if ($suppress_night_mode == 0) { if(is_Sleepmode() > 0) { Log3 $name, 5, "$name: " . sprintf("%02d:%02d",$hour,$min) . " is out of working hours " . sprintf("%02d:%02d",$starthour,$startminute) . " - " . sprintf("%02d:%02d",$endhour,$endminute) . " " . (($sleep_forced == 1) ? " FORCED" : ""); my $modulstate = ($hash->{READINGS}{modulstate}{VAL}) ? $hash->{READINGS}{modulstate}{VAL} : "unknown"; if($modulstate ne "sleeping" && $modulstate_enabled == 1) { readingsBeginUpdate($hash); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "modulstate", "sleeping"); readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1); } InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVAL}, "SMASTP_GetStatus", $hash, 1); return; } } use constant MAXBYTES => scalar 200; #1024 #80 my $Host = $hash->{Host}; my $interval = $hash->{INTERVAL}; # my $averagebuf = $hash->{averagebuf}; my ($AvP01,$AvP05,$AvP15,$TodayTotal,$SpotPower,$AlltimeTotal,$statusval,$PDC1,$PDC2); my ($socket,$data,$size,$code); my $error = 0; # flush after every write $| = 1; $socket = new IO::Socket::INET (PeerHost => $Host, PeerPort => 9522, Proto => 'udp',); # open Socket if (!$socket) { # in case of error Log3 $name, 1, "$name: ERROR. Can't open socket to inverter: $!"; return undef; }; # send login command Log3 $name, 2, "$name: Sending query to inverter $Host:9522"; $data = pack "H*",$cmd_login; $socket->send($data); do { eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm time out" }; alarm 5; # receive data $socket->recv($data, MAXBYTES) or die "recv: $!"; $size = length($data); # too little data - exit loop if ((defined $size) && ($size > 60)) { my $received = unpack("H*", $data); Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Received: ($received)"; } else { if($size > 0) { my $received = unpack("H*", $data); Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Received Garbage: ($received)"; } } alarm 0; 1; } or Log3 $name, 1, "$name query timed out"; # too little data -> exit loop if ((not defined $size) || ($size < 60)) { Log3 $name, 1, "$name: Too little data received (Len:".((not defined $size) ? "NaN/timeout" : $size).")"; # send: cmd_logout $data = pack "H*",$cmd_logout; $size = $socket->send($data); $socket->close(); $error = 1; } else { # unpack command $code = unpack("H*", substr $data, 42, 4); # answer to command login if ($code_login eq $code) { # send: Query total today $data = pack "H*",$cmd_query_total_today; $size = $socket->send($data); } # answer to command total today if ($code_total_today eq $code) { $TodayTotal = unpack("V*", substr $data, 78, 4); $AlltimeTotal = unpack("V*", substr $data, 62, 4); # send: Query spot power $data = pack "H*",$cmd_query_spot_ac_power; $size = $socket->send($data); } # answer to command AC Power if ($code_spot_ac_power eq $code) { $SpotPower = unpack("V*", substr $data, 62, 4); # special case at night ? Inverter off? if ($SpotPower eq 0x80000000) {$SpotPower = 0}; # send: query spot DC power $data = pack "H*",$cmd_query_spot_dc_power; $size = $socket->send($data); } # answer to command DC Power if ($code_spot_dc_power eq $code) { $PDC1 = unpack("V*", substr $data, 62, 4); if ($PDC1 eq 0x80000000) {$PDC1 = 0}; $PDC2 = unpack("V*", substr $data, 90, 4); if ($PDC2 eq 0x80000000) {$PDC2 = 0}; # send: cmd_logout $data = pack "H*",$cmd_logout; $size = $socket->send($data); # close Socket $socket->close(); } } } while (($code_spot_dc_power ne $code) && ($error eq 0)); # answer to command spot_ac_power if ($error ne 1) { if ( (int(hex(substr($averagebuf,0*8,8)))) eq 0) { for my $count (0..15) { # fill with new values substr($averagebuf,$count*8,1*8) = substr(sprintf ("%08X",$AlltimeTotal),0,8); } } # average buffer shiften und mit neuem Wert füllen substr($averagebuf,1*8,15*8) = substr($averagebuf,0*8,15*8); # und mit neuem Wert füllen substr($averagebuf,0*8,1*8) = substr(sprintf ("%08X",$AlltimeTotal),0,8); $AvP01 = int( ( (hex(substr($averagebuf,0*8,8))) - (hex(substr($averagebuf,1*8,8))) ) * ((3600 / 01) / $interval) ); $AvP05 = int( ( (hex(substr($averagebuf,0*8,8))) - (hex(substr($averagebuf,5*8,8))) ) * ((3600 / 05) / $interval) ); $AvP15 = int( ( (hex(substr($averagebuf,0*8,8))) - (hex(substr($averagebuf,15*8,8))) ) * ((3600 / 15) / $interval) ); $statusval = "SP:$SpotPower W AvP1:$AvP01 W TTP:$TodayTotal Wh ATP:$AlltimeTotal Wh"; Log3 $name, 4, "$name: from ($Host): ($statusval) "; Log3 $name, 5, "$name: AvP05 = $AvP05, SpotPower = $SpotPower, AvP15 = $AvP15"; #Filter out error zero values and stop readingsupdate after 15 Mins on zero power if ( ((not ($AvP05 > 0 && $SpotPower == 0)) && $AvP15 > 0) || $suppress_inactivity_mode == 1 || $hash->{LASTUPDATE} eq 0) { readingsBeginUpdate($hash); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", $statusval); # Status Overview readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "SpotP", $SpotPower); # Momentary Spot Power readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "SpotPDC1", $PDC1); # Momentary Spot DC Power String1 readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "SpotPDC2", $PDC2); # Momentary Spot DC Power String2 readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "TodayTotalP", $TodayTotal); # Today Total Power readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "AlltimeTotalP", $AlltimeTotal); # Alltime Total Power readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "AvP01", $AvP01); # Average Power (last) 1 Minute (if delay 60) readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "AvP05", $AvP05); # Average Power (last) 5 Minutes (if delay 60) readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "AvP15", $AvP15); # Average Power (last) 15 Minutes (if delay 60) readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "modulstate", "normal"); if($alarm_value1 > 0 && $SpotPower > $alarm_value1) { readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "Alarm1", 1); } elsif ($alarm_value1 > 0 && $SpotPower < $alarm_value1) { readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "Alarm1", (-1)); } else { readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "Alarm1", 0); } if($alarm_value2 > 0 && $SpotPower > $alarm_value2) { readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "Alarm2", 1); } elsif ($alarm_value2 > 0 && $SpotPower < $alarm_value2) { readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "Alarm2", (-1)); } else { readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "Alarm2", 0); } if($alarm_value3 > 0 && $SpotPower > $alarm_value3) { readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "Alarm3", 1); } elsif ($alarm_value3 > 0 && $SpotPower < $alarm_value3) { readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "Alarm3", (-1)); } else { readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "Alarm3", 0); } readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1); # Notify is done by Dispatch $hash->{LASTUPDATE} = sprintf "%02d.%02d.%04d / %02d:%02d:%02d" , $mday , $mon+=1 ,$year+=1900 , $hour , $min , $sec ; Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Readings updated"; } else { if ($AvP15 == 0 && $SpotPower == 0 && $force_sleep == 1 && $sleep_forced == 0 && $hour > 12) { $sleep_forced = 1; Log3 $name, 1, "$name: sleepmode forced after 15 minutes zero power"; } my $modulstate = ($hash->{READINGS}{modulstate}{VAL}) ? $hash->{READINGS}{modulstate}{VAL} : ""; if($modulstate ne "inactive" && $modulstate_enabled == 1) { readingsBeginUpdate($hash); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "modulstate", "inactive"); readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1); } Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Readings not updated"; } } InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$interval, "SMASTP_GetStatus", $hash, 1); #return undef; } 1; =pod =begin html


Module for the integration of a Sunny Tripower Inverter build by SMA over it's Speedwire (=Ethernet) Interface.
Tested on Sunny Tripower 6000TL-20, 10000-TL20 and 10000TL-10 with Speedwire/Webconnect Piggyback.


    define <name> SMASTP <pin> <hostname/ip> [port]

  • pin: User-Password of the SMA STP Inverter. Default is 0000. Can be changed by "Sunny Explorer" Windows Software
  • hostname/ip: Hostname or IP-Adress of the inverter (or it's speedwire piggyback module).
  • port: Port of the inverter. 9522 by default.


    The module automatically detects the inactvity of the inverter due to a lack of light (night).
    This inactivity is therefore called "nightmode". During nightmode, the inverter is not queried over the network.
    By default nightmode is between 9pm and 5am. This can be changed by "starttime" (start of inverter
    operation, end of nightmode) and "endtime" (end of inverter operation, start of nightmode).
    Further there is the inactivitymode: in inactivitymode, the inverter is queried but readings are not updated.
  • interval: Queryintreval in seconds
  • suppress-night-mode: The nightmode is deactivated
  • suppress-inactivity-mode: The inactivitymode is deactivated
  • starttime: Starttime of inverter operation (default 5am)
  • endtime: Endtime of inverter operation (default 9pm)
  • force-sleepmode: The nightmode is activated on inactivity, even the endtime is not reached
  • enable-modulstate: Turns the reading "modulstate" (normal / inactive / sleeping) on
  • alarm1-value, alarm2-value, alarm3-value: Set an alarm on the reading SpotP in watt.
    The readings Alarm1..Alarm3 are set accordingly: -1 for SpotP < alarmX-value and 1 for SpotP >= alarmX-value
  • SpotP: spotpower - Current power in watt delivered by the inverter
  • AvP01: average power 1 minute: average power in watt of the last minute
  • AvP05: average power 5 minutes: average power in watt of the five minutes
  • AvP15: average power 15 minutes: average power in watt of the fifteen minutes
  • SpotPDC1: current d.c. voltage delivered by string 1
  • SpotPDC2: current d.c. voltage delivered by string 2
  • TotalTodayP: generated power in Wh of the current day
  • AlltimeTotalP: all time generated power in Wh
  • Alarm1..3: alrm trigger 1..3. Set by parameter alarmN-value
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Modul zur Einbindung eines Sunny Tripower Wechselrichters der Firma SMA über Speedwire (Ethernet).
Getestet mit Sunny Tripower 6000TL-20, 10000-TL20 sowie 10000TL-10 mit Speedwire/Webconnect Piggyback


    define <name> SMASTP <pin> <hostname/ip> [port]

  • pin: Benutzer-Passwort des SMA STP Wechselrichters. Default ist 0000. Kann über die Windows-Software "Sunny Explorer" geändert werden
  • hostname/ip: Hostname oder IP-Adresse des Wechselrichters (bzw. dessen Speedwire Moduls mit Ethernetanschluss)
  • port: Optional der Ports des Wechselrichters. Per default 9522.


    Das Modul erkennt automatisch eine Inaktivität des Wechselrichters, wenn dieser aufgrund Dunkelheit seinen Betrieb einstellt.
    Diese Betriebspause wird als "Nightmode" bezeichnet. Im Nightmode wird der Wechelrichter nicht mehr über das Netzwerk abgefragt.
    Per default geht das Modul davon aus, dass vor 5:00 und nach 21:00 der Nightmode aktiv ist.
    Diese Grenzen lassen sich mit den Parametern "starttime" (Start des Wechelrichterbetriebs, also Ende des Nightmode)
    und "endtime" (Ende des Wechselrichterbetriebs, also Beginn des Nightmode) umdefinieren.
    Darüber hinaus gibt es den "Inactivitymode": hier wird der Wechselrichter abgefragt, aber es werden keine Readings mehr aktualisiert.
  • interval: Abfrageinterval in Sekunden
  • suppress-night-mode: Der Nightmode wird deaktiviert
  • suppress-inactivity-mode: Der Inactivitymode wird deaktiviert
  • starttime: Startzeit des Betriebsmodus (Default 5:00 Uhr)
  • endtime: Endezeit des Betriebsmodus (Default 21:00 Uhr)
  • force-sleepmode: Der Nightmode wird bei entdeckter Inaktivität auch dann aktiviert, wenn endtime noch nicht erreicht ist
  • enable-modulstate: Schaltet das reading "modulstate" (normal / inactive / sleeping) ein
  • alarm1-value, alarm2-value, alarm3-value: Setzt einen Alarm in Watt auf das Reading SpotP.
    Die Readings Alarm1..Alarm3 werden entsprechend gesetzt: -1 für SpotP < alarmX-value und 1 für Spot >= alarmX-value.
  • SpotP: SpotPower - Leistung in W zum Zeitpunkt der Abfrage
  • AvP01: Average Power 1 Minute - Durchschnittliche Leistung in W der letzten Minute
  • AvP05: Average Power 5 Minuten - Durchschnittliche Leistung in W der letzten 5 Minuten
  • AvP15: Average Power 15 Minuten - Durchschnittliche Leistung in W der letzten 15 Minuten
  • SpotPDC1: Spot Gleichspannung String 1
  • SpotPDC2: Spot Gleichspannung String 2
  • TotalTodayP: Erzeuge Leistung (in Wh) des heutigen Tages
  • AlltimeTotalP: Erzeugte Leistung (in Wh) seit Inbetriebsnahme des Gerätes
  • Alarm1..3: Alarm Trigger 1-3. Können über die Parameter "alarmN-value" gesetzt werden
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