# $Id: $ # # TODO: package main; my $dl = 4; ########################## # This block is only needed when FileLog is checked outside fhem # sub Log3($$$); sub Log($$); sub RemoveInternalTimer($); use vars qw(%attr); use vars qw(%defs); use vars qw(%modules); use vars qw($readingFnAttributes); use vars qw($reread_active); ########################## use strict; use warnings; use SetExtensions; use vars qw(%ninjaDevice); use vars qw(%ninjaTypes); use vars qw(%ninjaGroups); sub NINJA_Parse($$); sub NINJA_Send($$@); sub NINJA_Initialize($) { my ($hash) = @_; $hash->{Match} = "^.+"; $hash->{SetFn} = "NINJA_Set"; #$hash->{GetFn} = "NINJA_Get"; $hash->{DefFn} = "NINJA_Define"; $hash->{UndefFn} = "NINJA_Undef"; $hash->{FingerprintFn} = "NINJA_Fingerprint"; $hash->{ParseFn} = "NINJA_Parse"; $hash->{AttrFn} = "NINJA_Attr"; $hash->{AttrList} = "IODev" ." readonly:1" ." forceOn:1" ." $readingFnAttributes"; } sub NINJA_Define__($$) { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def); if(@a != 4 ) { my $msg = "wrong syntax: define <name> NINJA <g> <vendor>"; Log3 undef, 2, $msg; return $msg; } $a[2] =~ m/^([\da-f]{6})$/i; return "$a[2] is not a valid NINJA address" if( !defined($1) ); $a[3] =~ m/^([\da-f]{2})$/i; return "$a[3] is not a valid NINJA channel" if( !defined($1) ); my $name = $a[0]; my $addr = $a[2]; my $channel = $a[3]; #return "$addr is not a 1 byte hex value" if( $addr !~ /^[\da-f]{2}$/i ); #return "$addr is not an allowed address" if( $addr eq "00" ); return "NINJA device $addr already used for $modules{NINJA}{defptr}{$addr}->{NAME}." if( $modules{NINJA}{defptr}{$addr} && $modules{NINJA}{defptr}{$addr}->{NAME} ne $name ); $hash->{addr} = $addr; $hash->{channel} = $channel; $modules{NINJA}{defptr}{$addr} = $hash; AssignIoPort($hash); if(defined($hash->{IODev}->{NAME})) { Log3 $name, 3, "$name: I/O device is " . $hash->{IODev}->{NAME}; } else { Log3 $name, 1, "$name: no I/O device"; } #$attr{$name}{devStateIcon} = 'on:on:toggle off:off:toggle set.*:light_question:off' if( !defined( $attr{$name}{devStateIcon} ) ); #$attr{$name}{webCmd} = 'on:off:toggle:statusRequest' if( !defined( $attr{$name}{webCmd} ) ); #CommandAttr( undef, "$name userReadings consumptionTotal:consumption monotonic {ReadingsVal(\$name,'consumption',0)}" ) if( !defined( $attr{$name}{userReadings} ) ); #NINJA_Send($hash, $addr, "00" ); return undef; } sub NINJA_Define($$) { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def); Log3 undef, 0, "NINJA_define: $def"; if(@a != 3 ) { my $msg = "wrong syntax: define <name> NINJA <addr>"; Log3 undef, 2, $msg; return $msg; } $a[2] =~ m/^(.+)$/i; return "$a[2] is not a valid NINJA address" if( !defined($1) ); my $name = $a[0]; my $addr = $a[2]; #return "$addr is not a 1 byte hex value" if( $addr !~ /^[\da-f]{2}$/i ); return "$addr is not an allowed address" if( $addr eq "0" ); return "NINJA device $addr already used for $modules{NINJA}{defptr}{$addr}->{NAME}." if( $modules{NINJA}{defptr}{$addr} && $modules{NINJA}{defptr}{$addr}->{NAME} ne $name ); $hash->{addr} = $addr; $modules{NINJA}{defptr}{$addr} = $hash; AssignIoPort($hash); if(defined($hash->{IODev}->{NAME})) { Log3 $name, 3, "$name: I/O device is " . $hash->{IODev}->{NAME}; } else { Log3 $name, 1, "$name: no I/O device"; } #$attr{$name}{devStateIcon} = 'on:on:toggle off:off:toggle *.:light_question:off' if( !defined( $attr{$name}{devStateIcon} ) ); #$attr{$name}{webCmd} = 'on:off:toggle:statusRequest' if( !defined( $attr{$name}{webCmd} ) ); #CommandAttr( undef, "$name userReadings consumptionTotal:consumption monotonic {ReadingsVal(\$name,'consumption',0)}" ) if( !defined( $attr{$name}{userReadings} ) ); return undef; } ##################################### sub NINJA_Undef($$) { my ($hash, $arg) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $addr = $hash->{addr}; delete( $modules{NINJA}{defptr}{$addr} ); return undef; } ##################################### sub NINJA_Set($@) { my ($hash, $name, @aa) = @_; my $cnt = @aa; return "\"set $name\" needs at least one parameter" if($cnt < 1); my $cmd = $aa[0]; my $arg = $aa[1]; my $arg2 = $aa[2]; my $arg3 = $aa[3]; my $readonly = AttrVal($name, "readonly", "0" ); #my $list = "identify:noArg reset:noArg statusRequest:noArg"; #$list .= " off:noArg on:noArg toggle:noArg" if( !$readonly ); my $list = ""; if( $cmd eq 'toggle' ) { $cmd = ReadingsVal($name,"state","on") eq "off" ? "on" :"off"; } if( !$readonly && $cmd eq 'off' ) { readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "set-$cmd", 1); #NINJA_Send( $hash, 0x05, 0x00 ); } elsif( !$readonly && $cmd eq 'on' ) { readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "set-$cmd", 1); #NINJA_Send( $hash, 0x05, 0x01 ); } elsif( $cmd eq 'statusRequest' ) { readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "set-$cmd", 1); #NINJA_Send( $hash, 0x04, 0x00 ); } elsif( $cmd eq 'reset' ) { readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "set-$cmd", 1); #NINJA_Send( $hash, 0x04, 0x01 ); #} elsif( $cmd eq 'identify' ) { # NINJA_Send( $hash, 0x06, 0x00 ); } elsif ($cmd eq 'offset' ) { if (defined $arg2) { readingsSingleUpdate($hash, ".offset.$arg", $arg2, 0); } else { delete $hash->{READINGS}{".offset.$arg"}; } } else { #TODO: understand return SetExtensions($hash, $list, $name, @aa); } return undef; } ##################################### sub NINJA_Get($@) { my ($hash, $name, $cmd, @args) = @_; return "\"get $name\" needs at least one parameter" if(@_ < 3); my $list = ""; return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $list"; } sub NINJA_Fingerprint($$) { my ($name, $msg) = @_; return ( "", $msg ); } sub NINJA_ForceOn($) { my ($hash) = @_; #NINJA_Send( $hash, 0x05, 0x01 ); } sub NINJA_Parse($$) { my ($hash, $msg) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; #return undef if( $msg !~ m/^[\dA-F]{12,}$/ ); if (0) { ##--------------------------------------------------- if( $msg =~ m/^L/ ) { my @parts = split( ' ', substr($msg, 5), 4 ); $msg = "OK 24 $parts[3]"; } my( @bytes, $channel,$cmd,$addr,$data,$power,$consumption ); if( $msg =~ m/^OK/ ) { @bytes = split( ' ', substr($msg, 6) ); $channel = sprintf( "%02X", $bytes[0] ); $cmd = $bytes[1]; $addr = sprintf( "%02X%02X%02X", $bytes[2], $bytes[3], $bytes[4] ); $data = $bytes[5]; return "" if( $cmd == 0x04 && $bytes[6] == 170 && $bytes[7] == 170 && $bytes[8] == 170 && $bytes[9] == 170 ); # ignore commands from display unit return "" if( $cmd == 0x05 && ( $bytes[6] != 170 || $bytes[7] != 170 || $bytes[8] != 170 || $bytes[9] != 170 ) ); # ignore commands not from the plug } elsif ( $msg =~ m/^TX/ ) { # ignore TX return ""; } else { DoTrigger($name, "UNKNOWNCODE $msg"); Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Unknown code $msg, help me!"; return ""; } } #------------------------------------------------ my $jsonref = NinjaPiCrust_ParseJSON($msg); my %datagram = %$jsonref; #Log3 $name, $dl, "NinjaPiCrust_Parse: \%datagram is @{[%datagram]}"; my $msgtype = (keys %datagram)[0]; Log3 $name, $dl, "$name: got message type '$msgtype'"; my %data = %{$datagram{$msgtype}[0]}; $data{MSGTYPE} = $msgtype; Log3 $name, $dl, "$name: Got $msgtype $data{G} $data{V} $data{D} $data{DA} from $msg" if (defined $data{G} and defined $data{V} and defined $data{D} and defined $data{DA}); $hash->{"${name}_MSGCNT"}++; $hash->{"${name}_TIME"} = TimeNow(); $hash->{RAWMSG} = $msg; # from here on, adhere to PCA301 logic for now: my $raddr = $data{G}; my $rhash = $modules{NINJA}{defptr}{$raddr}; my $rname = $rhash?$rhash->{NAME}:$raddr; if ( !$modules{NINJA}{defptr}{$raddr} ) { Log3 $name, 3, "NINJA Unknown device $rname, please define it"; return "UNDEFINED NINJA_$rname NINJA $raddr";# $channel"; } #CommandAttr( undef, "$rname userReadings consumptionTotal:consumption monotonic {ReadingsVal($rname,'consumption',0)}" ) if( !defined( $attr{$rname}{userReadings} ) ); my @list; push(@list, $rname); $rhash->{NINJA_lastRcv} = TimeNow(); Log3 $rhash, $dl, "$rname: identified module, commencing"; #if( $rhash->{channel} ne $channel ) { # Log3 $rname, 3, "NINJA $rname, channel changed from $rhash->{channel} to $channel"; # # $rhash->{channel} = $channel; # $rhash->{DEF} = "$rhash->{addr} $rhash->{channel}"; # CommandSave(undef,undef) if( AttrVal( "autocreate", "autosave", 1 ) ); #} my $readonly = AttrVal($rname, "readonly", "0" ); my $state = ""; #if( $cmd eq 0x04 ) { # $state = $data==0x00?"off":"on"; # my $power = ($bytes[6]*256 + $bytes[7]) / 10.0; # my $consumption = ($bytes[8]*256 + $bytes[9]) / 100.0; # my $state = $state; $state = $power if( $readonly ); # readingsBeginUpdate($rhash); # readingsBulkUpdate($rhash, "power", $power) if( $power != ReadingsVal($rname,"power",0) ); # readingsBulkUpdate($rhash, "consumption", $consumption) if( $consumption != ReadingsVal($rname,"consumption",0) ); # readingsBulkUpdate($rhash, "state", $state) if( $state ne ReadingsVal($rname,"state","") ); # readingsEndUpdate($rhash,1); #} elsif( $cmd eq 0x05 ) { # $state = $data==0x00?"off":"on"; # # readingsSingleUpdate($rhash, "state", $state, 1) #} if( AttrVal($rname, "forceOn", 0 ) == 1 && $state eq "off" ) { readingsSingleUpdate($rhash, "state", "set-forceOn", 1); InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+3, "NINJA_ForceOn", $rhash, 0); } my $key = "$data{V}:$data{D}"; unless (exists $ninjaDevice{$key}) { Log3 $rname, 0, "$rname: unknown VID:DID '$key'"; return; } my %ndev = %{$ninjaDevice{$key}}; unless ($ndev{sens}) { Log3 $rname, 0, "$rname: Not a sensor: VID:DID '$key' ($ndev{hint})"; return; } if (!exists $ninjaTypes{$ndev{type}}) { Log3 $rname, 0, "$rname: Unsupported sensor VID:DID '$key' ($ndev{hint})"; readingsSingleUpdate($rhash, $ndev{hint}, $data{DA}, 1); return; } else { # figure out which reding we are actually dealing with # and create update event. my %ntype = %{$ninjaTypes{$ndev{type}}}; my $ntname = $ntype{name}; my $now = gettimeofday(); $rhash->{".reading.timestamp.$ntname"} = $now; my $val = $data{DA}; my $offset = ReadingsVal($rname,".offset.$ntname",0.0); $val = $val + $offset unless ($offset == 0); my $fmt = $ntype{format}; $val = sprintf($fmt,$val) if (defined $fmt); readingsSingleUpdate($rhash, $ntname, $val, 1); # if we expect more than one reading as defined by a group, # check if we have enough information to compile the group reading # # TODO: In this case we may want to deferr the individual updates # and use readingsBulkUpdate, instead if (exists $ntype{group} and exists $ninjaGroups{$ntype{group}}) { my %ngroup = %{$ninjaGroups{$ntype{group}}}; Log3 $rname, $dl, "$rname: reading '$ntype{name}' is of group '$ntype{group}'"; my $format = $ngroup{format}; my $reading = $format; my $valid = 1; while ($format =~ /\{([^\}]+)\}/g) { my $rn = $1; Log3 $rname, $dl, "$rname: found in template: $rn"; if (exists $rhash->{".reading.timestamp.$rn"}) { my $rval = ReadingsVal($rname,$rn,undef); $reading =~ s/\{$rn\}/$rval/; $valid = 0 unless (($now - $rhash->{".reading.timestamp.$rn"}) < 0.5); } else { $valid = 0; } } Log3 $rname, $dl, "$rname: got '$reading' from '$format'"; readingsSingleUpdate($rhash, $ngroup{name}, $reading, 1) if ($valid); } } return @list; } %ninjaTypes = ( "temperature" => { name=>"temperature", group=>"TD", format=>"%.1f" }, "humidity" => { name=>"humidity", group=>"TD" } ); %ninjaGroups = ( "TD" => { name=>"state", format=>"T: {temperature} H: {humidity}" } ); # # from devids.cvs : # VID;DID;Device Type;Default Name;State;Actuator;Sensor;Silent;Has Sub Device;Time Series data # cat ~/ninja/devids.csv | tr "; \r" "\t_ " |while read a b c d e f g h i j k; do key="\"$a:$b\" " key=${key:0:10}; type="\"$c\" "; type=${type:0:25}; echo "$key => {st=>$e, act=>$f, sens=>$g, sil=>$h, sub=>$i, tds=>$j, type=>$type, hint=>\"$d\" },"; done # # key is VID:DID # type:Device Type # hint:Default Name # st:State # act:Actuator # sens:Sensor # sil:Silent # sub:Has Sub Device # tsd:Time Series data %ninjaDevice = ( "0:1" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"temperature" , hint=>"Block_Temperature" }, "0:2" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"linear_acceleration" , hint=>"Block_Accelerometer" }, "0:3" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"jiggle" , hint=>"Block_Jiggle" }, "0:5" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"button" , hint=>"Push_Button" }, "0:6" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"light_level" , hint=>"Light_Sensor" }, "0:7" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"pir" , hint=>"PIR_Motion_Sensor" }, "0:8" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"humidity" , hint=>"Humidity" }, "0:9" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"temperature" , hint=>"Temperature" }, "0:11" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>1, tds=>0, type=>"rf433" , hint=>"RF_433Mhz" }, "0:12" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"sound" , hint=>"Sound_Sensor" }, "0:13" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"temperature" , hint=>"La_Crosse_Temp_TX3/6" }, "0:14" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"hid" , hint=>"Unknown_HID_Device" }, "0:20" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"temperature" , hint=>"La_Crosse_Temp_WS2355" }, "0:21" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"humidity" , hint=>"La_Crosse_Humidity_WS2355" }, "0:22" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"rainfall" , hint=>"La_Crosse_Rainfall_WS2355" }, "0:23" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"direction" , hint=>"La_Crosse_Wind_Direction" }, "0:24" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"speed" , hint=>"La_Crosse_Wind_Speed" }, "0:30" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"humidity" , hint=>"Humidity" }, "0:31" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"temperature" , hint=>"Temperature" }, "0:101" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>1, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"twitter" , hint=>"Twitter" }, "0:102" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>1, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"facebook" , hint=>"Facebook" }, "0:103" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>1, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"sms" , hint=>"SMS" }, "0:104" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>1, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"dropbox" , hint=>"Dropbox" }, "0:105" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>1, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"googledrive" , hint=>"Google_Drive" }, "0:106" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>1, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"email" , hint=>"Email" }, "0:107" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>1, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"salesforce" , hint=>"Salesforce" }, "0:108" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>1, sub=>1, tds=>0, type=>"webhook" , hint=>"Webhook" }, "0:200" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"button" , hint=>"Push_Button" }, "0:201" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"momentary_switch" , hint=>"Reed_Switch" }, "0:202" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"temperature" , hint=>"Temperature" }, "0:203" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"humidity" , hint=>"Humidity" }, "0:204" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"pir" , hint=>"PIR_Motion_Sensor" }, "0:205" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"switch_sensor" , hint=>"Switch_Sensor" }, "0:206" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>0, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"switch_actuator" , hint=>"Switch_Actuator" }, "0:207" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"switch" , hint=>"Switch" }, "0:208" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"orientation" , hint=>"Orientation" }, "0:209" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"jiggle" , hint=>"Jiggle" }, "0:210" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"gesture" , hint=>"Gesture" }, "0:211" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"keyboard" , hint=>"Keyboard" }, "0:212" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"code_reader" , hint=>"Barcode_Scanner" }, "0:213" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"code_reader" , hint=>"QR_code_Scanner" }, "0:214" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"distance" , hint=>"Distance" }, "0:215" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"sound" , hint=>"Sound" }, "0:216" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"microphone" , hint=>"Microphone" }, "0:217" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>1, tds=>0, type=>"hid" , hint=>"HID_Device" }, "0:218" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>1, tds=>0, type=>"rfid" , hint=>"RFID_Reader" }, "0:219" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"proximity" , hint=>"Proximity_Sensor" }, "0:220" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"camera_still" , hint=>"Camera" }, "0:221" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"camera_video" , hint=>"Video_Camera" }, "0:222" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"compass" , hint=>"Compass" }, "0:223" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"location" , hint=>"Location" }, "0:224" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"light" , hint=>"Light" }, "0:225" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"moisture" , hint=>"Moisture" }, "0:226" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"ph" , hint=>"pH_Sensor" }, "0:227" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"geiger" , hint=>"Geiger_Counter" }, "0:228" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>1, tds=>0, type=>"rf" , hint=>"RF_Transceiver" }, "0:229" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>1, tds=>0, type=>"zigbee" , hint=>"Zigbee_Transceiver" }, "0:230" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>1, tds=>0, type=>"zwave" , hint=>"Z-wave_Transceiver" }, "0:231" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>0, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"alarm" , hint=>"Alarm" }, "0:232" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>0, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"speaker" , hint=>"Speaker" }, "0:233" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>0, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"light_onoff" , hint=>"Light" }, "0:233" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>0, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"light_switch" , hint=>"Light" }, "0:234" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>0, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"light_dim" , hint=>"Light_(Dimmable)" }, "0:235" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>0, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"rgbled8" , hint=>"RGB_Light_(Basic)" }, "0:236" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>0, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"rgbled" , hint=>"RGB_Light" }, "0:237" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>0, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"servo" , hint=>"Servo" }, "0:238" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>0, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"relay" , hint=>"Relay" }, "0:239" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>0, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"stepper" , hint=>"Stepper" }, "0:240" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>0, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"display_text" , hint=>"Text_Display" }, "0:241" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>0, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"display_image" , hint=>"Image_Display" }, "0:242" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"energy" , hint=>"Energy" }, "0:243" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"power" , hint=>"Power" }, "0:244" => {st=>1, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"state" , hint=>"Generic_State_Device" }, "0:255" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"screen_capture" , hint=>"Screen_Capture" }, "0:256" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"screen_capture" , hint=>"Mac_Screen_Capture" }, "0:260" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"presence" , hint=>"Presence" }, "0:261" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"presence" , hint=>"Presence_-_Wifi_AP" }, "0:262" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"presence" , hint=>"Presence_-_Wifi_Client" }, "0:263" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"presence" , hint=>"Presence_-_Bluetooth" }, "0:264" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"presence" , hint=>"Presence_-_USB" }, "0:265" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"presence" , hint=>"Presence_-_IP" }, "0:266" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"presence" , hint=>"Presence_-_UPNP" }, "0:267" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"presence" , hint=>"Presence_-_Zeroconf" }, "0:268" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"presence" , hint=>"Presence_-_MAC" }, "0:269" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"presence" , hint=>"Presence_-_Xbox_Live" }, "0:280" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"mediaplayer" , hint=>"Media_Player" }, "0:281" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"mediaplayer" , hint=>"Media_Player_-_Xbmc" }, "0:282" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"mediaplayer" , hint=>"Media_Player_-_VLC" }, "0:283" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"mediaplayer" , hint=>"Media_Player_-_iTunes" }, "0:284" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"mediaplayer" , hint=>"Media_Player_-_Spotify" }, "0:300" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>0, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"openurl" , hint=>"Open_URL" }, "0:310" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>0, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"notification" , hint=>"Notification" }, "0:311" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>0, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"notification" , hint=>"Mac_Notification" }, "0:320" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>0, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"lock-screen" , hint=>"Lock_Screen" }, # "0:500" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"location" , hint=>"Browser_GPS" }, # "0:500" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"cpu" , hint=>"CPU_Usage" }, "0:501" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"cpu" , hint=>"NinjaBlock_CPU_Usage" }, "0:502" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"cpu" , hint=>"Mac_CPU_Usage" }, "0:503" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"cpu" , hint=>"Raspberry_Pi_CPU_Usage" }, "0:510" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"temperature" , hint=>"CPU_Temperature" }, "0:511" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"temperature" , hint=>"Raspberry_Pi_CPU_Temperature" }, "0:512" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"temperature" , hint=>"NinjaBlock_CPU_Temperature" }, "0:513" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"temperature" , hint=>"Mac_CPU_Temperature" }, "0:520" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"ram" , hint=>"RAM_Usage" }, "0:521" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"ram" , hint=>"NinjaBlock_RAM_Usage" }, "0:522" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"ram" , hint=>"Mac_RAM_Usage" }, "0:523" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"ram" , hint=>"Raspberry_Pi_RAM_Usage" }, "0:530" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"network-activity" , hint=>"Incoming_Network_Activity" }, "0:531" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"network-activity" , hint=>"NinjaBlock_Incoming_Network_Activity" }, "0:532" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"network-activity" , hint=>"Mac_Incoming_Network_Activity" }, "0:533" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"network-activity" , hint=>"Raspberry_Pi_Incoming_Network_Activity" }, "0:540" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"network-activity" , hint=>"Outgoing_Network_Activity" }, "0:541" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"network-activity" , hint=>"NinjaBlock_Outgoing_Network_Activity" }, "0:542" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"network-activity" , hint=>"Mac_Outgoing_Network_Activity" }, "0:543" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"network-activity" , hint=>"Raspberry_Pi_Outgoing_Network_Activity" }, "0:550" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"battery" , hint=>"Battery" }, "0:551" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"battery" , hint=>"Mac_Battery" }, "0:600" => {st=>1, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"ias_zone" , hint=>"IAS_Zone" }, "0:999" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"rgbled" , hint=>"On_Board_RGB_LED_v2" }, # "0:999" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"rgbled8" , hint=>"Status_Light" }, "0:1000" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"rgbled8" , hint=>"On_Board_RGB_LED" }, "0:1002" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"relay" , hint=>"Relay_Board" }, "0:1003" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"system" , hint=>"Arduino_Version" }, "0:1004" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>0, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"webcam" , hint=>"Web_Cam" }, "0:1005" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>1, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"network" , hint=>"Network" }, "0:1006" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>0, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"speech" , hint=>"USB_Text_to_Speech" }, "0:1007" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"rgbled" , hint=>"Nina's_Eyes" }, "0:1008" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"light" , hint=>"Philips_Hue" }, "0:1009" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>0, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"relay" , hint=>"Belkin_WeMo_Socket" }, "0:1010" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"light" , hint=>"ZigBee_Light" }, "0:1011" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"light" , hint=>"Limitless_LED_RGB" }, "0:1012" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"light" , hint=>"Limitless_LED_White" }, "0:1020" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>0, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"speech" , hint=>"Text-to-Speech" }, "0:1021" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>0, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"speech" , hint=>"Mac_Text-to-Speech" }, "0:2000" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>1, tds=>1, type=>"sandbox" , hint=>"Sandbox" }, "0:3680" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"html" , hint=>"HTML" }, "0:7000" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>0, sil=>1, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"matrix_display" , hint=>"LED_Board" }, "0:9001" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"metric" , hint=>"Connected_Blocks" }, "0:9002" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"metric" , hint=>"Redis_Response_Time" }, "0:9003" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"metric" , hint=>"MySQL_Response_Time" }, "0:10000" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"led" , hint=>"Browser_LED" }, "2:9714" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"airconditioner" , hint=>"Air_Conditioner" }, "3:1" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"relay" , hint=>"Power_Socket_Switch" }, "3:2" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"power" , hint=>"Power_Usage" }, "3:3" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"switch_sensor" , hint=>"NetVox_Switch" }, "3:11" => {st=>0, act=>1, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>1, tds=>0, type=>"rf433" , hint=>"Camera_Control" }, "4:2" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"meeting_length" , hint=>"Meeting_Length" }, "4:3" => {st=>0, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>1, type=>"room_utilisation" , hint=>"Room_Utilisation" }, "4:4" => {st=>1, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"battery_alarm" , hint=>"Battery_Alarm" }, "4:5" => {st=>1, act=>0, sens=>1, sil=>0, sub=>0, tds=>0, type=>"alarm" , hint=>"Zone_Alarm" } ); sub NINJA_Send($$@) { my ($hash, $cmd, $data) = @_; $hash->{NINJA_lastSend} = TimeNow(); my $msg = sprintf( "%i,%i,%i,%i,%i,%i,255,255,255,255s", hex($hash->{channel}), $cmd, hex(substr($hash->{addr},0,2)), hex(substr($hash->{addr},2,2)), hex(substr($hash->{addr},4,2)), $data ); IOWrite( $hash, $msg ); } sub NINJA_Attr(@) { my ($cmd, $name, $attrName, $attrVal) = @_; return undef; } 1; =pod =begin html <a name="NINJA"></a> <h3>NINJA</h3> <ul> <tr><td> The NINJA is a RF controlled AC mains plug with integrated power meter functionality from ELV.<br><br> It can be integrated in to FHEM via a <a href="#JeeLink">JeeLink</a> as the IODevice.<br><br> The JeeNode sketch required for this module can be found in .../contrib/arduino/36_NINJA-pcaSerial.zip.<br><br> <a name="NINJADefine"></a> <b>Define</b> <ul> <code>define <name> NINJA <addr> <channel></code> <br> <br> addr is a 6 digit hex number to identify the NINJA device. channel is a 2 digit hex number to identify the NINJA device.<br><br> Note: devices are autocreated on reception of the first message.<br> </ul> <br> <a name="NINJA_Set"></a> <b>Set</b> <ul> <li>on</li> <li>off</li> <li>identify<br> Blink the status led for ~5 seconds.</li> <li>reset<br> Reset consumption counters</li> <li>statusRequest<br> Request device status update.</li> <li><a href="#setExtensions"> set extensions</a> are supported.</li> </ul><br> <a name="NINJA_Get"></a> <b>Get</b> <ul> </ul><br> <a name="NINJA_Readings"></a> <b>Readings</b> <ul> <li>power</li> <li>consumption</li> <li>consumptionTotal<br> will be created as a default user reading to have a continous consumption value that is not influenced by the regualar reset or overflow of the normal consumption reading</li> </ul><br> <a name="NINJA_Attr"></a> <b>Attributes</b> <ul> <li>readonly<br> if set to a value != 0 all switching commands (on, off, toggle, ...) will be disabled.</li> <li>forceOn<br> try to switch on the device whenever an off status is received.</li> </ul><br> </ul> =end html =cut