############################################## # $Id$ # # modified: 2014-02-16 - betateilchen # - added new reading for windIndex (bft) # - changed to readingFnAttributes # - some minor code cleanups # package main; use strict; use warnings; sub KS300_windIndex($); ##################################### sub KS300_Initialize($) { my ($hash) = @_; # Message is like # 810d04f94027a00171212730000008 # 81 0d 04 f9 4027a00171 212730000008 $hash->{Match} = "^810d04..4027a001"; $hash->{DefFn} = "KS300_Define"; $hash->{UndefFn} = "KS300_Undef"; $hash->{ParseFn} = "KS300_Parse"; no warnings 'qw'; my @attrList = qw( IODev do_not_notify:0,1 ignore:0,1 model:ks300 rainadjustment:0,1 strangeTempDiff showtime:0,1 ); use warnings 'qw'; $hash->{AttrList} = join(" ", @attrList)." ".$readingFnAttributes; $hash->{AutoCreate}= { "KS300.*" => { GPLOT => "temp4rain10:Temp/Rain,hum6wind8:Wind/Hum,", FILTER => "%NAME:T:.*" } }; } ##################################### sub KS300_Define($$) { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def); return "wrong syntax: define KS300 " . "[ml/raincounter] [wind-factor]" if(int(@a) < 3 || int(@a) > 5); $a[2] = lc($a[2]); return "Define $a[0]: wrong CODE format: specify a 4 digit hex value" if($a[2] !~ m/^[a-f0-9][a-f0-9][a-f0-9][a-f0-9]$/); # $hash->{CODE} = $a[2]; my $rainunit = ((int(@a) > 3) ? $a[3] : 255); my $windunit = ((int(@a) > 4) ? $a[4] : 1.0); $hash->{CODE} = $a[2]; $hash->{RAINUNIT} = $rainunit; $hash->{WINDUNIT} = $windunit; $modules{KS300}{defptr}{$a[2]} = $hash; AssignIoPort($hash); readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'state', 'defined', 0); return undef; } ##################################### sub KS300_Undef($$) { my ($hash, $name) = @_; delete($modules{KS300}{defptr}{$hash->{CODE}}); return undef; } ##################################### # { Dispatch($defs{CUL},"810d04xx4027a00171240080009359", undef) } sub KS300_Parse($$) { my ($hash,$msg) = @_; ############################### # 1 2 #0123456789012345 67890123456789 # #810d04f94027a001 71212730000008 ############################### my @a = split("", $msg); ########################## # I've seldom (1 out of 700) seen messages of length 10 and 11 with correct # CRC, they seem to contain partial data (e.g. temp/wind/hum but not rain) # They are suppressed as of now. if(hex($a[3]) != 13) { Log3 $hash, 4, "Strange KS300 message received, won't decode ($msg)"; return ""; } if(int(keys %{ $modules{KS300}{defptr} })) { my @arr = keys(%{ $modules{KS300}{defptr} }); # No code is known yet my $dev = shift(@arr); my $def = $modules{KS300}{defptr}{$dev}; my $haverain = 0; my $name= $def->{NAME}; return "" if(IsIgnored($name)); readingsBeginUpdate($def); my @v; my @txt = ( "rain_raw", "rain", "wind", "humidity", "temperature", "israining", "checksum", "type_raw", "unknown3", "windIndex"); my @sfx = ( "(counter)", "(l/m2)", "(km/h)", "(%)", "(Celsius)", "(yes/no)", "","","",""); my %repchanged = ("rain"=>1, "wind"=>1, "humidity"=>1, "temperature"=>1, "israining"=>1); # time my $tm = TimeNow(); my $tsecs= time(); # number of non-leap seconds since January 1, 1970, UTC # preset current $rain_raw $v[0] = hex("$a[28]$a[27]$a[26]"); my $rain_raw = $v[0]; # get previous rain_raw my $rain_raw_prev = ReadingsVal($name, 'rain_raw', $rain_raw); ($rain_raw_prev, undef) = split(" ", $rain_raw_prev); # cut off "(counter)" my $rain_raw_adj = $rain_raw; # unadjusted value as default my $rain_raw_adj_prev = ReadingsVal($name, 'rain_raw_adj', $rain_raw); if(AttrVal($name,"rainadjustment",0)) { # The rain values delivered by my KS300 randomly switch between two # different values. The offset between the two values follows no # identifiable principle. It is even unclear whether the problem is # caused by KS300 or by FHZ1300. ELV denies any problem with the KS300. # The problem is known to several people. For instance, see # http://www.ipsymcon.de/forum/showthread.php?t=3303&highlight=ks300+regen&page=3 # The following code detects and automatically corrects these offsets. my $rain_raw_ofs_prev = ReadingsVal($name, 'rain_raw_ofs', 0); my $rain_raw_ofs = $rain_raw_ofs_prev; my $tsecs_prev = ReadingsVal($name, 'tsecs', 0); # detect error condition # delta is negative or delta is too large # see http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niederschlagsintensit??t#Niederschlagsintensit.C3.A4t # during a thunderstorm in middle europe, 50l/m^2 rain may fall per hour # 50l/(m^2*h) correspond to 200 ticks/h # Since KS300 sends every 2,5 minutes, a maximum delta of 8 ticks would # be reasonable. The observed deltas are in most cases 1 or 2 orders # of magnitude larger. # The code also handles counter resets after battery replacement my $rain_raw_delta = $rain_raw - $rain_raw_prev; my $deltatsecs= ($tsecs - $tsecs_prev); # we have observed two datagrams at the same second $deltatsecs= 1 if($deltatsecs< 1); my $thours_delta = $deltatsecs/3600.0; # in hours my $rain_raw_per_hour = $rain_raw_delta/$thours_delta; if(($rain_raw_delta<0) || ($rain_raw_per_hour> 200.0)) { $rain_raw_ofs = $rain_raw_ofs_prev-$rain_raw_delta; # If the switch in the tick count occurs simultaneously with an # increase due to rain, the tick is lost. We therefore assume that # offsets between -5 and 0 are indeed rain. if(($rain_raw_ofs>=-5) && ($rain_raw_ofs<0)) { $rain_raw_ofs= 0; } readingsBulkUpdate($def, 'rain_raw_ofs', $rain_raw_ofs, 0); } $rain_raw_adj = $rain_raw + $rain_raw_ofs; } readingsBulkUpdate($def, 'tsecs', $tsecs, 0); readingsBulkUpdate($def, 'rain_raw_adj', $rain_raw_adj, 0); # KS300 has a sensor which detects any drop of rain and immediately # sends out the israining message. The sensors consists of two parallel # strips of metal separated by a small gap. The rain bridges the gap # and closes the contact. If the KS300 pole is not perfectly vertical the # drop runs along only one side and the contact is not closed. To get the # israining information anyway, the respective flag is also set when the # a positive amount of rain is detected. $haverain = 1 if($rain_raw_adj != $rain_raw_adj_prev); $v[1] = sprintf("%0.1f", $rain_raw_adj * $def->{RAINUNIT} / 1000); $v[2] = sprintf("%0.1f", ("$a[25]$a[24].$a[23]"+(hex($a[17])&0x4?100:0)) * $def->{WINDUNIT}); $v[3] = "$a[22]$a[21]" + 0; $v[4] = "$a[20]$a[19].$a[18]" + 0; $v[4] = sprintf("%0.1f", $v[4]); $v[5] = ((hex($a[17]) & 0x2) || $haverain) ? "yes" : "no"; $v[6] = $a[29]; $v[7] = $a[16]; $v[8] = $a[17]; $v[9] = KS300_windIndex($v[2]); $v[4] = -$v[4] if(hex($v[8]) & 8); # Negative temp my $std = AttrVal($name, "strangeTempDiff", 0); if($std) { my $ov = ReadingsVal($name, 'temperature', 0); if($ov && abs($ov-$v[4]) > $std) { readingsBulkUpdate($def, 'strangeTemp', $v[4], 0); $v[4] = $ov; } } Log3 $def, 4, "KS300 $dev: $msg"; my $max = int(@v); # For logging/summary my $val = "T: $v[4] H: $v[3] W: $v[2] R: $v[1] IR: $v[5] Wi: $v[9]"; Log3 $def, 4, "KS300 $dev: $val"; readingsBulkUpdate($def,'state', $val); for(my $i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) { readingsBulkUpdate($def, $txt[$i], $v[$i], defined($repchanged{$txt[$i]})); } ################################### # AVG computing if(!ReadingsVal($name, 'cum_day', undef)) { readingsBulkUpdate($def, 'cum_day', "$tm T: 0 H: 0 W: 0 R: $v[1]", 0); } else { my @cv = split(" ", ReadingsVal($name, 'cum_day','')); my @cd = split("[ :-]", ReadingsTimestamp($name, 'cum_day','')); my $csec = 3600*$cd[3] + 60*$cd[4] + $cd[5]; # Sec of last reading my @d = split("[ :-]", $tm); my $sec = 3600*$d[3] + 60*$d[4] + $d[5]; # Sec now my @sd = split("[ :-]", "$cv[0] $cv[1]"); my $ssec = 3600*$sd[3] + 60*$sd[4] + $sd[5]; # Sec at start of day my $difft = $sec - $csec; $difft += 86400 if($d[2] != $cd[2]); # Sec since last reading my $t = $cv[3] + $difft * $v[4]; my $h = $cv[5] + $difft * $v[3]; my $w = $cv[7] + $difft * $v[2]; my $e = $cv[9]; $val = "$cv[0] $cv[1] T: $t H: $h W: $w R: $e"; readingsBulkUpdate($def, 'cum_day', $val, 0); $difft = $sec - $ssec; $difft += 86400 if($d[2] != $sd[2]); # Sec since last reading $difft = 1 if(!$difft); # Don't want illegal division. $t /= $difft; $h /= $difft; $w /= $difft; $e = $v[1] - $cv[9]; $val = sprintf("T: %.1f H: %d W: %.1f R: %.1f", $t, $h, $w, $e); readingsBulkUpdate($def, 'avg_day', $val, $d[2]!=$sd[2]); if($d[2] != $sd[2]) { # Day changed $val = "$tm T: 0 H: 0 W: 0 R: $v[1]"; readingsBulkUpdate($def, 'cum_day', $val, 0); if(!ReadingsVal($name, 'cum_month', undef)) { $val = "1 ".ReadingsVal($name, 'avg_day',''); readingsBulkUpdate($def, 'cum_month', $val, 0); } else { my @cmv = split(" ", ReadingsVal($name, 'cum_month','')); $t += $cmv[2]; $w += $cmv[4]; $h += $cmv[6]; $cmv[0]++; $val = sprintf("%d T: %.1f H: %d W: %.1f R: %.1f", $cmv[0], $t, $h, $w, $cmv[8]+$e); readingsBulkUpdate($def, 'cum_month', $val, 0); $val = sprintf("T: %.1f H: %d W: %.1f R: %.1f", $t/$cmv[0], $h/$cmv[0], $w/$cmv[0], $cmv[8]+$e); readingsBulkUpdate($def, 'avg_month', $val, $d[1]!=$sd[1]); if($d[1] != $sd[1]) { # Month changed, report it $val = "0 T: 0 H: 0 W: 0 R: 0"; readingsBulkUpdate($def, 'cum_month', $val, 0); } } } } # AVG computing ################################### readingsEndUpdate($def,1); return $name; } else { Log3 $hash, 4, "KS300 detected: $msg"; return "UNDEFINED KS300 KS300 1234"; } } sub KS300_windIndex($) { # # convert km/h to bft as described by # http://www.meteotest.ch/wetterprognosen/prognosen_schweiz/windtabelle # my ($w) = @_; return "0" if($w < 1); return "1" if($w >= 1 && $w < 6); return "2" if($w >= 6 && $w < 12); return "3" if($w >= 12 && $w < 20); return "4" if($w >= 20 && $w < 29); return "5" if($w >= 29 && $w < 39); return "6" if($w >= 39 && $w < 50); return "7" if($w >= 50 && $w < 62); return "8" if($w >= 62 && $w < 75); return "9" if($w >= 75 && $w < 89); return "10" if($w >= 89 && $w < 103); return "11" if($w >= 103 && $w <= 117); return "12" if($w > 117); } 1; =pod =item summary module for the ELV KS300 weather station =item summary_DE Anbindung der ELV KS300 Wetterstation =begin html


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