# ############################################################################ # $Id$ # # FHEM Module for Squeezebox Servers # # ############################################################################ # # used to interact with Squeezebox server # # ############################################################################ # # Written by bugster_de # # Contributions from: Siggi85, Oliv06, ChrisD # # ############################################################################ # # This is absolutley open source. Please feel free to use just as you # like. Please note, that no warranty is given and no liability # granted # # ############################################################################ # # we have the following readings # power on|off # version the version of the SB Server # serversecure is the CLI port protected with a passowrd? # # ############################################################################ # # we have the following attributes # alivetimer time frequency to set alive signals # maxfavorites maximum number of favorites we handle at FHEM # # ############################################################################ # we have the following internals (all UPPERCASE) # IP the IP of the server # CLIPORT the port for the CLI interface of the server # # ############################################################################ # based on 97_SB_SERVER.pm beta 20141120 bugster_de, Update 0014 CD # ############################################################################ package main; use strict; use warnings; use IO::Socket; use URI::Escape; # inlcude for using the perl ping command use Net::Ping; use Encode qw(decode encode); # CD 0009 hinzugefügt # this will hold the hash of hashes for all instances of SB_SERVER my %favorites; my $favsetstring = "favorites: "; # this is the buffer for commands, we queue up when server is power=off my %SB_SERVER_CmdStack; # include this for the self-calling timer we use later on use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday); use constant { true => 1, false => 0 }; use constant { TRUE => 1, FALSE => 0 }; use constant SB_SERVER_VERSION => '0014'; # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialisation routine called upon start-up of FHEM # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub SB_SERVER_Initialize( $ ) { my ($hash) = @_; require "$attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM/DevIo.pm"; # Provider $hash->{ReadFn} = "SB_SERVER_Read"; $hash->{WriteFn} = "SB_SERVER_Write"; $hash->{ReadyFn} = "SB_SERVER_Ready"; $hash->{Clients} = ":SB_PLAYER:"; my %matchList= ( "1:SB_PLAYER" => "^SB_PLAYER:", ); $hash->{MatchList} = \%matchList; # Normal devices $hash->{DefFn} = "SB_SERVER_Define"; $hash->{UndefFn} = "SB_SERVER_Undef"; $hash->{ShutdownFn} = "SB_SERVER_Shutdown"; $hash->{GetFn} = "SB_SERVER_Get"; $hash->{SetFn} = "SB_SERVER_Set"; $hash->{AttrFn} = "SB_SERVER_Attr"; $hash->{NotifyFn} = "SB_SERVER_Notify"; $hash->{AttrList} = "alivetimer maxfavorites "; $hash->{AttrList} .= "doalivecheck:true,false "; $hash->{AttrList} .= "maxcmdstack "; $hash->{AttrList} .= "httpport "; $hash->{AttrList} .= $readingFnAttributes; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # called when defining a module # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub SB_SERVER_Define( $$ ) { my ($hash, $def ) = @_; #my $name = $hash->{NAME}; Log3( $hash, 4, "SB_SERVER_Define: called" ); # first of all close existing connections DevIo_CloseDev( $hash ); my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def); # do we have the right number of arguments? if( ( @a < 3 ) || ( @a > 7 ) ) { Log3( $hash, 3, "SB_SERVER_Define: falsche Anzahl an Argumenten" ); return( "wrong syntax: define <name> SB_SERVER <serverip[:cliport]>" . "[USER:username] [PASSWORD:password] " . # CD 0007 changed PASSWord to PASSWORD "[RCC:RCC_Name] [WOL:WOLName] [PRESENCE:PRESENCEName]" ); # CD 0007 added PRESENCE } # remove the name and our type my $name = shift( @a ); shift( @a ); # assign safe default values $hash->{IP} = ""; $hash->{CLIPORT} = 9090; $hash->{WOLNAME} = "none"; $hash->{PRESENCENAME} = "none"; # CD 0007 $hash->{RCCNAME} = "none"; $hash->{USERNAME} = "?"; $hash->{PASSWORD} = "?"; # parse the user spec foreach( @a ) { if( $_ =~ /^(RCC:)(.*)/ ) { $hash->{RCCNAME} = $2; next; } elsif( $_ =~ /^(WOL:)(.*)/ ) { $hash->{WOLNAME} = $2; next; } elsif( $_ =~ /^(PRESENCE:)(.*)/ ) { # CD 0007 $hash->{PRESENCENAME} = $2; # CD 0007 next; # CD 0007 } elsif( $_ =~ /^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}):(\d{3,5})/ ) { $hash->{IP} = $1; $hash->{CLIPORT} = $2; next; } elsif( $_ =~ /^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/ ) { $hash->{IP} = $1; $hash->{CLIPORT} = 9090; next; } elsif( $_ =~ /^(USER:)(.*)/ ) { $hash->{USERNAME} = $2; } elsif( $_ =~ /^(PASSWORD:)(.*)/ ) { $hash->{PASSWORD} = $2; } else { next; } } $hash->{LASTANSWER} = "none"; # used for alive checking of the CLI interface $hash->{ALIVECHECK} = "?"; # the status of the CLI connection (on / off) $hash->{CLICONNECTION} = "?"; # preset our attributes if( !defined( $attr{$name}{alivetimer} ) ) { $attr{$name}{alivetimer} = 120; } if( !defined( $attr{$name}{doalivecheck} ) ) { $attr{$name}{doalivecheck} = "true"; } if( !defined( $attr{$name}{maxfavorites} ) ) { $attr{$name}{maxfavorites} = 30; } if( !defined( $attr{$name}{maxcmdstack} ) ) { $attr{$name}{maxcmdstack} = 200; } # the port of the HTTP interface as needed for the coverart url if( !defined( $attr{$name}{httpport} ) ) { $attr{$name}{httpport} = "9000"; } # Preset our readings if undefined my $tn = TimeNow(); # server on / off if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{power}{VAL} ) ) { $hash->{READINGS}{power}{VAL} = "?"; $hash->{READINGS}{power}{TIME} = $tn; } # the server version if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{serverversion}{VAL} ) ) { $hash->{READINGS}{serverversion}{VAL} = "?"; $hash->{READINGS}{serverversion}{TIME} = $tn; } # is the CLI port secured with password? if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{serversecure}{VAL} ) ) { $hash->{READINGS}{serversecure}{VAL} = "?"; $hash->{READINGS}{serversecure}{TIME} = $tn; } # the maximum number of favorites on the server if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{favoritestotal}{VAL} ) ) { $hash->{READINGS}{favoritestotal}{VAL} = 0; $hash->{READINGS}{favoritestotal}{TIME} = $tn; } # is a scan in progress if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{scanning}{VAL} ) ) { $hash->{READINGS}{scanning}{VAL} = "?"; $hash->{READINGS}{scanning}{TIME} = $tn; } # the scan in progress if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{scandb}{VAL} ) ) { $hash->{READINGS}{scandb}{VAL} = "?"; $hash->{READINGS}{scandb}{TIME} = $tn; } # the scan already completed if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{scanprogressdone}{VAL} ) ) { $hash->{READINGS}{scanprogressdone}{VAL} = "?"; $hash->{READINGS}{scanprogressdone}{TIME} = $tn; } # the scan already completed if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{scanprogresstotal}{VAL} ) ) { $hash->{READINGS}{scanprogresstotal}{VAL} = "?"; $hash->{READINGS}{scanprogresstotal}{TIME} = $tn; } # did the last scan fail if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{scanlastfailed}{VAL} ) ) { $hash->{READINGS}{scanlastfailed}{VAL} = "?"; $hash->{READINGS}{scanlastfailed}{TIME} = $tn; } # number of players connected to us if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{players}{VAL} ) ) { $hash->{READINGS}{players}{VAL} = "?"; $hash->{READINGS}{players}{TIME} = $tn; } # number of players connected to mysqueezebox if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{players_mysb}{VAL} ) ) { $hash->{READINGS}{players_mysb}{VAL} = "?"; $hash->{READINGS}{players_mysb}{TIME} = $tn; } # number of players connected to other servers in our network if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{players_other}{VAL} ) ) { $hash->{READINGS}{players_other}{VAL} = "?"; $hash->{READINGS}{players_other}{TIME} = $tn; } # number of albums in the database if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{db_albums}{VAL} ) ) { $hash->{READINGS}{db_albums}{VAL} = "?"; $hash->{READINGS}{db_albums}{TIME} = $tn; } # number of artists in the database if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{db_artists}{VAL} ) ) { $hash->{READINGS}{db_artists}{VAL} = "?"; $hash->{READINGS}{db_artists}{TIME} = $tn; } # number of songs in the database if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{db_songs}{VAL} ) ) { $hash->{READINGS}{db_songs}{VAL} = "?"; $hash->{READINGS}{db_songs}{TIME} = $tn; } # number of genres in the database if( !defined( $hash->{READINGS}{db_genres}{VAL} ) ) { $hash->{READINGS}{db_genres}{VAL} = "?"; $hash->{READINGS}{db_genres}{TIME} = $tn; } # initialize the command stack $SB_SERVER_CmdStack{$name}{first_n} = 0; $SB_SERVER_CmdStack{$name}{last_n} = 0; $SB_SERVER_CmdStack{$name}{cnt} = 0; $hash->{CMDSTACK}=0; # CD 0007 # assign our IO Device $hash->{DeviceName} = "$hash->{IP}:$hash->{CLIPORT}"; $hash->{helper}{pingCounter}=0; # CD 0004 # CD 0009 set module version, needed for reload $hash->{helper}{SB_SERVER_VERSION}=SB_SERVER_VERSION; # open the IO device my $ret; # CD wait for init_done if ($init_done>0){ delete($hash->{NEXT_OPEN}) if($hash->{NEXT_OPEN}); # CD 0007 reconnect immediately after modify $ret= DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 0, "SB_SERVER_DoInit" ); } # do and update of the status # CD disabled #InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 10, # "SB_SERVER_Alive", # $hash, # 0 ); Log3( $hash, 4, "SB_SERVER_Define: leaving" ); return $ret; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # called when deleting a module # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub SB_SERVER_Undef( $$ ) { my ($hash, $arg) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; Log3( $hash, 4, "SB_SERVER_Undef: called" ); # no idea what this is for. Copied from 10_TCM.pm # presumably to notify the clients, that the server is gone foreach my $d (sort keys %defs) { if( ( defined( $defs{$d} ) ) && ( defined( $defs{$d}{IODev} ) ) && ( $defs{$d}{IODev} == $hash ) ) { delete $defs{$d}{IODev}; } } # terminate the CLI session DevIo_SimpleWrite( $hash, "listen 0\n", 0 ); DevIo_SimpleWrite( $hash, "exit\n", 0 ); # close the device DevIo_CloseDev( $hash ); # remove all timers we created RemoveInternalTimer( $hash ); return( undef ); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Shutdown function - called before fhem shuts down # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub SB_SERVER_Shutdown( $$ ) { my ($hash, $dev) = @_; Log3( $hash, 4, "SB_SERVER_Shutdown: called" ); # terminate the CLI session DevIo_SimpleWrite( $hash, "listen 0\n", 0 ); DevIo_SimpleWrite( $hash, "exit\n", 0 ); # close the device DevIo_CloseDev( $hash ); # remove all timers we created RemoveInternalTimer( $hash ); return( undef ); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ReadyFn - called when? # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub SB_SERVER_Ready( $ ) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; #Log3( $hash, 4, "SB_SERVER_Ready: called" ); # check for bad/missing password if (defined($hash->{helper}{SB_SERVER_LMS_Status})) { if (time()-($hash->{helper}{SB_SERVER_LMS_Status})<2) { if( ( $hash->{USERNAME} ne "?" ) && ( $hash->{PASSWORD} ne "?" ) ) { $hash->{LASTANSWER}='invalid username or password ?'; Log( 1, "SB_SERVER($name): invalid username or password ?" ); } else { $hash->{LASTANSWER}='missing username and password ?'; Log( 1, "SB_SERVER($name): missing username and password ?" ); } $hash->{NEXT_OPEN}=time()+60; } delete($hash->{helper}{SB_SERVER_LMS_Status}); } # we need to re-open the device if( $hash->{STATE} eq "disconnected" ) { if( ( ReadingsVal( $name, "power", "on" ) eq "on" ) || ( ReadingsVal( $name, "power", "on" ) eq "?" ) ) { # obviously the first we realize the Server is off # clean up first RemoveInternalTimer( $hash ); readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "power", "off", 1 ); $hash->{CLICONNECTION} = "off"; # CD 0007 # and signal to our clients SB_SERVER_Broadcast( $hash, "SERVER", "OFF" ); } # CD added init_done if ($init_done>0) { # CD 0007 faster reconnect after WOL, use PRESENCE my $reconnect=0; if(defined($hash->{helper}{WOLFastReconnectUntil})) { $hash->{TIMEOUT}=1; if (time() > $hash->{helper}{WOLFastReconnectNext}) { delete($hash->{NEXT_OPEN}) if($hash->{NEXT_OPEN}); $hash->{helper}{WOLFastReconnectNext}=time()+15; $reconnect=1; } if (time() > $hash->{helper}{WOLFastReconnectUntil}) { delete($hash->{TIMEOUT}); delete($hash->{helper}{WOLFastReconnectUntil}); delete($hash->{helper}{WOLFastReconnectNext}); } } if( ReadingsVal( $hash->{PRESENCENAME}, "state", "present" ) eq "present" ) { $reconnect=1; } if ($reconnect==1) { return( DevIo_OpenDev( $hash, 1, "SB_SERVER_DoInit") ); } else { return undef; } } else { return undef; } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get functions # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub SB_SERVER_Get( $@ ) { my ($hash, @a) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; Log3( $hash, 4, "SB_SERVER_Get: called" ); if( @a != 2 ) { return( "\"get $name\" needs one parameter" ); } return( "?" ); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Attr functions # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub SB_SERVER_Attr( @ ) { my $cmd = shift( @_ ); my $name = shift( @_ ); my @args = @_; Log( 4, "SB_SERVER_Attr($name): called with @args" ); if( $cmd eq "set" ) { if( $args[ 0 ] eq "alivetimer" ) { } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set function # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub SB_SERVER_Set( $@ ) { my ($hash, @a) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; Log( 4, "SB_SERVER_Set($name): called" ); if( @a < 2 ) { return( "at least one parameter is needed" ) ; } $name = shift( @a ); my $cmd = shift( @a ); if( $cmd eq "?" ) { # this one should give us a drop down list my $res = "Unknown argument ?, choose one of " . "on renew:noArg abort:noArg cliraw statusRequest:noArg "; $res .= "rescan:full,playlists "; $res .= "updateModules:download,reload "; # CD 0013 return( $res ); } elsif( $cmd eq "on" ) { if( ReadingsVal( $name, "power", "off" ) eq "off" ) { # the server is off, try to reactivate it if( $hash->{WOLNAME} ne "none" ) { fhem( "set $hash->{WOLNAME} on" ); $hash->{helper}{WOLFastReconnectUntil}=time()+120; # CD 0007 $hash->{helper}{WOLFastReconnectNext}=time()+30; # CD 0007 } if( $hash->{RCCNAME} ne "none" ) { fhem( "set $hash->{RCCNAME} on" ); } } } elsif( $cmd eq "renew" ) { Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_SERVER_Set: renew" ); DevIo_SimpleWrite( $hash, "listen 1\n", 0 ); } elsif( $cmd eq "abort" ) { DevIo_SimpleWrite( $hash, "listen 0\n", 0 ); } elsif( $cmd eq "statusRequest" ) { Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_SERVER_Set: statusRequest" ); DevIo_SimpleWrite( $hash, "version ?\n", 0 ); DevIo_SimpleWrite( $hash, "serverstatus 0 200\n", 0 ); DevIo_SimpleWrite( $hash, "favorites items 0 " . AttrVal( $name, "maxfavorites", 100 ) . " want_url:1\n", # CD 0009 url mit abfragen 0 ); DevIo_SimpleWrite( $hash, "playlists 0 200\n", 0 ); DevIo_SimpleWrite( $hash, "alarm playlists 0 300\n", 0 ); # CD 0011 } elsif( $cmd eq "cliraw" ) { # write raw messages to the CLI interface per player my $v = join( " ", @a ); $v .= "\n"; Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_SERVER_Set: cliraw: $v " ); IOWrite( $hash, $v ); } elsif( $cmd eq "rescan" ) { IOWrite( $hash, $cmd . " " . $a[ 0 ] . "\n" ); # CD 0013/14 start } elsif( $cmd eq "updateModules" ) { if(defined($a[0])) { if($a[0] eq "download") { fhem("update force https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ChrisD70/FHEM-Modules/master/autoupdate/sb/controls_squeezebox.txt"); } elsif($a[0] eq "reload") { fhem('define at_reload_sb_modules at +00:00:01 {fhem("reload 98_SB_PLAYER");;fhem("reload 97_SB_SERVER");;fhem("set '.$name.' statusRequest")}'); } } # CD 0013/14 end } else { ; } return( undef ); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Read # called from the global loop, when the select for hash->{FD} reports data # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub SB_SERVER_Read( $ ) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; Log3( $hash, 4, "SB_SERVER_Read($name): called" ); Log3( $hash, 5, "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" ); Log3( $hash, 5, "New Squeezebox Server Read cycle starts here" ); Log3( $hash, 5, "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" ); my $buf = DevIo_SimpleRead( $hash ); if( !defined( $buf ) ) { return( "" ); } # if we have data, the server is on again if( ReadingsVal( $name, "power", "off" ) ne "on" ) { readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "power", "on", 1 ); if( defined( $SB_SERVER_CmdStack{$name}{cnt} ) ) { my $maxmsg = $SB_SERVER_CmdStack{$name}{cnt}; my $out; for( my $n = 0; $n <= $maxmsg; $n++ ) { $out = SB_SERVER_CMDStackPop( $hash ); if( $out ne "empty" ) { DevIo_SimpleWrite( $hash, $out , 0 ); } } } #Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_SERVER_Read($name): please implement the " . # CD 0009 Meldung deaktiviert # "sending of the CMDStack." ); # CD 0009 Meldung deaktiviert } # if there are remains from the last time, append them now $buf = $hash->{PARTIAL} . $buf; $buf = uri_unescape( $buf ); Log3( $hash, 6, "SB_SERVER_Read: the buf: $buf" ); # CD TEST 6 # if we have received multiline commands, they are split by \n my @cmds = split( "\n", $buf ); # check for last element in string my $lastchr = substr( $buf, -1, 1 ); if( $lastchr ne "\n" ) { #ups, the return doesn't seem to be complete $hash->{PARTIAL} = $cmds[ $#cmds ]; # and remove the last element pop( @cmds ); Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_SERVER_Read: uncomplete command received" ); } else { Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_SERVER_Read: complete command received" ); $hash->{PARTIAL} = ""; } # and dispatch the rest foreach( @cmds ) { # double check complete line my $lastchar = substr( $_, -1); SB_SERVER_DispatchCommandLine( $hash, $_ ); } # CD 0009 check for reload of newer version $hash->{helper}{SB_SERVER_VERSION}=0 if (!defined($hash->{helper}{SB_SERVER_VERSION})); # CD 0012 if ($hash->{helper}{SB_SERVER_VERSION} ne SB_SERVER_VERSION) { Log3( $hash, 1,"SB_SERVER_Read: SB_SERVER_VERSION changed from ".$hash->{helper}{SB_SERVER_VERSION}." to ".SB_SERVER_VERSION); # CD 0012 $hash->{helper}{SB_SERVER_VERSION}=SB_SERVER_VERSION; DevIo_SimpleWrite( $hash, "version ?\n", 0 ); DevIo_SimpleWrite( $hash, "serverstatus 0 200\n", 0 ); DevIo_SimpleWrite( $hash, "favorites items 0 " . AttrVal( $name, "maxfavorites", 100 ) . " want_url:1\n", # CD 0009 url mit abfragen 0 ); DevIo_SimpleWrite( $hash, "playlists 0 200\n", 0 ); } # CD 0009 end Log3( $hash, 5, "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" ); Log3( $hash, 5, "Squeezebox Server Read cycle ends here" ); Log3( $hash, 5, "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" ); return( undef ); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # called by the clients to send data # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub SB_SERVER_Write( $$$ ) { my ( $hash, $fn, $msg ) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; Log3( $hash, 4, "SB_SERVER_Write($name): called with FN:$fn" ); # unless($fn=~m/\?/); # CD TEST 4 if( !defined( $fn ) ) { return( undef ); } if( defined( $msg ) ) { Log3( $hash, 4, "SB_SERVER_Write: MSG:$msg" ); } # CD 0012 fhemrelay Meldungen nicht an den LMS schicken sondern direkt an Dispatch übergeben if($fn =~ m/fhemrelay/) { SB_SERVER_DispatchCommandLine( $hash, $fn ); return( undef ); } if( ReadingsVal( $name, "serversecure", "0" ) eq "1" ) { if( ( $hash->{USERNAME} ne "?" ) && ( $hash->{PASSWORD} ne "?" ) ) { # we need to send username and password first } else { my $retmsg = "SB_SERVER_Write: Server needs username and " . "password but you did not specify those. No sending"; Log3( $hash, 1, $retmsg ); return( $retmsg ); } } if( ReadingsVal( $name, "power", "on" ) eq "on" ) { DevIo_SimpleWrite( $hash, "$fn", 0 ); } else { # we are off, so save the command for later # if maxcmdstack is 0, the function is turned off if( AttrVal( $name, "maxcmdstack", 100 ) > 0 ) { SB_SERVER_CMDStackPush( $hash, $fn ); } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialisation of the CLI connection # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub SB_SERVER_DoInit( $ ) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; Log3( $hash, 4, "SB_SERVER_DoInit($name): called" ); if( !$hash->{TCPDev} ) { Log3( $hash, 2, "SB_SERVER_DoInit: no TCPDev available?" ); # CD 0009 level 5->2 DevIo_CloseDev( $hash ); } Log3( $hash, 3, "SB_SERVER_DoInit($name): STATE: " . $hash->{STATE} . " power: ". ReadingsVal( $name, "power", "X" )); # CD 0009 level 2 -> 3 if( $hash->{STATE} eq "disconnected" ) { # server is off after FHEM start, broadcast to clients if( ( ReadingsVal( $name, "power", "on" ) eq "on" ) || ( ReadingsVal( $name, "power", "on" ) eq "?" ) ) { Log3( $hash, 3, "SB_SERVER_DoInit($name): " . # CD 0009 level 2 -> 3 "SB-Server in hibernate / suspend?." ); # obviously the first we realize the Server is off readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "power", "off", 1 ); # and signal to our clients SB_SERVER_Broadcast( $hash, "SERVER", "OFF" ); SB_SERVER_Broadcast( $hash, "SERVER", "IP " . $hash->{IP} . ":" . AttrVal( $name, "httpport", "9000" ) ); } return( 1 ); } elsif( $hash->{STATE} eq "opened" ) { $hash->{ALIVECHECK} = "?"; $hash->{CLICONNECTION} = "on"; if( ( ReadingsVal( $name, "power", "on" ) eq "off" ) || ( ReadingsVal( $name, "power", "on" ) eq "?" ) ) { Log3( $hash, 3, "SB_SERVER_DoInit($name): " . # CD 0009 level 2 -> 3 "SB-Server is back again." ); # CD 0007 cleanup if(defined($hash->{helper}{WOLFastReconnectUntil})) { delete($hash->{TIMEOUT}); delete($hash->{helper}{WOLFastReconnectUntil}); delete($hash->{helper}{WOLFastReconnectNext}); } $hash->{helper}{pingCounter}=0; # CD 0007 SB_SERVER_Broadcast( $hash, "SERVER", "IP " . $hash->{IP} . ":" . AttrVal( $name, "httpport", "9000" ) ); $hash->{helper}{doBroadcast}=1; # CD 0007 SB_SERVER_LMS_Status( $hash ); if( AttrVal( $name, "doalivecheck", "false" ) eq "false" ) { readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "power", "on", 1 ); #SB_SERVER_Broadcast( $hash, "SERVER", "ON" ); # CD 0007 return( 0 ); } elsif( AttrVal( $name, "doalivecheck", "false" ) eq "true" ) { # start the alive checking mechanism InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + AttrVal( $name, "alivetimer", 10 ), "SB_SERVER_Alive", $hash, 0 ); return( 0 ); } else { Log3( $hash, 2, "SB_SERVER_DoInit: doalivecheck has " . "wrong value" ); return( 1 ); } } } else { # what the f... Log3( $hash, 2, "SB_SERVER_DoInit: unclear status reported" ); return( 1 ); } #Log3( $hash, 3, "SB_SERVER_DoInit: something went wrong!" ); # CD 0008 nur für Testzwecke 0009 deaktiviert #return(0); # CD 0008 nur für Testzwecke 0009 deaktiviert return( 1 ); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Dispatch every single line of commands # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub SB_SERVER_DispatchCommandLine( $$ ) { my ( $hash, $buf ) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; Log3( $hash, 4, "SB_SERVER_DispatchCommandLine($name): Line:$buf..." ); # try to extract the first answer to the SPACE my $indx = index( $buf, " " ); my $id1 = substr( $buf, 0, $indx ); # is the first return value a player ID? # Player ID is MAC adress, hence : included my @id = split( ":", $id1 ); if( @id > 1 ) { # we have received a return for a dedicated player # create the fhem specific unique id my $playerid = join( "", @id ); Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_SERVER_DispatchCommandLine: fhem-id: $playerid" ); # create the commands my $cmds = substr( $buf, $indx + 1 ); Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_SERVER__DispatchCommandLine: commands: $cmds" ); Dispatch( $hash, "SB_PLAYER:$playerid:$cmds", undef ); } else { # that is a server specific command SB_SERVER_ParseCmds( $hash, $buf ); } return( undef ); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # parse the server answers that are not intended for players # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub SB_SERVER_ParseCmds( $$ ) { my ( $hash, $instr ) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; Log3( $hash, 4, "SB_SERVER_ParseCmds($name): called" ); my @args = split( " ", $instr ); $hash->{LASTANSWER} = "@args"; my $cmd = shift( @args ); # CD 0007 start if (defined($hash->{helper}{doBroadcast})) { SB_SERVER_Broadcast( $hash, "SERVER", "ON" ); SB_SERVER_Broadcast( $hash, "SERVER", "IP " . $hash->{IP} . ":" . AttrVal( $name, "httpport", "9000" ) ); delete ($hash->{helper}{doBroadcast}); } # CD 0007 end if( $cmd eq "version" ) { readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "serverversion", $args[ 1 ], 0 ); if( ReadingsVal( $name, "power", "off" ) eq "off" ) { # that also means the server returned from being away readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "power", "on", 1 ); # signal our players SB_SERVER_Broadcast( $hash, "SERVER", "ON" ); SB_SERVER_Broadcast( $hash, "SERVER", "IP " . $hash->{IP} . ":" . AttrVal( $name, "httpport", "9000" ) ); } } elsif( $cmd eq "pref" ) { if( $args[ 0 ] eq "authorize" ) { readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "serversecure", $args[ 1 ], 0 ); if( $args[ 1 ] eq "1" ) { # username and password is required # CD 0007 zu spät, login muss als erstes gesendet werden, andernfalls bricht der Server die Verbindung sofort ab if( ( $hash->{USERNAME} ne "?" ) && ( $hash->{PASSWORD} ne "?" ) ) { DevIo_SimpleWrite( $hash, "login " . $hash->{USERNAME} . " " . $hash->{PASSWORD} . "\n", 0 ); } else { Log3( $hash, 3, "SB_SERVER_ParseCmds($name): login " . "required but no username and password specified" ); } # next step is to wait for the answer of the LMS server } elsif( $args[ 1 ] eq "0" ) { # no username password required, go ahead directly #SB_SERVER_LMS_Status( $hash ); } else { Log3( $hash, 3, "SB_SERVER_ParseCmds($name): unkown " . "result for authorize received. Should be 0 or 1" ); } } } elsif( $cmd eq "login" ) { if( ( $args[ 1 ] eq $hash->{USERNAME} ) && ( $args[ 2 ] eq "******" ) ) { # login has been succesful, go ahead SB_SERVER_LMS_Status( $hash ); } } elsif( $cmd eq "fhemalivecheck" ) { $hash->{ALIVECHECK} = "received"; Log3( $hash, 4, "SB_SERVER_ParseCmds($name): alivecheck received" ); } elsif( $cmd eq "favorites" ) { if( $args[ 0 ] eq "changed" ) { Log3( $hash, 4, "SB_SERVER_ParseCmds($name): favorites changed" ); # we need to trigger the favorites update here DevIo_SimpleWrite( $hash, "favorites items 0 " . AttrVal( $name, "maxfavorites", 100 ) . " want_url:1\n", 0 ); # CD 0009 url mit abfragen DevIo_SimpleWrite( $hash, "alarm playlists 0 300\n", 0 ); # CD 0011 } elsif( $args[ 0 ] eq "items" ) { Log3( $hash, 4, "SB_SERVER_ParseCmds($name): favorites items" ); # the response to our query of the favorites SB_SERVER_FavoritesParse( $hash, join( " ", @args ) ); } else { } } elsif( $cmd eq "serverstatus" ) { Log3( $hash, 4, "SB_SERVER_ParseCmds($name): server status" ); SB_SERVER_ParseServerStatus( $hash, \@args ); } elsif( $cmd eq "playlists" ) { Log3( $hash, 4, "SB_SERVER_ParseCmds($name): playlists" ); # CD 0004 Playlisten neu anfragen bei Änderung if(($args[0] eq "rename")||($args[0] eq "delete")) { DevIo_SimpleWrite( $hash, "playlists 0 200\n", 0 ); DevIo_SimpleWrite( $hash, "alarm playlists 0 300\n", 0 ); # CD 0011 } else { SB_SERVER_ParseServerPlaylists( $hash, \@args ); } } elsif( $cmd eq "client" ) { # CD 0011 start } elsif( $cmd eq "alarm" ) { if( $args[0] eq "playlists" ) { SB_SERVER_ParseServerAlarmPlaylists( $hash, \@args ); } # CD 0011 end } else { # unkown } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Alivecheck of the server # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub SB_SERVER_Alive( $ ) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; # CD 0004 set default to off #my $rccstatus = "on"; #my $pingstatus = "on"; my $rccstatus = "off"; my $pingstatus = "off"; my $nexttime = gettimeofday() + AttrVal( $name, "alivetimer", 120 ); Log3( $hash, 4, "SB_SERVER_Alive($name): called" ); # CD 0006 changed log level from 4 to 2 # CD 0009 level 2->3 # CD 0014 level -> 4 if( AttrVal( $name, "doalivecheck", "false" ) eq "false" ) { Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_SERVER_Alive($name): alivechecking is off" ); $rccstatus = "on"; $pingstatus = "on"; $hash->{helper}{pingCounter}=0; # CD 0004 } else { # check via the RCC element if( $hash->{RCCNAME} ne "none" ) { # an RCC element has been given as argument $rccstatus = ReadingsVal( $hash->{RCCNAME}, "state", "off" ); } # CD 0007 start if (($hash->{PRESENCENAME} ne "none") && defined($defs{$hash->{PRESENCENAME}}) && defined($defs{$hash->{PRESENCENAME}}->{TIMEOUT_NORMAL}) && (($defs{$hash->{PRESENCENAME}}->{TIMEOUT_NORMAL}) < AttrVal( $name, "alivetimer", 30 ))) { Log3( $hash, 4,"SB_SERVER_Alive($name): using $hash->{PRESENCENAME}"); # CD 0009 level 2->4 if( ReadingsVal( $hash->{PRESENCENAME}, "state", "absent" ) eq "present" ) { $pingstatus = "on"; $hash->{helper}{pingCounter}=0; } else { $pingstatus = "off"; $hash->{helper}{pingCounter}=$hash->{helper}{pingCounter}+1; $nexttime = gettimeofday() + 15; } } else { # CD 0007 end Log3( $hash, 4,"SB_SERVER_Alive($name): using internal ping"); # CD 0007 # CD 0009 level 2->4 # check via ping my $p = Net::Ping->new( 'tcp' ); if( $p->ping( $hash->{IP}, 2 ) ) { $pingstatus = "on"; $hash->{helper}{pingCounter}=0; # CD 0004 } else { $pingstatus = "off"; $hash->{helper}{pingCounter}=$hash->{helper}{pingCounter}+1; # CD 0004 } # close our ping mechanism again $p->close( ); } # CD 0007 Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_SERVER_Alive($name): " . "RCC:" . $rccstatus . " Ping:" . $pingstatus ); # CD 0006 changed log level from 5 to 2 # CD 0009 level 2->3 # CD 0014 level -> 5 } # set the status of the server accordingly # CD 0004 added sensitivity to ping # if( ( $rccstatus eq "on" ) || ( $pingstatus eq "on" ) ) { if( ( $rccstatus eq "on" ) || ( $hash->{helper}{pingCounter}<3 ) ) { # the server is reachable if( ReadingsVal( $name, "power", "on" ) eq "off" ) { # the first time we see the server being on Log3( $hash, 3, "SB_SERVER_Alive($name): " . # CD 0004 changed log level from 5 to 2 # CD 0009 level 2->3 "SB-Server is back again." ); # first time we realized server is away if( $hash->{STATE} eq "disconnected" ) { delete($hash->{NEXT_OPEN}) if($hash->{NEXT_OPEN}); # CD 0007 remove delay for reconnect DevIo_OpenDev( $hash, 1, "SB_SERVER_DoInit" ); } readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "power", "on", 1 ); $hash->{ALIVECHECK} = "?"; $hash->{CLICONNECTION} = "off"; # quicker update to capture CLI connection faster $nexttime = gettimeofday() + 10; } else { # CD 0005 # check the CLI connection (sub-state) if( $hash->{ALIVECHECK} eq "waiting" ) { # ups, we did not receive any answer in the last minutes # SB Server potentially dead or shut-down Log3( $hash, 3, "SB_SERVER_Alive($name): overrun SB-Server dead." ); # CD 0004 changed log level from 5 to 2 # CD 0009 level 2->3 $hash->{CLICONNECTION} = "off"; # signal that to our clients SB_SERVER_Broadcast( $hash, "SERVER", "OFF" ); # close the device # CD 0007 use DevIo_Disconnected instead of DevIo_CloseDev #DevIo_CloseDev( $hash ); DevIo_Disconnected( $hash ); $hash->{helper}{pingCounter}=9999; # CD 0007 # CD 0000 start - exit infinite loop after socket has been closed $hash->{ALIVECHECK} = "?"; $hash->{STATE}="disconnected"; # CD 0005 line above does not work (on Linux), fix: # CD 0006 DevIo_setStates requires v7099 of DevIo.pm, replaced with SB_SERVER_setStates SB_SERVER_setStates($hash, "disconnected"); readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "power", "off", 1 ); # test: clear stack ? $SB_SERVER_CmdStack{$name}{last_n} = 0; $SB_SERVER_CmdStack{$name}{first_n} = 0; $SB_SERVER_CmdStack{$name}{cnt} = 0; # CD end # remove all timers we created RemoveInternalTimer( $hash ); } else { if( $hash->{CLICONNECTION} eq "off" ) { # signal that to our clients # to be revisited, should only be sent after CLI established #SB_SERVER_Broadcast( $hash, "SERVER", "ON" ); # CD 0007 disabled, wait for SB_SERVER_LMS_Status SB_SERVER_LMS_Status( $hash ); } $hash->{CLICONNECTION} = "on"; # just send something to the SB-Server. It will echo it # if we receive the echo, the server is still alive $hash->{ALIVECHECK} = "waiting"; DevIo_SimpleWrite( $hash, "fhemalivecheck\n", 0 ); } } } elsif( ( $rccstatus eq "off" ) && ( $pingstatus eq "off" ) ) { if( ReadingsVal( $name, "power", "on" ) eq "on" ) { # the first time we realize the server is off Log3( $hash, 3, "SB_SERVER_Alive($name): " . # CD 0004 changed log level from 5 to 2 # CD 0009 level 2->3 "SB-Server in hibernate / suspend?." ); # first time we realized server is away $hash->{CLICONNECTION} = "off"; readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "power", "off", 1 ); $hash->{ALIVECHECK} = "?"; # signal that to our clients SB_SERVER_Broadcast( $hash, "SERVER", "OFF" ); # close the device # CD 0007 use DevIo_Disconnected instead of DevIo_CloseDev #DevIo_CloseDev( $hash ); DevIo_Disconnected( $hash ); $hash->{helper}{pingCounter}=9999; # CD 0007 # CD 0004 set STATE, needed for reconnect $hash->{STATE}="disconnected"; # CD 0005 line above does not work (on Linux), fix: # CD 0006 DevIo_setStates requires v7099 of DevIo.pm, replaced with SB_SERVER_setStates SB_SERVER_setStates($hash, "disconnected"); # remove all timers we created RemoveInternalTimer( $hash ); } } else { # we shouldn't end up here Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_SERVER_Alive($name): funny server status " . "received. Ping=" . $pingstatus . " RCC=" . $rccstatus ); } # do an update of the status InternalTimer( $nexttime, "SB_SERVER_Alive", $hash, 0 ); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Broadcast a message to all clients # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub SB_SERVER_Broadcast( $$@ ) { my( $hash, $cmd, $msg, $bin ) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $iodevhash; Log3( $hash, 4, "SB_SERVER_Broadcast($name): called with $cmd - $msg" ); if( !defined( $bin ) ) { $bin = 0; } foreach my $mydev ( keys %defs ) { # the hash to the IODev as defined at the client if( defined( $defs{$mydev}{IODev} ) ) { $iodevhash = $defs{$mydev}{IODev}; } else { $iodevhash = undef; } if( defined( $iodevhash ) ) { if( ( defined( $defs{$mydev}{TYPE} ) ) && ( defined( $iodevhash->{NAME} ) ) ){ if( ( $defs{$mydev}{TYPE} eq "SB_PLAYER" ) && ( $iodevhash->{NAME} eq $name ) ) { # we found a valid entry my $clienthash = $defs{$mydev}; my $namebuf = $clienthash->{NAME}; SB_PLAYER_RecBroadcast( $clienthash, $cmd, $msg, $bin ); } } } } return; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Handle the return for a serverstatus query # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub SB_SERVER_ParseServerStatus( $$ ) { my( $hash, $dataptr ) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; Log3( $hash, 4, "SB_SERVER_ParseServerStatus($name): called " ); # typically the start index being a number if( $dataptr->[ 0 ] =~ /^([0-9])*/ ) { shift( @{$dataptr} ); } else { Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_SERVER_ParseServerStatus($name): entry is " . "not the start number" ); return; } # typically the max index being a number if( $dataptr->[ 0 ] =~ /^([0-9])*/ ) { shift( @{$dataptr} ); } else { Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_SERVER_ParseServerStatus($name): entry is " . "not the end number" ); return; } my $datastr = join( " ", @{$dataptr} ); # replace funny stuff $datastr =~ s/info total albums/infototalalbums/g; $datastr =~ s/info total artists/infototalartists/g; $datastr =~ s/info total songs/infototalsongs/g; $datastr =~ s/info total genres/infototalgenres/g; $datastr =~ s/sn player count/snplayercount/g; $datastr =~ s/other player count/otherplayercount/g; $datastr =~ s/player count/playercount/g; Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_SERVER_ParseServerStatus($name): data to parse: " . $datastr ); my @data1 = split( " ", $datastr ); # the rest of the array should now have the data, we're interested in readingsBeginUpdate( $hash ); # set default values for stuff not always send readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "scanning", "no" ); readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "scandb", "?" ); readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "scanprogressdone", "0" ); readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "scanprogresstotal", "0" ); readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "scanlastfailed", "none" ); my $addplayers = true; my %players; my $currentplayerid = "none"; # needed for scanning the MAC Adress my $d = "[0-9A-Fa-f]"; my $dd = "$d$d"; # needed for scanning the IP adress my $e = "[0-9]"; my $ee = "$e$e"; foreach( @data1 ) { if( $_ =~ /^(lastscan:)([0-9]*)/ ) { # we found the lastscan entry my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime( $2 ); $year = $year + 1900; readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "scan_last", "$mday-$mon-$year " . "$hour:$min:$sec" ); next; } elsif( $_ =~ /^(scanning:)([0-9]*)/ ) { readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "scanning", $2 ); next; } elsif( $_ =~ /^(rescan:)([0-9]*)/ ) { if( $2 eq "1" ) { readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "scanning", "yes" ); } else { readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "scanning", "no" ); } next; } elsif( $_ =~ /^(version:)([0-9\.]*)/ ) { readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "serverversion", $2 ); next; } elsif( $_ =~ /^(playercount:)([0-9]*)/ ) { readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "players", $2 ); next; } elsif( $_ =~ /^(snplayercount:)([0-9]*)/ ) { readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "players_mysb", $2 ); $currentplayerid = "none"; $addplayers = false; next; } elsif( $_ =~ /^(otherplayercount:)([0-9]*)/ ) { readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "players_other", $2 ); $currentplayerid = "none"; $addplayers = false; next; } elsif( $_ =~ /^(infototalalbums:)([0-9]*)/ ) { readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "db_albums", $2 ); next; } elsif( $_ =~ /^(infototalartists:)([0-9]*)/ ) { readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "db_artists", $2 ); next; } elsif( $_ =~ /^(infototalsongs:)([0-9]*)/ ) { readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "db_songs", $2 ); next; } elsif( $_ =~ /^(infototalgenres:)([0-9]*)/ ) { readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "db_genres", $2 ); next; } elsif( $_ =~ /^(playerid:)($dd[:|-]$dd[:|-]$dd[:|-]$dd[:|-]$dd[:|-]$dd)/ ) { my $id = join( "", split( ":", $2 ) ); if( $addplayers = true ) { $players{$id}{ID} = $id; $players{$id}{MAC} = $2; $currentplayerid = $id; } next; } elsif( $_ =~ /^(name:)(.*)/ ) { if( $currentplayerid ne "none" ) { $players{$currentplayerid}{name} = $2; } next; } elsif( $_ =~ /^(displaytype:)(.*)/ ) { if( $currentplayerid ne "none" ) { $players{$currentplayerid}{displaytype} = $2; } next; } elsif( $_ =~ /^(model:)(.*)/ ) { if( $currentplayerid ne "none" ) { $players{$currentplayerid}{model} = $2; } next; } elsif( $_ =~ /^(power:)([0|1])/ ) { if( $currentplayerid ne "none" ) { $players{$currentplayerid}{power} = $2; } next; } elsif( $_ =~ /^(canpoweroff:)([0|1])/ ) { if( $currentplayerid ne "none" ) { $players{$currentplayerid}{canpoweroff} = $2; } next; } elsif( $_ =~ /^(connected:)([0|1])/ ) { if( $currentplayerid ne "none" ) { $players{$currentplayerid}{connected} = $2; } next; } elsif( $_ =~ /^(isplayer:)([0|1])/ ) { if( $currentplayerid ne "none" ) { $players{$currentplayerid}{isplayer} = $2; } next; } elsif( $_ =~ /^(ip:)(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}:\d{3,5})/ ) { if( $currentplayerid ne "none" ) { $players{$currentplayerid}{IP} = $2; } next; } elsif( $_ =~ /^(seq_no:)(.*)/ ) { # just to take care of the keyword next; } else { # no keyword found, so let us assume it is part of the player name if( $currentplayerid ne "none" ) { $players{$currentplayerid}{name} .= $_; } } } readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 ); foreach my $player ( keys %players ) { if( defined( $players{$player}{isplayer} ) ) { if( $players{$player}{isplayer} eq "0" ) { Log3( $hash, 1, "not a player" ); next; } } # if the player is not yet known, it will be created if( defined( $players{$player}{ID} ) ) { Dispatch( $hash, "SB_PLAYER:$players{$player}{ID}:NONE", undef ); } else { Log3( $hash, 1, "not defined" ); next; } if( defined( $players{$player}{name} ) ) { Dispatch( $hash, "SB_PLAYER:$players{$player}{ID}:" . "name $players{$player}{name}", undef ); } if( defined( $players{$player}{IP} ) ) { Dispatch( $hash, "SB_PLAYER:$players{$player}{ID}:" . "player ip $players{$player}{IP}", undef ); } if( defined( $players{$player}{model} ) ) { Dispatch( $hash, "SB_PLAYER:$players{$player}{ID}:" . "player model $players{$player}{model}", undef ); } if( defined( $players{$player}{canpoweroff} ) ) { Dispatch( $hash, "SB_PLAYER:$players{$player}{ID}:" . "player canpoweroff $players{$player}{canpoweroff}", undef ); } if( defined( $players{$player}{power} ) ) { Dispatch( $hash, "SB_PLAYER:$players{$player}{ID}:" . "power $players{$player}{power}", undef ); } if( defined( $players{$player}{connected} ) ) { Dispatch( $hash, "SB_PLAYER:$players{$player}{ID}:" . "connected $players{$player}{connected}", undef ); } if( defined( $players{$player}{displaytype} ) ) { Dispatch( $hash, "SB_PLAYER:$players{$player}{ID}:" . "displaytype $players{$player}{displaytype}", undef ); } } # the list for the sync masters # make all client create e new sync master list SB_SERVER_Broadcast( $hash, "SYNCMASTER", "FLUSH dont care", undef ); # now send the list for the sync masters foreach my $player ( keys %players ) { my $uniqueid = join( "", split( ":", $players{$player}{MAC} ) ); SB_SERVER_Broadcast( $hash, "SYNCMASTER", "ADD $players{$player}{name} " . "$players{$player}{MAC} $uniqueid", undef ); } return; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Parse the return values of the favorites items # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub SB_SERVER_FavoritesParse( $$ ) { my ( $hash, $str ) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_SERVER_FavoritesParse($name): called" ); # flush the existing list foreach my $titi ( keys %{$favorites{$name}} ) { delete( $favorites{$name}{$titi} ); } # split up the string we got my @data = split( " ", $str ); # eliminate the first entries of the response # some more comment # typically 'items' if( $data[ 0 ] =~ /^(items)*/ ) { my $notneeded = shift( @data ); } # typically the start index being a number if( $data[ 0 ] =~ /^([0-9])*/ ) { my $notneeded = shift( @data ); } # typically the start index being a number my $maxwanted = 100; if( $data[ 0 ] =~ /^([0-9])*/ ) { $maxwanted = int( shift( @data ) ); } # find the maximum number of favorites. That is typically at the # end of the server response. So check there first my $totals = 0; my $lastdata = $data[ $#data ]; if( $lastdata =~ /^(count:)([0-9]*)/ ) { $totals = $2; # remove the last element from the array pop( @data ); } else { my $i = 0; my $delneeded = false; foreach( @data ) { if( $_ =~ /^(count:)([0-9]*)/ ) { $totals = $2; $delneeded = true; last; } else { $i++; } # delete the element from the list if( $delneeded == true ) { splice( @data, $i, 1 ); } } } readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "favoritestotal", $totals, 0 ); my $favname = ""; if( $data[ 0 ] =~ /^(title:)(.*)/ ) { $favname = $2; shift( @data ); } readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "favoritesname", $favname, 0 ); # check if we got all the favoites with our response if( $totals > $maxwanted ) { # we asked for too less data, there are more favorites defined } # treat the rest of the string my $namestarted = false; my $firstone = true; my $namebuf = ""; my $idbuf = ""; my $hasitemsbuf = false; my $isaudiobuf = ""; my $url = "?"; # CD 0009 hinzugefügt foreach ( @data ) { if( $_ =~ /^(id:|ID:)([A-Za-z0-9\.]*)/ ) { # we found an ID, that is typically the start of a new session # so save the old session first if( $firstone == false ) { if( $hasitemsbuf == false ) { # derive our hash entry my $entryuid = SB_SERVER_FavoritesName2UID( $namebuf ); # CD 0009 decode hinzugefügt # CD 0010 decode wieder entfernt $favorites{$name}{$entryuid} = { ID => $idbuf, Name => $namebuf, URL => $url, }; # CD 0009 hinzugefügt $namebuf = ""; $isaudiobuf = ""; $url = "?"; # CD 0009 hinzugefügt $hasitemsbuf = false; } else { # that is a folder we found, but we don't handle that } } $firstone = false; $idbuf = $2; # if there has been a name found before, end it now if( $namestarted == true ) { $namestarted = false; } } elsif( $_ =~ /^(isaudio:)([0|1]?)/ ) { $isaudiobuf = $2; if( $namestarted == true ) { $namestarted = false; } } elsif( $_ =~ /^(hasitems:)([0|1]?)/ ) { if( int( $2 ) == 0 ) { $hasitemsbuf = false; } else { $hasitemsbuf = true; } if( $namestarted == true ) { $namestarted = false; } } elsif( $_ =~ /^(type:)([a|u|d|i|o]*)/ ) { if( $namestarted == true ) { $namestarted = false; } #} elsif( $_ =~ /^(name:)([0-9a-zA-Z]*)/ ) { # CD 0007 # CD 0009 deaktiviert } elsif( $_ =~ /^(name:)(.*)/ ) { # CD 0009 hinzugefügt $namebuf = $2; $namestarted = true; # CD 0009 start } elsif( $_ =~ /^(url:)(.*)/ ) { $url = $2; $url =~ s/file:\/\/\///; # CD 0009 end } else { # no regexp matched, so it must be part of the name if( $namestarted == true ) { $namebuf .= " " . $_; } } } # capture the last element also if( ( $namebuf ne "" ) && ( $idbuf ne "" ) ) { if( $hasitemsbuf == false ) { # CD 0003 replaced ** my $entryuid = join( "", split( " ", $namebuf ) ); ** with: my $entryuid = SB_SERVER_FavoritesName2UID( $namebuf ); # CD 0009 decode hinzugefügt # CD 0010 decode wieder entfernt $favorites{$name}{$entryuid} = { ID => $idbuf, Name => $namebuf, URL => $url, }; # CD 0009 hinzugefügt } else { # that is a folder we found, but we don't handle that } } # make all client create e new favorites list SB_SERVER_Broadcast( $hash, "FAVORITES", "FLUSH dont care", undef ); # find all the names and broadcast to our clients $favsetstring = "favorites:"; foreach my $titi ( keys %{$favorites{$name}} ) { Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_SERVER_ParseFavorites($name): " . "ID:" . $favorites{$name}{$titi}{ID} . " Name:" . $favorites{$name}{$titi}{Name} . " $titi" ); $favsetstring .= "$titi,"; SB_SERVER_Broadcast( $hash, "FAVORITES", "ADD $name $favorites{$name}{$titi}{ID} " . "$titi $favorites{$name}{$titi}{URL} $favorites{$name}{$titi}{Name}", undef ); # CD 0009 URL an Player schicken } #chop( $favsetstring ); #$favsetstring .= " "; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # generate a UID for the hash entry from the name # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub SB_SERVER_FavoritesName2UID( $ ) { my $namestr = shift( @_ ); # eliminate spaces $namestr = join( "_", split( " ", $namestr ) ); # CD 0009 Leerzeichen durch _ ersetzen statt löschen # CD 0009 verschiedene Sonderzeichen ersetzen und nicht mehr löschen my %Sonderzeichen = ("ä" => "ae", "Ä" => "Ae", "ü" => "ue", "Ü" => "Ue", "ö" => "oe", "Ö" => "Oe", "ß" => "ss", "é" => "e", "è" => "e", "ë" => "e", "à" => "a", "ç" => "c" ); my $Sonderzeichenkeys = join ("|", keys(%Sonderzeichen)); $namestr =~ s/($Sonderzeichenkeys)/$Sonderzeichen{$1}/g; # CD 0009 # this defines the regexp. Please add new stuff with the seperator | # CD 0003 changed öÜ to ö|Ü my $tobereplaced = '[Ä|ä|Ö|ö|Ü|ü|\[|\]|\{|\}|\(|\)|\\\\|,|:|\?|' . # CD 0011 ,:? hinzugefügt '\/|\'|\.|\"|\^|°|\$|\||%|@|&|\+]'; # CD 0009 + hinzugefügt $namestr =~ s/$tobereplaced//g; return( $namestr ); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # push a command to the buffer # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub SB_SERVER_CMDStackPush( $$ ) { my ( $hash, $cmd ) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $n = $SB_SERVER_CmdStack{$name}{last_n}; $n=0 if(!defined($n)); # CD 0007 if( $n > AttrVal( $name, "maxcmdstack", 200 ) ) { Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_SERVER_CMDStackPush($name): limit reached" ); SB_SERVER_CMDStackPop($hash); # CD 0007 added #return; # CD 0007 disabled } $SB_SERVER_CmdStack{$name}{$n}{CMD} = $cmd; $SB_SERVER_CmdStack{$name}{$n}{TS} = time(); # CD 0007 $n = $n + 1; $SB_SERVER_CmdStack{$name}{last_n} = $n; $SB_SERVER_CmdStack{$name}{first_n} = $n if (!defined($SB_SERVER_CmdStack{$name}{first_n})); # CD 0007 # update overall number of entries $SB_SERVER_CmdStack{$name}{cnt} = $SB_SERVER_CmdStack{$name}{last_n} - $SB_SERVER_CmdStack{$name}{first_n} + 1; $hash->{CMDSTACK}=$SB_SERVER_CmdStack{$name}{cnt}; # CD 0007 } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # pop a command from the buffer # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub SB_SERVER_CMDStackPop( $ ) { my ( $hash ) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $n = $SB_SERVER_CmdStack{$name}{first_n}; $n=0 if(!defined($n)); # CD 0007 my $res = ""; # return the first element of the list if( defined( $SB_SERVER_CmdStack{$name}{$n} ) ) { $res = $SB_SERVER_CmdStack{$name}{$n}{CMD}; $res = "empty" if($SB_SERVER_CmdStack{$name}{$n}{TS}<time()-300); # CD 0007 drop commands older than 5 minutes } else { $res = "empty"; } # and now remove the first element delete( $SB_SERVER_CmdStack{$name}{$n} ); $n = $n + 1; if ( $n <= $SB_SERVER_CmdStack{$name}{last_n} ) { # CD 0000 changed first_n to last_n $SB_SERVER_CmdStack{$name}{first_n} = $n; # update overall number of entries $SB_SERVER_CmdStack{$name}{cnt} = $SB_SERVER_CmdStack{$name}{last_n} - $SB_SERVER_CmdStack{$name}{first_n} + 1; } else { # end of list reached $SB_SERVER_CmdStack{$name}{last_n} = 0; $SB_SERVER_CmdStack{$name}{first_n} = 0; $SB_SERVER_CmdStack{$name}{cnt} = 0; } $hash->{CMDSTACK}=$SB_SERVER_CmdStack{$name}{cnt}; # CD 0007 return( $res ); } # CD 0011 start # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # parse the list of known alarm playlists # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub SB_SERVER_ParseServerAlarmPlaylists( $$ ) { my( $hash, $dataptr ) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; Log3( $hash, 4, "SB_SERVER_ParseServerAlarmPlaylists($name): called" ); # force all clients to delete alarm playlists SB_SERVER_Broadcast( $hash, "ALARMPLAYLISTS", "FLUSH dont care", undef ); my @r=split("category:",join(" ",@{$dataptr})); foreach my $a (@r){ my $i1=index($a," title:"); my $i2=index($a," url:"); my $i3=index($a," singleton:"); if (($i1!=-1)&&($i2!=-1)&&($i3!=-1)) { my $url=substr($a,$i2+5,$i3-$i2-5); $url=substr($a,$i1+7,$i2-$i1-7) if ($url eq ""); my $pn=SB_SERVER_FavoritesName2UID(decode('utf-8',$url)); SB_SERVER_Broadcast( $hash, "ALARMPLAYLISTS", "ADD $pn category ".substr($a,0,$i1), undef ); SB_SERVER_Broadcast( $hash, "ALARMPLAYLISTS", "ADD $pn title ".substr($a,$i1+7,$i2-$i1-7), undef ); SB_SERVER_Broadcast( $hash, "ALARMPLAYLISTS", "ADD $pn url $url", undef ); } } } # CD 0011 end # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # parse the list of known Playlists # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub SB_SERVER_ParseServerPlaylists( $$ ) { my( $hash, $dataptr ) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; Log3( $hash, 4, "SB_SERVER_ParseServerPlaylists($name): called" ); my $namebuf = ""; my $uniquename = ""; my $idbuf = -1; # typically the start index being a number if( $dataptr->[ 0 ] =~ /^([0-9])*/ ) { shift( @{$dataptr} ); } else { Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_SERVER_ParseServerPlaylists($name): entry is " . "not the start number" ); return; } # typically the max index being a number if( $dataptr->[ 0 ] =~ /^([0-9])*/ ) { shift( @{$dataptr} ); } else { Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_SERVER_ParseServerPlaylists($name): entry is " . "not the end number" ); return; } my $datastr = join( " ", @{$dataptr} ); Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_SERVER_ParseServerPlaylists($name): data to parse: " . $datastr ); # make all client create a new favorites list SB_SERVER_Broadcast( $hash, "PLAYLISTS", "FLUSH dont care", undef ); my @data1 = split( " ", $datastr ); foreach( @data1 ) { if( $_ =~ /^(id:)(.*)/ ) { Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_SERVER_ParseServerPlaylists($name): " . "id:$idbuf name:$namebuf " ); if( $idbuf != -1 ) { $uniquename = SB_SERVER_FavoritesName2UID( $namebuf ); # CD 0009 decode hinzugefügt # CD 0010 decode wieder entfernt SB_SERVER_Broadcast( $hash, "PLAYLISTS", "ADD $namebuf $idbuf $uniquename", undef ); } $idbuf = $2; $namebuf = ""; $uniquename = ""; next; } elsif( $_ =~ /^(playlist:)(.*)/ ) { $namebuf = $2; next; } elsif( $_ =~ /^(count:)([0-9]*)/ ) { # the last entry of the return Log3( $hash, 5, "SB_SERVER_ParseServerPlaylists($name): " . "id:$idbuf name:$namebuf " ); if( $idbuf != -1 ) { $uniquename = SB_SERVER_FavoritesName2UID( $namebuf ); # CD 0009 decode hinzugefügt # CD 0010 decode wieder entfernt SB_SERVER_Broadcast( $hash, "PLAYLISTS", "ADD $namebuf $idbuf $uniquename", undef ); } } else { $namebuf .= "_" . $_; next; } } return; } # CD 0008 start sub SB_SERVER_CheckConnection($) { my($in ) = shift; my(undef,$name) = split(':',$in); my $hash = $defs{$name}; Log3( $hash, 3, "SB_SERVER_CheckConnection($name): STATE: " . $hash->{STATE} . " power: ". ReadingsVal( $name, "power", "X" )); # CD 0009 level 2->3 if(ReadingsVal( $name, "power", "X" ) ne "on") { Log3( $hash, 3, "SB_SERVER_CheckConnection($name): forcing power on"); # CD 0009 level 2->3 $hash->{helper}{pingCounter}=0; SB_SERVER_Broadcast( $hash, "SERVER", "IP " . $hash->{IP} . ":" . AttrVal( $name, "httpport", "9000" ) ); $hash->{helper}{doBroadcast}=1; SB_SERVER_LMS_Status( $hash ); if( AttrVal( $name, "doalivecheck", "false" ) eq "false" ) { readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "power", "on", 1 ); } elsif( AttrVal( $name, "doalivecheck", "false" ) eq "true" ) { # start the alive checking mechanism InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + AttrVal( $name, "alivetimer", 10 ), "SB_SERVER_Alive", $hash, 0 ); } } RemoveInternalTimer( "CheckConnection:$name"); } # CD 0008 end # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # the Notify function # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub SB_SERVER_Notify( $$ ) { my ( $hash, $dev_hash ) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; # own name / hash my $devName = $dev_hash->{NAME}; # Device that created the events # CD start if ($dev_hash->{NAME} eq "global" && grep (m/^INITIALIZED$|^REREADCFG$/,@{$dev_hash->{CHANGED}})){ DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 0, "SB_SERVER_DoInit" ); } # CD end #Log3( $hash, 4, "SB_SERVER_Notify($name): called" . # "Own:" . $name . " Device:" . $devName ); # CD 0008 start if($devName eq $name ) { if (grep (m/^DISCONNECTED$/,@{$dev_hash->{CHANGED}})) { Log3( $hash, 3, "SB_SERVER_Notify($name): DISCONNECTED - STATE: " . $hash->{STATE} . " power: ". ReadingsVal( $name, "power", "X" )); # CD 0009 level 2->3 RemoveInternalTimer( "CheckConnection:$name"); } if (grep (m/^CONNECTED$/,@{$dev_hash->{CHANGED}})) { Log3( $hash, 3, "SB_SERVER_Notify($name): CONNECTED - STATE: " . $hash->{STATE} . " power: ". ReadingsVal( $name, "power", "X" )); # CD 0009 level 2->3 InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 2, "SB_SERVER_CheckConnection", "CheckConnection:$name", 0 ); } } # CD 0008 end if( $devName eq $hash->{RCCNAME} ) { if( ReadingsVal( $hash->{RCCNAME}, "state", "off" ) eq "off" ) { RemoveInternalTimer( $hash ); InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 10, "SB_SERVER_Alive", $hash, 0 ); # CD 0007 use DevIo_Disconnected instead of DevIo_CloseDev #DevIo_CloseDev( $hash ); DevIo_Disconnected( $hash ); $hash->{helper}{pingCounter}=9999; # CD 0007 $hash->{CLICONNECTION} = "off"; # CD 0007 # CD 0005 set state after DevIo_CloseDev # CD 0006 DevIo_setStates requires v7099 of DevIo.pm, replaced with SB_SERVER_setStates SB_SERVER_setStates($hash, "disconnected"); } elsif( ReadingsVal( $hash->{RCCNAME}, "state", "off" ) eq "on" ) { RemoveInternalTimer( $hash ); # do an update of the status, but SB CLI must come up InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 20, "SB_SERVER_Alive", $hash, 0 ); } else { return( undef ); } return( "" ); # CD 0007 start } elsif( $devName eq $hash->{PRESENCENAME} ) { if(grep (m/^present$|^absent$/,@{$dev_hash->{CHANGED}})) { Log3( $hash, 2, "SB_SERVER_Notify($name): $devName changed to ". join(" ",@{$dev_hash->{CHANGED}})); RemoveInternalTimer( $hash ); # do an update of the status, but SB CLI must come up InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 10, "SB_SERVER_Alive", $hash, 0 ); return( "" ); } else { return( undef ); } # CD 0007 end } else { return( undef ); } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # start up the LMS server status # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub SB_SERVER_LMS_Status( $ ) { my ( $hash ) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; # own name / hash # CD 0007 login muss als erstes gesendet werden $hash->{helper}{SB_SERVER_LMS_Status}=time(); if( ( $hash->{USERNAME} ne "?" ) && ( $hash->{PASSWORD} ne "?" ) ) { DevIo_SimpleWrite( $hash, "login " . $hash->{USERNAME} . " " . $hash->{PASSWORD} . "\n", 0 ); } # subscribe us DevIo_SimpleWrite( $hash, "listen 1\n", 0 ); # and get some info on the server DevIo_SimpleWrite( $hash, "pref authorize ?\n", 0 ); DevIo_SimpleWrite( $hash, "version ?\n", 0 ); DevIo_SimpleWrite( $hash, "serverstatus 0 200\n", 0 ); DevIo_SimpleWrite( $hash, "favorites items 0 " . AttrVal( $name, "maxfavorites", 100 ) . " want_url:1\n", 0 ); # CD 0009 url mit abfragen DevIo_SimpleWrite( $hash, "playlists 0 200\n", 0 ); DevIo_SimpleWrite( $hash, "alarm playlists 0 300\n", 0 ); # CD 0011 return( true ); } # CD 0006 start - added # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # copied from DevIo.pm 7099 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub SB_SERVER_setStates($$) { my ($hash, $val) = @_; $hash->{STATE} = $val; setReadingsVal($hash, "state", $val, TimeNow()); } # CD 0006 end # ############################################################################ # No PERL code beyond this line # ############################################################################ 1; =pod =begin html <a name="SB_SERVER"></a> <h3>SB_SERVER</h3> <ul> <a name="SBserverdefine"></a> <b>Define</b> <ul> <code>define <name> SB_SERVER <ip[:cliserverport]> [RCC:<RCC>] [WOL:<WOL>] [PRSENCE:<PRSENCE>] [USER:<username>] [PASSWORD:<password>]</code> <br><br> This module allows you to control Logitech Media Server and connected Squeezebox Media Players.<br><br> Attention: The <code><ip[:cliserverport]></code> parameter is optional. You just need to configure it if you changed it on the LMS. The default TCP port is 9090.<br> <b>Optional</b> <ul> <li><code><[RCC]></code>: You can define a FHEM RCC Device, if you want to wake it up when you set the SB_SERVER on. </li> <li><code><[WOL]></code>: You can define a FHEM WOL Device, if you want to wake it up when you set the SB_SERVER on. </li> <li><code><[PRESENCE]></code>: You can define a FHEM PRESENCE Device that is used to check if the server is reachable. </li> <li><code><username></code> and <code><password></code>: If your LMS is password protected you can define the credentials here. </li> </ul><br><br> <a name="SBserverset"></a> <b>Set</b> <ul> <code>set <name> <command></code> <br><br> This module supports the following commands:<br> SB_Server related commands:<br> <ul> <li><b>renew</b> - Renewes the connection to the server</li> <li><b>abort</b> - Stops the connection to the server</li> <li><b>cliraw <command></b> - Sends the <command> to the LMS CLI</li> <li><b>rescan</b> - Starts the scan of the music library of the server</li> <li><b>statusRequest</b> - Update of readings from server and configured players</li> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> =end html =cut