############################################## # $Id$ package main; use strict; use warnings; use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday); sub FHZ_Write($$$); sub FHZ_Read($); sub FHZ_ReadAnswer($$$); sub FHZ_Crc(@); sub FHZ_CheckCrc($); sub FHZ_XmitLimitCheck($$); sub FHZ_DoInit($$$); my $msgstart = pack('H*', "81");# Every msg starts with this # See also "FHZ1000 Protocol" http://fhz4linux.info/tiki-index.php?page=FHZ1000%20Protocol # NOTE: for protocol analysis, especially the "serial" vs. "FHTcode" case # is interestingly different yet similar: # - code 0x84 (FHZ area) vs. 0x83 (FHT area), # - register 0x57, _read_ vs. 0x9e, _write_ (hmm, or is this "house code" 0x9e01?) # - _read_ 8 nibbles (4 bytes serial), _write_ 1 (1 byte FHTcode - align-corrected to two nibbles, right?) # I did some few tests already (also scripted tests), no interesting findings so far, # but despite that torture my 1300PC still works fine ;) my %gets = ( "init1" => "c9 02011f64", "init2" => "c9 02011f60", "init3" => "c9 02011f0a", "serial" => "04 c90184570208", "fhtbuf" => "04 c90185", # get free FHZ memory (e.g. 23 bytes free) # NOTE: there probably is another command to return the number of pending # FHT msg submissions in FHZ (including last one), IOW: 1 == "empty"; # see thread "Kommunikation FHZ1000PC zum FHT80b" for clues; # TODO: please analyze in case you use homeputer!! ); my %sets = ( "time" => "c9 020161", "initHMS" => "04 c90186", "stopHMS" => "04 c90197", "initFS20" => "04 c90196", "initFS20_02" => "04 c9019602", # some alternate variant "FHTcode" => "04 c901839e0101", # (parameter range 1-99, "Zentralencode" in contronics speak; randomly chosen - and forgotten!! - by FHZ, thus better manually hardcode it in fhem.cfg) "raw" => "xx xx", "initfull" => "xx xx", "reopen" => "xx xx", "close" => "xx xx", "open" => "xx xx", ); my %setnrparam = ( "time" => 0, "initHMS" => 0, "stopHMS" => 0, "initFS20" => 0, "initFS20_02" => 0, "FHTcode" => 1, "raw" => 2, "initfull" => 0, "reopen" => 0, "close" => 0, "open" => 0, ); my %codes = ( "^8501..\$" => "fhtbuf", ); ##################################### # Note: we are a data provider _and_ a consumer at the same time sub FHZ_Initialize($) { my ($hash) = @_; # Provider $hash->{ReadFn} = "FHZ_Read"; $hash->{WriteFn} = "FHZ_Write"; $hash->{Clients} = ":FHZ:FS20:FHT:HMS:KS300:USF1000:BS:"; my %mc = ( "1:USF1000" => "^81..(04|0c)..0101a001a5ceaa00....", "2:BS" => "^81..(04|0c)..0101a001a5cf", "3:FS20" => "^81..(04|0c)..0101a001", "4:FHT" => "^81..(04|09|0d)..(0909a001|83098301|c409c401)..", "5:HMS" => "^810e04....(1|5|9).a001", "6:KS300" => "^810d04..4027a001", ); $hash->{MatchList} = \%mc; $hash->{ReadyFn} = "FHZ_Ready"; # Consumer $hash->{Match} = "^81..C9..0102"; $hash->{ParseFn} = "FHZ_Parse"; # Normal devices $hash->{DefFn} = "FHZ_Define"; $hash->{FingerprintFn} = "FHZ_FingerprintFn"; $hash->{UndefFn} = "FHZ_Undef"; $hash->{GetFn} = "FHZ_Get"; $hash->{SetFn} = "FHZ_Set"; $hash->{AttrList}= "do_not_notify:1,0 dummy:1,0 " . "showtime:1,0 model:fhz1000,fhz1300 ". "fhtsoftbuffer:1,0 addvaltrigger"; } sub FHZ_FingerprintFn($$) { my ($name, $msg) = @_; # Store only the "relevant" part, as the CUL won't compute the checksum $msg = substr($msg, 8) if($msg =~ m/^81/ && length($msg) > 8); return ($name, $msg); } ##################################### sub FHZ_Ready($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $po=$hash->{PortObj}; if(!$po) { # Looking for the device my $dev = $hash->{DeviceName}; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; $hash->{PARTIAL} = ""; if($^O =~ m/Win/) { $po = new Win32::SerialPort ($dev); } else { $po = new Device::SerialPort ($dev); } return undef if(!$po); Log3 $name, 1, "USB device $dev reappeared"; $hash->{PortObj} = $po; if($^O !~ m/Win/) { $hash->{FD} = $po->FILENO; delete($readyfnlist{"$name.$dev"}); $selectlist{"$name.$dev"} = $hash; } else { $readyfnlist{"$name.$dev"} = $hash; } FHZ_DoInit($name, $hash->{ttytype}, $po); DoTrigger($name, "CONNECTED"); return undef; } # This is relevant for windows only my ($BlockingFlags, $InBytes, $OutBytes, $ErrorFlags)=$po->status; return ($InBytes>0); } ##################################### sub FHZ_Set($@) { my ($hash, @a) = @_; return "Need one to three parameter" if(@a < 2); return "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of " . join(" ", sort keys %sets) if(!defined($sets{$a[1]})); return "Need one to three parameter" if(@a > 4); return "Wrong number of parameters for $a[1], need " . ($setnrparam{$a[1]}+2) if(@a != ($setnrparam{$a[1]} + 2)); my ($fn, $arg) = split(" ", $sets{$a[1]}); my $v = join(" ", @a); my $name = $hash->{NAME}; Log3 $name, 2, "FHZ set $v"; if($a[1] eq "initfull") { my @init; push(@init, "get $name init2"); push(@init, "get $name serial"); push(@init, "set $name initHMS"); push(@init, "set $name initFS20"); push(@init, "set $name time"); push(@init, "set $name raw 04 01010100010000"); CommandChain(3, \@init); return undef; } elsif($a[1] eq "reopen") { FHZ_Reopen($hash); return undef; } elsif($a[1] eq "close") { FHZ_Close($hash); return undef; } elsif($a[1] eq "open") { FHZ_Open($hash); return undef; } elsif($a[1] eq "raw") { $fn = $a[2]; $arg = $a[3]; } elsif($a[1] eq "time") { my @t = localtime; $arg .= sprintf("%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", $t[5]%100, $t[4]+1, $t[3], $t[2], $t[1]); } elsif($a[1] eq "FHTcode") { return "invalid argument, must be hex" if(!$a[2] || $a[2] !~ m/^[A-F0-9]{2}$/); $arg .= $a[2]; } FHZ_Write($hash, $fn, $arg) if(!IsDummy($hash->{NAME})); return undef; } ##################################### sub FHZ_Get($@) { my ($hash, @a) = @_; return "\"get FHZ\" needs only one parameter" if(@a != 2); return "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of " . join(",", sort keys %gets) if(!defined($gets{$a[1]})); my ($fn, $arg) = split(" ", $gets{$a[1]}); my $v = join(" ", @a); my $name = $hash->{NAME}; Log3 $name, 2, "FHZ get $v"; FHZ_ReadAnswer($hash, "Flush", 0); FHZ_Write($hash, $fn, $arg) if(!IsDummy($hash->{NAME})); my $msg = FHZ_ReadAnswer($hash, $a[1], 1.0); Log3 $name, 5, "GET Got: $msg" if(defined($msg)); return $msg if(!$msg || $msg !~ /^81..c9..0102/); if($a[1] eq "serial") { $v = substr($msg, 22, 8) } elsif($a[1] eq "fhtbuf") { $v = substr($msg, 16, 2); } else { $v = substr($msg, 12); } $hash->{READINGS}{$a[1]}{VAL} = $v; $hash->{READINGS}{$a[1]}{TIME} = TimeNow(); return "$a[0] $a[1] => $v"; } ##################################### sub FHZ_DoInit($$$) { my ($name,$type,$po) = @_; my @init; $po->reset_error(); $po->baudrate(9600); $po->databits(8); $po->parity('none'); $po->stopbits(1); $po->handshake('none'); if($type && $type eq "strangetty") { # This part is for some Linux kernel versions whih has strange default # settings. Device::SerialPort is nice: if the flag is not defined for your # OS then it will be ignored. $po->stty_icanon(0); #$po->stty_parmrk(0); # The debian standard install does not have it $po->stty_icrnl(0); $po->stty_echoe(0); $po->stty_echok(0); $po->stty_echoctl(0); # Needed for some strange distros $po->stty_echo(0); $po->stty_icanon(0); $po->stty_isig(0); $po->stty_opost(0); $po->stty_icrnl(0); } $po->write_settings; push(@init, "get $name init2"); push(@init, "get $name serial"); push(@init, "set $name initHMS"); push(@init, "set $name initFS20"); push(@init, "set $name time"); # Workaround: Sending "set 0001 00 off" after initialization to enable # the fhz1000 receiver, else we won't get anything reported. push(@init, "set $name raw 04 01010100010000"); CommandChain(3, \@init); # Reset the counter my $hash = $defs{$name}; delete($hash->{XMIT_TIME}); delete($hash->{NR_CMD_LAST_H}); $hash->{STATE} = "Initialized"; return undef; } ##################################### sub FHZ_Define($$) { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def); my $po; return "wrong syntax: define FHZ devicename ". "[normal|strangetty] [mobile]" if(@a < 3 || @a > 5); delete $hash->{PortObj}; delete $hash->{FD}; my $name = $a[0]; my $dev = $a[2]; $hash->{ttytype} = $a[3] if($a[3]); $hash->{MOBILE} = 1 if($a[4] && $a[4] eq "mobile"); $hash->{STATE} = "defined"; $attr{$name}{fhtsoftbuffer} = 0; if($dev eq "none") { Log3 $name, 1, "FHZ device is none, commands will be echoed only"; $attr{$name}{dummy} = 1; return undef; } $hash->{DeviceName} = $dev; $hash->{PARTIAL} = ""; Log3 $name, 3, "FHZ opening FHZ device $dev"; if($^O =~ m/Win/) { require Win32::SerialPort; $po = new Win32::SerialPort ($dev); } else { require Device::SerialPort; $po = new Device::SerialPort ($dev); } if(!$po) { my $msg = "Can't open $dev: $!"; Log3($name, 3, $msg) if($hash->{MOBILE}); return $msg if(!$hash->{MOBILE}); $readyfnlist{"$name.$dev"} = $hash; return ""; } Log3 $name, 3, "FHZ opened FHZ device $dev"; $hash->{PortObj} = $po; if($^O !~ m/Win/) { $hash->{FD} = $po->FILENO; $selectlist{"$name.$dev"} = $hash; } else { $readyfnlist{"$name.$dev"} = $hash; } FHZ_DoInit($name, $hash->{ttytype}, $po); return undef; } ##################################### sub FHZ_Undef($$) { my ($hash, $arg) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; foreach my $d (sort keys %defs) { if(defined($defs{$d}) && defined($defs{$d}{IODev}) && $defs{$d}{IODev} == $hash) { my $lev = ($reread_active ? 4 : 2); Log3 $name, $lev, "deleting port for $d"; delete $defs{$d}{IODev}; } } $hash->{PortObj}->close() if($hash->{PortObj}); delete($hash->{PortObj}); delete($hash->{FD}); return undef; } ##################################### sub FHZ_Parse($$) { my ($hash,$msg) = @_; my $omsg = $msg; $msg = substr($msg, 12); # The first 12 bytes are not really interesting my $type = ""; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; foreach my $c (keys %codes) { if($msg =~ m/$c/) { $type = $codes{$c}; last; } } if(!$type) { Log3 $name, 4, "FHZ $name unknown: $omsg"; $hash->{CHANGED}[0] = "$msg"; return $hash->{NAME}; } if($type eq "fhtbuf") { $msg = substr($msg, 4, 2); } Log3 $name, 4, "FHZ $name $type: $msg"; $hash->{CHANGED}[0] = "$type: $msg"; return $hash->{NAME}; } ##################################### sub FHZ_Crc(@) { my $sum = 0; map { $sum += $_; } @_; return $sum & 0xFF; } ##################################### sub FHZ_CheckCrc($) { my $msg = shift; return 0 if(length($msg) < 8); my @data; for(my $i = 8; $i < length($msg); $i += 2) { push(@data, ord(pack('H*', substr($msg, $i, 2)))); } my $crc = hex(substr($msg, 6, 2)); # FS20 Repeater generate a CRC which is one or two greater then the computed # one. The FHZ1000 filters such pakets, so we do not see them return (($crc eq FHZ_Crc(@data)) ? 1 : 0); } ##################################### # This is a direct read for commands like get sub FHZ_ReadAnswer($$$) { my ($hash,$arg, $to) = @_; return undef if(!$hash || ($^O!~/Win/ && !defined($hash->{FD}))); my ($mfhzdata, $rin) = ("", ''); my $buf; for(;;) { if($^O =~ m/Win/) { $hash->{PortObj}->read_const_time($to*1000); # set timeout (ms) # Read anstatt input sonst funzt read_const_time nicht. $buf = $hash->{PortObj}->read(999); return "Timeout reading answer for get $arg" if(length($buf) == 0); } else { vec($rin, $hash->{FD}, 1) = 1; my $nfound = select($rin, undef, undef, $to); if($nfound < 0) { next if ($! == EAGAIN() || $! == EINTR() || $! == 0); die("Select error $nfound / $!\n"); } return "Timeout reading answer for get $arg" if($nfound == 0); $buf = $hash->{PortObj}->input(); } Log3 $hash, 4, "FHZ/RAW: " . unpack('H*',$buf); $mfhzdata .= $buf; next if(length($mfhzdata) < 2); my $len = ord(substr($mfhzdata,1,1)) + 2; if($len>20) { Log3 $hash, 4, "Oversized message (" . unpack('H*',$mfhzdata) . "), dropping it ..."; return undef; } return unpack('H*', $mfhzdata) if(length($mfhzdata) == $len); } } ############## # Compute CRC, add header, glue fn and messages sub FHZ_CompleteMsg($$) { my ($fn,$msg) = @_; my $len = length($msg); my @data; for(my $i = 0; $i < $len; $i += 2) { push(@data, ord(pack('H*', substr($msg, $i, 2)))); } return pack('C*', 0x81, $len/2+2, ord(pack('H*',$fn)), FHZ_Crc(@data), @data); } ##################################### # Check if the 1% limit is reached and trigger notifies sub FHZ_XmitLimitCheck($$) { my ($hash,$bstring) = @_; my $now = time(); $bstring = unpack('H*', $bstring); return if($bstring =~ m/c90185$/); # fhtbuf if(!$hash->{XMIT_TIME}) { $hash->{XMIT_TIME}[0] = $now; $hash->{NR_CMD_LAST_H} = 1; return; } my $nowM1h = $now-3600; my @b = grep { $_ > $nowM1h } @{$hash->{XMIT_TIME}}; if(@b > 163) { # Maximum nr of transmissions per hour (unconfirmed). my $me = $hash->{NAME}; Log3 $me, 2, "FHZ TRANSMIT LIMIT EXCEEDED"; DoTrigger($me, "TRANSMIT LIMIT EXCEEDED"); } else { push(@b, $now); } $hash->{XMIT_TIME} = \@b; $hash->{NR_CMD_LAST_H} = int(@b); } ##################################### sub FHZ_Write($$$) { my ($hash,$fn,$msg) = @_; if(!$hash || !defined($hash->{PortObj})) { Log3 $hash, 5, "FHZ device $hash->{NAME} is not active, cannot send"; return; } ############### # insert value into the msghist. At the moment this only makes sense for FS20 # devices. As the transmitted value differs from the received one, we have to # recompute. if($fn eq "04" && substr($msg,0,6) eq "010101") { AddDuplicate($hash->{NAME}, "0101a001" . substr($msg, 6, 6) . "00" . substr($msg, 12)); } my $bstring = FHZ_CompleteMsg($fn, $msg); Log3 $hash, 5, "Sending " . unpack('H*', $bstring); if(!$hash->{QUEUE}) { FHZ_XmitLimitCheck($hash,$bstring); $hash->{QUEUE} = [ $bstring ]; $hash->{PortObj}->write($bstring) if($hash->{PortObj}); ############## # Write the next buffer not earlier than 0.22 seconds (= 65.6ms + 10ms + # 65.6ms + 10ms + 65.6ms), else it will be discarded by the FHZ1X00 PC InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+0.25, "FHZ_HandleWriteQueue", $hash, 1); } else { push(@{$hash->{QUEUE}}, $bstring); } } ##################################### sub FHZ_HandleWriteQueue($) { my $hash = shift; my $arr = $hash->{QUEUE}; if(defined($arr) && @{$arr} > 0) { shift(@{$arr}); if(@{$arr} == 0) { delete($hash->{QUEUE}); return; } my $bstring = $arr->[0]; FHZ_XmitLimitCheck($hash,$bstring); $hash->{PortObj}->write($bstring) if($hash->{PortObj}); InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+0.25, "FHZ_HandleWriteQueue", $hash, 1); } } ##################################### sub FHZ_Reopen($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $dev = $hash->{DeviceName}; $hash->{PortObj}->close(); Log3 $hash, 1, "USB device $dev closed"; for(;;) { sleep(5); if($^O =~ m/Win/) { $hash->{PortObj} = new Win32::SerialPort($dev); }else{ $hash->{PortObj} = new Device::SerialPort($dev); } if($hash->{PortObj}) { Log3 $hash, 1, "USB device $dev reopened"; $hash->{FD} = $hash->{PortObj}->FILENO if($^O !~ m/Win/); FHZ_DoInit($hash->{NAME}, $hash->{ttytype}, $hash->{PortObj}); return; } } } ##################################### sub FHZ_Close($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $dev = $hash->{DeviceName}; return if(!$dev); my $name = $hash->{NAME}; $hash->{PortObj}->close(); Log3 $name, 1, "USB device $dev closed"; delete($hash->{PortObj}); delete($hash->{FD}); delete($selectlist{"$name.$dev"}); #$readyfnlist{"$name.$dev"} = $hash; # Start polling $hash->{STATE} = "disconnected"; # Without the following sleep the open of the device causes a SIGSEGV, # and following opens block infinitely. Only a reboot helps. sleep(5); DoTrigger($name, "DISCONNECTED"); } ##################################### sub FHZ_Open($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $dev = $hash->{DeviceName}; return if(!$dev); my $name = $hash->{NAME}; $readyfnlist{"$name.$dev"} = $hash; # Start polling $hash->{STATE} = "disconnected"; # Without the following sleep the open of the device causes a SIGSEGV, # and following opens block infinitely. Only a reboot helps. sleep(5); DoTrigger($name, "DISCONNECTED"); } ##################################### sub FHZ_Read($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $buf = $hash->{PortObj}->input(); my $iohash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}; # Our (FHZ) module pointer my $name = $hash->{NAME}; ########### # Lets' try again: Some drivers return len(0) on the first read... if(defined($buf) && length($buf) == 0) { $buf = $hash->{PortObj}->input(); } if(!defined($buf) || length($buf) == 0) { my $dev = $hash->{DeviceName}; Log3 $name, 1, "USB device $dev disconnected, waiting to reappear"; delete($hash->{FD}); $hash->{PortObj}->close(); delete($hash->{PortObj}); delete($hash->{FD}); delete($selectlist{"$name.$dev"}); $readyfnlist{"$name.$dev"} = $hash; # Start polling $hash->{STATE} = "disconnected"; # Without the following sleep the open of the device causes a SIGSEGV, # and following opens block infinitely. Only a reboot helps. sleep(5); DoTrigger($name, "DISCONNECTED"); } my $fhzdata = $hash->{PARTIAL}; Log3 $name, 4, "FHZ/RAW: " . unpack('H*',$buf) . " (Unparsed: " . unpack('H*', $fhzdata) . ")"; $fhzdata .= $buf; while(length($fhzdata) > 2) { ################################### # Skip trash. my $si = index($fhzdata, $msgstart); if($si) { if($si == -1) { Log3 $name, 5, "Bogus message received, no start character found"; $fhzdata = ""; last; } else { Log3 $name, 5, "Bogus message received, skipping to start character"; $fhzdata = substr($fhzdata, $si); } } my $len = ord(substr($fhzdata,1,1)) + 2; if($len>20) { Log3 $name, 4, "Oversized message (" . unpack('H*',$fhzdata) . "), dropping it ..."; $fhzdata = ""; next; } last if(length($fhzdata) < $len); my $dmsg = unpack('H*', substr($fhzdata, 0, $len)); if(FHZ_CheckCrc($dmsg)) { if(substr($fhzdata,2,1) eq $msgstart) { # Skip function 0x81 $fhzdata = substr($fhzdata, 2); next; } $hash->{"${name}_MSGCNT"}++; $hash->{"${name}_TIME"} = TimeNow(); $hash->{RAWMSG} = $dmsg; my %addvals = (RAWMSG => $dmsg); my $foundp = Dispatch($hash, $dmsg, \%addvals); $fhzdata = substr($fhzdata, $len); } else { Log3 $name, 4, "Bad CRC message, skipping it (Bogus message follows)"; $fhzdata = substr($fhzdata, 2); } } $hash->{PARTIAL} = $fhzdata; } 1; =pod =begin html


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