# this skript creates for e.g. the Siemens C470 IP a telephone book which can be read in by the webinterface of the telephone
# The script reads the /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf and creates the /tmp/teledir.vcf
# Martin Haas 071216

# you need the tool unix2dos :-( It is depending on your Distribution included in unix2dos or tofrodos


rm -f $telefonbook

grep System /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf | grep -v '^;' | \

while read fhemdev
	number=$(echo $fhemdev | cut -d, -f1 | awk '{print $3}')
	name=$(echo $fhemdev | cut -d\" -f2 | sed 's/\./ /g')

	echo "BEGIN:VCARD" >>$telefonbook
	echo "VERSION:2.1" >>$telefonbook
	echo "FN:$name" >>$telefonbook
	echo "N:$name" >>$telefonbook
	echo "TEL;HOME:$number" >>$telefonbook
	echo "END:VCARD" >>$telefonbook
	echo  >>$telefonbook


unix2dos $telefonbook