############################################## # $Id$ # ABU 20150916 removed print: simpleWriteDate, cleaned init # ABU 20150918 fixed deprecated warning, fixed warning related to hex-conversion in simple-write # ABU 20151123 added error-label in getGroup. Responsible for error-handling, if knxd is not accesible # ABU 20151213 changed message-check in decode_tpuart() to avoid ignore while receiving repeated messages # ABU 20160308 remoced set, get. Changed loglevel to verbose. Added KNX/EIB-Split. Added EIB-backward-compatibility. # ABU 20160309 fixed log2 # ABU 20160310 repaired dispatch events - inform EIB, only is useEIB is set # ABU 20160515 removed compatibility flag for EIB # ABU 20160516 added log entry for non-compatibility of tul # ABU 20160613 changed log entry for startup package main; use strict; use warnings; use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday); sub TUL_Attr(@); sub TUL_Clear($); sub TUL_Parse($$$$$); sub TUL_Read($); sub TUL_Ready($); sub TUL_Write($$$); sub TUL_OpenDev($$); sub TUL_CloseDev($); sub TUL_SimpleWrite(@); sub TUL_SimpleRead($); sub TUL_Disconnected($); sub TUL_Shutdown($); my %gets = ( # Name, Data to send to the TUL, Regexp for the answer "raw" => ["r", '.*'], ); my %sets = ( "raw" => "", ); my $clients = ":KNX:EIB:"; my %matchList = ( "2:KNX" => "^C.*", "3:EIB" => "^B.*", ); sub TUL_Initialize($) { my ($hash) = @_; # Provider $hash->{ReadFn} = "TUL_Read"; $hash->{WriteFn} = "TUL_Write"; $hash->{ReadyFn} = "TUL_Ready"; # Normal devices $hash->{DefFn} = "TUL_Define"; $hash->{UndefFn} = "TUL_Undef"; $hash->{StateFn} = "TUL_SetState"; $hash->{AttrFn} = "TUL_Attr"; #$hash->{AttrList}= "do_not_notify:1,0 dummy:1,0 " . # "showtime:1,0 model:TUL loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5,6 "; $hash->{AttrList}= "do_not_notify:1,0 " . "dummy:1,0 " . "showtime:1,0 " . "verbose:0,1,2,3,4,5 " . "useEIB:1,0 "; $hash->{ShutdownFn} = "TUL_Shutdown"; } ##################################### sub TUL_Define($$) { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def); if(@a < 4) { my $msg = "wrong syntax: define TUL []"; Log (2, $msg); return $msg; } TUL_CloseDev($hash); my $name = $a[0]; my $dev = $a[2]; my $devaddr = tul_str2hex($a[3]); my $linedef = substr(tul_str2hex($a[4]),0,2) if(@a > 4); if($dev eq "none") { Log3 ($name, 1, "device is none, commands will be echoed only"); $attr{$name}{dummy} = 1; return undef; } #Set attributes in order to control backward-compatibility #$attr{$name}{useEIB} = 1; #Log3 ($name, 1, "Using EIB is deprecated. Please migrate to KNX soon. Module 10_EIB is not maintained any longer.") if (AttrVal($name, "useEIB", 0) =~ m/1/); #Log3 ($name, 0, "Using EIB is deprecated. Please migrate to KNX soon. Module 10_EIB is not maintained any longer. If you still want to use the module EIB, please set the attribute useEIB to 1.") if (AttrVal($name, "useEIB", 0) =~ m/1/); Log3 ($name, 0, "Using EIB is deprecated. Please migrate to KNX soon. Module 10_EIB is not maintained any longer. If you still want to use the module EIB, please set the attribute useEIB to 1 within the tul-device. Please keep in mind, that 10_KNX has a changed syntax regarding the definition, arguments and readings. Please refer to the commandref. As well 10_EIB and 10_KNX are compatible to daemon eibd and knxd.") if (AttrVal($name, "useEIB", 0) =~ m/0/); $hash->{DeviceName} = $dev; $hash->{DeviceAddress} = $devaddr; $hash->{Clients} = $clients; $hash->{MatchList} = \%matchList; $hash->{AckLineDef}= $linedef; my $ret = TUL_OpenDev($hash, 0); return $ret; } ##################################### sub TUL_Undef($$) { my ($hash, $arg) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; foreach my $d (sort keys %defs) { if(defined($defs{$d}) && defined($defs{$d}{IODev}) && $defs{$d}{IODev} == $hash) { my $lev = ($reread_active ? 4 : 2); Log(GetLogLevel($name,$lev), "deleting port for $d"); delete $defs{$d}{IODev}; } } TUL_CloseDev($hash); return undef; } ##################################### sub TUL_Shutdown($) { my ($hash) = @_; TUL_CloseDev($hash); return undef; } ##################################### sub TUL_SetState($$$$) { my ($hash, $tim, $vt, $val) = @_; return undef; } sub TUL_Clear($) { my $hash = shift; #Clear the pipe #TUL has no pipe.... } ##################################### sub TUL_DoInit($) { my $hash = shift; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $err; TUL_Clear($hash); # send any initializing request if needed # TODO move to device init return 1 unless openGroupSocket($hash); # reset buffer purgeReceiverBuf($hash); $hash->{STATE} = "Initialized" if(!$hash->{STATE}); # Reset the counter delete($hash->{XMIT_TIME}); delete($hash->{NR_CMD_LAST_H}); return undef; } ##################################### sub TUL_Write($$$) { my ($hash,$fn,$msg) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; return if(!defined($fn)); #Discard message, if not set to backward-compatibility if ((AttrVal($name, "useEIB", 0) =~ m/0/) and ($fn =~ m/^B/)) { Log3 ($name, 0, "EIB is no longer supported. Message discarded."); return; } Log3 ($name, 5, "sending $fn$msg"); my $bstring = "$fn$msg"; TUL_SimpleWrite($hash, $bstring); } ##################################### # called from the global loop, when the select for hash->{FD} reports data sub TUL_Read($) { my ($hash) = @_; #reset the refused flag, so we can check if a telegram was refused # and therefor we did not get a response $hash->{REFUSED} = undef; my $buf = TUL_SimpleRead($hash); my $name = $hash->{NAME}; # check if refused if(defined($hash->{REFUSED})) { Log3 ($name, 3,"TUL $name refused message: $hash->{REFUSED}"); $hash->{REFUSED} = undef; return ""; } ########### # Lets' try again: Some drivers return len(0) on the first read... if(defined($buf) && length($buf) == 0) { $buf = TUL_SimpleRead($hash); } if(!defined($buf) || length($buf) == 0) { TUL_Disconnected($hash); return ""; } #place KNX-Message TUL_Parse($hash, $hash, $name, "B".$buf, $hash->{initString}) if (AttrVal($name, "useEIB", 0) =~ m/1/); #place EIB-Message TUL_Parse($hash, $hash, $name, "C".$buf, $hash->{initString}); } sub TUL_Parse($$$$$) { my ($hash, $iohash, $name, $rmsg, $initstr) = @_; # there is nothing specal to do at the moment. # just dispatch my $dmsg = $rmsg; Log3 ($name, 4, "$name: $dmsg"); $hash->{"${name}_MSGCNT"}++; $hash->{"${name}_TIME"} = TimeNow(); $hash->{RAWMSG} = $rmsg; my %addvals = (RAWMSG => $rmsg); Dispatch($hash, $dmsg, \%addvals); } ##################################### sub TUL_Ready($) { my ($hash) = @_; return TUL_OpenDev($hash, 1) if($hash->{STATE} eq "disconnected"); # This is relevant for windows/USB only my $po = $hash->{USBDev}; my ($BlockingFlags, $InBytes, $OutBytes, $ErrorFlags) = $po->status; return ($InBytes>0); } ######################## sub TUL_SimpleWrite(@) { my ($hash, $msg) = @_; return if(!$hash); # Msg must have the format B(w,r,p)g1g2g3v.... # w-> write, r-> read, p-> reply # g1,g2,g3 are the hex parts of the group name # v is a simple (1 Byte) or complex value (n bytes) # For eibd we need a more elaborate structure if($msg =~ /^[BC](.)(.{4})(.*)$/) { my $eibmsg; if($1 eq "w") { $eibmsg->{'type'} = 'write'; } elsif ($1 eq "r") { $eibmsg->{'type'} = 'read'; } elsif ($1 eq "p") { $eibmsg->{'type'} = 'reply'; } $eibmsg->{'dst'} = $2; my $hexvalues = $3; #The array has to have a given length. During Hex-conversion Trailing #0 are recognizes for warnings. #Therefore we backup the length, trim, and reappend the 0 # #save length and trim right side my $strLen = length ($hexvalues) / 2; $hexvalues =~ s/\s+$//; #convert hex-string to array with dezimal values my @data = map hex($_), $hexvalues =~ /(..)/g; #re-append 0x00 for (my $i=0; $strLen - scalar @data; $i++) { push (@data, 0); } # check: first byte is only allowed to contain data in the lower 6bits # to make sure all is fine, we mask the first byte $data[0] = $data[0] & 0x3f if(defined($data[0])); $eibmsg->{'data'} = \@data; sendGroup($hash, $eibmsg); } else { Log3 ($hash->{NAME}, 1,"Could not parse message $msg"); return undef; } select(undef, undef, undef, 0.001); } ######################## sub TUL_SimpleRead($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $msg = getGroup($hash); if(!defined($msg)) { Log3 ($name, 4,"No data received.") ; return undef; } my $type = $msg->{'type'}; my $dst = $msg->{'dst'}; my $src = $msg->{'src'}; my @bindata = @{$msg->{'data'}}; my $data = ""; # convert bin data to hex foreach my $c (@bindata) { $data .= sprintf ("%02x", $c); } Log3 ($name, 5, "SimpleRead msg.type: $type, msg.src: $msg->{'src'}, msg.dst: $msg->{'dst'}"); Log3 ($name, 5, "SimpleRead data: $data"); # we will build a string like: # Bs1s2s3(w|r|p)g1g2g3v # s -> src my $buf; #$buf = "C$src"; $buf = $src; if($type eq "write") { $buf .= "w"; } elsif ($type eq "read") { $buf .= "r"; } else { $buf .= "p"; } $buf .= $dst; $buf .= $data; Log(4,"SimpleRead: $buf\n"); return $buf; } ######################## sub TUL_CloseDev($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $dev = $hash->{DeviceName}; return if(!$dev); if($hash->{TCPDev}) { $hash->{TCPDev}->close(); delete($hash->{TCPDev}); } elsif($hash->{USBDev}) { $hash->{USBDev}->close() ; delete($hash->{USBDev}); } delete($selectlist{"$name.$dev"}); delete($readyfnlist{"$name.$dev"}); delete($hash->{FD}); } ######################## sub TUL_OpenDev($$) { my ($hash, $reopen) = @_; my $dev = $hash->{DeviceName}; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $po; $hash->{PARTIAL} = ""; Log 3, "TUL opening $name device $dev" if(!$reopen); # eibd:host[:port] if($dev =~ m/^(eibd):(.+)$/) { my $host = $2; my $port = 6720; #host:port if($host =~ m/^(.+):([0-9]+)$/) { $host = $1; $port = $2; } # This part is called every time the timeout (5sec) is expired _OR_ # somebody is communicating over another TCP connection. As the connect # for non-existent devices has a delay of 3 sec, we are sitting all the # time in this connect. NEXT_OPEN tries to avoid this problem. return if($hash->{NEXT_OPEN} && time() < $hash->{NEXT_OPEN}); my $conn = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => $port,Proto => 'tcp'); if($conn) { delete($hash->{NEXT_OPEN}) } else { Log3 ($name, 3, "Can't connect to $dev: $!") if(!$reopen); $readyfnlist{"$name.$dev"} = $hash; $hash->{STATE} = "disconnected"; $hash->{NEXT_OPEN} = time()+60; return ""; } $hash->{DevType} = 'EIBD'; $hash->{TCPDev} = $conn; $hash->{FD} = $conn->fileno(); delete($readyfnlist{"$name.$dev"}); $selectlist{"$name.$dev"} = $hash; } # tpuart:ttydev[@baudrate] / USB/Serial device elsif ($dev =~ m/^(tul|tpuart):(.+)$/) { my $dev = $2; my $baudrate; ($dev, $baudrate) = split("@", $dev); $baudrate = 19200 if(!$baudrate); # fix for TUL board if ($^O=~/Win/) { require Win32::SerialPort; $po = new Win32::SerialPort ($dev); } else { require Device::SerialPort; $po = new Device::SerialPort ($dev); } if(!$po) { return undef if($reopen); Log3 ($name, 3, "Can't open $dev: $!"); $readyfnlist{"$name.$dev"} = $hash; $hash->{STATE} = "disconnected"; return ""; } $hash->{DevType} = 'TPUART'; $hash->{USBDev} = $po; if( $^O =~ /Win/ ) { $readyfnlist{"$name.$dev"} = $hash; } else { $hash->{FD} = $po->FILENO; delete($readyfnlist{"$name.$dev"}); $selectlist{"$name.$dev"} = $hash; } # assumed always available if($baudrate) { $po->reset_error(); Log3 ($name, 3, "TUL setting $name baudrate to $baudrate"); $po->baudrate($baudrate); $po->databits(8); $po->parity('even'); $po->stopbits(1); $po->handshake('none'); # This part is for some Linux kernel versions which has strange default # settings. Device::SerialPort is nice: if the flag is not defined for your # OS then it will be ignored. $po->stty_icanon(0); #$po->stty_parmrk(0); # The debian standard install does not have it $po->stty_icrnl(0); $po->stty_echoe(0); $po->stty_echok(0); $po->stty_echoctl(0); # Needed for some strange distros $po->stty_echo(0); $po->stty_icanon(0); $po->stty_isig(0); $po->stty_opost(0); $po->stty_icrnl(0); } $po->write_settings; } # No more devices supported now else { Log3 ($name, 1, "$dev protocol is not supported"); } if($reopen) { Log3 ($name, 1, "TUL $dev reappeared ($name)"); } else { Log3 ($name, 3, "TUL device opened"); } $hash->{STATE}=""; # Allow InitDev to set the state my $ret = TUL_DoInit($hash); if($ret) { TUL_CloseDev($hash); Log 1, "Cannot init $dev, ignoring it"; } DoTrigger($name, "CONNECTED") if($reopen); return $ret; } ######################## sub TUL_Disconnected($) { my $hash = shift; my $dev = $hash->{DeviceName}; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; return if(!defined($hash->{FD})); # Already deleted or RFR Log3 ($name, 1, "$dev disconnected, waiting to reappear"); TUL_CloseDev($hash); $readyfnlist{"$name.$dev"} = $hash; # Start polling $hash->{STATE} = "disconnected"; # Without the following sleep the open of the device causes a SIGSEGV, # and following opens block infinitely. Only a reboot helps. sleep(5); DoTrigger($name, "DISCONNECTED"); } ######################## sub TUL_Attr(@) { my @a = @_; return undef; } #################################################################################### #################################################################################### # # # The following section has been inspired by the EIB module from MrHouse project # written by Peter Sj?din peter@sjodin.net and Mike Pieper eibdmh@pieper-family.de # Code has been mainly changed to fit to the FHEM framework by Maz Rashid # (to be honest the code had to be reworked very intensively due the lack of code quality) # # Utility functions sub tul_hex2addr { my $str = lc($_[0]); if ($str =~ /([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f]{2})/) { return (hex($1) << 11) | (hex($2) << 8) | hex($3); } else { Log(3,"Bad EIB address string: \'$str\'\n"); return; } } sub tul_addr2hex { my $a = $_[0]; my $b = $_[1]; # 1 if local (group) address, else physical address my $str ; if ($b == 1) { # logical address used $str = sprintf "%01x%01x%02x", ($a >> 11) & 0xf, ($a >> 8) & 0x7, $a & 0xff; } else { # physical address used $str = sprintf "%01x%01x%02x", $a >> 12, ($a >> 8) & 0xf, $a & 0xff; } return $str; } sub tul_str2hex { my $str = $_[0]; if ($str =~ /(\d+)\/(\d+)\/(\d+)/) { # logical address my $hex = sprintf("%01x%01x%02x",$1,$2,$3); return $hex; } elsif ($str =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/) { # physical address my $hex = sprintf("%01x%01x%02x",$1,$2,$3); return $hex; } } # For mapping between APCI symbols and values my @apcicodes = ('read', 'reply', 'write'); my %apcivalues = ('read' => 0, 'reply' => 1, 'write' => 2,); # decode: unmarshall a string with an EIB message into a hash # The hash has the follwing fields: # - type: APCI (symbolic value) # - src: source address # - dst: destiniation address # - data: array of integers; one for each byte of data sub decode_eibd($) { my ($buf) = @_; my $drl = 0xe1; # dummy value my %msg; my @data; my ($src, $dst,$bytes) = unpack("nnxa*", $buf); my $apci; $apci = vec($bytes, 3, 2); # mask out apci bits, so we can use the whole byte as data: vec($bytes, 3, 2) = 0; if ($apci >= 0 && $apci <= $#apcicodes) { $msg{'type'} = $apcicodes[$apci]; } else { $msg{'type'} = 'apci ' . $apci; } $msg{'src'} = tul_addr2hex($src,0); $msg{'dst'} = tul_addr2hex($dst,1); @data = unpack ("C" . length($bytes), $bytes); my $datalen = @data; Log (5, "decode_eibd byte len: " . length($bytes) . " array size: $datalen"); # in case of data len > 1, the first byte (the one with apci) seems not to be used # and only the following byte are of interest. if($datalen>1) { shift @data; } $msg{'data'} = \@data; return \%msg; } # encode: marshall a hash into a EIB message string sub encode_eibd($) { my ($mref) = @_; my @msg; my $APCI; my @data; $APCI = $apcivalues{$mref->{'type'}}; if (!(defined $APCI)) { Log(3,"Bad EIB message type $mref->{'type'}\n"); return; } @data = @{$mref->{'data'}}; @data = (0x0) if(!@data || !defined($data[0])); #make sure data has at least one element #@data = (0x0) if(!(defined @data) || !(defined $data[0])); #make sure data has at least one element my $datalen = @data; Log(5,"encode_eibd dst: $mref->{'dst'} apci: $APCI datalen: $datalen data: @data"); @msg = ( tul_hex2addr( $mref->{'dst'}), # Destination address 0x0 | ($APCI >> 2), # TPDU type, Sequence no, APCI (msb) (($APCI & 0x3) << 6) | $data[0], ); if ($datalen > 1) { shift(@data); push @msg, @data; } return @msg; } # decode: unmarshall a string with an EIB telegram into a hash # A typical telegram looks like: bc110a0002e100813a # checks: # - 1st byte must have at least the bits $90 set. (otherwise it is false or a repeat) # - 2nd/3rd byte are the source (1.1.10) # - 4th/5th byte are the dst group (0/0/2) # - 6th byte (msb if 1 dst is group, else a phys. address ) # - low nibble is length of data (counting from 0) (->2) # - 7th byte is ignored # - 8th byte is the command / short data byte # - if 8th byte >>6 is 0 -> read # - is 2 -> write # - is 1 -> reply # - if length is 2 -> 8th byte & 0x3F is data # otherwise data start after 8th byte # - last byte is the crc (ignored) # The hash has the follwing fields: # - type: APCI (symbolic value) # - src: source address # - dst: destiniation address # - data: array of integers; one for each byte of data sub decode_tpuart($) { my ($buf) = @_; my ($ctrl,$src, $dst, $routingcnt,$cmd, $bytes) = unpack("CnnCxCa*", $buf); my $drl = $routingcnt >>7; my $len = ($routingcnt & 0x0F) +1; #if(($ctrl & 0xB0)!=0xB0) if(($ctrl & 0x90)!=0x90) { #Log(3,"Control Byte " . sprintf("0x%02x",$ctrl) . " does not match expected mask 0xB0"); Log(3,"Control Byte " . sprintf("0x%02x",$ctrl) . " does not match expected mask 2x1001nnnn"); return undef; } Log(5,"msg cmd: " . sprintf("0x%02x",$cmd) ." datalen: $len"); my $apci = ($cmd >> 6) & 0x0F; if($len == 2) { # 1 byte data $bytes = pack("C",$cmd & 0x3F); } Log(5,"msg cmd: " . sprintf("0x%02x",$cmd) ." datalen: $len apci: $apci"); my %msg; my @data; if ($apci >= 0 && $apci <= $#apcicodes) { $msg{'type'} = $apcicodes[$apci]; } else { $msg{'type'} = 'apci ' . $apci; } $msg{'src'} = tul_addr2hex($src,0); $msg{'dst'} = tul_addr2hex($dst,$drl); @data = unpack ("C" . length($bytes), $bytes); my $datalen = @data; Log(5, "decode_tpuart byte len: " . length($bytes) . " array size: $datalen"); $msg{'data'} = \@data; return \%msg; } # encode: marshall a hash into a EIB message string sub encode_tpuart($) { my ($mref) = @_; my @msg; my $APCI; my @data; $APCI = $apcivalues{$mref->{'type'}}; if (!(defined $APCI)) { Log(3,"Bad EIB message type $mref->{'type'}\n"); return; } @data = @{$mref->{'data'}}; my $datalen = @data; if($datalen > 14) { Log(3,"Bad EIB message length $datalen\n"); return; } Log(5,"encode_tpuart dst: $mref->{'dst'} apci: $APCI datalen: $datalen data: @data"); @msg = ( 0xBC, # EIB ctrl byte tul_hex2addr($mref->{'src'}), # src address tul_hex2addr( $mref->{'dst'}), # Destination address 0xE0 | $datalen, # Routing counter + data len 0x00, (($APCI & 0x3) << 6) | $data[0], ); if ($datalen > 1) { shift(@data); push @msg, @data; } # convert to byte array my $arraystr = pack("CnnC*",@msg); @msg = unpack("C*",$arraystr); my @tpuartmsg; # calculate crc my $crc = 0xFF; my $i; for($i=0; $i<@msg;$i++) { $crc ^= $msg[$i]; push @tpuartmsg,(0x80 | $i); push @tpuartmsg, $msg[$i]; } push @tpuartmsg,(0x40 | $i); push @tpuartmsg,$crc; return @tpuartmsg; } # # eibd communication part # # Functions four group socket communication # Open a group socket for group communication # openGroupSocket SOCK sub openGroupSocket($) { my $hash = shift; ## only needed if EIBD if($hash->{DevType} eq 'EIBD') { my @msg = (0x0026,0x0000,0x00); # EIB_OPEN_GROUPCON sendRequest ($hash, pack "nnC" ,@msg); goto error unless my $answer = getRequest($hash); my $head = unpack ("n", $answer); goto error unless $head == 0x0026; } return 1; error: print "openGroupSocket failed\n"; return undef; } # Send group data # sendGroup Hash DEST DATA sub sendGroup($$) { my ($hash,$msgref) = @_; my $dst = $msgref->{'dst'}; my $src = $hash->{DeviceAddress}; $msgref->{'src'} = $src; if($hash->{DevType} eq 'EIBD') { my @encmsg = encode_eibd($msgref); Log(5,"SendGroup: dst: $dst, msg: @encmsg \n"); my @msg = (0x0027); # EIB_GROUP_PACKET push @msg, @encmsg; sendRequest($hash, pack("nnCC*", @msg)); } elsif($hash->{DevType} eq 'TPUART') { my @encmsg = encode_tpuart($msgref); Log(5,"SendGroup: dst: $dst, msg: @encmsg \n"); sendRequest($hash, pack("C*", @encmsg)); my $response = getRequestFixLength($hash,($#encmsg + 1)/2+1); } return 1; } # will read as much byte as exists at the # serial buffer. sub purgeReceiverBuf($) { my ($hash) = @_; if($hash->{DevType} eq 'TPUART') { Log(5,"purging receiver buffer "); my $data = undef; do { my(undef,$data) = $hash->{USBDev}->read(100); Log(5,"purging packet: ". unpack("H*",$data) . "\n") if(defined($data) and length($data)>0); } while(defined($data) and length($data)>0) } } sub getRequestFixLength($$) { my ($hash, $len) = @_; if($hash->{DevType} eq 'TPUART') { Log(5,"waiting to receive $len bytes ..."); my $buf = ""; while(length($buf)<$len) { #select(undef,undef,undef,0.5); my (undef,$data) = $hash->{USBDev}->read($len-length($buf)); Log(5,"Received fixlen packet: ". unpack("H*",$data) . "\n") if(defined($data) and length($data)>0); $buf .= $data if(defined($data)); #Log(5,"buf len: " . length($buf) . " expected: $len"); # TODO: if we are longer than 5 seconds here, we should reset } # # we got more than needed if(length($buf)>$len) { #check if this is ok my $remainpart = substr($buf,$len); $hash->{PARTIAL} .= $remainpart; $buf = substr($buf,0,$len); Log(5,"we got too much.. buf(" .unpack("H*",$buf).") remainingpart(" .unpack("H*",$remainpart).")"); } Log(5,"getRequest len: $len packet: ". unpack("H*",$buf) . "\n"); return $buf; } return undef; } # Receive group data # getGroup hash sub getGroup($) { my $hash = shift; if($hash->{DevType} eq 'EIBD') { goto error unless my $buf = getRequest($hash); my ($head, $data) = unpack ("na*", $buf); goto error unless $head == 0x0027; return decode_eibd($data); } elsif($hash->{DevType} eq 'TPUART') { my $ackdst = $hash->{AckLineDef}; my $buf = $hash->{PARTIAL}; my $reqlen = 8; my $telegram; do { my $data = getRequestFixLength($hash,$reqlen-length($buf)) if($reqlen>length($buf)); if(length($buf)==0 && (!defined($data)||length($data)==0)) { Log(5,"read fix length delivered no data."); return undef; } $buf .= $data if(defined($data)); # check that control byte is correct my $ctrl = unpack("C",$buf) if(length($buf)>0); if(defined($ctrl) && ($ctrl&0x40) ) { $buf = substr($buf,1); $hash->{PARTIAL} = $buf; Log(5,"TPUART RSP " . sprintf("0x%02x",$ctrl) ." ignored."); return undef; } if(length($buf)>5) { my $routingcnt = unpack("xxxxxC", $buf); $reqlen = ($routingcnt & 0x0F)+8; Log(5,"receiving telegram with len: $reqlen"); } if($reqlen <= length($buf)) { $telegram = substr($buf,0,$reqlen-1); $buf = substr($buf,$reqlen); } } while(!defined($telegram)); Log(5, "Telegram: (".length($telegram)."): " . unpack("H*",$telegram)); Log(5, "Buf: (".length($buf)."): " . unpack("H*",$buf)); $hash->{PARTIAL} = $buf; my $msg = decode_tpuart($telegram); #check if we refused a telegram (i.e. repeats) $hash->{REFUSED} = unpack("H*",$telegram) if(!defined($msg)); # We are always too late for Ack # if(defined($msg) && (substr($msg->{'dst'},0,2) eq $ackdst)) # { # # ACK # sendRequest($hash,pack('C',0x11)); # Log(5,"Ack!"); # } return $msg; } Log(2,"DevType $hash->{DevType} not supported for getGroup\n"); return undef; error: print "seems like eibd not connected\n"; return undef; } # Gets a request from eibd # DATA = getRequest SOCK sub getRequest($) { my $hash = shift; my ($data); if($hash->{TCPDev} && $hash->{DevType} eq 'EIBD') { goto error unless sysread($hash->{TCPDev}, $data, 2); my $size = unpack ("n", $data); goto error unless sysread($hash->{TCPDev}, $data, $size); Log(5,"Received packet: ". unpack("H*",$data) . "\n"); return $data; } elsif($hash->{USBDev}) { my $data = $hash->{USBDev}->input(); Log(5,"Received packet: ". unpack("H*",$data) . "\n") if(defined($data) and length($data)>0); return $data; } Log(1,"TUL $hash->{NAME}: can not select a source for reading data."); return undef; error: printf "eibd communication failed\n"; return undef; } # Sends a request to eibd # sendRequest Hash,DATA sub sendRequest($$) { my ($hash,$str) = @_; Log(5,"sendRequest: ". unpack("H*",$str). "\n"); if($hash->{TCPDev}) { my $size = length($str); my @head = (($size >> 8) & 0xff, $size & 0xff); return undef unless syswrite($hash->{TCPDev},pack("CC", @head)); return undef unless syswrite($hash->{TCPDev}, $str); } elsif($hash->{USBDev}) { $hash->{USBDev}->write($str); } else { Log(2,"TUL $hash->{NAME}: No known physical protocoll defined."); return undef; } return 1; } 1; =pod =begin html


    The TUL module is the representation of a EIB / KNX connector in FHEM. KNX instances represent the EIB / KNX devices and will need a TUL as IODev to communicate with the EIB / KNX network.
    The TUL module is designed to connect to EIB network either using EIBD or the TUL usb stick created by busware.de Note: this module may require the Device::SerialPort or Win32::SerialPort module if you attach the device via USB and the OS sets strange default parameters for serial devices.
      define <name> TUL <device> <physical address>

      TUL usb stick / TPUART serial devices:
        <device> specifies the serial port to communicate with the TUL. The name of the serial-device depends on your distribution, under linux the cdc_acm kernel module is responsible, and usually a /dev/ttyACM0 device will be created. If your distribution does not have a cdc_acm module, you can force usbserial to handle the TUL by the following command:
          modprobe usbserial vendor=0x03eb product=0x204b
        In this case the device is most probably /dev/ttyUSB0.

        You can also specify a baudrate if the device name contains the @ character, e.g.: /dev/ttyACM0@19200

        Note: For TUL usb stick the baudrate 19200 is needed and this is the default when no baudrate is given.

        define tul TUL tul:/dev/ttyACM0 1.1.249
        <device> specifies the host:port of the eibd device. E.g. eibd: When using the standard port, the port can be omitted.

        define tul TUL eibd:localhost 1.1.249

      If the device is called none, then no device will be opened, so you can experiment without hardware attached.
      The physical address is used as the source address of telegrams sent to EIB network.

    • do_not_notify

    • dummy

    • showtime

    • verbose

    • useEIB

      • The device operates the module 10_EIB, if this flag is set to 1. This is used for backward compatibility only. Otherwise, only the client 10_KNX is used.

=end html =begin html_DE


    Das Modul TUL stellt die Verbindung von FHEM zum EIB / KNX dar. KNX Instanzen stellen die Vrbindung zu den KNX-Gruppen dar und benÖtigen ein TUL-Device als IO-Schnittstelle.
    Das Modul TUL kommuniziert mit dem KNX entweder Über den EIBD, den KNXD oder den TUL TUL usb stick hergestellt von busware.de Anmerkung: das Modul benÖtigt die Device::SerialPort oder Win32::SerialPort wenn der Stick Über USB angeschlossen wird, und das OS unrealistische Parameter fÜr das Device einstellt.
      define <name> TUL <device> <physical address>

      TUL usb stick / TPUART serial devices:
        <device> enthält die serielle Schnittstelle der TUL. Der name der Schnittstelle hängt von Eurer Distribution ab. Unter linux wird fÜr gewÖhnlich /dev/ttyACM0 verwandt. Wenn Eure Distribution das modul cdc_acm nicht enthält, kÖnnt Ihr das Laden des handles der TUL mit dem folgenden Befehl erzwingen:
          modprobe usbserial vendor=0x03eb product=0x204b
        Dann ist die Schnittstelle meist /dev/ttyUSB0.

        Ihr kÖnnt dem Gerät eine Baudrate vorgeben. Dazu dem Gerätenamen das Zeichen @ hinzufÜgen, z.B.: /dev/ttyACM0@19200

        Anmerkung: FÜr den TUL-USB-Stick wird die Baudrate 19200 benÖtigt. Dies entspricht der Defaulteinstellung.

        define tul TUL tul:/dev/ttyACM0 1.1.249
        <device> entspricht dem host:port des eibd-servers. z.B. eibd: Wenn der Standardport genutzt wird, muss dieser nicht angegeben werden.

        define tul TUL eibd:localhost 1.1.249

      Wenn das Gerät none konfiguriert wird, wird kein device geÖffnet. So kÖnnt Ihr ohne angeschlossene Hardware experimentieren.
      Die physikalische Adresse wird als Absender fÜr KNX-Telegramme genutzt.

    • do_not_notify

    • dummy

    • showtime

    • verbose

    • useEIB

      • Das Gerät kann das Modul 10_EIB bedienen, wenn das Flag auf 1 gesetzt ist. Dies ist nur fÜr RÜckwärtskompatibiliät genutzt. Andernfalls wird nur das Modul 10_KNX bedient.

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