######################################################################### # $Id$ # fhem Modul für Waterkotte Wärmepumpe mit Resümat CD4 Steuerung # Vorlage: Modul WHR962, diverse Foreneinträge sowie Artikel über Auswertung der # Wärmepumpe mit Linux / Perl im Linux Magazin aus 2010 # insbesondere: # http://www.haustechnikdialog.de/Forum/t/6144/Waterkotte-5017-3-an-den-Computer-anschliessen?page=2 (Speicheradressen-Liste) # http://www.ip-symcon.de/forum/threads/2092-ComPort-und-Waterkotte-abfragen (Protokollbeschreibung) # http://www.haustechnikdialog.de/Forum/t/6144/Waterkotte-5017-3-an-den-Computer-anschliessen?page=4 (Beispiel Befehls-Strings) # # This file is part of fhem. # # Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with fhem. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # ############################################################################## # Changelog: # # 2013-11-1 initial version # 2013-12-25 bug fixes, GPL comment added, loglevel reading removed # 2014-4-7 performance tuning, read handling with binary string instead of hex string # 2014-5-22 decode mode - heating, cooling, warm water on / off # 2015-7-23 added utf8 encoding of state string, Added name to Log3 calls # package main; use strict; use warnings; use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday); use Encode qw(decode encode); # # list of Readings / values that can explicitely be requested # from the WP with the GET command my %WKRCD4_gets = ( "Hzg-TempBasisSoll" => "Hzg-TempBasisSoll", "WW-Temp-Soll" => "Temp-WW-Soll" ); # list of Readings / values that can be written to the WP my %WKRCD4_sets = ( "Hzg-TempBasisSoll" => "Hzg-TempBasisSoll" ); # Definition of the values that can be read / written # with the relative address, number of bytes and # fmat to be used in sprintf when formatting the value # unp to be used in pack / unpack commands # min / max for setting values # my %frameReadings = ( 'Versions-Nummer' => { addr => 0x0000, bytes => 0x0002, unp => 'n' }, 'Temp-Aussen' => { addr => 0x0008, bytes => 0x0004, fmat => '%0.1f', unp => 'f<' }, 'Temp-Ruecklauf-Soll' => { addr => 0x0014, bytes => 0x0004, fmat => '%0.1f', unp => 'f<' }, 'Temp-Ruecklauf' => { addr => 0x0018, bytes => 0x0004, fmat => '%0.1f', unp => 'f<' }, 'Temp-Vorlauf' => { addr => 0x001C, bytes => 0x0004, fmat => '%0.1f', unp => 'f<' }, 'Temp-WW-Soll' => { addr => 0x0020, bytes => 0x0004, fmat => '%0.1f', unp => 'f<' }, 'Temp-WW' => { addr => 0x0024, bytes => 0x0004, fmat => '%0.1f', unp => 'f<' }, 'Temp-Raum' => { addr => 0x0028, bytes => 0x0004, fmat => '%0.1f', unp => 'f<' }, 'Temp-WQuelle-Ein' => { addr => 0x0030, bytes => 0x0004, fmat => '%0.1f', unp => 'f<' }, 'Temp-WQuelle-Aus' => { addr => 0x0034, bytes => 0x0004, fmat => '%0.1f', unp => 'f<' }, 'Temp-Verdampfer' => { addr => 0x0038, bytes => 0x0004, fmat => '%0.1f', unp => 'f<' }, 'Temp-Kondensator' => { addr => 0x003C, bytes => 0x0004, fmat => '%0.1f', unp => 'f<' }, 'Temp-Saugleitung' => { addr => 0x0040, bytes => 0x0004, fmat => '%0.1f', unp => 'f<' }, 'Druck-Verdampfer' => { addr => 0x0048, bytes => 0x0004, fmat => '%0.1f', unp => 'f<' }, 'Druck-Kondensator' => { addr => 0x004C, bytes => 0x0004, fmat => '%0.1f', unp => 'f<' }, 'Hzg-TempEinsatz' => { addr => 0x00F4, bytes => 0x0004, fmat => '%0.1f', unp => 'f<', min => 15.0, max => 20.0 }, 'Hzg-TempBasisSoll' => { addr => 0x00F8, bytes => 0x0004, fmat => '%0.1f', unp => 'f<', min => 20.0, max => 24.0 }, 'Hzg-KlSteilheit' => { addr => 0x00FC, bytes => 0x0004, fmat => '%0.1f', unp => 'f<', min => 15.0, max => 30.0 }, 'Hzg-KlBegrenz' => { addr => 0x0100, bytes => 0x0004, fmat => '%0.1f', unp => 'f<' }, 'Hzg-TempRlSoll' => { addr => 0x0050, bytes => 0x0004, fmat => '%0.1f', unp => 'f<' }, 'Hzg-TempRlIst' => { addr => 0x0054, bytes => 0x0004, fmat => '%0.1f', unp => 'f<' }, 'Hzg-TmpRaumSoll' => { addr => 0x0105, bytes => 0x0004, fmat => '%0.1f', unp => 'f<' }, 'Hzg-RaumEinfluss' => { addr => 0x0109, bytes => 0x0001, unp => 'C' }, 'Hzg-ExtAnhebung' => { addr => 0x010A, bytes => 0x0004, fmat => '%0.1f', unp => 'f<', min => -5.0, max => 5.0 }, 'Hzg-Zeit-Ein' => { addr => 0x010E, bytes => 0x0003, fmat => '%3$02d:%2$02d:%1$02d', unp => 'CCC'}, 'Hzg-Zeit-Aus' => { addr => 0x0111, bytes => 0x0003, fmat => '%3$02d:%2$02d:%1$02d', unp => 'CCC' }, 'Hzg-AnhebungEin' => { addr => 0x0114, bytes => 0x0003, fmat => '%3$02d:%2$02d:%1$02d', unp => 'CCC' }, 'Hzg-AnhebungAus' => { addr => 0x0117, bytes => 0x0003, fmat => '%3$02d:%2$02d:%1$02d', unp => 'CCC' }, 'Hzg-St2Begrenz' => { addr => 0x011A, bytes => 0x0004, fmat => '%0.1f', unp => 'f<' }, 'Hzg-Hysterese' => { addr => 0x011E, bytes => 0x0004, fmat => '%0.1f', unp => 'f<', min => 1.0, max => 3.0 }, 'Hzg-PumpenNachl' => { addr => 0x0122, bytes => 0x0001, unp => 'C', min => 0, max => 120 }, 'Klg-Abschaltung' => { addr => 0x0123, bytes => 0x0001, unp => 'C' }, 'Klg-Temp-Einsatz' => { addr => 0x0124, bytes => 0x0004, fmat => '%0.1f', unp => 'f<' }, 'Klg-TeBasisSoll' => { addr => 0x0128, bytes => 0x0004, fmat => '%0.1f', unp => 'f<' }, 'Klg-KlSteilheit' => { addr => 0x012C, bytes => 0x0004, fmat => '%0.1f', unp => 'f<' }, 'Klg-KlBegrenz' => { addr => 0x0130, bytes => 0x0004, fmat => '%0.1f', unp => 'f<' }, 'Klg-KlSollwert' => { addr => 0x0058, bytes => 0x0004, fmat => '%0.1f', unp => 'f<' }, 'Klg-Temp-Rl' => { addr => 0x005C, bytes => 0x0004, fmat => '%0.1f', unp => 'f<' }, 'Ww-Abschaltung' => { addr => 0x0134, bytes => 0x0001 }, 'Ww-Zeit-Ein' => { addr => 0x0135, bytes => 0x0003, fmat => '%3$02d:%2$02d:%1$02d', unp => 'CCC' }, 'Ww-Zeit-Aus' => { addr => 0x0138, bytes => 0x0003, fmat => '%3$02d:%2$02d:%1$02d', unp => 'CCC' }, 'Ww-Temp-Ist' => { addr => 0x0060, bytes => 0x0004, fmat => '%0.1f', unp => 'f<' }, 'Ww-Temp-Soll' => { addr => 0x013b, bytes => 0x0004, fmat => '%0.1f', unp => 'f<', min => 35, max => 55 }, 'Ww-Hysterese' => { addr => 0x0143, bytes => 0x0004, fmat => '%0.1f', unp => 'f<', min => 5, max => 10}, 'Uhrzeit' => { addr => 0x0064, bytes => 0x0003, fmat => '%3$02d:%2$02d:%1$02d', unp => 'CCC' }, 'Datum' => { addr => 0x0067, bytes => 0x0003, fmat => '%02d.%02d.%02d', unp => 'CCC'}, 'BetrStundenKompressor' => { addr => 0x006A, bytes => 0x0004, fmat => '%0.1f', unp => 'f<' }, 'BetrStundenHzgPu' => { addr => 0x006E, bytes => 0x0004, fmat => '%0.1f', unp => 'f<' }, 'BetrStundenWwPu' => { addr => 0x0072, bytes => 0x0004, fmat => '%0.1f', unp => 'f<' }, 'BetrStundenSt2' => { addr => 0x0076, bytes => 0x0004, fmat => '%0.1f', unp => 'f<' }, 'Zeit' => { addr => 0x0064, bytes => 0x0006, fmat=> '%4$02d.%5$02d.%6$02d %3$02d:%2$02d:%1$02d', unp => 'CCCCCC'}, 'SetBetriebsMode' => { addr => 0x014E, bytes => 0x0003, unp => 'N', pack => 'xC*'}, 'Display-Zeile-1' => { addr => 0x008E, bytes => 0x0002, unp => 'n' }, 'Display-Zeile-2' => { addr => 0x0090, bytes => 0x0001, unp => 'C' }, 'Status-Gesamt' => { addr => 0x00D2, bytes => 0x0001, unp => 'C' }, 'Status-Heizung' => { addr => 0x00D4, bytes => 0x0003, unp => 'B24' }, 'Status-Kuehlung' => { addr => 0x00DA, bytes => 0x0003, unp => 'B24' }, 'Mode-Heizung' => { addr => 0x00DF, bytes => 0x0001, unp => 'B8' }, 'Mode-Kuehlung' => { addr => 0x00E0, bytes => 0x0001, unp => 'B8' }, 'Mode-Warmwasser' => { addr => 0x00E1, bytes => 0x0001, unp => 'B8' }, 'Heizung' => { addr => 0x00DF, bytes => 0x0001, unp => 'b' }, 'Kuehlung' => { addr => 0x00E0, bytes => 0x0001, unp => 'b' }, 'Warmwasser' => { addr => 0x00E1, bytes => 0x0001, unp => 'b' } ); # # FHEM module intitialisation # defines the functions to be called from FHEM ######################################################################### sub WKRCD4_Initialize($) { my ($hash) = @_; require "$attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM/DevIo.pm"; $hash->{ReadFn} = "WKRCD4_Read"; $hash->{ReadyFn} = "WKRCD4_Ready"; $hash->{DefFn} = "WKRCD4_Define"; $hash->{UndefFn} = "WKRCD4_Undef"; $hash->{SetFn} = "WKRCD4_Set"; $hash->{GetFn} = "WKRCD4_Get"; $hash->{AttrList} = "do_not_notify:1,0 " . $readingFnAttributes; } # # Define command # init internal values, open device, # set internal timer to send read command / wakeup ######################################################################### # sub WKRCD4_Define($$) { my ( $hash, $def ) = @_; my @a = split( "[ \t][ \t]*", $def ); return "wrong syntax: define <name> WKRCD4 [devicename\@speed|none] [interval]" if ( @a < 3 ); DevIo_CloseDev($hash); my $name = $a[0]; my $dev = $a[2]; my $interval = 60; if ( $dev eq "none" ) { Log3 undef, 1, "$name: device is none, commands will be echoed only"; return undef; } if(int(@a) == 4) { $interval= $a[3]; if ($interval < 20) { return "interval too small, please use something > 20, default is 60"; } } $hash->{buffer} = ""; $hash->{DeviceName} = $dev; $hash->{INTERVAL} = $interval; $hash->{SerialRequests} = 0; $hash->{SerialGoodReads} = 0; $hash->{SerialBadReads} = 0; # send wakeup string (read 2 values preceeded with AT) $hash->{LastRequestAdr} = 8; $hash->{LastRequestLen} = 4; $hash->{LastRequest} = gettimeofday(); my $ret = DevIo_OpenDev( $hash, 0, "WKRCD4_Wakeup" ); # initial read after 3 secs, there timer is set to interval for update and wakeup InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+3, "WKRCD4_GetUpdate", $hash, 0); return $ret; } # # undefine command when device is deleted ######################################################################### sub WKRCD4_Undef($$) { my ( $hash, $arg ) = @_; DevIo_CloseDev($hash); RemoveInternalTimer($hash); return undef; } # # Encode the data to be sent to the device (0x10 gets doubled) ######################################################################### sub Encode10 (@) { my @a = (); for my $byte (@_) { push @a, $byte; push @a, $byte if $byte == 0x10; } return @a; } # # create a command for the WP as byte array ######################################################################### sub WPCMD($$$$;@) { my ($hash, $cmd, $addr, $len, @value ) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my @frame = (); if ($cmd eq "read") { @frame = (0x01, 0x15, Encode10($addr>>8, $addr%256), Encode10($len>>8, $len%256)); } elsif ($cmd eq "write") { @frame = (0x01, 0x13, Encode10($addr>>8, $addr%256), Encode10(@value)); } else { Log3 $name, 3, "$name: undefined cmd ($cmd) in WPCMD"; return 0; } my $crc = CRC16(@frame); return (0xff, 0x10, 0x02, @frame, 0x10, 0x03, $crc >> 8, $crc % 256, 0xff); } # # GET command ######################################################################### sub WKRCD4_Get($@) { my ( $hash, @a ) = @_; return "\"get WKRCD4\" needs at least an argument" if ( @a < 2 ); my $name = shift @a; my $attr = shift @a; my $arg = join("", @a); if(!$WKRCD4_gets{$attr}) { my @cList = keys %WKRCD4_gets; return "Unknown argument $attr, choose one of " . join(" ", @cList); } # get Hash pointer for the attribute requested from the global hash my $properties = $frameReadings{$WKRCD4_gets{$attr}}; if(!$properties) { return "No Entry in frameReadings found for $attr"; } # get details about the attribute requested from its hash my $addr = $properties->{addr}; my $bytes = $properties->{bytes}; Log3 $name, 4, sprintf ("$name: Get will read %02x bytes starting from %02x for $attr", $bytes, $addr); # create command for WP my $cmd = pack('C*', WPCMD($hash, 'read', $addr, $bytes)); # set internal variables to track what is happending $hash->{LastRequestAdr} = $addr; $hash->{LastRequestLen} = $bytes; $hash->{LastRequest} = gettimeofday(); $hash->{SerialRequests}++; Log3 $name, 4, "$name: Get -> Call DevIo_SimpleWrite: " . unpack ('H*', $cmd); DevIo_SimpleWrite( $hash, $cmd , 0 ); return sprintf ("Read %02x bytes starting from %02x", $bytes, $addr); } # # SET command ######################################################################### sub WKRCD4_Set($@) { my ( $hash, @a ) = @_; return "\"set WKRCD4\" needs at least an argument" if ( @a < 2 ); my $name = shift @a; my $attr = shift @a; my $arg = join("", @a); if(!defined($WKRCD4_sets{$attr})) { my @cList = keys %WKRCD4_sets; return "Unknown argument $attr, choose one of " . join(" ", @cList); } # get Hash pointer for the attribute requested from the global hash my $properties = $frameReadings{$WKRCD4_sets{$attr}}; if(!$properties) { return "No Entry in frameReadings found for $attr"; } # get details about the attribute requested from its hash my $addr = $properties->{addr}; my $bytes = $properties->{bytes}; my $min = $properties->{min}; my $max = $properties->{max}; my $unp = $properties->{unp}; return "a numerical value between $min and $max is expected, got $arg instead" if($arg !~ m/^[\d.]+$/ || $arg < $min || $arg > $max); # convert string to value needed for command my $vp = pack($unp, $arg); my @value = unpack ('C*', $vp); Log3 $name, 4, sprintf ("$name: Set will write $attr: %02x bytes starting from %02x with %s (%s) packed with $unp", $bytes, $addr, unpack ('H*', $vp), unpack ($unp, $vp)); my $cmd = pack('C*', WPCMD($hash, 'write', $addr, $bytes, @value)); # set internal variables to track what is happending $hash->{LastRequestAdr} = $addr; $hash->{LastRequestLen} = $bytes; $hash->{LastRequest} = gettimeofday(); $hash->{SerialRequests}++; Log3 $name, 4, "Set -> Call DevIo_SimpleWrite: " . unpack ('H*', $cmd); DevIo_SimpleWrite( $hash, $cmd , 0 ); return sprintf ("Wrote %02x bytes starting from %02x with %s (%s)", $bytes, $addr, unpack ('H*', $vp), unpack ($unp, $vp)); } ######################################################################### # called from the global loop, when the select for hash->{FD} reports data sub WKRCD4_Read($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; # read from serial device my $buf = DevIo_SimpleRead($hash); return "" if ( !defined($buf) ); $hash->{buffer} .= $buf; Log3 $name, 5, "$name: read buffer content: " . unpack ('H*', $hash->{buffer}); # did we already get a full frame? if ( $hash->{buffer} !~ /\xff\x10\x02(.{2})(.*)\x10\x03(.{2})\xff(.*)/s ) { Log3 $name, 5, "$name: read NoMatch: " . unpack ('H*', $hash->{buffer}); return ""; } my $msg = unpack ('H*', $1); my @aframe = unpack ('C*', $1 . $2); my $crc = unpack ('S>', $3); my $rest = $4; $hash->{buffer} = $rest; Log3 $name, 4, "$name: read match msg: $msg CRC $crc"; Log3 $name, 5, "$name: read frame is " . unpack ('H*', pack ('C*', @aframe)) . ", Rest " . unpack ('H*', $rest); # calculate CRC and compare with CRC from read my $crc2 = CRC16(@aframe); if ($crc != $crc2) { Log3 $name, 3, "$name: read Bad CRC from WP: $crc, berechnet: $crc2"; Log3 $name, 4, "$name: read Frame was " . unpack ('H*', pack ('C*', @aframe)); $hash->{SerialBadReads} ++; @aframe = (); return ""; }; Log3 $name, 4, "$name: read CRC Ok."; $hash->{SerialGoodReads}++; # reply to read request ? if ($msg eq "0017") { my @data; for(my $i=0,my $offset=2;$offset<=$#aframe;$offset++,$i++) { # remove duplicate 0x10 (frames are encoded like this) if (($aframe[$offset]==16)&&($aframe[$offset+1]==16)) { $offset++; } $data[$i] = $aframe[$offset]; } Log3 $name, 4, "$name: read -> Parse with relative request start " . $hash->{LastRequestAdr} . " Len " . $hash->{LastRequestLen}; # extract values from data parseReadings($hash, @data); } elsif ($msg eq "0011") { # reply to write } else { Log3 $name, 3, "$name: read got unknown Msg type " . $msg . " in " . $hash->{buffer}; } @aframe = (); return ""; } # # copied from other FHEM modules ######################################################################### sub WKRCD4_Ready($) { my ($hash) = @_; return DevIo_OpenDev( $hash, 1, undef ) if ( $hash->{STATE} eq "disconnected" ); # This is relevant for windows/USB only my $po = $hash->{USBDev}; my ( $BlockingFlags, $InBytes, $OutBytes, $ErrorFlags ) = $po->status; return ( $InBytes > 0 ); } # # send wakeup /at least my waterkotte WP doesn't respond otherwise ######################################################################### sub WKRCD4_Wakeup($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; $hash->{SerialRequests}++; $hash->{LastRequestAdr} = 8; $hash->{LastRequestLen} = 4; $hash->{LastRequest} = gettimeofday(); my $cmd = "41540D100201150008000410037EA010020115003000041003FDC3100201150034000410037D90"; DevIo_SimpleWrite( $hash, $cmd , 1 ); Log3 $name, 5, "$name: sent wakeup string: " . $cmd . " done."; return undef; } # # request new data from WP ################################### sub WKRCD4_GetUpdate($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVAL}, "WKRCD4_GetUpdate", $hash, 1); InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVAL}/2, "WKRCD4_Wakeup", $hash, 1); $hash->{SerialRequests}++; my $cmd = pack('C*', WPCMD($hash, 'read', 0, 0x170)); $hash->{LastRequestAdr} = 0; $hash->{LastRequestLen} = 0x170; $hash->{LastRequest} = gettimeofday(); DevIo_SimpleWrite( $hash, $cmd , 0 ); Log3 $name, 5, "$name: GetUpdate -> Call DevIo_SimpleWrite: " . unpack ('H*', $cmd); return 1; } # # calculate CRC16 for communication with the WP ##################################################################################################### sub CRC16 { my $CRC = 0; my $POLY = 0x800500; for my $byte (@_, 0, 0) { $CRC |= $byte; for (0 .. 7) { $CRC <<= 1; if ($CRC & 0x1000000) { $CRC ^= $POLY; } $CRC &= 0xffffff; } } return $CRC >> 8; } # # get Values out of data read ##################################################################################################### sub parseReadings { my ($hash, @data) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $reqStart = $hash->{LastRequestAdr}; my $reqLen = $hash->{LastRequestLen}; # get enough bytes? if (@data >= $reqLen) { readingsBeginUpdate($hash); # go through all possible readings from global hash while (my ($reading, $property) = each(%frameReadings)) { my $addr = $property->{addr}; my $bytes = $property->{bytes}; # is reading inside data we got? if (($addr >= $reqStart) && ($addr + $bytes <= $reqStart + $reqLen)) { my $Idx = $addr - $reqStart; # get relevant slice from data array my @slice = @data[$Idx .. $Idx + $bytes - 1]; # convert according to rules in global hash or defaults my $pack = ($property->{pack}) ? $property->{pack} : 'C*'; my $unpack = ($property->{unp}) ? $property->{unp} : 'H*'; my $fmat = ($property->{fmat}) ? $property->{fmat} : '%s'; #my $value = sprintf ($fmat, unpack ($unpack, pack ($pack, @slice))) . " packed with $pack, unpacked with $unpack, (hex " . unpack ('H*', pack ('C*', @slice)) . ") format $fmat"; my $value = sprintf ($fmat, unpack ($unpack, pack ($pack, @slice))); readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, $reading, $value ); Log3 $name, 4, "$name: parse set reading $reading to $value" if (@data <= 20); } } my $Status = "WP idle"; if (ReadingsVal($name, "Heizung", 0)) { $Status = sprintf ("Heizung %s", ReadingsVal ($name, "Temp-Vorlauf", 0)); } elsif (ReadingsVal($name, "Kuehlung", 0)) { $Status = sprintf ("Kühlung %s", ReadingsVal ($name, "Temp-Vorlauf", 0)); } elsif (ReadingsVal($name, "Kuehlung", 0)) { $Status = sprintf ("Warmwasser %s", ReadingsVal ($name, "Temp-WW", 0)); } $Status = encode ("utf8", $Status); readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "Status", $Status); readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 ); } else { Log3 $name, 3, "$name: parse - data len smaller than requested ($reqLen) : " . unpack ('H*', pack ('C*', @data)); return 0; } } 1;