FW_version["fhemweb_fbcalllist.js"] = "$Id$"; // WORKAROUND - should be removed if a more suitable solution is found // remove all similar informid's in all parent elements to ensure further updates. // // neccessary if general attribute "group" is set. $(function () { $("div[arg=fbcalllist][informid]").each(function (index, obj) { name = $(obj).attr("dev"); $(obj).parents('[informid="'+name+'"]').removeAttr("informid"); }); }); function FW_processCallListUpdate(data) { var table = $(this).find("table.fbcalllist").first(); // clear the list if data starts with "clear" if(/^clear/.test(data)) { // if the table isn't already empty if(!table.find("tr[name=empty]").length) { var tmp = data.split(","); table.find("tr[number]").remove(); table.append(""+tmp[2]+""); } return; } // clear all lines greater than max-lines (e.g. after activate a filter statement) if(/^max-lines/.test(data)) { var tmp = data.split(","); table.find("tr[number]").filter(function(index,obj) {return (parseInt($(obj).attr("number")) > parseInt(tmp[1]));}).remove(); return; } // else it's JSON data with row updates var json_data = jQuery.parseJSON(data) if(table.find("tr[number="+json_data.line+"]").length) { $.each(json_data, function (key, val) { if(key == "line") { return true; } FW_setCallListValue(table,json_data.line,key,val); }); } else // add new tr row with the values) { // delete the empty tr row if it may exist table.find("tr[name=empty]").remove(); var new_tr = ''; var style = "style=\"padding-left:6px;padding-right:6px;\""; // create the corresponding tags with the received data $.each(json_data, function (key, val) { if(key == "line") { return true; } new_tr += ''+val+''; }); new_tr += ""; // insert new tr into table table.append(new_tr); } } function FW_setCallListValue(table,line,key,val) { table.find("tr[number="+line+"] td[name="+key+"]").each(function(index, obj) { $(obj).html(val); }); } function FW_FbCalllistCreate(elName, devName, vArr, currVal, set, params, cmd) { if(vArr[0] == "fbcalllist") { var newEl = $('div[informid="'+devName+'"]').get(0); newEl.setValueFn = FW_processCallListUpdate; return newEl; } } FW_widgets['fbcalllist'] = { createFn:FW_FbCalllistCreate };