#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use CGI; sub collectSubmitted($$@); sub printChapter($$@); my @hw = qw( ALL3076 ALL4000T ALL4027 BS CM11 CUL CUL_EM CUL_FHTTK CUL_HM CUL_HOERMANN CUL_IR CUL_MAX CUL_RFR CUL_TX CUL_WS ECMD ECMDDevice EIB EM EMEM EMGZ EMWZ ESA2000 EnOcean FB_CALLMONITOR FBAHA FBDECT FHT FHT8V FHZ FRM FRM_AD FRM_I2C FRM_IN FRM_OUT FRM_PWM FRM_SERVO FS20 HMLAN HMS HTTPSRV HUEBridge HUEDevice IPCAM IPWE IT Itach_Relay KM271 KS300 LGTV LINDY_HDMI_SWITCH LIRC LUXTRONIK2 M232 M232Counter M232Voltage MAX MAXLAN NetIO230B OREGON OWAD OWCOUNT OWDevice OWFS OWID OWLCD OWMULTI OWSWITCH OWServer OWTEMP OWTHERM OWX POKEYS PRESENCE RFXCOM RFXMETER RFXX10REC RSS SCIVT SISPM SIS_PMS SML STV TCM TRX TRX_ELSE TRX_LIGHT TRX_SECURITY TRX_WEATHER TUL TellStick UNIRoll USBWX USF1000 VantagePro2 WEBCOUNT WEBIO WEBIO_12DIGITAL WEBTHERM WS2000 WS300 WS3600 Weather X10 YAMAHA_AVR ZWDongle ZWave xxLG7000 ); my @help = qw( CULflash Calendar DbLog FB_CALLMONITOR FHEM2FHEM FileLog HCS Heating_Control JsonList MSG MSGFile MSGMail PID PRESENCE PachLog SUNRISE_EL SYSSTAT Twilight WOL XmlList at autocreate average backup createlog dewpoint dummy fheminfo holiday notice notify sequence structure telnet update usb watchdog weblink ); my @fe = ( "FHEMRENDERER", "HomeMini", "android: andFHEM", "fheME", "iPhone: dhs-computertechnik", "iPhone: fhemgw", "iPhone: fhemobile", "iPhone: phyfhem", "myHCE", "pgm2/FHEMWEB with SVG", "pgm2/FHEMWEB with gnuplot", "pgm3", "pgm5", ); my @platform = ( "Fritz!Box 7170", "Fritz!Box 7270", "Fritz!Box 7390", "NSLU2", "OSX", "PC: BSD", "PC: Linux", "PC: Windows", "Plug Computer", "Raspberry PI", "Synology", "TuxRadio", ); my $title = "Used FHEM Modules & Components"; my $q = new CGI; print $q->header, $q->start_html( -title => $title, -style => {-src=>"../www/pgm2/style.css"}), "\n"; print '<div id="left">', "\n", '<div id="menuScrollArea">',"\n", '<div id="logo"></div>',"\n", '<div id="menu">',"\n", '<h3>FHEM survey</h3>', "\n", '</div>', "\n", '</div>', "\n"; print '<div id="right">',"\n", $q->h3("$title"), "\n"; if($q->param('Submit')) { my $ret = ""; $ret .= collectSubmitted("1. User", 0, ("user")); $ret .= collectSubmitted("2. Hardware", 1, @hw); $ret .= collectSubmitted("3. Helper", 1, @help); $ret .= collectSubmitted("4. Frontends",1, @fe); $ret .= collectSubmitted("5. Platform", 1, @platform); $ret .= collectSubmitted("6. Other", 0, ("other")); if(0) { $ret =~ s/\n/<br>\n/g; print $ret; } else { require Mail::Send; my $msg = Mail::Send->new; $msg->to('info-r@koeniglich.de'); $msg->subject('Formulardaten'); my $fh = $msg->open; print $fh $ret; if(!$fh->close) { print "Couldn't send message: $!\n"; } else { print "Collected data is forwarded for half-automated evaluation.\n"; } } print "</div>\n"; print $q->end_html; exit(0); } print "This is a survey to get a feeling which fhem modules are used.<br>"; print "<br>"; print $q->start_form; ############################################## print $q->h4("User (optional):"); print $q->textfield(-name=>'user', -size=>18, -maxsize=>36); ############################################## sub printChapter($$@) { my @arr = @_; my $name = shift @arr; my $cols = shift @arr; @arr = sort(@arr); print $q->h4("$name:"); print "<div id=\"block\">"; print "<table><tr>"; foreach(my $i=0; $i < @arr; $i++) { print "<td>",$q->checkbox(-name=>"$arr[$i]",-label=>"$arr[$i]"),"</td>"; print "</tr><tr>\n" if($i % $cols == ($cols-1)); } print "</tr></table>"; print "</div>"; } sub collectSubmitted($$@) { my ($name, $flags, @arr) = @_; my $ret = ""; my @set; foreach my $f (@arr) { #print "Testing $f ", ($q->param($f) ? $q->param($f) : "UNDEF"), "<br>\n"; push @set, $f if($q->param($f) && $flags); push @set, $q->param($f) if($q->param($f) && !$flags); } $ret .= join(", ' '", @set) if(@set); return "$name\n '$ret'\n"; } printChapter("Hardware devices", 4, @hw); printChapter("Helper modules", 6, @help); printChapter("Frontends", 3, @fe); printChapter("Platform", 5, @platform); ############################################## print $q->h4("Other modules:"); print $q->textfield(-name=>'other', -size=>80, -maxsize=>80); print "<br><br><br>\n"; print $q->submit('Submit'); print "<br><br><br>\n"; print $q->end_form; print "</div>\n"; print $q->end_html;