global" $fhemport="7072"; # port of $logpath="/mnt/fhz/"; # where are your logs? Use a writabel nfs-share if pgm3 and fhem are not on the same machine $AbsolutPath="/srv/www/htdocs/"; # where ist your pgm3? ################################################################################## ###### nice to have ##### logrotate of hms, ks300, fht # this is only possible, if the webserver (e.g.wwwrun) has the rights ro write the # files from If you want that then run as wwwrun too. # if 'yes' then only the needed lines are in the logfiles, the rest will be deleted. $logrotate='yes'; # yes/no default='yes' ## Kioskmode. Only show but don't switch anything. Values: on/off $kioskmode='off'; ## Webcams $showwebcam=0; #shows webcam-Urls or other pictures (0/1) $webcamwidth='150'; # the width of the shown picture $wgetpath="/usr/bin/wget"; # you need the package wget for http, ftp... $webcamroom='donthide'; # existing room. Otherwise it will either # be in ALL or wiht 'donthide' not hided $webcam[0]='http://webcam/IMAGE.JPG'; $webcam[1]='http://webcam2/IMAGE.JPG'; #$webcam[1]=''; #$webcam[1]='IMAGE.PNG'; # Supported are Webcams with http:// ftp:// .... # and Images wich must be copied to /tmp/ # $webcam[2]='http://...'; # ... # Weather # Google-Api. It requires an Internet Connection $enableweather=1; # show the google-weather? $weathercity='Linden'; $weathercountry='Germany'; $weatherlang='de'; #$weatherlang='en'; $weatherroom='donthide'; # existing room. Otherwise it will either # be in ALL or with 'donthide' not hided ############################################################################################## ## FHZ-DEVICES $show_general=1; #field to type FHZ1000-orders 0/1 Default:1 $show_fs20pulldown=1; #Pull-Down for the FS20 Devices 0/1 Default:1 $show_fhtpulldown=1; #Pull-Down for the FHT-Devices 0/1 Default:1 $show_logpulldown=1; #Pull-Down for Log-files and FS20 (grep fhem.log) $logsort='| sort -r'; #sort the Log-Output how you want; ############################################################################################## # ATTENTION: the changes of sizes only affects after the next build of pictures! # or delete the old pictures: rm /tmp/* ############################################################################################## ## FS20-Device, adjust it if you have e.g. long titles $imgmaxxfs20=85; #Size of the pictures, default=85 $imgmaxyfs20=85; # default=85 $fs20fontsizetitel=10; # default=10 $fs20maxiconperline=9; # default=9 #room. Write e.g. "attr rolowz room wzo" #into your fhem.cfg and restart # this will be marked on the FS20-Button. $txtroom=""; # default=""; example: $txtroom="room: "; # room hidden will not be shown ############################################################################################## ## ROOMS adjust it if you have e.g. long titles $showroombuttons=1; #default 1 Values 0/1 $imgmaxxroom=$imgmaxxfs20; #Size of the pictures, default=$imgmaxxfs20 $imgmaxyroom=30; # default=30 $roomfontsizetitel=10; # default=9 $roommaxiconperline=$fs20maxiconperline; # default=$fs20maxiconperline ############################################################################################## ## FHT-Devices $imgmaxxfht=725; #Size of the pictures Default: 725 $imgmaxyfht=52; $show_desiredtemp=1; # show the desired_temp as a graphic (0/1) $desR='255'; $desG='255'; $desB='255'; # Color of desired-temp-line Red/Green/Blue (Default: 255/255/255) $show_actuator=1; # show the actuator-value as a graphic (0/1) $actR='255'; $actG='247'; $actB='200'; # Color of Actuator-line Red/Green/Blue (Default: 255/247/200) $FHTyrange='15:31'; # Temperature in gnuplot. Default 15 to 31 (Celsius) $FHTy2range='0:70'; # Actuator in gnuplot. Default 0 to 70 (Percent) $maxcount='510'; # Maximum count of pixel (from right to left) (Default:460) $XcorrectDate=380; # Text of e.g. Date from the right side (Default:380) $XcorrectMainText=32; # Text of main text from the right side (Default: 32) $logrotateFHTlines=5400; # automatic Logrotate; $logrotate must be 'yes'. # Default:4800 # read docs/logrotate if you want adjust it manually! # otherwise the system will slow down # pgm3 (user www-data) needs the rights to write the logs # from (user = ???) ############################################################################################## ## HMS-Devices $imgmaxxhms=725; #Size of the pictures. Default: 725 $imgmaxyhms=52; $maxcountHMS='575'; # Maximum count of pixel (from right to left) (Default:575) $XcorrectMainTextHMS=25; # Text of main text from the right side (Default:) $showdewpoint='yes'; # Dewpoint (german: taupunkt) $logrotateHMSlines=1200; # automatic Logrotate; $logrotate must be 'yes'. # Default:1200 # read docs/logrotate if you want adjust it manually! # otherwise the system will slow down # pgm3 (user www-data) needs the rights to write the logs # from (user = ???) ############################################################################################## ## KS300-Device $imgmaxxks=725; #Size of the pictures Default: 725 $imgmaxyks=52; $showbft=1; # Display values additionaly in Beafort. Values: 0 /1 Default:1 $maxcountKS='575'; # Maximum count of pixel (from right to left) (Default:575) $showdewpointks300='yes'; # Dewpoint (german: taupunkt) $XcorrectMainTextKS=45; # Text of main text from the right side (Default: 35) $logrotateKS300lines=2100; # automatic Logrotate; $logrotate must be 'yes'. # Default:2100 # read docs/logrotate if you want adjust it manually # otherwise the system will slow down # pgm3 (user www-data) needs the rights to write the logs # from (user = ???) ############################################################################################## ## USERDEF # # Create your own graphics! If you have separate Programs (e.g. wired devices) then create your own # logfile and tell pgm3 to use it. # We only need a data/time-field in the form _