############################################## # - Be aware: Installing the DateTime modules might be tedious, one way is: # perl -MCPAN -e shell # cpan> install DateTime::Event::Sunrise # - Please call sunrise_coord before using this module, else you'll get times # for frankfurt am main (germany). See the "at" entry in commandref.html package main; use strict; use warnings; use DateTime; use DateTime::Event::Sunrise; sub sr($$$$); sub sunrise_rel(@); sub sunset_rel(@); sub sunrise_abs(@); sub sunset_abs(@); sub isday(); sub sunrise_coord($$$); sub SUNRISE_Initialize($); # See perldoc DateTime::Event::Sunrise for details my $long = "8.686"; my $lat = "50.112"; my $tz = "Europe/Berlin"; sub SUNRISE_Initialize($) { my ($hash) = @_; } ########################## # Compute: # rise: 1: event is sunrise (else sunset) # isrel: 1: _relative_ times until the next event (else absolute for today) # seconds: second offset to event # daycheck: if set, then return 1 if the sun is visible, 0 else sub sr($$$$) { my ($rise, $seconds, $isrel, $daycheck) = @_; my $sunrise = DateTime::Event::Sunrise ->new( longitude => $long, latitude => $lat, altitude => '-6', # Civil twilight iteration => '3'); my $now = DateTime->now(time_zone => $tz); my $stm = ($rise ? $sunrise->sunrise_datetime( $now ) : $sunrise->sunset_datetime( $now )); if($daycheck) { return 0 if(DateTime->compare($now, $stm) < 0); $stm = $sunrise->sunset_datetime( $now ); return 0 if(DateTime->compare($now, $stm) > 0); return 1; } if(!$isrel) { $stm = $stm->add(seconds => $seconds) if($seconds); return $stm->hms(); } $stm = $stm->add(seconds => $seconds) if($seconds); if(DateTime->compare($now, $stm) >= 0) { my $tom = DateTime->now(time_zone => $tz)->add(days => 1); $stm = ($rise ? $sunrise->sunrise_datetime( $tom ) : $sunrise->sunset_datetime( $tom )); $stm = $stm->add(seconds => $seconds) if($seconds); } my $diff = $stm->epoch - $now->epoch; return sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $diff/3600, ($diff/60)%60, $diff%60); } sub sunrise_rel(@) { return sr(1, shift, 1, 0) } sub sunset_rel(@) { return sr(0, shift, 1, 0) } sub sunrise_abs(@) { return sr(1, shift, 0, 0) } sub sunset_abs(@) { return sr(0, shift, 0, 0) } sub isday() { return sr(1, 0, 0, 1) } sub sunrise_coord($$$) { ($long, $lat, $tz) = @_; return undef; } 1;