######################################################################################################################## # $Id: API.pm 22832 2020-09-23 15:04:42Z DS_Starter $ ######################################################################################################################### # API.pm # # (c) 2020 - 2022 by Heiko Maaz # e-mail: Heiko dot Maaz at t-online dot de # # This Module provides Synology API information. # # This script is part of fhem. # # Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with fhem. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # ######################################################################################################################### package FHEM::SynoModules::API; use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use Carp qw(croak carp); use version; our $VERSION = version->declare('1.3.0'); # use lib qw(/opt/fhem/FHEM /opt/fhem/lib); # für Syntaxcheck mit: perl -c /opt/fhem/lib/FHEM/SynoModules/API.pm use Exporter ('import'); our @EXPORT_OK = qw(apistatic); our %EXPORT_TAGS = (all => [@EXPORT_OK]); my %hspecs = ( # Hash der verfügbaren API-Specs surveillance => {fn => \&_staticSurveillance }, chat => {fn => \&_staticChat }, calendar => {fn => \&_staticCalendar }, file => {fn => \&_staticFile }, ); ######################################################################## # Liefert die statischen Informationen der angefoderten API # $pec = surveillance | chat ######################################################################## sub apistatic { my $spec = shift // carp "got no API specification !" && return; if($hspecs{$spec} && defined &{$hspecs{$spec}{fn}}) { my $h = q{}; $h = &{$hspecs{$spec}{fn}}; $h->{INFO}{PATH} = "query.cgi"; $h->{INFO}{VER} = 1; return $h; } carp qq{API specification "$spec" not found !}; return; } ######################################################################## # Liefert die statischen Informationen der Surveillance API # mk : 1 - API Key muss vorhanden sein # 0 - API Key kann vorhanden sein ######################################################################## sub _staticSurveillance { my %hapi = ( INFO => { NAME => "SYNO.API.Info", mk => 1 }, # Info-Seite für alle API's, einzige statische Seite ! AUTH => { NAME => "SYNO.API.Auth", mk => 1 }, # API used to perform session login and logout SVSINFO => { NAME => "SYNO.SurveillanceStation.Info", mk => 1 }, EVENT => { NAME => "SYNO.SurveillanceStation.Event", mk => 1 }, EXTREC => { NAME => "SYNO.SurveillanceStation.ExternalRecording", mk => 1 }, EXTEVT => { NAME => "SYNO.SurveillanceStation.ExternalEvent", mk => 1 }, CAM => { NAME => "SYNO.SurveillanceStation.Camera", mk => 1 }, # stark geändert ab API v2.8 SNAPSHOT => { NAME => "SYNO.SurveillanceStation.SnapShot", mk => 1 }, # This API provides functions on snapshot, including taking, editing and deleting snapshots. PTZ => { NAME => "SYNO.SurveillanceStation.PTZ", mk => 1 }, PRESET => { NAME => "SYNO.SurveillanceStation.PTZ.Preset", mk => 1 }, CAMEVENT => { NAME => "SYNO.SurveillanceStation.Camera.Event", mk => 1 }, VIDEOSTM => { NAME => "SYNO.SurveillanceStation.VideoStreaming", mk => 1 }, # verwendet in Response von "SYNO.SurveillanceStation.Camera: GetLiveViewPath" -> StreamKey-Methode STM => { NAME => "SYNO.SurveillanceStation.Stream", mk => 1 }, # Beschreibung ist falsch und entspricht "SYNO.SurveillanceStation.Streaming" auch noch ab v2.8 HMODE => { NAME => "SYNO.SurveillanceStation.HomeMode", mk => 0 }, LOG => { NAME => "SYNO.SurveillanceStation.Log", mk => 1 }, AUDIOSTM => { NAME => "SYNO.SurveillanceStation.AudioStream", mk => 0 }, # Audiostream mit SID, removed in API v2.8 (noch undokumentiert verfügbar vor SVS 9.0.0 / API V 3.11) VIDEOSTMS => { NAME => "SYNO.SurveillanceStation.VideoStream", mk => 0 }, # Videostream mit SID, removed in API v2.8 (noch undokumentiert verfügbar vor SVS 9.0.0 / API V 3.11) REC => { NAME => "SYNO.SurveillanceStation.Recording", mk => 1 }, # This API provides method to query recording information. ); return \%hapi; } ######################################################################## # Liefert die statischen Informationen der Chat API ######################################################################## sub _staticChat { my %hapi = ( INFO => { NAME => "SYNO.API.Info", mk => 1 }, EXTERNAL => { NAME => "SYNO.Chat.External", mk => 1 }, ); return \%hapi; } ######################################################################## # Liefert die statischen Informationen der Calendar API ######################################################################## sub _staticCalendar { my %hapi = ( INFO => { NAME => "SYNO.API.Info", mk => 1 }, AUTH => { NAME => "SYNO.API.Auth", mk => 1 }, # API used to perform session login and logout CAL => { NAME => "SYNO.Cal.Cal", mk => 1 }, # API to manipulate calendar EVENT => { NAME => "SYNO.Cal.Event", mk => 1 }, # Provide methods to manipulate events in the specific calendar SHARE => { NAME => "SYNO.Cal.Sharing", mk => 1 }, # Get/set sharing setting of calendar TODO => { NAME => "SYNO.Cal.Todo", mk => 1 }, # Provide methods to manipulate events in the specific calendar ); return \%hapi; } ######################################################################## # Liefert die statischen Informationen der File Station API ######################################################################## sub _staticFile { my %hapi = ( INFO => { NAME => "SYNO.API.Info", mk => 1 }, AUTH => { NAME => "SYNO.API.Auth", mk => 1 }, # Perform login and logout FSINFO => { NAME => "SYNO.FileStation.Info", mk => 1 }, # Provide File Station info LIST => { NAME => "SYNO.FileStation.List", mk => 1 }, # List all shared folders, enumerate files in a shared folder, and get detailed file information SEARCH => { NAME => "SYNO.FileStation.Search", mk => 1 }, # Search files on given criteria LVFOLDER => { NAME => "SYNO.FileStation.VirtualFolder", mk => 1 }, # List all mount point folders of virtual file system, ex: CIFS or ISO FAVORITE => { NAME => "SYNO.FileStation.Favorite", mk => 1 }, # Add a folder to user’s favorites or do operations on user’s favorites THUMB => { NAME => "SYNO.FileStation.Thumb", mk => 1 }, # Get a thumbnail of a file DIRSIZE => { NAME => "SYNO.FileStation.DirSize", mk => 1 }, # Get the total size of files/folders within folder(s) MD5 => { NAME => "SYNO.FileStation.MD5", mk => 1 }, # Get MD5 of a file CHECKPERM => { NAME => "SYNO.FileStation.CheckPermission", mk => 1 }, # Check if the file/folder has a permission of a file/folder or not UPLOAD => { NAME => "SYNO.FileStation.Upload", mk => 1 }, # Upload a file DOWNLOAD => { NAME => "SYNO.FileStation.Download", mk => 1 }, # Download files/folders SHARING => { NAME => "SYNO.FileStation.Sharing", mk => 1 }, # Generate a sharing link to share files/folders with other people and perform operations on sharing links CFOLDER => { NAME => "SYNO.FileStation.CreateFolder", mk => 1 }, # Create folder(s) RENAME => { NAME => "SYNO.FileStation.Rename", mk => 1 }, # Rename a file/folder COPYMOVE => { NAME => "SYNO.FileStation.CopyMove", mk => 1 }, # Copy/Move files/folders DELETE => { NAME => "SYNO.FileStation.Delete", mk => 1 }, # Delete files/folders EXTRACT => { NAME => "SYNO.FileStation.Extract", mk => 1 }, # Extract an archive and do operations on an archive COMPRESS => { NAME => "SYNO.FileStation.Compress", mk => 1 }, # Compress files/folders BGTASK => { NAME => "SYNO.FileStation.BackgroundTask", mk => 1 }, # Get information regarding tasks of file operations which are run as the background process including copy, move, delete, compress and extract tasks or perform operations on these background tasks ); return \%hapi; } 1;