############################################## # $Id$ # Written by Matthias Gehre, M.Gehre@gmx.de, 2012 package main; use strict; use warnings; use MIME::Base64; use POSIX; require "10_MAX.pm"; our %msgCmd2Id; our %device_types; sub MAXLAN_Parse($$); sub MAXLAN_Read($); sub MAXLAN_Write(@); sub MAXLAN_ReadSingleResponse($$); sub MAXLAN_SimpleWrite(@); sub MAXLAN_Poll($); sub MAXLAN_Send(@); sub MAXLAN_SendDeviceCmd($$); sub MAXLAN_RequestConfiguration($$); sub MAXLAN_RemoveDevice($$); my @boost_durations = (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 60); my $reconnect_interval = 2; #seconds #the time it takes after sending one command till we see its effect in the L: response my $roundtriptime = 3; #seconds my $read_timeout = 2; #seconds. How long to wait for an answer from the Cube over TCP/IP my $metadata_magic = 0x56; my $metadata_version = 2; my $defaultPollInterval = 60; sub MAXLAN_Initialize($) { my ($hash) = @_; require "$attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM/DevIo.pm"; # Provider $hash->{ReadFn} = "MAXLAN_Read"; $hash->{SetFn} = "MAXLAN_Set"; $hash->{Clients} = ":MAX:"; my %mc = ( "1:MAX" => "^MAX", ); $hash->{MatchList} = \%mc; # Normal devices $hash->{DefFn} = "MAXLAN_Define"; $hash->{UndefFn} = "MAXLAN_Undef"; $hash->{AttrList}= "do_not_notify:1,0 dummy:1,0 " . "loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5,6 addvaltrigger "; } ##################################### sub MAXLAN_Define($$) { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def); if(@a < 3) { my $msg = "wrong syntax: define MAXLAN ip[:port] [pollintervall [ondemand]]"; Log 2, $msg; return $msg; } my $name = shift @a; shift @a; my $dev = shift @a; $dev .= ":62910" if($dev !~ m/:/ && $dev ne "none" && $dev !~ m/\@/); if($dev eq "none") { Log 1, "$name device is none, commands will be echoed only"; $attr{$name}{dummy} = 1; return undef; } $hash->{INTERVAL} = $defaultPollInterval; $hash->{persistent} = 1; if(@a) { $hash->{INTERVAL} = shift @a; while(@a) { my $arg = shift @a; if($arg eq "ondemand") { $hash->{persistent} = 0; } else { my $msg = "unknown argument $arg"; Log 1, $msg; return $msg; } } } $hash->{cubeTimeDifference} = 99999; $hash->{pairmode} = 0; $hash->{PARTIAL} = ""; $hash->{DeviceName} = $dev; #This interface is shared with 14_CUL_MAX.pm $hash->{SendDeviceCmd} = \&MAXLAN_SendDeviceCmd; $hash->{Send} = \&MAXLAN_Send; $hash->{RemoveDevice} = \&MAXLAN_RemoveDevice; #Wait until all device definitions have been loaded InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+1, "MAXLAN_Poll", $hash, 0); return undef; } sub MAXLAN_IsConnected($) { return exists($_[0]->{FD}); } #Disconnects from the Cube. It is safe to call this when already disconnected. sub MAXLAN_Disconnect($) { my $hash = shift; Log 5, "MAXLAN_Disconnect"; #All operations here are no-op if already disconnected DevIo_CloseDev($hash); RemoveInternalTimer($hash); } #Connects to the Cube. If already connected, disconnects first. sub MAXLAN_Connect($) { my $hash = shift; return if(MAXLAN_IsConnected($hash)); delete($hash->{NEXT_OPEN}); #work around the connection rate limiter in DevIo my $ret = DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 0, ""); if(!MAXLAN_IsConnected($hash)) { my $msg = "MAXLAN_Connect: Could not connect"; Log 2, $msg; return $msg; } #Read initial configuration data MAXLAN_ExpectAnswer($hash,"H:"); MAXLAN_ExpectAnswer($hash,"M:"); #We first reset the IODev for all MAX devices using this MAXLAN as a backend. #Parsing the "C:" responses later on will set IODev correctly again. #This effectively removes IODev from all devices that are not longer paired to our Cube. foreach (%{$modules{MAX}{defptr}}) { $modules{MAX}{defptr}{$_}{IODev} = undef if(defined($modules{MAX}{defptr}{$_}{IODev}) and $modules{MAX}{defptr}{$_}{IODev} == $hash); } my $rmsg; do { #Receive one "C:" per device $rmsg = MAXLAN_ReadSingleResponse($hash, 1); MAXLAN_Parse($hash, $rmsg); } until($rmsg =~ m/^L:/); #At the end, the cube sends a "L:" #Handle deferred setting of time if(AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"set-clock-on-init","1") && $hash->{cubeTimeDifference} > 1) { MAXLAN_Set($hash,$hash->{NAME},"clock"); } return undef; } ##################################### sub MAXLAN_Undef($$) { my ($hash, $arg) = @_; #MAXLAN_Write($hash,"q:"); #unnecessary MAXLAN_Disconnect($hash); return undef; } ##################################### sub MAXLAN_Set($@) { my ($hash, $device, @a) = @_; return "\"set MAXLAN\" needs at least one parameter" if(@a < 1); my ($setting, @args) = @a; if($setting eq "pairmode"){ if(@args > 0 and $args[0] eq "cancel") { MAXLAN_Write($hash,"x:", "N:"); } else { my $duration = 60; $duration = $args[0] if(@args > 0); $hash->{pairmode} = 1; MAXLAN_Write($hash,"n:".sprintf("%04x",$duration)); $hash->{STATE} = "pairing"; } }elsif($setting eq "raw"){ MAXLAN_Write($hash,$args[0]); }elsif($setting eq "clock") { #This encodes the winter/summer timezones, its meaning is not entirely clear my $timezones = "Q0VUAAAKAAMAAA4QQ0VTVAADAAIAABwg"; #The offset was obtained by experiment and is up to 1 minute, I don't know exactly what #time format the cube uses. Something based on ntp I guess. Maybe this only works in GMT+1? my $time = time()-946684774; my $rmsg = "v:".$timezones.",".sprintf("%08x",$time); my $ret = MAXLAN_Write($hash,$rmsg, "A:"); Dispatch($hash, "MAX,1,CubeClockState,$hash->{rfaddr},1", {RAWMSG => $rmsg}) if(!$ret); return $ret; }elsif($setting eq "factoryReset") { MAXLAN_RequestReset($hash); }elsif($setting eq "reconnect") { MAXLAN_Disconnect($hash); MAXLAN_Connect($hash) if($hash->{persistent}); }elsif($setting eq "inject") { MAXLAN_Parse($hash,$args[0]); }else{ return "Unknown argument $setting, choose one of pairmode raw clock factoryReset reconnect"; } return undef; } sub MAXLAN_ExpectAnswer($$) { my ($hash,$expectedanswer) = @_; my $rmsg = MAXLAN_ReadSingleResponse($hash, 1); if(!defined($rmsg)) { my $msg = "MAXLAN_ExpectAnswer: Error while waiting for answer $expectedanswer"; Log 1, $msg; return $msg; } my $ret = undef; if($rmsg !~ m/^$expectedanswer/) { Log 2, "MAXLAN_ExpectAnswer: Got unexpected response, expected $expectedanswer"; MAXLAN_Parse($hash,$rmsg); return "Got unexpected response, expected $expectedanswer"; } return MAXLAN_Parse($hash,$rmsg); } ##################################### sub MAXLAN_ReadSingleResponse($$) { my ($hash,$waitForResponse) = @_; my ($rin, $win, $ein, $rout, $wout, $eout); $rin = $win = $ein = ''; vec($rin,fileno($hash->{TCPDev}),1) = 1; $ein = $rin; my $maxTime = gettimeofday()+$read_timeout; #Read until we have a complete line until($hash->{PARTIAL} =~ m/\n/) { #Check timeout if(gettimeofday() > $maxTime) { Log 1, "MAXLAN_ReadSingleResponse: timeout while reading from socket" if($waitForResponse); return undef;; } #Wait for data my $nfound = select($rout=$rin, $wout=$win, $eout=$ein, $read_timeout); if($nfound == -1) { Log 1, "MAXLAN_ReadSingleResponse: error during select, ret = $nfound"; return undef; } last if($nfound == 0 and !$waitForResponse); next if($nfound == 0); #Sometimes select() returns early, just try again #Blocking read my $buf; my $res = sysread($hash->{TCPDev}, $buf, 256); if(!defined($res)){ Log 1, "MAXLAN_ReadSingleResponse: error during read"; return undef; #error occured } #Append data to partial data we got before $hash->{PARTIAL} .= $buf; } my $rmsg; ($rmsg,$hash->{PARTIAL}) = split("\n", $hash->{PARTIAL}, 2); $rmsg =~ s/\r//; #remove \r return $rmsg; } my %lhash; ##################################### #Sends given msg and checks for/parses the answer sub MAXLAN_Write(@) { my ($hash,$msg,$expectedAnswer) = @_; my $ret = undef; MAXLAN_Connect($hash); #It's a no-op if already connected MAXLAN_SimpleWrite($hash, $msg); $ret = MAXLAN_ExpectAnswer($hash, $expectedAnswer) if($expectedAnswer); MAXLAN_Disconnect($hash) if(!$hash->{persistent} && !$hash->{pairmode}); return $ret; } ##################################### # called from the global loop, when the select for hash->{FD} reports data sub MAXLAN_Read($) { my ($hash) = @_; while(1) { my $rmsg = MAXLAN_ReadSingleResponse($hash, 0); last if(!$rmsg); # The Msg N: .... is the only one that may come spontanously from # the cube while we are in pairmode Log 2, "Unsolicated response from Cube: $rmsg" unless($hash->{pairmode} and substr($rmsg,0,2) eq "N:"); MAXLAN_Parse($hash, $rmsg); } } sub MAXLAN_SendMetadata($) { my $hash = shift; if(defined($hash->{metadataVersionMismatch})){ Log 3,"MAXLAN_SendMetadata: current version of metadata unexpected, not overwriting!"; return; } my $maxNameLength = 32; my $maxGroupCount = 20; my $maxDeviceCount = 140; my @groups = @{$hash->{groups}}; my @devices = @{$hash->{devices}}; if(@groups > $maxGroupCount || @devices > $maxDeviceCount) { Log 1, "MAXLAN_SendMetadata: you got more than $maxGroupCount groups or $maxDeviceCount devices"; return; } my $metadata = pack("CC",$metadata_magic,$metadata_version); $metadata .= pack("C",scalar(@groups)); foreach(@groups){ if(length($_->{name}) > $maxNameLength) { Log 1, "Group name $_->{name} is too long, maximum of $maxNameLength characters allowed"; return; } $metadata .= pack("CC/aH6",$_->{id}, $_->{name}, $_->{masterAddr}); } $metadata .= pack("C",scalar(@devices)); foreach(@devices){ if(length($_->{name}) > $maxNameLength) { Log 1, "Device name $_->{name} is too long, maximum of $maxNameLength characters allowed"; return; } $metadata .= pack("CH6a[10]C/aC",$_->{type}, $_->{addr}, $_->{serial}, $_->{name}, $_->{groupid}); } $metadata .= pack("C",1); #dstenables, should always be 1 my $blocksize = 1900; $metadata = encode_base64($metadata,""); my $numpackages = ceil(length($metadata)/$blocksize); for(my $i=0;$i < $numpackages; $i++) { my $package = substr($metadata,$i*$blocksize,$blocksize); return MAXLAN_Write($hash,"m:".sprintf("%02d",$i).",".$package, "A:"); } } sub MAXLAN_Parse($$) { #http://www.domoticaforum.eu/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=6654 my ($hash, $rmsg) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $ll3 = GetLogLevel($name,3); my $ll5 = GetLogLevel($name,5); Log $ll5, "Msg $rmsg"; my $cmd = substr($rmsg,0,1); # get leading char my @args = split(',', substr($rmsg,2)); #Log $ll5, 'args '.join(" ",@args); if ($cmd eq 'H'){ #Hello $hash->{serial} = $args[0]; $hash->{rfaddr} = $args[1]; $hash->{fwversion} = $args[2]; my $dutycycle = 0; if(@args > 5){ $dutycycle = $args[5]; } my $freememory = 0; if(@args > 6){ $freememory = $args[6]; } my $cubedatetime = { year => 2000+hex(substr($args[7],0,2)), month => hex(substr($args[7],2,2)), day => hex(substr($args[7],4,2)), hour => hex(substr($args[8],0,2)), minute => hex(substr($args[8],2,2)), }; my $clockset = hex($args[9]); #$cubedatetime is only valid if $clockset is 1 if($clockset) { my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime(time); my $difference = ((((($cubedatetime->{year} - $year-1900)*12 + $cubedatetime->{month} - $mon-1)*30 + $cubedatetime->{day} - $mday)*24 + $cubedatetime->{hour} - $hour)*60 + $cubedatetime->{minute} - $min); $hash->{cubeTimeDifference} = $difference; if($difference > 1) { Log 2, "MAXLAN_Parse: Cube thinks it is $cubedatetime->{day}.$cubedatetime->{month}.$cubedatetime->{year} $cubedatetime->{hour}:$cubedatetime->{minute}"; Log 2, "MAXLAN_Parse: Time difference is $difference minutes"; } } else { Log 2, "MAXLAN_Parse: Cube has no time set"; } Dispatch($hash, "MAX,1,define,$hash->{rfaddr},Cube,$hash->{serial},0,1", {RAWMSG => $rmsg}); Dispatch($hash, "MAX,1,CubeConnectionState,$hash->{rfaddr},1", {RAWMSG => $rmsg}); Dispatch($hash, "MAX,1,CubeClockState,$hash->{rfaddr},$clockset", {RAWMSG => $rmsg}); Log $ll5, "MAXLAN_Parse: Got hello, connection ip $args[4], duty cycle $dutycycle, freememory $freememory, clockset $clockset"; } elsif($cmd eq 'M') { #Metadata, this is basically a readwrite part of the cube's memory. #I don't think that the cube interprets any of that data. #One can write to that memory with the "m:" command #The actual configuration comes with the "C:" response and can be set #with the "s:" command. return if(@args < 3); #On virgin devices, we get nothing, not even $magic$version$numgroups$numdevices my $bindata = decode_base64($args[2]); #$version is the version the serialized data format I guess my ($magic,$version,$numgroups,@groupsdevices); eval { ($magic,$version,$numgroups,@groupsdevices) = unpack("CCCXC/(CC/aH6)C/(CH6a[10]C/aC)C",$bindata); 1; } or do { Log 1, "Metadata response is malformed!"; return; }; if($magic != $metadata_magic || $version != $metadata_version) { Log 3, "MAXLAN_Parse: magic $magic/version $version are not $metadata_magic/$metadata_version as expected"; $hash->{metadataVersionMismatch} = 1; } my $daylightsaving = pop(@groupsdevices); #should be always true (=0x01) my $i; $hash->{groups} = (); for($i=0;$i<3*$numgroups;$i+=3){ $hash->{groups}[@{$hash->{groups}}]->{id} = $groupsdevices[$i]; $hash->{groups}[-1]->{name} = $groupsdevices[$i+1]; $hash->{groups}[-1]->{masterAddr} = $groupsdevices[$i+2]; } #After a device is freshly paired, it does not appear in this metadata response, #we first have to set some metadata for it $hash->{devices} = (); for(;$i<@groupsdevices;$i+=5){ $hash->{devices}[@{$hash->{devices}}]->{type} = $groupsdevices[$i]; $hash->{devices}[-1]->{addr} = $groupsdevices[$i+1]; $hash->{devices}[-1]->{serial} = $groupsdevices[$i+2]; $hash->{devices}[-1]->{name} = $groupsdevices[$i+3]; $hash->{devices}[-1]->{groupid} = $groupsdevices[$i+4]; } #Log $ll5, "Got Metadata, hash: ".Dumper($hash); }elsif($cmd eq "C"){#Configuration return if(@args < 2); my $bindata = decode_base64($args[1]); if(length($bindata) < 18) { Log 1, "Invalid C: response, not enough data"; return "Invalid C: response, not enough data"; } #Parse the first 18 bytes, those are send for every device my ($len,$addr,$devicetype,$groupid,$firmware,$testresult,$serial) = unpack("CH6CCCCa[10]", $bindata); Log $ll5, "len $len, addr $addr, devicetype $devicetype, firmware $firmware, testresult $testresult, groupid $groupid, serial $serial"; $len = $len+1; #The len field itself was not counted Dispatch($hash, "MAX,1,define,$addr,$device_types{$devicetype},$serial,$groupid,1", {RAWMSG => $rmsg}); if($len != length($bindata)) { Dispatch($hash, "MAX,1,Error,$addr,Parts of configuration are missing", {RAWMSG => $rmsg}); return "Invalid C: response, len does not match"; } #devicetype: Cube = 0, HeatingThermostat = 1, HeatingThermostatPlus = 2, WallMountedThermostat = 3, ShutterContact = 4, PushButton = 5 #Seems that ShutterContact does not have any configdata if($devicetype == 0){#Cube #TODO: there is a lot of data left to interpret }elsif($devicetype == 1 or $devicetype == 3){#HeatingThermostat or #WallMountedThermostat my ($comforttemp,$ecotemp,$maxsetpointtemp,$minsetpointtemp,$tempoffset,$windowopentemp,$windowopendur,$boost,$decalcifiction,$maxvalvesetting,$valveoffset,$weekprofile) = unpack("CCCCCCCCCCCH*",substr($bindata,18)); #TODO: parse week profile my $boostValve = ($boost & 0x1F) * 5; my $boostDuration = $boost_durations[$boost >> 5]; #in minutes #There is some trailing data missing, which maps to the weekly program $comforttemp /= 2.0; #convert to degree celcius $ecotemp /= 2.0; #convert to degree celcius $tempoffset = $tempoffset/2.0-3.5; #convert to degree $maxsetpointtemp /= 2.0; $minsetpointtemp /= 2.0; $windowopentemp /= 2.0; $windowopendur *= 5; $maxvalvesetting *= 100/255; $valveoffset *= 100/255; my $decalcDay = ($decalcifiction >> 5) & 0x07; my $decalcTime = $decalcifiction & 0x1F; Log $ll5, "comfortemp $comforttemp, ecotemp $ecotemp, boostValve $boostValve, boostDuration $boostDuration, tempoffset $tempoffset, minsetpointtemp $minsetpointtemp, maxsetpointtemp $maxsetpointtemp, windowopentemp $windowopentemp, windowopendur $windowopendur"; Dispatch($hash, "MAX,1,ThermostatConfig,$addr,$ecotemp,$comforttemp,$boostValve,$boostDuration,$tempoffset,$maxsetpointtemp,$minsetpointtemp,$windowopentemp,$windowopendur,$maxvalvesetting,$valveoffset,$decalcDay,$decalcTime,$weekprofile", {RAWMSG => $rmsg}); }elsif($devicetype == 4){#ShutterContact Log 2, "ShutterContact send some configuration, but none was expected" if($len > 18); }else{ #TODO Log 2, "Got configdata for unimplemented devicetype $devicetype"; } #Clear Error Dispatch($hash, "MAX,1,Error,$addr", {RAWMSG => $rmsg}); #Check if it is already recorded in devices my $found = 0; foreach (@{$hash->{devices}}) { $found = 1 if($_->{addr} eq $addr); } #Add device if it is not already known and not the cube itself if(!$found && $devicetype != 0){ $hash->{devices}[@{$hash->{devices}}]->{type} = $devicetype; $hash->{devices}[-1]->{addr} = $addr; $hash->{devices}[-1]->{serial} = $serial; $hash->{devices}[-1]->{name} = "no name"; $hash->{devices}[-1]->{groupid} = $groupid; } }elsif($cmd eq 'L'){#List my $bindata = ""; $bindata = decode_base64($args[0]) if(@args > 0); #The L command consists of blocks of states (one for each device) while(length($bindata)){ my ($len,$addr,$errframetype,$bits1) = unpack("CH6Ca",$bindata); my $unkbit1 = vec($bits1,0,1); my $initialized = vec($bits1,1,1); #I never saw this beeing 0 my $answer = vec($bits1,2,1); #answer to what? my $rferror1 = vec($bits1,3,1); # if 1 then see errframetype my $valid = vec($bits1,4,1); #is the status following the common header valid my $unkbit2 = vec($bits1,5,1); my $unkbit3 = vec($bits1,6,2); Log 5, "len $len, addr $addr, initialized $initialized, valid $valid, rferror $rferror1, errframetype $errframetype, answer $answer, unkbit ($unkbit1,$unkbit2,$unkbit3)"; my $payload = unpack("H*",substr($bindata,6,$len-6+1)); #+1 because the len field is not counted if($valid) { my $shash = $modules{MAX}{defptr}{$addr}; if(!$shash) { Log 2, "Got List response for undefined device with addr $addr"; }elsif($shash->{type} eq "HeatingThermostat" or $shash->{type} eq "WallMountedThermostat"){ Dispatch($hash, "MAX,1,ThermostatState,$addr,$payload", {RAWMSG => $rmsg}); }elsif($shash->{type} eq "ShutterContact"){ Dispatch($hash, "MAX,1,ShutterContactState,$addr,$payload", {RAWMSG => $rmsg}); }else{ Log 2, "Got status for unimplemented device type $shash->{type}"; } } # if($valid) $bindata=substr($bindata,$len+1); #+1 because the len field is not counted } # while(length($bindata)) }elsif($cmd eq "N"){#New device paired if(@args==0){ $hash->{STATE} = "initalized"; #pairing ended $hash->{pairmode} = 0; return undef; } my ($type, $addr, $serial) = unpack("CH6a[10]", decode_base64($args[0])); Log 2, "Paired new device, type $device_types{$type}, addr $addr, serial $serial"; Dispatch($hash, "MAX,1,define,$addr,$device_types{$type},$serial,0,1", {RAWMSG => $rmsg}); #After a device has been paired, it automatically appears in the "L" and "C" commands, MAXLAN_RequestConfiguration($hash,$addr); } elsif($cmd eq "A"){#Acknowledged } elsif($cmd eq "S"){#Response to s: $hash->{dutycycle} = hex($args[0]); #number of command send over the air my $discarded = $args[1]; $hash->{freememoryslot} = $args[2]; Log 5, "dutycyle $hash->{dutycycle}, freememoryslot $hash->{freememoryslot}"; Log 3, "1% rule: we sent too much, cmd is now in queue" if($hash->{dutycycle} == 100 && $hash->{freememoryslot} > 0); Log 2, "1% rule: we sent too much, queue is full" if($hash->{dutycycle} == 100 && $hash->{freememoryslot} == 0); Log 2, "Command was discarded" if($discarded); return "Command was discarded" if($discarded); } else { Log $ll5, "$name Unknown command $cmd"; return "Unknown command $cmd"; } return undef; } ######################## sub MAXLAN_SimpleWrite(@) { my ($hash, $msg) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; Log GetLogLevel($name,5), 'MAXLAN_SimpleWrite: '.$msg; $msg .= "\r\n"; my $ret = syswrite($hash->{TCPDev}, $msg); #TODO: none of those conditions detect if the connection is actually lost! if(!$hash->{TCPDev} || !defined($ret) || !$hash->{TCPDev}->connected) { Log GetLogLevel($name,1), 'MAXLAN_SimpleWrite failed'; MAXLAN_Disconnect($hash); } } ######################## sub MAXLAN_DoInit($) { my ($hash) = @_; return undef; } sub MAXLAN_RequestList($) { my $hash = shift; return MAXLAN_Write($hash, "l:", "L:"); } ##################################### sub MAXLAN_Poll($) { my $hash = shift; if(MAXLAN_IsConnected($hash)) { my $ret = MAXLAN_RequestList($hash); Log 1, "MAXLAN_Poll: Did not get any answer" if($ret); } else { #Connecting gives us a RequestList for free my $ret = MAXLAN_Connect($hash); if($ret) { #Connecting failed InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$reconnect_interval, "MAXLAN_Poll", $hash, 0); return; } } MAXLAN_Disconnect($hash) if(!$hash->{persistent} && !$hash->{pairmode}); InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVAL}, "MAXLAN_Poll", $hash, 0); } #This only works for a device that got just paired sub MAXLAN_RequestConfiguration($$) { my ($hash,$addr) = @_; return MAXLAN_Write($hash,"c:$addr", "C:"); } sub MAXLAN_Send(@) { my ($hash, $cmd, $dst, $payload, $flags, $groupId, $msgcnt) = @_; $flags = "0"x8 if(!$flags); $groupId = "00" if(!defined($groupId)); if(defined($msgcnt)) { Log 2, "MAXLAN_Send: MAXLAN does not support msgcnt"; } return MAXLAN_SendDeviceCmd($hash, pack("H2B8H*","00",$flags,$msgCmd2Id{$cmd}."000000".$dst.$groupId.$payload)); } #Sends command to a device and waits for acknowledgment sub MAXLAN_SendDeviceCmd($$) { my ($hash,$payload) = @_; my $ret = MAXLAN_Write($hash,"s:".encode_base64($payload,""), "S:"); #Reschedule a poll in the near future after the cube will #have gotten an answer RemoveInternalTimer($hash); InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$roundtriptime, "MAXLAN_Poll", $hash, 0); return $ret; } #Resets the cube, i.e. do a factory reset. All pairings will be lost from the cube #(but you will have to manually reset each individual device. sub MAXLAN_RequestReset($) { my $hash = shift; return MAXLAN_Write($hash,"a:", "A:"); } #Remove the device from the cube, i.e. deletes the pairing sub MAXLAN_RemoveDevice($$) { my ($hash,$addr) = @_; #This does a factoryReset on the Device my $ret = MAXLAN_Write($hash,"t:1,1,".encode_base64(pack("H6",$addr),""), "A:"); if(!defined($ret)) { #success #The device is not longer accessable by the Cube $modules{MAX}{defptr}{$addr}{IODev} = undef; } return $ret; } 1; =pod =begin html


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