# $Id$ ######################################################################################################################## # # 73_DoorBird.pm # Creates the possibility to access and control the DoorBird IP door station # # Author : Matthias Deeke # e-mail : matthias.deeke(AT)deeke(DOT)eu # Fhem Forum : https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,100758 # Fhem Wiki : https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/DoorBird # # This file is part of fhem. # # Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with fhem. If not, see . # # fhem.cfg: define DoorBird # # Example: # define myDoorBird DoorBird Username SecretPW # ######################################################################################################################## ######################################################################################################################## # List of open Problems: # # Problem with error message after startup: "PERL WARNING: Prototype mismatch: sub main::memcmp: none vs ($$;$) at /usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1/Sub/Exporter.pm line 445." # This problem has been addressed to GitHub since its based on problems with sub-libary # # ######################################################################################################################## package main; use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use JSON; use HttpUtils; use Encode; use FHEM::Meta; use Cwd; use MIME::Base64; use Crypt::NaCl::Sodium qw( :utils ); use Crypt::Argon2 qw/argon2i_raw/; use IO::Socket; use IO::String; use LWP::UserAgent; use constant false => 0; use constant true => 1; use Data::Dumper; use File::Spec::Functions ':ALL'; ###START###### Initialize module ##############################################################################START#### sub DoorBird_Initialize($) { my ($hash) = @_; $hash->{STATE} = "Init"; $hash->{DefFn} = "DoorBird_Define"; $hash->{UndefFn} = "DoorBird_Undefine"; $hash->{SetFn} = "DoorBird_Set"; $hash->{GetFn} = "DoorBird_Get"; $hash->{AttrFn} = "DoorBird_Attr"; $hash->{ReadFn} = "DoorBird_Read"; $hash->{DbLog_splitFn} = "DoorBird_DbLog_splitFn"; $hash->{FW_detailFn} = "DoorBird_FW_detailFn"; $hash->{NotifyFn} = "DoorBird_Notify"; $hash->{AttrList} = "do_not_notify:1,0 " . "header " . "PollingTimeout:slider,1,1,20 " . "MaxHistory:slider,0,1,50 " . "KeepAliveTimeout " . "UdpPort:6524,35344 " . "ImageFileDir " . "AudioFileDir " . "VideoFileDir " . "VideoFileFormat:mpeg,mpg,mp4,avi,mov,dvd,vob,ogg,ogv,mkv,flv,webm " . "VideoDurationDoorbell " . "VideoDurationMotion " . "VideoDurationKeypad " . "HistoryFilePath:1,0 " . "EventReset " . "SessionIdSec:slider,0,10,600 " . "WaitForHistory " . "OpsModeList " . "disable:1,0 " . "loglevel:slider,0,1,5 " . $readingFnAttributes; return FHEM::Meta::InitMod( __FILE__, $hash ); } ####END####### Initialize module ###############################################################################END##### ###START###### Activate module after module has been used via fhem command "define" ##########################START#### sub DoorBird_Define($$) { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def); my $name = $a[0]; #$a[1] just contains the "DoorBird" module name and we already know that! :-) my $url = $a[2]; ### Delete all Readings for DoorBird readingsDelete($hash, ".*"); ### Log Entry and state Log3 $name, 4, $name. " : DoorBird - Starting to define device " . $name . " with DoorBird module"; readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "define", 1); ### Stop the current timer if one exists errornous RemoveInternalTimer($hash); Log3 $name, 4, $name. " : DoorBird - InternalTimer has been removed."; ###START### Check whether all variables are available #####################################################START#### if (int(@a) == 5) { ###START### Check whether IPv4 address is valid if ($url =~ m/^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(|:([0-9]{1,4}|[0-6][0-5][0-5][0-3][0-5])){1}$/) { Log3 $name, 4, $name. " : DoorBird - IPv4-address is valid : " . $url; } else { return $name .": Error - IPv4 address is not valid \n Please use \"define DoorBird \" instead!\nExamples for :\n192.168.178.240\n192.168.178.240:0 to"; } ####END#### Check whether IPv4 address is valid } else { return $name .": DoorBird - Error - Not enough parameter provided." . "\n" . "DoorBird station IPv4 address, Username and Password must be provided" ."\n". "Please use \"define DoorBird \" instead"; } ####END#### Check whether all variables are available ######################################################END##### ###START### Check whether username and password are already encrypted #####################################START#### ### If the username does not contain the "crypt" prefix, then it is still bareword if($a[3] =~ /^((?!crypt:).)*$/ ) { # Encrypt bareword username and password my $username = DoorBird_credential_encrypt($a[3]); my $password = DoorBird_credential_encrypt($a[4]); ### Rewrite definition of device to remove bare passwords $hash->{DEF} = "$url $username $password"; ### Write encrypted credentials into hash $hash->{helper}{".USER"} = $username; $hash->{helper}{".PASSWORD"} = $password; ### Write Log entry Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : DoorBird - Credentials have been encrypted for further use."; } ### If the username contains the "crypt" prefix, then it is already encrypted else { ### Write encrypted credentials into hash $hash->{helper}{".USER"} = $a[3]; $hash->{helper}{".PASSWORD"} = $a[4]; } ####END#### Check whether username and password are already encrypted ######################################END##### ###START###### Writing values to global hash ##############################################################START#### $hash->{NAME} = $name; $hash->{RevisonAPI} = "0.26"; $hash->{helper}{SOX} = "/usr/bin/sox"; #On Windows systems use "C:\Programme\sox\sox.exe" $hash->{helper}{URL} = $url; $hash->{helper}{PollingTimeout} = AttrVal($name,"PollingTimeout",5); $hash->{helper}{KeepAliveTimeout} = AttrVal($name, "KeepAliveTimeout", 30); $hash->{helper}{MaxHistory} = AttrVal($name, "MaxHistory", 50); $hash->{helper}{HistoryTime} = "????-??-?? ??:??"; $hash->{helper}{UdpPort} = AttrVal($name, "UdpPort", 6524); $hash->{helper}{SessionIdSec} = AttrVal($name, "SessionIdSec", 540); $hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir} = AttrVal($name, "ImageFileDir", ""); $hash->{helper}{AudioFileDir} = AttrVal($name, "AudioFileDir", ""); $hash->{helper}{VideoFileDir} = AttrVal($name, "VideoFileDir", ""); $hash->{helper}{VideoFileFormat} = AttrVal($name, "VideoFileFormat","mpeg"); $hash->{helper}{VideoDurationDoorbell} = AttrVal($name, "VideoDurationDoorbell", 0); $hash->{helper}{VideoDurationMotion} = AttrVal($name, "VideoDurationMotion", 0); $hash->{helper}{VideoDurationKeypad} = AttrVal($name, "VideoDurationKeypad", 0); $hash->{helper}{EventReset} = AttrVal($name, "EventReset", 5); $hash->{helper}{WaitForHistory} = AttrVal($name, "WaitForHistory", 7); $hash->{helper}{CameraInstalled} = false; $hash->{helper}{HistoryFilePath} = 0; $hash->{helper}{SessionId} = 0; $hash->{helper}{UdpMessageId} = 0; $hash->{helper}{UdpMotionId} = 0; $hash->{helper}{UdpDoorbellId} = 0; $hash->{helper}{UdpKeypadId} = 0; @{$hash->{helper}{RelayAdresses}} = (0); @{$hash->{helper}{Images}{History}{doorbell}} = (); @{$hash->{helper}{Images}{History}{motionsensor}} = (); @{$hash->{helper}{OpsModeList}} = (); ${$hash->{helper}{OpsModeListBackup}}[0] = "Initial-gJ8990Gl"; $hash->{helper}{Images}{Individual}{Data} = ""; $hash->{helper}{Images}{Individual}{Timestamp} = ""; $hash->{helper}{HistoryDownloadActive} = false; $hash->{helper}{HistoryDownloadCount} = 0; $hash->{reusePort} = AttrVal($name, 'reusePort', defined(&SO_REUSEPORT)?1:0)?1:0; ####END####### Writing values to global hash ##############################################################END##### ### For Debugging purpose only Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird - Define H : " . $hash; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird - Define D : " . $def; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird - Define A : " . @a; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird - Define Name : " . $name; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird - Define OpsModeList : " . Dumper(@{$hash->{helper}{OpsModeList}}); Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird - Define OpsModeListBackup[0] : " . ${$hash->{helper}{OpsModeListBackup}}[0]; ### Notify this device after changes on global variables $hash->{NOTIFYDEV} = "global,"; ### Call intitialization of sub if the initialization is done DoorBird_InitializeDevice($hash) if ($init_done); return undef; } ####END####### Activate module after module has been used via fhem command "define" ############################END##### ###START###### Handle Notifications received by this module ##################################################START#### sub DoorBird_Notify($$) { my ($hash, $dev) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $devName = $dev->{NAME}; # Device that created the events my $events = deviceEvents($dev, 1); ### For Debugging purpose only Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird - DoorBird_Notify devname : " . $devName; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird - DoorBird_Notify events : " . Dumper($events); ### Return without any further action if the module is disabled return "" if(IsDisabled($name)); ### If the global variables notified an update and matches if($devName eq "global" && grep(m/^INITIALIZED|REREADCFG$/, @{$events})) { ### For Debugging purpose only Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Notify : fhem system has been initialized or config has been re-read."; ### Call initialization DoorBird_InitializeDevice($hash); } return undef; } ###END######## Handle Notifications received by this module ####################################################END#### ##START###### Initialize the device when all attributes are available ########################################START#### sub DoorBird_InitializeDevice($) { my($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; ### Initialize Socket connection DoorBird_OpenSocketConn($hash); ### Initialize Readings DoorBird_Info_Request($hash, ""); DoorBird_Image_Request($hash, ""); DoorBird_Live_Video($hash, "off"); ### Initiate the timer for first time InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+ $hash->{helper}{KeepAliveTimeout} , "DoorBird_LostConn", $hash, 0); InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+ 10, "DoorBird_RenewSessionID", $hash, 0); ### For Debugging purpose only Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : DoorBird_InitializeDevice : DoorBird has been initialized"; return undef; } ###END######## Initialize the device when all attributes are available #########################################END#### ###START###### To bind unit of value to DbLog entries #########################################################START#### # sub DoorBird_DbLog_splitFn($$) # { # return (); # } ####END####### To bind unit of value to DbLog entries ##########################################################END##### ###START###### Deactivate module module after "undefine" command by fhem ######################################START#### sub DoorBird_Undefine($$) { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $url = $hash->{URL}; ### Stop the internal timer for this module RemoveInternalTimer($hash); ### Close UDP scanning delete $selectlist{$name}; if (defined($hash->{CD})) { $hash->{CD}->close(); delete $hash->{CD}; } delete $hash->{FD}; ### Add Log entry Log3 $name, 3, $name. " - DoorBird has been undefined. The DoorBird unit will no longer polled."; return undef; } ####END####### Deactivate module module after "undefine" command by fhem #######################################END##### ###START###### Handle attributes after changes via fhem GUI ###################################################START#### sub DoorBird_Attr(@) { my @a = @_; my $name = $a[1]; my $hash = $defs{$name}; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Attr - Subfunction entered."; ### Check whether disable attribute has been provided if ($a[2] eq "disable") { ### Check whether device shall be disabled if ($a[3] == 1) { ### Update STATE of device readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "disabled", 1); ### Stop the current timer RemoveInternalTimer($hash); Log3 $name, 4, $name. " : DoorBird - InternalTimer has been removed."; ### Delete all Readings readingsDelete($hash, ".*"); ### Update STATE of device readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "disconnected", 1); Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : DoorBird - Device disabled as per attribute."; } else { ### Update STATE of device readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "disconnected", 1); Log3 $name, 4, $name. " : DoorBird - Device enabled as per attribute."; } } ### Check whether UdpPort attribute has been provided elsif ($a[2] eq "UdpPort") { ### Check whether UdpPort is numeric if ($a[3] == int($a[3])) { ### Set helper in hash $hash->{helper}{UdpPort} = $a[3]; ### Call initialization DoorBird_InitializeDevice($hash); } } ### Check whether PollingTimeout attribute has been provided elsif ($a[2] eq "PollingTimeout") { ### Check whether PollingTimeout is numeric if (($a[3] == int($a[3])) && ($a[3] > 0)) { ### Check whether PollingTimeout is positiv and smaller or equal than 10s if (($a[3] > 0) && ($a[3] <= 10)) { ### Save attribute as internal $hash->{helper}{PollingTimeout} = $a[3]; } ### If PollingTimeout is NOT positiv and smaller or equal than 10s else { ### Return error message to GUI } } ### If PollingTimeout is NOT numeric else { ### Do nothing } } ### Check whether MaxHistory attribute has been provided elsif ($a[2] eq "MaxHistory") { ### Check whether MaxHistory is numeric if ($a[3] == int($a[3])) { ### Check whether MaxHistory is positiv and smaller or equal than 50 if (($a[3] >= 0) && ($a[3] <= 50)) { ### Save attribute as internal $hash->{helper}{MaxHistory} = $a[3]; } ### If MaxHistory is NOT positiv and smaller or equal than 50 else { ### Save attribute as internal $hash->{helper}{MaxHistory} = 50; } } ### If MaxHistory is NOT numeric else { ### Save attribute as internal $hash->{helper}{MaxHistory} = 50; } } ### Check whether KeepAliveTimeout attribute has been provided elsif ($a[2] eq "KeepAliveTimeout") { ### Remove Timer for LostConn RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "DoorBird_LostConn"); ### Check whether KeepAliveTimeout is numeric and greater or equal than 10 if ($a[3] == int($a[3]) && ($a[3] >= 10)) { ### Save attribute as internal $hash->{helper}{KeepAliveTimeout} = $a[3]; } ### If KeepAliveTimeout is NOT numeric or smaller than 10 else { ### Save attribute as internal $hash->{helper}{KeepAliveTimeout} = 30; } ### Initiate the timer for first time InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{helper}{KeepAliveTimeout}, "DoorBird_LostConn", $hash, 0); } ### Check whether SessionIdSec attribute has been provided elsif ($a[2] eq "SessionIdSec") { ### Remove Timer for LostConn RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "DoorBird_RenewSessionID"); ### If the attribute has not been deleted entirely if (defined $a[3]) { ### Check whether SessionIdSec is 0 = disabled if ($a[3] == int($a[3]) && ($a[3] == 0)) { ### Save attribute as internal $hash->{helper}{SessionIdSec} = 0; $hash->{helper}{SessionId} = 0; } ### If KeepAliveTimeout is numeric and greater than 9s elsif ($a[3] == int($a[3]) && ($a[3] > 9)) { ### Save attribute as internal $hash->{helper}{SessionIdSec} = $a[3]; ### Obtain SessionId DoorBird_RenewSessionID($hash); ### Re-Initiate the timer InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{helper}{SessionIdSec}, "DoorBird_RenewSessionID", $hash, 0); } ### If KeepAliveTimeout is NOT numeric or smaller than 10 else{ ### Save standard interval as internal $hash->{helper}{SessionIdSec} = 540; ### Obtain SessionId DoorBird_RenewSessionID($hash); ### Re-Initiate the timer InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{helper}{SessionIdSec}, "DoorBird_RenewSessionID", $hash, 0); } } ### If the attribute has been deleted entirely else{ ### Save standard interval as internal $hash->{helper}{SessionIdSec} = 540; ### Obtain SessionId DoorBird_RenewSessionID($hash); ### Re-Initiate the timer InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{helper}{SessionIdSec}, "DoorBird_RenewSessionID", $hash, 0); } } ### Check whether ImageFileSave attribute has been provided elsif ($a[2] eq "ImageFileDir") { ### Check whether ImageFileSave is defined if (defined($a[3])) { ### Set helper in hash $hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir} = $a[3]; } else { ### Set helper in hash $hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir} = ""; } } ### Check whether AudioFileDir attribute has been provided elsif ($a[2] eq "AudioFileDir") { ### Check whether AudioFileSave is defined if (defined($a[3])) { ### Set helper in hash $hash->{helper}{AudioFileDir} = $a[3]; } else { ### Set helper in hash $hash->{helper}{AudioFileDir} = ""; } } ### Check whether VideoFileDir attribute has been provided elsif ($a[2] eq "VideoFileDir") { ### Check whether VideoFileSave is defined if (defined($a[3])) { ### Set helper in hash $hash->{helper}{VideoFileDir} = $a[3]; } else { ### Set helper in hash $hash->{helper}{VideoFileDir} = ""; } } ### Check whether VideoDurationDoorbell attribute has been provided elsif ($a[2] eq "VideoDurationDoorbell") { ### Check whether VideoDurationDoorbell is defined if (defined($a[3])) { ### Set helper in hash $hash->{helper}{VideoDurationDoorbell} = $a[3]; } else { ### Set helper in hash $hash->{helper}{VideoDurationDoorbell} = "0"; } } ### Check whether VideoDurationMotion attribute has been provided elsif ($a[2] eq "VideoDurationMotion") { ### Check whether VideoDurationMotion is defined if (defined($a[3])) { ### Set helper in hash $hash->{helper}{VideoDurationMotion} = $a[3]; } else { ### Set helper in hash $hash->{helper}{VideoDurationMotion} = "0"; } } ### Check whether VideoDurationKeypad attribute has been provided elsif ($a[2] eq "VideoDurationKeypad") { ### Check whether VideoDurationKeypad is defined if (defined($a[3])) { ### Set helper in hash $hash->{helper}{VideoDurationKeypad} = $a[3]; } else { ### Set helper in hash $hash->{helper}{VideoDurationKeypad} = "0"; } } ### Check whether HistoryFilePath attribute has been provided elsif ($a[2] eq "HistoryFilePath") { ### Check whether HistoryFilePath is defined if (defined($a[3])) { ### Set helper in hash $hash->{helper}{HistoryFilePath} = $a[3]; if ($a[3] == true) { ### Update the history list for images and videos DoorBird_History_List($hash); } else { ### Delete all reading entries to files fhem("deleteReading " . $name . " HistoryFilePath.*"); } } else { ### Set helper in hash $hash->{helper}{HistoryFilePath} = "0"; ### Delete all reading entries to files fhem("deleteReading " . $name . " HistoryFilePath.*"); } } ### Check whether VideoFileFormat attribute has been provided elsif ($a[2] eq "VideoFileFormat") { ### Check whether VideoFileFormat is defined if (defined($a[3])) { ### Set helper in hash $hash->{helper}{VideoFileFormat} = $a[3]; } else { ### Set helper in hash $hash->{helper}{VideoFileFormat} = "mpeg"; } } ### Check whether EventReset attribute has been provided elsif ($a[2] eq "EventReset") { ### Remove Timer for Event Reset RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "DoorBird_EventResetMotion"); RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "DoorBird_EventResetDoorbell"); #RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "DoorBird_EventResetKeypad"); ### Check whether EventReset is numeric and greater than 0 if ($a[3] == int($a[3]) && ($a[3] > 0)) { ### Save attribute as internal $hash->{helper}{EventReset} = $a[3]; } ### If KeepAliveTimeout is NOT numeric or 0 else { ### Save attribute as internal $hash->{helper}{EventReset} = 5; } } ### Check whether WaitForHistory attribute has been provided elsif ($a[2] eq "WaitForHistory") { ### Check whether WaitForHistory is numeric and greater than 5 if ($a[3] == int($a[3]) && ($a[3] > 5)) { ### Save attribute as internal $hash->{helper}{WaitForHistory} = $a[3]; } ### If KeepAliveTimeout is NOT numeric or <5 else { ### Save attribute as internal $hash->{helper}{WaitForHistory} = 5; } } ### Check whether OpsModeList attribute has been provided elsif ($a[2] eq "OpsModeList") { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Attr - OpsModeList entered"; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Attr - {OpsModeListBackup}}[0] : " . ${$hash->{helper}{OpsModeListBackup}}[0]; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Attr - OpsModeListBackup is not initial "; ### If the attribute has not been deleted entirely or is empty if (defined $a[3]) { ### Save OpsList and empty string as internal @{$hash->{helper}{OpsModeList}} = split(/ /, $a[3]); ### Update depending Readings DoorBird_OpsModeUpdate($hash); } ### If the attribute has been deleted entirely or is empty else { ### Save OpsList and empty string as internal @{$hash->{helper}{OpsModeList}} = ""; ### Update depending Readings DoorBird_OpsModeUpdate($hash); } } ### If no attributes of the above known ones have been selected else { # Do nothing } return undef; } ####END####### Handle attributes after changes via fhem GUI ####################################################END##### ###START###### Obtain value after "get" command by fhem #######################################################START#### sub DoorBird_Get($@) { my ( $hash, @a ) = @_; ### If not enough arguments have been provided if ( @a < 2 ) { return "\"get DoorBird\" needs at least one argument"; } my $name = shift @a; my $command = shift @a; my $option = shift @a; my $optionString; ### Create String to avoid perl warning if option is empty if (defined $option) { $optionString = $option; } else { $optionString = " "; } ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Get - name : " . $name; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Get - command : " . $command; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Get - option : " . $optionString; ### Define "get" menu my $usage = "Unknown argument, choose one of "; $usage .= "Info_Request:noArg List_Favorites:noArg List_Schedules:noArg "; ### If DoorBird has a Camera installed if ($hash->{helper}{CameraInstalled} == true) { $usage .= "Image_Request:noArg History_Request:noArg Video_Request " } ### If DoorBird has NO Camera installed else { # Do not add anything } ### Return values return $usage if $command eq '?'; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Get - usage : " . $usage; ### INFO REQUEST if ($command eq "Info_Request") { ### Call Subroutine and hand back return value return DoorBird_Info_Request($hash, $option); } ### IMAGE REQUEST elsif ($command eq "Image_Request") { ### Call Subroutine and hand back return value return DoorBird_Image_Request($hash, $option); } ### VIDEO REQUEST elsif ($command eq "Video_Request") { my $VideoDuration = 10; ### If the duration has been given use it. Otherwise use 10s if ( $optionString == int($optionString) and $optionString eq int($optionString) and $optionString > 0 ) { $VideoDuration = $optionString; } ### Call Subroutine and hand back return value return DoorBird_Video_Request($hash, $VideoDuration, "manual", time()); } ### HISTORY IMAGE REQUEST elsif ($command eq "History_Request") { if ($hash->{helper}{HistoryDownloadActive} == false) { ### Call Subroutine and hand back return value return DoorBird_History_Request($hash, $option); } else { return "History download already in progress.\nPlease wait and try again later." } } ### LIST FAVORITES elsif ($command eq "List_Favorites") { ### Call Subroutine and hand back return value return DoorBird_List_Favorites($hash, $option); } ### LIST SCHEDULES elsif ($command eq "List_Schedules") { ### Call Subroutine and hand back return value return DoorBird_List_Schedules($hash, $option); } ### If none of the known options has been chosen else { ### Do nothing return } ### MONITOR REQUEST ### To be implemented via UDP } ####END####### Obtain value after "get" command by fhem ########################################################END##### ###START###### Manipulate service after "set" command by fhem #################################################START#### sub DoorBird_Set($@) { my ( $hash, @a ) = @_; ### If not enough arguments have been provided if ( @a < 2 ) { return "\"get DoorBird\" needs at least one argument"; } my $name = shift @a; my $command = shift @a; my $option = shift @a; my $ErrorMessage = ""; my $optionString; my $AudioFileDir = $hash->{helper}{AudioFileDir}; my @RelayAdresses = @{$hash->{helper}{RelayAdresses}}; my @OpsModeList = @{$hash->{helper}{OpsModeList}}; ### Create String to avoid perl warning if option is empty if (defined $option) { $optionString = $option; } else { $optionString = " "; } ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Set _______________________________________________________________________"; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Set - name : " . $name; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Set - command : " . $command; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Set - option : " . $optionString; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Set - RelayAdresses : " . join(",", @RelayAdresses); Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Set - OpsModeList : " . join(",", @OpsModeList); ### Define "set" menu my $usage = "Unknown argument, choose one of"; #$usage .= " Test"; $usage .= " Open_Door:" . join(",", @RelayAdresses) . " OpsMode:" . join(",", @OpsModeList) . " Restart:noArg Transmit_Audio"; $usage .= " Receive_Audio"; ### If the OpsModeList is not empty if ((defined(${$hash->{helper}{OpsModeList}}[0])) && (${$hash->{helper}{OpsModeList}}[0] ne "")) { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Set - The OpsModeList is empty"; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Set - OpsModeList : " . Dumper(@{$hash->{helper}{OpsModeList}}); ### For each item in the list of possible Operation Modes foreach (@OpsModeList) { ### Set Prefix for ReadingsName my $OpsModeReadingPrefix = "OpsMode" . $_; ### For each DoorBirdEvent, create setlist for relays to be activated in case of event $usage .= " " . $OpsModeReadingPrefix . "DoorbellRelay:" . "Off," . join(",", @RelayAdresses); $usage .= " " . $OpsModeReadingPrefix . "MotionRelay:" . "Off," . join(",", @RelayAdresses); #$usage .= " " . $OpsModeReadingPrefix . "KeypadRelay:" . "Off," . join(",", @RelayAdresses); ### If the Attribute for the directories of the audiofiles have bene provided if ($AudioFileDir ne "") { ### Get current working directory my $cwd = getcwd(); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Set - working directory : " . $cwd; ### If the path is given as UNIX file system format if ($cwd =~ /\//) { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Set - file system format : LINUX"; ### Find out whether it is an absolute path or an relative one (leading "/") if ($AudioFileDir =~ /^\//) { $AudioFileDir = $AudioFileDir; } else { $AudioFileDir = $cwd . "/" . $AudioFileDir; } ### Remove last / of directory if exists $AudioFileDir =~ s/\/\z//; } ### If the path is given as Windows file system format elsif ($cwd =~ /\\/) { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Set - file system format : WINDOWS"; ### Find out whether it is an absolute path or an relative one (containing ":\") if ($AudioFileDir != /^.:\//) { $AudioFileDir = $cwd . $AudioFileDir; } else { $AudioFileDir = $AudioFileDir; } ### Remove last \ of directory if exists $AudioFileDir =~ s/\\\z//; } ### If nothing matches above else { ### Set directory to nothing $AudioFileDir = ""; } ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Set - AudioFileDir : " . $AudioFileDir; ### Get content of subdirectory and eliminate the root directories "." and ".." my @AudioFileList; eval { opendir(ReadOut,$AudioFileDir) or die "Could not open '$AudioFileDir' for reading"; @AudioFileList = grep(/^([^.]+)./, readdir(ReadOut)); close ReadOut; }; ### If error message appered if ( $@ ) { $ErrorMessage = $@; } ### If no error message appeared and therefore directory exists else { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Set - AudioFileList : " . join(",", @AudioFileList); ### For each DoorBirdEvent, create setlist for the file path for the audio messages $usage .= " " . $OpsModeReadingPrefix . "DoorbellAudio:Off,". join(",", @AudioFileList); $usage .= " " . $OpsModeReadingPrefix . "MotionAudio:Off,". join(",", @AudioFileList); #$usage .= " " . $OpsModeReadingPrefix . "KeypadAudio:Off," . join(",", @AudioFileList); } } } } ### If DoorBird has a Camera installed if ($hash->{helper}{CameraInstalled} == true) { ### Create Selection List for camera $usage .= " Live_Video:on,off Light_On:noArg Live_Audio:on,off "; } ### If DoorBird has NO Camera installed else { # Do not add anything } ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name . " : DoorBord_Set - " . $ErrorMessage; Log3 $name, 2, $name . " : DoorBord_Set - Could not open directory for audiofiles. See commandref for attribute \"AudioFileDir\"." if $ErrorMessage ne ""; Log3 $name, 5, $name . " : DoorBird_Set - usage : " . $usage; ### Return values return $usage if $command eq '?'; ######### Section for response on set-command ########################################################## ### LIVE VIDEO REQUEST if ($command eq "Live_Video") { ### Call Subroutine and hand back return value return DoorBird_Live_Video($hash, $option) } ### OPEN DOOR elsif ($command eq "Open_Door") { ### Call Subroutine and hand back return value $hash->{helper}{OpenRelay} = $option; return DoorBird_Open_Door($hash); } ### LIGHT ON elsif ($command eq "Light_On") { ### Call Subroutine and hand back return value return DoorBird_Light_On($hash, $option) } ### RESTART elsif ($command eq "Restart") { ### Call Subroutine and hand back return value return DoorBird_Restart($hash, $option) } ### LIVE AUDIO RECEIVE elsif ($command eq "Live_Audio") { ### Call Subroutine and hand back return value return DoorBird_Live_Audio($hash, $option) } ### AUDIO RECEIVE elsif ($command eq "Receive_Audio") { ### Call Subroutine and hand back return value return DoorBird_Receive_Audio($hash, $option) } ### AUDIO TRANSMIT elsif ($command eq "Transmit_Audio") { ### Call Subroutine and hand back return value return DoorBird_Transmit_Audio($hash, $option) } ### TEST elsif ($command eq "Test") { DoorBird_History_List($hash); } ### ADD OR CHANGE FAVORITE ### DELETE FAVORITE ### ADD OR UPDATE SCHEDULE ENTRY ### DELETE SCHEDULE ENTRY ### If none of the above have been selected else { ### Update Reading readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $command, $option, 1); ### Save new Readings in stat file WriteStatefile(); return } } ####END####### Manipulate service after "Set" command by fhem ##################################################END##### ###START###### Update Readings and variables after update of Operation Mode ###################################START#### sub DoorBird_OpsModeUpdate($) { my ($hash) = @_; ### Obtain values from hash my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my @OpsModeList = @{$hash->{helper}{OpsModeList}}; my $OpsModeActive = ReadingsVal($name, "OpsMode", ""); my $AudioFileDir = $hash->{helper}{AudioFileDir}; ### Extract all names of Readings which start with "OpsMode" my @OpsModeReadings = grep(/OpsMode/, keys(%{$hash->{READINGS}})); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_OpsModeUpdate ____________________________________________________________"; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_OpsModeUpdate - OpsModeList : " . Dumper(@{$hash->{helper}{OpsModeList}}); Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_OpsModeUpdate - OpsModeListBackup : " . Dumper(@{$hash->{helper}{OpsModeListBackup}}); Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_OpsModeUpdate - Size of OpsModeList : " . @OpsModeList; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_OpsModeUpdate - OpsModeActive : " . $OpsModeActive; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_OpsModeUpdate - AudioFileDir : " . $AudioFileDir; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_OpsModeUpdate - Readings Current : " . Dumper(@OpsModeReadings); ### If the OpsModeList has been changed if (join(",", @{$hash->{helper}{OpsModeListBackup}}) ne join(",", @{$hash->{helper}{OpsModeList}})) { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_OpsModeUpdate - The OpsModeList is different from the Backup!"; ### If the OpsModeList has not been deleted (is not empty) and is not in initial state if ((${$hash->{helper}{OpsModeList}}[0] ne "") && (${$hash->{helper}{OpsModeListBackup}}[0] ne "Initial-gJ8990Gl")) { ### Save new list as backup @{$hash->{helper}{OpsModeListBackup}} = @{$hash->{helper}{OpsModeList}}; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_OpsModeUpdate - The OpsModeList is filled but not in initial state!"; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_OpsModeUpdate - OpsModeList : " . Dumper(@{$hash->{helper}{OpsModeList}}); Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_OpsModeUpdate - Readings Old : " . Dumper(@OpsModeReadings); ### Delete all Readings which start with "OpsMode" foreach (@OpsModeReadings) { ### Delete all depending Readings readingsDelete($hash, $_); } ### Update Reading for the active Operation Mode with the first item of the list readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "OpsMode", ${$hash->{helper}{OpsModeList}}[0], 1); ### For each item in the list of possible Operation Modes foreach (@OpsModeList) { ### Set Prefix for ReadingsName my $OpsModeReadingPrefix = "OpsMode" . $_; ### For each DoorBirdEvent, create Reading for the file path for the audio messages readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $OpsModeReadingPrefix . "DoorbellAudio", "", 1); readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $OpsModeReadingPrefix . "MotionAudio", "", 1); #readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $OpsModeReadingPrefix . "KeypadAudio", "", 1); ### For each DoorBirdEvent, create Reading for relays to be activated in case of event readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $OpsModeReadingPrefix . "DoorbellRelay", "", 1); readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $OpsModeReadingPrefix . "MotionRelay", "", 1); #readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $OpsModeReadingPrefix . "KeypadRelay", "", 1); } ### Save new Readings in stat file WriteStatefile(); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes my @OpsModeReadingsNew = grep(/OpsMode/, keys(%{$hash->{READINGS}})); Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_OpsModeUpdate - Readings New : " . Dumper(@OpsModeReadingsNew); } ### If the OpsModeList is empty (is empty) and is not in initial state elsif ((${$hash->{helper}{OpsModeList}}[0] eq "") && (${$hash->{helper}{OpsModeListBackup}}[0] ne "Initial-gJ8990Gl")) { ### Save new list as backup @{$hash->{helper}{OpsModeListBackup}} = @{$hash->{helper}{OpsModeList}}; ### Extract all names of Readings which start with "OpsMode" my @OpsModeReadings = grep(/OpsMode/, keys(%{$hash->{READINGS}})); ### Save new list as backup @{$hash->{helper}{OpsModeListBackup}} = @{$hash->{helper}{OpsModeList}}; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_OpsModeUpdate - The OpsModeList is empty but not in initial state!"; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_OpsModeUpdate - OpsModeList : " . Dumper(@{$hash->{helper}{OpsModeList}}); Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_OpsModeUpdate - OpsModeListBackup : " . Dumper(@{$hash->{helper}{OpsModeListBackup}}); Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_OpsModeUpdate - Readings to be deleted : " . Dumper(@OpsModeReadings); ### Delete all Readings which start with "OpsMode" foreach (@OpsModeReadings) { ### Delete all depending Readings readingsDelete($hash, $_); } } ### If the OpsModeList has not been deleted (is not empty) and is in initial state elsif ((${$hash->{helper}{OpsModeList}}[0] ne "") && (${$hash->{helper}{OpsModeListBackup}}[0] eq "Initial-gJ8990Gl")) { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_OpsModeUpdate - The OpsModeList is NOT empty and in initial state!"; ### Save new list as backup @{$hash->{helper}{OpsModeListBackup}} = @{$hash->{helper}{OpsModeList}}; } ### If the OpsModeList has been deleted (is empty) and is in initial state elsif ((${$hash->{helper}{OpsModeList}}[0] eq "") && (${$hash->{helper}{OpsModeListBackup}}[0] eq "Initial-gJ8990Gl")) { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_OpsModeUpdate - The OpsModeList is empty and in initial state!"; ### Save new list as backup @{$hash->{helper}{OpsModeListBackup}} = @{$hash->{helper}{OpsModeList}}; } ### If the OpsModeList is in unknown state else { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_OpsModeUpdate - The OpsModeList is in unknown state!"; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_OpsModeUpdate - OpsModeList : " . Dumper(@{$hash->{helper}{OpsModeList}}); Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_OpsModeUpdate - OpsModeListBackup Old : " . Dumper(@{$hash->{helper}{OpsModeListBackup}}); ### Save new list as backup @{$hash->{helper}{OpsModeListBackup}} = @{$hash->{helper}{OpsModeList}}; Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : DoorBird_OpsModeUpdate - OpsModeListBackup New : " . Dumper(@{$hash->{helper}{OpsModeListBackup}}); } } ### If the OpsModeList has not been changed else { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_OpsModeUpdate - The OpsModeList has not been changed."; } } ####END####### Update Readings and variables after update of Operation Mode ####################################END##### ###START###### Execution of automatic events depending on operation mode ######################################START#### sub DoorBird_OpsModeExecute($$) { my ($hash, $OpsModeEvent) = @_; ### Obtain values from hash my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $AudioFileDir = $hash->{helper}{AudioFileDir}; my $Sox = $hash->{helper}{SOX}; my @OpsModeList = @{$hash->{helper}{OpsModeList}}; my $OpsModeActive = ReadingsVal($name, "OpsMode", ""); my $OpsModeReadingPrefix = "OpsMode" . $OpsModeActive; my $ReadingNameRelay; my $ReadingNameAudio; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_OpsModeExecute ___________________________________________________________"; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_OpsModeExecute - OpsModeList : " . Dumper(@OpsModeList); Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_OpsModeExecute - OpsModeActive : " . $OpsModeActive; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_OpsModeExecute - AudioFileDir : " . $AudioFileDir; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_OpsModeExecute - OpsModeEvent : " . $OpsModeEvent; ### Get current working directory my $cwd = getcwd(); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_OpsModeExecute - working directory : " . $cwd; ### If the path is given as UNIX file system format if ($cwd =~ /\//) { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_OpsModeExecute - file system format : LINUX"; ### Find out whether it is an absolute path or an relative one (leading "/") if ($AudioFileDir =~ /^\//) { $AudioFileDir = $AudioFileDir; } else { $AudioFileDir = $cwd . "/" . $AudioFileDir; } ### Remove last / of directory if exists $AudioFileDir =~ s/\/\z//; ### Add last / for definitiv $AudioFileDir .= "/"; } ### If the path is given as Windows file system format elsif ($cwd =~ /\\/) { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_OpsModeExecute - file system format : WINDOWS"; ### Find out whether it is an absolute path or an relative one (containing ":\") if ($AudioFileDir != /^.:\//) { $AudioFileDir = $cwd . $AudioFileDir; } else { $AudioFileDir = $AudioFileDir; } ### Remove last \ of directory if exists $AudioFileDir =~ s/\\\z//; ### Add last \ for definitiv $AudioFileDir .= "\\"; } ### If nothing matches above else { ### Set directory to nothing $AudioFileDir = ""; } ### If the event has been triggered by a doorbell event if ($OpsModeEvent =~ m/doorbell/) { ### Construct name of reading for the current actions $ReadingNameRelay = $OpsModeReadingPrefix . "DoorbellRelay"; $ReadingNameAudio = $OpsModeReadingPrefix . "DoorbellAudio"; } ### If the event has been triggered by a motion event elsif ($OpsModeEvent =~ m/motion/) { ### Construct name of reading for the current actions $ReadingNameRelay = $OpsModeReadingPrefix . "MotionRelay"; $ReadingNameAudio = $OpsModeReadingPrefix . "MotionAudio"; } ### If the event has been triggered by a keypad event elsif ($OpsModeEvent =~ m/keypad/) { ### Construct name of reading for the current actions $ReadingNameRelay = $OpsModeReadingPrefix . "KeypadRelay"; $ReadingNameAudio = $OpsModeReadingPrefix . "KeypadAudio"; } ### If none of the nown events has been triggering this subroutine else { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : DoorBird_OpsModeExecute - Unknown OpsModeEvent has been triggered. Ignoring."; ### Do nothing } ### Get Values of Readings my $ReadingValueRelay = ReadingsVal($name, "$ReadingNameRelay",""); my $ReadingValueAudio = ReadingsVal($name, "$ReadingNameAudio",""); ### Create full path to audio file my $AudioFilePath = $AudioFileDir . $ReadingValueAudio; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_OpsModeExecute - AudioFilePath : " . $AudioFilePath; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_OpsModeExecute - ReadingValueAudio : " . $ReadingValueAudio; ### Create Sox - command my $SoxCmd = $Sox . " " . $AudioFilePath . " -n stat stats"; ### Convert file my $AudioLength; ### If the value of the Readings for audiofile is not empty or "Off" if ($ReadingValueAudio ne "" && $ReadingValueAudio ne "Off") { ### Get FileInfo and extract the length of mediafile in seconds my @FileInfo = qx($SoxCmd 2>&1); $AudioLength = $FileInfo[1]; $AudioLength =~ s/Length \(seconds\)\://; $AudioLength =~ s/\s+//g; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_OpsModeExecute - AudioLength : " . $AudioLength; ### Transmit Audiofile DoorBird_Transmit_Audio($hash, $AudioFilePath); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 4, $name. " : DoorBird_OpsModeExecute - Audiofile transmitted : ". $AudioFilePath; } ### If the value of the Readings for relay ID is not empty of "Off" if ($ReadingValueRelay ne "" && $ReadingValueRelay ne "Off") { ### Execute Relay (=Open Door) $hash->{helper}{OpenRelay} = $ReadingValueRelay; InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+ $AudioLength, "DoorBird_Open_Door", $hash, 0); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 4, $name. " : DoorBird_OpsModeExecute - Relay triggered : ". $ReadingValueRelay; } } ####END####### Execution of automatic events depending on operation mode #######################################END##### ###START###### After return of UDP message ####################################################################START#### sub DoorBird_Read($) { my ($hash) = @_; ### Obtain values from hash my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $UdpMessageIdLast = $hash->{helper}{UdpMessageId}; my $UdpMotionIdLast = $hash->{helper}{UdpMotionId}; my $UdpDoorbellIdLast = $hash->{helper}{UdpDoorbellId}; my $UdpKeypadIdLast = $hash->{helper}{UdpKeypadId}; my $Username = DoorBird_credential_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".USER"}); my $Password = DoorBird_credential_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".PASSWORD"}); my $PollingTimeout = $hash->{helper}{PollingTimeout}; my $url = $hash->{helper}{URL}; my $Method = "GET"; my $Header = "Accept: application/json"; my $UrlPostfix; my $CommandURL; my $ReadingEvent; my $ReadingEventContent; my $err; my $data; my $buf; my $flags; ### Get sending Peerhost my $PeerHost = $hash->{CD}->peerhost; ### Get and unpack UDP Datagramm $hash->{CD}->recv($buf, 1024, $flags); ### Unpack Hex-Package $data = bin2hex($buf); ### Remove Newlines for better log entries $buf =~ s/\n+\z//; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read _____________________________________________________________________"; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - UDP Client said PeerHost : " . $PeerHost if defined($PeerHost); Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - UDP Client said buf : " . $buf if defined($buf); Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - UDP Client said flags : " . $flags if defined($flags); Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - UDP Client said data : " . $data if defined($data); ### If the UDP datagramm comes from the defined DoorBird if ((defined($PeerHost)) && ($PeerHost eq $url)) { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - UDP datagram transmitted by valid PeerHost."; ### Extract message ID my $UdpMessageIdCurrent = $buf; $UdpMessageIdCurrent =~ s/:.*//; ### If the first part is only numbers and therefore is the message Id of the KeepAlive datagramm if ($UdpMessageIdCurrent =~ /^\d+$/) { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - UdpMessage is : Still Alive Message"; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - UdpMessageIdLast : " . $UdpMessageIdLast; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - UdpMessageIdCurrent : " . $UdpMessageIdCurrent; ### If the MessageID is integer type has not yet appeared yet if ((int($UdpMessageIdCurrent) == $UdpMessageIdCurrent) && ($UdpMessageIdLast != $UdpMessageIdCurrent)) { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - UDP datagram transmitted is new - Working on it."; ### Remove timer for LostConn RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "DoorBird_LostConn"); ### If Reading for state is not already "connected" if (ReadingsVal($name, "state", "") ne "connected") { ### Update STATE of device readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "connected", 1); ### Update Reading readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "ContactLostSince", "", 1); } ### Initiate the timer for lost connection handling InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+ $hash->{helper}{KeepAliveTimeout}, "DoorBird_LostConn", $hash, 0); ### Store Current UdpMessageId in hash $hash->{helper}{UdpMessageId} = $UdpMessageIdCurrent; } ### If the UDP datagram is already known else { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - UDP datagram transmitted is NOT new - Ignoring it."; } } ### If the UDP message is an event message by comparing the first 6 hex-values ignore case sensitivity elsif ($data =~ /^deadbe/i) { ### Decrypt username and password my $username = DoorBird_credential_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".USER"}); my $password = DoorBird_credential_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".PASSWORD"}); ### Split up in accordance to DoorBird API description in hex values my $IDENT = substr($data, 0, 6); my $VERSION = substr($data, 6, 2); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - UdpMessage is : Event Message"; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - version of encryption used : " . $VERSION; ### If the version 1 of encryption in accordance to the DoorBird API is used if (hex($VERSION) == 1){ ### Split up in hex values in accordance to DoorBird API description for encryption version 1 my $OPSLIMIT = substr($data, 8, 8); my $MEMLIMIT = substr($data, 16, 8); my $SALT = substr($data, 24, 32); my $NONCE = substr($data, 56, 16); my $CIPHERTEXT = substr($data, 72, 68); my $FiveCharPw = substr($password, 0, 5); ### Generate user friendly hex-string for data my $HexFriendlyData; for (my $i=0; $i < (length($data)/2); $i++) { $HexFriendlyData .= "0x" . substr($data, $i*2, 2) . " "; } ### Generate user friendly hex-string for Ident my $HexFriendlyIdent; for (my $i=0; $i < (length($IDENT)/2); $i++) { $HexFriendlyIdent .= "0x" . substr($IDENT, $i*2, 2) . " "; } ### Generate user friendly hex-string for Version my $HexFriendlyVersion; for (my $i=0; $i < (length($VERSION)/2); $i++) { $HexFriendlyVersion .= "0x" . substr($VERSION, $i*2, 2) . " "; } ### Generate user friendly hex-string for OpsLimit my $HexFriendlyOpsLimit; for (my $i=0; $i < (length($OPSLIMIT)/2); $i++) { $HexFriendlyOpsLimit .= "0x" . substr($OPSLIMIT, $i*2, 2) . " "; } ### Generate user friendly hex-string for MemLimit my $HexFriendlyMemLimit; for (my $i=0; $i < (length($MEMLIMIT)/2); $i++) { $HexFriendlyMemLimit .= "0x" . substr($MEMLIMIT, $i*2, 2) . " "; } ### Generate user friendly hex-string for Salt my $HexFriendlySalt; for (my $i=0; $i < (length($SALT)/2); $i++) { $HexFriendlySalt .= "0x" . substr($SALT, $i*2, 2) . " "; } ### Generate user friendly hex-string for Nonce my $HexFriendlyNonce; for (my $i=0; $i < (length($NONCE)/2); $i++) { $HexFriendlyNonce .= "0x" . substr($NONCE, $i*2, 2) . " "; } ### Generate user friendly hex-string for CipherText my $HexFriendlyCipherText; for (my $i=0; $i < (length($CIPHERTEXT)/2); $i++) { $HexFriendlyCipherText .= "0x" . substr($CIPHERTEXT, $i*2, 2) . " "; } ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read ------------------------------ Encryption Version 1 in accordance to DoorBird API has been used ------------------------"; #Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - UDP Client Udp hex : " . $HexFriendlyData; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - UDP Client Ident hex : " . $HexFriendlyIdent; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - UDP Client Version hex : " . $HexFriendlyVersion; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - UDP Client OpsLimit hex : " . $HexFriendlyOpsLimit; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - UDP Client MemLimit hex : " . $HexFriendlyMemLimit; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - UDP Client Salt hex : " . $HexFriendlySalt; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - UDP Client Nonce hex : " . $HexFriendlyNonce; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - UDP Client Cipher hex : " . $HexFriendlyCipherText; ### Convert in accordance to API 0.24 description $IDENT = hex($IDENT); $VERSION = hex($VERSION); $OPSLIMIT = hex($OPSLIMIT); $MEMLIMIT = hex($MEMLIMIT); $SALT = pack("H*", $SALT); $NONCE = pack("H*", $NONCE); $CIPHERTEXT = pack("H*", $CIPHERTEXT); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read -- Part 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - UDP IDENT decimal : " . $IDENT; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - UDP VERSION decimal : " . $VERSION; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - UDP OPSLIMIT decimal : " . $OPSLIMIT; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - UDP MEMLIMIT decimal : " . $MEMLIMIT; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - UDP FiveCharPw in character : " . $FiveCharPw; ### Create Password Hash or return error message if failed my $PASSWORDHASH; eval { $PASSWORDHASH = argon2i_raw($FiveCharPw, $SALT, $OPSLIMIT, $MEMLIMIT, 1, 32); 1; }; if ( $@ ) { Log3 $name, 3, $name . " " . $@; return($@); } ### Unpack Password Hash my $StrechedPWHex = unpack("H*",$PASSWORDHASH); ### Generate user friendly hex-string my $StrechedPWHexFriendly; for (my $i=0; $i < (length($StrechedPWHex)/2); $i++) { $StrechedPWHexFriendly .= "0x" . substr($StrechedPWHex, $i*2, 2) . " "; } ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read -- Part 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - UDP StrechedPW hex friendly : " . $StrechedPWHexFriendly; ### Open crypto_aead object my $crypto_aead = Crypt::NaCl::Sodium->aead(); my $msg; ### Decrypt message or create error message eval { $msg = $crypto_aead->decrypt($CIPHERTEXT, "", $NONCE, $PASSWORDHASH); 1; }; if ( $@ ) { Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : Message forged!"; return("Messaged forged!"); } ### Unpack message as hex my $DecryptedMsgHex = $msg->to_hex(); ### Generate user friendly hex-string my $StrechedMsgHexFriendly; for (my $i=0; $i < (length($DecryptedMsgHex)/2); $i++) { $StrechedMsgHexFriendly .= "0x" . substr($DecryptedMsgHex, $i*2, 2) . " "; } ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read -- Part 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - UDP Msg hex friendly : " . $StrechedMsgHexFriendly; ### Split up in accordance to API 0.24 description in hex values my $INTERCOM_ID = substr($DecryptedMsgHex, 0, 12); my $EVENT = substr($DecryptedMsgHex, 12, 16); my $TIMESTAMP = substr($DecryptedMsgHex, 28, 8); ### Generate user friendly hex-string for Intercom_Id my $Intercom_IdHexFriendly; for (my $i=0; $i < (length($INTERCOM_ID)/2); $i++) { $Intercom_IdHexFriendly .= "0x" . substr($INTERCOM_ID, $i*2, 2) . " "; } ### Generate user friendly hex-string for Event my $EventHexFriendly; for (my $i=0; $i < (length($EVENT)/2); $i++) { $EventHexFriendly .= "0x" . substr($EVENT, $i*2, 2) . " "; } ### Generate user friendly hex-string for Timestamp my $TimestampHexFriendly; for (my $i=0; $i < (length($TIMESTAMP)/2); $i++) { $TimestampHexFriendly .= "0x" . substr($TIMESTAMP, $i*2, 2) . " "; } ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read -- Part 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - UDP Intercom_Id hex friendly : " . $Intercom_IdHexFriendly; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - UDP Event hex friendly : " . $EventHexFriendly; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - UDP Timestamp hex friendly : " . $TimestampHexFriendly; ### Convert in accordance to API 0.24 description in hex values $INTERCOM_ID = pack("H*", $INTERCOM_ID); $EVENT = pack("H*", $EVENT); $TIMESTAMP = hex($TIMESTAMP); ### Convert in accordance to API 0.24 description in hex values my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst)=localtime($TIMESTAMP); my $TIMESTAMPHR = sprintf ( "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",$year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read -- Part 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - UDP Intercom_Id character : " . $INTERCOM_ID; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - UDP EVENT character : " . $EVENT; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - UDP TIMESTAMP UNIX : " . $TIMESTAMP; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - UDP TIMESTAMP human readeable : " . $TIMESTAMPHR; ### Remove trailing whitespace $EVENT =~ s/\s+$//; ### If event belongs to the current user if ($username =~ m/$INTERCOM_ID/){ ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read -- Part 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - INTERCOM_ID matches username"; ### Create first part command URL for DoorBird my $UrlPrefix = "https://" . $url . "/bha-api/"; ### Update STATE of device readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "Downloading image", 1); ### If event has been triggered by motion sensor if ($EVENT =~ m/motion/) { ### If the MessageID is integer type has not yet appeared yet if ((int($TIMESTAMP) == $TIMESTAMP) && ($UdpMotionIdLast != $TIMESTAMP)) { ### Save Timestamp as new ID $hash->{helper}{UdpMotionId} = $TIMESTAMP; ### Create name of reading for event $ReadingEvent = "motion_sensor"; $ReadingEventContent = "Motion detected!"; ### Create Parameter for CommandURL for motionsensor events $UrlPostfix = "history.cgi?event=motionsensor&index=1"; ### Create complete command URL for DoorBird $CommandURL = $UrlPrefix . $UrlPostfix; ### Define Parameter for Non-BlockingGet my $param = { url => $CommandURL, timeout => $PollingTimeout, user => $Username, pwd => $Password, hash => $hash, method => $Method, header => $Header, timestamp => $TIMESTAMP, event => "motionsensor", incrementalTimout => 1, callback => \&DoorBird_LastEvent_Image }; ### Initiate Bulk Update readingsBeginUpdate($hash); ### Update readings of device readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", $ReadingEventContent, 1); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $ReadingEvent, "triggered", 1); ### Execute Readings Bulk Update readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1); ### Initiate communication HttpUtils_NonblockingGet($param); ### Wrap up a container and initiate the timer to reset reading "doorbell_button" my %Container; $Container{"HashReference"} = $hash; $Container{"Reading"} = $ReadingEvent; InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+ $hash->{helper}{EventReset}, "DoorBird_EventReset", \%Container, 0); ### Execute event trigger for Operation Mode DoorBird_OpsModeExecute($hash, "motion"); ### Log Entry Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : An event has been triggered by the DoorBird unit : " . $EVENT; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - Timer for reset reading in : " . $hash->{helper}{EventReset}; } ### If the MessageID is integer type has appeared before else { ### Do nothing ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - Motion sensor message already been sent. Ignoring it!"; } } ### If event has been triggered by keypad elsif ($EVENT =~ m/keypad/) { ### If the MessageID is integer type has not yet appeared yet if ((int($TIMESTAMP) == $TIMESTAMP) && ($UdpKeypadIdLast != $TIMESTAMP)) { ### Save Timestamp as new ID $hash->{helper}{UdpKeypadId} = $TIMESTAMP; ### Create name of reading for event $ReadingEvent = "keypad_pin"; $ReadingEventContent = "Access via Keypad!"; ### Create Parameter for CommandURL for keypad events $UrlPostfix = "history.cgi?event=keypad&index=1"; ### Create complete command URL for DoorBird $CommandURL = $UrlPrefix . $UrlPostfix; ### Define Parameter for Non-BlockingGet my $param = { url => $CommandURL, timeout => $PollingTimeout, user => $Username, pwd => $Password, hash => $hash, method => $Method, header => $Header, timestamp => $TIMESTAMP, event => "keypad", incrementalTimout => 1, callback => \&DoorBird_LastEvent_Image }; ### Initiate Bulk Update readingsBeginUpdate($hash); ### Update readings of device readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", $ReadingEventContent, 1); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $ReadingEvent, "triggered", 1); ### Execute Readings Bulk Update readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1); ### Initiate communication and close HttpUtils_NonblockingGet($param); ### Wrap up a container and initiate the timer to reset reading "doorbell_button" my %Container; $Container{"HashReference"} = $hash; $Container{"Reading"} = $ReadingEvent; InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+ $hash->{helper}{EventReset}, "DoorBird_EventReset", \%Container, 0); ### Execute event trigger for Operation Mode DoorBird_OpsModeExecute($hash, "keypad"); ### Log Entry Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : An event has been triggered by the DoorBird unit : " . $EVENT; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - Timer for reset reading in : " . $hash->{helper}{EventReset}; } ### If the MessageID is integer type has appeared before else { ### Do nothing ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - Keypad message already been sent. Ignoring it!"; } } ### If event has been triggered by doorbell -> Only a number has been transfered elsif (int($EVENT) == $EVENT) { ### If the MessageID is integer type has not yet appeared yet if ((int($TIMESTAMP) == $TIMESTAMP) && ($UdpDoorbellIdLast != $TIMESTAMP)) { ### Save Timestamp as new ID $hash->{helper}{UdpDoorbellId} = $TIMESTAMP; ### Create name of reading for event $ReadingEvent = "doorbell_button_" . sprintf("%03d", $EVENT); $ReadingEventContent = "doorbell pressed!"; ### Create Parameter for CommandURL for doorbell events $UrlPostfix = "history.cgi?event=doorbell&index=1"; ### Create complete command URL for DoorBird $CommandURL = $UrlPrefix . $UrlPostfix; ### Define Parameter for Non-BlockingGet my $param = { url => $CommandURL, timeout => $PollingTimeout, user => $Username, pwd => $Password, hash => $hash, method => $Method, header => $Header, timestamp => $TIMESTAMP, event => "doorbell", doorbellNo => $EVENT, incrementalTimout => 1, callback => \&DoorBird_LastEvent_Image }; ### Initiate Bulk Update readingsBeginUpdate($hash); ### Update readings of device readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", $ReadingEventContent, 1); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $ReadingEvent, "triggered", 1); ### Execute Readings Bulk Update readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1); ### Initiate communication and close HttpUtils_NonblockingGet($param); ### Wrap up a container and initiate the timer to reset reading "doorbell_button" my %Container; $Container{"HashReference"} = $hash; $Container{"Reading"} = $ReadingEvent; InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+ $hash->{helper}{EventReset}, "DoorBird_EventReset", \%Container, 0); ### Execute event trigger for Operation Mode DoorBird_OpsModeExecute($hash, "doorbell"); ### Log Entry Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : An event has been triggered by the DoorBird unit : " . $EVENT; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - Timer for reset reading in : " . $hash->{helper}{EventReset}; } ### If the MessageID is integer type has appeared before else { ### Do nothing ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - Doorbell message already been sent. Ignoring it!"; } } ### If the event has been triggered by unknown code else { ### Log Entry Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : Unknown event triggered by Doorbird Unit : " . $EVENT; } } ### Event does not belong to the current user else { ### Do nothing ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read -- Part 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - INTERCOM_ID does not matches username. Ignoring datagram packet!"; } } } } else { ### Do nothing ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Read - UDP datagram transmitted by invalid PeerHost."; } } ####END####### After return of UDP message #####################################################################END##### ###START###### Open UDP socket connection #####################################################################START#### sub DoorBird_OpenSocketConn($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $conn; my $port = $hash->{helper}{UdpPort}; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_OpenSocketConn - port : " . $port; ### Check if connection can be opened $conn = new IO::Socket::INET ( ReusePort => $hash->{reusePort}, LocalPort => $port, Proto => 'udp' ); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes my $ShowConn = Dumper($conn); $ShowConn =~ s/[\t]//g; $ShowConn =~ s/[\r]//g; $ShowConn =~ s/[\n]//g; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_OpenSocketConn - SocketConnection : " . $ShowConn; if (defined($conn)) { $hash->{FD} = $conn->fileno(); $hash->{CD} = $conn; $selectlist{$name} = $hash; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 4, $name. " : DoorBird_OpenSocketConn - Socket Connection has been established"; } else { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_OpenSocketConn - Socket Connection has NOT been established"; } return } ####END####### Open UDP socket connection ######################################################################END##### ###START###### Lost Connection with DorBird unit ##############################################################START#### sub DoorBird_LostConn($) { my ($hash) = @_; ### Obtain values from hash my $name = $hash->{NAME}; ### Create Timestamp my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst)=localtime(time); my $TimeStamp = sprintf ( "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",$year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_LostConn - Connection with DoorBird Unit lost"; ### If Reading for state is not already disconnected if (ReadingsVal($name, "state", "") ne "disconnected") { ### Update STATE of device readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "disconnected", 1); ### Update Reading readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "ContactLostSince", $TimeStamp, 1); } return; } ####END####### Lost Connection with DorBird unit ###############################################################END##### ###START###### Reset event reading ############################################################################START#### sub DoorBird_EventReset($) { my ($ContainerRef) = @_; ### Transform hash-Reference into hash my %Container = %$ContainerRef; ### Extract hash and reading to be reset my $hash = $Container{"HashReference"}; my $Reading = $Container{"Reading"}; ### Obtain values from hash my $name = $hash->{NAME}; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : DoorBird_EventReset - Reseting reading to idle : " . $Reading; ### Update readings of device readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "connected", 1); readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $Reading, "idle", 1); return; } ####END####### Reset event reading #############################################################################END##### ###START###### Renew Session ID for DorBird unit ##############################################################START#### sub DoorBird_RenewSessionID($) { my ($hash) = @_; ### Obtain values from hash my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $command = "getsession.cgi"; my $method = "GET"; my $header = "Accept: application/json"; my $err = " "; my $data = " "; my $json; ### Obtain data ($err, $data) = DoorBird_BlockGet($hash, $command, $method, $header); ### Remove Newlines for better log entries my $ShowData = $data; $ShowData =~ s/[\t]//g; $ShowData =~ s/[\r]//g; $ShowData =~ s/[\n]//g; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_RenewSessionID - err : " . $err if(defined($err)); Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_RenewSessionID - data : " . $ShowData if(defined($ShowData)); ### If no error has been handed back if ($err eq "") { ### Check if json can be parsed into hash eval { $json = decode_json(encode_utf8($data)); 1; } or do { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : DoorBird_RenewSessionID - Data cannot parsed JSON : Info_Request"; return $name. " : DoorBird_RenewSessionID - Data cannot be parsed by JSON for Info_Request"; }; ### Extract SessionId from hash $hash->{helper}{SessionId} = $json-> {BHA}{SESSIONID}; ### Remove timer for LostConn RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "DoorBird_RenewSessionID"); ### If a time interval for the Session ID has been provided. if ($hash->{helper}{SessionIdSec} > 0) { ### Initiate the timer for renewing SessionId InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+ $hash->{helper}{SessionIdSec}, "DoorBird_RenewSessionID", $hash, 0); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_RenewSessionID - Session ID refreshed : " . $hash->{helper}{SessionId}; } ### If a time interval of 0 = disabled has been provided. else { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_RenewSessionID - Session ID Security has been disabled - No further renewing of SessionId."; } ### If the VideoStream has been activated if (ReadingsVal($name, ".VideoURL", "") ne "") { ### Refresh Video URL DoorBird_Live_Video($hash, "on"); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_RenewSessionID - VideoUrl refreshed"; } ### If the AudioStream has been activated if (ReadingsVal($name, ".AudioURL", "") ne "") { ### Refresh Video URL DoorBird_Live_Audio($hash, "on"); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_RenewSessionID - AudioUrl refreshed"; } return } ### If error has been handed back else { $err =~ s/^[^ ]*//; return "ERROR!\nError Code:" . $err; } return; } ####END####### Renew Session ID for DorBird unit ###############################################################END##### ###START###### Display of html code preceding the "Internals"-section #########################################START#### sub DoorBird_FW_detailFn($$$$) { my ($FW_wname, $devname, $room, $extPage) = @_; my $hash = $defs{$devname}; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $ImageData = $hash->{helper}{Images}{Individual}{Data}; my $ImageTimeStamp = $hash->{helper}{Images}{Individual}{Timestamp}; my $VideoURL = ReadingsVal($name, ".VideoURL", ""); my $ImageURL = ReadingsVal($name, ".ImageURL", ""); my $AudioURL = ReadingsVal($name, ".AudioURL", ""); my $htmlCode; my $VideoHtmlCode; my $ImageHtmlCode; my $ImageHtmlCodeBig; my $AudioHtmlCode; my @HistoryDoorbell; my @HistoryMotion; # ### If Operation Mode(s) have been provided # if (@{$hash->{helper}{OpsModeList}} > 0) { # ### Log Entry for debugging purposes # Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_FW_detailFn - OpsModeList : " . Dumper(@{$hash->{helper}{OpsModeList}}); # } # else { # ### Log Entry for debugging purposes # Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_FW_detailFn - OpsModeList is empty"; # } ### Only if DoorBird has a Camera installed view the Image and History Part if ($hash->{helper}{CameraInstalled} == true) { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes if (defined $hash->{helper}{Images}{History}{doorbell}) { @HistoryDoorbell = @{$hash->{helper}{Images}{History}{doorbell}}; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_FW_detailFn - Size ImageData doorbell : " . @HistoryDoorbell; } ### Log Entry for debugging purposes if (defined $hash->{helper}{Images}{History}{motionsensor}) { @HistoryMotion = @{$hash->{helper}{Images}{History}{motionsensor}}; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_FW_detailFn - Size ImageData motion : " . @HistoryMotion; } ### If VideoURL is empty if ($VideoURL eq "") { ### Create Standard Response $VideoHtmlCode = "Video Stream deactivated"; } ### If VideoURL is NOT empty else { ### Create proper html code including popup my $ImageHtmlCodeBig = ""; my $PopupfunctionCode = "onclick=\"FW_okDialog(\'" . $ImageHtmlCodeBig . "\') \" "; $VideoHtmlCode = ''; ### Create proper html link #$VideoHtmlCode = ''; } ### If ImageData is empty if ($ImageData eq "") { ### Create Standard Response $ImageHtmlCode = "Image not available"; } ### If ImageData is NOT empty else { ### Create proper html code including popup my $ImageHtmlCodeBig = "
" . $ImageTimeStamp . "
"; my $PopupfunctionCode = "onclick=\"FW_okDialog(\'" . $ImageHtmlCodeBig . "\') \" "; $ImageHtmlCode = 'tick'; } ### If AudioURL is empty if ($AudioURL eq "") { ### Create Standard Response $AudioHtmlCode = "Audio Stream deactivated"; } ### If AudioURL is NOT empty else { ### Create proper html code $AudioHtmlCode = ''; } #type="audio/wav ### Create html Code $htmlCode = '
Image from ' . $ImageTimeStamp . ' Live Stream
' . $ImageHtmlCode . ' ' . $VideoHtmlCode . '
' . $AudioHtmlCode . '
'; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes # Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_FW_detailFn - ImageHtmlCode : " . $ImageHtmlCode; # Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_FW_detailFn - VideoHtmlCode : " . $VideoHtmlCode; # Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_FW_detailFn - AudioHtmlCode : " . $AudioHtmlCode; if ((@HistoryDoorbell > 0) || (@HistoryMotion > 0)) { $htmlCode .= '

'; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_FW_detailFn - hash->{helper}{MaxHistory} : " . $hash->{helper}{MaxHistory}; ### For all entries in Picture-Array do for (my $i=0; $i <= ($hash->{helper}{MaxHistory} - 1); $i++) { my $ImageHtmlCodeDoorbell; my $ImageHtmlCodeMotion; ### Create proper html code for image triggered by doorbell if ($HistoryDoorbell[$i]{data} ne "") { ### If element contains an error message if ($HistoryDoorbell[$i]{data} =~ m/Error/) { $ImageHtmlCodeDoorbell = $HistoryDoorbell[$i]{data}; } ### If element does not contain an error message else { ### Create proper html code including popup my $ImageHtmlCodeBig = "
" . $HistoryDoorbell[$i]{timestamp} . "
"; my $PopupfunctionCode = "onclick=\"FW_okDialog(\'" . $ImageHtmlCodeBig . "\') \" "; $ImageHtmlCodeDoorbell = 'tick'; } } else { $ImageHtmlCodeDoorbell = 'No image available'; } ### Create proper html code for image triggered by motionsensor if ($HistoryMotion[$i]{data} ne "") { ### If element contains an error message if ($HistoryMotion[$i]{data} =~ m/Error/) { $ImageHtmlCodeMotion = $HistoryMotion[$i]{data}; } ### If element does not contain an error message else { ### Create proper html code including popup my $ImageHtmlCodeBig = "
" . $HistoryMotion[$i]{timestamp} . "
"; my $PopupfunctionCode = "onclick=\"FW_okDialog(\'" . $ImageHtmlCodeBig . "\') \" "; $ImageHtmlCodeMotion = 'tick'; } } else { $ImageHtmlCodeMotion = 'No image available'; } $htmlCode .= ' '; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes # Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_FW_detailFn - ImageHtmlCodeDoorbell : " . $ImageHtmlCodeDoorbell; # Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_FW_detailFn - ImageHtmlCodeMotion : " . $ImageHtmlCodeMotion; } ### Finish table $htmlCode .= '
History of events - Last download: ' . $hash->{helper}{HistoryTime} . '
Doorbell Motion-Sensor
Picture Timestamp # Picture Timestamp
' . $ImageHtmlCodeDoorbell . ' ' . $HistoryDoorbell[$i]{timestamp} . ' ' . ($i + 1) . ' ' . $ImageHtmlCodeMotion . ' ' . $HistoryMotion[$i]{timestamp} . '
'; } } ### Log Entry for debugging purposes # Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_FW_detailFn - htmlCode : " . $htmlCode; # my $infoBtn = "$info" #
return($htmlCode ); } ####END####### Display of html code preceding the "Internals"-section ##########################################END##### ###START###### Define Subfunction for INFO REQUEST ############################################################START#### sub DoorBird_Info_Request($$) { my ($hash, $option) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $command = "info.cgi"; my $method = "GET"; my $header = "Accept: application/json"; my $err = " "; my $data = " "; my $json; ### Obtain data ($err, $data) = DoorBird_BlockGet($hash, $command, $method, $header); ### Remove Newlines for better log entries my $ShowData = $data; $ShowData =~ s/[\t]//g; $ShowData =~ s/[\r]//g; $ShowData =~ s/[\n]//g; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Info_Request - err : " . $err if(defined($err)); Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Info_Request - data : " . $ShowData if(defined($ShowData)); ### If no error has been handed back if ($err eq "") { ### If the option is asking for the JSON string if (defined($option) && ($option =~ /JSON/i)) { return $data; } ### If the option is asking for nothing special else { ### Check if json can be parsed into hash eval { $json = decode_json(encode_utf8($data)); 1; } or do { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : DoorBird_Info_Request - Data cannot parsed JSON : Info_Request"; return $name. " : DoorBird_Info_Request - Data cannot be parsed by JSON for Info_Request"; }; my $VersionContent = $json-> {BHA}{VERSION}[0]; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Info_Request - json : " . $json; ### Initiate Bulk Update readingsBeginUpdate($hash); foreach my $key (keys %{$VersionContent}) { ### If the entry are information about connected relays if ( $key eq "RELAYS") { ### Save adresses of relays into hash @{$hash->{helper}{RelayAdresses}} = @{$VersionContent -> {$key}}; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Info_Request - No of connected relays : " . @{$VersionContent -> {$key}}; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Info_Request - Adresses of relays : " . join(",", @{$VersionContent -> {$key}}); Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Info_Request - {helper}{RelayAdresses} : " . join(",", @{$hash->{helper}{RelayAdresses}}); ### Delete all Readings for Relay-Addresses readingsDelete($hash, "RelayAddr_.*"); ### For all registred relays do my $RelayNumber =0; foreach my $RelayAddress (@{$VersionContent -> {$key}}) { $RelayNumber++; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Info_Request - Adress of " . sprintf("%15s %-s", "Relay_" . sprintf("%02d", $RelayNumber), ": " . $RelayAddress); ### Update Reading readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "RelayAddr_" . sprintf("%02d", $RelayNumber), $RelayAddress); } } ### If the entry has the information about the device type elsif ( $key eq "DEVICE-TYPE") { ### If the Device Type is not containing type numbers which have no camera installed - Currently only "DoorBird D301A - Door Intercom IP Upgrade" if ($VersionContent -> {$key} !~ m/301/) { ### Set Information about Camera installed to true $hash->{helper}{CameraInstalled} = true; } ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Info_Request - Content of" . sprintf("%15s %-s", $key, ": " . $VersionContent -> {$key}); ### Update Reading readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $key, $VersionContent -> {$key} ); } ### For all other entries else { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Info_Request - Content of" . sprintf("%15s %-s", $key, ": " . $VersionContent -> {$key}); ### Update Reading readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $key, $VersionContent -> {$key} ); } } ### Update SessionId DoorBird_RenewSessionID($hash); ### Execute Readings Bulk Update readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1); ### Download SIP Status Request DoorBird_SipStatus_Request($hash,""); ### Check for Firmware-Updates DoorBird_FirmwareStatus($hash); return "Readings have been updated!\n"; } } ### If error has been handed back else { $err =~ s/^[^ ]*//; return "ERROR!\nError Code:" . $err; } } ####END####### Define Subfunction for INFO REQUEST #############################################################END##### ###START###### Firmware-Update Status for DorBird unit ########################################################START#### sub DoorBird_FirmwareStatus($) { my ($hash) = @_; ### Obtain values from hash my $name = $hash->{NAME}; ### Create Timestamp my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst)=localtime(time); my $TimeStamp = sprintf ( "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",$year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_FirmwareStatus - Checking firmware status on doorbird page"; my $FirmwareVersionUnit = ReadingsVal($name, "FIRMWARE" , 0 ); my $FirmwareDevice = ReadingsVal($name, "DEVICE-TYPE", "unknown"); ### Download website of changelocks my $html = GetFileFromURL("https://www.doorbird.com/changelog"); ### Get the latest firmware number for this product my $versions = DoorBird_parseChangelog($hash, $html); my $result = DoorBird_findNewestFWVersion($hash, $versions, $FirmwareDevice); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_FirmwareStatus - result : " . $result; ### If the latest Firmware is installed if (int($FirmwareVersionUnit) == int($result)) { ### Update Reading for Firmware-Status readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "Firmware-Status", "up-to-date", 1); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_FirmwareStatus - Latest firmware is installed!"; } ### If the latest Firmware is NOT installed elsif (int($FirmwareVersionUnit) < int($result)) { ### Update Reading for Firmware-Status readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "Firmware-Status", "Firmware update required!", 1); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_FirmwareStatus - DoorBird requires firmware update!"; } ### Something went wrong else { ### Update Reading for Firmware-Status readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "Firmware-Status", "unknown", 1); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_FirmwareStatus - An error occured!"; } return; } ####END####### Firmware-Update Status for DorBird unit #########################################################END##### ###START###### Define Subfunction for LIVE VIDEO REQUEST ######################################################START#### sub DoorBird_Live_Video($$) { my ($hash, $option) = @_; ### Obtain values from hash my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $url = $hash->{helper}{URL}; ### Create complete command URL for DoorBird depending on whether SessionIdSecurity has been enabled (>0) or disabled (=0) my $UrlPrefix = "http://" . $url . "/bha-api/"; my $UrlPostfix; if ($hash->{helper}{SessionIdSec} > 0) { $UrlPostfix = "?sessionid=" . $hash->{helper}{SessionId}; } else { my $username = DoorBird_credential_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".USER"}); my $password = DoorBird_credential_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".PASSWORD"}); $UrlPostfix = "?http-user=". $username . "&http-password=" . $password; } my $VideoURL = $UrlPrefix . "video.cgi" . $UrlPostfix; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Live_Video - VideoURL : " . $VideoURL ; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Live_Video - VideoURL : Created"; ### If VideoStreaming shall be switched ON if ($option eq "on") { ### Update Reading readingsSingleUpdate($hash, ".VideoURL", $VideoURL, 1); ### Refresh Browser Window FW_directNotify("#FHEMWEB:$FW_wname", "location.reload()", "") if defined($FW_wname); } ### If VideoStreaming shall be switched OFF elsif ($option eq "off") { ### Update Reading readingsSingleUpdate($hash, ".VideoURL", "", 1); ### Refresh Browser Window FW_directNotify("#FHEMWEB:$FW_wname", "location.reload()", "") if defined($FW_wname); } ### If wrong parameter has been transfered else { ### Do nothing - Just return return("ERROR!\nWrong Parameter used"); } return } ####END####### Define Subfunction for LIVE VIDEO REQUEST #######################################################END##### ###START###### Define Subfunction for LIVE VIDEO REQUEST ######################################################START#### sub DoorBird_Live_Audio($$) { my ($hash, $option) = @_; ### Obtain values from hash my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $url = $hash->{helper}{URL}; ### Create complete command URL for DoorBird depending on whether SessionIdSecurity has been enabled (>0) or disabled (=0) my $UrlPrefix = "http://" . $url . "/bha-api/audio-receive.cgi"; my $UrlPostfix; if ($hash->{helper}{SessionIdSec} > 0) { $UrlPostfix = "?sessionid=" . $hash->{helper}{SessionId}; } else { my $username = DoorBird_credential_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".USER"}); my $password = DoorBird_credential_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".PASSWORD"}); $UrlPostfix = "?http-user=". $username . "&http-password=" . $password; } my $AudioURL = $UrlPrefix . $UrlPostfix; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Live_Audio - AudioURL : " . $AudioURL ; ### If AudioStreaming shall be switched ON if ($option eq "on") { ### Update Reading readingsSingleUpdate($hash, ".AudioURL", $AudioURL, 1); ### Refresh Browser Window FW_directNotify("#FHEMWEB:$FW_wname", "location.reload()", "") if defined($FW_wname); } ### If AudioStreaming shall be switched OFF elsif ($option eq "off") { ### Update Reading readingsSingleUpdate($hash, ".AudioURL", "", 1); ### Refresh Browser Window FW_directNotify("#FHEMWEB:$FW_wname", "location.reload()", "") if defined($FW_wname); } ### If wrong parameter has been transfered else { ### Do nothing - Just return return("ERROR!\nWrong Parameter used"); } return } ####END####### Define Subfunction for LIVE VIDEO REQUEST #######################################################END##### ###START###### Define Subfunction for LIVE IMAGE REQUEST ######################################################START#### sub DoorBird_Image_Request($$) { my ($hash, $option) = @_; ### Obtain values from hash my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $username = DoorBird_credential_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".USER"}); my $password = DoorBird_credential_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".PASSWORD"}); my $url = $hash->{helper}{URL}; my $command = "image.cgi"; my $method = "GET"; my $header = "Accept: application/json"; my $err = " "; my $data = " "; my $json = " "; my $ImageFileName = " "; ### Create complete command URL for DoorBird my $UrlPrefix = "https://" . $url . "/bha-api/"; my $UrlPostfix = "?http-user=". $username . "&http-password=" . $password; my $ImageURL = $UrlPrefix . $command . $UrlPostfix; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Image_Request _____________________________________________________________"; # Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Image_Request - ImageURL : " . $ImageURL ; ### Update Reading readingsSingleUpdate($hash, ".ImageURL", $ImageURL, 1); ### Get Image Data ($err, $data) = DoorBird_BlockGet($hash, $command, $method, $header); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Image_Request - err : " . $err; # Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Image_Request - data : " . $data; ### Encode jpeg data into base64 data and remove lose newlines my $ImageData = MIME::Base64::encode($data); $ImageData =~ s{\n}{}g; ### Create Timestamp my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst)=localtime(time); my $ImageTimeStamp = sprintf ( "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",$year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec); my $ImageFileTimeStamp = sprintf ( "%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d" ,$year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec); ### Save picture and timestamp into hash $hash->{helper}{Images}{Individual}{Data} = $ImageData; $hash->{helper}{Images}{Individual}{Timestamp} = $ImageTimeStamp; ### Refresh Browser Window FW_directNotify("#FHEMWEB:$FW_wname", "location.reload()", "") if defined($FW_wname); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Image_Request - hash - ImageFileDir : " . $hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir}; ### If pictures supposed to be saved as files if ($hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir} ne "") { ### Get current working directory my $cwd = getcwd(); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Image_Request - working directory : " . $cwd; ### If the path is given as UNIX file system format if ($cwd =~ /\//) { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Image_Request - file system format : LINUX"; ### Find out whether it is an absolute path or an relative one (leading "/") if ($hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir} =~ /^\//) { $ImageFileName = $hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir}; } else { $ImageFileName = $cwd . "/" . $hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir}; } ### Check whether the last "/" at the end of the path has been given otherwise add it an create complete path if ($hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir} =~ /\/\z/) { $ImageFileName .= $ImageFileTimeStamp . "_snapshot.jpg"; } else { $ImageFileName .= "/" . $ImageFileTimeStamp . "_snapshot.jpg"; } } ### If the path is given as Windows file system format if ($hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir} =~ /\\/) { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Image_Request - file system format : WINDOWS"; ### Find out whether it is an absolute path or an relative one (containing ":\") if ($hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir} != /^.:\//) { $ImageFileName = $cwd . $hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir}; } else { $ImageFileName = $hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir}; } ### Check whether the last "/" at the end of the path has been given otherwise add it an create complete path if ($hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir} =~ /\\\z/) { $ImageFileName .= $ImageFileTimeStamp . "_snapshot.jpg"; } else { $ImageFileName .= "\\" . $ImageFileTimeStamp . "_snapshot.jpg"; } } ### Save filename of last snapshot into hash $hash->{helper}{Images}{LastSnapshotPath} = $ImageFileName; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Image_Request - ImageFileName : " . $ImageFileName; ### Open file or write error message in log open my $fh, ">", $ImageFileName or do { ### Log Entry Log3 $name, 2, $name. " : DoorBird_Image_Request - open file error : " . $! . " - ". $ImageFileName; }; ### Write the base64 decoded data in file print $fh decode_base64($ImageData) if defined($fh); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Image_Request - write file : Successfully written " . $ImageFileName; ### Update the history list for images and videos DoorBird_History_List($hash); ### Close file or write error message in log close $fh or do { ### Log Entry Log3 $name, 2, $name. " : DoorBird_Image_Request - close file error : " . $! . " - ". $ImageFileName; } } ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Image_Request - ImageData size : " . length($ImageData); Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Image_Request - ImageTimeStamp : " . $ImageTimeStamp; return; } ####END####### Define Subfunction for LIVE IMAGE REQUEST #######################################################END##### ###START###### Define Subfunction for LAST EVENT IMAGE REQUEST ################################################START#### sub DoorBird_LastEvent_Image($$$) { my ($param, $err, $data) = @_; my $hash = $param->{hash}; ### Obtain values from hash my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $event = $param->{event}; my $timestamp = $param->{timestamp}; my $VideoEvent; my $httpHeader; my $ReadingImage; if ($event =~ m/doorbell/ ){ $ReadingImage = "doorbell_snapshot_" . sprintf("%03d", $param->{doorbellNo}); $VideoEvent = "doorbell_" . sprintf("%03d", $param->{doorbellNo}); } elsif ($event =~ m/motion/ ){ $ReadingImage = "motion_snapshot"; $VideoEvent = "motionsensor" } elsif ($event =~ m/keypad/ ){ $ReadingImage = "keypad_snapshot"; $VideoEvent = "keypad" } else { ### Create Log entry Log3 $name, 2, $name. " : DoorBird_LastEvent_Image - Unknown event. Breaking up"; ### Exit sub return } ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_LastEvent_Image ___________________________________________________________"; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_LastEvent_Image - err : " . $err if (defined($err )); Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_LastEvent_Image - length data : " . length($data) if (defined($data )); #Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_LastEvent_Image - param : " . join("\n", @{[%{$param}]}) if (defined($param)); ### If error message available if ($err ne "") { ### Create Log entry Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : DoorBird_LastEvent_Image - Error : " . $err if (defined($err )); ### Write Last Image into reading readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $ReadingImage, "No image data", 1); } ### if no error message available else { ### If any image data available if (defined $data) { ### Predefine Image Data and Image-hash and hash - reference my $ImageData; my $ImageTimeStamp; my $ImageFileTimeStamp; my $ImageFileName; my %ImageDataHash; my $ref_ImageDataHash = \%ImageDataHash; ### If http response code is 200 = OK if ($param->{code} == 200) { ### Encode jpeg data into base64 data and remove lose newlines $ImageData = MIME::Base64::encode($data); $ImageData =~ s{\n}{}g; ### Create Timestamp $httpHeader = $param->{httpheader}; $httpHeader =~ s/^[^_]*X-Timestamp: //; $httpHeader =~ s/\n.*//g; ### If timestamp from history image has NOT been done since the timestamp from the event if ((int($timestamp) - int($httpHeader)) > 0){ ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_LastEvent_Image - timestamp from history image has NOT been done since the timestamp from the event."; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_LastEvent_Image - Image timestamp : " . $httpHeader; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_LastEvent_Image - Event timestamp : " . $timestamp; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_LastEvent_Image - dt : " . (int($timestamp) - int($httpHeader)); ### If timestamp from the event is NOT older than WaitForHistory from current time => Try again if ((time - int($timestamp)) <= $hash->{helper}{WaitForHistory}){ ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_LastEvent_Image - timestamp of event is not older than Attribute WaitForHistory: Still time to try again"; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_LastEvent_Image - Event timestamp : " . $timestamp; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_LastEvent_Image - current timestamp : " . time; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_LastEvent_Image - Attr WaitForHistory : " . $hash->{helper}{WaitForHistory}; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_LastEvent_Image - dt : " . int(time - int($timestamp)); ### Try again: Initiate communication and close HttpUtils_NonblockingGet($param); ### Exit routine return; } else { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 2, $name. " : DoorBird_LastEvent_Image - timestamp of event is older than than Attribute WaitForHistory: Proceeding without waiting any longer..."; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_LastEvent_Image - Event timestamp : " . $timestamp; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_LastEvent_Image - current timestamp : " . time; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_LastEvent_Image - Attr WaitForHistory : " . $hash->{helper}{WaitForHistory}; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_LastEvent_Image - dt : " . int(time - int($timestamp)); ### Write Last Image into reading readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $ReadingImage, "No image data", 1); } } ### If timestamp from history picture has been done since the timestamp from the event else { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_LastEvent_Image - timestamp from history image has been done since the timestamp from the event."; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_LastEvent_Image - Image timestamp : " . $httpHeader; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_LastEvent_Image - Event timestamp : " . $timestamp; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_LastEvent_Image - dt : " . (int($timestamp) - int($httpHeader)); my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst)=localtime($httpHeader); $ImageTimeStamp = sprintf ( "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",$year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec); $ImageFileTimeStamp = sprintf ( "%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d" ,$year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec); ### Save picture and timestamp into hash $hash->{helper}{Images}{Individual}{Data} = $ImageData; $hash->{helper}{Images}{Individual}{Timestamp} = $ImageTimeStamp; ### Refresh Browser Window FW_directNotify("#FHEMWEB:$FW_wname", "location.reload()", "") if defined($FW_wname); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_LastEvent_Image - hash - ImageFileDir : " . $hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir}; ### If pictures supposed to be saved as files if ($hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir} ne "0") { ### Get current working directory my $cwd = getcwd(); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_LastEvent_Image - working directory : " . $cwd; ### If the path is given as UNIX file system format if ($cwd =~ /\//) { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_LastEvent_Image - file system format : LINUX"; ### Find out whether it is an absolute path or an relative one (leading "/") if ($hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir} =~ /^\//) { $ImageFileName = $hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir}; } else { $ImageFileName = $cwd . "/" . $hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir}; } ### Check whether the last "/" at the end of the path has been given otherwise add it an create complete path if ($hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir} =~ /\/\z/) { $ImageFileName .= $ImageFileTimeStamp . "_" . $event . ".jpg"; } else { $ImageFileName .= "/" . $ImageFileTimeStamp . "_" . $event . ".jpg"; } } ### If the path is given as Windows file system format if ($hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir} =~ /\\/) { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_LastEvent_Image - file system format : WINDOWS"; ### Find out whether it is an absolute path or an relative one (containing ":\") if ($hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir} != /^.:\//) { $ImageFileName = $cwd . $hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir}; } else { $ImageFileName = $hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir}; } ### Check whether the last "/" at the end of the path has been given otherwise add it an create complete path if ($hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir} =~ /\\\z/) { $ImageFileName .= $ImageFileTimeStamp . "_" . $event . ".jpg"; } else { $ImageFileName .= "\\" . $ImageFileTimeStamp . "_" . $event . ".jpg"; } } ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_LastEvent_Image - ImageFileName : " . $ImageFileName; ### Open file or write error message in log open my $fh, ">", $ImageFileName or do { ### Log Entry Log3 $name, 2, $name. " : DoorBird_LastEvent_Image - open file error : " . $! . " - ". $ImageFileName; }; ### Write the base64 decoded data in file print $fh decode_base64($ImageData) if defined($fh); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_LastEvent_Image - write file : Successfully written " . $ImageFileName; ### Close file or write error message in log close $fh or do { ### Log Entry Log3 $name, 2, $name. " : DoorBird_LastEvent_Image - close file error : " . $! . " - ". $ImageFileName; }; ### Write Last Image into reading readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $ReadingImage, $ImageFileName, 1); ### Update the history list for images and videos DoorBird_History_List($hash); } ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_LastEvent_Image - ImageData - event : " . length($ImageData); } ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_LastEvent_Image - Type of event : " . $event; } ### If http response code is 204 = No permission to download the event history elsif ($param->{code} == 204) { ### Create Log entry Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : DoorBird_LastEvent_Image - Error 204 : User not authorized to download event history"; ### Create Error message $ImageData = "Error 204: The user has no permission to download the event history."; $ImageTimeStamp =" "; ### Write Last Image into reading readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $ReadingImage, "No image data", 1); } ### If http response code is 404 = No picture available to download the event history elsif ($param->{code} == 404) { ### Create Log entry Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_LastEvent_Image - Error 404 : No picture available to download event history. Check settings in DoorBird APP."; ### Create Error message $ImageData = "Error 404: No picture available to download in the event history."; $ImageTimeStamp =" "; ### Write Last Image into reading readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $ReadingImage, "No image data", 1); } ### If http response code is none of one above else { ### Create Log entry Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : DoorBird_LastEvent_Image - Unknown http response code : " . $param->{code}; ### Create Error message $ImageData = "Error : " . $param->{code}; $ImageTimeStamp =" "; ### Write Last Image into reading readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $ReadingImage, "No image data", 1); } } else { ### Write Last Image into reading readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $ReadingImage, "No image data", 1); } } ### If the attribute VideoDurationDoorbell has been set and therefore an video shall be recorded if ($hash->{helper}{VideoDurationDoorbell} > 0){ ### Call sub for Videorecording DoorBird_Video_Request($hash, $hash->{helper}{VideoDurationDoorbell}, $VideoEvent, $httpHeader); } return; } ####END####### Define Subfunction for LAST EVENT IMAGE REQUEST #################################################END##### ###START###### Define Subfunction for OPEN DOOR ###############################################################START#### sub DoorBird_Open_Door($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $relay = $hash->{helper}{OpenRelay}; my $command = "open-door.cgi?r=" . $relay; my $method = "GET"; my $header = "Accept: application/json"; my $username = DoorBird_credential_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".USER"}); my $err; my $data; my $json; ### Delete Helper $hash->{helper}{OpenRelay} = ""; ### Activate Relay ($err, $data) = DoorBird_BlockGet($hash, $command, $method, $header); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Open_Door - err : " . $err; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Open_Door - data : " . $data; ### If no error message is available if ($err eq "") { ### Check if json can be parsed into hash eval { $json = decode_json(encode_utf8($data)); 1; } or do { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : DoorBird_Open_Door - Data cannot be parsed by JSON for: Open_Door"; return $name. " : DoorBird_Open_Door - Data cannot be parsed by JSON for Open_Door"; }; ### Create return messages and log entries based on error codes returned if ($json->{BHA}{RETURNCODE} eq "1") { ### Log Entry Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : DoorBird_Open_Door - Door ". $relay . " successfully triggered."; ### Create popup message return "Door ". $relay . " successful triggered."; } elsif ($json->{BHA}{RETURNCODE} eq "204") { ### Log Entry Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : DoorBird_Open_Door - Error 204: The user " . $username . "has no “watch-always” - permission to open the door."; ### Create popup message return "Error 204: The user " . $username . "has no “watch-always” - permission to open the door."; } else { ### Log Entry Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : DoorBird_Light_On - ERROR! - Return Code:" . $json->{BHA}{RETURNCODE}; return "ERROR!\nReturn Code:" . $json->{BHA}{RETURNCODE}; } } ### If error message is available else { ### Log Entry Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : DoorBird_Light_On - ERROR! - Error Code:" . $err; ### Create error message $err =~ s/^[^ ]*//; return "ERROR!\nError Code:" . $err; } } ####END####### Define Subfunction for OPEN DOOR ################################################################END##### ###START###### Define Subfunction for LIGHT ON ################################################################START#### sub DoorBird_Light_On($$) { my ($hash, $option) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $command = "light-on.cgi"; my $method = "GET"; my $header = "Accept: application/json"; my $username = DoorBird_credential_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".USER"}); my $err; my $data; my $json; ### Activate Relay ($err, $data) = DoorBird_BlockGet($hash, $command, $method, $header); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Light_On - err : " . $err; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Light_On - data : " . $data; ### If no error message is available if ($err eq "") { ### Check if json can be parsed into hash eval { $json = decode_json(encode_utf8($data)); 1; } or do { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : DoorBird_Light_On - Data cannot be parsed by JSON for: Light_On"; return $name. " : DoorBird_Light_On - Data cannot be parsed by JSON for Light_On"; }; ### Create return messages and log entries based on error codes returned if ($json->{BHA}{RETURNCODE} eq "1") { ### Log Entry Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : DoorBird_Light_On - Light successfully triggered."; ### Create popup message return "Light successful triggered."; } elsif ($json->{BHA}{RETURNCODE} eq "204") { ### Log Entry Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : DoorBird_Light_On - Error 204: The user " . $username . "has no “watch-always” - permission to switch the light ON."; ### Create popup message return "Error 204: The user " . $username . "has no “watch-always” - permission to switch the light ON."; } else { ### Log Entry Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : DoorBird_Light_On - ERROR! - Return Code:" . $json->{BHA}{RETURNCODE}; return "ERROR!\nReturn Code:" . $json->{BHA}{RETURNCODE}; } } ### If error message is available else { ### Log Entry Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : DoorBird_Light_On - ERROR! - Error Code:" . $err; ### Create error message $err =~ s/^[^ ]*//; return "ERROR!\nError Code:" . $err; } } ####END####### Define Subfunction for LIGHT ON #################################################################END##### ###START###### Define Subfunction for TRANSMIT AUDIO REQUEST ##################################################START#### sub DoorBird_Transmit_Audio($$) { my ($hash, $option) = @_; ### Obtain values from hash my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $Username = DoorBird_credential_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".USER"}); my $Password = DoorBird_credential_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".PASSWORD"}); my $Url = $hash->{helper}{URL}; my $Sox = $hash->{helper}{SOX}; my $AudioDataPathOrig = $option; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Transmit_Audio - ---------------------------------------------------------------"; ### If file exists if (-e $AudioDataPathOrig) { ### Create new filepath from old filepath my $AudioDataNew; my $AudioDataSizeNew; my $AudioDataPathNew = $AudioDataPathOrig; $AudioDataPathNew =~ s/\..*//; $AudioDataPathNew .= ".wav"; ### If the respective .wav file already exists if (-e $AudioDataPathNew) { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Transmit_Audio - wav file already exists : " . $AudioDataPathNew; } ### If the respective .wav file does not exists else { ### Create Sox - command my $SoxCmd = $Sox . " -V " . $AudioDataPathOrig . " " . $AudioDataPathNew; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Transmit_Audio - Original Path exists : " . $AudioDataPathOrig; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Transmit_Audio - New Path created : " . $AudioDataPathNew; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Transmit_Audio - Sox System-Command : " . $SoxCmd; ### Convert file system ($SoxCmd); } ### Get filesize of wav file $AudioDataSizeNew = -s $AudioDataPathNew; ### Get FileInfo and extract the length of wav file in seconds my $SoxCmd = $Sox . " " . $AudioDataPathNew . " -n stat stats"; my @FileInfo = qx($SoxCmd 2>&1); my $AudioLength = $FileInfo[1]; $AudioLength =~ s/Length \(seconds\)\://; $AudioLength =~ s/\s+//g; $AudioLength = int($AudioLength); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Transmit_Audio - AudioLength in seconds : " . $AudioLength; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Transmit_Audio - New Filesize : " . $AudioDataSizeNew; ### Create complete command URL for DoorBird depending on whether SessionIdSecurity has been enabled (>0) or disabled (=0) my $UrlPrefix = "http://" . $Url . "/bha-api/audio-transmit.cgi"; my $UrlPostfix; ### If SessionIdSec is enabled if ($hash->{helper}{SessionIdSec} != 0) { $UrlPostfix = "?sessionid=" . $hash->{helper}{SessionId} . " content-type=\"audio/basic\" use-content-length=true"; } ### Id SessionID Security is disabled else { my $username = DoorBird_credential_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".USER"}); my $password = DoorBird_credential_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".PASSWORD"}); $UrlPostfix = " content-type=\"audio/basic\" use-content-length=true user=" . $username . " passwd=" . $password; } my $CommandURL = $UrlPrefix . $UrlPostfix; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Transmit_Audio - CommandURL : " . $CommandURL ; ### Create the gst-lauch command my $GstCommand = "gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location="; $GstCommand .= $AudioDataPathNew; $GstCommand .= " ! wavparse ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! \"audio/x-raw,format=S16LE,rate=8000,channels=1\" ! mulawenc ! \"audio/x-mulaw,rate=8000,channels=1\" ! curlhttpsink location="; $GstCommand .= $CommandURL; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Transmit_Audio - GstCommand : " . $GstCommand; ### Create command for shell my $ShellCommand = "timeout " . ($AudioLength + 3) . " " . $GstCommand . " &"; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Transmit_Audio - ShellCommand : " . $ShellCommand; ### Pass shell command to shell and continue with the code below eval { system($ShellCommand) or die "Could not execute" . $ShellCommand . " ". $@; }; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Transmit_Audio - File streamed successf. : " . $AudioDataPathOrig; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Transmit_Audio - ---------------------------------------------------------------"; return "The audio file: " . $AudioDataPathOrig . " has been streamed to the DoorBird"; } ### If Filepath does not exist else { ### Log Entry Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : DoorBird_Transmit_Audio - Path doesn't exist : " . $AudioDataPathOrig; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Transmit_Audio - ---------------------------------------------------------------"; return "The audio file: " . $AudioDataPathOrig . " does not exist!" } } ####END####### Define Subfunction for TRANSMIT AUDIO REQUEST ###################################################END##### ###START###### Define Subfunction for RECEIVE AUDIO REQUEST ###################################################START#### sub DoorBird_Receive_Audio($$) { my ($hash, $option) = @_; ### Obtain values from hash my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $Username = DoorBird_credential_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".USER"}); my $Password = DoorBird_credential_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".PASSWORD"}); my $Url = $hash->{helper}{URL}; my $Sox = $hash->{helper}{SOX}; my $AudioDataPathOrig = $option; ### For Test only my $AudioLength = 7; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Live_Audio - ---------------------------------------------------------------"; ### If file does not exist already if ((-e $AudioDataPathOrig) == false) { ### Create new filepath from old filepath my $AudioDataNew; my $AudioDataSizeNew; my $AudioDataPathNew = $AudioDataPathOrig; $AudioDataPathNew =~ s/\..*//; $AudioDataPathNew .= ".mp3"; ### Create complete command URL for DoorBird depending on whether SessionIdSecurity has been enabled (>0) or disabled (=0) my $UrlPrefix = "http://" . $Url . "/bha-api/audio-receive.cgi"; my $UrlPostfix; ### If SessionIdSec is enabled if ($hash->{helper}{SessionIdSec} != 0) { $UrlPostfix = "?sessionid=" . $hash->{helper}{SessionId}; } ### Id SessionID Security is disabled else { my $username = DoorBird_credential_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".USER"}); my $password = DoorBird_credential_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".PASSWORD"}); $UrlPostfix = " user=" . $username . " passwd=" . $password; } my $CommandURL = $UrlPrefix . $UrlPostfix; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 1, $name. " : DoorBird_Live_Audio - CommandURL : " . $CommandURL ; ### Create the gst-lauch command my $GstCommand = "gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=<"; $GstCommand .= $CommandURL; $GstCommand .= "> ! wavparse ! audioconvert ! lame ! filesink location="; $GstCommand .= $AudioDataPathNew; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 1, $name. " : DoorBird_Live_Audio - GstCommand : " . $GstCommand; ### Create command for shell my $ShellCommand = "timeout " . ($AudioLength + 3) . " " . $GstCommand . " &"; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 1, $name. " : DoorBird_Live_Audio - ShellCommand : " . $ShellCommand; ### Pass shell command to shell and continue with the code below eval { system($ShellCommand) or die "Could not execute" . $ShellCommand . " ". $@; }; Log3 $name, 1, $name. " : DoorBird_Live_Audio - File streamed successf. : " . $AudioDataPathOrig; Log3 $name, 1, $name. " : DoorBird_Live_Audio - ---------------------------------------------------------------"; return "The audio file: " . $AudioDataPathOrig . " has been streamed to the DoorBird"; } ### If Filepath does not exist else { ### Log Entry Log3 $name, 1, $name. " : DoorBird_Live_Audio - Path doesn't exist : " . $AudioDataPathOrig; Log3 $name, 1, $name. " : DoorBird_Live_Audio - ---------------------------------------------------------------"; return "The audio file: " . $AudioDataPathOrig . " does not exist!" } } ####END####### Define Subfunction for RECEIVE VIDEO REQUEST ####################################################END##### ###START###### Define Subfunction for HISTORY IMAGE REQUEST ###################################################START#### ### https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/HttpUtils#HttpUtils_NonblockingGet sub DoorBird_History_Request($$) { my ($hash, $option) = @_; ### Obtain values from hash my $Name = $hash->{NAME}; my $Username = DoorBird_credential_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".USER"}); my $Password = DoorBird_credential_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".PASSWORD"}); my $PollingTimeout = $hash->{helper}{PollingTimeout}; my $url = $hash->{helper}{URL}; my $Method = "GET"; my $Header = "Accept: application/json"; my $err; my $data; my $UrlPostfix; my $CommandURL; ### Create Timestamp my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst)=localtime(time); my $ImageTimeStamp = sprintf ( "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",$year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec); ### Create first part command URL for DoorBird my $UrlPrefix = "https://" . $url . "/bha-api/"; ### If the Itereation is started for the first time = new polling if ($hash->{helper}{HistoryDownloadCount} == 0) { ### Delete arrays of pictures @{$hash->{helper}{Images}{History}{doorbell}} = (); @{$hash->{helper}{Images}{History}{motionsensor}} = (); $hash->{helper}{HistoryTime} = $ImageTimeStamp; $hash->{helper}{HistoryDownloadActive} = true; } ### Define STATE message my $CountDown = $hash->{helper}{MaxHistory}*2 - $hash->{helper}{HistoryDownloadCount}; ### Update STATE of device readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "Downloading history: " . $CountDown, 1); ### Create the URL Index which is identical every 2nd: 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 my $UrlIndex=int(int($hash->{helper}{HistoryDownloadCount})/int(2))+1; ### As long the maximum ammount of Images for history events is not reached if ($UrlIndex <= $hash->{helper}{MaxHistory}) { ### If the counter is even, download an image based on the doorbell event if (0 == $hash->{helper}{HistoryDownloadCount} % 2) { ### Create Parameter for CommandURL for doorbell events $UrlPostfix = "history.cgi?event=doorbell&index=" . $UrlIndex; } ### If the counter is odd, download an image based on the motion sensor event else { ### Create Parameter for CommandURL for motionsensor events $UrlPostfix = "history.cgi?event=motionsensor&index=" . $UrlIndex; } } ### If the requested maximum number of Images for history events is reached else { ### Reset helper $hash->{helper}{HistoryDownloadActive} = false; $hash->{helper}{HistoryDownloadCount} = 0; ### Update STATE of device readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "connected", 1); ### Refresh Browser Window FW_directNotify("#FHEMWEB:$FW_wname", "location.reload()", "") if defined($FW_wname); ### Return since Routine is finished or wrong parameter has been transfered. return } ### Create complete command URL for DoorBird $CommandURL = $UrlPrefix . $UrlPostfix; ### Define Parameter for Non-BlockingGet my $param = { url => $CommandURL, timeout => $PollingTimeout, user => $Username, pwd => $Password, hash => $hash, method => $Method, header => $Header, incrementalTimout => 1, callback => \&DoorBird_History_Request_Parse }; ### Initiate communication and close HttpUtils_NonblockingGet($param); return; } sub DoorBird_History_Request_Parse($) { my ($param, $err, $data) = @_; my $hash = $param->{hash}; ### Obtain values from hash my $name = $hash->{NAME}; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_Request ___________________________________________________________"; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_Request - Download Index : " . $hash->{helper}{HistoryDownloadCount}; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_Request - err : " . $err if (defined($err )); Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_Request - length data : " . length($data) if (defined($data )); # Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_Request - param : " . join("\n", @{[%{$param}]}) if (defined($param)); ### If error message available if ($err ne "") { ### Create Log entry Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : DoorBird_History_Request - Error : " . $err if (defined($err )); } ### if no error message available else { ### If any image data available if (defined $data) { ### Predefine Image Data and Image-hash and hash - reference my $ImageData; my $ImageTimeStamp; my $ImageFileTimeStamp; my $ImageFileName; my %ImageDataHash; my $ref_ImageDataHash = \%ImageDataHash; ### If http response code is 200 = OK if ($param->{code} == 200) { ### Encode jpeg data into base64 data and remove lose newlines $ImageData = MIME::Base64::encode($data); $ImageData =~ s{\n}{}g; ### Create Timestamp my $httpHeader = $param->{httpheader}; $httpHeader =~ s/^[^_]*X-Timestamp: //; $httpHeader =~ s/\n.*//g; my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst)=localtime($httpHeader); $ImageTimeStamp = sprintf ( "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",$year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec); $ImageFileTimeStamp = sprintf ( "%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d" ,$year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec); } ### If http response code is 204 = Nno permission to download the event history elsif ($param->{code} == 204) { ### Create Log entry Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : DoorBird_History_Request - Error 204 : User not authorized to download event history"; ### Create Error message $ImageData = "Error 204: The user has no permission to download the event history."; $ImageTimeStamp =" "; } ### If http response code is 404 = No picture available to download the event history elsif ($param->{code} == 404) { ### Create Log entry Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_Request - Error 404 : No picture available to download event history. Check settings in DoorBird APP."; ### Create Error message $ImageData = "Error 404: No picture available to download in the event history."; $ImageTimeStamp =" "; } ### If http response code is none of one above else { ### Create Log entry Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : DoorBird_History_Request - Unknown http response code : " . $param->{code}; ### Create Error message $ImageData = "Error : " . $param->{code}; $ImageTimeStamp =" "; } ### Create the URL Index which is identical every 2nd: 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 my $UrlIndex=int(int($hash->{helper}{HistoryDownloadCount})/int(2))+1; ### If the counter is even, download an image based on the doorbell event if (0 == $hash->{helper}{HistoryDownloadCount} % 2) { my $HistoryDownloadCount = $hash->{helper}{HistoryDownloadCount}; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_Request - doorbell - HistoryCount: " . $HistoryDownloadCount; ### Save Image data and timestamp into hash $ref_ImageDataHash->{data} = $ImageData; $ref_ImageDataHash->{timestamp} = $ImageTimeStamp; ### Save image hash into array of hashes push (@{$hash->{helper}{Images}{History}{doorbell}}, $ref_ImageDataHash); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_Request - hash - ImageFileDir : " . $hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir}; ### If pictures supposed to be saved as files if ($hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir} ne "0") { ### Get current working directory my $cwd = getcwd(); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_Request - working directory : " . $cwd; ### If the path is given as UNIX file system format if ($cwd =~ /\//) { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_Request - file system format : LINUX"; ### Find out whether it is an absolute path or an relative one (leading "/") if ($hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir} =~ /^\//) { $ImageFileName = $hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir}; } else { $ImageFileName = $cwd . "/" . $hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir}; } ### Check whether the last "/" at the end of the path has been given otherwise add it an create complete path if ($hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir} =~ /\/\z/) { $ImageFileName .= $ImageFileTimeStamp . "_doorbell.jpg"; } else { $ImageFileName .= "/" . $ImageFileTimeStamp . "_doorbell.jpg"; } } ### If the path is given as Windows file system format if ($hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir} =~ /\\/) { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_Request - file system format : WINDOWS"; ### Find out whether it is an absolute path or an relative one (containing ":\") if ($hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir} != /^.:\//) { $ImageFileName = $cwd . $hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir}; } else { $ImageFileName = $hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir}; } ### Check whether the last "/" at the end of the path has been given otherwise add it an create complete path if ($hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir} =~ /\\\z/) { $ImageFileName .= $ImageFileTimeStamp . "_doorbell.jpg"; } else { $ImageFileName .= "\\" . $ImageFileTimeStamp . "_doorbell.jpg"; } } ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_Request - ImageFileName : " . $ImageFileName; ### Open file or write error message in log open my $fh, ">", $ImageFileName or do { ### Log Entry Log3 $name, 2, $name. " : DoorBird_History_Request - open file error : " . $! . " - ". $ImageFileName; }; ### Write the base64 decoded data in file print $fh decode_base64($ImageData) if defined($fh); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_Request - write file : Successfully written " . $ImageFileName; ### Close file or write error message in log close $fh or do { ### Log Entry Log3 $name, 2, $name. " : DoorBird_History_Request - close file error : " . $! . " - ". $ImageFileName; } } ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_Request - Index - doorbell : " . $UrlIndex; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_Request - ImageData - doorbell : " . length($ImageData); } ### If the counter is odd, download an image based on the motion sensor event else { my $HistoryDownloadCount = $hash->{helper}{HistoryDownloadCount} - 50; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_Request - motion - HistoryCount : " . $HistoryDownloadCount; ### Save Image data and timestamp into hash $ref_ImageDataHash->{data} = $ImageData; $ref_ImageDataHash->{timestamp} = $ImageTimeStamp; ### Save image hash into array of hashes push (@{$hash->{helper}{Images}{History}{motionsensor}}, $ref_ImageDataHash); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_Request - hash - ImageFileDir : " . $hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir}; ### If pictures supposed to be saved as files if ($hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir} ne "0") { ### Get current working directory my $cwd = getcwd(); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_Request - working directory : " . $cwd; ### If the path is given as UNIX file system format if ($cwd =~ /\//) { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_Request - file system format : LINUX"; ### Find out whether it is an absolute path or an relative one (leading "/") if ($hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir} =~ /^\//) { $ImageFileName = $hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir}; } else { $ImageFileName = $cwd . "/" . $hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir}; } ### Check whether the last "/" at the end of the path has been given otherwise add it an create complete path if ($hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir} =~ /\/\z/) { $ImageFileName .= $ImageFileTimeStamp . "_motionsensor.jpg"; } else { $ImageFileName .= "/" . $ImageFileTimeStamp . "_motionsensor.jpg"; } } ### If the path is given as Windows file system format if ($hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir} =~ /\\/) { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_Request - file system format : WINDOWS"; ### Find out whether it is an absolute path or an relative one (containing ":\") if ($hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir} != /^.:\//) { $ImageFileName = $cwd . $hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir}; } else { $ImageFileName = $hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir}; } ### Check whether the last "/" at the end of the path has been given otherwise add it an create complete path if ($hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir} =~ /\\\z/) { $ImageFileName .= $ImageFileTimeStamp . "_motionsensor.jpg"; } else { $ImageFileName .= "\\" . $ImageFileTimeStamp . "_motionsensor.jpg"; } } ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_Request - ImageFileName : " . $ImageFileName; ### Open file or write error message in log open my $fh, ">", $ImageFileName or do { ### Log Entry Log3 $name, 2, $name. " : DoorBird_History_Request - open file error : " . $! . " - ". $ImageFileName; }; ### Write the base64 decoded data in file print $fh decode_base64($ImageData) if defined($fh); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_Request - write file : Successfully written " . $ImageFileName; ### Update the history list for images and videos DoorBird_History_List($hash); ### Close file or write error message in log close $fh or do { ### Log Entry Log3 $name, 2, $name. " : DoorBird_History_Request - close file error : " . $! . " - ". $ImageFileName; } } ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_Request - Index - motionsensor : " . $UrlIndex; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_Request - ImageData- motionsensor: " . length($ImageData); } } ### If no image data available else { ### Create second part command URL for DoorBird based on iteration cycle if (($hash->{helper}{HistoryDownloadCount} > 0) && $hash->{helper}{HistoryDownloadCount} <= 50) { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_Request - No Image doorbell : " . $hash->{helper}{HistoryDownloadCount}; } elsif (($hash->{helper}{HistoryDownloadCount} > 50) && $hash->{helper}{HistoryDownloadCount} <= 100) { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_Request - No Image motionsensor : " . ($hash->{helper}{HistoryDownloadCount} -50); } else { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_Request - ERROR! Wrong Index b) : " . $hash->{helper}{HistoryDownloadCount}; } } } ### Increase Download Counter and download the next one $hash->{helper}{HistoryDownloadCount}++; DoorBird_History_Request($hash, ""); return } ####END####### Define Subfunction for HISTORY IMAGE REQUEST ####################################################END##### ###START###### Define Subfunction for history list update as readings #########################################START#### sub DoorBird_History_List($) { my ($hash) = @_; ### Obtain values from hash my $name = $hash->{NAME}; ### If the HistoryFile List shall be created if ($hash->{helper}{HistoryFilePath} == true) { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_List ___________________________________________________________"; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_List - The HistoryList has been activated. Processing..."; ### Delete all older reading entries to files #fhem("deleteReading " . $name . " HistoryFilePath.*", 1); foreach my $DeleteReading (keys %{$hash->{READINGS}}) { if ($DeleteReading =~ m/HistoryFilePath/ ){ ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_List - Delete Reading : " . $DeleteReading; ### Delete Reading readingsDelete($hash, $DeleteReading); } } ### Get current working directory my $cwd = getcwd(); ### If the ImageFileDir has been defined and images are taken if ((defined($hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir})) && (($hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir} =~ m/\/fhem\/www/)) || (($hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir} =~ m/\\fhem\\www/))){ my $ImageFileName; my @ImageFileList; ### If the path is given as UNIX file system format if ($cwd =~ /\//) { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_List - file system format : UNIX"; ### Find out whether it is an absolute path or an relative one (leading "/") if ($hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir} =~ /^\//) { $ImageFileName = $hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir}; } else { $ImageFileName = $cwd . "/" . $hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir}; } } ### If the path is given as Windows file system format if ($hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir} =~ /\\/) { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_List - file system format : WINDOWS"; ### Find out whether it is an absolute path or an relative one (containing ":\") if ($hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir} != /^.:\//) { $ImageFileName = $cwd . $hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir}; } else { $ImageFileName = $hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir}; } } ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_List - ImageFileName : " . $ImageFileName; ### Get list of directory items if (opendir(FileSearch,$ImageFileName)) { @ImageFileList = readdir(FileSearch); close FileSearch; ### Define Types to be searched for my @FileTypes = ("motionsensor", "doorbell", "keypad", "snapshot", "manual"); readingsBeginUpdate($hash); foreach my $SearchType (@FileTypes) { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_List - SearchType : " . $SearchType; ### Extract all Filenames which matches the SearchType my @ImageFileListSearch = grep {/$SearchType/} @ImageFileList; ### Extract all Filenames which matches the file extension my @ImageFileListExt = grep {/jpg/} @ImageFileListSearch; # Sort list @ImageFileListExt=sort(@ImageFileListExt); ### Get the last n elements (hash->{helper}{MaxHistory}) @ImageFileListExt = ($hash->{helper}{MaxHistory} >= @ImageFileListExt) ? @ImageFileListExt : @ImageFileListExt[-$hash->{helper}{MaxHistory}..-1]; # Sort list @ImageFileListExt=sort({$b cmp $a} @ImageFileListExt); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_List - ImageFileListSearch : \n" . Dumper(@ImageFileListExt); ### Update Readings my $index = 0; foreach my $FileName (@ImageFileListExt){ ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_List - FileName : " . $FileName; ### Extract timestamp from Filename my $TimeStamp = substr($FileName,0,4) . "-" . substr($FileName, 4,2) . "-" . substr($FileName, 6,2) . " "; $TimeStamp .= substr($FileName,9,2) . ":" . substr($FileName,11,2) . ":" . substr($FileName,13,2); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_List - TimeStamp : " . $TimeStamp; ### Complete relative path from /opt/fhem/www/tablet to $hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir} my $FilePath = abs2rel(rel2abs($ImageFileName), rel2abs("/opt/fhem/www/tablet")); my $ReadingsValue = $FilePath . "/" . $FileName; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_List - FilePath : " . $FilePath; ### Create ReadingsName for Imagepath and write reading my $ReadingsName = "HistoryFilePath_" . $SearchType . "_Image_" . sprintf("%02d", $index); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $ReadingsName, $ReadingsValue); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_List - ReadingsName-Image : " . $ReadingsName; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_List - ReadingsValue-Image : " . $ReadingsValue; ### Create ReadingsName for Timestamp and write reading $ReadingsName = "HistoryFilePath_" . $SearchType . "_Image_" . sprintf("%02d", $index) . "_Timestamp"; readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $ReadingsName, $TimeStamp); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_List - ReadingsName-Timestamp : " . $ReadingsName; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_List - ReadingsValue-Timestamp : " . $TimeStamp; ### Increase Index $index++; } } } else { ### Log Entry for warning Log3 $name, 2, $name. " : DoorBird_History_List - The Attribute \"ImageFileDir\" leads to an directory which produced an error! - Does it actually exist?"; } } else { ### Log Entry for warning Log3 $name, 4, $name. " : DoorBird_History_List - The ImageFileDir has not been provided or has not been created below the web-folder e.g. \"/opt/fhem/www/doorbird-images/\""; } ### If the VideoFileDir has been defined and Videos are taken if ((defined($hash->{helper}{VideoFileDir})) && (($hash->{helper}{VideoFileDir} =~ m/\/fhem\/www/) || (($hash->{helper}{ImageFileDir} =~ m/\\fhem\\www/)))){ my $VideoFileName; my @VideoFileList; ### If the path is given as UNIX file system format if ($cwd =~ /\//) { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_List - file system format : UNIX"; ### Find out whether it is an absolute path or an relative one (leading "/") if ($hash->{helper}{VideoFileDir} =~ /^\//) { $VideoFileName = $hash->{helper}{VideoFileDir}; } else { $VideoFileName = $cwd . "/" . $hash->{helper}{VideoFileDir}; } } ### If the path is given as Windows file system format if ($hash->{helper}{VideoFileDir} =~ /\\/) { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_List - file system format : WINDOWS"; ### Find out whether it is an absolute path or an relative one (containing ":\") if ($hash->{helper}{VideoFileDir} != /^.:\//) { $VideoFileName = $cwd . $hash->{helper}{VideoFileDir}; } else { $VideoFileName = $hash->{helper}{VideoFileDir}; } } ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_List - VideoFileName : " . $VideoFileName; ### Get list of directory items if (opendir(FileSearch,$VideoFileName)) { @VideoFileList = readdir(FileSearch); close FileSearch; ### Define Types to be searched for my @FileTypes = ("motionsensor", "doorbell", "keypad", "snapshot", "manual"); readingsBeginUpdate($hash); foreach my $SearchType (@FileTypes) { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_List - SearchType : " . $SearchType; ### Extract all Filenames which matches the SearchType my @VideoFileListSearch = grep {/$SearchType/} @VideoFileList; ### Extract all Filenames which matches the file extension my @VideoFileListExt = grep {/$hash->{helper}{VideoFileFormat}/} @VideoFileListSearch; # Sort list @VideoFileListExt=sort(@VideoFileListExt); ### Get the last n elements (hash->{helper}{MaxHistory}) @VideoFileListExt = ($hash->{helper}{MaxHistory} >= @VideoFileListExt) ? @VideoFileListExt : @VideoFileListExt[-$hash->{helper}{MaxHistory}..-1]; # Sort list @VideoFileListExt=sort({$b cmp $a} @VideoFileListExt); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_List - VideoFileListSearch : \n" . Dumper(@VideoFileListExt); ### Update Readings my $index = 0; foreach my $FileName (@VideoFileListExt){ ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_List - FileName : " . $FileName; ### Extract timestamp from Filename my $TimeStamp = substr($FileName,0,4) . "-" . substr($FileName, 4,2) . "-" . substr($FileName, 6,2) . " "; $TimeStamp .= substr($FileName,9,2) . ":" . substr($FileName,11,2) . ":" . substr($FileName,13,2); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_List - TimeStamp : " . $TimeStamp; ### Complete relative path from /opt/fhem/www/tablet to $hash->{helper}{VideoFileDir} my $FilePath = abs2rel(rel2abs($VideoFileName), rel2abs("/opt/fhem/www/tablet")); my $ReadingsValue = $FilePath . "/" . $FileName; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_List - FilePath : " . $FilePath; ### Create ReadingsName for Videopath and write reading my $ReadingsName = "HistoryFilePath_" . $SearchType . "_Video_" . sprintf("%02d", $index); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $ReadingsName, $ReadingsValue); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_List - ReadingsName-Video : " . $ReadingsName; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_List - ReadingsValue-Video : " . $ReadingsValue; ### Create ReadingsName for Timestamp and write reading $ReadingsName = "HistoryFilePath_" . $SearchType . "_Video_" . sprintf("%02d", $index) . "_Timestamp"; readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $ReadingsName, $TimeStamp); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_List - ReadingsName-Timestamp : " . $ReadingsName; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_List - ReadingsValue-Timestamp : " . $TimeStamp; ### Increase Index $index++; } } } else { ### Log Entry for warning Log3 $name, 2, $name. " : DoorBird_History_List - The Attribute \"VideoFileDir\" leads to an directory which produced an error! - Does it actually exist?"; } } else { ### Log Entry for warning Log3 $name, 4, $name. " : DoorBird_History_List - The VideoFileDir has not been provided or has not been created below the web-folder e.g. \"/opt/fhem/www/doorbird-videos/\""; } ### Initiate Readings Update readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1); } else { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_History_List - The HistoryList has been disabled. Not Links to pictures are provided."; } } ####END####### Define Subfunction for history list update as readings ##########################################END##### ###START###### Define Subfunction for VIDEO REQUEST ###########################################################START#### sub DoorBird_Video_Request($$$$) { my ($hash, $duration, $event, $timestamp) = @_; ### Obtain values from hash my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $url = $hash->{helper}{URL}; my $Method = "GET"; my $Header = "Accept: application/json"; my $VideoFileName; my $ReadingVideo; my $err; my $data; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Video_Request ___________________________________________________________"; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Video_Request - duration : " . $duration; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Video_Request - event : " . $event; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Video_Request - timestamp : " . $timestamp; ### Create name for Reading holding the filename for the event triggered video if ($event =~ m/doorbell/ ){ Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Video_Request - doorbell event old : " . $event; ### Extract doorbell pushbutton number from event my $DoorbellNo = $event =~ s/doorbell_//; ### Reset event back to doorbell without pushbutton number $event = "doorbell"; $ReadingVideo = "doorbell_video_" . sprintf("%03d", $DoorbellNo); Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Video_Request - doorbellevent new : " . $event; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Video_Request - DoorbellNo : " . $DoorbellNo; } elsif ($event =~ m/motionsensor/ ){ $ReadingVideo = "motion_video"; } elsif ($event =~ m/keypad/ ){ $ReadingVideo = "keypad_video"; } elsif ($event =~ m/manual/ ){ $ReadingVideo = "manual_video"; } else { ### Create Log entry Log3 $name, 2, $name. " : DoorBird_LastEvent_Image - Unknown event. Breaking up"; ### Exit sub return } Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : DoorBird_Video_Request - ReadingVideo : " . $ReadingVideo; ### Create complete command URL for DoorBird depending on whether SessionIdSecurity has been enabled (>0) or disabled (=0) my $UrlPrefix = "http://" . $url . "/bha-api/"; my $UrlPostfix; if ($hash->{helper}{SessionIdSec} > 0) { $UrlPostfix = "?sessionid=" . $hash->{helper}{SessionId}; } else { my $username = DoorBird_credential_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".USER"}); my $password = DoorBird_credential_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".PASSWORD"}); $UrlPostfix = "?http-user=". $username . "&http-password=" . $password; } my $CommandURL = $UrlPrefix . "video.cgi" . $UrlPostfix; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Video_Request - CommandURL : " . $CommandURL ; ### Create Timestamp my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst)=localtime($timestamp); my $VideoFileTimeStamp = sprintf ( "%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d", $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec); ### Update STATE of device readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "Retrieving video", 1); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Video_Request - hash - VideoFileDir : " . $hash->{helper}{VideoFileDir}; ### If attribute to video directory has been set if ($hash->{helper}{VideoFileDir} ne "") { ### Get current working directory my $cwd = getcwd(); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Video_Request - working directory : " . $cwd; ### If the path is given as UNIX file system format if ($cwd =~ /\//) { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Video_Request - file system format : LINUX"; ### Find out whether it is an absolute path or an relative one (leading "/") if ($hash->{helper}{VideoFileDir} =~ /^\//) { $VideoFileName = $hash->{helper}{VideoFileDir}; } else { $VideoFileName = $cwd . "/" . $hash->{helper}{VideoFileDir}; } ### Check whether the last "/" at the end of the path has been given otherwise add it an create complete path if ($hash->{helper}{VideoFileDir} =~ /\/\z/) { $VideoFileName .= $VideoFileTimeStamp . "_" . $event . "." . $hash->{helper}{VideoFileFormat}; } else { $VideoFileName .= "/" . $VideoFileTimeStamp . "_" . $event . "." . $hash->{helper}{VideoFileFormat}; } ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Video_Request - VideoFileName : " . $VideoFileName; ### Create command for shell my $ShellCommand = "timeout " . $duration . " ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel panic -re -i '" . $CommandURL . "' -filter:v setpts=4.0*PTS -y " . $VideoFileName . " &"; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Video_Request - ShellCommand : " . $ShellCommand; ### Pass shell command to shell and continue with the code below eval { system($ShellCommand) or die "Could not execute" . $ShellCommand . " ". $@; }; ### If error message appered if ( $@ ) { # $ErrorMessage = $@; } ### Write Last video into reading readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $ReadingVideo, $VideoFileName, 1); } ### If the path is given as Windows file system format if ($hash->{helper}{VideoFileDir} =~ /\\/) { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Video_Request - file system format : WINDOWS"; ### Find out whether it is an absolute path or an relative one (containing ":\") if ($hash->{helper}{VideoFileDir} != /^.:\//) { $VideoFileName = $cwd . $hash->{helper}{VideoFileDir}; } else { $VideoFileName = $hash->{helper}{VideoFileDir}; } ### Check whether the last "/" at the end of the path has been given otherwise add it an create complete path if ($hash->{helper}{VideoFileDir} =~ /\\\z/) { $VideoFileName .= $VideoFileTimeStamp . "_" . $event . "." . $hash->{helper}{VideoFileFormat}; } else { $VideoFileName .= "\\" . $VideoFileTimeStamp . "_" . $event . "." . $hash->{helper}{VideoFileFormat}; } ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 2, $name. " : DoorBird_Video_Request - Video-Request ha not been implemented for Windows file system. Contact fhem forum and WIKI."; } ### Update the history list for images and videos after the video has been taken InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$duration+3,"DoorBird_History_List", $hash, 0); } ### If attribute to video directory has NOT been set else { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 2, $name . " : DoorBird_Video_Request - Could not open directory for video files. See commandref for attribute \"VideoFileDir\"."; } return; } ####END####### Define Subfunction for VIDEO REQUEST ############################################################END##### ##START###### Define Subfunction for LIST FAVOURITES #########################################################START#### sub DoorBird_List_Favorites($$) { my ($hash, $option) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $command = "favorites.cgi"; my $method = "GET"; my $header = "Accept: application/json"; my $err = " "; my $data = " "; my $json; ### Obtain data ($err, $data) = DoorBird_BlockGet($hash, $command, $method, $header); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Get - List_Favourites - err : " . $err; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Get - List_Favourites - data : " . $data; ### If no error has been handed back if ($err eq "") { ### If the option is asking for the JSON string if (defined($option) && ($option =~ /JSON/i)) { return $data; } ### If the option is asking for nothing special else { ### Check if json can be parsed into hash eval { $json = decode_json(encode_utf8($data)); 1; } or do { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : DoorBird_Get - Data cannot be parsed by JSON for : List_Favourites"; return $name. " : DoorBird_Get - Data cannot be parsed by JSON for List_Favourites"; }; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Get - json : " . $json; ### Delete all Readings for Relay-Addresses fhem( "deletereading $name Favorite_.*" ); ### Initiate Bulk Update readingsBeginUpdate($hash); ### For every chapter in the List of Favourites (e.g. SIP, http) foreach my $FavoritChapter (keys %{$json}) { ### For every item in the List of chapters (e.g. 0, 1, 5 etc.) foreach my $FavoritItem (keys %{$json->{$FavoritChapter}}) { ### Create first part of Reading my $ReadingName = "Favorite_" . $FavoritChapter . "_" . $FavoritItem; ### Update Reading readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $ReadingName . "_Title", $json->{$FavoritChapter}{$FavoritItem}{title}); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $ReadingName . "_Value", $json->{$FavoritChapter}{$FavoritItem}{value}); ### Log Entry for debugging purpose Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_List_Favorites --------------------------------"; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_List_Favorites - Reading : " . $ReadingName; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_List_Favorites - _Title : " . $json->{$FavoritChapter}{$FavoritItem}{title}; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_List_Favorites - _Value : " . $json->{$FavoritChapter}{$FavoritItem}{title}; } } ### Execute Readings Bulk Update readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1); return "Readings have been updated!\nPress F5 to refresh Browser."; } } ### If error has been handed back else { $err =~ s/^[^ ]*//; return "ERROR!\nError Code:" . $err; } } ####END####### Define Subfunction for LIST FAVOURITES ##########################################################END##### ###START###### Define Subfunction for LIST SCHEDULES ##########################################################START#### sub DoorBird_List_Schedules($$) { my ($hash, $option) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $command = "schedule.cgi"; my $method = "GET"; my $header = "Accept: application/json"; my $err = " "; my $data = " "; my $json; ### Obtain data ($err, $data) = DoorBird_BlockGet($hash, $command, $method, $header); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Get - List_Schedules - err : " . $err; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Get - List_Schedules - data : " . $data; ### If no error has been handed back if ($err eq "") { ### If the option is asking for the JSON string if (defined($option) && ($option =~ /JSON/i)) { return $data; } ### If the option is asking for nothing special else { ### Check if json can be parsed into hash eval { $json = decode_json(encode_utf8($data)); 1; } or do { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : DoorBird_List_Schedules - Data : " . $data; ### Log Entry Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : DoorBird_Get - Data cannot be parsed by JSON for : List_Schedules"; return $data; }; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Get - json : " . $json; ### Delete all Readings for Relay-Addresses fhem( "deletereading $name Schedule_.*" ); ### Initiate Bulk Update readingsBeginUpdate($hash); ### For every chapter in the Array of elements foreach my $Schedule (@{$json}) { ### Create first part of Reading my $ReadingNameA = "Schedule_" . $Schedule->{input} . "_"; ### If Parameter exists if ($Schedule->{param} ne "") { ### Add Parameter $ReadingNameA .= $Schedule->{param} . "_"; } ### For every chapter in the Array of elements foreach my $Output (@{$Schedule->{output}}) { my $ReadingNameB = $ReadingNameA . $Output->{event} ."_"; ### If Parameter exists if ($Output->{param} ne "") { ### Add Parameter $ReadingNameB .= $Schedule->{param} . "_"; } else { ### Add Parameter $ReadingNameB .= "x_"; } ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Get - Schedules - ReadingName : " . $ReadingNameB; # my $ReadingValue = $Output->($Output); # Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Get - Schedules - ReadingValue : " . $ReadingValue; } } ### Execute Readings Bulk Update readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1); return "Readings have been updated!\nPress F5 to refresh Browser."; } } ### If error has been handed back else { $err =~ s/^[^ ]*//; return "ERROR!\nError Code:" . $err; } } ####END####### Define Subfunction for LIST SCHEDULES ###########################################################END##### ###START###### Define Subfunction for RESTART #################################################################START#### sub DoorBird_Restart($$) { my ($hash, $option) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $command = "restart.cgi"; my $method = "GET"; my $header = "Accept: application/json"; my $username = DoorBird_credential_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".USER"}); my $err; my $data; my $json; ### Activate Relay ($err, $data) = DoorBird_BlockGet($hash, $command, $method, $header); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Restart - err : " . $err; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_Restart - data : " . $data; ### If no error has been handed back if ($err eq "") { ### Log Entry Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : DoorBird_Restart - Reboot request successfully transmitted to DoorBird"; return "Reboot request successfully transmitted to DoorBird\nData: " . $data; } ### If error has been handed back else { ### Cut off url from error message $err =~ s/^[^ ]*//; ### Log Entry Log3 $name, 2, $name. " : DoorBird_Restart - Reboot command failed. ErrorMsg: " . $err; return "ERROR!\nError Code:" . $err . "\nData: " . $data; } } ####END####### Define Subfunction for RESTART ##################################################################END##### ###START###### Define Subfunction for SIP Status REQUEST ######################################################START#### sub DoorBird_SipStatus_Request($$) { my ($hash, $option) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $command = "sip.cgi?action=status"; my $method = "GET"; my $header = "Accept: application/json"; my $err = " "; my $data = " "; my $json; ### Obtain data ($err, $data) = DoorBird_BlockGet($hash, $command, $method, $header); ### Remove Newlines for better log entries my $ShowData = $data; $ShowData =~ s/[\t]//g; $ShowData =~ s/[\r]//g; $ShowData =~ s/[\n]//g; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_SipStatus_Req- err : " . $err if(defined($err)); # Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_SipStatus_Req- data : " . $ShowData if(defined($ShowData)); ### If no error has been handed back if ($err eq "") { ### If the option is asking for the JSON string if (defined($option) && ($option =~ /JSON/i)) { return $data; } ### If the option is asking for nothing special else { ### Check if json can be parsed into hash eval { $json = decode_json(encode_utf8($data)); 1; } or do { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : DoorBird_SipStatus_Req- Data cannot parsed JSON : Info_Request"; return $name. " : DoorBird_SipStatus_Req- Data cannot be parsed by JSON for Info_Request"; }; my $VersionContent = $json-> {BHA}{SIP}[0]; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_SipStatus_Req- json : " . Dumper($json); ### Initiate Bulk Update readingsBeginUpdate($hash); foreach my $key (keys %{$VersionContent}) { ### If the entry are information about connected INCOMING_CALL_USER if ( $key eq "INCOMING_CALL_USER") { ### Split all Call User in array my @CallUserArray = split(";", $VersionContent -> {$key}); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_SipStatus_Req- CallUser : " . Dumper(@CallUserArray); ### Count Number of current readings containing call user my $CountCurrentCallUserReadings = 0; foreach my $CurrentCallUserReading (keys(%{$hash->{READINGS}})) { if ($CurrentCallUserReading =~ m/SIP_INCOMING_CALL_USER_/){ $CountCurrentCallUserReadings++; } } ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_SipStatus_Req- CountCurrentCallUserReadings : " . $CountCurrentCallUserReadings; Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_SipStatus_Req- CallUserArray : " . @CallUserArray; ### If the number of call user in DoorBird unit is smaller than the number of Call user readings then delete all respective readings first if (@CallUserArray < $CountCurrentCallUserReadings) { fhem("deletereading $name SIP_INCOMING_CALL_USER_.*"); } ### For every Call-User do my $CallUserId; foreach my $CallUser (@CallUserArray) { ### Increment Counter $CallUserId++; ### Delete "sip:" if exists $CallUser =~ s/^[^:]*://; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_SipStatus_Req- Content of" . sprintf("%15s %-s", "SIP_INCOMING_CALL_USER_" . sprintf("%02d",$CallUserId), ": " . "sip:" . $CallUser); ### Update Reading readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "SIP_INCOMING_CALL_USER_" . sprintf("%02d",$CallUserId), "sip:" . $CallUser); } } ### If the entry are information about connected relais elsif ( $key =~ m/relais:/) { ### Extract number, swap to Uppercase and concat to new Readingsname my ($RelaisNumer) = $key =~ /(\d+)/g; my $NewReadingsName = uc($key); $NewReadingsName =~ s/:.*//; $NewReadingsName = "SIP_" . $NewReadingsName . "_" . sprintf("%02d",$RelaisNumer); ### Update Reading readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $NewReadingsName, $VersionContent -> {$key}); ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_SipStatus_Req- Content of" . sprintf("%15s %-s", $key, ": " . $VersionContent -> {$key}); Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_SipStatus_Req- Content of" . sprintf("%15s %-s", "NewReadingsName", ": " . $NewReadingsName); Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_SipStatus_Req- Content of" . sprintf("%15s %-s", "RelaisNumber", ": " . $RelaisNumer); } ### For all other entries else { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_SipStatus_Req- Content of" . sprintf("%15s %-s", $key, ": " . $VersionContent -> {$key}); ### Update Reading readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "SIP_" . $key, $VersionContent -> {$key} ); } } ### Execute Readings Bulk Update readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1); return "Readings have been updated!\n"; } } ### If error has been handed back else { $err =~ s/^[^ ]*//; return "ERROR!\nError Code:" . $err; } } ####END####### Define Subfunction for SIP Status REQUEST #####################################################END##### ###START###### Encrypt Credential #############################################################################START#### sub DoorBird_credential_encrypt($) { my ($decoded) = @_; my $key = getUniqueId(); my $encoded; return $decoded if( $decoded =~ /\Qcrypt:\E/ ); for my $char (split //, $decoded) { my $encode = chop($key); $encoded .= sprintf("%.2x",ord($char)^ord($encode)); $key = $encode.$key; } return 'crypt:'.$encoded; } ####END####### Encrypt Credential ##############################################################################END##### ###START###### Decrypt Credential #############################################################################START#### sub DoorBird_credential_decrypt($) { my ($encoded) = @_; my $key = getUniqueId(); my $decoded; return $encoded if( $encoded !~ /crypt:/ ); $encoded = $1 if( $encoded =~ /crypt:(.*)/ ); for my $char (map { pack('C', hex($_)) } ($encoded =~ /(..)/g)) { my $decode = chop($key); $decoded .= chr(ord($char)^ord($decode)); $key = $decode.$key; } return $decoded; } ####END####### Decrypt Credential ##############################################################################END##### ###START###### Blocking Get ###################################################################################START#### sub DoorBird_BlockGet($$$$) { ### https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/HttpUtils#HttpUtils_BlockingGet ### Extract subroutine parameter from caller my ($hash, $ApiCom, $Method, $Header) = @_; ### Obtain values from hash my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $username = DoorBird_credential_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".USER"}); my $password = DoorBird_credential_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".PASSWORD"}); my $url = $hash->{helper}{URL}; my $PollingTimeout = $hash->{helper}{PollingTimeout}; ### Create complete command URL for DoorBird my $UrlPrefix = "https://" . $url . "/bha-api/"; my $CommandURL = $UrlPrefix . $ApiCom; ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_BlockingGet - CommandURL : " . $CommandURL; my $param = { url => $CommandURL, user => $username, pwd => $password, timeout => $PollingTimeout, hash => $hash, method => $Method, header => $Header }; ### Initiate communication and close my ($err, $data) = HttpUtils_BlockingGet($param); return($err, $data); } ####END####### Blocking Get ####################################################################################END##### ###START###### Calculate relative path ########################################################################START#### sub DoorBird_Rel_Path($$) { my ($start,$target) = @_; $start =~ s:/[^/]+:/:; # remove trailing filename my @spath = grep {$_ ne ''} split(/\//,$start); my @tpath = grep {$_ ne ''} split(/\//,$target); # strip common start of the path while ( @spath && @tpath && $spath[0] eq $tpath[0]) { shift @spath; shift @tpath; } return ("../"x(@spath)).join('/', @tpath); } ####END####### Calculate relative path #########################################################################END##### ###START###### Processing Change Log ##########################################################################START#### # Changelog parser for DoorBird changelog as of 2020-02-22 (or earlier) containing multiple product lines. # Returns a hash ref containing the newest version number for each product name or prefix found. # # Prefixes are denoted by a trailing 'x', as in the original changelog. Note: # this means that still multiple versions matching a single product could be in the hash, # e. g. for different prefixes all matching the final product name. sub DoorBird_parseChangelog($$) { my ($hash, $data) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $lines = IO::String->new($data); my $all_versions; my $version; ### For all lines do while(my $line = <$lines>) { ### If the line contains the keywords "Firmware version " followed by a number then obtain it if ($line =~ /^Firmware version (\d{6})$/) { $version = $1; } ### If the line contains the keywords "Products affected: " then obtain it elsif ($line =~ /^Products affected: (.*)$/) { ### If version is already obtained from the changelog if (defined($version)) { ### Split the product names into an array my @products = split(/,\s*/, $1); ### For each product name mentioned in the changelog foreach my $product (@products) { ### Apparently the line of the "Products affected" in current changelog file is not closed with an \r so we ignore this array - entry next if $product =~ /Preceding version: /; ### If the Product version for the firmware ha snot yet been defined or the already obtaine version number is older than the current value if (!defined($all_versions->{$product}) or 0 + $all_versions->{$product} < 0 + $version) { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : DoorBird_parseChangelog - found firmware version : " . $version . " for " . $product; ### Save latest firmware version $all_versions->{$product} = $version; } } undef $version; } ### If version cannot be found else { ### Log Entry for debugging purposes Log3 $name, 3, $name. " : DoorBird_parseChangelog - Products without version found in changelog, ignored."; } } } return $all_versions; } # Find newest firmware version for this device by name or prefix. # The versions hash ref expected as second argument should match the format returned from DoorBird_parseChangelog(). sub DoorBird_findNewestFWVersion($$$) { my ($hash, $versions, $product_name) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $newest = 0; ### For all version entries foreach my $product (sort keys %$versions) { ### Optional prefix matching my $prefix = $product; $prefix =~ s/x$//; ### If the installed product name is (partial) identical with the product name given in the changelog file entry if (length($prefix) <= length($product_name) and $prefix eq substr($product_name, 0, length($prefix)) and 0 + $newest < 0 + $versions->{$product}) { $newest = $versions->{$product}; } } return $newest; } ####END####### Processing Change Log ###########################################################################END##### 1; ###START###### Description for fhem commandref ################################################################START#### =pod =item device =item summary Connects fhem to the DoorBird IP door station =item summary_DE Verbindet fhem mit der DoorBird IP Türstation =begin html


    The DoorBird module establishes the communication between the DoorBird - door intercommunication unit and the fhem home automation based on the official API, published by the manufacturer.
    Please make sure, that the user has been enabled the API-Operator button in the DoorBird Android/iPhone APP under "Administration -> User -> Edit -> Permission -> API-Operator". The following packet - installations are pre-requisite if not already installed by other modules (Examples below tested on Raspberry JESSIE):

  • sudo apt-get install sox
  • sudo apt-get install libsox-fmt-all
  • sudo apt-get install libsodium-dev
  • sudo apt-get install gstreamer1.0-tools
  • sudo cpan Crypt::Argon2
  • sudo cpan Alien::Base::ModuleBuild
  • sudo cpan Alien::Sodium
  • sudo cpan Crypt::NaCl::Sodium

  • Define
      define <name> DoorBird <IPv4-address> <Username> <Password>
        <name> : The name of the device. Recommendation: "myDoorBird".
        <IPv4-address> : A valid IPv4 address of the KMxxx. You might look into your router which DHCP address has been given to the DoorBird unit.
        <Username> : The username which is required to sign on the DoorBird.
        <Password> : The password which is required to sign on the DoorBird.

      The set function is able to change or activate the following features as follows:
      set Light_On
    : Activates the IR lights of the DoorBird unit. The IR - light deactivates automatically by the default time within the Doorbird unit
      set Live_Audio <on:off>
    : Activate/Deactivate the Live Audio Stream of the DoorBird on or off and toggles the direct link in the hidden Reading .AudioURL
      set Live_Video <on:off>
    : Activate/Deactivate the Live Video Stream of the DoorBird on or off and toggles the direct link in the hidden Reading .VideoURL
      set Open Door <Value>
    : Activates the Relay of the DoorBird unit with the given address. The list of installed relay addresses are imported with the initialization of parameters.
      set Restart
    : Sends the command to restart (reboot) the Doorbird unit
      set Transmit_Audio <Path>
    : Converts a given audio file and transmits the stream to the DoorBird speaker. Requires a datapath to audio file to be converted and send. The user "fhem" needs to have write access to this directory.
      The get function is able to obtain the following information from the DoorBird unit:

      get History_Request
    : Downloads the pictures of the last events of the doorbell and motion sensor. (Refer to attribute MaxHistory)
      get Image_Request
    : Downloads the current Image of the camera of DoorBird unit.
      get Video_Request <Value>
    : Downloads the current Video of the camera of DoorBird unit for th etime in seconds given.
      get Info_Request
    : Downloads the current internal setup such as relay configuration, firmware version etc. of the DoorBird unit. The obtained relay adresses will be used as options for the Open_Door command.
      The following user attributes can be used with the DoorBird module in addition to the global ones e.g. room.
      disable : Stops the device from further reacting on UDP datagrams sent by the DoorBird unit.
      The default value is 0 = activated
      KeepAliveTimeout : Timeout in seconds without still-alive UDP datagrams before state of device will be set to "disconnected".
      The default value is 30s
      MaxHistory : Number of pictures to be downloaded from history for both - doorbell and motion sensor events.
      The default value is "50" which is the maximum possible.
      PollingTimeout : Timeout in seconds before download requests are terminated in cause of no reaction by DoorBird unit. Might be required to be adjusted due to network speed.
      The default value is 10s.
      UdpPort : Port number to be used to receice UDP datagrams. Ports are pre-defined by firmware.
      The default value is port 6524
      SessionIdSec : Time in seconds for how long the session Id shall be valid, which is required for secure Video and Audio transmission. The DoorBird kills the session Id after 10min = 600s automatically. In case of use with CCTV recording units, this function must be disabled by setting to 0.
      The default value is 540s = 9min.
      AudioFileDir : The relative (e.g. "audio") or absolute (e.g. "/mnt/NAS/audio") with or without trailing "/" directory path to which the audio files supposed to be stored.
      The default value is "" = disabled
      ImageFileDir : The relative (e.g. "images") or absolute (e.g. "/mnt/NAS/images") with or without trailing "/" directory path to which the image files supposed to be stored.
      The default value is "" = disabled
      VideoFileDir : The relative (e.g. "images") or absolute (e.g. "/mnt/NAS/images") with or without trailing "/" directory path to which the video files supposed to be stored.
      The default value is "" = disabled
      VideoFileFormat : The file format for the video file to be stored
      The default value is "mpeg"
      VideoDurationDoorbell : Time in seconds for how long the video shall be recorded in case of an doorbbell event.
      The default value is 0 = disabled
      VideoDurationMotion : Time in seconds for how long the video shall be recorded in case of an motion sensor event.
      The default value is 0 = disabled
      EventReset : Time in seconds after wich the Readings for the Events Events (e.g. "doorbell_button", "motions sensor", "keypad") shal be reset to "idle".
      The default value is 5s
      WaitForHistory : Time in seconds after wich the module shall wait for an history image triggered by an event is ready for download. Might be adjusted if fhem-Server and Doorbird unit have large differences in system time.
      The default value is 7s
      OpsModeList : A space separated list of names for operational modes (e.g. "Normal Party Fire") on which the DoorBird reacts automatically on events.
      The default value is "" = disabled
      HistoryFilePath : Creates relative datapaths to the last pictures, and videos in order to indicate them directly (e.g. fhem ftui widget "image")
      The default value is "0" = disabled
=end html =begin html_DE


    Das DoorBird Modul ermöglicht die Komminikation zwischen der DoorBird Interkommunikationseinheit und dem fhem Automationssystem basierend auf der API des Herstellers her.
    Für den vollen Funktionsumfang muss sichergestellt werden, dass das Setting "API-Operator" in der DoorBird Android/iPhone - APP unter "Administration -> User -> Edit -> Permission -> API-Operator" gesetzt ist. Die folgenden Software - Pakete müssen noch zusätzlich installiert werden, sofern dies nicht schon durch andere Module erfolgt ist. (Die Beispiele sind auf dem Raspberry JESSIE gestestet):

  • sudo apt-get install sox
  • sudo apt-get install libsox-fmt-all
  • sudo apt-get install libsodium-dev
  • sudo apt-get install gstreamer1.0-tools
  • sudo cpan Crypt::Argon2
  • sudo cpan Alien::Base::ModuleBuild
  • sudo cpan Alien::Sodium
  • sudo cpan Crypt::NaCl::Sodium

  • Define
      define <name> DoorBird <IPv4-address> <Username> <Passwort>
        <name> : Der Name des Device unter fhem. Beispiel: "myDoorBird".
        <IPv4-Addresse> : Eine gültige IPv4 - Addresse der DoorBird-Anlage. Ggf. muss man im Router nach der entsprechenden DHCP Addresse suchen, die der DoorBird Anlage vergeben wurde.
        <Username> : Der Username zum einloggen auf der DoorBird Anlage.
        <Passwort> : Das Passwort zum einloggen auf der DoorBird Anlage.

      Die Set - Funktion ist in der lage auf der DoorBird - Anlage die folgenden Einstellungen vorzunehmen bzw. zu de-/aktivieren:

      set Light_On
    : Schaltet das IR lichht der DoorBird Anlage ein. Das IR Licht schaltet sich automatisch nach der in der DoorBird - Anlage vorgegebenen Default Zeit wieder aus.
      set Live_Audio <on:off>
    : Aktiviert/Deaktiviert den Live Audio Stream der DoorBird - Anlage Ein oder Aus und wechselt den direkten link in dem versteckten Reading .AudioURL.
      set Live_Video <on:off>
    : Aktiviert/Deaktiviert den Live Video Stream der DoorBird - Anlage Ein oder Aus und wechselt den direkten link in dem versteckten Reading .VideoURL.
      set Open Door <Value>
    : Aktiviert das Relais der DoorBird - Anlage mit dessen Adresse. Die Liste der installierten Relais werden mit der Initialisierung der Parameter importiert.
      set Restart
    : Sendet das Kommando zum rebooten der DoorBird - Anlage.
      set Transmit_Audio <Path>
    : Konvertiert die angegebene Audio-Datei und sendet diese zur Ausgabe an die DoorBird - Anlage. Es benötigt einen Dateipfad zu der Audio-Datei zu dem der User "fhem" Schreibrechte braucht (z.B.: /opt/fhem/audio).
      Die Get - Funktion ist in der lage von der DoorBird - Anlage die folgenden Informationen und Daten zu laden:

      get History_Request
    : Lädt die Bilder der letzten Ereignisse durch die Türklingel und dem Bewegungssensor herunter. (Siehe auch Attribut MaxHistory)
      get Image_Request
    : Lädt das gegenwärtige Bild der DoorBird - Kamera herunter.
      get Video_Request <Value>
    : Lädt das gegenwärtige Video der DoorBird - Kamera für die gegebene Zeit in Sekunden herunter.
      get Info_Request
    : Lädt das interne Setup (Firmware Version, Relais Konfiguration etc.) herunter. Die übermittelten Relais-Adressen werden als Option für das Kommando Open_Door verwendet.
      Die folgenden Attribute können mit dem DoorBird Module neben den globalen Attributen wie room verwednet werden.
      disable : Stoppt das Gerät von weiteren Reaktionen auf die von der DoorBird ß Anlage ausgesendeten UDP - Datageramme
      Der Default Wert ist 0 = aktiviert
      KeepAliveTimeout : Timeout in Sekunden ohne "still-alive" - UDP Datagramme bevor der Status des Gerätes auf "disconnected" gesetzt wird.
      Der Default Wert ist 30s
      MaxHistory : Anzahl der herunterzuladenden Bilder aus dem Historien-Archiv sowohl für Ereignisse seitens der Türklingel als auch für den Bewegungssensor.
      Der Default Wert ist "50" = Maximum.
      PollingTimeout : Timeout in Sekunden before der Download-Versuch aufgrund fehlender Antwort seitens der DoorBird-Anlage terminiert wird. Eine Adjustierung mag notwendig sein, sobald Netzwerk-Latenzen aufteten.
      Der Default-Wert ist 10s.
      UdpPort : Port Nummer auf welcher das DoorBird - Modul nach den UDP Datagrammen der DoorBird - Anlage hören soll. Die Ports sind von der Firmware vorgegeben.
      Der Default Port ist 6524
      SessionIdSec : Zeit in Sekunden nach welcher die Session Id erneuert werden soll. Diese ist für die sichere Übertragung der Video und Audio Verbindungsdaten notwendig. Die DoorBird-Unit devalidiert die Session Id automatisch nach 10min. Für den Fall, dass die DoorBird Kamera an ein Überwachungssystem angebunden werden soll, muss diese Funktion ausser Betrieb genommen werden indem man den Wert auf 0 setzt 0.
      Der Default Wert ist 540s = 9min.
      AudioFileDir : Der relative (z.B. "audio") oder absolute (z.B. "/mnt/NAS/audio") Verzeichnispfad mit oder ohne nachfolgendem Pfadzeichen "/" in welchen die Audio-Dateien abgelegt sind.
      Der Default Wert ist 0 = deaktiviert
      VideoFileFormat : Das Dateiformat für die Videodatei
      Der Default Wert ist "mpeg"
      ImageFileDir : Der relative (z.B. "images") oder absolute (z.B. "/mnt/NAS/images") Verzeichnispfad mit oder ohne nachfolgendem Pfadzeichen "/" in welchen die Bild-Dateien gespeichert werden sollen.
      Der Default Wert ist 0 = deaktiviert
      VideoFileDir : Der relative (z.B. "images") oderr absolute (z.B. "/mnt/NAS/images") Verzeichnispfad mit oder ohne nachfolgendem Pfadzeichen "/" in welchen die Video-Dateien gespeichert werden sollen.
      Der Default Wert ist "" = deaktiviert
      VideoDurationDoorbell : Zeit in Sekunden für wie lange das Video im Falle eines Klingel Events aufgenommen werden soll.
      Der Default Wert ist 0 = deaktiviert
      VideoDurationMotion : Zeit in Sekunden für wie lange das Video im Falle eines Bewegungssensor Events aufgenommen werden soll.
      Der Default Wert ist 0 = deaktiviert
      EventReset : Zeit in Sekunden nach welcher die Readings für die Events (z.B. "doorbell_button", "motions sensor", "keypad")wieder auf "idle" gesetzt werden sollen.
      Der Default Wert ist 5s
      WaitForHistory : Zeit in Sekunden die das Modul auf das Bereitstellen eines korrespondierenden History Bildes zu einem Event warten soll. Muss ggf. adjustiert werden, sobald deutliche Unterschiede in der Systemzeit zwischen fhemßServer und DoorBird Station vorliegen.
      Der Default Wert ist 7s
      OpsModeList : Eine durch Leerzeichen getrennte Liste von Namen für Operationszustände (e.g. "Normal Party Feuer" auf diese der DoorBird automatisch bei Events reagiert.
      Der Default Wert ist "" = deaktiviert
      HistoryFilePath : Erstellt Dateipfade zu den letzten Bildern und Videos um sie in den User Interfaces direkt anzuzeigen (e.g. fhem ftui Widget "Image")
      Der Default Wert ist "0" = disabled
=end html_DE =encoding utf8 =for :application/json;q=META.json 73_DoorBird.pm { "abstract": "Connects fhem to the DoorBird IP door station", "description": "The DoorBird module establishes the communication between the DoorBird - door intercommunication unit and the fhem home automation based on the official API, published by the manufacturer. Please make sure, that the user has been enabled the API-Operator button in the DoorBird Android/iPhone APP under Administration -> User -> Edit -> Permission -> API-Operator.", "x_lang": { "de": { "abstract": "Verbindet fhem mit der DoorBird IP Türstation", "description": "Das DoorBird Modul ermöglicht die Komminikation zwischen der DoorBird Interkommunikationseinheit und dem fhem Automationssystem basierend auf der API des Herstellers her. Für den vollen Funktionsumfang muss sichergestellt werden, dass das Setting \"API-Operator\" in der DoorBird Android/iPhone - APP unter Administration -> User -> Edit -> Permission -> API-Operator gesetzt ist." } }, "license": [ "GPL_2" ], "author": [ "Matthias Deeke " ], "x_fhem_maintainer": [ "Sailor" ], "keywords": [ "Doorbird", "Intercom" ], "prereqs": { "runtime": { "requires": { "Alien::Base::ModuleBuild": 0, "Alien::Sodium": 0, "Crypt::Argon2": 0, "Crypt::NaCl::Sodium": 0, "IO::String": 0, "Cwd": 0, "Data::Dumper": 0, "Encode": 0, "HttpUtils": 0, "IO::Socket": 0, "JSON": 0, "LWP::UserAgent": 0, "MIME::Base64": 0, "constant": 0, "strict": 0, "utf8": 0, "warnings": 0, "perl": 5.014 }, "recommends": { }, "suggests": { } } }, "x_prereqs_os_debian": { "runtime": { "requires": { "sox": 0, "libsox-fmt-all": 0, "libsodium-dev": 0, "gstreamer1.0-tools": 0 }, "recommends": { }, "suggests": { } } } } =end :application/json;q=META.json =cut