############################################## # Example for logging KS300 data into a DB. # # Prerequisites: # - The DBI and the DBD::<dbtype> modules must be installed. # - a Database is created/configured # - a db table: create table FHZLOG (TIMESTAMP varchar(20), TEMP varchar(5), # HUM varchar(3), WIND varchar(4), RAIN varchar(8)); # - Change the content of the dbconn variable below # - extend your FHEM config file with # notify .*H:.* {DbLog("@","%")} # - copy this file into the <modpath>/FHEM and restart fhem.pl # # If you want to change this setup, your starting point is the DbLog function my $dbconn = "Oracle:DBNAME:user:password"; package main; use strict; use warnings; use DBI; my $dbh; sub DbDo($); sub DbConnect(); ################################################################ sub DbLog_Initialize($) { my ($hash) = @_; # Lets connect here, so we see the error at startup DbConnect(); } ################################################################ sub DbLog($$) { my ($a1, $a2) = @_; # a2 is like "T: 21.2 H: 37 W: 0.0 R: 0.0 IR: no" my @a = split(" ", $a2); my $tm = TimeNow(); DbDo("insert into FHZLOG (TIMESTAMP, TEMP, HUM, WIND, RAIN) values " . "('$tm', '$a[1]', '$a[3]', '$a[5]', '$a[7]')"); } ################################################################ sub DbConnect() { return 1 if($dbh); Log 5, "Connecting to database $dbconn"; my @a = split(":", $dbconn); $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:$a[0]:$a[1]", $a[2], $a[3]); if(!$dbh) { Log 1, "Can't connect to $a[1]: $DBI::errstr"; return 0; } Log 5, "Connection to db $a[1] established"; return 1; } ################################################################ sub DbDo($) { my $str = shift; return 0 if(!DbConnect()); Log 5, "Executing $str"; my $sth = $dbh->do($str); if(!$sth) { Log 2, "DB: " . $DBI::errstr; $dbh->disconnect; $dbh = 0; return 0 if(!DbConnect()); #retry $sth = $dbh->do($str); if($sth) { Log 2, "Retry ok: $str"; return 1; } # return 0; } return 1; } 1;