FHEM on the Fritz!Box
Fritz!Box 7390 / 7490
After the CeBIT 2011 AVM released an image for the Fritz!Box7390 containing
fhem, see this link. This image is to be installed in addition to the
normal firmware. You can upgrade/replace the normal firmware any time
without hurting the fhem installation and vice versa. This fhem
installation configures 2 CUL devices, the first one talking FS20
("SlowRF"), the second preconfigured for HomeMatic.
The AVM installation will start fhem in a chroot environment, in order to
minimize security concerns, but this also prevents fhem to trigger
arbitrary FritzBox functions, e.g. sending mail, enabling WLAN, etc. wont
be possible from fhem.
This image from fhem.de contains
perl from the AVM fhem-image and of course fhem, the main difference is,
that fhem will be started in a normal (non-chroot) environment.
When installing it, you have to confirm with an extra click that it does
not have a valid AVM signature.
Fritz!Box 7170/7270 (as of 2011-09-03)
Due to Eyk's work there is also a ZIP file for the Fritz!Box 7170 and 7270
models. As the FB720/7170 has not enough internal storage to install fhem,
you have to use an external USB Drive:
- First unzip the .ZIP file in the root directory of the USB-disk/USB-stick.
- Attach the stick to the FB
- open a telnet window, connect to the FB.
- With the command df check the name of the stick on the FB.
- Execute the following command in the FB telnet window to start fhem
when the FB reboots:
echo "<path-of-the-stick>/fhem/startfhem" > /var/flash/debug.cfg
- Start fhem manually with "<path-of-the-stick>/fhem/startfhem"
Since these devices have less memory than the FB7390, fhem may suffer from
memory-shortage, esp. inspecting large logs directly in the browser my lead
to a reboot.