############################################## # $Id$ # todo: package main; use strict; use warnings; use SetExtensions; use Encode qw(decode encode); my %sets = ( 'on' => 1, 'off' => 0, ); my %rsets = reverse %sets; sub NeuronPin_Initialize($) { my ($hash) = @_; $hash->{DefFn} = 'NeuronPin_Define'; $hash->{InitFn} = 'NeuronPin_Init'; $hash->{StateFn} = 'NeuronPin_State'; $hash->{AttrFn} = 'NeuronPin_Attr'; $hash->{SetFn} = 'NeuronPin_Set'; $hash->{GetFn} = 'NeuronPin_Get'; $hash->{UndefFn} = 'NeuronPin_Undef'; $hash->{AttrList} = 'IODev do_not_notify:0,1 showtime:0,1 '. 'disable:0,1 disabledForIntervals '. 'poll_interval:1,2,5,10,20,30 restoreOnStartup:on,off,last '. 'aomax skipreadings ownsets autoalias '. $readingFnAttributes; $hash->{Match} = ".*"; $hash->{ParseFn} = "NeuronPin_Parse"; # $hash->{DbLog_splitFn} = "NeuronPin_DbLog_splitFn"; $hash->{AutoCreate} = {"NeuronPin_.*" => { ATTR => "room:Neuron" } }; $hash->{noAutocreatedFilelog} = 1; } sub NeuronPin_Define($$) { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my @a = split('[ \t][ \t]*', $def); if (scalar(@a) == 4) { #altes Define (enthält noch nicht den Namen vom IODev), untauglich für mehrere Neurons $modules{NeuronPin}{defptr}{$a[2]." ".$a[3]} = $hash; #Log3 $hash, 1, "$hash->{TYPE} ($hash->{NAME}) Define: $a[2] $a[3]"; my @EVOKS = devspec2array("TYPE=Neuron"); if (scalar(@EVOKS) == 1) { Log3 ($hash, 1, "$hash->{TYPE} ($hash->{NAME}) one Neuron Device defined. Try to correct define." ); $hash->{DEF} = $hash->{DEF} . " " . $EVOKS[0]; $modules{NeuronPin}{defptr}{$a[2]." ".$a[3]." ".$EVOKS[0]} = $hash; } elsif (scalar(@EVOKS) >> 1) { Log3 ($hash, 0, "$hash->{TYPE} ($hash->{NAME}) more than one Neuron Device defined. Unable to autocorrect define." ); $modules{NeuronPin}{defptr}{$a[2]." ".$a[3]} = $hash; } } elsif (scalar(@a) == 5) { $modules{NeuronPin}{defptr}{$a[2]." ".$a[3]." ".$a[4]} = $hash; } else { return "Define: Wrong syntax. Usage:\n" . "define NeuronPin "; } AssignIoPort($hash, AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"IODev", (split " ", $hash->{DEF})[2] ) ); #return "$hash->{NAME} Pintype not valid" unless ($a[2] =~ /^(input|relay|ai|ao|led|temp|wd)$/ ); $hash->{DEV} = $a[2]; $hash->{CIRCUIT} = $a[3]; $hash->{STATE} = "defined"; if ($main::init_done) { eval { NeuronPin_Init( $hash, [ @a[ 2 .. scalar(@a) - 1 ] ] ); }; return NeuronPin_Catch($@) if $@; } return undef; } sub NeuronPin_Init($$) { my ( $hash, $args ) = @_; unless (defined $args && int(@$args) >= 2) { return "Define: Wrong syntax. Usage:\n" . "define NeuronPin "; } if (ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, '.conf', '')) { NeuronPin_CreateSets($hash); if (AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"restoreOnStartup",'')) { my $val = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME},'state','off'); Log3 $hash, 5, "$hash->{TYPE} ($hash->{NAME}): im init restoreOnStartup = $val"; NeuronPin_Set($hash,$hash->{NAME}, (looks_like_number($val) ? dim $val : $val)); } } else { return if(IsDisabled($hash->{NAME})); #IOWrite($hash, split " ", $hash->{DEF}); IOWrite($hash, $hash->{DEV}, $hash->{CIRCUIT}); } $hash->{STATE} = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME},'state','') if ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME},'state',''); return undef; } sub NeuronPin_Catch($) { my $exception = shift; if ($exception) { $exception =~ /^(.*)( at.*FHEM.*)$/; return $1; } return undef; } sub NeuronPin_State($$$$) { #reload readings at FHEM start my ($hash, $tim, $sname, $sval) = @_; #Log3 $hash, 5, "$hash->{TYPE} ($hash->{NAME}): $sname kann auf $sval wiederhergestellt werden $tim"; if ( $sname ne "STATE" && (my $pval = AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"restoreOnStartup",'')) && $hash->{DEV} =~ /relay|ao/ ) { if ($sname eq "state") { if ($pval eq 'on' || $pval eq 'off' || looks_like_number($pval)) { readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", $pval, 1); Log3 $hash, 5, "$hash->{TYPE} ($hash->{NAME}): $sname wiederhergestellt auf $pval"; } else { $hash->{READINGS}{$sname}{VAL} = $sval; $hash->{READINGS}{$sname}{TIME} = $tim; Log3 $hash, 5, "$hash->{TYPE} ($hash->{NAME}): $sname wiederhergestellt auf $sval"; } } } return; } sub NeuronPin_Parse ($$) { my ( $io_hash, $message) = @_; my $port = $message->{dev}." ".$message->{circuit}; Log3 (undef, 4, "NeuronPin_Parse von $io_hash->{NAME} empfangen: " . encode_json $message); if (my $hash = $modules{NeuronPin}{defptr}{$port}) { foreach my $dev (devspec2array("TYPE=Neuron")) { Log3 (undef, 1, "NeuronPin_Parse Neuron Device gefunden: " . InternalVal($dev,"NAME","") ); } } if (my $hash = $modules{NeuronPin}{defptr}{$port ." ". $io_hash->{NAME}}) { NeuronPin_TransferVals ($hash, $message); } elsif (my $hash = $modules{NeuronPin}{defptr}{$port}) { Log3 (undef, 1, "NeuronPin_Parse from $io_hash->{NAME} to $hash->{NAME} : incomplete Define"); NeuronPin_TransferVals ($hash, $message); } else { Log3 ($hash, 4, "NeuronPin_Parse von $io_hash->{NAME} nothing found...create logical device"); return "UNDEFINED $io_hash->{NAME}_".$message->{dev}."_".$message->{circuit}." NeuronPin " . $port . " " . $io_hash->{NAME}; } } sub NeuronPin_TransferVals ($$) { my ( $hash, $message) = @_; my @skipreadings = split(',', AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, 'skipreadings', "relay_type,typ,dev,circuit,glob_dev_id,pending") ); my @uichreadings = split(',', "mode,unit,range,address,address,name"); # zusätzliche Daten als Internal $hash->{RELAY_TYPE} = $message->{relay_type} if $message->{relay_type}; $hash->{TYP} = $message->{typ} if defined $message->{typ}; $hash->{GLOB_DEV_ID} = $message->{glob_dev_id} if defined $message->{glob_dev_id}; my $value = $message->{value}; my $basequantity = ""; my $unit = defined $message->{unit} ? encode("UTF-8", " " . $message->{unit}) : ""; if ($message->{dev} eq 'input' || $message->{dev} eq 'relay' || $message->{dev} eq 'led') { $value = $rsets{$value} } else { #$value = sprintf('%.2f', $value); #nur 2 Nachkommastellen #$value =~ s/\.(?:|.*[^0]\K)0*\z//; #keine 0 am Ende nach dem Komma #$value =~ s/^-0$/0/; #kein -0 $value = round($value,2); if ($message->{mode}) { $basequantity = lc($message->{mode}); } elsif ( $message->{dev} eq 'temp' ) { $basequantity = "temperature"; $unit = " °C"; } elsif ( $message->{dev} eq 'unit_register' ) { $basequantity = $message->{name}; } } # $value = $rsets{$value} if ($message->{dev} eq 'input' || $message->{dev} eq 'relay' || $message->{dev} eq 'led'); # unless ( $value == 0 || $value == 1 ) { # $value = sprintf('%.2f', $value); # $value =~ s/\.(?:|.*[^0]\K)0*\z//; # $value =~ s/^-0$/0/; # } readingsBeginUpdate($hash); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"state", $value . $unit ); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"dim",$value) if $message->{dev} eq 'ao'; foreach (keys %{$hash->{READINGS}}) { #next if substr($_,0,2) eq "Z_"; readingsDelete($hash, $_) unless exists($message->{$_}) || $_ eq "state" || $_ eq ".conf" || $_ eq "dim"; } foreach my $key (keys %$message){ if (ref $message->{$key} eq 'ARRAY') { # alle Arrays überspringen } elsif (grep( /^$key/, @skipreadings )) { # Wer soll nicht als reading angelegt werden readingsDelete($hash, $key); } elsif ($key eq 'alias') { # al_ am Anfang von alias weg my @aliases = (split '_', $message->{$key}); my $alias = join(" ",@aliases[1 .. $#aliases]); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,$key,$alias); # autocreate alias attribute if (AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, 'alias', '?') ne $alias && defined AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, 'autoalias', '')) { my $msg = CommandAttr(undef, $hash->{NAME} . " alias $alias"); Log3 ($hash, 2, "$hash->{TYPE} ($hash->{NAME}): Error creating alias $msg") if ($msg); } } else { if (grep( /^$key/, @uichreadings )) { readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash,$key,encode("UTF-8",$message->{$key})); } else { readingsBulkUpdate($hash,$key,$message->{$key}); } } } readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $basequantity, $message->{value} . $unit ) if $basequantity; delete $message->{value}; readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash,".conf",encode_json $message,0); readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); NeuronPin_CreateSets($hash); if ($hash->{HELPER}{SETREQ} && not $hash->{IODev}->{HELPER}{WESOCKETS}) { # workaround because neuron sends old value after set RemoveInternalTimer($hash,'NeuronPin_RereadPin'); InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 1, 'NeuronPin_RereadPin', $hash); delete $hash->{HELPER}{SETREQ}; } asyncOutput($hash->{HELPER}{CL}, encode_json $message) if $hash->{HELPER}{CL}; # show conf after get delete $hash->{HELPER}{CL}; return $hash->{NAME}; } sub NeuronPin_RereadPin($) { my ($hash) = @_; return if(IsDisabled($hash->{NAME})); IOWrite($hash, $hash->{DEV}, $hash->{CIRCUIT}); } sub NeuronPin_Attr (@) { my ($command, $name, $attr, $val) = @_; my $hash = $defs{$name}; my $msg = ''; if ($command && $command eq "set" && $attr && $attr eq "IODev") { eval { if ($main::init_done and (!defined ($hash->{IODev}) or $hash->{IODev}->{NAME} ne $val)) { main::AssignIoPort($hash,$val); my @def = split (' ',$hash->{DEF}); NeuronPin_Init($hash,\@def) if (defined ($hash->{IODev})); } }; return NeuronPin_Catch($@) if $@; } elsif ($attr eq 'poll_interval') { if ( defined($val) ) { if ( looks_like_number($val) && $val > 0) { RemoveInternalTimer($hash); NeuronPin_Poll($hash) } else { $msg = "$hash->{TYPE} ($hash->{NAME}): Wrong poll intervall defined. poll_interval must be a number > 0"; } } else { RemoveInternalTimer($hash); } } return ($msg) ? $msg : undef; } sub NeuronPin_Poll($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; NeuronPin_Get($hash, $name, 'refresh'); my $pollInterval = AttrVal($name, 'poll_interval', 0); InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + ($pollInterval * 60), 'NeuronPin_Poll', $hash, 0) if ($pollInterval > 0); } sub NeuronPin_CreateSets($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $result; eval { $result = JSON->new->utf8(1)->decode(ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, '.conf', 'nix')); }; if ($@) { Log3 ($hash, 3, "$hash->{TYPE} ($hash->{NAME}) reading .conf is no JSON: $@"); } else { eval { delete $hash->{HELPER}{SETS}; foreach my $key (keys %$result){ if (ref $result->{$key} eq 'ARRAY') { # wenn Array dann zur set->Dropdonwmenüerzeugung verwenden if ( exists($result->{substr($key,0,-1)}) ) { # z.B. zu "modes":["Simple","PWM"] passt "mode":"Simple" if ($result->{$key} && scalar keys @{$result->{$key}} > 1) { # und mehr als eine Option verfügbar foreach (@{$result->{$key}}){ $hash->{HELPER}{SETS}{substr($key,0,-1)}{$_} = 1; } } } elsif (exists($result->{(split "_", $key)[0]})) { # z.B. "range_modes":["10.0","1.0"] if ($result->{$key} && scalar keys @{$result->{$key}} > 1) { # und mehr als eine Option verfügbar foreach (@{$result->{$key}}){ $hash->{HELPER}{SETS}{(split "_", $key)[0]}{$_} = 1; } } } else { Log3 ($hash, 5, "NeuronPin_CreateSets unbekanntes Array: $key"); } } } my @freesets = split(';', AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, 'ownsets', "debounce;counter;interval;pwm_freq;pwm_duty:slider,0,0.1,100") ); foreach (@freesets) { my $args = (defined((split ':', $_)[1]) ? (split ':', $_)[1] : "free"); my $setname = (split ':', $_)[0]; $hash->{HELPER}{SETS}{$setname} = $args if exists($result->{$setname}); #$hash->{HELPER}{SETS}{$_} = "free" if exists($result->{$_}); } #$hash->{HELPER}{SETS}{pwm_duty} = "slider,0,0.1,100" if exists($result->{pwm_duty}); $hash->{HELPER}{SETS}{alias} = "free"; if ($hash->{DEV} eq 'led' || $hash->{DEV} eq 'relay') { $hash->{HELPER}{SETS}{on} = "noArg"; $hash->{HELPER}{SETS}{off} = "noArg"; } elsif ($hash->{DEV} eq 'ao') { $hash->{HELPER}{SETS}{on} = "noArg"; $hash->{HELPER}{SETS}{off} = "noArg"; $hash->{HELPER}{SETS}{dim} = "slider,0,0.1," . AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"aomax",'10'); } my $str = join(" ", map { "$_".( ref($hash->{HELPER}{SETS}{$_}) eq 'HASH' ? ':' . join (",", sort keys %{$hash->{HELPER}{SETS}{$_}} ) : ($hash->{HELPER}{SETS}{$_} eq "free" ? '' : ':'.$hash->{HELPER}{SETS}{$_})) } keys %{$hash->{HELPER}{SETS}} ); $hash->{HELPER}{SET} = $str; }; if ($@) { Log3 ($hash, 1, "$hash->{TYPE} ($hash->{NAME}) Sortierung fehlgeschlagen:\n$@"); } } return undef } sub NeuronPin_Set($@) { my ($hash, @a) = @_; my $name = $a[0]; my $cmd = $a[1]; my $arg = $a[2]; my @arguments = ($hash->{DEV}, $hash->{CIRCUIT}); if(!defined($hash->{HELPER}{SETS}{$cmd})) { if (my $setlist = $hash->{HELPER}{SET}) { return SetExtensions($hash, $setlist, @a) ; } return undef } elsif ($cmd eq "dim") { $arguments[2] = $arg; $hash->{HELPER}{SETREQ} = 1; } elsif ( $hash->{HELPER}{SETS}{$cmd} eq "noArg") { $arguments[2] = $sets{$cmd}; if ($hash->{DEV} eq 'ao') { if ($cmd eq 'on') { $arguments[2] = AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"aomax",'10'); } elsif ($arguments[2] eq 'off') { $arguments[2] = "0"; } } $hash->{HELPER}{SETREQ} = 1; } elsif ($cmd eq "alias") { $arguments[2] = $cmd; $arguments[3] = "al_".$arg; } else { $arguments[2] = $cmd; $arguments[3] = $arg; } return if(IsDisabled($hash->{NAME})); IOWrite($hash, @arguments); } sub NeuronPin_Get($@) { my ($hash, $name, $cmd, @args) = @_; my @arguments = ($hash->{DEV}, $hash->{CIRCUIT}); if ($cmd && $cmd eq "refresh") { return if(IsDisabled($hash->{NAME})); IOWrite($hash, @arguments); } elsif ($cmd && $cmd eq "config") { $hash->{HELPER}{CL} = $hash->{CL}; return if(IsDisabled($hash->{NAME})); IOWrite($hash, @arguments); } else { return 'Unknown argument ' . $cmd . ', choose one of refresh:noArg config:noArg' } } sub NeuronPin_Undef($$) { my ($hash, $arg) = @_; my $def = $hash->{DEF}; RemoveInternalTimer($hash); delete $modules{NeuronPin}{defptr}{$hash->{DEF}}; return undef; } sub NeuronPin_DbLog_splitFn($) { my ($event) = @_; Log3 undef, 5, "in NeuronPin DbLog_splitFn empfangen: $event"; my ($reading, $value, $unit) = ""; my @parts = split(/ /,$event); $reading = shift @parts; $reading =~ tr/://d; $unit = ''; # ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME},'unit',''); if ($reading eq "value" && $unit) { $value = $parts[0]; Log3 undef, 3, "in NeuronPin DbLog_splitFn empfangen: $event, return: |$reading|$value|$unit|"; return ($reading, $value, $unit); } } 1; =pod =item device =item summary Logical Module for subdevices of EVOK driven devices. =item summary_DE Logisches Modul fü Subdevices von Geräten auf denen EVOK läuft. =begin html


    Logical Module for EVOK driven devices. Defines will be automatically created by the Neuron module.
      define NeuronPin <dev> <circuit> <Neuron IODev>

      <dev> is an device type like input, ai (analog input), relay (digital output) etc.
      <circuit> is the number of the device.
      <Neuron IODev> is the EVOK device where this subdevice is connected

            define  NeuronPin_relay_2_01 NeuronPin relay 2_01 Neuron1
      set <name> <value>

      where value can be e.g.:
      • for relay
      Other set values depending on the options of the device function. Details can be found in the UniPi Evok documentation.

      get <name> <value>

      where value can be
      • refresh: uptates all readings
      • config: returns the configuration JSON

    • poll_interval
      Set the polling interval in minutes to query all readings
      Default: -
      valid values: decimal number

    • restoreOnStartup
      Restore Readings and sets after reboot
      Default: last
      valid values: last, on, off, no

    • aomax
      Maximum value for the slider from the analog output ports
      Default: 10
      valid values: decimal number

    • skipreadings
      Values which will be sent from the Device and which shall not be listed as readings
      Default: relay_type,typ,dev,circuit,glob_dev_id,value,pending
      valid values: comma separated list

    • ownsets
      Values which will be sent from the Device which can be changed via set. For Values for where the device sends fixed choices, the sets will created automatically
      Default: debounce;counter;interval;pwm_freq;pwm_duty:slider,0,0.1,100
      valid values: semicolon separated list

    • autoalias
      If set to 1, reading alias will automatically change the attribute "alias"
      Default: 1
      valid values: 0,1

    • IODev
    • readingFnAttributes
    • do_not_notify
    • showtime
    • disable
    • disabledForIntervals

=end html =begin html_DE


    Logisches Modul für Geräte auf denen EVOK läuft. Diese werden automatisch vom Neuron Modul angelegt.
      define NeuronPin <dev> <circuit> <Neuron IODev>

      <dev> ist der Typ des Subdevices/Pins z.B. input, ai (analoger Eingang), relay (digitaler Ausgang) etc.
      <circuit> ist die Nummer des Subdevices/Pins.
      <Neuron IODev> ist der Name des EVOK Devices zu dem dieses Subdevice gehört.

            define  NeuronPin_relay_2_01 NeuronPin relay 2_01 Neuron1
      set <name> <value>

      where value can be e.g.:
      • für Subdevice Typ relay
        set extensions werden für Ausgänge ebenso unterstützt.
      Weitere set values sind abhängig von den jeweiligen Subdevice Funktionen. Details dazu sind in der UniPi Evok Dokumentation zu finden.

      get <name> <value>

      • refresh: aktualisiert alle readings
      • config: gibt das Konfigurations JSON zurück

    • poll_interval
      Interval in Minuten in dem alle Werte gelesen werden.
      Standard: -
      gültige Werte: Dezimalzahl

    • restoreOnStartup
      Readings nach Neustart wiederherstellen
      Standard: last
      gültige Werte: last, on, off

    • aomax
      Maxwert für den Schieberegler beim Analogen Ausgang
      Standard: 10
      gültige Werte: Dezimalzahl

    • skipreadings
      Werte, die vom Gerät gesendet, aber nicht als Reading dargestellt werden sollen.
      Standard: relay_type,typ,dev,circuit,glob_dev_id,value,pending
      gültige Werte: kommaseparierte Liste

    • ownsets
      Werte, die vom Gerät gesendet, und über set verändert werden können. Schickt das Gerät feste Auswahllisten für einen Wert dann werden die sets automatisch angelegt.
      Standard: debounce;counter;interval;pwm_freq;pwm_duty:slider,0,0.1,100
      gültige Werte: semikolonseparierte Liste

    • autoalias
      Wenn auf 1 wird das reading alias automatisch als Attribut alias gesetzt.
      Standard: 1
      gültige Werte: 0,1

    • IODev
    • readingFnAttributes
    • do_not_notify
    • showtime
    • disable
    • disabledForIntervals

=end html_DE =cut